Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 11, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Golden Gate Elks Give Ball at
Multnomah Hotel Which
Draws Many.
Great Throng Comes and Goes at
Care-Free Informal Affair at
Which HospItH'y I Much
in Evidence.
San Francisco Elks were hosts at a
all at the Multnomah Hotel, an event
which ranks high In the gay doings
of the Elks at the reunion. Every
body's talklnsr of It stUL "Who could
forget it? Picture to yourself the
Urge assembly rooms of the Multr
nomah Hotel, imagine them crowded
from end to end with a herd of Elks,
their wives, their sisters, their couslu
and their sweethearts: the men in unl
lorm or evening dress, in soft shirts
or in starched, in flannels or in day
attire; the women arrayed In those
creations beyond the power of mere
nan's description.
But that is not all. Throw in some
thousands of Portland people, all
anxious to show their southern sister
state that they knew what to do in the
way of the Grapevine Twist, the Pic
cadilly Prance and the Hamburg Hop.
Then ask yourself "What's the matter
with Ban Francisco for 1J15?" If you
can answer anything but "Nothing,
yon are surely hard to please.
Thousands Come aad Go.
There were thousands there at the
free-for-all, come-aa-yoii-please and
go - without - knocking entertainment
provided by the delegates from the San
e i it,- it w a a. n enter-
talnment, even though billed as merely
a dance. Dances of the common or
garden variety do not appeal to every
body, but It WOUM D impraii i
find a soul who could not see enjoy
ment in this happy throng, pulsating
with life and energy.
If it is necessary to And any fault
at ' all it -la- that too many people at
a time were provided with fun and
frolic It should have been spread
over a longer period.
Now listen. To every member of that
huge assembly there was distributed
a Poppy emblem, and more than a
taste of the Juice of - the California
grape and the Californlan lemon. Try
and think what that means, when you
remember that there were, without
any exaggeration, thousands coming
and going every hour, that the ball
began at :S0 and lasted until 1 A. M.
Even at that aome kindly considerate
soul must have put the clock back, or
the watches of all the visitors were
Anctloa Comes Quickly.
Proceedings opened with a stately
march. "That's alright," ald some
one, 'but you wait till we get started.
What Is more it did not take them
long. Soon one and all were Imbued
with the San Francisco frivolity, and
the San Francisco smile.
. When the band the famous Coaat
Artillery Corps . contingent let loose,
'why you Just had to Join the throng.
From two-step to waits, and from
walta to one-step, and the lock,'' back
again to the Kansas Cuddle and the
waits .and so on, all through the Quick
ly speeding hours, as though no one
knew what fatigue were.
And at the end of It. a Golden Gate
tag. who had danced every dance
without the flicker of an eyelid, de
spite a certain rotundity of figure and
scarcity of hair, remarked casually
'These people seem to be amused with
a bit of a fling like this. Let 'em come
' to us. If they want amusement."
, What Is more, he said It -aa though
the $20,000 expended by them here In
Portland was but a mere bagatelle,
only a drop In their ocean of wealth.
til 11 :M the Elk visitors, tired out with
a big daya amusement, crowded Into
the cars by the thousands and enjoyed
the ride along the river to the city.
Nearly every car resounded with sing
ing and hilarity on the way in. They
were extremely weary but happy
crowds that piled off the cars in town
and mixed with the thousands of other
celebrators on the streets.
The outing went off without an ac
cident to mar the pleasantry- Although
the police were on hand, they bad
nothing to do. With all, the hilarity
there was no trouble of any kind.
One of Organizers of Portland Elks'
Lodge Still Living.
While John F. Cordray was host yes
terday at the Oaks to Elks from every
section of the country, one of the vis
itors chanced to mention the fact that
Mr. Cordray was one of the three origi
nal founders of Portland Lodge No. 142.
The other two who helped Mr. Cordray
secure charter membera from all .over
Portland are now dead.
Work of organization started In 1889.
and several years later funds were
needed for a clubhouse. A street fair
decided upon, and so that in tne
Salem Is Host Today, Friday
and on Saturday.
