for 9m Tmnmrn . BVHOAI.Ni"lN TAVUL COUNTY FAKM.S. 1 acrt, we'l nr. ?!-ovm1 ; two Jiis-, bam. fm tfx-k and farm too.e; J'vA. 114 -Tfc b:f la cu.!!ti;i., hous., era. or.Lri; fc.k-f caa. baas.ce lirmi, So acrs. ?o in cultivation, barases paa ttir end tiabber, bar a. orchard, stream; atrrce. T la eo!t!T?lon, S tlmbr. bal m p4i;uri, huuM, barn, txuul atreem; $-7 '. i acre. :! In ca'tlTm-'a: boo, barn, arm too &, cow. hor; p. .we Jlns tn; , ay trt: a.l -r distances om t in. yrthr b- - trcu P to l . acre, v. r.; xor Ktdder. Cer'ton. Of. CHEAJXR THAN RCNTTNO. The Live Oaa and :-'jnsi o!ony .acds -a t-j.ttr .mntv. Saemaato Ve :T. aa D" to purches-d t our oT-praial J1"; ih met literal opnuBitt . ? oiTare-i to a farm In Ca.i.'orT.isv. Ths buyr is abeo.utary prote. td snd ths soil, ir rtvauoa systeia. transportation, markets, dir., f unsurpaaaed; Go. run."tit ""porta, mape atkS d-scrtptUe me:t-r FK& Fir wh-:o aiory e-cdrae SACRAMENTO VALLEY F.ARV3 CO, Lus . Sutt-r t'our.ty. Caiifjrnia. ., FARM IIAKGAIN X acroo in fa.-oua -.1 Prairie t Central iruo: Qn :! land end lit In cu.'lvAtiun fic;t Si erroe la peerore; rn-frun h m:i from ral.rotd tow a of -u.r. which is the junriiOB of two rl'. mads. r:.rroJ rlr.-t "f wit though p.c taae o-jt about I"-foot atnp. land a.l tn 4 as 1 croe-fe d. go s:s-roorn k')4M Brlr B-w. ?abl. granary and o-h-r ouibul d.cirs. two cisterns; good ..ti huu la but h:f mue from the tow a arhl: sod ehurvu aad e-thoo. prtvl Farm la laad for tMa year and luvr iiuai Iao and ta Bfl -.r. 1 rlco w pr cr-. ba.f cao aatf t4.43r tarma. Adaraa i-oca Yr, Cf. Cui- CROP CIVKN AWAY. rrrr to hrv-,t Tl acra of tcr7." ra w):a tho Urm. A UKAL and tnip:-moiA (rood w'r aaa i.naa. taw ol orchard. "4 cr; c.oaa to town. T0 pr acr. 1 ou can t K-at It. Kiori H. Tata. 10 Hy. 1-"-- . 7a''RE farm. Wla:ty Cottao 3r. Un County; 14 a-.ra In apy a, nm-at rttla. 'rt:aad prorty taaeo a part pamnt. Kr pria and tarma ca.l and a onr ttKiay at ofTi-a. I. c DAVi;ti. 819 Chamber of Cm"irc. To M hrbffrra""i nAlf)crt . Canada. T mi fnm R. 1W bat; at a aarrtrtco arcount of 111 health: act iul-k If yo-i wth a a-d farm fr on-nair iim a-:al lur. Writ or .hon. owttr, 41 kib at. I'bono 33- City. TO EXCHANCiE. a iTODCKN romh"rtmo"Wa Tnlcb :tcii'2: cntna eioaat. camect bannt, laundry tray ar.d fumade; l-it fiHW; oaat front. o:vard lawo with a:rubrry trtl. r-ol varioy cnoico brrla Tnia la an Mal wt! locat.d btw-n two caxtlnea; wi;i IJ furntiur; pn E. Jot a. ' r.ana fc-t fX)R LE or airbana- acra. no lr- riratU UnJ. ( County. rro, hair c.rArwd. ftr nai-ijoora. h'H'.. fro mail d.ivry; wat ;ad la Ml !!: or Et: ra btata J. D. -iralar, lir;uport, . Va- . PAI.E OR KXi'iWSriK. Ynr raiUnco prop-rty In Tortlana. m or tw.jt acrtf la anln and orchard. l-r.H)m hoaa. nuiaid c.iy limit. fc.t U;a W. b. ilaraaaii. AJ LJ at., i'ort.ana. JA R V to trndo f-r UaproMfl proportjr la t'ortlan-l. liJ ifma nar Kwbun. l.J a--ro crock bottom, alitor frait or farm I d. g oud ioiiruvoaiD la. C Coaaor. hoMbttrc. fbT R A I -E il : a. from Fon-t :ro. for a botno in l' auo .". moat ha Ur or oiuiaUnt la nftMi: mut bo 4 or 5 bio- ka from car lie a. .sai lroo bwollai-d b- lft aCKKj In tha f m'ia R.a-burr app: country to t hanc f .r nm or aut rvi Aaa f-r Mr. Jt;a!r. CO-wJ'KRATtVK I1BALTY COMPANY. :;i-:i-:iJtAi-,y iixctiai a. FvR PAt.r. My wiuity In thra lo" tn Nr ork i.'itT. tittol equity abut . witn jba:antiai lacroaao roitain: W a--baao f r h ma in J'rt;anU; yrafar casb- Ar tt. trcnian. tsit' IT Y in niol-ra n-ro.m bana aw. uo V-W crliuo. t fchinx f-r TMir. rtbig !uncfi or what hato you I A!!:it Vyx ITT. Urtioo tKJ.Uf. CA.H and otjulty ta bat -T0 du.o cirnr in Laurr: hurat. aa flrat pjy Lkfot on nuxlrn rraidanco la ffood dia- trirt. A tronlkU. JIT :3o iulty la Sjmkana homo t trdo fr lot or equity la 1'ort Un L !!!(. i4i Srark; Main 3. BAI.K or trad T acrra t to crop. mtlw fr.r-. butiilna 4 Bill-a frorn Riodfatt. I J Cha. M ,. Philomath, Or. M ll.l. trail I.J agulty In d !l f' frtn trn, waon and hrna. may pay raih diC-rnca. phono b:taood Sill vT i I a T r-ro ido p hoao tf -p an d -5 r--rCa for a ool camera. X 100. ore- $5.w EvJt'ITY In lot and aom-a eh to trado f ir aut. or anything- uX Al- Maldca, ewot:and b l( - ICR S M.E or trad for farm. bw S-atory molra houat. larca lot. at ML Tabor, food iw. owner. t4 E. CTth at. WANT to ftching portend rai aatato atii jod farm mortc f r a water power ro.lor mllL A C'rcroniaa COODcomrroerjf. flno location: all rah trad, to u.ianj for homo. Wrtto oara ar. Jbh E-Ankany ai- FOR farm chanira. butn-a chanrea or r oming-houa- a ca.l oa ui Nrthat Ka;;y C. Ci7 l oard of Traia M.d. JTil'KHN -rom bouao In Sunnylda, far tazn. htrnw. titoo. Tabor .lid. W TT I KKAL ETATR. W A NTElw-4 13 or 2-room houao vtlh aoout or acr of land In taa auarba of portiacd. Main lu and A T4a rVK a VI X TIM ftF R LAND. THRVE timbar caima. rowala County. irtcthr, w,l lew tad. nar ral.roaJ. 1 ft rr tlti;ir. priwo for jut k a.- Addraa itox A.bAay. lr. TI M! EH 1.ANI' roi v. h ; an i 'i-n. C. J. ma K K k. H M-KayFMa. TlUI Ert landa wantod. C J- McCrackaa. rb U W aad Urara. ".'R 1 Vt-E iVk-J family or delivery horao. r b r ; I nrU I - i y ar. 4 h a ro a ; cue u.vb for birc u- Sll at . 5- . end of Ilit)'ra av. rar walk wat D3 b .''Jl a u : h 1 v A HNK. at h rr- re. rl:y brok". !la'.;y bjca and t.'c c"'v. on pair tiara ma.-v. . jr.. iwri: r aril iu.e t'xciJ Caa ;Ica 9ia ad iiv:" ata. lOR "HlKEHraaTwr:a anJ builnewa r ' ra. b tay. w. or moata. lih . N.r-.b Phao llU lu. Uwri bar a. Af cMr. L r.a C,P. icr-t'o hora. rurlo bucvy ar.l hi.-rt rri.. '1-na ay. $ '. ." l'-i i;:t. North. 1 'n n awn flun cay rrc wi. i alier A I. M- VANTF.l a r-nra: drl .nf P- cy f -T lud.aa' na f f i.;o 5 a r . -tr ml. I havo fri t-: ta Lwa ACd traaimcuL C 1 HA. Of f n:aa "JO l S t.xa aad ffo.1 modern h4K. we I :-H-a- :. n r wArl.n, ir oiK cur oxprea taroaaa. t-mcb : ra ea v- . KKi ttK.v" ". tb and Cmh. jVli. ty. ce ft:..- t an ounc. w- :; bred rtoraA w. .-..- :ba i-d Ku- .i VA NTVTV Liht farm tera with ba;e and lua. mua; svd aad Kuaaft. 