TIIK MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1912. Carload of New Willamette Rotaries for March Sewing Machine Club Pay Only $2.00 Now and $1.00 a Week Hear New Schumann-Heink and McCormack Records on the Victor Selections from "Alma" and "Little Miss Fixit" ELKS 10 SEE COAST Lodges From Denver and Mer idan. Miss., Have Specials. FULL TRAINLOADS COMING Colorado Capital lo fnd Irll Team llh Prrord of VlrtorlM Itln rrarlra Arraned Vlth th Idea of SIcht-SM-lnj. Itinrarl or th- Elk lo-laea of Pn r and of MortdUo. Ml.. In trallna; I tha National convention In Portland r.oat Jaly hava bn completed and flJ lth Harrir c. 3aAlliatr. aacre tarr of ta lli runlon rommlflon. Earn Soda-a wl.l fcava a po-la.l train and will itiaaa a rn-ral iht-eln tour of th Pa-lfle oat- -A bunrh f I've wlra twl.ted to gether and callej the renver-Portland l.ub will char' of the train, ara tha announcement from the Den ver lode- "and thr promiae ua tha preateat aver In the war of entertain ment and refreehmenta en real'." Tha Iwnrer train will travel over the Kur ltnatnn and Northern I'arlflc mutea to Portland, leavln Denrrr at 7:& P. St Wedneedajr. July J. Tr-urth of July will bo eelebraled by a vtalt to the Cueter Hattlefleld In -VYyomlnc. Additional nope will ba mad at tsherldan. H Billlnsa. Mont.. Oard'ner. Mont.. Mammoth. Mont.. Ur tnreton. MonU bpoaana and Seattle. Tbia arhedule alio will allow vIMta to Mammoth Hot Pprlnaa and brief tay In feattle aa well aa b poke-no. Tba t-atn la dna to arrive here at ! P. M . Sunday. July T. The party will breaa up In Portland, allowln Ita membera to return to their hom ott any of tha dlvtree routea leading out of tha city. na Drill Teaea eeloa. Tba drill team of the Ienver lodge, under tha leadership of Captain R. A. Kln-ald. who. It ! announced, "never naa failed to brine homa the baron." la entered in the $lo-ia priao conteat to be rondurted by the IMrtland Klka. and the Denver membera will orrtipy a prominent poeltlon In the naratlo on Thuraday. Jul" 11. In addltton to tha Pwnver train It la probable that two or mora additional tralna will coma from Colorado. The plana of the Meridian Kike have h-en drawn on an elaborate baata and proTide for an irnrnlnn covering the creater port on of the weetern half of the Vnltrd f tatee. Inrludlna; almoat an entire week a atay In Portland. The train will depart from Meridian over the yneen A Creecrnt Railway on Mon. lav. June J4. making atopa at the fol lowing placea en mule: Kort Worth. Tex.. Ienver. Colorado Sprlnga. Cripple Creek. Cllenwood Spring', fait I.ak rity. l-aa Vrgaa. New Klverelde. Cat, l.oa Angelea ami Ita numeroua aur rnundlng reaorte. Iel Monte. Santa t"ru. San Krancleco. and Shasta Spring". The train U due to arrive here at 1!:S P. M. Monday. July . The return trip provide for utopa at Seattle. Vancouver. It. C. Revelstoke. i; lacier. Field. Ufn. Banff and other polnta on the Canadian Pacific, after which tha party will proceed to St. Paul. Minneapolis. Milwaukee. Chicago and St. Louis, where It will dlaband. aay To Vlalt Mawle Rial. The achedule will bring the travalera hark to Meridian on Tueeday. July 13. although many will remain at various polnta en route within the return lim it, of their tickets. The Meridian Elks have arranged to enter tha parade. ther Mlaalealppl lodges will Join them. While In Portland the train will be parked In the local railroad yard. The Sit. l.oula lodge yesterday In formed Secretary McAllister that they will be well represented at the reunion, although they have nxt yet completed plana for the movement of their special train. The Rika of K.ast ft. Ixuls. 