THE 3IORNIXG OREGOXIAX,' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1912. xv RECORD CORN DEAL Sale Involving 351,000 Cases of Spot Iowa Corn Closed. GROCERS ARE INTERESTED largest Transaction in the History of the Business Shows What the Bayers Think of the Outlook for This Year's Pack. The grocery trade of the entire country Is Interested In a canned rooas sale mut recently, which beats all records lor sise. The deal was closed In Iowa. Three hun dred and fifty thousand cases total what Is the largest single transaction In spot corn known to have been made. It re- ganvmm frnm flrat hands all but an unim portanj quantity of spot goods and la taken by men In the canned goods iraae u mig rate an unsatisfactory outlook for the new . nrn .i-nn . it is n lain It Intimated that this Immense quantity of corn was purchased to cover Heavy sales 01 luiures. which, it appears, some people are be ginning to doubt the packers" ability to pack. Mall advices from Waterloo. Iowa, say of the deal- Large Eastern Interests, with the great est distributing facilities of any concern in the United States, believed there was less spot canned com than many people thought and. on looking over the situation very thoroughly, confirmed this opinion and have closed contracts and disposed of 351.00" cases of spot corn In the past 30 days, which reduces the holding In Iowa to pos llbly 50.000 to 60.000 cases. 'Practically all of the unsold corn is held oy very strong packers, who usually carry some stock to take care of an early Fall demand, but In this case the packers referred to are more Interested in hold ing some corn to protect their future sales, ss thJ weather Is still entirely too cool for corn, and the late Spring and abundance of subsequent rains are affecting the grow ing cjnditlons much more seriously than Is generally understood. Parties who know the situation thor oughly advise that Minnesota, Wisconsin. Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Nebraska the states (Including Iowa) that furnish three fourths or more of all the standard and extra standard quality of corn packed in :he United States are practically bare of spot stock, and It must be remembered that the unfavorable growing conditions rule In most of the other corn-packing States as well as Iowa. "It might be well to add that all of the corn has been cleaned up. as stated, at prices that will enable this staple food to go to the consumer at the price that has been ruling and leave a nice margin for the distributers, so there Is no occa on to ery 'high cost of living- when re ferring to the excellent food product of oannel corn.'v INQUIRY BY CALIFORNIA FOR WHEAT So Further New Crop Contracting in the Country. A little better inquiry for wheat from ;lif3rnla was reported yesterday, but the market was very quiet aU around and prices were quoted unchanged. No fur ther new crop contracting was reporteu 'rom the country. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by :he Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley-.Flour. Oats. Hay. Monday ....... r j luesday " ! S o Seis'o" "V."te.M4 30 2534 1BU 2514 Year ago ...11SSS 711 ! iOW Foreign crop conditions are by the Liverpool Corn Trade News as fol lows: United Kingdom There are some com nlaints regarding the wheat and oats crops as a re sul? of wet, cold weather, as warmer temperatures are desired. France The crop outlook Is generally fa vorable, although there are some com print, regarding dry weather Supplies of native wheat are nearly exhausted and for eign wheat Is being bought in all directions. oermany The crop outlook is favorable with the weather seasonable. Supples of native wheat are light and the foreign de- U',Hnugr-TKPpt3touX.ook 1. for a RXuSan?aToPm. authorities say that the wheat crop will be smaller tha- ht list year. Our correspondent says that the crop will be a good average one. The rorn crop Is backward, but la expected to liipMve. The cutting of Winter harlev has commenced. The weather has been not. Russia There are some reports of damage to the crops in the southeast owing to sreat heat and dry weather, but rain fell last night. in the East the crop outlook r generally favorable, although backward. India The monsoon has started at Bora- ba'ustralla General beneficial rains for the seedlnrs are confirmed. hlrB Italy The weather has been wet l-n is unfavorable for the growing wheat crop Spain Some Improvement