MUlCtlAt OKiaCiUlVIAX, T1IUKSDAT. OCTOBEI. 31, 1912. 13 FUR Furniture for Sale. HAND urvnl oak china cabinet, mirror Lak, elate glass shelve rockers, oil paintings, clocks electric fan. bath cab. inec, axlo camera, rug drape, etc.; apt. ' lor rent. tit. Francis. tpL 67. 21st and Hoyl. V i k . i I' i Fi E- of a J-room bungalow for sale; all or part. Including a good piano; bun galow for rent, $13 per month; good loca tion, t block from WR car. Call Oct. 31 at 03d Division at. FOU HENT Four-room apartment. $25 per uonlh. and furniture for sale at bx'f tiue. Call Saturday P. 3. and Sunday. Sort1 E. Stark and 13th. FOH SALE Furniture of 4 room at a bar. Kain If taken at once. 52 East 6th. flat 6. Poultry. boo WHITE leghorn pullets, six months okl, Uying now; 300 rods netting, all new op.-n-fiont up-to-date poultry houses, au tomatic feed and water; green bone cutter and gas enKine. cooking vat and 100 sacks potato! lor feed; 10 or 20 acres ground to lea, with house and barn: 1 acre green kale. 1 acre carrots and beets for Winter feed, plenty of green clover for runs. Th's place is all modern and new, cose to Park Rose carllne; sAock fixtures for salt, place to lr-ase. Call after 7 P. M. evenings at So Tillamook St., Irvlngton. SoME full-blooded White Orpington chickens: some prixe-winnlr.g Eastern stock: also Yel low or Duff Orpingtons: some full blooded geese and full-blooded Pronse tur keys: also two g-months old registered Bjrkshue sows; registered Lincoln buck sheep; one Impor'ed Belgium stallion: one registered Jersey cow. Dr. C. E. Brown. D. V. S. M. 4uS0 WHITE Indian Runner drakes to sell or trade for urn- breed ducks. T 4S3, Ore gonian. Livestock. V AXTili. to buy a bull Jersey or Oio: stein; must be cheap. Write to John Sul lian. Oswfgo. Or. WANTED To buy calves from 10 to 30 tfaya old. T 484. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. ENGINES FOR LOGGING AND LAND 'LEAKING. Two 7x10 "Wasnlngton" logging engines. Two Vx'.O "Washington" logging engines. una 1)14x11 "Willamette' logging en- aine. in. nutin Taroma" r-omnound rarder. One 91x10 " Washing ton" compound yarder. One 1-0x12 "Washington" road engine. One llxlo "Tacoma" road engine. On 23 H P. portable engine. One drag saw woodcutting outfit. F. II. MALLORY COMPANY, 235-S7 Pine St. Portland. Or. FOR SALE. A 2-horr,ower. r.r.o-volt Crocker- Wheeler motor, complete with standard Made starter, no voltage release and 73-air-pere overload I. T. E. circuit breaker In A-l condition. Address room 203. Ore gonian bldg. X EN'S OCOAT3 AND RAINCOATS. buy where you get value for your dollars; $18 to fM values at 112. TS; $27.30 to ., values at $18.75. Jimmy Dunn. room -tl.1 Oregonian bldg.; also Majestic 1 neater bids. FOR SALE. One 123-volt direct-current generator eoinpiete with field rheostat, am-meter and circuit breaker. This machine Is In good repair. Address iowji 203. Oregcclau c-liig MEN'S EXTRA TROUSERS. Men. buy your pants from Jimmy Dunn $2.50 buys pants that would cost $3.50 to 4 in a high-rent store on tne street. Room 315 Oregonian bldg.; also Majestic Theater bldg. NATIONAL cash registers, credit register rnmoutlnz scales, electric coffee mills and all storo appliances bought, sold and re paired. Sell for cash or payment Pacific bture Service Co 227 Stark. Main 771L FOR SALE. A 40-K- w.. 550-volt Crock er-Whee!et generator, complete with field rheostat and c.reuit breaker, in good condition. Address nm 23. Oregonian bldg. fcAFCS special bargains second-hand fire and l.urglsr-proof ; safes opened and re paired. Purcell Safe Co., and Portland fsfx Co.. C5 3th st. Phone Main 6500. h'H s.VLE CHEAP One 611-inch sanitary roll-top oak desk, 3 fine office chairs. 1 elegant rue. almost new; a snap, at 411 '"ouof, bldg.. between 5 and 6 P. M. 11 A Hi G AN Y desk, chairs, rug. safe, type writer, etc.. for sale cheap. Apply 11 to 1. 1 Marquam bidg. FOR SALE Fixtures, counter safe, elec tric sin. mirrors In show window, cheap. - Oak st. Inquire for trustee. HIGH - GRADE typewriter all makes, bought, sold and exchanged. Northwest Typewriter Co.. 262 Stark. WILL BUY OR SELL ANYTHING ON COMMISSION. A. J. Ebhlewhlte, 52-S Lumbermen's bldg SAFES, new and second hand: standard makes; low prices; safes opened and re paired. Mwhr Safe Co.. 10a 2d at. FOR SALE 3000 names and address, reg istered voters of Wasco Co. AH $10. Oregonian. TYPEWRITER. $10. Good condition; does good work. 554. Oregonian. OAK rolttop desk and chair. $75; outfit for l.l. Call afternoons, 323 Mohawk bide. Tabor "y.'P. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and Hoist ing Engine contractors' Equipment. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 1st & Oak. IlKliKY desks and office furniture. E. B Ualey L'esk Co., 210 Seventh at. Main 53 I'INE lsrge business launch newly equip ped . lo.'S Chamber of Commerce. eilO CAMERA. 12 plate-holder tripod, ef. o4 No. 21st. apt. t7. Two acres Burbank potatoes within city limits: or will trade. AS o.'ifi. Oregonian. I VISIBLE typewriters for sale, very cheap. 14-'4 Second St., cor. Alder, office .3S. FINE DURHAM COW. Milking. Marshall 41UI3. HI'KROL'GHS abiding machine, good order, for sale fur $125 cash. R 52S, Oregonian. jTI"MP l'l'LLERS who i2 Water st.. city. pull stumps. 12v Ji AND-EXBUOIDERED ahite gown, r.s. for S2.". AP r, :. Oregonian. FOR SALE 'omplete butcher outfit, $03. Phone Wcodlawn 2331. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 1. X.LVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH PRICEa for second-hand furniture, carpets, stove lange eic We nanule farmers', loggers', mecuknlcs. blacksmiths', plumbers and contractors' outnt We carry bicycles, gun rifles and game trap We have 20 ton all sizes of second-hand wire ropi and 2 carloads of poultry netting, slightly damage;, very cueap. 221 Front st. Mair 1W72. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE AND TOOLS. Highest price paid for ladles' and men's cart-off clothing, shoes, furniture, hard ware and bicycles; if you want to be sure to get the full price for your good call up Main Z0M and you will surely set It. The Globe Store. 200 First St. CASH price paid for ladles' and gems' second-hand clothing. They must be flrst cla I Rosenblum. Marshall 374. W1L.L buy any kind of hair combings; hlgn el cash price paid. Sanitary Beauty Par lors. 400 Dekum bldg. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater A Martin, paous EEt 3134. 348 Hawthorne ave. Vn.v rtl) to buy, 4-chalr shoe shine box. i'a l 304 Morrison, between Park and Weo. Park. WILL BUY or loan money on diamond BAUER. 206 Alder St. WANTED To buy one 8 or 10-foot wall i ne for Jewelry purpose for cash; must be ciiear. Ctty Loan Office. 3Q 3d St. WILL tint room $2 reasonable prices. .50 up: do painting at East 6124. FOHD Auction Co. pays most cash for an kind of furniture. Main 8H31. A 244S. WANTED Complete moving-picture outfit folding chairs, etc. N 4tf. Oregonian. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. Mirttn. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. ItKI.P WNTEI II.E. WANTKt1 Man who thoroughly understands LiowiMg stump John S. BcalL 30tl E. Yamhill si. WANTED University graduate worth $2oo per month for local correspondent. G. Hilton Co., Station W, New York City. WANTED Solicitors to handle big seller. evervoody needs It- Call room 400. So V Mh st. TWO high-class solicitors; good appearance essential; teterences. Call 9 to 12 A. 3d.. 119 4 Grand ave.. East Side. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MOVING PIC TURE MACHINE REPAIR MAN. BIG SALARY. P S4l, Oregonian. DENTIST wants two good operator reg istered. Apply Chicago Dentist 2111V. M orrlson st.. cor. Bth. BAKERY, doing $100 a day business; bears Investigation. AR 505, Oregonian. PHOTO eoupjn. best offer; snap for agent Cutberth studio. S01 Dekum bldg. PHOTO coupon agent something new; a snap. Boston Studio. 342 Vj Washington. PATTERNMAKER wanted, men-iai Club bldg. Call 222 Coin- PHOTO coupons; a snap; better than ever. Sa ror. y Studio. 146V4 Morrison. jff wanted to distribute circulars by Ore 's .E. Distributl-g Co., 85 East 7th L N. HELP WASTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Of.lca Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Toung man. stranger, seeking employ ment I $-N his total cash asset) If I psy you $5 for employment membership. I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employment membership, you wlll have the Y. M. C. A., with all Its resources, between you and starvation. Result: Toung man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for nine months ending Sept. S": Call for men l'"J Positions fllied lo' Employment membership guarantees member wi'.l secure employment or refund membership fee; gives two months' full membership privileges. 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the full terra of mem bership without further charge. Constant demand for CLERICAL. TECH NICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. tee Secretary Employment Department T. at. C. A. , $3000 INCOME per year without a dollar Invested Is good money; our salesmen make that; several of them much more: application to our methods does It; you may have the ability to earn as much money as any of our salesmen, but you are a slave to the salary idea; you know you will NEVER make but little more salary In your present position, but you la--k the nerve to try a commission. GET OL'T OF THAT RUT. In our business the opportunities are unlimited. We are the strongest and largest on the Coast. Our business Is ex nnnriina ranirllv find we need eood Sales men to take care of this increase. Our weekly sales meeting and our methods of obtaining- prospects will neip you. n want to earn BIG MONEY, see Mr. Cleave land, sales manager. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 203 Washington St. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN lo aell ou homa tn nil nana nt fhe cltv on easy payment plan and close-In. restricted res idence ;nts on both the East and West Slds: also close-In acreage; we furnish some nrosoects and assist In closing sales we sunnlv lots nri hulld to suit pur- Chaser: liberal commission' Ask for sales manager. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., Second Floor Selling Building. ARLK-RODIFD men wanted for the U. S- Martne Corps, between the ages of 19 and $:!3. Must be native born or have first nnnpr, Mnnthlv nnv tlT, to $60. Add! ticnal compensation nossible. Food, cloth- Int- imri.r. nnrt mdL-al attendance free. After 3d Tears' service can retiro with 70 per cent of pay and allowance. Servicea on board ahip and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at L S. Marine Corps Recruiting Olflce. Third and Wash, a.a., and 13 Third ave., Portland. Or. WANTED One first-class assistant ship draftsman at $:i.2S per diem. A competi tive examination will be held at th Navv-vard Puree Sound. Wash.. No"Vem ber la. 1U12. for the purpose of filling the above position. For further infor mation adrtress Commandant Navy-yarn. Puset Sound. Wash. WANTED Men and boys In factory manu facturing hydro-carbon explosion engine aerial, uutoraoblle. traction engines, pattern-making, electricity; under persona! training of A. G. Matteson. mechanical, electrical engineer. Write for particulars. California Foundry and Engine Work 416 East 2d St., Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED An experienced traveling sales man for a financial corporation, having energy, tact, ability and good address; a good position for the right party. Ad dress or call at room 4UU Ellers bide-, 7th an 1 Alder st REAL ESTATE sales manager el ability, good commission and weekly, drawing ac count; must be capattlo of organizing sales force to sell cheap lots in the manulactur Ir.g district of Portlund: give age and ref erences; confidential. AF 5SO. Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY to become local general agent on entirely new proposition that paya enormous income aaait energetic partv: do 1't contract your time before getting Manager, 1043 Phelan tldir., Kranci?co. Cal. V A.'i ED A teacher for District No. 3. Skamokawa. Wahkiakum County, Wash ington; male preferred; must be experi enced; $75 per month to the right man. Apply to E. S. Hampson, clerk. Skamo kavta. Wash. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY. Two fins lots on West Side, worth 57000. rnd 7-room modern house for $05"0. on good term Somebody gets a .big bargain with this. F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce YOUR opportunity if you are a hustler; ex clusive control or gooa termor), ireo -jui-fit; weekly advances; complete line; guar anteed absolutely. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppenlsh. Wash. ONE man's commission last week, $23o. selling Washington nursery company trees. If vou can walk, talk and write an order, write us today for territory. Wash ington Nursery Company, Toppenish. Wash. ENERGETIC man to handle Portland Heights and surrounding territory ioj large, reliable real estate firm. Should be familiar with territory. Apply M i0. oregonian. SALESMEN wanted to handle our gas fil ters and puririers in every city or town where iras is used In Washington or Ore gon; all sold under guarantee. Martyn Jt Hilton. 273 Hawthorne ave. TOUXO man, about IS years, for office work, typewriter operator preferred: good opportunity for advancement; reply, giv ing arfe, experience and reference AF f.M, oregonian. BOY- over 16 years to deliver telegrams; must nave blcyi le. Postal Telegrapn Cable Co.. 126 Third St., near Washing ton. WANTED A first-class ladles' taiior. A steady position and good wages to one who can do first-class work. AUdress S57 Jefferson st, Boise, Ida. WANT handy man in machine shops; one who can invest $io0; money secured b company stock: eood pay to willing anu sober man. AF 577. Oregonian. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER Want young man who can operate typewriter. Com mercial Abstract Co.. 1035 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PHOTOGRAPHER, experienced operator, to make interiors, traveling: good salary to right party. Call bet. 