111.. who ara booming John K. Kaulkner. one of their number, for tne office of crand trustee, also will have a special train. An advance shipment of tha attrac tive poster. digned by Miss Uenevleva llailey. a Portland girl, haa been re ceived from the lithographer. Tha full order will ba here and ready for dis tribution In a few days. COURT WARNS SPEEDERS Mtilmum Kln-s to Bo Jnipocd In the In tore. A warning to automobile and motor evle speeders was given by Judge Tam mell in the Municipal Court yeeterday morrilng. when he announced, that ha would impose tha severest penalties tha clrrumstancea warranted In all rases of esceedirc the speed llmlt- The announcement came when Dep uty District Attorney Urnncasv told the n.urt that U Inglebrock. a atattonary engineer In the Ooodnough building, who was arrested Tuesday by Patrol man Sims for crossing the Morrison bridge at an eicesalve apeed. waa will ing to plead guilty and recommenced to tha court that In consideration of this action a fine of $J be imposed. This court ran t begin tha practice of Imposing fines f -r such offenses aa tl.at," announced the Judge. -Some courts might do It, but this court will not. There hare been altogether too many arcldenta of late due to excessive speeding, and the practice la becoming far too common. Tiie maximum fine Is :; for the offense, and a suggestion of a ti fine cannot be considered." Inglebrock. who Is a young man. pleaded Ignorance of the law. and aald that he was lata and In a hurry to get to his work. I'pon his representations and tliose of the District Attorney, the case was continued Indef lnltelv. with a warning that a severe fine would be Imposed If he repeated the offenae. MILWAUKEE PLANS LINES -trral llrnncbra lo lie llullt In tbe Nortbam. In recognition of the increasing traf. flc throughout the NortliWet- ti.e Mil waukee KatlroaU la preparing to con struct a number of branch Unca In va rloua parts, said J. R. Vettrb. assistant general freight agent, who waa in Port land yesterday. Veitch. who until six or eight months ago. waa tn charge of the Milwaukee office tn Portland, haa been making a trip over the territory In Oregon. Washington and Idaho and finds tnat the movement of east-bound traffic is growing every month. The west-bound business haa been on the gradual In crease for many years and la maintain, lug Its naual gain this year. The lorn iker movement particularly la encour aging. In view of the discouraging situation in the lumber market for the last two years this s a moat welcome (a to all transportation Interests. Ttrir roi.D m om pat. lake LAXATIVE PROMO Qulclne Taklera. r-un r-fcn-l ieen-y If It fsla te cur, s vw. wRoYa.'e signature is aa aacn aox. 2 THE MKIEit Jc FHAXK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 18o7. WEATHER REPORT: FAIR. TIIE -MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1S57. Three Days More of the Made-inrOregon Exposition! Q w-aofi A LL Portland should see this great industrial show be- p- II IK TOITK been out for an afternoon II y I motor to a theater's mntlnee or or W a pniipiina iini-'i nun w non tv meeting your friends In the (1 epaclous lobby of our beautiful Sov 1 1 entu-Kloor Tea Room. II A delightful Special Aftornoon Tea Service dully. Z lo i V. M. Kvery- about It Is dainty from tne tiny rosvbuddel llsvlland lo the de liriously prepared foods served. A. for the l.oaeheoej business men, shoppors. enti-rtuinnrs all enjoy the Squirt, the effl. Int service the un rx'eiled rulslne alwaya found hero. Music by Ladles" Orchestra. Ex press elevator dally at noontlrno. 50c Box Face Powder FREE WITH every purchase of 50e or more during the March ale of Toilot Goods, a full size o0c box Yeloute Face I'owdcr, rxcollent fuality. in all tints, Tppp will tw p i v e n alir-olutrly v I CC 10c Physician'! and Surg. Soap 7 25c Cnticnra Soap, the cake at 147 25c Parker's Tar Soap, the cake 14 5c Fairy Soap, dozen cakes at 43c 10c Kirk's JnTenile Soap, cake 9t 25c Pear's Scented Soap only 13 25c Pear's Unscented Soap at 1C 50c Creme Elcaya, special, only 20( 50c Satin Skin Cream, special, 3 It 25c Dagget ft Ramsdell's Cream 17 25c Sanitol Cold Cream at only 1 60c La Blache Face Powder at 27 50c Pozzoni's Face Powder at 29 50c Java Rice Powder, box at i5t 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder at only 9 25c Sanitol Tooth Powder. 