as a result ot ralne Is confirmed. ,.. North Africa A moderate crop of whMt is indicated, drouth having caused -ome damage. " ANOTHF.R .20-CENT HOP CONTRACT N Demand for 1911 Crop M. J. Netter in the City. Another hop contract at 10 cents was re ported yesterday, but the demand at this prlos waa light. The market for nils was dull. Dealers find it difficult to interest the Eastern trade in spot hops. M. J- Natter, who has been In Tacoma for several days, arrived in Portland yes terdsy on business connected with the Herman Klaber estate. The business of the firms will be continued by Mr. Netter and by Max Wolf as heretofore under the old names on this Coast and abroad. Berries la liberal Supply. There waa a liberal supply of raspberries and loganberries on the street yeeterday. and the market was weak for both kinds. Strawberries were also too plentiful for the poor demand. Cantaloupes sold well at 2.255.75 a crate. Aprtcota and other orchard fruits were In fair demand. A car of Mississippi tomatoes was re ceived and put on sale at 11.75 a crate. Supply of Cheese Is Inadequate. Cheese was the strong feature of the dairy produce market. The local and ship ping demand exceeds the supply and an early advance In prices is expected. But ter cleans up well and is steady. Egg receipts were small and the market waa firm. Poultry and dressed meats were steady. Sugar Tea Cents Lower. A 10-cent decline In sugar waa announced by tha Jobbers yesterday. This resulted from the weak market and lower prices East. dozen: asparagus. 1 per box; beans, 86 9c; cabbage, 2!e per pound; cauli flower. $2.75 per crate; celery, 58 per crate: corn. 3c per dosen; cucumbers. $1.1031.50 dozen; eggplant, 25c per pouno. head lettuce. 12Hc per dozen; hothouse lettuce. 75c 61 per box; peas. Ivit P" pound: peppers. 22e per pound: radlahes. 15ft 20c per dozen; rhubarb. 2(4e per pound: spinach. 4Sc per pound; tomatoes. L7al per box; garlic, S10c per pound. POTATOES Jobbing prices: BttrbanM old.. 11.25 per hundred; new. per pound. 26 2 'ONIONS California red, 11.25 per sack. Grain. Floor. Feed. Ete. WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem 93c: club. 8c; red Russian. 89c; Valley. S8c; 40 fold. Sac , FLOUR Patenta $5.10 per barrel; straights. $4.70; exports. $4.20: Valley. $5.10: HAT Timothy. $14017: alfalfa. $11; clo ver. I8&8: oats and vetch, $10011; grain hay. $9. MILLSTTJFF8 Bran. JS.St per ton: shorts. $2$: middlings. $1S- CORN Whole. S: cracked. 40 pet ton. OATS No. 1 white, IJf38 per ton. Dairy and Country Prod nee, BUTTER Oregon cieamery butter, cubes or solid pack, 27c per pound; prints, ISc P- pound. EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, candled, 22c per dozsn, case count, 21c CHEESE Triplets and daisies, loo per pound; Young America, 17c I'OKK Fancy. l'lt c per pound. VEAL Fancy. 12S12MC per pound. POULTRY Hens. l'Jitc; broilers. l!c: ducks. young. 12tjlHc: geese. 10 lie; turkeys, live. 17lsc; dressea, 24 & i.e. Staple Groceries. SALMON Columbia River, one-pounl tails, $2.25 per dozen; eight-pound tails. $2.85: one-pound flats. $2.40; Alaska pink, one-pound tails. S1.&5. COFFEE Roasted, in drums. 26 tt 9 404 per" pound. NUTS Walnuts. 16fl6Vic per pound; Brazil nuts. 12Vc; filberts, 1415c; al monds. 17tp21c; peanuts, ISc; cocoanuta. 00e U$l per dosen; chestnuts, 12Vic per pound, hickory nuts. 6510c per pound. HONEY Choice, $3.75 per case; strained honey. 10c per pound. SALT Granulated. $15 per ton: half ground, loos. $6.50 per ton; 50s. $0 per ton- BEANS Small white, 5.40c; large white. 5.20c; Lima. i.0c; pink. u,c; Mexicans. c; bayou. 414c. KILE No. 1 Japan. 6c; cheaper gradez 5&5c; Southern head. 6tr7Hr. SUGAR Dry granulated. $5.i: fruit and berry, $5.95; Honolulu plantation, $5.0; best, $.7o; extra C, $o.4o; powdered, barrels, $;i.2j; cubes, barrels, $6.35. LitlED FRUITS Apiea. 14o per pound, apricots, 1618ic; peaches. 121714c: prunes, Italians. lott01u4c; silver, lac: figs, white and blacu 01s7c; currants. 7fec; raisins, loose. Muscatel, Ciatjliic; bleached Thompson, lltao; unbleached Sul tanas. 8fec; seeded. 7&SVc; dates, Per sian, iijo per pound: Fard, $L60 per box. Provision. HAMS All sues, liiflec: skinned. 119 ISc; picnics, 12c; boiled. 2oftc BACON Fancy. UawiUac; choice, 20 irk (F21c DRY SALT MEATS Backs, dry salt. 11 12fec; backs, smoked, la14o; bellies, dry salt. 14fec; bellies, smoked, lie LARD Tierce basis, choice, 13 ie; com pound, 9 fee; leaf, tnree-pound polla $S.5f per case. MISCELLANEOUS Pigs' feet, kite. $l.Sa; sliced beef, insides. $23 per case; dried beet Insides. 