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. Davton Hotel, 1WH 1st st., room 210. WANTED Good cleaner and presser at once. oO per cent commission, good op portunity for live man. Address Rainier Steam Laundry, Rainier. Oregon. WANTED 30 good common laborers; wages 2! cents per nour. Apply at ornce or Portland Gaa & Coke Co.'s plant at Gov ernment m&oriiiKS. PHOTO coupon men; our Christmas offer is something different and a winner, xnvestl. gate. Do Luxe Studio, Eilers bldg. WANTED Lineman for out-of-town Job; give age and rererence, a? bal, Ore gonian. WANTED A boy to learn the manufactur ing Jewelry business. w. r. Ross & V.O.. 270'a Washington si.. Portland. Or. WANTED Machinist for out-of-town work; give ago and reference as, 560, orego nian. BREAD bakers, bench hands, for Jobbing. Inquire bet. 1 and 5 P. M., Royal Bakery, 11th and Everett. GOOD, reliable salesmen wanted to sell gas purifiers In city. Martyn & Hilton, 273 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A coatmaker, $0.50 and up; none but llrst-clasa need apply. D. 1. peteis. Walla Walla, Wasn. MARRIED couple can get the rent of apart ment ror doing tne jan:tor work in a small epartment-house. Phone E. 2S22. WANTED Janitor: work Is light; good place for high school student. Apply 410Vs Morrts.m St.. Armlnlus Hotel. ADVERTISING salesman with reference special and reguiar work, call before 10 A. M-. 32i Chamber of Commerce. MAN of good appearance to represent local corporation in Portland. Apply up to V A. M., 419 Marquam bldg. CONTRACTORS build house. Phone Wanted Donnell. Main 3476. COMPETENT foreman on pastry and cakes, wages $12- a month. Apply with references. Box lSHO, Spokane. 'OKTEK wanted (n barber shop. risnn. 364 Mor- EKRAND boy wanted. Apply Pantages Tai loring Co., '.' u stark. .VANTED Young man to learn drug busi ness and deliver. Inquire 231 North 23d. WANTED A slaughter-house butcher. AE 14S. Oregonian. WANT drummer for this eve. 31. Main 0SM2. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADY to run an apartment-house: small cash bond required, f or particulars write George Darling. Gen. Del., city. iKI. for general housework and plain cook ing. Call 713 4 Hoyt. EXPERIENCED STRAW OPERATORS for lad ies' hats. Apply Lowengart A Co. VANTED Teachers for mission. Apply ?,uit Second st. Call 7 P. M. 1,1. or woman wanted for light house Culi 5S7 2d St. work. GIRL wanted for general housewurk; wage iw ljroauwaj. WANTED Girl for general housework. small family. cast, inn .-ortn. ri car. LADY barber at 231 B ureal do. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TODNO LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING, WITH OB WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLT AT THB PACIFIC TELEPHONH TELEGRAPH COM PANT (EAST OFFICE). COR. -TH AND EAST AXKENT STREETS OR MAIN OFFICE WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 18. WANTED TODAY. Cook $10: BWedlsh cook for small res taurant. $35; waitress, $25 per month; chambermaids, girl for bowling alley and general helpers at good wages. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. ' Ladies' Dept.. 2v5Vi Morrison st. THE Domestic Service Bureau. 808 Central riiH,, nuiiv rails from the best of home for competent, reliable girls for e-eneral housework, cooks, second wui a and nurse males. WANTED Three or four refined ladies, to represent us in Portland; steady employ ment; pleasant work. Apply after s. ill Mohawk bldg.. 3d and Morrison st WANTED A thoroughly competent coo; best wages; two other maids employed relerences required. Mr J St. Clair st. N. Teal, I7 WANTED Motherly woman past 60, light housework and companion to younger lady; good home, small wages lor pres ent. AP 538. Oregonian. stenncrranncr. sood location, ren free. In exchange for care of office during absence of occupants. Apply Exchange bldg. YOUNG lady, uuslness ability and ambitious to do aneclal work: must be able to do . collecting, salary. Apply after 10 A. M.. 41l Marquam bldg. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework: must be good cook: good wanes: 3 adults In family. Apply b3o Overton, or phone Marshall 18-u. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 70ti Washington at near 4th. Phone Main SS30 or A 3266. AN eldorly gentleman wishes to take les sons in French. ladv teacher preferred. 512. Oregonian. r;iui. tn aiiKiMt in cooklnr and general housework: THREE in family. 243 Cor nell St.. head of Marshall. WOMAN to work in private boarding-house in exchange ror busuana i room no some wages. East IGI'6 ; WANTED Competent girl for general housework: small family. Apply boa Northrup, near 21st. WANTED An experienced children's nurse maid: wages $20; mention age and refer ences. AE 1.10. Oregonian. WANTED Wide-awake, neat-appearing la. dies to demonstrate. Call 304 N. 26th si from 1 to 3 P. M. Room 33 WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 608 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. GOOD cook to wait on table and do down stairs work. 4 adults, West Side. M. 48S1, 843 Melinda ave., head of Johnson si. vcivrrn rtirla to sew on fur Apply be tween 2 and 6 P. M. at Sllverfleid's, 2b0 Morrison st. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 74S Weidler st. Broadway car 10 22d St. ; HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 315'. Washington St., cor. 7th. upstair Phone Main 2002. WANTED Stenographer, L. C. Smith ma-cl'-ne. salary J week. AK 55:1, Ore- COI-iBl.. 50 EXPERIENCED overall operators, want ed immediately. .ML. xaoou A'aciory, anu Couch st WANTED A girl for general housework; must be good cook; sv per uiuuiu. ruwi Marshall II. WANTED Competent girl for general housjwork; small family. Apply Obi Northrup, near 21st; . GIRL for general nousework; no wasning. 274 N- 24tn sr.. cor. vveriuii. WANTED Nurse girl for afternoon Ap- ply Hotel Hill, room GOOD woman cook wanted lor notei mediately. J. r.eiaon. auiui n. yr. YOUNG girl to assist in general housework. Call mcrnings oniy w iuejoy. WANTED Girl for second work; German preferred. Apply at m jiain st. s.A.fEitlENCED girl for general housework. B16 jonnson. near -m. GIRL for reneral housework, one who can , ,u,- L-l.t a Ca Vlonil.r, go Iionie HiBi't- -, u .............. EXPERIENCED candy packers; good wage Corf mans. 43 front st. WAITRESS first-class in arm work. Restaurant. 311 wasningoim AN elderly lady to care for sick person in country: good nome; email wages. x GIRL, for cooking and general housework. iti r.ast 1-tn joitll. lane pimtuwaj cat. AN experienced girl for general housework. latiitiy two, Portland xicignis. jictm o.-. WANTED A good cook; also second girl. 053 Everett, near zuin. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. St'S Clackamas. Broadway cai WANTED Girl for housework. 664 Flan- ders. Apartment p. GIRL for general housework. C60 Ravens- view drive, Portland neignts. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. MAN and wife for housework; woman must be (,-ood cook. Residence eoo vista ave. A l00. Main 8161. WANTED Man and wife, experienced In restaurant, so cash if taken at once, ah 504, oregonian. . lck Teachers' Agency eecures poiitlons for teacher. 610 Swetland bldg. a. 1835. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN and women to learn the barber trade in eight weeks; special Inducements; per centage paid while learning; tools frse; expert Instructors; 17 years in the busi ness; 37 scnoois; a lifetime membership given to eacn student. Moler Barber Coi lege. : 5 N. 4 th st-. Portland. Or. KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN. Learn moviug-plcture operating. $25 to $40 per week salary, easy Insiue work, short hours; day and evening claies, lessons reasonable. N. Y. Moving-Picturts Excnange, 526 s Washington, near 17th. WE teach you a trade in few months' time; pay wages after second month. Electricity, automooiles. plumbiLg. bricklaying; loo satisfied workmen touay; 4U Jobs going; catalogue free. United Trad ochooi Cou ti acting Co.. Los Angele MEN WANTED TODAY. $25 to $40 made weekly; learn to op erate moving pictures; eatsy inside work; short hour ltooui 602 Buchanan bldg., Washington, bet. 4th and bth. MEN and women for Government positions, $10 week- Write for list positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. iil-T. Rocnes- l?r'Tj RAILWAY mall and P.-O. clerks examina tion soon; also Custom-House. Salary up to $1800. Prepare. Freo Book. Pacific Mates School, McKay bldg., Portland, or. LEARN millinery afternoons, easy payment; hats made and remodeled. 306 Goodnougn bldg. MAKE money writing short stories or for newspapers: big pay; tree booklet tells how. United Press Synd., D.3. San Fr'ns'co. MEN and women to learn the barber trade in b woeks; position guaranteed. Oregon liarber Coi'ege. 233 Madison st. WANTED Picture-play writers; big pay; we'll teach you; free Information, picture play Association, D. 8, San Francisco. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Shorthand. typewriting, bookkeeping. 643 Hamilton bldg. Marshall 425s. SHORTHAND typewriting schooL 20 14th st. Main 3803. Expert Instruction $5 mo. PUBLIC accountant teaches modern meth ods accounting. William 805 C. of C SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and state ments. Install system. Gilllngham, au ditor, 612 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper wants work afternoons; no objection to working late. AN 500, Oregonian. STENOGRAFHER. experienced, well rec ommended, desires employment. Y 482. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER desires position, knows bookkeeping, long clerical experience. AD 505, Oregonian. YOUNG attorney. Just arrived from East, desires position with law firm; Is also expert stenographer. ' A 393. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPING or clerical position wanted bv youngman; best of references fur nished. W 401, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced grocery clerk; best of reference ; L. Velt, Esmond Hotel. EXPERIENCED competent bookkeeper de sires engagement- AE 678, Oregonian. - SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. I AM a lumber statistician and bookkeeper, my varied experience makes rae a valu able man for some lumber concern; ac present engaged, but as it Is necessary for me to locate in Portland, I desire to make a change. Age S4 and married. P. O. Box 244. Hoquiam. Wash. EXPERIENCED accountant, employed, has spare time to write up books for firms where regular bookkeeper is not required; daytime or evenings; reference P 640, Oregoninn. YOUNG man, Easterner, high achool gradu ate, will tutor beginners in Latin, Ger man. English, or any branch of mathe matics; competent: diploma and princi pal's references. 536 Y. M .0. A. Miscellaneous. WANTED Position by young man cf -4, have had experience In general merchan dise store for ten years; experienced in most every line: groceries a specialty; out of town or In town; I want work whereby I n earn fair living: no bad habits whatever: I can give .you all the refer ences you want; consider this and give me a chance. Phone Tabor 038. 462S S. E. I AM a Jewelrv salesman, having bad six years' experience with a large Eastern firm. Am considered a good salesman, especially on watch movement Wll! riake a valuable man for aome concern needing the services of a salesman. Am at present engaged, but I desire to make a change S9 years of age and married. P. O. Box 464, Hermiston, Or. C. F. Morrow. RELIABLE man wants position In con tractor's office or on building; several years' experience in architect's office; can make complete working plans. Address AJ 407, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by young man of 23, high school education, business experience; best of reference Room IS. Esmond Ho tel. WANT work as chauffeur and repairing; 1 have experience; will give reference needed, call at home, 867 Vancouver ave Name, Mr. Thurman Cox. THOROUGHLY competent pianist, vaude ville or pictures, also organist, wishes po sition In or out of city; wife will cashier. AE 553. Oregoniam CARPENTER wishes position Jobbing, paint ing, plasteing. bricklaying, ail house re pairs, good reference Kellner, 152 East 6th st. PHARMACIST. 6 years' experience, regis tered in Oregon, any kind of clerical work; best of local references. AR 500. Oregonian TELEPHONE operator wishes position hotel or business house. East 6684 bet. 1 and 3 P. M. EXPERIENCED Japanese house cleaner wants work by day or ateady. Main 62sl, A 3640. SITUATION as ranch foreman; understands all branches of the work! motto lirst and last, strict honesty. '-'IP's 1st. UNION bartender, speaks four languages, wishes a position. Address F. Craver, 182 E. 23d st. STATIONARY lireman wishes position In city; tirst-class reference AK 555, Ore gonian. . MOVING-PICTURE operator wants situa tion; five years' experience; can deliver the goods. AN 508. Oregonian. WANTED Copying or addressing at home, hand or typewriter. C. E. Dixon, Oak Grove, Oregon. WANTED Short Job morning and evening as sorter or Janitor. Phone Marshall 23S9. JAPANESE middle-aged, good cook, wishes nosition. city or country; excellent refer ences. 