Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 29, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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, H.r w. help wated acscEU-Ayitoca. wa-tep-to Krr. I -h- SiT I : n.,.'- """"
no oi m-."?-
' Office Secretary Employment epartment,
T. M. C. A--Tunr
roan, stranger, out of work
his total ca?i .Met) If X Py. Too
n-ll employment membership. I win
. . . . -. w , . w .-,&. w a anil atflrvft
nave onij .. ww,w -
"err.tary If Tm par 5 r,",n,lJ
mpIojrmnt numbwihlp. you will nav
it., T. M. e A., with Its resource, bs-
Result: 5oun mu Joined association
In less than a week he bad satiafactory
employment. . .,
Record for four month ending- April an-
Cl) for men Liz
po.ition fined il:,""'-,;;;.;
Employment mem ben ip rurnteeil
member will iemr. employment or rerun
or membership fee; g-rvM i two ontn"
membership privilege. 10 month ocll
pnvileues and undertake to keep P"y
employed durtnf the full terra -of mem
bership without further hre- V,-H
We have constant demand for,
trade, experienced men. Ars yoa fitted
for a better position ..,.i
Bee secretary employment department,
T. M. C. A
Mn wanted to work in brlfk plant nd
Wirld Company a factory
guarantee employment the year arouno
to m-n who will buy S or ln-acrey home
adjo'nln- theae factories: a lew. guarantee
th. sal of all vegetables and fruit yoi,
can produce provided you have from
to 1100 lo pay down In cash, we gie
all the time you want on the balance at
onlv per cent Interest. This Is a good
cot n try and the best of aoll along the
nrillamina Blver. Close to town and close
to railroad. Address I.. W Damon W ,11
lmlna. Or., or call on Mm by taking
Pot-thern pacific train to Sheridan, trans
ferrin to TVIIIamlna. 44 mile west.
The amount of extra mechanic required
to handle building construction work m
Edmonton. Alberta, la aa follow:
200 carpentera at 4c per hour and up.
loo bricklayers at 70c per hour.
20 electricians at 40c to 0c per nrrar.
15 aheet metal worker at 50c to 53c
per hour.
-ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the TJ. , 8.
. Marine Corp, between the age of 1 na
S; mult be native-born or have f Irat
. paper: monthly pay 15 to $69; additional
compensation possible; food. clothing,
quarters and medical attendance
- after 30 year service cn retire with !.-
per cent of pay and allowance: rvl-
on board hip and ashore In all parts oi
the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corp
Recruiting Office. Third and Vashlngton
STS.. HDq I UHB nv-. ji
WANTED for U. 8. Army, able-bodied, un
married men. between age of 18 and S3.
citizen of United State, of good cnar-
acter and temperate habit, who can
' speak, read and write the English lan
guage. For Information apply to Recruit
ing office. Worcester block. Third ana
Oak streets. Portland. Or.
High-class salesman. You can
make from $300 to $500 month.
40T Teon Bldg.
WANTED Men with families, steady work;
mlllyard and mill: no wage less
. day: ecure home, small payment, best
mill town In Northwest; over thousand
. men employed In mill; payroll hundred
fifty thousand month; population S5O0.
fast growing. Address T ISO. Oregonlan.
- - - ,. . . . . . T.-.-T-.-T.. V T" (iVI V
Your money fully secured and carries
with It salaried position: you must have
reputation of being honest and willing
worker; reference exchanged. G 12, Ore
roQUn. '
A GENTLEMAN organizing a Masonic
. quartet wishes to get in touch with u
first and aecoud tenor and basso who are
members of the chapter and commanderjr.
Address P. C. M. Apartment 3. Wal
dorf Court. Portland. Or.
Established concern ha adopted new
and successful method of placing limited
amount of Its stock; prospects furnished:
liberal commissions; big future open to
producers. 320 Railway Exchange bldg.
WANTED Man with family, familiar with
farm work, to take up residence on mall
place; permanent position, with s.a
wage to tart: 1550 acquires possession cn
home place: balance can be paid for from
part ot wages. AN 4i. Oregonlan.
LIVE, dependable salesmen wanted In sev
eral good fields to sell our unsurpassed
nursery stock: cash paid weekly; write us
at once. Washington Nursery Co.. Top
penlsh. Wash.
EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen by whip
manufacturer, to solicit retail dealer on
salary or commission; exceptionally fine
line: references required with application.
. , . 1. ii' rv. lelrt Mass.
.1. Twt WHiy .
WANTED Flrt-cla Journeymen printer
and linotype operators; minimum acale of
$34 and S3l. respectively for 48-hour week.
Apply Mr. Starr, manager Printers- Board
OI 1 rage. --O ouamii .......
cn itniiv on aalarv and commission: per
manent; experience not necessary; clean
cut young man; no haa been. Address N
1 11. oregonlan.
fclOCK salesmen wanted for a high-grade
industrial and townslte proposition; good
commission to right party. 804.-5-U Lewis
WANTED Canvassers, salesmen and so
licitors, at M Sd st. Year work. Call In
I A. M. or after 6 P. M.. aak for aale
THERE'S money In aelllng our Yaklma
rrown, hardy, guaranteed stock; outfit
free: eaah weekly: teady work. Yakima
Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash.
' HEADQUARTERS for Domestlo and Rub
nomore Vacuum Washers moved to S3
itb street; retail and wholesale agent
WANTED Two good solicitor to demon
strate and take orders; nice work, good
pay. Call after 10 A. M. 3S2 Lumber Ex-
change bldg- 2d ana rtarn.
WANTED Men to travel and take ordera
for our high-class tailor-made clothes:
experienced men only need apply. Oron.
tailor. Spokane. Wash
Apply oi2 Marquam bldg. between 10
A. M. and la A. M. every day except
EXPERIENCED brick setter. 3 per day.
steady work, at Hollywood Brick Yard.
Salem. Or. Phone Main 2024. J. P.
WANTED Two good salesmen, easiest and
best proposition In city. 601 Kothchlld
BASEMENT man. middle-aged, sober, hon
est and industrious; city references. 735
. WANTED Boy to work In stockroom, fa
miliar with electrical supplies. M. J.
Walsh Co.. 311 Stark It.
AMATEURS wanted, pay cash prizes every
Friday. Allen' Theater. 1st and Grant.
Sfruih Portland.
fOl'R good men to settle on land. Eastern
Oregon: fine offer to men with, backbone.
V 1 7i Oregonlan
PLUMBERS wanted: must be flrsi-class lead
workers, for out of town: state experience
and wages required. AT 177. Oregonlan.
TWO experienced cabinet makers to act up
furniture. See Mr. Msguire at 0 A. M-.
new building between Stark 1. and 11th.
WANTED Man to work on farm. ?30 per
month, with board and room. lnn,uir
from hotel clerk Belvedere Hotel.
A NUMBER 1 mill man. one who under
stands cutting to order: none but first-
class men need apply. tan jiar. oi..v.
AN especially attractive and legitimate
proposition to a real estate salesman with
Eastern connection. AH 170. Oregonlan.
"WANTED First-class ign painter; apply
Immediately; steady job to right party.