25c per pcund; bologna, cauva. back. 10c; minced ham. 12a. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1912 contracts. 20c; 1911 crop, $012fea MOHAIR Choice. 32c per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 14 SJ 1944c pe. pound, according to soriukage; Valley, 2ut0 pel pound. PELTS Dry, 12 13c; full wool butcae: pelts, $1.25 1.75; shearings. 10030c HIDS Salted hides, 12c per pound; salted calf, 204 21c: salted kip, life 12c; green hides, 10c; dry calf. No. L 25c; No. , 20c; dry hides, 1840 20c; salted stags, 7 ft 8 :; green stags. oVsfeTc. CaSCARA per pound. 5 4sOc GRAIN BAGS In car lots, 1010Vc Unseed Oil and Turpentine. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 63c; boiled, barrels. Wo; raw, cases, 3c; boiled, caries, TURPENTINE Cases. 9c; barrels, toftc BIDDING FOR NEW WOOL ACTIVE Prices on All Grades Are' Advancing Rapidly. BOSTON. June 23. Bidding for the new domestic wool .clip continues active in nearly ail grades and prices are advancing rapidly. Missouri three-eighths blood 27 28c ; quarter-blood, 27 ft (a 2Sc. Kentucky and similar half-blood un washed, 272sc; three-eighths-blood un washed. 28c Texas fine a to 8 months, 4$350c; fine 12 months. 63 55c; fine Fall. 434oc California, Northern, 51tfo2c; mld-Jle countv, 60c; Southern. 474bc; Fall free. 43fc45c Oregon, Eastern, No. 1 staple. 5Sc; East ern clothing, 50c; Valey, No. 1. 47 648c. Territory fine staple. o3c; fine medium staple. 5980c; fine clothing. 5557c; fine medium clothing, 53i?55c; half-blood comb ing. 6Sj!A0o; three -elhths-blood combing, 52653c; quarter-blood combing, 89&51c Pulled fiue A, 45&5oc; A supers, 5253c BAN FRANC taCO PRODUCE MARKET Price Quoted at the Bay City for Vegr tables. Fruits. Etc SAN FRANCISCO, June 25. The follow ing produce puces were current here to-lay ' Fruit Apples, choice, $1.25; common, 5io; Mexican limes. $e.50vl; California 'lemons, choice. $5; common. $1.50; navel oranges, $1.02.75; pine apples. $4.50 tt 4.50. Cheese ISO 1H. Butter Fancy creamery, 29c. Eggs Store. 20c: fancy ranch. 22c Vegetables Cucumbers. 7oc&$l; garlic, 2sn.3c: creep ncas. $l.roai2.2.': string beans. 3si5c: asparagus, eoc&llO; tomatoes, 75c (ail: eggplant, t2irc. Potatoes River Burbanks, $16'l-50; Ore gon Hurbanks. $141.25; Early Hose, 90c 0 $1.23. Hay Wheat. $15-30021; wheat and oats. iloOolrll": alfa'.la, fllKi. Receipts Flour, 122o qr. sks.; wheat,' 420 ctls. ; barley. 21.02O rtls.; oats, 47v ctla ; potatoes, 12AO sks.; bran, 00 sks.; mid dlings. 500 sks.; hay, 2U7 tons; wool, bio bales. ' Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, June 25. Coffee futures closed steady 2 to 6 points net higher. Sales, 51.50O. June. 13.70c; July, 13.74c; August, 13.IS4C; toeptemDcr, 13.84c; (jctober, 13.9".'c;. November, 14-Hiie; DeceniDer, 14.09c; January. 14.1oc; February, 14.05c; March, 14.1c: April. 14.17c; May. 14.1c Snot coffee steady. Rio, No. 7. 14c: Santos. No. 4. ltifec Mild coffee quiet. Cordova, 16(tl8Vc nominal. Raw sum steady. Muscovado. .80 test, 3.3c: centrifugal. .96 test. a.tttSo: molasses sugar, .89 test. 3.11c itetrnea, easy. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW ' YORK. June 2S. Evaporated ap ple inactive, wnn prices nominally un changed. On the spot fancy are quoted at UVAM014c: choice. S(r9c; prime, "i W ti 7 c Vrunes quiet and only about steady, ow ing to ravoraDie repurra 011 me crop out look. Quotations range from 3i9fte for r oli ioa .in tit 3H-4I1K it mi ftl., Orgons. l.-anos auret ana leaiureiess. i.noice, 7rSic: extra choice, S'rrbftc; fancy. e a iuc. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, June 25. Turpentine Brm at 44W4r43c. sales, oarreis; recetpta t03 barrels: shipments, 199 barrels; stocks, 34.::43 barrels. Rosin rtrm. Sales, 2737 lbs.: receipts. 3.V0 lbs.: shipments, 522 ths.: stocks. H0.K02 Iba Ouote: B, $.15i 8.20: D. $R.35 ti.4; E. fti.754i8.8-): F. U. H and I. $7.1U0 7.2O; K. $7.20t7.2. M. $7.35f 7.45; N, $7.8714 6 7.4; WG, $7.45; WW, $7.55. COPPERS ARE WEAK Stocks Affected by Specula N five Nature of Metal Trade. GENERAL MARKET IS DULL Wall Street Pays Iess Attention to Politics and .More to Crops and Trade and Industrial Condl ' tions Bonds Are Irregular. Bank Clear-lnr. Bank clrinci of th North vutern cities vesta rday wtr as follows: CleariDK- Balances. Portland 91.S3b.1-S uss.i'.t. 1.907.7TT 342.C25 Tacoma Ttig.SM fipokan 6ll.i7 37,338 POKTlaAN'D MaB&ETI. Tesetatxe mad Frolt. BEBRIKS 3trawbrrlaa, 50c ffH pr rrata; irooaeberiiea, lSHc pr pound: rasp-, brrla. 