107 X. Park St.. George Y ama. i i-nEviV T vears Coast experience. wants p'ositlon managing retail yard, city or country. v urcguu'.u- MAN will tend furnace mornings lor room rent. AH 09, oregonian. iipivksb cook wants position in smau family. AG 405. uregonmii. r-nmnKD chauffeur wants position witn private family. Main mi, WANTED Work running steam engine or machinist work, ac cjiegoinan. CHAUFFEUR and five-pas. car for hire, $300 s, month, fci o--, ciregouiau. WANTED Position as valet; used to for eign service. AG 404. uregoniau. MTCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenograph rs THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and stenographer able to take cuausc. i flee and confidential business. AH iU Oregonian. CAPABLE young woman wishes situation at general onice wora anu ijpowuuus ioca: demonstrating Aii 602. Oregonian. BTL-vnnD a pwRR. willing worker. with soma exnerience. seeks position. aiiiiAi 27D1 THOROUGHLY competent young lady bookkeeper-stenograpuer, aesircs liubiliuu. Main 2411. YOUNG lady wants position . as assistant bookkeeper. Y 4iO, uregonian VOUNG lady stenographer desires work, day or evening. A J 40. cregonian. Dressmakers. piu aii a raw mnre eniraeements by tne day: eltv reference rnuns isuor jo"o Tuesday or evenings after 6:30. i'i im Pr.TKNT seamstress will give one-half her time in exchange tor room ana ooaiu. Main 70j.. DRESSMAKING, family sewing and chil dren's work, $1.00 a day. AO ouw. Ore gon 1 ar FASHIONABLE dressmaking; dresses $0 up; waists $1.50 up; skirts so up; Phono E. 2207. rRKSSM AKING and alteration by compe tent dressmaker, by nay or week. juaiu 70S2. A 3256. MI.I.E. De B1LLANT. 655 Wash, lElla-st. entiancei. Main 44s. Exclusive nm designs gown suits, waist etc DRESSMAKING, tailored skirts, waists. work guaranteed. Marsnail ibou. SEWING by the day. $2 8. Call Marshall 4238. room DRESSMAKING and alterations done at your aome. Marsnau -oj. DRESSMAKING. Phones: Main 4847, A 6210. Residence. 4i3 salmon st. tiA.A-'EKlENCED dressmaker wishes engage ments by tho day. call E. 23. Housekeepers. VANTED By a business lady of hotel rooming-house, a position as housekeeper or would like to take full charge of 15 or 20 rooms and do the work. Call Marshall 1684 or 476 7th st. Call after 2 o'clock. WANTED By lady with boy 4 years of age, mum and hoard in urivaie lamuy, c,. is. preferred, who are willing to care for boy during day. A n iiu. drgsomaii. WOMAN with girl 8 yearsold desires posl- Second St., room 8. EXPERIENCED woman, girl IS. desires c-ioking, housekeeping, widowers lamuy. Main 20SB. YOUNG widow with boy desires houskeep- ing: will appreciate a nome more man wages; reliable people only. Marshall 801. GERMAN lady wants a position as house keeper on rarm or city. An ova, oicgmnaii, Xni CAPABLE girl wants position as child's nurse; wlil give reierence. can manager, Kearney Apts., corner of 21st and Kear ney ts. RELIABLE, practical nurse, doctor'! refer ence. Main u'jji. f Mini est Ira- WANTED General housework In small family by young laay. competent in every respect; afternoons off from 1 to 5; $10 per month. Phone East 3802. REFINED Widow, 43. desires position house keeper, small, homelike family, $25, oi nurso inv.tnd. Main 2039, A 4775. EXPERIENCED woman desires situation, cook, boarding-house, $40. Main 2039, A 4775. WANTS position; good family cook in city or country, wages $40. Miss S. German. Phone A E657. EXPERIENCED girl desires general house work. 77 West Humboldt st. Miss, car. TWO girls want general housework. 702 Montana avo. Phone Woodlttwn 670 CAPABLE voung .woman desires chamber work, home night Main 2030, A 4775. .Ulsceila neons- A COLORED woman would like work for Thursday and Friday, on or near Port land Heights. Call Marshall 4564. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work Thurs day and Friday; references. Woodlawn 16il. WANTED by a lady employed In a Catholic family, home privileges; central. AO 502, Oregonian, COMPETENT girl wishes position to do gen eral housework. Address 14 East Buchtel ave.. cor. Burnslde KIND woman wishes light cases of nursing In private family, willing to do all house work. Phone Sell. 22. PRIVATE instruction in English grammar. . rhetoric, literature, history. AJ 490, Ore go n 1 aru A YOUNG Christian lady as pantry girl or chambermaid in respectable place. A 4014. COACHING for library examination by ex perlenced teacher. AP 513. Oregonian EXPERIENCED woman, ing. Ironing, cleaning. day work; wash Main 2030. A 4775 vvNTED Work in cigar factory, wrapper, booking or stripping. Phone Columbia 63. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. AN unincumbered lady wants a home with elderly people nr widower's family; small wcurM rnturn for light aervice. T 4S5. Oregonian. A MIDDLE-AGED woman wants to help In a small family for room end board so as to learn Enicilsh. SI E. 25th t., corner Everett. East 4S70. WANTED A potition that has pay In It by a middle-aged lady who can give the best of home references as to noneaty auu liability. Phone East 4301, room in. a, , -ai Auirn Ankt wants s-enerai house- ,h,mhtrvark- in family of aduts: no washing and Ironing. East 8145. ; wix-TRTl Mr Edward late of Eugene, to write to party he calied on October Sd, at 38Q 1st st. Address cimon. -l-z-iT-rvT.-l nar-wit. lariv will PXrhfttllD SerV- ices for board and" room for herself and husband; good cook. Aiv. o..i. regin WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted to sell hominy. Boston brown bread, etc Apply nosiou a Bean Co.. Weidier St., near Williams t WANTED Book, photo and picture agent aanuy nouoaj ulici. ov ..... WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WE WANT TO RENT YOUR HOUSE. flat. Phone Main $353. store. MATS-REED CO.. 807 Railway Exchange. Wr; nave tenants now wajuiig w ciaas houses and flat i7-t i -1 . . t a i fvr q rri Main s 260 Wash. St. A 27. WK. can rent voul nlace for you, Watson A Therkeuten Co., 30s-$OS Spalding bldg. M. 76J. vrivT a rr- n-mnm furnished houso or flat, walkine distance Holladay or Elliott Schools. Phone E. 4114. Rooms. voi'Ka. Adulated Kiielishman desires bedroom and parlor or a large front room le. a fnr!vi famllv in tne West Side resi dential district; references exchanged. Re plica kept In strict commence, aj w, Oregonian. Rooms With Board, WANT to rent three or four-room furnlshea apartment from someone going south for tne winter; responsioie Business 578, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL Under new management. 9r. Wmhinirtan street Large lobby, finished in mahogany, tile ' and marble; ladles' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service In rooms all night and day. eiectxic eievator. liaa- hot and cold water In all room many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort la made for the comfort and convenience oi its suc.u., rents the most reasonable In the city; rooms bv the day, week or month. Look this over before locating. Take "W" car at depot, get off at lBtn ana wasningtoa. a,h rtnit M BlMaffi New -einforced concrete building, under new management. Why not nave room .i. ht i -i ii i,tn? Thav are well fur nished, light In the business center of tne city. Ail nave not ana coiu wai,.., many with baths and all other modern crinvanlaneaa. Price most reasonable by month, week or day. Investigate before locating. Any car from depots pass witn, In one block of hotel. . HOTEL ALTON. 11th and Stark. Under new management New brick building. Thoroughly renovat ed. Nice large lobby. Elevator and every modern convenience. Exceptionally low rales. Quiet, orderly, comrona,be See our rooms before locating. Close to business cents'. HOTEL ALTON, . 