Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 08, 1912, Image 1

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VOL. LI I- NO. 10,081.
Alabama and Part of
Arkansas Settled.
Republican Committee Per
mits Rollcalls on Demand.
Jdahoan. Supporting Roosevelt. De
clare Steam Roller I In Opera
lion Florid C'ae to Be
Taken tp Today.
mow roiTri4T Mr.Rr. okctded
Alabama Taft.
Al larg J
Klral IM.trlct I
Hrond lit.irlet t
rtfth tM.trlrt 1
lfh IM.trlct 3
)inth Iltrlct a
Al large
Flrat I.l.lrlrt 1
tWond Platelet S
Total gala tot day...
CHICAGO, Jnn 7. Twenty-four del
egate from Alabama and Arkanaaa
wer added today to th Taft column
by action of the Republican National
committee upon the so-called Roovelt
contests from those states.
All the contata presented today bo
for the committee wri decided In
Taft' favor, and In all except two the
decisions of the commute waa unanl
moirs. although one rolleall teat ap
parently had ahown IS antl-Taft vote.
The raaea decided were thoae of the
alx delegates at large and the two each
.In the First. Seen ml, Fifth. Sixth and
Ninth Congresslonsl Districts In Ala
bama and the four delegates at large
and two each In the First -and Second
Districts of Arkanaaa.
Meellaa Peaeefal, aa Whale.
There remain to be heard of the
Arkanaaa eonteata thoae ef the Third,
Fourth. Fifth and Seventh District.
In view of the hitter feeling between
tli Taft and Roosevelt adherent, th
meeting waa surprisingly peaceful, al
though It opened w ith' a rnnteat wMch
aeemed to forecaat a degree of friction.
Thla conteat aroae over a renewal by
Senator Borah, of Idaho, of hia motion
of yesterday, which would permit only
alght member of th committee to de.
xnand a rolleall Inatead of 19. aa pro.
Vlded by the rule. Dennla T. Flynn,
of Oklahoma, holding the proxy of
Committeeman Flanagan, of Nevada,
moved to lay the Borah motion on th
table. Mr. Borah wanted to debate
th subject, but Chairman Rosewster
declared It undebatabl aa a proposi
tlon of parliamentary law.
ReraH IKrasaada Heariag.
"I don't Intend to be choked off by a
gag thla early In the campaign," aald
Senator Borah, with aome ahow of
het. "and I will either have my ay
here or I will occupy euch a poaltlon
thut thla convention will make no
"Thla committee will conduct It pro.
ceedlnna under the uaual parliamentary
rule." aald Mr. Koaawater, with
marked dignity.
"But you shall nut adopt any rule or
gag by laying motlona on th table
thla early In th campaign," retorted
the Id.'iho Senator.
"leas Roller" Met koala Charged.
The committee proceeded to table th
But ah motion by a viva voc rot and
then Mr. Borah waa permitted to con
tinue, which he did, aa followa:
"Mr. Chairman, we will make no prog
rca her. Now I know that you have
a ateain roller, f don't even deal re to
ruahlon 'the team roller. I am per
fcctly willing th steam roller (hall
operate, but t want to aay her and
now that It will be known to th coun
try that It doea operate, how It oper
atea, who la operating It. Men who
have not the moral courage to record
their vote before th people of thla
country are not worthy to repreaent
tlir great Itepubllcan organisation of
thla United Plate. (Applause).
"Men who have not the manhood to
aland up here and atate for whom they
are going to vole, how they are going
to vote, are evidently acting aa "
"Th gentleman from Idaho la out of
order." Interrupted the chairman.
"There la nothing before the Houee,"
aid My. Bartholdt.
"1 am before th houee." retorted.
Senator Borah.
Rolleall Villi Ho l oa-eara.
"1 aak unanlinou roment that th
gentleman be permitted to proceed In
order that thla proceeding ehall be
mad parliamentary," aakl -Mr. Bar
tholin. "I hope cvnaent will be given to th
Senator from Idaho to continue, and I
think w alioold give unanlmoua con
aent now and let him get hla remark!