Robertson i Wllley. Tacoma. Wash.
YOUNG MAN WANTED wht understand
bushellng. Apply to Jimmy Dunn, room 315
Oregon lan b:ug.
WANTED at once, first-class custom shirt
salesman. A. E. Price & Co., 3' Mer
chanta Trust bidg.
WE need two young men familiar with the
grocery business who can handle help.
S3 tn st.
MANUFACTURING company wants city
agents: also men to travel. om u
WANTED Experienced door stock cutter.
AV 410. Oregonlan.
PHOTO coupon; best ever offered; snsp for
sgents. t utnnert atuaio. ienum pia.
WANTED 2 good men. Call 60s Board of
WANTED Hlgh-elas salesman. Aak for
Mr. Burton, s:' leon pic.
TK WEl.INO salesman with wide acqualr
tame In Middle West. AK 173. Oregoniai
WANTED A bushelman. one who doesn'
drink. 2 union ave.
.BAttRKR wanted, steady Job. 1S Morri
son st.
EV1ERIENCED shoe man wanted. Apply
1.7 Flrst
WANTED An experienced gardener. Apply
B:ake. Mcraii 10.. st stn.
BARBER wanted at Lent barber shop.
l.ents. tjr.
tjlKL, for general house, call forenoons. 867
Lovejor st.
Ki rtST-i'I.ASi5 plisher and plater w anted at
... . . . . . ' - .. 1 tut.rH not nl 1 ,1 H n lnr.
VI -l i r.t. e-- - 1 V. .
n-HUS ItOtel oar at iv w iiw.t. c. v. wi.. .
GOOD barber wanted at once. Portland Ho
tel Barnersnop.
BUBHEW1AJ. -anted. Call at 64 I hint at.
Man and wife on farm, good wages.
Hay hands. $3$, r. and b.; milkers. $35.
r. ana o.
8 tie handlers. $3.
I umber car load--!. 92.50.
Lumber pilers. tirA
Mm yardmen. 2.25 and up: fares ad
vanced. .
Band resawyer. J3.25 and 13.S0.
Shaper man and ctoI1 band sawyer.
Sticker and ter.oner men. sash and dovr.
Hundred of other Jobs.
See our bulletin boards.
222 and 224 Couch St.. bet. 1st and 2d.
WANTED Large boy. German preferred.
for bakery. 3? Morn sen.
AMATEURS wanted; pay cash prizes every
Friday. Alien s l neater, ast ana
South Portland. '
WANTED Man for cafeteria In front,, also
lady dishwasher. Apply 4Q9 E. Burnslde.
Cook, waitress anil kitchen helper
(country hotel). f0.
Cook and waitress. $70.
Cook for brickyard crew. 30.
Waitresses. $20. 25 and 30 per mo.
and S8 per week.
Pantry girl at Summer resort, 30.
Chambermaid. 30.
Nurseglrl. :tfl. - ' .M
Family cooks and general helpers, $20
to X.13.
Ladles- Dcpt ' 20."ii; Morrison.
GIRLS to worS In factory.
Must oe 10 or over.
6th and Davis Ste.
FOUR ladle to Interview high-ci" people;
prefer those acquamtea witn rli;u' " "
have an auto at your service and do not
expect you to sell anything.
110S-10 Spalding bldg.
See Mr. saiung.
WANTED If you are a lady of good ap-
i . - ..-1111.... .A wnrk We Can
urnish you with a pleasant and profit
able position. Nu Bone Corset Co.. 007
WANTED Capable young women to enter
. i . i nr n,,rs Wnr particu
lars write Miss Rogers. Supt of Nurses,
. , c.narai HosnltaL HOQUlam.
WANTED A cook to do cooking end laun
dry work in tamny oi a, ae.uim
to go out In the country. Apply 1!'
Saturday and Sunday. 68 Trinity1 Place.
Al. 2U21.
A PLEASANT young lady for housekeeper.
. nt i in... flihtn. and hllllt.
Ing trips and enjoys a good, easy time,
can cook some and be pleasalit. address
-1 ; 1 -X acoma ave.. m . iq. w
2 CHECKERS, 12 day; head waitress. 40;
2 waitresses tout oi ciu, eoj,, ,
maid (beach). $30; second girl. 25; hotel
cook. Vi5. Hansen's Emp't Office, 84oi
wasntngton su. mum i-
GIKL for cooking and general housework.
one w no IB wiimuk e." - - - :
near Holman nation, for the Summer; 4
ad u I ts. twiHi -i ayior st. aiam
GIRLS wanted to act as cashiers who are
experienced in nanuune caL.uu,
RCh-isters; steady positions. The Holts
s t ore. rtn ana HMiimm
WANTED Experienced cook, also an ex-
, m iji A ao.i A sr's-l Pir..rif
phone Main 16Z1. or call 2o2 Kins t. Mr
uuy v. laipoi.
THE COTERIE General and Domestic Serv
ice Bureau, room ur wcuu
deavore to render the beat of aervic to
lta oatrona. Main 7667.
WANTED Good girl for general housework.
mr ro to4iderrin familyT inquire
Apply rn2 Marquam bldg. between 10
A. M. and. 12 A: M. every day except
FREE. FREE. "CKU. rrtoa..
Wan tea, apprentices. our t. Ti-i
Parlors; regular charges, tv.
Dekum bldg.
EXPERIENCED family cooks. $40; second
oU: general giria. -
j3 Vi Aiaer si. ain .vo.
MIDDLE-AGED lady for housekeeper In
country. tun nuici i . v-
and lid. on wasn. rtoom .o.
WANTED Experienced operator on over
alls, aleo learners; paid while learning-73-75
fat et.
WANTED Young women to enter nurses
training school. Address Walla Walla
Hospital. WalU Walla, man.
GOOD willing, healthy, middle-aged woman
to help witn ugni nuuaew m v.
6th st. - .
WOMAN for housework in country home
near Foruano. rnone
9 and 10.
S45H Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
TELEPHONE operator for ceuntry; perma
nent. APpl Ducnnim i
I ana 10 g-ainrnt murumg-
Washington bldg.. 270 4 Washington St..
near 4tn. rnunr ojju us a -'
WANTED Experienced girl for general
nOUieWOl IN. gUUU IWS. siua.. ........ j ,
Side. Phone room 601, Bowers Hotel.
COOK. $43; waitresses. $25; chambermaids.
Howe s laies Agwitv. aj-i.
WAITED Kefloed, capable woman for r-
child bldg.. 4th and Washington,
LVNCH waitrens wanted at Stein's restau
rant. 1--
GIRL to assist with housework, sleep at
GIRI- wanted for general housework. 295 ,N.
4th. Fnone A -v i
G1PL to do houtework in smail family.
73o E. couenst.
GO)D (tirl for general housework. Call
morning. ir"'g -
GIRL for general housework 3 in family.
East iH.
GIRL wanted to do chamber and dining-
room work. 3t um gt.
x MIDDLE-AGED woman to keep house
on arm ior uf .