Manufacturers of Oregon - Made
Products to Be Given Opportunity
to Exhibit Goods Grown In
Willamette Valley. .
SALEM. Or.. July 10. (Special.)
With by far the largest number of
cherries ever before offered for exhl-
event of ' failure there should be no
itahllltv to the lodge. Mr. Cordray and
. others Incorporated.
The street rair was a bul-wdb, v
I7naft k.inr raised, and al
most as much was realised from a sec
ond street fair. Shortly alter these xairs
f Cnrdrav was made an honorary
life member of the lodge.
The fact that Mr. Cordray was a
member of the Denver lodge precluded
nlm I rum oeing a ciiariai
the Portland lodge.
. r ..J.. was mmhr n . the
1111 . iui ui .j
general arrangements committee for
the grand lodge reunion.
(Continued From First Pegs.)
steam cooker and a ateam engine to
the scene and. put It up. .In this the
salmon were cooked early yesterday
h th clams baked a short time later.
Arrangements had been made for four
J i-- nn,r, tm tfei a-lo-antle steam
oven and they were assisted by sevel
utility men. The waiters were orawn
from the Portland Elks, everybody
with a Portland badge Demg usnerea
in a waiter. Most of the foods were
donated by business .houses of the
Elks Storm Park.
riu tonic the Oaks bv storm yester
day at 1 o'clock. The pretty resort
on the banks of the Willamette were
closed to everyone who did not have
an official Elks badge and the re
sult was that the crowd was Elks ex
clusively. No admission was charged
and all the amusements were thrown
open free for the visitors. The Elks
overlooked nothing. Great crowds
were assembled about every nook and
corner of the big resort and took full
advantage of the opportunity to ex
perience every thrill and sensation con
tained in the" Joy wheels, the shoot the
chutes, the roller coaster and all the
other stirring features.
The box offices of all the concessions
were abandoned by the usual keepers
and every entrance was adorned with
the sign welcome Inside. ,
Evening Crowd la Gay.
nth was lolned in
the early part of the evening by fully
10.000 more Elka and everybody set out
for a good time. The concessions re-
i. ,- rnmrnind of the visitors
and unUl late everything that was Dullt
for fun was kept on the move. The
Joy wheel spun continuously with great
. j -. i. iriir mnA their wives
iiwuB ui mil it.tun
and sweethearts; the "blue streak cars
bussed noisily about wo oir-rii
T..inv h m(hv a nrellmlnaxy
part of the Elks' band contest was
held in the onen air. in ruw
. fantry band, of California; the Kalis
until after o'clock. From then un-
- "
Traction Officials Urge Crowds Xot
to Congest Down-Town District
- During March.
Ufa., fl J- tin.- J nr r i r W lllinl
TT VOl OIUO 1IIIVB "."U " " .v--.. -
win -be- tied up from 10 A. M. until after
the noon hour today, and during ' this
period even the main artery,' Third
street, will he tied up. The streetcar
company will attempt to switch cafs
back on - Hawthorne avenue at East
ir.tfih . v. IffAim TaHn rarm at t
1 n C 11 Lllp l lit! .
Thirteenth, the Ankeny and Montavtlla
cars at .ast renin, non v.ny rr uuv
at East Tentn, uurnsiae onagre lines bi
Third and Flanders, North Portland line
at Third and 'ianaera, tiouin i-oriiana
line at rnira ana jenerson, vyaaningiuu
Willamette Heights line at Seventh aad
There also will be an attempt made
. it,, r Jnisn Riirnaliio
IU 1 Ull U 1111U W 1 U '
street to accommodate those wishing to
go from any nortnwesiern puruwii ui
the city to any East Side or South Port-
1 n 1 1 n.
I n ii vi . i ii u.
Service otherwise will be the same as
bltion In the history of Salem's cherry
fairs, with the details of the pro
gramme for the three days completed
and with DroDhecies of excellent
weather for the rest of the week, to
morrow will usher In the Salem Cherry
Fair of 1912. "
The first day Thursday will be
"Made in Oregon" day. Then the
manufacturers of Oregon-made prod-
will Ha D-lvAn an onnortunitV tO
exhibit them to the crowds that are
expected here from the wniameixe
Valley, and there will be a keen com
petition on these products In the new
armory. Between 8 and 9 o'clock to
morrow morning the exniDiis oi cner
rles and flowers will also be placed in
the armory. Already more ths-n 400
boxes of cherries have been entered
and more are expected. The morning
will be given over to arranging the- ex
hibits and will be interspersed with
band concerts, balloon ascensions and
similar attractions' for the few opening
hours of the fair.