Into the record," Interjected Mr. Pen
rose. It waa mad plain aoon after thla
that even though Mr. Rorah'e motion
had been tabled, the majority Intended
to give the minority a rolleall. on de
mand, on any question. I'enroae, Crane
and other a of th Taft faction repeat
edly joined Borah and hi colleagues
Concluded ea Pafe
Politician Think Karly Prepara
tion Mean Colonel Will Be
Candidate Anyway.
CHICAGO. Juno 7. (Special.)
Rooaovelt'a platform la written. Thla
waa the declaration today of on of
the men who have taken a leading part
In the campaign of th ex-Preeldent.
politician conalder It one of th moat
-I I ,t - .. ....rtlnn. Af NTHBt WfftRt.
aa Indicating that Rooeevelt will urely
be candidate regardless or tno action
of the coming convention, and that he
baa gon o far as to perfect a declara
tion nf nr4,iflr.l.. ftfl Which tl IS tO
tand and on which he believe the Re
publican party ahould base Ita ngni mr
four years more of control of the Na
tional Administration.
The declaration Is ald to have been
approved at Oyster Bay and to be In
rhicairn now In nnssesslon of on of
th Colonel' trusted lieutenants.
One man who eaya he la ramiiiar
with th platform' content aay that
It promulgate much lee radical vlewa
than might be expected from th pre
nomlnation campaign.
Slide In Abandoned Tunnrl Kndan
gein Hotel la Yesler Way.
BEATTLB, Wash.. June 7. (Special)
At Fifth avenue and Yesler Way
there I a hoi 40 feet long. !0 feet
wide and 11 feet deep, occasioned by a
alld In the abandoned tunnel of th
Oregon it Washington Railroad at that
point. Early yeaterday morning In
numerable occupant of th Ferndale
Hotel at Fifth and Yesler fled In night
attlr a th building resting above the
tunnel began to settle.
A. C. Fisher, proprietor of th Hill
side saloon In the same blook, heard
th sound of moving earth and felt the
building settling slightly. He raised
an alarm and sent for Matt Branigan. a
building contractor, who hurried to th
place, bringing hi foreman. Phil Phil
lips. Both accidentally stepped Into the
hoi and alld a distance of several feet,
but escaped with few slight bruises.
Another building, owned by A. P.
Malloy. with a frontage of 1X0 feet on
Tesler Way and 10 feet on Fifth ave
nue, I endangered. A pollc guard
ha been placed at th scene and ap
proaching pedestrlana are warned
Only Woman Operator' Aesigned to
"Trick." on Alaska Boat.
8EATTLE, Wash, June 7. (Special.)
When the steamship Mariposa, th
latest of the fleet of th Alaska Steam
ship Company, ateama for Alaska ports
July 1 she will hare a her wireless
operator Miss Mabell Kelso, the only
woman la th world to hold Govern
ment wlrelea certificate.
Mlaa Kelao successfully passed th
examination given today under th di
rection of the Navy Department at
Bremerton and waa Immediately as
signed to the steamship Mariposa by
R. H. Armstrong, general manager of
th United Wlreles Telegraph Com
pany. Lieutenant A. C. Gall. United States
Navy, who conducted th examination,
said ah passed with th highest hon
or of any of th appllcanta for certifi
cate who had appeared befor him.
Th young woman has been atn
ographer In the office of th E. 11.
Lewis Lnmber Company and maatered
the wireless cod In her spare hour.
"I hav alway been anxloua to go to
sea." aald Mis Kelao today, "and I
know I ahal lenjoy the work. My
friends neved dreamed that I was In
Will of Titanic Victim I Admitted
lo Probate.
Tb estate of Frank M. Warren, th
Portland canneryman who went down
with th Titanic, waa admitted to pro
bat yesterday, and la valued at 1100, -
000, according to th report of Mrs,
Warren and Oeorge A. Warren, execu
tor. In accordance with th will left by
Mr. Warren, th property and other
aaaeta of the eatate will be divided
among the four children, the widow
and two grandchildren. To the wife
of Frank M. Warren. Jr.. 15000 caah la
bequeathed, and to Anna Elisabeth
Warren, daughter of Frank M. Warren.