GIRL wanted, light housework. 710 John
sun At.
wTnTED 2 lst-class waitressc. CJ l t ord
Hotel, cast om " "
YOUNG girl to care for child 8 year. old.
irom x iu w
MANUFACTURING company wants city
.Tan larliai to travel. 63 Stfl St.
GIRL for nurse and upstairs work. Call
Knight gnoe o-
W A NT ED A girl for light housekeeping;
family or 9. l qv
CAPABLE girl for general housework.
p h one Main w-
GIRI for general housework, small family
KBIrlKII. i it '
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Phone bast
GIRL In hat renovatory. Apply 105 Grand
WANTED girl trr laundry work. Apply
Troy lanntiry. 201 S. Water. .
HELP WANTED Union Laundry Co.. Sec
ond ana Lominma.
WANT a competent plain eook for small
family; gooa wkc- p"
CHAMBERMAID for boarding-house, exper
ienced. 7.i. Hoyt st. Main 73"4.
WANTED Waitress. 131 Grand ave.
WANT ED Two waitresses at 141 Ruaaell at.
WANTED Two lady barbers. &14 Bnrnside.
Picture play writers; big pay;
!! teach you. Picture Play Association,
an rriiiiisc
tLlTE PRIVATE Business College. 642
Jl am tlton Dins- Jit. -vr- vy"
SHORTHAND, typewriting school. 269 14th
st. Main. 3ba. xpert inatxucUon, $i mo.
MEN WANTED for firemen and brakemen
on nearby railroads; ft SO to S100 monthly;
promotion, engineer, conductor; experience
unnecessary; no strike; age 18-35. KJJ
road empJoyii:g hwadquarters; over bout
men senL to puBiiuus uu uui.uu
State age. Address Railway AJBrOciation.
MEN and women to learn the barber trade
4 I U .air. snSI-lsl iTlrfllCrMBrMlta: T4T'
centace paid whil learning; tools free;
expert. Instructors;. 17 years In the busi
- ness; 7 schools; lifetime membership
given to each student .Moler Barber Col-
qk Bt.wh mt Pnrtlflrf! Or.
WANTED Industriou married man with
team or noraen io imm-oi.
Hood River district orchard and take po-
Sltl'JIl un pitxt. C T nftro V -"-' "
start. Will accept horses as part payment
i .j iex ns'iinlBTi
WANTED At once, married man familiar
Will III! TBI I y riW.a "- xtul. -
war ir jyci luaucui C""" -
In -nearby orchard. Must have some cash.
Good wagei to start. AT 1S4. Or-fronlan.
RAILWAY mail cierka prepare now, ex
cellent salaries and promotions; no lay
offs, sure nay: free book. Call today. Y&
riiic pme dihw. trj
WANTED Stenographers and typist to
I ear a 'he Dictaphone. Positions secured.
317 Ellers bldg.
MAKE money writ In ahott stories, or for
papers ; big pay ; free booklet tells how.
United PrejBS Syndicate, San Francisco.
WANTED Steady, sober, reliable man. sal
ary, .v weekly; experience unnwesarji
$LV required. 34 S Morrison, jroom 1Q.
schools ana teacners Piu aweuinq piob-
GIRLS, learn beauty parlor work; reduced
rates tnis montn. oi J noiacnuu mui
Bookkeepers' and Clerks.
SECRETARY Young man, .married, has
naa vauianie experience in orni:B unu uuai
ness which required ability to meet the
public- and handle people; can manage
an office or business; excellent references.
407 Hotel Alton. Phone Main 7116.
AN efficient accountant and bookkeeper de
sires position wnn unit nrif
dustry and sobriety aro essential quall-
up dooks, prepare pajmnv,K out
menu. Install systema Gilllnghani, aa
dltor. Lewis bldg. Marshall .17
BOOKKEEPING, collecting or office work
i T J 7 A T 1 7.".
oy rename partj. -
WANTED By experienced real estate man
position a Enifsnimii cuiBBlv" e--r
AD J jreBwiiiMii.
215 Second St., Corner Salmon. -Women's
Department, 245 Salmon.
All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical male and female help
furnished on short notice; no fee charged.
Phone Main auoo, a oo-t.
AMBITIOUS, energetic young college man
WcUllS H LroU y ciuiiujrmout, ...... ,
years messenger and agent express com
pany, also store experience. E 17, Ore-
COLORED cook, extra good all-around
man. witn best or city rtaicrtsMoo,
appearance, wants position In or out of
city; will work nights or 2d. Can do
pastry. AC lo. urcsunmu
TOUNG German. 28 years old. with good
business education, master uie jciibhi
thoroughly, wants occupation; can also
drive and repair automobiles, and handy
with tools. AO 185, Oregonlan.
WANTED Position as editorial and local
writer by sober, capable, practical primer
and newspaper man; state salary. Ad
dress until June 2;, AC 07, Oregonlap.
CHEF, first-class Eastern hotel experience.
best or reference, in years in uuieis, iu".
restaurants and resorts, good habita and
reliable. AC 173, Oregonlan.
MARRIED man, experienced in garden and
fruit culture ana care oi iiua,
the care of a country place. N 178, Ore
CAN you use a young man, first-class ohauf-
.an n. ntrito elorlc?
leur, repairniaii, ciM",aa v.. v .
Answer quick; I need the money. T.
James, X. m. a,
CHEF or chef steward, practical, reliabje
j i I nran n.r.aKln nf tnlrlnir en
tire charge of first-class hotel, cafe, club
or resort, m. jiq. uicgin
MAN and wife would like to take charge of
rancn. Aaaress j. jn. v.. """t," "t"'";
Mb and Glisan street, room 12, Portland,
MARRIED MAN desires position as night
watenman or tuicioaw . ui aj
of trust; any kind of work considered. AK
181. Oregon ian
on contract or percentage basis. Phone
Marshall 4732. Oregon. Land Clearing As
a GERMAN young man wants position as
gardener; can take care of horses and au-
tomopues. j iij, v' 6"'"
AN educated Japanese wants a situation to
work In politician's ianuiy. am. xe, we
sronian. WANTED Position as chauffeur for pri
vate lamiiy, ueai u. v m.v,.
COOK Long experience, wants work; sober
. j. ii li j .ii .nunii .T Tnhnatvin.
ena renaunr, jeifuu ii-iub.
FARMER and wife, no children, want steady
i a, omin t rv tiIbcp: refer-
uiouo uu i ont-'i r
m.m a it 1 7ft rtres-nnian.
ALL kinds of house-cleaning; we uscDunt
ley pn e uma.t.c -jitnnici o. .
ental . House cleaning o.
SAUSAGEMAKER and all-round butcher.
expenencea, miuuic-ogru, -" - v"
situation. Address F. G. M.. 61 X. 2d st.
RELIABLE, energetic married man wants
steady employment; jenows tue cuy. ouj
mailing su
BAKER, experienced on bread and cakes.
good reference. - -soo rargo chj.
TOUNG Japanese boy want plain cooking.
A l 11V, tjUUIIlli,
RELIABLE man wants postUon as collector;
references given. raone p io.