1.2 pr crate; loxac berries. $10 1.25 per crate. TROPICAL FRUITS OratiKa, oavals. $2. 50 a. 13: Calirurcia crapefrult. SS.A0O4. lmoni $3.50 C Pr box; pineapples. c par pound. FRESH FRVIT Cherries, 3$ 7c per pound: apples, old. ci-SOfe jxt box: apri cots, 11.261.50 per box; cantaloupes, $?.;.. 62.76 per crate; peaches. $1.35 per box; currants. l.0J1.75 per box. YtGaCTABi-Ea Artie no kvca. e5T3c par j New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jtme 23. Cotton futures closed steady. Closins: June, 11.14c; July, ll.l"c: Auguft. 11.27c: .Septemher. 11.35c; October. T1.4o; November, 1 1.53c; Decem ber. 11.5fc; January. ll.Mc; February, ll.-VSc: March, 11. .Vic; May. 11.73c spot closed quiet, 5 points higher. Mid-uplands, Il.tAtc; mid-erulf, 11.85c. Sales, none, Chlcaco Produce Market. ' CHICAGO. June 35. 'Butter Steady; cres me rieJ. 23 Q 2.c ; dairies, 1 2 4c. Egjra Firm; receipts, 23.419 case; at mark, cases Included. 16u 17c; ordinary tlTfts. 17c; firsts, IS Sc. Cheese Steady. Daisies, i!lM3Hc: nv 14Hil4ic; Touna- Americas, lol!rrAW, long horns, 15 15 c Wool at St. Loula. ST. LOITI5. Juna 15, Wool Steady. Ter ritorv and Western mediums, 16$ ISc; tint mediums, lS17c: fine, lOfilSc. Duiuth Flax Market. Dt'LUTH, June 25. Closlnr: Linseed, on track, to arrive, S2.23; June, f?.2-, nominal; Julv. $2.23; September,. $-.05; October, $1.95 askd, ! Stucar Lower to East. j 1 t W T UB rv. June -.'- f.i kov tf ; rtnvl snaar were reduced 10 cenU a hun- area puuuua - j - i NEW YORK, ' June 25. In practically everr essential feature today's stock mar trt rnatMl vesterdav's oerformance, with the exception that the movement was duller and the undertone more neavy. Less attention was devoted to politics and more to crops and general trade condi tions. Continued sunny weather in the Northwest is benefiting all cereal growths in that section, and the railroads are mak ing ready to move the expected heavy ton nage. Copper shares were once more under pres sure, b reason of the highly speculative conditions now prevailing in the metal trade here and abroad. itohimn a verv favorable re- nort of earnings for May. the net increasing by $661,000, which was made possible to a great extent by a saving oi saou.uw m oper ating expenses. The Southern Railway made nmt srnln frr ttiA aame month Of $53.0 00. Announcement was made after the close of the market of the declaration of the reg ular quarterly dividend on Anaconaa oer. Bonds were irregular. -Total sales, par value, $2,074,000. umtea states ugv-ra-ment bonds were unchanged on calL r-T nsivr. s-rrvrrc OIIOTATIONS- i Closing R.Im Hitrh. Low' Bid AI!1 Chal tif Am Beet Sugar. 1.500 73 v 72 73 AmAriran Can.. S.1W 3 37A Am Car & Ftiy. 700 6i Jf Am Cotton OH Am Hd & Lt pf - 24V A n Ta O Si Am Linseed 34? Am Smel & Ref 22.000 ' .J MJfc do preferred.. 100 107 70. IV fc Am Steel Fdy.. 100. :itt A a a f o 1 M.T 1"UU 129 Am Tei&Tel..' 500 14 14554 145 Am Tobacco pf. 2 Anaconda M,Co. 4.900 44 43H Atchison 1.700 106 10Vi do preferred. 303 , Ati Coast Line- i?? Bait & Ohio 000 10SH 108 ll Bethlehem Steel 30- at so o? Brook B Tran.. l.ooO SS & i ht Canadian Pac. 2.0U0 044 2t3 2H T Ao t IS sat ZiUt .'tU 24. 24 do preferred Central of N J a, Chen & Ohio ... 800 78 7T 7 Chicago & Alton f ri. wt JWM. 17 17 17 do Dref erred.. Chicaso & NW 1 c! C. C & St L. Col Fuel & Iron 500 31 31 i B. &n.,tharT1 . ..... .41 Consol Gas .... 300 140 14?Vi 1 Corn Products .. TOO 15V- 1j J Dl A Hudson.. 100 108 108 167 D 4 R Grande.. T.OOO 19 18 1 niatlMora' Secur 3l Si 32 32ik Erie 3.W0 34 ' 33 Is 34 i.. n 9ui Tt'l fi2 a'2 do 2d -Df 1 Tr-if. inn 17114 171 liff Gt Norm pi ... 2,000 133 V, 133 183 Gt North Ore.. MO 41!, 41i4 41 Illinois Central. -- 1??? t.k. vi. 1 inn 20 1074 -'! do preferred.. 400 ' i8'4 uTT. 5J4 Inter Harvester. 200 117 117i 117W Inter Marine pi Int Paper If 5? Int lumn ........... ...... ..... - K C Southern.. ...... ..... .... 24 4o prefelred ..TV Laclede Gas - 1J Louis Nash..-.' 600 . 15 lo.7 17 Kpi's Sm'"2W) 144 i 144 Mo. Kan & .Tex HOD 27 z. 2 .1. . 04 -u. c ...., 1 WU RAV Nat Biscuit National Lead .. 800 57 57 oi 1 R Via -J, Tf 30!4 N Y Central ... 1.00O 117 11 in W N T. Ont & Wea 10l 34 34 34 Norfolk & West 1.10O 1131, 113 113 Knnh ImorlrU nt0 W 82?. ft- 7 Northern Pac .. 