Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 29, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Pioneer Lawyer Killed in Can
yon City Had Knocked
Enemy Down.
UilJro- So t irons; Irs Ander-soo'
I'nor Tlxat Atlrr Preliminary
Hearing JafUco rat Ills
Bonds X Onlj $300.
CAXTO.N CITT. Or, Jun !. Sp
t L Th torl of pron who sew
.:-. killing- of Oeor lluwi. pioneer
vricoa attorney and ono of th arly
,.ttin of Prlnsmlle. by oeorsre aji
ierson. Monday tfunioon. Indicate
that Kirae tu th aTcrsaor In th
ntiarr.L th lul of several tn msn
had had la th nan of th r. that
i:ltl In hi dvath.
i-o stror.- was this Ttdenc that At
tho preliminary hearing: of An.ierson
hefor Juatic of th Austin to-
cay. manslaughter and not munlu
w tho chrt brought arainst tho
krrr of tho Attorney. Alter xne
rearinc Justice Austin hold AsdrK)a
under l.'SOO bond to appear befor
to grind Jury In rCTembr.
Anderson fcure KerolTer.
At tho hearing; today eye-wltnea
t U1 that tho men had been separated
br tho sheriff half An hour before tho
hooUnc Anisrson t!n wont to A
place wber ho had a reroirer con-
coaled and put It In hu pocket. Alter
ward walking; up tho street to tho
dr-asr stor oX W. C Thompson. Thoro
at began to taitc with tho proprietor
and Volney Ofricer tn front of tho
building. Ito had Jut boon heart! to
remark. This thin- 6a oeoome nn
bearable." when An AOtomobllo. diiren
y Uoorg-o Itowsman. tho stepson of
t-arne. Aod In which, wero uaroe Ana
sis wife, formerly Mr. Arizona Eowt
man, passed.
A m-vn named Roeoo Rotcoe WlUoo
' said to have baited then And told
riarae that Anderson had waved his
tat At them. Itarne Instantly cot out
of tho macnlno And s tart ed down tho
-root toward Anderson, while young;
toasman and bis mother remained
jo mo distanco In tho rear.
Harnes Knocks Asdcnoa Ivown,
"IV ere you calling- moT cried
Um'S, and when An-lerson answered
"X" according- to tho testimony of
re witness. Hants Is said to hae
iU'.l hloi a liar and struck him In
:.: face, knocking him off the side
walk. AnJoraoa picked himself up
ind tmn to back away, when Harries
lruck him again. Anderson still tried
o retreat, but as liaxne started for
tin again ho drew a fun from his hip
otkrt aod leveling- It at Iiarnes cried
;o tlm to stop. When Ivarnes -who
tii a man of Iron nenre fa Id no heed
ind continued to advance threaten
rely. Anderson fired thre shots at
...a and ho fell, mortally wounded,
lying In few mlnut-a.
Eery ballet from Anderson's
seapon, A : J -caliber automatic revol
tr. took effect. And Any on would
e ba fetal. no entered Barnea
-ight side Just b'tow tho collar bono,
-he second struck About two Inches
xlow. and the third bit the left Arm.
.-asatnc throush tho body And coming
.ut through tho right Arm.
Wife See Tragt-dy.
Sheriff Collier. Assisted by W. C.
"bompwn. disarmed Anderson And er--stel
Mrs. i'rnea, with whom both men
ad been In lire befor liarne mar
.! her a year i saw the death of
r husband. There were About A
eis ntner witnesses.
AJ'.-r tho hearing Jastlc Austin
ut Anderson under I1S bonds to ap
r betoro the grand Jury on A
!..rr of manslaughter.
The shooting caused very Uttl sur
r'..i. for very bitter feeling had ez
tel ltween tho men for mors than
. yrar. Anderson had sued to recover
-inner from l"-ime' wife. A ranch In
it ae'-ato of her former husband was
.lso Involved. Anderson P cured legal
iwj:iio ef tho ranch, but his Actual
Kijion of It wa disputed by Mrs.
.irees. and It was only a few weeks
co that bo moved on It, Barnes"
-.rriAe to Sfra. lioweman gave him
. 1'cal Interest In tho property, and
had fought Aodersoa la th court
Andrnon Married Mao.
Anderson . been a saloonkeeper.
t Is nwrrted And bad lived In this
Irlolty li ysars.