WINDOW washing, . housecleanlng, floors
waxed ana ponsnea. aenwouu
lnkstf oer and M eD'sCroonere.
YOUNG lady, experienced In general office
work, telephone exchange, typewriting,
adding machine, billing; and ledger work,
wants situation; accurate, neat and re
liable; would accept temporary position.
D 1H0. Qregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, experienced, acurate. now
employed, good reasons wtohing to
change. Phone Woodlawn 120 or Main
BOOKKEEPER. stenographer. . b-glniier,
want position; good penman; can fur
nish reffVMnces. Main 8654.
TOUNG lady stenographer with general of-fl-c
experience wants position; best of ref
erenc?B. AF 199. Oregonlan.
DRESSMAKING and alterations by compe
tent dressmaker, by day or week, phone
Marshall 4ba
FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home or by
a ay. dm w ni"i6
EXPERIENCEiD dressmaker from East.
Phone Marshall 379
NEAT girl of 16 yeara wlshea position as
nurse girl; child between 8 and ft years
preterrea. A-L. urejjuuiau.
INVALID can have room, home comforts,
care trained nurse, city reference. Tabor
2lil3. '
MATERNITY nurse wants cases Immediate-
. i t i in Jtf, U niisctunrll Main 147.
iy ana juij. " uu-w..,
EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants case;
w a ges reasonaoie.
WOMAN desires situation, children or in
fant nurye; good wages. Main 2030.
LADY wishes light housekeeping in pleasant
family. G 179, Qregonian.
GIRI wants housework. 007 Mississippi,
corner gianaensu
NEAT woman desires housekeeping, wid
ower, plain family- Main '2QZ. A 4n-.
YOUNG married Japanese woman wants to
do housework in private family: small
wages to start. D, 176. Qregonian.
SCHOOLGlrU wishes poslUon - help t
care of one or two children. Address 1208
Al on roe at., urcnun
EXPERIENCED German girl wants posi
tion for general housework at Seaside, Or.
Pnone .Main p-j. w
LACE curtains washed, stretched, called for.
"del ivered. Main 39tW..
COLLEGE GIRL wants position, care of
, -. j - .a ..a.AK Phnns Xfnln 10A4.
mi TU rro, -JVIJ-. m. irrm". ...
WANTED Work to do evenings, clerk or
cashier. Phone Marshall 2964.
DAY work wanted. Call Marshall 562. Mrs.
LACE curtains quickly laundered by experts.
25 eta up. caxteq ior, otuvetcu. -
WOMAN wanta day work Pat. A 1548.
W ANTE D Worn en agen ta to handle pat
ented article that every woman needs; 1
per cent profit. Sells on sight. Write
today. Indicator Agency. Douglaa, Art-
WE have considerable inquiry for desirable
houses, stores, etc.. to rent. In alt parts
of the city. We make a specialty of col
lecting rents and managing all kinds of
property. Estates handled. Wm. C
Borchera. financial agent, 207-208 Ore
gonlan bldg-
WANTED At once, thoroughly modern,
well furnished & or 6 -room bungalow in
Irvington. Waverly, Willamette or Port
land Heights; can satisfy your require
ments; unless yoa can this add, do not
reply. Phone jF. H. at Alain ltas. nerween
2 and 3 today only.
IF YOU wish to rent your house or flat see
Watson & Tneraeisen jo., 3U-s spaia
Ing bldg. Main 7593.
MODERN 6 or "-room house, small family.
Phone C 1S20 forenoons or AC 1S4, Ore-
goniaru '
WANTED By July 13. modern four-room
cottage, vicinity Mount Scott carilne; rea
sonable. B 103. Oregoniaiu
WANTED Room with or without board in
private family, by young workingman.
AB 1P4. Qregonian.
Furnished 2-room apt. with private
bath, $20 to $23. AH 176, Oregonlan.
Furnished Boom.
Grand and Hawthorne Ave.
For rent, the finest corner parlor, bed
room and bath suites In the city; large
rooms, beautifully furnished, r.ine win
dows, fine view of all the mountains; also
some single rooms; "elevator service, tele
phone, hot and oold water, electric light
and steam heat; moderate price for de
sirable tenants; eight streetcar lines pass
the building.
The largest and coolest room In tne
city. a
If you are looking; for permanent, home
like quarters, be sure and inspect the Sar
gent before locating. Excellent restaurant
in connection w-'th the hoteL Phone East
J. H. CLARK. Proprietor.
Those three beautifully furnished hotels
213-i 4th st. 21116 4th st. 207 4th st.
On Fourth at., running from Taylor .to
Salmon st.; brand-new brick; elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot
- and cold water in all roams; strictly up
to date In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary. In th heart of the city, at rea
sonable prices, give us a call, as we know
you will like it. Rooms by the day, week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
625 Washington Bl
under New Management.
Large lobby, finished in mahogany, tile
and marble: ladies' parlor, with elegant
fireplace; free telephone service in rooms
all night and day. electric elevator, steam
h eat, hot and cold water in ail rooms,
many with bath. A residential hotel above
reproach, where every effort is made for
the comfort and convenience of Its guests;
rents the most reasonable In the city;
room by the day. week oa month. Look
this over before locating. Take W car
at Depot get off at 19th and Washington.
887ft East Burnslde Street.
Live In this hotel and save money on
your room rent. We have 120 modern
rooms. Tingle or en suite, rooms with pri
vate bath; rates 00c- to $2 per day. $2 to
tS per week. East 5940. B 1275.
131 Eleventh Street.
New, modern brick building; steam
heated; private baths, hot and cold water
in rooms; beautifully furnished, cozy, com
fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us.
Regular and transient trade solicited.
RIVERVIEW Absolutely the best East Side
fireproof, hotel ior travelers as transient
or otherwise; private baths, phones In all
rooms; elevator service; most beautiful
view of river and city; good car service.
3d and East Burnslde.
One block from Union Dupot; 140" outside
rooms with hot and cold water and steam
heat; offers special rates for permanent
guests; rates 60c to $2 a day; S3.50 and
up per week, phone Main 8413.
HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslde sts.
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly
furnished rooms; private baths; steam
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
in each room ; special rates by the month.
Phone Marshall 4040.
HOTEL RENWICK An ideal home for busi
ness people ; centra lly located ; elegant
rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel,
opposite Hellig Theater. Phone Main 916.
150 Park st., very central, European and
American plan; homelike service in dining-room
at reasonable price; $1. European,
2 American. Special rates per week.
105H Twelfth St. Marshall1 2790.
In heart of business district; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone in every
room: $1 day and up; $4 week and up.
Large, pleasant front room; easy walk
ing distance; all home conveniences; $2,
2730 to $4 per week. 328 4th st. Main 556L
rn emt wnnt a. mod room in a Brood loca
tion at a low rate? Try Hotel Larrabee,
227 Larrabee st. Earst Side. East 849.
NICELY furnished room by day or week;
best location in city. "umDl
LEWLSTON HOTEL. 271 Morrison, cor.
4in, large airy run, nugic o .
transient; permanent rates very reasonable.
New, strictly modern, private baths;
rooms $3.50 per week up. Main 9472.