1,0X 120 119 11 Pacific Mall .... 200 32 :'-2 32 Pennsylvania ... 1.700 123 .123 123 People's Gas ... 200 113 113 118 t , - a. S. I... BOO 10S'. 10S 107 Pittsburg Coal.. 800 22 21 21 Pressed S Car 3' O..II p.i r'ar 410 1K1 161 loO Ry Steel Spring- 10O 88 35 J. Reading 43.3O0 l(lo 1B4 165 Republic Steel 200 24 24 24 rin nreferred.. 300 79 79 79 Rock Island Co 500 24 24 24 do preferred..'. 5u c. i. a. w . nf SAU 3S do St L Southwest. 3- rt nmfpri.(i.. 70 Sloss Sheffield 40" 54 54 54 Southern Pac .. 200 lnt 100 liH Southern Ry . . 700 27 27 27 do preferred. "? Tenn Copper ... 1.600 43 42 43 Texas & Pacific -6 Tol. St L t Wei 14 . nrotTTA . 28 Union Pacific .. 12.S0O- 10 17 19S An n-ft-r1 - 90 U S Realty 75 rj s Rubber ... 0O 6 6. 65- U S Steel 2S.5O0 '6() S 69 .In nreferred.. 700 110 110 J10 Utah Copper ... 200 B3Vi 63 63 Va-Caro Chem .. 2O0 4S 48 4S wh.h 2:700 4 4 4 do preferred.. 3.300. 14 14 13T4 Western Md ". 67 WMtln. Flee BOO 72 72 I Western Union 1 Whel Jt 1. R 7 Lehigh Vslley .. 10.400 174 173 174 Chlno Copper ... 1.700 83 33 S3 Ray Consols . K.5O0 21 21 21 Am Tobacco .T. 1.40O 29S 295 2fl8 Seaboard Airline loo 25 25 25 do preferred.. 300 54 54 C4 Total sales for the day. 221,600 shares. BONDS. Furnished by Overbeca & Cooke .Co., of Bid. Asked. Amer Tel ft Tel com 4 113 114 American Tobacco 4s 85 American Tobacco 6s 120,nn eeneral 4. . . . . 97 98 Atchison eonv 4S 106 100 Atchison adj 4s stamped 90 :1 Atchison con 5s 102 102 Atlantic Coast Line cons 4s.... 94 wa At Coast Line "L & N coll" 4s. 83 84 Baltimore & Ohio 3s 1 82 Rulilmnn, A Ohio 4S 97 98 Brooklvn Rapid Transit 4S S9 89 Can southern first os 101 101 Chesapeake & Ohio 4s 100 100 r u jt 1 1 n mtt 4a ...... 95 96 C B & (J joint 4 9 86 C B & Q Ills 4s 99 99 CB4Q Denver 4s J 1 90 Central Pacific first 4s 85 90 fhiene-n A Vh .f Til. 4.1 SO SI Chicago R I & P ref 4s S S9 Chicago R I & Col trust 4s 69 Colorado & Southern first 4s... 84 o r,.u.e 4. RIa r.nnii 4s 84 87 Del & Hudson conv 4s 98 98 Brie first cons P L 4a 89 90 Int Met 4s C 82 S2 Japanese 4s eo Ss Japanese first 4s 92 Japanese second 4s 91 .. Tniavill A Ka.hvllle uni 4S... 9S 99 Mo Kan ft Tex 4a , 87 87 Missouri Pacific 4tj '1 7.1 New York Central 3s 87 8i New York Central L S 8s 81 81 New York City 4s 92 93 New York City 4s of 1957 106 107 Norfolk & Western 4s 98 99 Norfolk & Western cons- 4s 111 112 N Y Ont A W 4S 92 . 93 VMWn Parifin P t. 4s 89 99 Northern Pacific 3s 9 B9 Oreaon Short Line 4s..... 93 94 Oregon Ry ft Nav 4s ... 94 penna Ky 4 or iM...' iuo 7, av-.t, Philippine Railway 4s : .... 88 Reading general 4S. ......... .. 97 98 RemiHll. flf full. &S 103 Southern Pacific first ret 4s.... 84 93 Southern Pacific col 4s......... 78 78 t I. ft S P ref 4s i , Usion Pacifio first 4s 100 100 tnlon Pacific conr 4s ...101 101 t nlcn Faciric rer es -x i I-nlteri S:.tes Steel S 7 3S 102 102 Cnlted States 2s registered. .:. .100 101 I'nited States 2s coupon 100 101 L'nlted States 3s registered 102 102 I nlted Stat-is 3s coupon 102 J02 fnlted States 4s registered 114 114 United states 4s coupon 114 114 I'nited Railway 8 F 4s 66 United Railway St L 4s .... 78 Wabash first 4s 70 i0 Wettern Union 4s 97 9S WesUnghouse conv 5s. ......... 94 94 Western Pacific 5s 84 S Wisconsin Central 4a.. .......... 91 92 West Shore 4S 89 100 Muler KxHkmBSW. KtC NEW YORK. June 25. Money on calL steadv. 2 S3 per cent: ruling rate. 2; offered. 2 per cent. Time iwuu, firmer; SO days. 8 per oent: 90 days. 898 Pr cent; six months, 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 404 per cent. Sterling exchange easy, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at 14.8475 for 60-day bills and .4.8720 tor demand. Commercial bills. 84.84. Bar allver. 61 c Mexican dollars. 48c Government bonds, steady: railroad bonds. Irregular. LONDON. June 25. Bar silver, quiet. 28 T-lSd per ounce Money, 2424 per cent. The rate of discount In the open mar ket for short bills Is 2 15-16 per cent; for three months' bills. 2 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, June 2o. Sterling on London Sixty days. 84.85; do. sight. 84.87. Silver bars. 62c; Mexican dollars, nominal. Draft, eight. .02; do telegraph.. .04. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON June 25. Closing quotations: AUouex ..: 48 'Mohawk 70 Amalg Copper.. 85 Nevada Con 11 A Z L ft Sm... 32 Nlpissing Mines. 7 Arizona Com .. 6 North Butte. 