In the afternoon at 1 o'clock judg
ing of exhibits and awarding of prizes
for the cherry fair will start and will
be in charge of a cherry expert from
the Oregon Agricultural College. At 2
o'clock will be a- high dive at Court
and Commercial streets and at 2:80
o'clock street sports will be indulged
In between Ferry and State streets, on
Commercial street. These will include
a 100-yard dash, a boys' race for boys
under 16 years of age, a boys' race for
boys under 12 years of age, girls' races
for girls under 16 years and girls un
der 12 years as well, a three-legged
race, a sack race, egg race, wheelbarrow-race,
keg race, obstacle raoe, news
bows' racer slow btcyole race, leapfrog
race, pie-eating contest, cracker-eating
contests and other sports, with cash
prises for all of them.
Friday the carnival and sports will
be much, the same. On Friday will bo
the big Industrial parade at 12:80
o'clock, with C W. Tannke aotlng as
chief marshal and announcer. It is ex
pected that on Friday there will be
nearly 2000 Elks coming to Salem from
Portland to see the Capital City and get
a glimpse of the Salem Cherry Fair.
On Saturday will be two big feature
attractions, including the baby parade
and the automobile parade.
Mrs. Bill and Miss Billy Use Our Rest Rooms-Theti Are Yours
Make This Well-Lighted, Well-Ventilated Store Your Headquarters
Watch Thursday Evening and Friday Morning Papers
for News of Sensational Sale Women's Wash Dresses
Don't Buy a Wash Dress Until You See These Bargains
snarm in. j
Jobs F. Cordray, Maaager
Amuaemeat Park, Where XUka
Were Entertained. .
usuaU All the cars the company owns
-nil ha nut into service to handle the
crowds during this periods.
. Tne traction oiiioiaia wii.- -
opinion that it would be better for
those desirous of seeing the parade not
- m f n Hnam-town ' dls-
id cruwu ii i" -
trict. but to become Informed as to the
line of march, whicn is quite
and seek the outer portions where the
parade can be seen to a greater advan
tage than by being Jammed in a crowd
and lined up ten and twelve deep at,.imi tia nrocesslon moves
course and kept tne ir fliiea wi th Hawthorne bridge, north
reem. of deUght; Uuhter ' pounded et as.
taktln ri0nkmSnd thence west across Burnside bridge,
the skating rink ana aii ' .y,MA .rrnt . East Side peo
ple to see it to good advantage on their
side of the river.
from the "prison," the mirror maze, the
"Old Mill, tne skating nun am
the rest of the joy places in the resort;
r.i t i- .1 ...J -rw,i V. a another In
u ii n . it" Tin-. wHV -
iivaIv faahlon: the dance ball roared
with the "Texas Tommy" and the QK TO UvE- IX PORTIiAVD
-Turkey Trot" and every nook and I
corner of the resort resounaea wnu
Cary . Applegate and Family Pre
fer Rose City to Salt Iake.
At least one Elks family attending
the grand lodge convention will be
come permanent reaiaents oi rvi
pea b'anTof KalUpVlUMonC and the land ".04
wagner band, of Sjattle, JPelp. Apflegate. Lake Oty. and
rSfflST brd of grand lodge trust
.a-- VKI.4I. T.f. WamA et tkAlfltl
Tne r iuh j wuv
and other musical organizations ana lV.'" , " . thl, th refuse to re
number of vaudeville acts were staged, with .'Ytr col Uk
to the delight of the thousand... eoted turn home , unless it Is to omeback
under the treea
Mra Applegate and Miss Applegate
TnS 'crold'dld not .Urt to depart That the plan ta perf.cUy acceptable to
Colonel Eaker Presents
Gavel to Mayor.
