1 HE 3IORNIXG OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, JUTTE 26, 191&. REAL BLOOD DRAWN FORCIBLE FEEDING BRITISH PREMIER, WHO IS ASSAILED BY SOCIALIST MEM BER Or THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. IN DARROW TRIAL ui Counsel for Defense Suffers Socialist Assails Asquith for Scratch in Effort to Re strain Fredericks. Position Toward Suffra gettes in Hunger Strike. t INKSTAND POISED IN AIR "MURDERER" IS TERM USED xTELEPHONE HERALDj ( fev Come and Listen Subscribe Now jf V?NGSORCHESTRA"NEWS iZ (j VSfca DIRECT FBOM THE t3y Asf v x Junan Vo" anMttsical Instrument IFREE DEHONSTRATIOF "never aJuumotient jj) iji' L )ri OF VDMEN ANGER 3 V ' a Irate Member of House of Commons Leaves Chamber When Told to Leave Peaceably or Be Ejected. LONDON. June JS. Intern ambit terment has been eng-endered In- Ens land bv the forcible feeding- of tB Imprisoned suffragettes, who declared a hunger strike while In jail. This was reflected in an extraordinary scene to day In the House of Commons, when George Landbnrr. a bociansi mem ber. denounced Premier Asquith and the Government In such vitriolic term that the speaker ordered him to leav the House and threatened to have him ejected unless he went out volunta rilv. Timothy Healey. the Nationalist, had appealed to Premier Asquith to release the women and the Premier replied that they could leave prison this after noon on giving a promise not to repeat their offense. Socialist Sereama Oat Attack. Mr. Landbury Immediately projected himself at the Treasury bench, shaking his fist In the faces of Premier Asquith and the other ministers. With his face . only a few inches from that of Mr. Asaulth. Mr. Landbury .creamed: "You're beneath contempt. Tou know the women cannot give such an undertaking. It is dishonorable to ask them to do so. Talk of Russian atroc itiea! Why. vou will a-o down in his tory as the torturers and murderera of innocent women! Tou ought to be driven out of office!" The House was quickly in diaorde: The speaker, however, finally secured ouiet and ordered Mr. Landbury to leave. He replied: "I'm going out while these contempt ible things are torturing and murder Ing women." Speaker Warn. Him, He yalled tils out In a loud voice and aDDeared to be much overwrought. but when the speaker warned him that he would be forcibly ejected unless he went of his own accord, the labor mem bers gathered about their colleague and Induced him to quit. Three suffragettes nearly succeeded in Invading the House of Commons to night They obtained admission to St. Stephen's Hall, where they smashed the glass panels of the door leading to the central hall, when they were seized by police and taken to the station House. SUGAR COMBINE IS DENIED Witnesses Say Each Company Made Own Differentiate. NEW YORK, June 25. An attempt was made today by the Government in Its auit for the dissolution 01 tne so called "Sugar Trust," to show that there was usually concerted action among the heads of the various beet sugar com Danlea on changes In the "differential' between th prices on beet and cane refined sugar. Thomas R. Cutler, vice-president and general manager of the Utah - Idaho Sugar Company, was the witness under examination. Mr. Cutler denied that beet sugar company managements noti fied each other aa to intended differ ential change. DlffereaUal Not AKree4 Uvea. "No manufacturer knows when he will change his differential." said the witness. "Say one manufacturer needs to sell more sugar than usual tomor row he makes a large differential, and the rest of us have to follow suit." Mr. Cutler said the differential today was 20 cents on the hundred pounds. Assistant United States District At torney Knapp wanted to know whether Mr. Havemeyer suggested the Idea of -consolidating the various companies in Utah and Idaho that now make up the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company. Ceaaolidatloa Bareeda Expeetatloaa. "No." answered Mr. Cutler. "I had the idea of ultimately consolidating the companies from the time we began ex tending our field. When I say that. I want to qualify It with the statement that I never dreamed that the consoll dated company would be aa big aa ia it.' "When did Mr. Havemeyer first ex press the wish that the consolidation should take placer aaked Mr. Knapp. "I don't think he ever expressed a wish. He left us in charge of the com panies and expected us to do everything to advance them. When the time came when he thought consolidation was best he acquiesced." "SCOTTY" GAINS LIBERTY Good In and Sharp Take Miner's - Place in Prison Cells. LOS ANGELES, June 25. (Special.) "Scotty" la out of Jail. F. W. Goodln. secretary, treasurer