81 B- ft C C ft 8 M. T!North Lake J Cal ft Arisona. . 75 (Old Dominion... 59 Cal & Recla 52S lOseeola 128 Centennial 25 IQulncy 93 Cop Ban Con Co 59:Shannon 15 E Butte Cop M. 13!superior .... 4i Franklin 12!Sup ft Bos Mln.. 2 GIroux Con 5Tamarack 44 Granby Con ... 55 IB S S R M- 44 Greene Cananea. 10 do preferred... 50 I Royalle Cop) 84iUtah Con Jl v.. T .i.. 3i T'T n , Conner Co. 63 Lake Copper..". . 38 Winona La tiaiie copper Hjiionwiiw Miami Copper. . . 27 CondiUon of the Treasury. ' ning of business today the condition of the United states Treasury w. Working balance in Treasury of- xices . - In banks and Philippine Treasnry 86.754.113 Total of general fund ?'?S2'750 nkhunummU .' 7Z4, 14j Surplua to date this fiscal year 6,850,is93, as against a surplus of 818,384,385 at this time last year. ( TJ.najna Canal and Public Debt transactions. CUTTLE IUHXET LOWER SLOW DE.MAXD SEXDS IiOCAL PRICES DOWNWARD. B?st Price Paid at Yards Is $8.50. Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Con tinue Steady. Liberal cattle receipts and a alower "de. mand have caused on easier market at the North Portland yards. Hogs and sheep continue steady. The h..r nrtne. obtainable on steers yester- day was 86.50, which is not far from the top of the market. Six loads of feeders wer sold at 84.75 to 85.85. The Live stock Reporter's opinion of the market fol lows: "Indifference among the buyers was the outstanding feature of the cattle market. Even the best grass steers among the ar rivals were difficult to sell, while poor quality was either neglected entirely or bought up at extremely low prices. Packers are evidently having their own troubles selling beef at present prices and decreased public demand always reacts on toe uiu market. A slight Increase in receipts helned to widen the price spread. A few loads of hogs were sold at prices ranging from 86.10 to 17. w. Good wethers were taken at 84.15 and lamb, .old 11 n to 85.85. Receipts yesterday were 282 cattle, 5 calves. 127 hogs and 1047 sheep. Shippers were H. S. Neal, Condon, 2 cars of sneep; J.- a. uryan, noiusier, lbi.,- m cars of cattle; A. R. Ford, McMinnvllle, 2 cars of cattle, sneep ana nogs; . w . .avers, Sherar, 1 car of cattle; Hugh Cummtngs, Halsey, 2 cars of sneep. ana a. a: norwooa, Harrlsburg, 2 cars of sheep. The day's salea were as follows: Weight. Price. 20 hogs 141 36.75 48 hogs ...'. 146 7 hogs 108 IO lambs 57 13 lambs 73 116 lambs 72 95 lambs .' 68 12 steera 1252 62 steers ..................... .1270 '23 steers 1000 8 steers 700 2 steers 765 14 steers 110 22 steers 1212 35 steers .....I..1270 13 steers . 27 steers ,. 19 steers . . 5 calves 1 bull 2 bulls 11 sheep .. 35 wethers 275 wethers 241 wethers 28 lambs .. 71 hogs ... 899 ...1044 ...1105 ... 180 . ..13r.O ...1000 ... 153 . .. 99 ... 98 ... 97 . .. 91 . . . 179 7.00 7.00 5.0O 5.50 5.8: 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.85 4.75 4.75 5.65 6.50 8.25 5.60 8.10 6.10 8.00 4.00 3.50 2.25 3.90 4.15 4.13 5.75 7.60 The range of prices ot the yards was as follows: rhnln .leers $6.50S6.7o Good steers .25 6.50 icdlnm .taer. 6.009 6.25 Choice cows 5.75 6.00 r,nAil cows 5.50 5. 1 5 Medium cows 5.00 5.o0 Choice calves 7.00ig 7.7o Good heavy calves i'25? tn. 3.50ft 6.00 Stags 4.75 6.35 T.iSh?". !. 7.00 7.S0 Heavy t l)0 -50 Tearling, J-Mg Wethers J.2o 4.J5 kv.. a.ooey a.7o Lambs 3.73 5.85 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, June 23. Cattle Receipts. 4000- market steady to shade lower. Beeves, t6109.50; Texas steers, $6.408.00; West ern steera 86.508.10; stockers and feed ers J4.20f.75: cows and heifers, 82.70 " Hogs Receipts. 16.000; n.arket weak : 5o lower. Lignt, ...,e,, 7 72- heavy, 8.2o!; rough. 8.25ol 7l45 ; ; pigs. 85.35&0.95; bulk of sales, 87.50 ' sheen Receipts. 18.000: market dull I low- 4 25 7 85 : Western. 84.30&8.00; Spring lambs, 35-2-lu- Omasha ' Livestock Mark et. OMAHA, June 25. Cattle RecelpU 8400. Market steady to 10c lower. Native steers, ... . . . . anH heifer. S3. 75ft 7.70: .IVi " " ' ' Western steers.. 85.258.25; Texas steers. 84.75 6.2a; cows ana iienei " . ' ners. 82.50-50; stockers and feeders, 84.25 S7; calves, 848; bulls, stags, etc, Ho'gs Receipts 17.000. Market 5 to 10c lower. Heavy. 87.407.60: mixed. 87.85 7 40; light. 87.257.45; pigs. 87; bolk of sales, 87.30 7.45. Sheep Receipts. 4700. Market steady. Yearlings. $585.90; wethers, 84.505; ewes, 82.7564.50; lambs. 