After th coroner's inquest y enter
xt th J'jry returned a verdict that
larneo cam to tl death At tTTe hands
f Anderson.
lAnvrs MSTm ix roun.XD
-lain .turney I .care six Children by
Ilrst W Ifo, AH Grown.
Jim W nor of fSs Ilfteenth
rt North, i'ortland. 1 s sister of
org EarneA tlhe was greatly
locked to hear of th murder, but
ild that eh knew of the grudg bar
ored against Karnea by Anderson bo
ais tames appeared for his wife,
tea Mrs. Alex liowsraan. when An
rson waa nghtlng for A shar of
iowsman'a estate.
Kailiti Mrs. Lwla Mr. Parne I
unrtved by two sisters. eirA 8. I. BeW
nap. of Chl'-eco. and Mrs. S. T. Rich
mion. of Salem, and two brothers,
riaiani And Frank Iames. of Salem,
fe leaves tho following children.
II children by bis first wife. And now
rown: Uia Chris Nicholson, of Hood
Ivor; Mrs. WaJUn Helm, of Mom; Mrs.
alda Coon, of Prlnevl'.le. and William,
xhert and Arthur Barnes, of I'rlae
i:e. iiirt Pitrno was th son of th
ire i:.i;.-h tiarnes. on of th first aet
rs of Prlnavlil.
Mfo UrTped tj llkxyt) Trnnsfnloa
Also Has Rlape.
WA5HTNOTOV. Jun It Senator
a. of Tnnesa. weak from th loss
f Mood given br him la aa effort to
ire M wife I!'e. bss returned to tk
capital to rerrala A few days and r-vJi-erate.
trtic-an Lockrd Tp BIyr f
Rosrbnrt; Ifrrrnlt.
The Pollr Tepartmnt l pusled
ver U arrttt ef J oil J AiWASo. a
Mexican 19 years old, by FAtrolman
Wad At Boon yesterday. Alveraso was
pointed out to Patrolman Wad At
Third And Couch strwets by his com
panion, who Accused him f murder
Ins: Alexander McNabb. At Roseburg.
Alveraso was under th Influence of
liquor And Apparently did not know
woat nls com E anion bad told in of
ficer, as be mad no resistance when
arrested. No sooner had the officer
taken Alveraso Into oustody. when th
man who pointed him out And Accused
blm of murder, disappeared.
Alveraso waa charged with being
drunk and will be held pending An lr
rostlgatlon. i 'a and detectives
Immediately est out to find th man
who Accused Alveraso f th crime.
but he waa not found last night.
Th Folic UeDAJtment has no record
f Alvsraso being wanted by Koseburg
Authorities nor has It been asked to
Assist la locAUng th murderer or Me-
McXAbb waa murdered Juno II Is
111 bom, near Roseburg. Hs was
known as "th hermit or Brocgway
and Uttl was known of fels history.
In tho verdict of th Coroner"s Jury.
th motive given for th crlmo was
robbery, as th hermit was supposed
to have had A Lars amount of money
In his possession, none of which th
authorities found. A John loj wairans
wa Issued Immediately aner in ver
dict, thro men. who had boon seen In
tho term it's company, being sought.
Mad Pcajlnf Carfare Swludle, When
Scanned by Woman. Admit
Stealing- Client.
Detecttv work by women of th
Mount Eoott district, sleuthing by spe
cial Agents And Inspectors of th Port
land Itallway. Light Power Company,
hounding by th Portland detctlv de
partment, searching by tho uniformed
police, and talking too much on th
part of th accused, landed Alex J.
Shlpplnout In Jail last night on A
cbarg of larceny.
MrA W. A. Dunford. of Mount EcotC
reported to detective headquarters
April XI that several valuAbl rings. A
watch and other Jewelry bad ben
stolen from her horn whll sh was
away. Sh ays sh saw Bhlppalhout
Monday load a chest of tools, sh recog
nised as belonging to S. a Harris. A
neighbor. Into a wagon when he waa
movlne- to Thirteenth street. .onn.
She tuld Mrs. Harris about It and th
two reported to Captain Moore, ot to
detectl v department.