and general man ager, and Frank Sharp, vice-president, of the Death Valley scotty Gold Mining Development Company are In JaiL Judge Craig this afternoon vacated the order by which Scotty waa committed to Jail June 12 for contempt of court and ordered the Death Valley man re leased. A few momenta later Goodln and Sharp were arrested outside the grand jury room on bench warrants issued at noon by Judge Willis on Indictments returned against the two meii by the grand Jury for perjury. The two men , were greatly surprised and submitted quietly to arrest and were taken to Jail By Deputy Sheriff Lips. " Sharp and Good in were indicted and arrested for perjury In swearing on the witness stand in the Judgment of debtor proceedings against "Scotty" re cently that they had paid the Death Valley man 235,000 for his mining In terests In Inyo County. In the course of the investigation which the gntnd Jury has been making into the alleged wildcat mining scheme. "Scotty" con fessed that he had received only $200 and that he had no mining- Interests In Inyo County. Sharp and Goodln were immediately arraigned before Judge McCormlck and held in 15000 bail each, which has not ret been furnished. Vseless Punishment. Life. Willi Papa, la it necessary to whip me? Slimson (grimly) Ton ought to know. "Well, I sometimes think you don't realise how little good It does me." OraH railway earnings of India for the peat official ymr ar. reported at $14. iCKH a gala er U4.C70.0M ever the pre vious vear. HERBERT HENRY ASftUITH. TAVERN ANDLORD L DEFIES GOVERNOR West's "Tin Soldiers" May Tear Down Fence, Says Pro prietor at Mifwaukie. PRIVATE "TIPS" SOUGHT Major Knapp, of Oregon National Guard, Besieged for Informa tion on Proposed Balds on : Boadhonse Properties. GOTEBNOB TO MEET BTMLDiHOVEK Ul'QOB MEN NEXT 8ATCROAY 8A.LEM, Or., June 25. (Special.) Governor West today stated that he will call the meeting of liquor men and brewers to confer on ques tions relative to the conduct of roadhorwea next Saturday afternoon. The moetlnc will be held In the Armory at Portland at J o'clock. "Governor West's tin soldiers" will be given a chance to set Are to Mll- waukie Tavern or tear down the fence, as they see (It, according to A. J. Burns, proprietor of the place, "Unless change my mind a whole lot I shall not tear down any fence and shall make no alterations in the rooms," said Mr. Burns last night. 'The Governor has plenty of tin soldiers. Let them do it. 'I have 10 rooms out here," he con tinued, "and I nave cooks and yard men and bartenders elsh; men. I wasn't hcr. yesterday when the Gcv- rnor called, but my manag'.r wa"i. 1 am sorry I didn t have a chance to ave a talk with him myself. i he Governor wanted me to tear out those rooms. Property Owned by Another, I guess I will have to go out and sleep In a tree if I do. And what about my help? Another thing, this is not my prop erty. It belongs to Mr. Gratton, of the East Side Mill & Lumber Company. have no right to tear down the fence around his property. "If there is a statute in Oregon giv ing the Governor a right to issue or ders as what a man shall do about the buildings on his own property, I want to know it, so I cannot say defi nitely what I shall do until 1 have seen Mr. Gratton and have consulted my attorney. I dont want to go gainst the Governor's orders li I can avoid it. I understand the Governor said I had to tear down the fence and get it out of the way or he would make a bonfire out of this place. I am only sub-lessee and I have no more right to tear down this fence than 1 have to tear down your fence." Private Tlpa" Wanted. Charles Smith, manager of the Mil- waukie Tavern, went to Salem yester day for -an interview with Governor West. Major Knapp, of the Oregon National Guard, received over 60 tele phone calls yesterday asking -for a pri vate tip on what the Governor intend ed to do- To all his answer was "The Governor is sincere." Governor West has Insisted that all private stalls for drinking at road housea be taken out. He visited five resorts Monday, Claremont Tavern, Cliff Inn, The Hut and Lakevlew Inn, on the Linnton road, and Milwaukie Tavern, at Milwaukie. With him were E. Flnser, Adjutant-General: Major Knapp and Mrs. Lola Q. Baldwin, of the department or public safety. ALKM RESORT ATTACKED Governor to Regulate Place In Shad ow of Xevv State Armory. SALEM. Or, June ZS. That Gov ernor West will make Salem his start ing point in plans recently laid for the purpose of malting a crusade against vie and lawlessness, waa manifested today when ha lasued notice to Chief of Police Hamilton to the effect that the city a failure to cloas up a local resort, located In the shadow