8-508. Metal Jlarkets. NEW TORS, Jue 25. Copper dull. Stan ard spot and June, 16.75 17.05c; July, 16.87 17.37e; August and September. 1717.32c; electrolytic, 17c, nominal; lake. li17e: casting. 1717c Tin unsettled. September. 47.22 47.25c: June, 4747.25c; July, 5.25.46v75c; Au gust, 44 44.75c Lead steady at 4.404.5Oc. Spelter firmer at 7.05 7.25c. Antimony quiet. Cookson's 8c. Imn steadv and unchanged. Copper arrivals at New York today, 695 tons; exports tnis monin, jct.wi ions: kwh don copper firm at 77 2s 6d; futures, 78. Local aales of tin, 75 tons spot and July. London tin Arm. Spot. f207 IPs: futures. ASSETS -REALIZATION COMPANY CAPITAL, $10,000,009 Finances going concerns possess ing large tangible resources but temporarily involved and unable to secure adequate banking ac commodation. Prompt exami $ nation of enterprises submitted. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED SEW YOKH PHILADELPHIA raadStnu Latayetre Sattalai CHICAGO Portland's clean, beautiful bitulitnic streets attract the attention of all visitors. J.C.WILSON&CO. eTOCKA iIONDS. GRAIN AND COTTON ME.HBLRS NEW VORii STUCK IXCHANG8 ' NEV VOKK COTTON leXCHA.i8 CUICAUO BOARD OF TRADE THIS STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGB. BAN FRANCISCO. Main Office jdUla Bldg., San Francisco. Branch On Ires Vancouver. Seattle, Pert land, Los Angeles, ban Disco. Coronadj Beach. . PORTLAND OFFICE: Main Floor Lumbermen Bank Bulldlag. Fifth and Stark. Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. WE WILL BUT OR SELL. Portland Home Telephone 6s. Oregon Electric Railway 5s. City & Suburban Railway 4s. MORTGAGE LOANS. J. W. CRUTHERS A CO, 1000 Board of Trade Bids;. 198. Local sales of lead. 250.000 pounds July. London lead. 18. Spelter. London, 25 10s. Iron, Cleveland warrants, oos na in London. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Largest S.S. Co. ilLMUnil in the World 1.S10.000 TOMS Atlantic . Service . London, Paris, Hamburg Cincinnati July 4. 12 noon Pennsylvania,. ...July 6, 10 A. M. Amerika Julv 11. t P. M. Pres. Lincoln July 18, 0 A. M. f Second cabin only. Will- call at Boulogne. MEDITEEANEAN GIBRALTAR. NAPLES, GENOA. S.S.M0LTKE,July6, 10 A.M. S. S. Moltke August 80. 11 A. 8a. Two Ideal Cruises AROUND the WORLD INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDK TRIPS ' Optional I 14 DAV'8 IN JAPAN Tours 11 DAVS IN INDIA Oct. 19, 191 Feb. 6, 1913 From New York IFrom San Fr'sco fhye S. S. CLEVELAND4 ?SS,A80i?a ed1cyhs tCort $650dn including all necessary expenses aboard and ashore, railway, hotel, shore excursions, carriages, guides, fees, etc SUMMER CRUISES To the LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN. Eight delightful cruises dur ing June, July and August, from Hamburg to Norway, North Cape, Spitsbergen, Iceland, etc. DURATION 14 TO 26 DAYS Cost 2.60 and up. Splendid service, large steamships VICTORIA LUISE." "KRONPRIN ZESSIN CECILIE" and "ME TEOR." Write for booklet of any crulsa Hamburg-American line 160 Powftll St., Ean Francisco, Cal.; 0 -W. R. ft N- Co.. Nor. Pacific 0. 4- R. Burlington Route, MU- irauKe & iug ouuuu xv. nM Great in on n cm ny Dorsey B. Smith, 60 5th bL, roruun. wi Copying bk. laii ASTORIA NORTH BEACH STEAMER "T. J. POTTER" beginning July 3d, will leave Portland at 10:30 P. M. (daily except Sunday and Monday), arriv ing Astoria 0:00 A. M. and Megler at 7:80 A. M. Returning, will leave Astoria daily except Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, at 7:00 A M., Megler at 9:S0 A. M., arriving Portland 4:30 P. M. On Sunday will leave Megler 9:00 P. M., arriving Portland at 6 A. M. t passengers nay remain wu uuuru until R A. U I Steamer Hasaalo leaves Portland dally, ex cept Saturday and Sunday, at 8 A. M. ; ar rives at Astoria 1:80 and Megler 2:15 P.- M. (Saturdays leaves Portland 1 P. M., arrives Megler 6:30 P. M.) Returning, leaves Meg ler II Miy (ffilCflpi ouiluJJ . Mr. m.. rrivlni Portland IO P. M. 8teamer Harvest Queen Cleaves Portland dally, except Satur day and Sunday, at 8 P. M., arrives Asto ria 6:15 and Megler T:30 A M. (Saturdays leaves Portland 10 P. M. for Astoria and way landlnga Returning, leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 A. M-, arrives Port land 6 P. M. SYDNEY SHORT LINE ' 19 DAYS FROM SAN FRANCISCO Vl HONOLULU nd TUTUILA (SAMOA) Splendid Steamers of Oceanic Steamship Co. Knrrbt l Jne. . 