11th and Stark. HflTn. . HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PARSONS ROWLAND On Fourth St., running from Salmon to Taylor st In the neart or tne city. Brand new brick with all modern conveni ences. Offering special rates to permanent guests. Room from $3.50 per week up. louilat trade solicited. Give us a call and uu will look no further. THE ARTHUR HOTEL. Eleventh, between Morrison aand Yam hill; recently opened; every modern con venience: conducted abovo renroach: plen ty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby and parlor; rates $ii.t0 up; ; anu up, with private bath. Free puones OUTSIDE ROOMS. $2.30 UP. All newly furnished, den as wax; well heated: also lar-u suites with two beds. $4 una up; also nousekecping rooms, sin gle and on suite, 2.5o and up. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. St., near Jefferson. Desirable people only. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 16 13th bl. at Wash. Rooms witn uetached bath $3 50 te $5 per week; rooms with private bath. $22.5u to $Ji.5u per luuntlt; a Itrsl-ciaa resideu- tial hotel under the personal tuanageweat of tho owner. J. w. Busnong. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eeventh Street. New. mouern brick building; steam heated; private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable, can anu see us. Regular end transieut trade solicited. THE ATHENS, Nnrthenst Corner 13th and Morrison. Beautiful and elegant, all tnal could be desired in a hotel is the newly-opened Athena. Every modern convenience and luxury is here lor the comlort or. guest No ready for occupancy. HOTEL RAINIER. One block trora Union Depot, 140 out side rooms, with all modern conveniences. Making special rates to permanent guest Rales from $10 per monm up. Give us a cail and you will be more than pleased. 128 N. Cth st. HOTEL LA-SALLLE. 10th and Burnslde st. Absolutely fireproof;- new and elegantly furnished rooms: private baths, stearx. heat, hut and cold water, private phone in each room; special rates by tne montn. Phone Marshall 4U49. HOTEL SAN MARCO. 422H WASHINGTON ST., COR. 11TH. Just renovated; beautifully furnished single and double rums, private baths, $3 per week and up: steam heat, hot and cola water In every room; both phones. HOTEL CALUMET, 150 Park St., very central, European and American plan; homelike service in dining room at reasonable price; $1 European. $2 American. Special rates per week. VAX GORDER HOTEL. 105 Vj Twelfth St- Marshall 2700. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in every room; $1 day and up; $4 week and up. HOTEL REXWICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant ' rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th anu Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater; Main Old. G1LMORE, 131 10th St., cor Alder Clean, well furnished, steam heat; respectable, quiet place; transient and permanent; plenty hot water; free baths; both phones. 50c a day up; $2.50 to $5 a week. 225 WEST Park, near Salmon. Good rooms for Winter, suitable z and 3; very central and reasonable; swell location; nice attic rooms very cheap; reference THE LARRABEE, 227 Larrabee. Rooms $2 and up: brick biog., steam neat, not and cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL CONGRESS, beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences, tfln and Main. NEWLY furnished, steam-heated room. Nob Hill district, itar. 4oao. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM Ella and Waohlng- ton; all modern conveniences; are making special guest rates by the month, pbona Main 31. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. ELEGANTLY furnished sunny front room in a beautiful private nome, close in. il Trinity Place NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two young women; walking distance; $2.50 a week. S:i5 Sherman st., near Cth. NICELY furnished rooms, every convenience. overlooking Multnomah field; reasonable rent. 170 Chapman. A 4733. NICE large room, walking distance, furnacs heat, rhrvoa- and batn, very reasonable, 173 16th st. B. NICELY furnished rooms, jn private fain l!y, walking distance, ati fc.. Aider. $10.50 NEWLY furnished front room; bath. heat: line location. din. $3.50 WEEK for 2; all conveniences; ex ceptionally Close ill, jet pi ivaic. A.-.1 Jim. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance, gas. II. oo per week. 4Z tn. FRONT room and kitchen, with piano, $16 a month. Dj4 layior st. LARGE front room, 2 beds, single room. modern conveniences, pnone. iuj ii;vereit. WELL-FURNISHED room, also cosy attic ' A,..- 'JC7T Kirn VIQn., room. -ii . i ,-,. vv. FURNISHED rooms, $3.00 per week and up. 1S west l-arar. $8 A MONTH, pleasant, comfortable room. all conveniences. !- rtouu -i.iu. NICE room for gent, $2 week. Heat, bath. phone. 325 utn. NICELY furnished rooms, easy walking dis tance. 655 Wash. FOR KENT Furnished Booms in Private tamlly. IJLEASA.NT I... 1 1, r,,rnthArl fifillth front men; . rooul, suitauio lor woo ui . " - furnaoo heat, bath, phone, board close $16 per month. 726 Hoyt. earner .d. 14JK. by: M, HOT water heat, nice large room, oak furnl ....... a.-.. k.i . vk: 10 mm nte: walk to ' Postoffice. 414 Market corner 11th. (MMPilkTAHI.V furnished room in smai family, for gentleman; German spoken 3:u Jackson, or Inquire 415 Chamoer Commerce. itiau. PtRk' R.v walking distance. Ex tra pleasant, sunny, front room. Newly furnished. Strictly modern home. Quiet, refined neighborhood. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room in modern residence, furnace heat, walk lng distance, suitable for 1 or 2. 81 Ea: loth N. DESIRABLE room, modern, walking dl tance, also suite, private bath, kitchenette, 61 i. zotn st. FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen, 2 connecting rooms reasonable, also sleeping porch If desired. west para. Marsnau 4i'io. BEAUTIFUL alcove room for two employed ladles or gentlemen; also other nice room central, reasonable. 086 Everett st. DESIRABLE, sunny bedroom closet In new modern home; every convenience; with or without board. bOJs mverett- FRONT suite of two rooms, nicely furnished, modern, centrally located, aultable for one or two person 4bl layior. near A4in su TWO finely furnished housekeeping rooms, closa in, ail conveniences, cheap; adult 165 Morris st. Phone C 1173. NEWLY furnished rooms for rent, modern and reasonable, walking distance. 4. Clay, near 11th st. 1CELV furnished front room with alcov suitable 1 or 2, walking distance, private family. 329 West Park. A--:,TATf.v furnished -front room facing Park block, all modern conveniences; suitable for one or two. 362 H Park st. i.ARr.R room, suitable for two gentlemen phone, bath, furnace heat, 20 minutes' walk 3d ana Morrison, rnuiiB ja .--jva. I.ARfiR. aunnv room, suitable f orJ 2 or 3 heat and phone. S96 11th st, Marshall 2241. WELL-FURNISHED room, good location, for one or two gwntlemen. roi iirtn. Unfurnished Rooms. X UNFURNISHED rooms and bath, in cludin Jewell range. $o0 Benton st. $10 rent. TWO 2-room suits, $7 and $7.60; large S ftooma With- lioaro. The VIRGINIA HILL. HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE HOTEL. Special rates per month. Transient Under management of Mrs. S. V. Hill. 265 14th St., at JetTerson St. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Now under former management. Ppeclal rates to families; cesirable rooms. excellent taoio. inn ana milium t. DOES a hoilie appeal to youT THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6 and Madison: large room bath, broad veranda; quiet, close in, near car; 4 blocks from P. o. American pian. 554 COUCH ST.; well furnished outside rooms, steam heat, running water, gooc board, walking distance, reasonaoio. PORTLAND WOMENTJ UNION. 24th year rooms with board, use of sewing-room. 11 brary. 610 Flanders. Mr E. X. Wilson, sup. CASA ROSA Furnished room with board; furnace heat, running water, boo jeiier son st. MANITOU, 261 13th st. Attractive, clea CHOICE rooms with first-class table board. $3 N. 17th, one block from wasningion. Rooms With Board In Private family. IN heauliful home, rood board and room. with use of nlano and home comforts. rooms extra large and beautifully fur nished: walklnr distance; a monm. oui Harrison, near 14tn. Main 63i. ELEGANT furnished suite In private home will accommodate four. Also single room with sleeping porch. Every modern con venience; close In. $14 E. Main St., cor ner 16th. MUST runt Immediately, two large steam hcBtod rooms, walkine- distance. line lo cation, ail modern conveniences; board If desired Marshall 2439. 1 LARGE, nicely furnished room, close to batn; good ooaru. tniij i-. jvius, Wasn. Phone Marshall 120L nrmiA room u-onri hoard, modern convent ences. close in. 41a oaimon. luaisuan 4273. VERY desirable room In modern home; hot UIIO COIU HAICI. AOJ ..,,... , . . , 1 I 1. U.,,1,.11 OiJ-Wl UUtll U. O.lll J.YPieiA. fliAl.i'.'l " - l-nnM and board In Drivate family, teach era preferred, walking aistance 01 tarns scnoois. pnouo wooqiawa .ino. DESIRABLE rooms In nice home East An- keny, near 20th. io per montn; oreaataot Included, v 4i'4, ciregumaii. LARGE sunny room, also small one. with board, modern convenience 00 rtaiiuon street. BOARO. room and laundry for two people in quiet suburban home, $45. Phone Sell- , ti w uim . A CLEAN, comfortable bedroom with break fast and dinner; ail nome jpriviiegsa; wait ing uinaun. ruifuq ai,q-j. LARGE double room, bath attached, single beds, suitable for two gentlemen, nest 01 board, reasonable. 2tfl west mm. VEHY pleasant front room, well furnished, with board: walking distance; excellent home cooking; home privileges. Main o-ac WOULD like refined ladiea and gentlemen to room, board II desired. oo tutsan at. Marshall 2950. ROOM for 2 gentlemen, with board, 302 Vj Park, corner coiumoia; mouern; refer ences exchanged. r 1 at neii T,.,,. ma in mnm mnrr hoard nice iruut room, private immi. Tti7- ir lor st. NEAT, pleasant rooms, single or en suite. witn iioara. 000 caiibkiu LARGE front room with board. 655 Kearney st. Phone Marsnau mis. IICE. modern rooms, with board. 204 X, 22d St. A latju. 41 NORTH 22D ST. Large, nicely fur- . . . II, I ...f ll.ln OH7I uisnea room, cAieii,ut ".i , .,., a , IICE room and good board for 2 or 3 gen liemen. oa s u.'i". F.OOM and board for two gentlemen. 64 North 16th, corner cavia. WOULD like a your lady to room and board. 20S lltn St., west &iue ;1CELY furnished rooms with board, 167 at. ROOM, with board, In private boarding- nouse. isaa i a vim pc. ROOMS with or without board; home priv- , , ,. . 1.;,. ,nr. v 99,4 lieilCBl KVOU livmo wuBiiii, ava ... - - - ROOM and board, one or two gentlemen. 670 Ladd ave. East 333. TRAINED nurse will board one or two chil dren reasonable, mi ii,ast errant ac 42414 JEFFERSON ST. Room and board. , reasonaoie ana neinenite. can aim aec. LAKGel room, running water, heat, private house, nop Hill. TO tiucretia st. LARGE room, with or without board, for gentleman. 65a irving st. Apart ueatb. THE VILLA, ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificent fur nished apartments in the Northwest; lo cation perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience, including banquet hall and roof garden: both phones In all apart ments; hinh-class service; references re qulred. Phone Main 2276 and A 7057. NEWLY furnished 3-room housekeeping apartments, wlta sieeping-porcn, per month, including lights, water, bath; no objection children. 9S514 Alblna ave. L enr to Blandena. BRUCE apartments. 23th and Northrup; win nave o-iouui miaiuiniik, utui everything flrst-clas Phone Mursliall 1423. FOR RENT New 3-room apartment, 2 dis appearing Dens, turilttc-e, urc-piace. uaiu, rent $22.50. W. H. Sawtell, cor. East 32d and Belmont. Phone Tabor 1811. THE CHELTENHAM. 253 N. 19TH. 2-room apartments; new brick building; new furniture. Marshall 3638. THE ILLIHEE. -Two-room apartments, cosy and home like, $15 up. 47 Taylor, near 14th. THE MEREDITH, 712 Washington St., new ly rurnisnea 1, ana -s-roora apt Best service. Cheapest rent in city. New mgr. vVIGWAM Apartments; 4-room apt, new. modern; rent are umurnisnea. wooaiawn 2544 ROSE FRIEND, cor. 7th and Jefferson sts. Very desiraoie umurmsnea apartments; ail outside rooms: hardwood floors; refs. THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders st: 2, 3 and 4-room moaern; zurnisned and unfurnished ; relerences required. ONE 3-room unfurnished apartment includ ing pnone, not ana coni water, gas range. Rate .Ji.av. main iodi; a j.ati. WAAitiunr cwuai, 111 v 1 . m j C oth and Schuyier; 1 unfurnished apmt-. n'odern. East 647. C 16ij3, jiEELER APT3., 14th and Ciay; beautiful 3 and 4-room unxurnisnea apartments, new brick bldg.: electric elevator; reference KING-DAVIS Near 22d and Wash.; $ and 4-room apts.; both phones; reference THE BRYN-MAWR APTS.. 1S3 East 15th" , Vamlil!!- A-rnAm Dtlt, wllh ....mI. FOR BENT Apart incuts. MORGAN, FLEIDNER A BOYCE, Apartment-House. Specialist Own and control the following apart-ment-houae-s. which are all new or nearly new, up-to-date and possess all modern conveniences: ANGELA 37 Trinity Place, near Wash ington, 2, 3 and 4-rooin furnished and unfurnished. CECILIA 22d and GHsw; 8-room unfur- CLAYFOOLE lltb and Clay: 3 room private balcony, tint urnlzhed. CLAYPOOLE ANNEX 11th and Clay. 1 rooms, furnished. FOKDHAM 170 Ford St., 4 rooms, unrur nlshed, hardwood finish, private balcon ies. Highest-class a;ianment in the city. trivrciwv !.-.! lL'th St.. near atain. rooms, with private uaicmnea, ........ nlshed. ... . . HANOVLT!-15 King St.. near Washing ton; S rooms, with private baiconiea. un furnished; two rooms, furnished or un furnished. KNICKERBOCKER 410 Harrison St.. near 11th: 3 room with private bal conies, unfurnished. , . . ST. CROIN 170 St. Clair, near V ""',, ton; 3 rooms, furnished and unfur nished. , . . ST. FRANCIS "1st and Hoyt, 3 nd rooms, with private balconies, unfur nished. ..OS WELLINGTON 15th and Everett; 2. S, 4 and 6 rooms, unfurnished; .rame buna ing; very reasonable rent. THE WHEELDON, Corner Park and Taylor Bt THE WHEELDON ANNEX Corner Tenth and Salmon Eineta, Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and e-room apartments, buildings new and strlotly modern; service flrst-clas CARMELrTA, Jefferson and 13th Street. 