Elks Invaded the City Council yester-
.,.. mAvnlno- Pnlnnftl TVT T Raker, of
Springfield, I1L, oldest member of the
herd of 60,000 Elks in tnat state, was
introduced by W. H, Crum, of the same
tata an1 nresented a historic gavel to
Mayor Rushlight This gavel was made
by Colonel Baker from a walnut tree
on the bank of the Sangamon' Kiver to
which Abraham Lincoln once moored
his flatboat.
"I was personally acquainted with
both President and Mra Lincoln," said
Colonel Baker, as the tears welled up
in his eyes at the memories of the past.
"I helped him build his boat, helped
him load it and unload It"
He congratulated Portland on Its
maniAlniii vrnwth. "FlftV-eifirht VP ft TJ
ago I rode a mule from the Missouri
River to this part or the country," ne
said. "In fact I crossed the continent
from tha Missouri River to the Pacific
Coast twice on muleback."
Train-Boat Trip Planned.
In order that visiting Elks may have
an opportunity to view the beauties of
the Columbia River scenery before they
1aa Tln.flnn n.lliralnn, htT nAAft
arranged by the North Bank Road,
whereby the visitors may maae ine
trip one way by train and return on the
A.AamA Thl, aH-trAa thn TClka -In the
city an opportunity to pass a delightful
Easy Aids to Good Looks
(EliorEllls in the Arch)
"After motoring; or golfing the hair
may be dusty with no time for wash
ing tne neaa. ill iuii uiiemuin yuu
. Ill l.AmMAA A ..All .UmH
Put four ounces of powdered orris root
in a fruit jar, add an original package
of therox and mix together. Sprinkle
a little on the head and brush through
the hair. Therox removes dust, oil and
dandruff, and leaves the hair light,
fluffy and easy to do up.
"Disfiguring wild hairs can be made
. n ..ahIaW miTnlrW f-rr TV fa nA a fnrA-
arms by applying delatone paste, made
bv mixing powdered delatone with
water. Cover the hairy surface with
this paste for a minute or two, then
remove, wash the skin, and the hairs
will b gone.
"Short and thin eyelashes detract
from otherwise beautiful eyes. Weak
and straggly lashes can be strength
ened if plain pyroxln be applied to the
lash roots with thumb and forefinger.
Thin eyebrows always improve with
"A complexion cannot be dainty -if
the skin Is shining from perspiration.
A complexion beautlfler that will not
rUD Oil or snow liae JRiwuor im iubuo
easily by dissolving an original pack
age of mayatone in a half-pint of
witch hazel. This 'holds' and does not
smear. Gently massage with this so
lution dally, and the ekln will be soft
and satiny, velvety, and smooth.': Adv.
Elk Ties in
Men's Dept.
First Floor
Olds, Wottman
Only Store West of Chicago Occupying an Entire Block
New Purple
and White
In the AvparelSection, 2d Floor Charming New
Bodices of Exceeding Daintiness A Sale That Will
Attract All the Style Seekers Bargainized at $1.89
Women realize that to look well dressed these warm days requires a number of dainty
waists. How easy it is to look smart with a sale like this to help j-ou out and how
easy it is to be cool and comfortably clad. ' These Waists are of lingerie and marquisette materials,
trimmed with Val. and thread laces or embroideries and tucks. There is every size in d 1 QQ
lot and a superb style assortment surprising values bargainized for this sale at only fF i CJS
Silk Petticoat $4.49
Messalines, taffetas and jersey tops ; trimmings are
tailored bands, and tucks, with rust ruffle on the
taffeta skirts. Messalines . are plain, changeable and
Dresdera, with accordion-pleated flounces, knife-pleat-,
ed or string tops. Jersey tops are finished with aceor-dion-pleated
ruffles of messaline silk. 3A ACk
All pnlnrs and all sizes, snecial price, ea. p
Tub Dresses $2.49
The materials of which these neat Wash Frocks are con
structed are good quality ginghams and percales. The
models are especially suitable for present wear; low
necks and short sleeves, aad some styles have 6ailor col
lars. Trimmed with Aands of plain material and cov
ered buttons. One model in the lot is the CJO j Q
"Clara Barton" reversible front. Each P&t7
Women's $5.50 Sweaters $3.29
Plain or fancy weaves in short and three-quarter
lengths. Eoll collars and V necks. Come in red, gray,
tan and white. Values up to $o.ou; Dar- mm
White Skirts $1.75 and $2.00
Made of rep and cordeline with high waist line, panel
back and front; also detachable side, fastening with
patch pockets. Either of these models are qQ fkfk
smart indeed; price for this sale $1.75 and.?Vl
o-siirrized for this sale at the low price of
(Interest and Enthusiasm Increases in OurS'tVitCtl'GS
1 SKINF0OO . -
1 Aawwca I Mm,
Maurine K
- . gee Demonstration -Ella
Wheeler Wilcox, in her master
piece, "Maurine," vividly portrays
the beauty of woman for woman.