Jr 11000. To Mrs. Anna E. Blood, of
Everett. Mass, 00 la left, the amount
to be paid In Installments of ISO a
month. To France R. Munro, daugh
ter of Anna Grace Warren Munro, $1000
la left. The remainder of the estate
goes to tha widow and her four chil
dren, excepting property at St. Claur
street and Park avenue, which la be
queathed to the widow exclusively.
Heavy Shower Insure Record
Yield of Farm Products.
TERflKBONNE. Or.. Jun 7. (Spe
rial.) A heavy rain began thla atfer
noon and continued for several hours,
thoroughly soaking th soil. Crop con
dition hav been favorable this 8prlng
and th rain today aaaure bountiful
harvest. Farmer having a large
acreage of potatoes will be especially
benefitted. Prospects are for an un
usually large wheat yield.
Reports from Bend are that heavy
rain fell there, folowlng a electric
Tactics Heard.
McKinley Says Flinn Is Plan
ning Demonstration.
Colonel' Friend 8 Id by Roosevelt
Member to Have Been Be
sought lo - Check Movement
That Threatens Trouble.
CHICAGO. June 7. Colonel W. F.
Stone, sergeant-at-arma of the Repub
lean National committee, appealed to
night to Mayor Harrison for police pro
tection at tomorrow's session of the
committee, which I conducting contest
hearings In th Coliseum. Chief Me
Weeney decided to detail pollc and
plain clothe men, aa requested.
Colonel Stone's action, he aald. waa
prompted by report that certain
Roosevelt leaders had prepared to take
step to Intlmldat the membership of
the committee in It deliberations.
Other members of the committee. In
cluding Colonel Harry 8. New, of In
diana; Senator Crane, of Massachusetts,
and Senator Sanders, of Tennessee. Bald
they had heard the report of a planned
Roosevelt demonstration at,th committee-room
during the hearings.
"Romark-Hoooe" Gwardeal Agalaet.
"Ther will be no Yough-houso' In
th committee," aald Colonel Ston.
"Neither will any demonstration be per
mitted on th outside of th Coliseum.
Drastic measure will be adopted If
anything of tb kind I attempted. I
hav asked the Chicago city author
ities for police protection at the com
mittee bearings."
It waa aald that th reference to
"roughhouae" method were aimed at
William Flinn. of Pittsburg, who is
headed thi way after a conference
with Colonel Roosevelt at Oyster Bay
and la aald to be charged with an Im
portant and confidential mission.
Sew 1,00.10. to Believe.
"Such a report aa thla," said Colonel
New, "seems incredible. Certainly no
on I foolish enough to believe any
thing can be gained for a cause by the
adoption of auch methods. And sure
ly no one who knows the member of
the National Committee Is going to be
bluffed or terrorised by any mob or
set of thugs that can be muatered.
"Mind you, I don't believe that any
thing of the aort will be attempted, a
aurely someone In th crowd haa In
tellect enough to head off anything of
th aort If any misguided Individual
should attempt It However, depend
(Concluded on Pag 5-1
' T " -T JT - w f X "S. I I ii v . - -iTyw rc: mm or ' .
Action of AlaxL Peak Put Navy's
Wireless Station Out of
CORDOVA. Alaska. June 7. Volcanic
ash Is falling thickly over this city,
showing that the heavy exploelona
heard In the mountains all last night
were caused by an Alaskan volcano In
eruption. The time between the ex
plosions and the fall of the ash here
was so short that It Is believed the
volcano Is In the Redoubt or the Illam
na Mountalna in tha Cook Inlet coun
try. Th cloud effect throughout thl sec
tion of Alaska wa unusual all day,
dull clouds hanging low with a south
west wind.
The explosions 'were first heard last
night at 7 o'clock and continued with
out Interruption until after 1 o'clock
thl morning. Th blasts were heavy
and In quick succession. The Navy
wireless station tried to communicate
with the stations to the westward to
get definite Information of conditions
In the Cook Inlet country but the static
conditions of the atmosphere made it
Impossible to work with any of the
Alaska stations.
Th steamship Mariposa, which ar
rived today from Seattle, reported that
she heard th eruption while between
Cap St. Ella and Cape Hlnchinbrook.