of the State Armory building-, will result tn the Oregon National Guard of this city being called out to gut the structure in question. The Governor made the statement that, while the state appropriated thousands of dollars to aid in the con struction of the new armory in Salem, to be used by men who uphold the law, the city authorities allow viola tion of - the state law in the very shadow of the militia headquarters. For this reason the Governor has secured the names of every person arrested on a charge of drunkenness in Salem since the first of the year. It is believed he will make an at tack on the saloons here, charged with violation of the law prohibiting the sale of liquor to intoxicated men. Although threatening the Portland saloonkeepers and roadhouses with prosecution, Salem is first acted upon. WEST SAYS RESORTS TO GO Militia Will Be Called Out if Neces sary to Enforce Law. SALEM, Or., June 25. (Special.) Governor West took a hand in local conditions at the State Capital tonight when he Issued an ultimatum that im proper resorts which are located di rectly across the street from the State Armory here shall be closed or he will a ii tt,a militfn ' Thin in taken as a further step in the policy that he outlined wnen ne stateo tnai jnunnu .. hmig.. vlnlatine- the law will be closed and that the Tesorts in the rest of the state will meet the same fate. SENATORS WILL CONFER MEANWHILE EACH WILL- DE CIDE FOR HIMSELF. "Progressive" Republicans In Wash, ington Know of No Overtures Made to Democrats. WASHINGTON, June 25. A confer ence of "progressive" Republican Sen ators to consider the situation develop ing from the third party movement launched at Chicago will be called im mediately after the Democratic conven tion. Senators Clapp, Bourne and Cummins met today and discussed the movement. Senators Bristow, Kenyon and Polndex ter are away from Washington and when they return, if alignment of the Democratic party has been shaped at the Baltimore convention, a formal con ference of "progressive" Republicans will be held. None of those here know of anv overtures to the Democratic leaders at Baltimore looking to a blend ing of the "progressive ' wings oi pom parties into a new party. Both Senators Cummins and Clapp probably will Issue statements of their noaitions later on. "Each-man must decide for himself" was the sentiment expressed today by "progressives in the Senate. - Retail Grocers Hold Meeting. The Retail Grocers' Association held the largest meeting In their history last night at their headquarters In Alisky Hall. The features of the meet- in were an address bv Will F. Lipman, and a sub-meeting was held by 300 members of the salesmen s "Hot Air committee." The annual picnic of the association to be held at Bonneville. July 24, was discussed, and nt effort to have 5000 people attend tne picnic will be made. l?nitmfl1 Tint -wax nrodueed for the first time In Germany during the 'S0 of the last cnturv. Manufactured only by JAMES PYLF & SONS. New York Four Honrs Consumed In Arg-ning Defense's Bight to Transcript of Conversations, and Prosecution Is Victor. LOS ANGELES, June 25. What Judge Hutton designated as a "hysterical out burst" on the part of District Attorney Fredericks nearly precipitated a free-for-all fight between attorneya in the bribery trial of Clarence S. Darrow to ward the close of the day's session. A remark, by Attorney Appel di rected at the prosecution forces brought about the scene. Fredericks jumped to- his feet, shouting, "I'm done. Tve stood this just aa long as Til stand It. I'm sick and tired of it" Fredericks advanced threateningly toward Appel and was forced back by Chief Counsel Rogers of the defense. Pnuoeevror Graba Inkstand. Fredericks thereupon grasped a heavy glass inkstand and poised it as if to throw it at Appel, but before he could hurl it his arms were pinioned by Rogers. Assistant District Attorney Ford and Bailiff Aguierrere. The Dis trict Attorney struggled to free him self, crying: "If this is to be a court of justice, let it be a court of Justice; if It Is to be fight. I'll fight r After Fredericks resumed his chair, Rogers emerged, with blood flowing from his wrist, apparently the result of a scratch. Just before adjournment Fredericks apologized to the court. Jodso Cautions Disturbers. Judge Hutton cautioned against fur ther outbreaks. After five hours consumed in argu ing the defense's right to the transcript of conversations between John R. Har rington and Darrow, heard by means of a telephonic device. Judge Hutton ruled for the prosecution. Harrington then resumed the stand for further cross-examination, which was interrupted on two occasions in the closing