Maurine treatment' as plainly points
the way to self-friendship to the re
taining of youthful appearance.
Through Maurine you' can keep the
soft,, youthful , lines that are so easy
tp lose and . so hard to regain, See
special demonstration in i rest room,
on the second floor.
Maurine Beauty Lotion, 50 and 91
Maurine Satin Cream, 50 and 91
Maurine Rosebud Rouge, a box, 50
Maurine Astringent, priced at 50t
Maurine Skin Food, at 50 and 91
Maurine Hair Tonic, bottle, for 91
$6000.00 Voting Contest
Tell your out-of-town friends to cast their votes for your favorito
church society or Institution. Tell them of the pleasure, of shopping here.
The 40 Highest Contestants Are:
Portland Fruit and Flower '
Mission Day Nursery. ... .714,800
Baby Home iT.160
Portland Women's Willam
ette Club .........,650
Young Women's Christian
Association. ....... ...428,725
Teachers' Retirement Fund.395,100
St. Agnes Baby Home .'. . . . 85,25
Port. Boy Scouts, Troop J.. .342,425
Oddfellows' Home ...........261,325
Newsboys' Home .....252,750
First German Evan. Church.250.200
First M. B. Churoh, South. .248,225
Portland Women's Union. ..223,175
Children's Home ..........185.476
Sunnyslde M. E. Church. . .-164.275
T. M. C A. Boys' Home. ... .136,800
K. O. K. JL, Castle Hose. . . .126,760
Or. Congress of Mothers. . .113.800
-Marguerite Camp, R. N., A.. 112,975
St. Elizabeth House lli.sio
Oregon -Humana Society.... 111.925
Anabel Presby. Church... 105,000
Willsburg Cong. Church Aid
Society, ...
Patton Home .for -the Aged
St. Anne'S Charitable Soo....
St. Francis Church....
Industrial Home, W. H..M.
S, M. E. Church
Scholarship Fund, Oregon
Fed. Women's Clubs......
Florence Critenton Home. .
Jewish Neighborhood House
Orphans' Home -.
Piedmont Pres. Church .... .
Good Samaritan Hospital...
Atkinson Memorial Congre
gational Church
Louise Home -
United Artisans' Piedmont
Assembly, 468 ......
Forbes. Presbyterian Church
All Saints' Church
Immanuel Churoh Pipe Or
gan Fund
L. A. A. Hibernians, Div. i.
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society
Thursday, in the. hair goods depart
ment, we offer all of our $3, $4 and
$4.50 natural wavy Switches, . CO
choice at low price of only P"
28-irich natural wavy German Hair
Switches, in three separate
stems r regular $5 values for
Switches, in 3 separate
Bargain Circle Thursday
5 Specials in Women's Underwear
Women ' Lisle Thread Vests, in whit, only; loV neek, sleeveless style, with OOf.
. . i ..... i: i -.!.... TiTmimBlW entui 35c values. EDeciaL aW aV
crocoeieu or ijd "null". J " .. .