The Marlposa'a wireless was also out
of commission because of the atmos
pheric conditions.
Because of the distance the ash must
have traveled In the air, the eruption
Is believed to have been one of the
most violent In the history of Alaska
Assessments Reduced 1 0 Per Cent
on Realty and Improvements.
SPOKANE, Wash., June 7. (Special.)
Tax assessment In Spokana mill be
rtduced 10 per cent by County Assessor
Crelghton for 1012 and owners of both
real property and Improvements will
receive the benefit of a lower scale.
Revenues, according to the Assessor,
will fall somewhat, but. Crelghton de
clares, property values this year will
not stand up to thoae on which the
roll were based the last two years,
nor will a high an assessment be ne
cessary aa In the last two yeara.
As an example of the redjictlon In
percentage of assessment, t-'relghton
cites property of the real value of
$1000, which, on a 40 per cent valua
tion, taxes would be levied on a value
of $400. A 10 per cent reduction, using
a multiple of ( Inatead of 40, will re
duce the real value to $.160, or 70 per
cent of the assessed valuation.
Mulal Hand Leave Morocco Capi
tal on Way to France.
FEZ, Morocco, June 7. Sultan Mulal
Fafld. accompanied by the French
MIniater. M. Regnault, and a atrong
escort, left today for Rabat, from where
he probably will proceed to France. As
he psssed through th deserted streets
of tbe capital, the Moroccans glared
defiantly from their wlndowe.
General Lyautey, the French Real
dent Governor,' went to the city gates
with the Sultan.
Hail Like Marble Falls
for Half Hour.
Men and Animals Leveled by
High Wind and Icy Pelts.
Electrical Shaft Travel Along Wire
Fence, Tearing; Barn and Fell
Ins; ' Family None Will
Die Damage Light. ,
( Special. ) Six persons were struck by
lightning here late today In a storm
which preceded tne most severe down
pour of hall ever recorded In Klamath
County. None of those struck will die.
It is thought, although one, a baby in
arms, la In a critical condition. Three
Inches of hall fell In less than half an
The lightning also struck a barn,
ripped off a number of ahingles and
wrecked telephone and light wires in a
section of Mills addition.
Those hit by the bolt are: Ben 8.
Owens, knocked unconscious; Edward
Owena, knocked down and dased; San
dy Thompson, aeverely ahocked; Tom
Owens, severely shocked; John Potter,
shocked and dased. Baby Putter,
knocked unconscious.
Ylctlaas Blrow firowaa.
Owens, bis two sona and Thompson
were standing In the Owens yard when
the bolt struck. Potter, with Ms baby
In lils arms, waa atandlng on the rear
porch of hia home next door. The
lightning atruck a corner o fthe Owens
barn and tore loose a number of
shingles and then ran down to the elec
tric light and telephone wire. Ap
parently It traveled along tha wires
and only a small amount of the elec
tricity from the main bolt struck those
who were hit,
When Potter recovered hia poise
after the shock the baby lay In his
arms as though dead. The elder Ow
ens was stretched on th ground un
conscious and ono of his sona lay be
sld him In a daxe dcondltlon. Medi
cal attention wa secured without de
lay and all th vlctlmes were revived
within a short time.
Hall Lara aa Maroleo.
Th hall atorm which preceded the
electrical display was the most un
usual ever seen In this part of th
country. Th hailstones wer aa large
aa dob marblea and pelted befor a
strong wind with such fore that It
wa Impossible for men or animals to
stand up before their fury. -
It waa feared that slight damage to
th fruit crop would result from th
(Concluded on Pass .)
IU "Ci.
Amount Only Exceeded by New
York and Chicago Average
Principal Reaches $10!. CO.
Ington. Jun 7. Portland' Poatal
Saving Bank, in the opinion of of
ficiate of tbe Postoffice Department, la
eaelly the most succeasful and moat
proaperoua In the United States.
Statistics published by the Depart
ment today showing th aggregate de
posit from the date of opening to
April 30, this year, demonstrate that
only two cities. New York and Chicago,
have mure money on drpoalt In their
poatal bunka than Portland, and In
proportion to population Portland'a de
posits are many times greater 'than
those of tha two largest cities In the
I nited States.