2 for 25C 25c Mennen's Talcum Powder at 50c Herpicide Hair Tonic only 35 fore too late in the last nine davs visitors from all over Ilie state have had their eyes opened to the podds which are produced rir;Ut here in Oregon! A full-size loom from the Thomas Kay Mills at Salem-is weaving; woolen foods in the Dress Goods Department. Vounjr women from Neustadtcr bros. are makinq; shirts and overalls on the third and fifth floors. A loom from the Multnomah Mohair Mills, Sellwood, in operation on fifth floor, and manv other exhibits scattered on various floors. SEE THE FREE STEREOPTICON SHOW, FIFTH FLOOR. Kiser's beautiful hand-colored photos of the Northwest, shown by sterc pptieon. Also, beginning tod;:y, reproductions of the Bennett Greater Portland Plans will be thrown on the screen. Continuous show, 11 to 1 and 2 to 5 o'clock. Free, of course. fi 5 OOHy degrade" Striped Petticoats at 98c f T-'TT'T rl'Tl it. -it A T ifsj jjiiiii'jit uie niusiraiion nor our i ' words of description here ran do justice to 1hc remarkable value in these Petticoats at only 98c. Splendidly made every Skirt bears the famous "Hydegrade" label. And that's sufficient evidence that they're well made. Of fine, firm quality "Hydeprade" fabric In neat black and white and gray and white stripe. Pretty knife pleated flounces, finished with colored b-nds navy, Copenhagen, green, tan, red, brown, DiacK, etc.. j-- These Petticoats are priced extra special QQ- (jj HI mm. for Thursday and Friday selling at only each The New Untrimmed Millinery T VERYTHING needed here for w woman who has a knack of making her own millinery. The smartest of Un trimmed Shapes frames, the loveliest of Flowers and Trimmings. Come up today and make your choice. , The Untrimmed Shapes Kvery conceivable style and material burnt straws, hemp, chip, Neapolitan braids, Milans, rough straws, Tagal, peanut braids, etc. Black, white, cream and burnt color. Smart, becoming shapes of every new style. Priced from S1.25 to 18.00. Loveliest of Flowers Kever have the Flowers for Spring and Summer been lovelier than now. Large American Beauty lioses. Moss Koses, Buds, Tiny Forget-me-nots, Hyacinths, Sweet Peas and the prettiest Wreaths, and stickups'in attractive combination of flowers. Flowers at from 250 to $4.50 Wire and Netine Frames Covered with braid, or lace; remarkably mod ish Hats may be made. Of both black or white wire and netine. In very new shape small, medium and large; straight and rolled. Any . i l "r a i siyie ai oniy t v the JpU 3f The New Straw Braids Fine and coarse Hat Braids included in this splendid group. Every plain color and in pretty combinations; 10 and 12-yard lengths. So easily sewed to the wire frames. Priced the complete length at 50 to $2.25 Ornaments and Ostrich Beautiful is the variety of new Ornaments. Stickups of rough weave ratine, twilled cord and straw. Beaded and tinsel ornaments, medal ions, heavy maerame laces and fetching trim mings of fanev ostrich. The ostrich at from $3.25 to $7.50. Others from 50 to $2.50 Brassware Sale $2 Jardinieres for $1.29 A TREMENDOUS factory purchase of this beautiful Russian hammered Brass ware over 1000 pieces at prices which will surely prove a sensation today $ 1 29 mm FHf i and Friday! We've 2:J0 of the large $2.00 Hammered Bra.'iS Jardinieres, as illustrated below. "While the lot lasts they will be sold at the very special price of Brass Fern $1.35 Jardinieres at $ .99 $1.50 Jardinieres at $1.19 $2.25 Jardinieres at $1.79 $2.75 Jardinieres at $2.19 $3.75 Jardinieres at $2.99 $4.25 Jardinieres at $3.39 $5.50 Jardinieres at $4.39 Dishes - $1.00 Fern Dishes $ .69 $1.50 Fern Dishes $ .99 $2.00 Fern Dishes, $1.29 Our "Ajax" Guaranteed Socks 6 Pair Guaranteed by Us for 6 Months "A- JAX" are different from otlier guaranteed hose in many respects. One feature is no sending back to the factory to replace those which come to holes within the piven time just bring them here to our department with the guarantee coupon and get a new pair. Outside of the guarantee. Ajax Socks are an extraordinary value at the prices. They're made of the finest grades of Ksryptiaii cotton, and lisle; also pure-thread silk, reinforced, though not clumsy. Black, tan and nil beautiful new plain shades for Spring and Summer wear with low hoes. Ajax Silk Lisle and Mercerized Socks licrlit. sheer weight, also heavier grades. P"1 tZf Six pairs, guaranteed six months K aaJV Ajax Silk Lisle Socks beautiful silky qual ity, in all new Spring shades. Six tfJO QQ pairs, guaranteed for six months at r" Ajax Pure-Thread Silk Socks the only silk SK-ks on the market guaranteed lJO ff for six -months. Six pairs for PJJJ March "Baby Week" Hand-Made Dresses 4 Less IT'S the monthh opportunity for splendid sav ings on apparel for the little tot! A dainty hand painted safety-pin holder free to each purchaser. Our entire line of exquisite hand-made French Dresses and Skirts, of finest nainsook, hand-embroidered and beautifully trimmed. The regular prices range from . occ $1.50 to $30.00. On sale this week, special, at Wia Hand-made Flannel Skirts Gertrude style, or with waists attached. From $2.50 to $7.50, at 1-4 LESS. Infants' $1.50 Skirts With pin tucks and ruffles of laces and emhroiileries, $1.22. Infants' $2.25 Celluloid Toi let Sets Puff box, comb and brush, with hlue or pink dec orations, $1.79. Infants' $3.50 Comforters Crib-size, of white silk mull, edged with blue or pink satin ribbon. $2.79. Hand-Made Afghans From $3.50 to $10. at 1-4 LESS. Infants' 60c Bibs T,ace and embroidery trimmed, 46. Infants' Hand-Made Lingerie Caps From. $1.50 to $4, at 1-4 LESS. Infants' $1.25 Dresses of good quality materials. Prettily QO tuv finished with tinv lace and embroidered yokes. Today at outing flannel, straps over shoulder. 60c Pinning Blankets made extra long, of soft quality A"i Special today at only ade-in-Oregon Trunks FOl'RTH KI.OOR MAIN BLILDINU, mm tray and hat form, all cloth lined, straps. $20.25 Trunks, 34-inch $16.20 $21.00 Trunks, 36-inch $16.80 $21.75 Trunks, 38-inch $17.40 Other Multnomah- Trunks Heavily vulcanized, with mottled MAIL ORDERS FILLED. AVK you visited t h e. Multnomah Ti;unk Company's manufac turing exhibit during our Madc-in - Oregon Exposit ion ? Kvery detail of trunk-making is being done while you watch. A special sale of Multnomah Trunks this week in conjunc tion size, 3-ply veneer, with waterproof canvas cover ing. Large dress tray, set-up Strongly bound, with two leather fiber covering. Hardwood slats, cloth lined, with two trays and leather straps. $14.00 Trunk, 34-inch, $11.10 $14.75 Trunk, 36-inch, $11.60 $15.50 Trunk, 38-inch, $12.20 Our $ 1 2.50 Hygienic Felt Mattress, $9.60 SEE our spe cial Meier & Frank Hy gienic Felt Mattresses be ing made in the Carman Mfg. Co.'s Exhibit, fourth floor, main building! Made expressly for .us, they're of pure, sanitary, laver cotton, covered with old-fashioned striped or fancy art ticking. They'll last for years. They are sold regularly at $12.50. Special for this week only $9.60 Neckwear Sale in Force 35c Pieces, 21c FIRST FLOOR, St AI.X Bt ILniNO. SPLENDID variety styles included in this group m Side Frills. Jabots and Prettilv made of sheer at "le ( a.