10.000 tons disslacement. sail from San Francisco, July 2, July 30 (new scneauie) ana every o atxy uici a ifter on a 19-DAV SERVICE TO SYDNEY, & itktrAT.IA. vlth ston at HONOLULU and SAMOA, THE QUICK AND ATTRACTIVK i.nn to Rvrlnev. 1st plass. S200: round trip. 300. Bound world, f600, 1st class; 375 2d CiaSS, Via LeyiOU ivau jumLwiav-u. -'-r- overs). AND BACK 1st class. SaiUnfrs, June SS. July S, 16. SO and every z weens. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., 7I Market St San Francisco. HONOLULU $110 Canadian Pacific "EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC" AND OTHEK STKAMSH1PS. HOXTKfeAL. l EBtC AiU LIV&P001. VIA THE SCENIC ROUTE TO EUROPE 1000 MILES ON THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER AND LESS THAN FOUR DATS AT SKA S633 MILES. PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE First Cabin 9.S0 aeO up Seoand Cabin Ss. and up One-Class-Cabin Zd-class) aSO.OO and us Tblrd-Clmss Lowest rates oa request. Canadian Pacltlc of ice. corner Tlilrd and Pine Multnomah Hotel bldg.). Portland, and all local agents NEW YORK-PORTLAND KEliULJLR 'UxOUtT SfeUVlCS. Low Kataa. Scoeduie Xinta rMEBIC-UAWAilANS,S,Ca, . SIS Kallw.T Enkssis asMste ' fortiamO, Osa THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C AUf SWORTH. President. ' R W. SCrMEER, Cashier. R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President. A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Caskler. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES lumber mens National Bank Three years ago this month je removed to onr present location at Fifth and Stark." At that time our deposits , were $1,655,187.32, and our total assets $2,196,177.46 On June 14, 1912 (statement to comptroller), our de posits were $5,171,509.92, and onr total assets, $6,550,383.21 Capital - - SI, 000,000 LADD & TILTON BANK 800,000.00 Established 1869. Capital Stock.... Surplus and Undivided Profits. Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of tha -yorld. OFFICBRS W. H. Ladd, FVMldent. Robert S. Howard, Asst. Caahlea, Edward Cooklnslham, Vice-Pre a. J. W. Ladd, Asst. Cashier. W. BU DnaeaJer. Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Aat. Caahlea, First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850.000 I Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains t Street Paving Experts and Engineers tjfflpjroa give Barber Asphalt a high rating of X I efficiency. Merit is responsible. jj Effective May 8, 1912 "SS. PRINCE RUPERT AND SS. PRINCE! GEORGE" Leave Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and Sunday at 12:00 o'clock, midnight. For Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert. Stewart, Granby Bar and Queen Charlotte Island. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway (Mountain Division.) Trains leave Prince Rupert, B. C Monday. Wednesday and Saturday at 1:00 F. M. for Vanarsdol (100 miles). FREE) PUBLICATIONS Retrardlnar Canadian Homestead Landa, Business and Social uesaiuoasi aim .- vr..u. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double-Track Route.) FOUR THROUGH TRAINS DAILY NO EXCESS FARE. BETWEEN CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. THROUGH PULLMAN STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEPING-CARS. Dorsey B. Smith, City Passenger Asrt, 09 Fifth St. Phone Marshall 1S79. J. H. llurcla. G. A, P, D Seattle, Wash. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. COOS BAY LINE 8TKAMSHIF BREAKWAIKB sails from AInsworth Dock. Portland, A. u. wa. i s. ia la. 21 and 2B; June X, 1. It 17, 22 and 37. Frelsht received at- AInsworth Dock dally up 10 r. a, i-as-senser tare. first'Class. $10.00: secoud-clasa, E7 00, Includlns- berth and meala Xlcaai illct Ajisworui Dock. Phones Mala Uue. A ZSS2. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct K S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Wednesday Alternately sl..s NORTH PACIFIC S. S. 00. 122 A Third St. Phones Main UU A Ilia TRAVELERS' GUIDE. l lilTllBI Jt, S.M. Jaef JB-sVsL JtAf EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San Francisco and Los Anffeles WITHOUT CHANGE 8. S. Bear sails A. M. Jane Is. THE SAN FRAN. PORTLAND 8. S. CO. Ticket Office 142 Third Street. Phone: Main 2605. A 1402. Steamer Anvil Balls from Couch-Street Dock Wednes- day, June 28, 7 P. M. For Newport, Florence and Baadon. Freight and Passengers. Frank Bollam, City Ticket Agent. 128 Third. Phones: Main 628, A 4596. C. E. Brown, Frt. and Pass. Agt., Couch-. St. Dock. Phones: Main 861, A 4161.