Then Portland Railway, Light
Power Company men thought they dis
covered th man suspected of not pay
ing his far on th Mount Scolt car th
night of Jan 1. and telephoned to
Captain Moor that h could be cap
tured at T Thirteenth street. North, on
th John Do warrant that bad been
Issued And held In readiness should th
offender b found. Patrolman Ahmsen
arrested Ealpoelhout.
Shlppethout pleaded mistaken Iden
tity and protested so vehemently that
Sergeant Harms took htm to detective
headnuarters. where th conductor
cheated out of th nickel failed to Iden
tify cmtppelhout as th culprit.
SMppelhout would have gained his
liberty bad ho not talked too much to
a-et oat of trouble with th streetcar
company. Captain Moor rememoerea
that the women of Mount Scott had
named EhtppeJhouto as th man suspect
ed of stealing th chest or tools and
Jewel r-r. Mrs. Dunford Identified hlp
Eeihout as th man who loaded th
cheat Into a waron but was uncertain
about Identifying the chest. Later th
horn of fhlppelhout waa searched and
the chest was found and Identified.
Shlppelhout acknowledged taking th
rhest but denied stealing Mrs. Dun
fords Jew'ry.
miss nrrn makes address
"ed of S j m phony Orchestra tot
rortland Is Pointed Oat to
HeArer by Speaker.
farter th auspices) of th Monday
Musical Club, at th Portland Hotel
yesterday morning. Miss Kmlll
France Bauer. New Tork musical and
dramatlo critic, gav an address on
"Opera and Opera Writers Sine Wag
ner.' The parlor wer crowded and
be for Mis Bauer had finished over
100 people who were unable to find
seats bad ranged tnemselvaa about th
walls and In th corridors near th
doors. Before entering upon her ad
dress proper Miss Bauer spoke to th
musical club anon th great benefit to
communities th various musical clubs
have been throughout th country.
Sh urged that In th presence of the
healthy commercial condition of Port
land that th aid of culture needs all
tie snore attention. Miss Bauer mad
a strong plea for a real and permanent
symphony orcliestr. with a man of
International reputation and ability as
Its leador.
-Portland I far away from tn pos
sibility of a symphony composed sol,
ly of local men." sh said In this con
nection. -Every man And woman who
has a family or is Interested In th
growing people about thm nds th
education of music"
Mis Bauer's appeal was met wlta
sympathy and muoh applause.
Her supplementary aaares was in
th nature of persona reminiscence
and sidelights thrown on th lives of
many of th great modern artists. In
eluding Echuroan-Hetnck. Bonci. Puc
cini. Debussy. Strauss, Maeterlinck.
TVAnnunxio and others, all of whom
Miss BAuer knows welL Part of th
lectnr took th form or verbal pic
tures of th homes And Alms of these
well-known figures la th musical
Miss Bauer mad A significant state
ment of th condition of th American
composers as related to grand opera.
Owing to urgent and slnoar appeals
from her legion of admirers. It 1s not
unlikely that Miss Bauer will leotur
again within th next fortnight.
Press Clnb's Fleet Commander,
However, 'oi SAmet ma of Old.
Captain KIdd. not th person who
spread terror and gathered pelf on the
high ess. but a person to be master of
ceremonies, general factotum and gen-
oral Jollier, will be In command of th
Portland Pres Club's "Kataenjammer
Crnls.- to take place on th Columbia
A e ru st 1.
Th club la making great prepara
tions fir this excursion. Th selection
of a "Captain KIdd" Is perplexing th
club's entertainment committee, owing
to th great demands th rule will
Harry A. Terry Surrenders
Self in Butte as Spokane
Policeman's Slayer.
Prisoner Saya Ho Shot Captain Be
cause; no Was "Xo Account and
Got What JT Deserved" Us
Talks CaIhi 1 j Cpoft Arrest.
BUTTE, Mont. Jun It. (Special.)
Harry A. Terry, aged 41. tonight, upon
advlc of a Butt lawyer, shout nam
Is withheld at th request of Terry,
surrendered himself to Chief ot Pollc
Murphy as th murderer of Pollc
Captain John Sullivan. In Spokane.
Terr talked calmly tonight, saying
that he was tired of keeping under
cover and 'being ever on the Alert. And
that he was going back to Spokane "to
face th music, ' whatever It turned
out to be, and for that reason had
"ooughed tin."