-caile: Dutch Collars. lawn, trim insertion 65c and 75c Lace Collars Importations from Plauen. Both white and ecru in the popular circular style. . Scores patterns to choose from. T' $1.50 Corsage Bouquets Beau tiful larffp American Beauty Koses of satin. Every lovely -hade. Special price C?1 1Q f A, a imed with fine laces amlOl . jj Heirularly 3.V today for51- 11 l imjiortations ind ecru in the "Ts of47r oday at - yiiiir i , wy rv i,ii ill w4 for IihUiv' filing Irish Crochet Neckwear In cluding every style Jabots, Ra bats. Fichus, Dutch and Saiior Collars, etc. Regu- liOff tvit larlv $5 to $40, at $ 42-50 Acorn Range $ 34-40 KOIRTII FLOOR WAI.Y HI ll.l)l0. SUCIT a ange as any housewife will be proud to own the Aurora Aeorn. exactly as illustrate!. It's made with two walls of extra heavy steel, asbestos lined. Fitted with fcix 8-inch holes, celebrated Acorn ITot Blast firebox and duplex srrate. especially for burning wood. Large lS-inch oven, and, like all Acorns, a superb baker! Our regular price of the Aurora Acorn is $42.50. For three days ': &tia3"' "? .0f The New Burok Linens W FIRST FLOOR EW lllll.DIU MAIL ORDERS FILLKD. 1TII the return of our linen chief from mar ket has come this showing of new Burok Natural Color Embroidered Linen Centers and Scarfs, which every housewife should seel They're are sturdy German linen, embroidered with wash able silk in pretty colors. Floral, scroll and conventional designs. BUROK LINEN SCARFS Some in designs to match Centers. The" 18x:t6-inch at $1.25; 18x45-inch, $1.75 BUROK LINEN CENTERS. The :.'4-ini h. $2 to 4.25. 30-inch. $2.25 to $5. :-iu.. 53.98. o4-inch at only $10 Victor Flour, Sack $ 1.25 WITH Flour advancing in price each day, eco nomical housewives will welcome this sav ing on our high-grade Victor Flour. Victor, a full-patent Flour, made expressly for is from best selected wheat. e offer it, today at a price every housewife should profit by. Special, barrel. $4.9l; a sack $1.25 English Bacon, the pound, 15 Cream of Wheat, package, 15 Egg-O-See Corn Flakes three packages, special at only 25C Quaker Corn Flakes, special at three packages at only 25 Red Beans, 5 pounds only 25 Imported French Prunes, reg ular $1.25 jars, at only 65 Olives, regularly 75c only 40 F. A. Tomato Soup, 3 cans 25 Sliced Beef, 35c jars at 25 S. W. Pork and Beans, 3 cans, special at this sale at 23 Corn starch, 4 packages 25c L. M. Raisins, 3 pounds at 22 Imported Figs, 2 pounds 25 B.& M. Fish Flakes, 3 cans 25c OpeniiigSpringSale of Garden Tools Cont'd IT'S the opportunity of the. year don't let it pass unheeded. Garden Tools of every description at special prices for this trreat .Annual Sprintr Sale. Place vour order earlv. SHOVELS AND SPADES. 75c Short-Handled Shovels at only 59 75c Long-Handled Shovels at only. 59? 90c Steel Scoop Shovels priced at 78 50c Florists' Shovels special at only 42 75c Short-Handled Spades special at 59? 75c Long-Handled Spades, special at 59 HOES, FORKS, ETC. 50c Field and Garden Hoes at only 42 30c Weeding Hoes, special at only 24 50c Weeding Hoes, special at only 42 70c Steel Bow Rakes, 12-teeth, 59. 40c Wire Lawn Rakes, 24-teeth, 31 75c Steel Bow Rakes, 14-teeth, 63 MISCELLANEOUS. Child's 35c Garden Sets, only 28 $1 Floral Sets, 3-piece, only 84 50c Rose Bush Sprayers, only 34 40c Japanned Pruning Shears, 32 Hose and Wire Netting. 25c Riveted Steel Hoes at only 19 50c Steel Dandelion Diggers at 42? 35c Steel Onion Weeders, only 28J 80c Short Spading Forks at 66 75c Long-Hdled. Manure Forks, 63J RAKES, ETC. 30c Garden Rakes, special at 24 25c Garden Rakes, 12-teeth, at 19 60c Steel Rakes, 14-teeth, only 49 We carry a complete line of Lawn Mowers, .1 afaaaaamrnvBamaaammaaBaaa. 1 ksgsESf WMM 657 hroe (HO A A t r'-- g-aaanaaaaa, !.ia .aa. ar , araaa-i o nl y ib.54.4U TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, A 6101 35c Two-Year Rose Bushes, 20c The famous Caroline Testout Rose Bushes, official pink of the Rose Carnival. Hardy, two-year-old plants, e( which sell regularly for 35c. Special today only UC Genuine Irish Shamrocks, plants in pots, 15J and 25d Spencer Sweet Peas, home collection of 6 large packs, 50 Portland Seed Co.'s Garden and Floral Seeds, 10S 15S 25d.