TTTB MORNING OREGOXIAJ. TTTTJR SD AT, K"OTE3IBEll 2, 1911. TH K V EAST IE PLAINT E RAGES ASSE S SIgfer and Black Near Fight ing Point Over Charge Al leging Partiality. DISCRIMINATION IS DENIED Official "Would Permit Assessment Qompartsoa and Submit All to fury of Realty Men !o Decision la Reached. Conoty AMMior flljler and 0ors Black, outftr of tn Hawthorn -tat, almost cam to blows tn County Jule Claaion a offle yastarday after noon, whan an Eaat Bids commute waa dlacuealne; with membera of th Board of Equalization tha alteration that property on tha Eaat Bids had feaan dlacrlmlnatad etralnat In maklm uwnmeiiia Tha claah rama aft.r Mr. Black had inalnuatad that It mlarht ba poaalbl that Mr. Sillier dropped elphar In . traneferrlne; tiurtt from th block book to th aaaeaament roll proper, and had aaked Mr. Staler If ba had dla rlmlnated asalnat any part of tha city tn (lain; value. 1 conatder that ona of th moil uncalled-for and Inaultlnir queatlona that I have Tr been called upon to an swer." almoat shouted th Aaor. Howerr. 1 will anawer It. I bar triad conaclentloualy to arrlv at th true cash value of every plec of prop erty la th city, and hav dona my level beat to treat everyone with per fect fairness. If any mlatake hav been made they are mlatake of th head and not of tna heart. I preaam. Mr. Black, that that anawer your ques tion." Mr. Black Instated that Mr. "tiler had not answered bis question, and th Aaaeasor threw up bla hands, exclaim ing that ha could civ no better or mor concise reply. Oaapartaoa la Invited. "I am willing; that you should usa th block book or th aaaeasment rolla but I do Inatst that you do not us both." said Mr. Blglar. -pick out th districts on th East and West sides which you wish compared and I will lather th Oerurea at which they are aaseaaed for you. Realty experte can then aay whether or not I have been fair, and I am willing; to abide by th decision of an Impartial jury of real a tat men." -It 1 vldnt.- tntrpod County Clark Melda, -that Mr. SlsjleY doea not trust Mr. Black and that Mr. Black doea not trust Mr. Klgler. Each seems afraid that tha other would cnanae rt auras. I will supplement what Mr. Staler has said by aaylns; that I wtll arte- Mr. Black a man to a;o over Mr. fclgler's nit urea and compare them with both th block book and tha aaaeaa ment rolla." -Will you then. Mr. 8irlr," asked Mr. Black, "tell us where w can Cnd discrepancies r Bewk-Marklaar PrablblteaV -Mr. Black. I bellev there are no discriminations." replied Mr. Klarler. -I underatood that your committee was her to complain of such, and If such Is tha caaa I believe you would And no dlfdculty In preeentlns; svldnc In up port of your ailraatlona" County Clsrk Fields refussd to allow Mr. Black th prlvllec of marking last year's saaeaamenf opposite those of 111 In penclL a -Why. I couldn't consent to any such thine." eald Mr. Fields. "The very Idea Is absurd. Allow you to mark up th public records? Well. I rues not." "But the flarure could be rubbed out later." pleaded Mr. Black. "I wouldn't allow you to do It In any circumstances." replied Mr. Fields. Coanty JudKS Cleeton sought In vain to make tha members of th Eaat Side committee Ian Kellaher. doors; Black. M. O. Collins and L M. Leppsr agree with htm that th only fair way la to S'lect pieces of property on both sides of the river, hav their cash valuea decided by disinterested real ea tate men. and then consult the tax rolls to determine whether Mr. Blgler has been kullty of discrimination. West aid Advaared First. "Tou gentlemen must remember." said th JuJa. -that tt la not good policy tn mak arbitrary advance in value. The rul has been -to advance Gradually. If ths East Bids valuss hav been Increased thts year it Is be cause th West Side has been advanced heretofore. It 1 Imposslbl to mak assessment with mathematical pre cision." Judge Cleeton Insisted that tha only way th Board of Equalluiton can as sist th East Side complainants Is by hivlnir It proved that that section of the city haa been discriminated against tn making this year's assessment. It would do no good, he said, to compare th 111 Eaat Side valuea with those of 110. however Interesting such a comparlaon mlcht b to th public Nothing detlnll relative to a mod of procedure In determining th truth or falsity of th ailegatlona of the Eaat Old committee had been deter mined upon when tha oemmltte de parted. s HOLTZ CONTRACT IS LET"! Braxton Engineer-In; company to Build Struct tiro IVailnjr Beg-lna. roTt. Patterson aV Beach announced yesterday morning that the contract f.