Terry declared that he cared not on
whit whether or not he hanged for
Fulllvan's murder, but be believed that
they probably would make It man-
alaugblar In Spokane, beoause It was
so long ago. Terry said he shot Bui
llvan because he wa "no account and
got what h deserved.
The prisoner declared that Captain
Sullivan had never mistreated him, but
that h simply did not Ilk him. Terry
said be had been angered at Lieutenant
of Pollc Regan, of Spokane, who had
arrested him for vagrancy, and for
which he had been sentenced to serve
90 days. For this b planned to "get
Regan." too. Terry aaid n was
"vagged" under th nam of Leslie.
Terry, who bad been working at
Tenny, a new station on the Milwau
kee road, east of Butte, called upon A
lawyer her this afternoon and after
relstlng his story asked th attorney's
advice, which was that the lawyer b
permitted to sqmmon Chief Murphy.
When Murphy entered the lawyer a or
floe Terry said:
WelL Murphy, th 11609 reward Is
yours. I m tho man who killed fcui-
Uvan In Spokane."
Th Spokane pollc hve sent an of
fleer to Butte to get Terry.
Cartas Costs I-onf Lacking- When
Animal Is Killed on Eat Side.
Three dollars, needed to remove the
body of the horse killed Monday night
as a result ot a collision between a cart
driven by Abraham Bechthold and an
auto driven by John Crlnk, an Auto
mobile dealer, was lacking all day
Tuesday and Wednesday, and, despite
the protests of th Rev. Aaron Wells,
In front of who bouse at Last Forty-
second street and Powell Valley road
th horse was killed, th animal was
not removed. Protests from th mln
later and his wife, also a minister, wer
received with the Information that th
tS must b paid befor th removal
wgs don. Lata last night John
Crlnk. th party responsible for the
death of th horse, ram to tn ponce
station and deposited the money.
In giving the price of the removal
of th horse Crlnk said b had paid all
ef Bechtold's bills at the hospital and
on bis recovery would buy him a new
horse and rig to take th place of the
on that had been smashed In th
wreck. Th accident occurred Mon
day ntgt.t, Bechtold being thrown out
and severely injured, m cart neing
smashed and th auto In which Crlnk
was speeding being thrown down A
40-foot embankment.
Hood river Ilk Eager to Conquer
Famous Snow Teak.
WHITE SALMON. Wtih. Jun tl.
(Special J. A. Wheeler, of Hood
River, will head a party of 40 of his
fellow townsmen on a trip to Glenwood
next Sunday, for the purpose ot climb
ing Mount Adams on Monday. 'After
firing off som crackers at th summit
they will descend In time to pass the
Fourth at dies wood. Mount Adams,
though considerably higher than Mount
Hood, la easier or ascent. A wagon
trail leads up to th snow line and th
climbing from ther up Is on an easy
Albert Kuhnhausen. of Olenwood.
will guide th party, among whom may
be Tom 'Lawson. of Boston, who has
seen Adams from th Trout Lake aid
and will not be satisfied till be has
mad th ascent. A party of more than
persons from Seattle will make th
climb from Oleowood later In th
Portland Hallway, Light te Power
Co. LLablo lor Derwoe's Dessth.
A verdlot for 1704). th full amount
asked for and th maximum amount
recoverable under tn law, wa rninira
bv a lurv yesterday In the cas or
Louis Devroe. administratrix of the
state of Clement Devroe. deceased.
against th Portland Railway, Light ec
power Company.
dement Devroe, husband ef the
plaintiff, was killed on December 9, U10.
whll attempting to board a 6L Johns
car. bound towards Portland, on Union
avenue between Beech and Falling
streets. The defense put on a score of
witnesses who testified that th car was
moving when Devroe attempted to
board It. Th plaintiff had but two or
three witnesses who declared that it
started whll Devroe was attempting
to get aboard. The case waa tried De-
for Judge Getena.
To Telkrwstono National Park.
Th Oregon-Washington Railroad A
Navigation Company hAV In effect
through standard sleeping cat service
between Portlnd and Yellowstone, leAV
Ing Portland at P. M. dally. Mak
reservations and obtain all desired In
formation as to fare and routes at
City Tloket Office. Third and Washing
ton streets. Ask for Illustrated booklet.
Where Gush th Ooysars."
Ice Fornui In Wisconsin.