The amount on deposit In Portland
on April 10 wa I43C.1 S. The amount
In New Tork waa $?7.74i and In Chi
cago I f. 1 .6 I. No other far Western
city approxlmatee Portland's deposits,
but St. Paul la not far behind with
The average amount per person de
posited In April In the Portland postal
bank was 131.41. which figure waa ex
ceeded only by New Orleans. Th av
erage principal per depositor In Port
land April 2 waa $101. (0. which Is
exceeded slightly by St. Paul, Denver,
Kansas City and Seattle. The average
In Seattle waa 2 cents above that of
Portland and In San Francisco th av
erage 1 14 cent less than that of
Plan to Call Wood lawn Building
Wittenberg' Not Popular .
Residents of th Woodlawn district
will contluu to know their public
school building aa the Woodlawn
rVhool. Following the death of Her
man Wittenberg, for many years a
member of the Board of Education and
prominent in public school affalra, hla
asaoclates on the Board tentatively
agreed to name tha Woodlawn School
after him. In fact, th nam Wood
lawn waa removed from th building
aeveral week ago and that of Witten
berg waa aubatiluled.
At Thuraday'e meeting of the Board
of Education It waa reportrd that the
board bearing the name Wittenberg
had been removed from the echool
building and carried away. Thla fact,
coupled with the preaentatlon of a pro
test trura the Woodlawn Improvement
Asaociat'on .objecting to the change in
namea. moved the director to decide
officially to restore the original nam
of the achool. The name by which the
school has been known Is associated
with that aectlon of the city and waa
the reaaon urged by the Improvement
Aasoclatlon why any substitution would
be distasteful to the patrons of th
Man W"1k 'Touched'' Hotel Inrrates
at Pendleton Arrested.
PENDLETON. Or., June 7. (Special.)
After cleverly entering a number of
rooms In both the St. Oeorge and Bow
man Hotels early thla afternoon and
"touching" everyone, practically, with
whom he came In contact, a man giving
his name as Fred W. Bailey was final
ly arrested at the depot after be had
made a big "cleanup" and all In about
three hours' time. The man arrived
from Walla Walla about noon today.
After being placed under arrest n
asked to step away a short distance to
get hi valise and upon gaining con
sent made a mad bolt for liberty. A
bullet followed cloa In hla path, how
ever. Chief of Police Kearney having
kept a cloae eye on the stranger.
When searched in th Sheriff's office
a number of gold watchca. considerable
money, odd piece of Jewelry, akeleton
keya. etc.. wer found on him. tin of
the watches was owned by Henry
Men.s, which Bailey I alleged to hav
taken while Means wss asleep In his
room at the Bowman Hotel. Th loss
not being discovered for some time
Petition Against Senator Carson to
Be Circulated, Sa) McMahan.
SALEM, Or., June 7. Announcement
has been made here by L. II. McMahan
that the petitions having for their ob
ject the recall of State Senator John
A. Carson are now printed and that
they will be put Into circulation to
morrow. L- H. McMahan aeveral
montha ago bought space in a local
paper here, and ever since haa been
attacking the record of Senator Carson
In the last Legislature. Several weeks
ago he announced that recall petitions
would be soon circulated against the
Senator, and he la now beading a move
ment to teca.ll him.
Carson has made a counter attack on
McMahan by giving out affidavit
algned about three years ago by P. N.
lthrop and Nellie M. Savage, accusing
McMahan of persuading Lathrop to
swear falsely in aid of McMahan'
client In a divorce action.
Mexican Federals, Venturing Too
far. Encounter Superior Force.
CHIHttAjrCA. June 7. Federal out
posle advanced too far north today
and were driven back In a sharp skir
mish by 200 rebel under General Joae
t'ampoe. a few mllea south of Santa
Ysabel, a station on the Mexican North
western, 4& miles west of her. The
federal. 00 In number, escaped with
out loae and are believed to have been
part of the column under Oeneral
More troopa were sent westward from
here today to reinforce the columns
under General fsmpos and Colonel
Kellx Terraxaa. The rebela have nearly
3000 men along the line of tbe Mexi
can Korthwestara west from thla city.
Cameron, and Tazwell
to Be Questioned.