-r th construction of th Holts de partment ator building had been let to th Brayton Engineering Company. Th coot of th tructur was not mad public but It I understood that the building complete wtll coat about Tn building will occupy th quarter block at th northwest corner of Fifth and Waehlogton street and will ba even stone high, with a deep base ment. Th structure will b of class -A" construction and fully -fireproof. It ! expected to have th building ready for us about June 1. IMS. Work of raxing tha frame buildings on th lt wtll b started this morn ing. PERSOf.ALMEI.TIOI.. Will E. Purdy. of Newberg. la at th Lenox. C T. Beach, of Baaeldale, la at tha Lenox. W. IL Parkwood. ef Baker, la at tha Carlton. A. V. Raeau. of Seattle, la at th Carlton. IL w. Augustine, of Feattl. la at th Oregon. j. F. Klly. of th Booth-Kelly Lum- at th at th br Company, of Eugene, la Imperial. Wlllard. Caee, of Xalama, la Imperial. John 6tulL of Salem, la registered at th Lenox. Oeorg Chamber, of Rainier, la at th Portland. L. & Jonas, of Calgary. Is at th Portland. R. Bursa of Walla Walla, la at th Cornellua J. L. Underwood, ef Lebanon, la at th Perklna W. C. Mora, a Seattle contractor, la at tha Oregon. R. IX Bhelly. oa? Carsoa. la resists red at th Carlton. C E. V. Wbar. of Underwood, la at th Cornellua A. A. Jayna a Hood Rrver attorney, la at tha Imperial. E. r. Wear, of Baker, la raglatered at tha Cornellua Dr. Henry A. Uttleneld. of New berg, la at tha Cornellua W. E. Trlbble. a Marshfleld oontrae- tor, is at th Imperial. U B. Wallaca of Roaatmrc U rg1a- tered at th ImpertsX F. W. Davla of Mlnneapolla. la ragle- tared at th Kamapo. J. V. Hunt, a Hood P.lvsr merchant, la registered at tha Perklna B. J. Johnson, of Fergus Falla la registered at th Oregon. Alex Karlnen. customs inspector of Astoria, Is at tha Perklna John T. Fogarty, of Ban Francisco, Is registered at tha Portland. OWL CARS MAY BE TRIED PIESIDE?TT JOSSELTJf ASKS FOR CUAKGE OP 1 0 CENTS. Service Slay Be Extended Cntll liSO A. 3C Trial of 10 Day Suggest ed by Company Head. B. a Josaelyn. president of th Port land Railway. Light A Power Company, yesterday Issued a statement relative to th proposed owl car service. H declare, that tha eorapany la willing to operate cars until 1:19 A. M-. but believes that a oharge of 10 cents ahould be mad for axtra trip after 11:10 A. M. His statement follows: Th company la perfectly wilting to put on axtra night service if th earn ings will equal tha operating expensea In most cities a charge of 10 cents ta mad aftar a certain hour, aay -12:14, and car are run hourly or half hourly, all depending upon th else of th city, In Portland there 1 vary little trafflo after 11:10 midnight, but we are will ing as sn Institution to go as far aa wa possibly can In meeting every situation that arts In th Interest of bstter service and accommodations for our catrona "I am nerfectlr willing to make a trial of running each present last car on mor round trip, which in tnoct ln stance would extend tha time of leav ing for tha last oar to about 1:10 A. M, providing we are permitted to oharge a 10-cent fare on this extra trip, in or der that th small travel would com pensate tha extra expense. Our fran chise provides that cars shall be run during certain hours and no provision la made for an owl car servloa I be llev it would be necessary for an ordi. nanc to b passed to permit tha oora pasy to charge a 10-cent far for this extra run In order to prevent any mis understanding between tha company and Its patrons and enable th company to collect th 10 cent In consideration of th later service. -It may be that this addition to our present servlc would aolv th prob lem, and. If, so. th company la not avers to making a fair trial of tha matter, say for 10 daya keeping a rec ord of receipt and xpne so as to how th wisdom of gllvng the extra rvlca" CITY'S OIL STEP SAFE LXUJIXITT