Women's $1.25 Union Suits 87c
White Lisle Thread. Union Suits, low neck,
no sleeves,lace trimmed, or t (37
knee, $1.25 values, priced only O
50c Lace Trimmed Pants 37c
Popular garments, just the right weight,
daintily made, umbrella knee, O J g
fin ribbed white lisle. 50e vals.L
Women's 50c Union Suits 39c
T.ialo Thrfind Union Suits, with lace
trimmed or tight knee, low neck, Q Ow
sleeveless style, 50c values, torkJisl
Women's $1.25 Union Suits $1
Mercerized lisle thread, low neck,-sleeveless
style, with lace trim'd d "t (f
or tight knee, $1.25 values p JL vr vr
Switches, in three separate 3J Q
30-inch natural wavy German Hair
Switches, in a separate ItAf -.f
stems; reff. $6.50, at
Finest quality Switches, in three sep
arate stems, all shades; a repular $25
grade, offered spe- tj? f Q
cial at low price of OU
Expert service is the magnet that at
tracts every casual visitor to our hair
goods section and compels later calls.
Plain and fancy hair dressing, marcel
waving, scalp treatments, singeing,
shampooing, hair dyeing, bleaching,
children's hair. bobbed, boys' hair-cutting.
Electrolysis, facial, hand, neck
and arm massage. Every service is
very promptly and skilfully rendered.
Take Lunch in Our
Tea Room, 4th Floor
Prompt, noiseless and courteous service save your
time and the dainty food will delight your palate.
The visit of your out-of-town friends, will not be
complete unless you take them to a luncheon and
Portland's daintiest tearoom. On fourth floor.
Quick Lunch
in Basement
Lunch in our Basement Ice cream, cake, and
sandwiches, beverages and quick lunch dainties,
served at a moment's notice. Take advantage
Prepared foods in the delicatessen fourth floor.
Home-made baked goods bakery on 4th floor.
1, -I.?- hatwaan Portland
oav K1VU5 .ii"
. wtfh nnnortunltv tO
ana ine ia-inu, - 1 ,
i - a- tmv nana Horn tunnel.
view vaauauc . . - .
Multnomah Falls. Castle Rock and other
famous beauty spots.
Preparations are now being made to
take care of -the heavy beach travel
Friday. Saturday ana ounaay. inunc
tions are that many Elks from Inland
- win 4Mnmv .ft Raaalda. Crearhart
and other Clatsop Beach points for their
ti rat view of the Pacific Ocean. Beach
For .
Grandma likes BLUB KIBBOlf
BREAD She used to make
own bread In tn oioen
, and she KNOWS that
th finest flour and
n,,ti intrredlents are used in
make it so nourishing and
giving tt such a swsat. whole
some taste. The dust-proof,
germ-proof w r a p sse r Is th
straw for eranama. ii
bo clean, tool- This is
Grandma eats BLUE
Blue Ribbon Bread
Bread Sense for Ten Cents"
Vancouver Avenue and Fremont St.
' Today is BltTE RIBBOW Souvenir
Thursday. Be sure to get a Dancing
Ball FREE with your loaf of BLUB
Talk Machines
in Cut Price
At Very Substantial Discounts, Giving Opportunity to
Get Immense ri umoer or .batesi xtecoru xim
im i v Taiv ManritriA mannfactrirers prohibit
X lit rUlCS VI UlO HVC1IU "" - .
advertising the names of machines at cut prices, hence this general
moa Tint noma and see 1 The machines
in this sale are not strictly brand new, but most of them are latest
types, many oi tnem receivea in pan payuiom ui Wm vuun "
bungalow player pianos, the autopianos and player piano de luxe,
r vv.a. netmmAnt.t were not wanted. Others, again,
uave come to us in part payment for the great $200 and $250 machines..
BtUi ouners nave oeen on on saio ui utwcio uawu um svu
out of business.
Every machine in this great sale is in perfect order and so guar-
anteed. . ;
This will be the greatest sale of modern Tauc macranes ever
u,ja i-n aAAHAnn . j tVin 0Tnn.t.W redncMl nrir.ea fitieciallv easv
UUU 111! A- lAW.lUi. O I 4 "
terms of payment, strictly confidential, will be arranged with any
about our liberal exchange privileges extended to every buyer during
Eilers Bldg., Alder St. at 7th The Nation's Largest Dealers