NEWLY furnished rooms, hot .and cold wa
ter, phone, oatn, siz to sio. jaain oioo.
503 Jefferson st.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
ELEGANTLY furnished large room, private
connecting oatn. on nrsx rioor; aiso prcny
room on second floor. In beautiful new
home on Love joy st. Phone Marshall
4012. .
LARGE, light, airy room with 2 beds suit
able ior a gentlemen; eiecinc iibu". ual,
phone, etc. close in; private entrance.
By day or week. 223 Tenth St.
ELEGANT furnished room; running hot and
cold water in private arcusinn-rooiu, an
conveniences. 39 Trinity Place, between
19th aDd 20th sts.. off Washington.
TO RENT Private family; walking dis
tance; two nice rooms, sun a me ior two;
with or without board. Call East 5156.
LARGE connecting parlors, single or en
suite, strictly modern, 32 N. 16th, near
S10 ATTRACTIVE, large room in "well
Ing distance. 31 K. 10th N. Phone E. U..
NEW bungalow, cool rooms, pleasant home,
2 In tamny. aesiraoie urruuimui6s,
business man or lady. Phone Tabor MS.
VERY desirable rooms, large yard, easy
WBIKIllg sjim OIH.B. ""'-'-'
Marshall 2$20.
NICELY furnished rooms, from $2 weekly;-
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, permanent.
-..Tialant . mnrlArn flat: nhOT10. all 1m-
provemfuia- ' a '
LARGE front room, will rent cheap to one
. i.i.. -jaa r.ihln st- 1 5 minutes
waJK lO f. kj. . nfj-M'i mm yj t-tii .Mi r.
TWO large unfurnished rooms, ?12 a month,
light and water inciuaea. ooo nuji bi..
near 21st. .
DESIRABLE furnished room in steam-
heatea apartment wim"b uidiouw.
Mam Tfttt.
165 N. 17TH Nicely furnished room, modern
NICELY furnished room for one or ' gentle
men, wanting; uiaiam.'?-
NICELY furnished front room for eentle-
men. i co nawuimuB - ;
IRVINGTON Furnished. 2 connecting
rooms, witn aatn. c wi- -wo
ELEGANTLY furnished room Nob HiH.
w al King aiSTanco. r"g
NICE small room adjoining bath, cheap,
flood hoard If desired. 94 North 16th.
SINGLE and double sleeping room. Phone
and bath. 221 13th st.
ONE large room in modern house; reference.
"rhone E. 6105. 2tt K. 10th.
NICELY furnished front parlor, suitable for
2; walking qistance. oat
SINGLE rooms for rent, close in. 67 14th
st. North, bet. Davis and Everett.
LARGE, light, well furnished rooms with
board ; stnetty mwici n. m--
NICE furnished suite of rooms; also single
rooms. 43 E. Mill t. Phone E. H4:2.
FINELY furnished rooms suitable for gen
tlemen : all conveniences. :i07 Market.
HANDSOMELT furnished front room, choice
location, an coniinin
NEATLY furnished sleeping room, . single
NICELY furnished room, close In. 21S 13thl
NEAT, pleasant room, reasonable. 268 12th.
Cn furnished Room.
TWO unfurnished rooms,good location, rent
tea. -tiw i ituiiii.
A ROOM? onlv 7; beautiful view of city.
On W-W railil . 41st and 47th ave.
Room and Board.
Room, with boardT ue of sewing-room. II
iy?510 FjSSsn. Mr. E. N. WiUon. sup.
DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE
HALL, ror. 6th and Madison: large rooms.
bath, broad veranda, quiet, close in, near
car; 4 diocks irom t. J- American pizui.
THE LAMBERSON. 554 Couch st.. very de
sirable outside rooms, steam heat, run
ning water, with or without board, close.
THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board,
running water, steam heat, S85 8d st.
MANITOU. 261 18th at. Attractive, clean
rooms, steam heat, good board, close In,
Rooms With Board la Private Family.
CHEERFUL, sunny rooms, with or without
board. In a modern private family; every
convenience: large, attractive dining
room; excellent home cooking. 613 Mar
shall st. Phone A 4954.
LARGE front . room with best of table
board, suitable for 2 sin vie beds. 2 clos
ets, in strictly modern home within walk
ing distance west side : no objection tc
man and wife. Mar. 807.
LARGE, clean, airy room suitable for one
or two; all conveniences free, with or
witnout Doara; easy wanting aistance.
M. fe613. 353 12th.
A REFINED middle-aged lady who has a
modern home In one of the best sections
in the city- would like to take a club or
young men. AC 185. Oregonlan.
ROOM Every convenience: suitable for
two; break tast and dinner. 130 East l&th
st., near Morrison; walking distance. East
LARGE furnished beautiful front rooms,
running - water, every convenience, with
first-class board. Marshall 3056. 275 N.
24th st.
WELL furnished large, airy rooms, bay
windows, hot and cold water, excellent
board, reasonable. 551 Everett st. ,
LARGE room with board, suitable for two
gentlemen ; single beds, baths attached ;
closo in 2l West park.
VERY pleasant front room with board, close
in, very pleasant surroundings, best home
, cooking; modern. Main 3280.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with or with
- out board; first-class. 475 E. Everett St.,
cor. of ath.
ROOM and board for one or two gentle
men, close in, reasonable. Phone East
ROOM and board for one or two gentle
men in strictly private family, modern.
369 V 16th. near Morrison.
PLEASANT furriished rooms with or with
out board, reasonable. 8S0 E. YamhllL
Tabor 4186.
LARGE room with board, suitable for two
gentlemen ; single beds, bath attached ;
close In. 291 West Pajk.
GOOD room and board, strictly modern,
only people of reference need apply. 332
10th st.. phone Main 6079.
WANTED To roqm and board one or two
children, age 4 to 8. Will give best of
oare; very reasonable. Phone C 2994.
TWO well-furnished rooms with excellent
board, man and wife or young men. Phone
E. 4706.
NICELY furnished rooms with board. 167
11th stree
WANT 2 or 3 small children, good mother's
care. Phone Tabor 2:t43.
ROOM and board for young women; $3 per
week. Phone E. 4732.
ROOMS With board. $5; without, SL50 and
up. 653 Washington st.
GOOD room and board. ;20; walking dis
tance. 10 E. 15th: Phone B 1791.
ROOM with or without board. 694 Everett.
Marshall 3?02.
TWO pleasant rooms, large porh and
grounds; excellent board. Main 2071.
BOARD and room for two, single beds;
running water. 434 Salmon, cor. 12th st.
Everett 2, 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished,
private baths ; $20 up ; completely reno
vated, under new management ; walking
distance; convenient and best service.
2. 8 and 4-room apts.. strictly modern,
everything new and first-class; $22.50 to
$50. Phone Marshall 380.
ALTAMONT Apartments, corner Fifth and
College 3 and 4-room apartments, all
modern conveniences, cheapest rent In
city; must be seen to be appreciated; 7
minutes' walk to P. O.
Corner 3d and Hall, newly furnished, 2
room apartments, building new and strfet
ly modern, large outside kitchens, service
f I rs t-c 1 ass. ea s y walking distance.