COl'DERAT. Wis, Jun 2. Th
ground all through this section was
covered with frost today and Ice formed
on water In small receptacles. Tender
rarden truck was damaged consider-
bit, 1
Cool Down and Cool Off in B.V. D.
IT'S the summer underwear of errtarn ctmirtAooic
fittinc, free-draping, soft-feeling. These Coat Cut
Undershirts, Knee Length Drawer and Union Suits ward
off ummcr.if and.
This Rud Woven Lbef
B. V. D. Union Suits
(Pst. s3007) IUU,
M. J uO. S3-00 and
(7W iisrk Rtt. V. S. Pat. Of. ami tor tit Cosssrin.)
Is sewed oa SHry B. V. D. Undergarment. Tlx go andcrgaripent mtioml this label.
The B. V. D. Company, New York.
ft) jPWi
is used by people of refinement in every part of the
world where the use of the tooth brush is known
Hammond Says Coronation Is
Auspicious Coincidence.
Balfonr Notes That Problems of
lulled State and Great Britain
br Their Similarity Knst
Kvoko Sympathy.
UON'DOJf, Jun 28. Th dinner of
tbe Pilgrim Society tonight In honor
of John Hays Hammond, special
American Ambassador at the corona
tion, sravs four speeches which were
considered th best examples of after
dinner oratory beard In London for a
long time. The speakers were A. J.
Rjvlfonr. former Trim Minister: Mr.
Hammond. Augustln BlrrelL, chief
secretary for Ireland, and Chauncey
U. Depew. Covers were laid for 160.
The Army was represented by the
American officers who took part In
the horse show.
There waa a scene of enthusiasm
when a message was read that as a
result of a conference between Secre
tary Knox and Ambassador Bryce, a
treaty had been virtually arranged for
th arbitration of all differences be
tween th United States and uraat
After a felicitous reference to tne
nresenr of Mr. Hammond, Mr. Bal
four observed that Americana had
their problems of empire and other
difficulties, just as Great Britain had.
anM they could not help being in sym-
oathy with each other. Both coun
tries were enamored of liberty; both
had th same Ideals, and surely It was
predestined that In th world's his
tory of the future they should work
torether not by formal alliance, but
by deep sympathy In aims and Ideal
for the cause of civilisation and prog
ress. Mr. Hammond, responding, said It
waa a fellcitlous coincidence that the
coronation of King George occurred
at a moment so exceptionally auspi
cious for Anglo-American relations.
He believed the arbitration treaty
would be followed speedily by similar
treaties with other powers, paving the
way for universal peac.
Secretary Blrrell proposed Th
American Visitors," to which Mr. De
pew responded.
One or the most unusual society
fanctlons of th coronation waa given
tonight by Sir Philip Burne-Jones. th
painter, and Sir Klchard and laojr
Marlel Paget at th Burne-Jones resi
dence. Formal entertainment was dis
pensed with and the guests huddled on
the floor on rugs, on the staircases or
In the back garden, the men smoking
"church wardens" and soma of the
women cigarettes.
If they wanted refreshments they had
to help themselves from a big cask of
ager beer which stood in the corner
of the room wreathed with greens. It
was a free and easy affair, all quaffing
beer and Joining in the chorus of the
drinking song. But the supper was
served on the floor or the stairs, or
wherever there was room to put a
Tn dlstinguisnea company, wno leu
all their tiaras and crowns at home. In
eluded the Durheas of Marlborough, the
Duchess of Somerset, the Duchess of
Rutland. Lady Betty Balfour, Miss Vio
let Asaalth. Mrs. John Jacoo Astor,
the Duk of Somerset. Lord and Lady
Drosfheda. Lady Elcho, Sir Edward
Painter, Mrs. Jack Leslie. Maxln El
liott and Mil Qlee.
Ei-Wlfe Asks for 3Iore Cash.
Charsring tit her former husband.