4 and 5-rootn unfurnished aparrmenta, exceptionally well arranged, walking dis tance. . Rates Reasonable. Modern. References. WsvtfL XOKOMIS, Marshall street, rear 17th New, beautifully furnished; most reasonaoie rates; best service, , ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrison sts. Large living-rooms, lt20; every convenience. ALTONIA. Marshall and lBth sts. Large, airy 2. S and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. KINGSBURY. Ford street, near Washing ton Unfurnished 8 and 4-room apart ments; beautiful view; everythina first-class. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Largest and finest apartments on in T.. Coast; In Trinity Place. Just off Washing ton, between lttth and 20th sts.. In heart of apartment-house district; modern in every particular; high-class service; re fined clientele; sleeping-porches In every apartment; furnished and unfurnished, prices right; references required. Mr A. X. Wright, superintendent. Phone Marshall 1101. LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucretla street, near Washington ana 23d sts., HIGHEST CLASS and MOST EX CLUSIVE apartment-house In the eltr, best of service and REFINED SUR ROUNDINGS with suites of 2 to B-roora unfurnished apartments, ALL OUTS1DH LARGE ROOMS; this elegant building Is in a class by Itself; references required. See manager at apartment 17. Telephone Marshall J500. THE BARKER, cor. 51st and Irving st This new four-story ones; now 01011, a. nlshed and unfurnished In 2, 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatU elevator. Holnian disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons, if you want something nice, come to tin Barker. Phone A 1744. Marshall 8961. THE UPSHUR 20th and Upshur sts.. fur nished 2-room apt, o. i anu ui, in cludes steam heat, hot and cold wuter in every apt.; private phone pulillo bath, electric lights, gas ranges, laundry room, all free; aiso 3-room unfurnished apt. witn private bath, $18: 4 rooms, $20. Take o. 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 80 GRANDEST A GRAND AVE. AND KAal SlArtlA. &i. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New brick building, newly furnished: private phone and bath In each apartment; elevator service; walking distance. Siim m,r rates 22. SO and up. Phono East 208. THE WE3TFAL, 410 6th St., seven minutes to P. O. Absolutely ciea.ii. umBPuuj ... nlshed, modern. S and 4-room apts., $Ji.u to $45 each, with private bath, automalls elevator, steam heated, beautiful view, Janitor service. Inspection invited, ai. 2079, A 2038. SEE THIS BEFORE DECIDING. Nicely furnished 3 rooms $22.60, ail out. side, large, light, airy rooms; prlvau phone and bath, gas range, water heater, laundry trays, large closets; on carllne. lanor j-io. o nv". ONE beautifully furnished 3 and 4-roors apartment: private i.iivn, i,..,., heat all linen and silverware furnished; S-tory corner brick building; rent cheap est in the city; easy walking distance oi UniOn Depot. r-MUim iaai. Jv.,. tii l.- cfrifI1ilTATT ANNEX. Two fats, 4 rooms and bath, steals heat and hot water, large light sunnj rooms, reasonable rent, easy walking dis tance, 18th, between Davie and Everett, See lanltor at tne Morasmit, HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. Furnished J. $ and 4-room apartment( all conveniences; first-class, homelike, reasonable rates; reference Main Ml, A $616. BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison, 2, 8 and 8 rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; latest Improve roents, best service. Apply on premise THE ltit...iJr, 20S 16TH STREET, NEAR TAYLOR. Handsomely lurnlahed or unfurniebee. a mnnt Mi .rf modern con venience; pleasant surroundings; con venlently located to cars. rex, ,s r. U I- II I -I BT N. 20th and Northrup st MAX KAUFMAN, MANAGING OWNER. Homelike furnished a and 4-room apart menu, outside room balcony to very suite; all conveniences: ret. Phone M. 11 is. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, loin ana Evereett 3. 3 ana e rooma. uiuuina..., private baths; $20 up; completely reno vated; under new management; walking distance; convenient and best servlc illti l,ui.aiini, Corner 8d and Hall, newly furnished. 3 room apartments, building new and strict ly modern; large outside kitchen servlc first-class; easy walking distance. ni'r, .a.- AVltlTklKNTH 841 14th st.. at Market; new corner brick, 2-room suites, completely furnished for housekeeping; walking distance: prices reasonable. For Information call Main 173a. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS Cor. 3d and Montgomery. Furnished 2-room apartments, building new and strictly modern; elevator; 6 mln mM'walk P. P.: $23 up. Main 9466. THB SHEFFIELD s-room apartment, un- turnlsneu, Wltu nam. wiaca a. euu..-, outside rooms, desirable arrangement, su 'perb location, near P. O.; best of service. 272 7th. corner JetTerson at. ONE beautifully furnished 3 and 4-room apartment; priA-am ,iiUiio, heat all linen und silverware furnished; 8-sto'ry corner brick building; rent cheap est In the city. Phone East 1965. THE HO U SB M AN, 730 "iIOYT. Elegantly furnished, 3-rooin, corner apartment; all bright, sunny room Beau tiful view. References. WAYNE WOOD APTS. Newly furnished. 100 N. 18th. bet. Flan ders and GUsan; single loom or en suite from $18 to $30. ORDERLE1GH APARTMENTS 2 and 3 room apartments; warning instance w business district; $20 to $30. Phone East 300. 82 Grand ave. H ADDON HALL. 11th and Hall; 2, 3, 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; modern; hardwood Hours, private oalconles; $5 up. MADISON PARK A PART MEN 'IS, Park and Madison sts. For reut. 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments., ssrlctly modern. THE WINDSOR 2 and I-room apt, beau tlfUt irorit corner, iiuici, clean anu iiuma- lllte, walking distance. E. 14th and Yaou- hllL ' SERENE COURT. E. Is- and Multnomah, only one 3-room apt. left; elegantly furnished; $45; must be seen to be appreciated. E. 140. THB MclilNLEY APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison sts.; very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnisiiesd com plete; private baths; from $20 to $32.50. IHE Drickston, 448 ll'.h; nicely furnished 2 and 3-room moaeru outanie apis., near Heights. Mrs. F'. W. McCune. Mamhsll 37. 1 lata. aiODERN 4-i'OOm flat, near 23d and Wash ington sts.; reasonaoie. atain guaa. A ibj. .ROOM, also it-room flat, at 12th and Mill sts. inquire 430 Mill. ' aTRICTLY modern 6-room lower flat. 1S3 16th st. Apply 181 loin, cor, lamnni. 51 UNION AVE. N. 5-room modern flat $15. Home pnone A esuo, 14 NEW 4-room flat overlooking Penin sula Park. Id4 Ainsworin, cor. uortnwtck. FURNISHED 4-room steam-heated fiat. mouern. CuTtei Drug CO. v n