FOR DAMAGE NIL, IS OPIXIOX. Atfnrnev LatonrettA Holds Tlmt Council Has Right to Regulate Storage and Change Law. In tha opinion of Acting City Attor. ney Latourett neither tha city nor Its officers have laid themselves liable to lecal action tn rescinding tha permits granted under th oil storage ordlnanoa permitting the Union Oil Company to build tanks in South Portland. Mr. Latourette, In a letter yesterday to Mayor Rushlight, says tha City Council haa tha power to regulat or prevent th storsc of oil and to change tha m ordinance and rescind permit granted under Ita provisiona im opin ion say in part: Section "a subdivision IS, . glvee the Council power to regulate or prevent the manufacture or sale of daneeroue exploelve. combustible materia:. Including sun powder, dynamite, oil and (aa. and to provide for the Inspection or me Bame. The ordinance under consideration reoltea that the prior ordinance waa adopted under a mlaappreheneloB of the facta and with the enderetaadlns that oil tanka ware not to be eo located aa to be danserona but thai proceedlnsa are bow under way for the construction of en oil tank tn the vicinity of residences, xnilla etc. at a danseroue p:ace. if these facta are true, as they ap pear to be from tbe Information which haa come to na I am of the opinion that there ran be no doubt about the city having a right te edopt aa ordinance repealing the former ordinance and rescind perm Ita grant ed thereunder. Aa to tbe poealblllty of a claim for dara esea asanat tha city for taking thla action, the city la acting In Ita governmental ea- f.aclty. and neither It nor Ita officers are labia for damasee where they act In good faith, attempting to exercise the govern mental power Invested In them. Dr. Moe'e Orthopedic Gymnaedura for Infantile paraiyala and all nervous disorders, meumntlsm. gout, bladder and kldnev trouhlea Maat modern methoda No drum. K- lath at. This Hair Remover Works Like Magic (Toilet Talka) A paste made with water and plain powdered delatona and applied to a hairy eurfsce will remove every trace of hair or fuxa The past should b left on th skin two or three minutes, then removed and tha surface washed. This will leave th akin hairless, firm and whlta If tha growth la vary thick or stubborn. It may require a second application. Druggists charg on dollar for an original one-ounce package of dela tona but to those afflicted with su perfluous growths thla will prove far cheaper than tha electric needle, whit tha absence of th attending pain, and tlme-con-iumlng trlpa to the beauty parlor will be appreciated. Adv. Beautiful Oil Paintings Free With S5.QO and $10.00 Purchases for This WeeK Oxily Psychological Class ZSZZZfSZ ZZT?&'n?ZJ S'mZt2 Lesson by Mrs. Weinstein y"- a. P1 an eaaa tm esse at TTrVT H Y m a I mm e-dra & a-K s-N tf&J f TITTV ye Y 1 1 V a V Jf - V V eCi J, hi ViWa aaa efcs W'aaer etaaa a e-a. ess. efae Reliable MercHaiadiseReliable Methods-Where the Word "Sale" Has a Meaning The Sanitary Store Shop here in perfect ease and comfort, where the alalee re broad, the ceilings high, with perfect daylight on siaei, wee re ail me air in me ouiiaing anaergtes all an entire change every 20 minute, making it healthful, invigorating and pleasant. "Truly a Sanitary Store." 50c Suspenders 29c In the men's, corner on the main floor a sale of high-grade onion-made Suspenders in light, medium and heavyweight lisle webs in the mercerited and jacqnard elastio webs. Fitted with heavy buckles, leather ends, eto. All OQ new, clean stock, a factory clean-up, special lot LlXjC Optical Department Main Floor Dr. Dayton, Optometrist. Our Optical Work is accurate. Glasses are not fitted by guess work. The most scientific methods are em ployed. We prove in plain language the neoessity of any lens we prescribe and, best of all, our guarantee. Three Days' Sale of Men's an d Boys d Shoes Reductions that are reductions We will not quote meaningless figures. Our past record for integrity and honesty is your guarantee of low prices. Pursuant to our custom in past years we give the men a great sale cf wearing ap parel just before the opening of the Holiday season. This sale will surpass all others for bargains in men's apparel Sale Men's Raincoats Men's