Court Says City Executive
Tries to Shift Blame.
Rushlight Will Select Own Man for
Municipal Bench If Present Oc
cupant Is I'.lcclcd to Circuit
Division Next November.
o-oo-oo-oo e o o o-o
Municipal Juds Tsisell, replying
lo chsrs of policemen and state,
menu by Mayor Ruahllfht. the
Mayor I lanorant of th lawa.
Jud Taismtl y he Impoaoa. In
many Instance, th maximum flnea
on paraaltee, whenever the evidence
warrant. It; when II dne not. he rec.
omm.mli lena aerloua charge and
puntahe according lo the evidence.
Judge Tnxwell aya ha thinks It
would ha been only "common
courtey" on th Myor" part to
have notified htm of tha Thursday
meeting. o he could have been pre
ent lo reful any charge made.
Judge T.iw.ll hold the Mayor
alone responsible for condition, and
aay th police have order not to
molest disorderly women under cer
tain clrcum.tancej. and aya nm
of the policemen have lid about
Dlatrlct Attorney Cameron ls
hold th Msyor rponllile.
Msyor Ru. Might aya h 1 not Ig
norant of the law and that ha will
aak the City Council to change th
ordinance so that tha Municipal
Judge can lir.po heavier entnce
on paraalte.
The Mayor he will summon
court attaches and District Attornoy
to explain their aria.
Mayor Ruahllght, anawerlng certain
featurea of a furmsl statement by Mu
nicipal Judge Taxwell touching on
charge mad by policemen at the City
Hall Thursday afternoon, declared last
night that he will demand of District
Attorney Cameron and Judg Taxwell
why it In that they are not co-operating
with the pollc In cleansing th
In esse of th election of Judg Tax
well to th Circuit Bonch In November,
th Mayor declared, "I will appoint to
th Municipal Court bench a man who
will give me a aworn atatement before
hand that he will deliver tha goods
down there In th matter of meting
out proper sentences to parasites, a
well aa others."
Taswell Charges Igaoraaee.
Judge Taswell. In hia statement, de
clares that th Mayor la Ignorant of
th lawa or he would not have said in
a recent interview In Tha Oregonlan
that th eolltences Imposed on para
sites by th Municipal Judg are light
Answering this, the Mayor aald:
"I am not ignorant of th law at all;
that la not my point. I aald In that
Interview that rock pile sentences of
on year should be given parasites
who are convicted aa such. Instead of
smaller sentences or fines. What I
had In mind wsa that the present or
dinance should -be changed. If It does
not give the Municipal Judge sufficient
latitude, and 1 will recommend to tbe
City Council that th ordinance be n
changed. I also will provide room for
paraslteg on the rockpllc."
Blasse Not Shifted, Says Mayor.
Judge Taxwell also charged that he
believe Mayor Rushlight I seeking to
shift responsibility from hla own
shoulder to someone else, the same
being the Judge. The Mayor replied
to this by saying It Is untrue.
"I am conducting an Investigation
Into the police department affalra,"
said the Mayor, "because the grand
Jury for May said (he city is overrun
with disorderly women and parasites.
I am not investigating the Municipal
Judge nor the District Attorney, but
the charges made against those offi
cials by members of the police force
are so aerloua that I must take notice
of them and 1 will havo Judge Taswell
and District Attorney Cameron, as well
as others, before me to give them an
opportunity to explain.
"I think that there are 40 cases of
persons found guilty in tli Municipal
Court who were given suspended sen
tences during the yesr; I want to know
why, and It Is up to the Judg and Dis
trict Attorney to clear this up. They
will be given an opportunity Just as
soon aa I ran get tho testimony of
Thuraday extended and tabulated state
ments of certain thlnga ready for their
Mayor Won't "Itog Wossea.
Judge Tsswell charges that Mayor
Rushlight Insists upon being responsi
ble for the police department and, thla
being th case. Inquire why the po
lice have ordera not to molest disor
derly women unless thsy are soliciting
from windows or on the streets, Tbe
Mayor say this Is because these
women have a right to live, so long al
they do not molest the public or ply
their trade; that he will not "dog"
(Concluded on Pas i.