A NICELY furnished 3-room apt.. $22.50; all
outside, large, light, airy rooms; private
phone and bath, gas range, refrigerator,
water heater, laundry trays, large closet,
on carilne. Tabor 2293, B 304?..
12th and Harrison: 2, S and 5 rooms,
mished or unfurnished; latest improve-
lumisnea or uniurnisuea, itLiesi, improve
ments; best service. Appiy on premises
Two and three-room apartments; large
rooms, large closets; strictly modern, cool
and airy for Summer ; reduced rates.
Phone Main 7765. 695 Lovejoy st. Take
W car.
GRACE APTS., 797 Northrup St., corner
24tn, o targe rooms, narawooa noors,
front veranda, large sleeping porch, pri
vate telephone, water, heat and hot water,
new and strictly modern, vacuum cleaner.
841 14th st., at Market, new corner
brick. 2-room suites, completely furnished
for housekeeping; walking distance; prices
reasonable. For Information call Main 1739.
All outsioe, 2-room apartments; uoiraes
beds; built-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er. Janitor .service, $22.50 to $30. including
lights, private phones. A 3472. Main 1377.
GRANDESTA furnished apartments. Grand
ave. and East btara. r.ew oricK ounaing,
elevator, modern conveniences; close-in
location; best of service; very low rent
A jn r zri n. x-j- kj uun.
D-TOOIO cpa.i ujixrn ,uvi taiUCUt-O UIsV
trict. walking distance, every convenience.
j irlonrlc.r. si t si Vsln TM A
EXCELLENT large 6-room apartment, front.
bacK ana biwjuub i-"-" uia.u a j uum ,
hot water heat, vacuum cleaning system.
Stevens Apartments, 791 Northrup.
11th and Hall, 2. 8. 4 rooms, furnished
or unfurnished, modern, hardwood floors,
private balconies; Summer rate.
THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington St., 2,
3 and 4-room apis.. aiuuuu uurs, witn
every convenience, newly furnished; cheap
est, rent In the city. .
Park and Madison Sts.
For rent, 8 and 4-room furnished and
unfurnished apartments, strictly modern.
KENTUCKY Apartments Furnished and
unfurnisnea. eiui ica.v, iuwa, js,as;
2Sth and GTlsan.
LILLIAN, 6th and Montgomery. 3-room fur
nished BTarTmem.B , jiinon; nam ana
phone ; waiKing niimm-g. ainiBimii
THE ALAMO, 494 Market St., furnished and
rooms, strictly modern, prices $20 to $30.
gtid tj rt 5-room unfurnished apt., mod
em wen lotairu oim " . iu. jujh - j
Hth st. Apply M. Chrlstensen. second floor
THE DRICKSTON, 448 11th, nicely furnished
2 and 3-room modern outside apt., near
Height. Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 57.
ONE furnished 4-room apartment and orfe
B-room lurwanju a,. i iwju car
melita Apta. 13th and Jefferson st.
I WANT to rent my 3-room beautifully
lumisnea apare. "epiug purcn.
$30 per month. Main 693 1.
Unfurnished and furnished apta The
loward, 228 N. 20th. Marshall 2032.
mu p. DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and
rnnm Rota; private bath and phone.
smmr ratea Main 545. 505 Jefferson.
niFLLAND, 16th and Lovejoy Unfurnished
oJLb. ;m new brick, must h
Jn be appreciated. Main 1867, A 1867.
2 and 3 rooms, modern, housekeeping.
fit to $25. 514 Jefterson.
ir.THEBINB APARTMENTS, single room
ir ... hath, also 3-room aot.: rPit
an V..unable. Marshall 2603.
very '
thf DATTON Beautiful location, 6 fine
..... rnniM, apartment, porclies and every
"..".nlence. 62 Flanders. Reduced rent.
Thk King-Davis, cor. lung ana Davis st.;
x rooai ,
2 a 4-room apartment. new, brick
building. newfurniture. Marshall 365a.
nth and Columbia sts., 2. 3 and 4 rooms.
f urn isnea .
ROSE-FRlD' J" 14? Jand Jeffrson.
vrv desirable unfurnished apartments, all
outside rooms, hardwood floor; refa
?5e CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders, 2. t
nd 4-room modem apartment, furnish ed
i-.Ar1 A nnlv lanrMsriw
or nniurm"'""
asa Harraon U Phona Marahalj 3070.
tttt taeTTE Furnished and unfurnished 2
iliii Corner 2d and Montgomery.
Sry MAWR APTi?.. INj fc. near Yara
hlii. ft" 4-room apartment, with porch-
4 and 5 large rooms; modern.
THE NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall at. Main
429a. 2-room. elegantly furnished, 320 up.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments
from 2 to S rooms, from $20 to $60 par
month. If you want one, telephone
MAIN 2013.
2)13 .
trtn flnriri.v rM im. Hmtt. Main 2181.
Our antomobile will call at tnr address
with our agent who wUl d giaa w
these apartments.
We own or control the following:
Angela, Washington and Trinity Place.
Cecilia, 22d and Gllsan st-
Clavpool. 11th and Clay st.
Fordham, 170 Ford street.
Grandest, Grand ave. and East Stark
Kanthora. 251 12th st. near Main.
Hanover. 163 King St.. near Washington.
Kingsbury. 186 Ford st. ... .
Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near 11 ta.
Sheffield. 272 7th St.. near Jefferson.
St. Croix. 170 St, Clair st.. near Waafc.
St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt st
Wellington, I5th and Everett st.
503-509 Ablngton Bldg.
Two-room - furnished apartments, pos
sessing overy modern convenience; private
telephones. elevator service. excellent
' closet room, laundry with steam dryer.
Most attractive entrance court in Port
land. 6o!ct clientele provides precisely the
surroundings desired for your family.
Just off Washington st. One two-room
and one 4-room; apt., well furnished, ex
clusive, high-claas service, reasonable
Cor. Park and Taylor Bta
Cor. Tenth and Salmon sta
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete. 2. 8 ana 4-reem
apartments; buildings new and strictly
modern; service hrst-oiasa
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between 10th and 20th street just
off Washington; magnificent, exclusive
apartments In heart of apartment-house
district; rentals reasonable; every modern
convenience; sleeping porches, high -class
service; refined clientele; references re
quired In all cases; two beautifully fur
nished apartments available May 1. Mrs.
A. N. Wright, superintendent, phone Mar
shall 1101.
Most up-to-date management In the
Northwest : every convenience ; 4 and 0
- rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new;
walking distance, 21st and Johnson sta;
choice residence district; attendant on
premises. Marshall 3360.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta;
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished in 2, 8 and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric automatic
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
Jn buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Tkl a 1 T 1 1I.mU.1I tMD1
riiuuca Jy. nit, Kaimiaii i .
rup at., near 21st July 1. unfurnished 5
room apartment with bath and all mod
em conveniences, including telephone,
steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range,
refrigerator, gas, electric light. Janitor
services, etc. Take W. car to 21st and
Northrup. Phones Main 4376. A 1133.
NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 26th and
Upshur sts., furnished 2-room apartments,
$15, $18, $20 and up. This includes steam
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, electric
lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all iree;
also 3-room unfurnished apartments, with
private bath. $18: 4 rooms, $20. Take S.
23d or W cars north. Phone Main 850.
NOKOMIS Marshal, near 17th st. New
building, never been occupied; rates
$20 and up. One unfurnished. $18.
ARDMAY TERRACE, 12th and Harrison
sts. largest 2-room apartments in
the city.
ALTON I A, Marshall and 19th sts. Large,
airy. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments;
quiet and exclusive neighborhood.
12th and Taylor. -Just
completed, most magnificently fur.
nished apartments in the Northwest; loca
tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every
modem convenience. Including banquet
hall and roof garden; both phones in all
apartments; high-class service; references
required. Main 2276 and A 7057.
730 Hoyt St.
Large, cool, airy 3-room corner apart
ment, elegantly furnished; porch com
manding tine view; ideal for the Summer;
reefrences required.
TO LEASE, for 6 months or more, an ele
gantly furnished 5-room apt.; large, airy
rooms, large front porch and sleeping
porch. Oriental rugs, velvet and silk drap
ery linen, bedding, silver, everything com
plete; reference required. Phone Mar
shall 1076. Address AD 178. Oregoniai.
Lucretia St., Near 23d and Wash.
Unfurnished apartmen ts, from two to
five rooms, all large, light and outside;
large closet, hardwood floors; under new
management. Marshall 1513. Janitor. Mar
shall 1500.
CUMBERLAND Apt., W. Park and Co
lumbia sta; .very choice 2 and 8 -room
- furnished and unfurnished apts., all mod.
em conveniences, beautiful location, fac
ing the park; 5 minutes' walk from busi
ness center, best service, prices reasonabla
18th and Flanders sts.
Beautiful apartments,
5 and 6 rooms.
Call and see them.
OR 4-room apartment with bath, fur
nished or unfurnished. Pacific phone in
each, $32.50 up; outside rooms; splendid
view; convenient arrangement; superb lo
cation ; close to Postof f ice ; best of serv
ice. The Sheffield, 272 7th. cor. Jefferson.
570 Couch, one block from Washington,
walking distance. 3 and 4-room modern
unfurnished apartments; all modern con
veniences, best of service; under new man
agement; references required. Main 1192.
Jefferson and 13th Streets,
4 and 5-room furnished and unfurnished
apartments, exceptionally well arranged.
Rates Reasonabla
Modem. References. New.
Lowest rates in Portland; close in, nice
ly furnished or unfurnished 8-roora apts.,
with private bath and phone, elevator.
Main 207R. A 2038.
21st and Hoyt sts. Beautiful furnished
4-room apartment with porch. Apply jan
E. 7th and Morrison sta; very central.
2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com
plete, private baths; from $20 to 32.50.
THE LEONCE. 186 N. 22d, near Johnson.
New. modern, brick, 2 and 3-room. beau
tifully furnished apartments, all outside
rooms, private bath and phone; $22.60 up.
6-ROOM upper flat, new, modern, walking
distance Inquire 529 Everett.
FOR RENT 6-room modern furnished flat
$45. Piano. 410 Park st.
DESIRABLE 3-room flat with bath, cheap
to small family. Main 3176.
3-ROOM, bath, gas heater, kitchen stove;
unfurnisnea; new tint, yamt. 00 r inuera.
MODERN four-room flat, near Steel bridge.
NEW modern B-room flat; porch, fireplace,
cheap rent. Call 441 11th st.
6-room modem flat. 387 N. 21st.
Main 223. Key 250 Alder.
10TH AND E- Morrison; 6-room flat, rent
reasonable, phone East 1610.
MODERN 5-room flat, very reasonable, 765
Marshall st. Phone E. 4767. .
FOUR-ROOM flat, 568 Market st., near
MODERN 5-room flat, 5th near Jackson,
West ide; 10 mln. walk. Main or A 1228.
CI OSS-IN. steam-heated flat, good location;
reasonable; adults. 564 Couch.
ROOM furnished flat with bath, $21. 650
3 Veuigrove. Main 3176 or Main 0253.
TWO new modern 5-room flats with sleep-
ing porca.
NICELY furnished flat, reasonable rent for
3 mo. ''1
LroOM lower flat, sleeping porch, good
condition. 825 Northrup st. Main 3220.
viVE-ROOM tower flat, furnace, linoleum,
fireplace, choice location. Main S47.V
a ROOM flats, one furnished. rhone East
11 J 0.' or call 664 Williams ve.
1 ROOM upper flat, S finished rooms in at-
--nW" J J, Matn COCO
tie. near
NEW 6-room nat. 101 E. lth, cor. Wash
inaioni jM
FOR RENT Five-room flat in large new
brick bldg., for $20 per nonth; located
Milwaukle and Bismark. Inquire 405
Washington St.
NEW 5-room flat, 7S2 GlUan fireplace,
hardwood floors, ga ranss, etc.; very
desirable. Call Main 1015. A L'015. Our
agent with auto will call ad show flat.
FLAT for rent at 450 Uth St.. 5 rooms en
second floor and 3 room It attic; rent
$30. S. D. Vincent A Co.. 816 Chamber ot
Commerce. x
FINEST 6-room lower flat In Ity. every
r flat In lty. every- 1
furnace, 2 fireplace.
garage, larn (owner J
Inquire 771 Kearney. -
flat 2ft U Ka-t M h. f
thing new, clean; furnace.
ga range, heater, ga
caros). ,4 Kearney.
FOR RENT 5-room flat. 2ft W East St h.
near Burnslde; walking distance rent $-0.
Keys at D. G. Woodward, 204 Vcond
NEW. modern, 4-roora flat, limleum in
kitchen and bath: walking distmce. S3
Ross st.. near Broadway; $17. East 4377.
NEW, modern 4-room upper flat; l mod
ern conveniences. 569 Market s. Maia
FOR RENT 5-room lower flat, with all im
provement, in best location. Inquire 5i5
Ollsan st., corner of 19th.
CORNER East 2d and Multnomah st. Hol
laday Add. ; new. modern 5 and 6-roona
flaia rlnua In Tl r risk.- c ol !,rti-H t'.'.V
W YOU can't leave the cltv for the Sum-
mer, rent this 4-room furnished flat for
$l0; Portland Heights. 661 Davenport st.
STRICTLY modern lower 5-room flat, 3th
and College, reasonable rent to right par
ties. Marshall 3478.
$16 MODERN 4-room flat; porches, base
ment, yard, choice location : adults. 7fc
WHHamu ave. Phone Woodlann 426.
SIX-ROOM flat at 126 N. 18th st. Martin
Campbell, inc., 1 Worcester blk. Main
7301. A 7717.
ELEGANT, modern lower 7-room flat. 17th
and Yamhill: reference required. Phone
Marshall 8478.
NOB HILL flat. 7 rooms, fine yard, splen
did neighborhood. 775 M Johnson st., beU
23d and 24th. Main artOl.