hour of the session by renewed demands by the defense for the trans cript. Harrington was under cross examination when court adojourned. RESTRAINING ORDER ASKED Medford Would Block TJse of Road Funds to Redeem Warrants. MEDFORD, Or., June 26. (Special.) As a reply to the injunction recently seoured by Ashland residents against the construction of the Bear Creek bridge, in Medford, by the County Court, Porter J. Neff, City Attorney. today asked Judsre Calkins, sitting- at TELEPHONE Frt-AT.Tt is a combined Telephone Newspaper and Entertainment Purveyor, "Heralding" its service over an independent party-line a one-way service according to a time schedule, from early morning till late at night. - DEMONSTRATION PASLORS, FIFTH FLOOR ROYAL BLDGk (formerly Tull & Gibbs Bldg.), 7th and Mor rison. Open until 9 P. M. HOTEL MULTNOMAH, all around Balcony, Mezzanine Floor. MEIER & FRANK'S Rest Room, 7th floor. 'General Office?, 5th Floor Royal Bldg., Main 4845, Main 6045, A 3213. OREGON TELEPHONE HERALD CO. Portland, for a restraining order against County Treasurer Cronemlller from using any of the road funds to redeem outstanding- warrants. It has been the custom in tne past to put the road and Driage iunas in the general county fund to pay all ob ligations from the treasury. The or der, if granted, will Insure enougn cash In the road and bridge fund to construct the bridge in Question, une contention by the Ashland discontents has been that there was not enough mnnev In the treasury to meet the county's share of the bridge construc tion. Bay Wins Golf Title. LONDON, June 25. Edward Ray, of Granton, won the golf championship on the Euirfield links, Haddingtonshire, today. His full score was 294 for the 72 holes. SPECIAL TRAIN TO ALBANY JULY FOURTH for the WILLAMETTE VALLEY CELEBRATION. of OPENING THE OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Between Portland, Salem Albany and OREGON ELECTRIC I RAILWAY j j WILLAMETTE ROUTT Leave Portland, 8:00 A. M., to Albany on Limited Schedule, re turning after celebration. Round Trip $3.10 FIVE DAILY TRAINS TO ALBANY ON AND AFTER JULY 1 Fifth and Stark St. Eleventh and Hort fits. CTTY TICKET OFFICES Tenth and Morrison Sta. STATIONS Tenth and Stark Sta. Front and Jefferson Sta. ANNOUNCEMENT HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK The real estate department of the Hartman-Thompson Bank has been sold to the Slauson-Craig Co.. Messrs. Slauson and Craig formerly managed the realty depart ment and we bespeak for them the good will and patron age of our former patrons. Messrs. J. L..Hartman and E. L. Thompson will devote their personal time and attention to the interest of their depositors and the development of their banking business. Northeast Corner Fourth and Stark Streets. Are you particular about soup? I? so, you can tell at a taste whether you are eating ordinary soup or Campbell's. . There's a quality all its own in Campbell's Soups a rich flavor and wholesomeness and lots of solid nour ishment besides. Campbell's Beef Soup for instance gives you that energetic feeling which helps you better than any Stimulant to get through the day's task with spirit and satisfaction. And there are 20 other good Campbell "helpers". 21 kinds 10c a can, Look for the red-and-white label ICE CREAM A FOOD )vart .brsa Ice Cream is a food if it is made of pure cream. Pure Cream Ice Cream is the kind you always get from 169 Fourth St. Phones: Main 764, A 2276 Just say 7J?0 While away, to free yonr mind from worry and thus make your out-v ing more enjoyable, you should protect your silver, jewels, furs and other valuables against loes by fire and theft. .You may deposit all such articles in a safe deposit box or the storage vaults, of the Security Safe Deposit Company. Large boxes, -trunks, suitcases, etc., are stored from 50 cents per month upwards, according to size. While for your jewels, stocks, bonds, insurance, etc., a safe deposit box is the most satisfactory, costing only $3 per year upwards. SECURITY SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Fifth and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon. r Pure 553rna TTTHEN YOU DRINK HIRES you are " carried back to boyhood days tha days when you tramped merrily through field and forest. In it fine combination of Nature's essences, you detect all of those good things that used to delight your taste. Roots, barks, herbs, the sap of fragrant flowers and trees, blend together to make this best of all drinks. Absolutely pure, healthful, and mighty good to the taste. Hires is the genuine root beer. A natural tonic but not a traca of drugs. Sparkling from any fountain Jc. At yaar homn in bottlmm, carbonataJ.