Hig'H-Grade Suits Worth Up to $27.50 for $18.45 Here's a sale for'ade-to-Measure" enthu siasts. Every Suit we sell will be a silent adver tisement; for when the "Made-to-Measure" fellow gets one on he will whisper his satisfac tion to his "Made-to-Measure" friend. For three days only you may choose any of our high-grade Suits marKed $22.50, $25.00 or $27.50 EXCEPT BLUES AND t -i o A C BLACKS, for the low price of plO.'tO Choose Any Suit Worth Up to $40 for $27.50 Discriminating fellows Men who buy by com- riarison will appreciate this opportunity to se ed any Suit in the house marKed $30, $32.50, $35.00 or $40 EXCEPT BLUES COT Cfl AND BLACKS for only, per suit .OU Men's or Youths' $15 Suits $10.85 These Suits were selected with unusual care and with an eye to quality. Our clothing man wanted the best f 15.00 suits in Portland ; than the ad man persuaded him to cut the price for this sale. All the popular shades of brown and gray are included CI H in good, dependable materials; suits actually worth $15; specialized at'P'"iJ $1.50 Gloves $1.10 Pair Eee the window display of these good Gloves, for men's street wear, the one-clasp styles in the tan cape stock; Paris point backs, Prix seams; regu lar and short fingers; tP"! "1 C good $L50 values at only V'" $1.25 Gauntlet Gloves 95c Men's Gauntlet 01 ores, made of heavy California calf skin, soft and pliable ; suitable for driving, for auto, lor motormen, conductors, etc. J gloves worth $1.23 a pair placed onQC. sale at the low price of only7" "English Gabardines $20 Grades $15 A sale of Men's Raincoats which were se lected by a man who has studied Oregon weather conditions and who Knows what is best English Gabardine in light and darK tan shades: sizes 36 to 44: cut full 52 inches long; each coat bears the Eng- f lish label and is made with the Raglan sleeve; full sweep sKirt coats 1 C flfl worth $20 each; special at V "Slip Over" Coats S12.50 Grades $7.45 And here is the popular "Slip-Over" Coat; extra good quality, rubberized Rain Coat, with the full raglan sleeves, cut full in the skirt and 52 inches long; all sizes from 34 up to 48; neat drab color; eoata worth $12.50; specialized for this sale at only, each r Men's Trousers 34.00 Grades $2.95 Three days' sale of men's Trousers, in a broad range of patterns; also blue serges; there is every size in the lot and the values are unusually good at $3.50 ttn QC and $4.00 the pair. Specialized for this sale M6 RAW 7 'tf MWVT, X7: en s nais In Late Fall BlocKs S3 Grades S1.95 Here's the Hat for the stylish young fellow. ItB the imported English wool hat; rough finish, storm-proof; colore are brown, mixed and gray mixed ; all sizes in the Q? 1 QC a a w $2.50 Hats for $1.50 In the exclusive hat store in the men's comer, a sale of the popular felt Hats in telescopes, Al pine and crusher shapes, light colors and dark grays, tans, browns and blacks ; $2.50 t 1 C f grades; placed on special sale at only P eJV lot and good values at $3; spl 31.50 Hat for $1.15 Men who fancy those English wool Hats,' rough scratch-up effects, will appreciate this offer enough to buy two or three different colors. We have brown mixed, gray mixed CI 1C and blacks; all; $1.50 grades at r 75c Gloves at 45c Pair Here's the good, substantial Glove for the man who "works; they are made of heavy, soft, pliable leather, laced at the wrist; all sizes i AtZ worth 75o regular; special at ButcHers'FrocKs for $1.55 In the men 's store, on the main floor, a sale of Butchers' Regulation Frpoks, made of heavy grade white or cheeked materials in the double-breasted styles with 3 large pockets and pocket open at each side; turn-down fi-l CC collars ; sizes up to 44, for P u $2.50 Heavy Wool Sweaters $145 A great sale of men's heavy "Wool Sweaters In the coat stylo cardigan knit, with Bide pockets, large pearl buttons, well made and fast colors in ma- (J- A roon, seal, brown, oxford gray, eto. Grades np to $2.50, for, each D 1 TrO Men's $1.50 Pajamas for Omly 95c In the men's corner, on the main floor, a sale of 300 suits of pajamas in the flan nelette materials, with military collars, side pockets, pearl buttons, eto., QC well made, cut full in body, sizes 17 and 18 only, $1.50 grades now at only a7jC Men's $1.50, $2 Shirts 95c oee Window JJisplay Another special purchase of Men's Sample Shirts, picked up at a great loss to the maker, but he wanted our regular business and this is the way he bid for it. These are the coat style, with plain or plaited bosoms, coils attached, light and dark patterns in stripes and figures ; made of the best shirting materials such as French percales, woven Madras, Russian cords, etc; all QC fast colors; sizes 14 to 17; to $2 vals. a7Jt "Eagle" SHirts $1.25 Grades 65c A great three days' sale of Jacob Miller & Son's famous "Eagle" brand Shirts, which is a guar antee of good workmanship and satisfactory fit. They are made of fast colors, blue obambray, with starehed collar bands, eoat styles, with separate pair of cuffs; all sizes, 14 to 18; our CC regular $1-25 grades; special at only, each "a- Order Mail UJV Men's $7,$8 Shoes $5.85 A - very special sale of the Bannister . and Edwin Clapp bench-made shoes ; wax calf, velour calf, Rus sia calf and gunmetal, and viai; regular TC QC $7.00 and $S.00 grades; placed on sale at PJ.OaJ Men's Loggers, with the heavy oak soles, tA (ZQ with buckles; $5.00 grades; bargains at 7 Men's DressSHoesi542 Late style Dress Shoes for men and young men, high toe, button shapes; beautiful tan calf and patents, "with medium-weight soles and military heels; sizes ty2 to 10; our regular $5.00 A OQ sellers; placed on special sale for, pair pT''a7 Men's $LOO Underwear 75c See Window Display A sale of the genuine "Winsted Hosiery Co.'s natural gray merino Shirts and Drawers, sold the world over at $1.00 a garment; "Winsted" tag on every garment; sizes up to 48. For these "Bradford" Underwear Special 95c The genuine "Bradford" Shirts and Drawers, in the heavy Winter weights, half wool, spring needle rib, natural gray and tan color; sizes up to 50 chest QC measure; special for this sale, the garment, only awU $2.00 Union Suits $1.65 Genuine "Bradford" Union Suits, in the ribbed, natural gray color, half wool; heavy Winter weight; regular sizes and stouts, for tall or short Q1 f C men; all sizes from 34 to 50; regular $2, ? .UJ Order jB Mail B argjaiffn Circle Main Floor Today Boys' Coat Sweaters special at only $1-19 Boys' Night Gowns special for this sale 38c Boys' Pajamas, at this sale for low price of 69c BlacH Sateen Shirts special for only 25c Boys' Felt Hats special for low price of 83c Basket 5 Groceries ale of $3 Another of our popular, orinal sales of high-grade groceries by the basket. Fhone your orders. A great saving for the housewife, here. 20 pounds of Granulated Sugar 3 p o n n d package of Pearllne 1 pound ofE n g 1 i s h Walnuts 1 can of Maine Sweet Corn 1 bottle of Snider V Catsup 5 cakes of 20 -Mule-Team Soap 1 package of Pearls of Wheat 1 package of new stock Raisins 1 can of the best Dimple Peas 1 package of onrpure Jello And a good Market AO (f Basket, all for only PJ. W Saleoi Rogers Silverware and all Table Hollow Ware. Tea Sets, Sugars, Creams, Trays, Casseroles, Baking Dishes, etc Andirons and Fire Sets Reduced Boys' $4 Suits for $2.85 Boys' all-wool Suits, with two pairs of pants, the knickerbocker styles, full peg, taped seams, brown and gray colors; sizes 8 to 17 years; our OC regular $4.00 values; specialized at only VefcieOeJ Boys $5 .Suits for $2.95 Children's Buster Brown Suits; sizes 2Va to 7 years; good material; in pretty browns, grays and fancy mixtures; regular $4.00 and $5.00 grades, PO QC specialized for this sale at only; the suit P",ee7eJ 91.25 UNION SUITS. SPECIAL,, 5c Heavy Winter-weight, ribbed cotton Union Suits, in the silver gray color, splendid finish, with French neck, covered seams, pearl buttons, sizes 34 to 46. Boys' $10 Overcoats $6.95 Boys' School Overcoats in ages 10 to 10 years; cut full to the shoe tops; combination collar effects; all-wool materials; ex- Qlt QC tra well made; values to $10.00; great bargains at only pv.aJ Boys' $4 Shoes for $3.39 Boys' and youths' high-cut Loggers; made of heavy, water-tight, damp-proof stock, rock oak soles, extra channel nailed; d0 OQ sizes 1 to 6V6; regular $4.00 values; specialized for, pair SJeJ7 Boys' $1.00 Pants, pair . . . 79c Boys' J51.00 Union Suits . . 59c Boys' 32.00 Felt Hats . . .$1.59 Boys $1.50 Sweaters .... 98c