MODERN 5 and 8-room West Side, walk
ing distance; heat, water and janitor serv
ice. Inquire Marshall 556.
VL'RY desirable 6-room comer flats; fur
nace, fireplace, hot-water coll, etc. See
them at 22d and Kearney sta
10 MINUTES' walk to 3d and Washington,
5 large rooms and bath, fireplace, porch.
iW7 Holianay; u -1
IJ? YOU are looking for a 5-rooin, nicely
furnished flat, cull 4lUVs 6th St., corner of
jHckson. on llth-st. car.
5-ROOM 'modern flat. No. 5DS Salmon su
Key at 600 Salmon.
MODERN 3-room unfurnished flats, lrt. In
qulre 225 Market st. Phone Main 516.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THB BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur- '
nished for housekeeping: gas rane, eleo
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free;
$12 per month up; a clean place, best In
the city for the money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take S cr 16th-street
car north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur sts. Fur- 1
nished 2-room apartments. $15 up, includ
ing steam heat, hot and cold water In
every apartment, public bath, elect. io
lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free.
Take "S." "23d'T or "W" cars north. Phone
Main 859.
$1.50 to $3.00 week, clean furnished house
keeping rooms. Suitable for two or tour;
free heat, laundry, bath, phone, yard. gas.
406 Vancouver avenue ana zuf manion.
THE MILNER, 350 Vi Morrison, cor. Park
Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping
apartments; all conveniences; best loca
tion. Summer rates.
IF you are looking for a nicely furnished
5-room upper flat, call 468ls 6th, corner
of Jackson, on ltlth-st. car.
CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished. unfur
nished housekeeping rooms, cheap. Room
86, 3d and Morrison.
4 BEDROOMS and good-sized kitchen, bath
and phone, $25 a month. 0S Gllsan. f
M. SO. I
FLRNISHED housekeeping rooms, $1.50 to
$2; aiao single. 291 2d st. 1
HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete
building, rnone wooaiawn or
THE ELMS. 2 and 3-room housekeeping and (
Eingle rooms; transients bohl-ucu. ivi nm.
TWO new housekeeping rooms. Stratton
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
THREE nicely furnished h- k. rooms; large fl
yard, flowers, cherries and chicken-yard ; I
just like a home of your own; $12 month; II
MV car; no small children. Phone Mar- ,1
shall 3733. J
; CONNECTING front rooms, housekeeping,
kitchen and laundry privileges; also cliMp
upper bedrooms. 028 Flanders. Phone
Mar. 586.
NICELY furnished housekeeping -ooris. free
light, heat, bath and phone; walking dis
tance; 2Vi-minute car; price reasonable.
4'S" car to 242 Grant st.
NICE, newly furnished front room and
kitchen, water in the room, free phone,
light and bath. $14 per month. 62j N.
21st., near Washington.
2 FINE housekeeping-rooms; good neigh
borhood; private house; rent $14. Phone
East 231.
$2.25 UP Furnished housekeeping-rooms,
ground floor; walking distance. 463 East
Ash. .
ONE large room complete for housekeeping,
closet, also sleeping-room, $2.50 and $3.50
per week; walking- distance. 38 N. 21st.
THREE connecting housekeeping-rooms,
well furnished with piano, newly papered,
gas, bath, phone. 385 11th.
LARGE front room, nicely furnished; milt
from 3d and Washington, on W carilne,
291 Eugene, near Williams ave.
FURNISHED H. K. rooms, single and eo
suite; also sleeping room; 450 Yamhill at.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $11
montn. lil. rommoutn
CONVENIENT and reasonable furnished h.
k, rooms. oaimon, pmween ti m
2 NICE front rooms, modern. 554 E. Mor
rison. Phone E. 5576
HOUSEKEEPING, single and en suite, fur
nished, $2.50 week up. 81 & 1st, near Stark,
COSY furnished housekeeping suite, $12 per
month. 588 Pettygrove. Main 3423.
CLEAN, attractive housekeeping aultea.
close in. $J.5Q and $3 week. 411 4th.
CLEAN housekeeping, also fine location for
tcnU 32 N. Uth.
NEWLY furnished front housekeeping
rooms, $16; light, bath, phone. 370 lath sU
2 FURNISHED" housekeeping rooms, front.
phone, gas, suik. . zww uonego si.
3 MODERN rooms, fine view, walking dis
tance. Portland Heights. Main 4844. .
NICELY furnished housekeeping-rooms. 67
14th st. N., bet. Davis and gverett.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 421 E.
Ann. East 5908.
3-ROOM suite, waking distance, good loca
tion. 69t) Everett.
13 2 CONNECTING housekeeping room.
gas and electricity. Call 651 E. Morrison.
2 NICE rooms; ga range, bath and phone,
347 Hall. .
DOWNSTAIRS, finely furnished front suite,
all conveniences. 307 Market.
NEWLY and beautifully furnished larse I
H. K. suites. JIZ.&V up- i?o uy "
yz THREE furnichod housekeeping rooms.
353 Lincoln st. Main 6845.
8 NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath, gas and phone, $18. 10ft4 K. Taylor.
122 50 4-ROOM upper flat, porch. ga
range, gas heater, large attfe. refrigerator.
104 E 28th, cor. Washington. B 25U.
EIGHT-ROOM bungalow, E. 27th and Clin
toS Key at Dick' Grocery. $18. All
modern. ,
MODERN 6-room house, 170 North 23d at.
rr 1 I, , A. HT.tk7
6-ROOM bouse. 31 E. 38th at. Inquire 7o5
E. Pine.
MODERN 8-room house for rent, 688 Love-
joy, between -'"- v
LARGE, light, 8-room house and cottage.
Main 2088. Key 86 E&at 17th, mornlnga
FOR RENT 5-room house. Cleveland ave.
itf,"". oe vein no
5-ROOM bungalow with sleeping porch, near
jiin ana im""""'"" -
NEW 5-room house for tent, modern, $18.
1193 E. Sherman.
37th and Hawtnome. a .an.
$30 MONTHLY rent buys home; no first
payment -:-". j. - -
,r t.- 1 vt f.-mtm ottre. rnod location
me. Inaulrs 541 E. 6th St. 8.
FOR RENT -9-room house, 527 Taylor st.
irnone w ooamv. n vi "
5-ROOM house for rent cheap. 105 E.
Water at v.aii
FOR RENT Four-room modern cottage.
East tjoucn; f l 1 montn. jvi n 1 11 v..
MODERN 6-room cottage; will rent cheap.
6-ROOM modern house, E. 1st, N cor. Hal-
sey. inquire 0.1 naifg).
20 ROOMS, newly papered, good location,
.t.-an (-all Srt S. 2d St.
FOR rentals see Watson Therkelsea Co
Uft-S ppamiiig mug. mo. in
5-ROOM cottage, all newly calcimlned; bath;
xUPln' 1.",. Kant
FOR RENT House st 200 E igene street.
6-ROOM cottage. E. 15th and
cheap rent, irnone k.. jpiw.
SMALL 4-room net, $11; water paid. 849
nusseu eu