Charles Gels, did not glv a fair, hon
est and full disclosure of his property
and Itg value when her action against I
tO R THfct
B. V. D. Coat Cut Un
dershirts and taM
Length Drawers, 60c,
74c. tUX sad sl.Au a
him. which led to a decree of divorce
on July IS. 1910, was on trial, Eva Ueis
has filed a petition in Circuit Court
praying that the decree so tar aa it re
lates to th division of property be set
aside. Sh received 12500 In cash, a
lot which was later sold for 16000 and
S60 a month for the care of her three
children, which were given Into her
custody. She now declares that she
should have obtained at least 125,000
In money and property and f 80 a month
for the support of the children. She
has learned by experience, the petition
says, that $60 a month is not sufficient
to provide for th proper maintenance
of the children. The value of tbe
property owned by Charles Gels at
th time of the divorce action was, sh
declares, f0,000.
Martin's Chance) for Parole by
Governor West Are) Slight.
8ALEM, Or., June 28. (Special.)
That Edward H. Martins crances of
securing a pardon or parole from Gov
ernor West are very sum, since the
latest discovery In Portland which has
conclusively fastened on Martin his
guilt as th murderer or Nathan woir.
Portland Jeweler, was Intimated at the
executive office today.
No formal application for a pardon
for Martin has ever been made to the
Governor. Several weeks ago, when
Martin's parents visited him at the
Penitentiary, they also ensued Gover
nor West and sugegaud that whenever
b thought it proper tney would like
to hav th Governor look into Mar
tin's cas and do what he thought right
to do for him.
At that tlra th Governor told them
ther was nothing on which to base a
pardon for Martin, but he would give
his case consideration when b believed
It warranted conaideration.
At th present time chane for ex
ecutive clemency In that direction seem
to be distant, however, although the
Governor did not commit himself,
nevertheless be Intimated that th
latest developments in the case prob
ably mean that Martin will have to
continue to serve out his term, for
som tlm at least.
Count Ehrrriwward, of Sweden, De
lighted With. Portland.
Count Ehrenaward, Swedish ambas
sador to th United States, arrived In
vnrtunii vMterdav afternoon on a
pleasure trip to the Paclfio Coast. Tha
Count is traveling alone.
He says that he is greatly surprised
How to Make
Complexion Satiny
(Modes and Toilettes.)
"Don't smother the skin's pores
with powder!" s the warning of Arllne
Keen, a well-known authority on
beauty. "A good lotion will do mora
to promote an Ideal complexion," she
says, "than anything else, and If an
original package of mayatone la die
solved In eight ounces of wltchhazeU
you will hav the finest thing obtain
able for the skin.
"The use of a mayatone lotion
clears and beautifies the skin and
gives to any complexion that exquis
ite satiny appearance and smoothness
so much admired.
"Aside from being a complexion
beautlfler. mayatone prevents the
growth of hairs, and proteot th skin
from harsh winds and changing
weather. Using It guards against tan.
freckles or sunburn." Adv.
Allen's Foot-Eass. the aaaseotiCDOwder. Itrelieves
painful, msrunjf, tender, aerroos feet, and Instantly
takee tbe sung out of corns and bunions. It's tbe
rn-ateat comfort discovery of the sire. A lien's Foot
ase makes tluat or new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain relief for sweating, callous, swollen, tired,
schinf feet. AJwsts use it to Break la New shoes.
Try It te-dag. S11 everywhere, ti cents. Don't
acctpt any rubtt'luit. For FREE trial package.
aouree Allen a. uuneteu, jeiioy.A. z.
Hero is a new Ideai A Show SScp trp Mgfij
A clean, quiet, place that it close to the tky.
Ton step from fbe streets to aa vplixttnf car.
And reach th Shoe iop without any Jar
We Climbed Up Higher
To Save for the Buyer
Wright's Sample Shoe Shop
Rooms 60O, 60 1 , 602, 603, 603Va
Portland Oregon
We Sell All
A Pair
Ho MorrN Less
The World s Best Sample Shoes
$3 to $6 Values Our Price: Ladies' $2, Gents' $2.50
6th Floor Oregonian Bid. Rooms 600, 60 1 , 602, 603, 603
Corner Sixth and Alder Streets Take Elevator
to find such a progressive city, declaring-
tliat Portland Is one of the
most delightful places be has ever vis
ited In America. He will remain a
day or two before leaving for Pugret
Sound points, en route to Washington.
Ha to registered at the Portland.
Druegrists, hav been forced to move
from their present location temporarily
on account of alterations being made
to the building-. They will be located
July 1 at Sixth and Morrison streets
(Portland Hotel). After alterations
have been completed they will move
back to their -old location, which will
be in about 85 days. In the meantime
they will be pleased to welcome their
patrons and friends at Sixth and Morri
Metollns Postmaster Named.
WASHINGTON, June 28. John A.
Hoffman has been appointed postmaster
at Metollus, Crook County.
SS Ideal Preparatory School for i
Admits to any college: unus
ual advantages in Muelc and
Art. Complete course in Do-,
mestic Science. Fine gym
nasium. Bplendldly located
In a wholeeome and invigor
ating climate. Individual In
struction and home care. Get
further information .and
booklet from
2208 Paclfie Avenue,
Spokane. Wash.
The Hamlin School
A Boardina- and Day School far tilrla.
Comprising- a Frenc. School for little
Children. Primary. Intermedials. Hlh
School and Post Graduata Departments,
Household Economics, Drawing. Painting
and Elocution. ..
Accredited by the Universlly of Cali
fornia, by Leland Stanford Junior Lnl
verelty and by uster Colleges.
Courses in Singing, Instrumental Music
(piano, violin, organ, liar p. Cute, cello,
tc). Theory and composition. Harmony,
Eight Reading, Musical Dictation. Choral
and Orchestral Practice, etc., aro offered
bv the newly formed Muslo Departments
For particulars in regsrd to tho School,
please send for prospectus, and address,
t;30 Pacific Avenue. 6aa Francisco.
Session Begins Oct. 2, 1911. For cata
logue address Dean, Dr. S. E. Josephi,
610 Dekum Bid?., Portland, Oregon.
San Rafael, Cal.
Infantry, Cavalry, Mounted Artillery,
tprn-Air Swimming Pool and Gym.
AKTHl'R CKOSBY, D. D., Head Master.
Ask for printed matter at Oregonian office
MIIXS COLLEGE, Near Oakland. The only
Woman's Colleee on the Pad Ito Coast. Char
tered 1885. Entrance and graduation require
ments equal to those of Stanford and Uni
versity of California. President, Luella Clay
Carson. A. M., LltL D.. LX D. For catalogue
address Secretary. Mills College P. Q Cal.
Palo Alto, California.
Boardinr and day school for girls. Accred
ited to Eastern and California colleges. Home
Economics, Music, Arts ana crarts. rtesiaeni
nurso for vouns- children. Illustrated cata
logue, Tenth rear begins August 22. 1911,
We Sell All
A Pair
N More-No
New Spring Styles
ia Oxfords and
Pumps Arrivtn.
Belmont School
tlXKMyTiVe Vlks nth.r SiaJnajiCBcs)'
TbescsaetUtryinx ts do tof thrTssxalatid )fcrieit
of less than for tbe iawllactaal.$relr4re.of each bo? 'what
s theacMsl parent stoat wishes ts' atre ooue, Contribut
isr to tsi, en art tbe location jt ;be. school rcmorcd
(rem tbe tcoiptsnou sod antrscaont ot tows or atyi i tie
fneneM of tee diaste. tbe excellence of Its bailouts sod
other equipment, sad toe besuosns extent of its grounds,
with tbe wise rsarc ol faotbllU iorroua(iing:rtin. We are
rlis- to bare our patrons and induatet consulted. For
cataloru. booklet ass further specific lmforsutoa sodns,
behead suuet. W. T. ft US. A. W- (Harratd)
Fill term begins Aug. iwb.
Third Year BcuMns October 2, 1911.
For circular apply to
Fifth and Taylor Streets, Portland, Or,
A healthful home school for boys. Pre
pares for college snd technical school. First
Semester opens Aug. 19. lull- Catalogue on
rtpull TV. A. PHEPD Head Master.
To Puget Sound and
British Columbia
Kalama, Kelso, C h e h a 1 1 s.
Central la, Tacoma, Seattle,
I E v e r e 1 1, Belllngham. New
I Westminster and Vancouver.
International Limited
Tbe daylight train. 10 A. M.
For buey business men.
t P. M.
'The night train, 10:S0 P. 11.
11.' A
All trains from North Banlc
, Station, 11th and Hoyt Sta.
I Tickets, Sleeping and Parlor-Car
Reservations at City
Ticket Office, 122 Third
Street, and at Depot.
H. DICKSON, C P. & T. A.
& P. A.
f I INF smiCEV