1-cB Uood'.awa ICi. oTOKC your tut'W at Uaimoat Uaraa. Caat .;d aaJ Mo.-i aa. K "t vLL tm. rari'. aad waftta v era.' t'aii fc ?w;iao.M i;l K!l iALEr tr.l er.e ftaa mar w!ih!n I ;5- ,t". t-ar w:"! f Kui at. jvn"cAir r-T'.Aaa buy and barneaa, fli.'et ,'5 wa rsr Ta-fa Apr-r Ca. ter liroa., room 4.4 ta-i.rc ' . r Vi,- w:li to" at ti.i Mar.d.Ajf. Aft va-- an- , . a a'TVr PAKN0ER. 4 .in!er car: al paiti'ed ari o r U. r-j:a rW; A Mru tlni pr'.ca XI .n 1M At rv rpa:rd and orhu:d ty "t li n K at C.:aoal 'r4i. Eaat wd aad Momaa. lava Eaac WTLirtvMit a rt:y ej-iitT a 1 MaraiS!J : ta rr a-;aaa-r.or car. i r-'KSaU'- M:-rc:ia t. p.). ilaia 1 r..3L In-i'ULro Wgn t. . .'orb:t fc-1; yi V S- r A E N t K R Ford -r. a moot Mai. rORnAIX- ABtoiaabUra. FKCON'D-HAND CAR.1. OIAUltr.S litl- iA, ft pii 0 ftilty egulpped, JllM. aa-L-pd. cood buy. MAXWELL 1 L, $ paaa: for quick "CDIllLAC 19$. Pwaa. fully aQUlpp-4, a ral baxsaJa. 13CV. M REO 3 cjL. $ paaa.; tp. CAUILLAC lv, o paaa,. 3 H fu! y e,-lpped : rc(a!ntoL limx liClca. J cyL. 5 paaa. l-ly aciuipnoA $tio PIERCE cyL. H. P- P; Al eonJiaon. aha w . BLK A-UMki i. 4 eyL yunaboot with top. aVo Tba owner of theoa cara bar left tbam mitb aa fur aalo. thoT bavina- purcbaaed lwll Piorcw-Arrow or CaJtllac cara Uur llat of caed cara U continually caaam. It m 11 cay you to lBvcstiata. COrEY MOTOR CAR OMPAXT. Man A 4aT. Smt adVaablnctoa. j 1311 WHITE aa ear. follr eqalppad. Ilka new. cot 2:i:-d. Prico wtbion Six. run utly 1400 mliaa. coat 3'V"1 Prira ol'7S. J;10 Rao tourinc car, fa!ly oqulppa ranaot bo toid frwta now, coax 1&a1. prlco Jvio Ford tourlaa car, fully aqulppad. 14 Maxwell Jr.. Uk 350- . 1110 Oarford. 7 -paaa. fully quippaa, f Iil0 VaiwtM rtrcabmiL fully equipped, motor 4 cy 22 li- coat JllJw, prico K . , Ppo Hartford tonrtnc rar. fully wQ-jiprt. rojt $.KA, prlro tiaO. llo Oaknd turlnK rar, fu.iy iulppd. run 1&0j n.l-ea. coat JluO. prlco ft lid. ldlu r"'ad-ra r-y road iter. J-VjOw CUSTOM -HtH'SB ALTO CX. Cl t.a.att it. speak in a or SXAPi TV a haro left with n4 noma varr cbolcw bae tn uaed cara. left by owners who bavo purchased I'ackarda. A-paaoenaer Cha imera. 40-b--p. T-pftaa-ncar Perrlaa. Maxmell runabout. 1 Whtta Ht earner. Alio ono Packard 1S" -paneaxer cay Wiia our yu-irartea. h RANK C. RIOOft. Ta-kaxd Servlco Hldr.. 3d. WwiicftuB au. CoraaU road. TVE htvt tbo followtoa; uaed car upon which w will maao vary attracuva pncee: 1 101a A-h. p. Pnlck. S paaaener. 1 l:I0 4t-h. p. Ituick. 4 paaaeniter. 1 lir' 4'-b, p. Putck, 4 iaasen iter. S 110 :i h, p. Hul- k. 4 pdAaor-Kcr. 1 lylO 2-1 -h, p. Fulck, runabouu 1 1319 ltutck. d all very w a iron. AU of tao Nv have extra equipment and aro In flrat-claaa macb&alcai oondU tJon. uar&ntcd by ua. V alao bav 1 poi a-iiartrord tourtaf car. 1 Monitor truk. HOWARD AL'TuMOPILB COMPANY. 7th and Cou;b ata. FOR SALE Good aJto avney and caraaa. CVxl"0; A-yaar taaao, with ood itrovral ropatr a bop. ampioya two meohanlca: 7 paaaeofi'r. -40-h. p. auto for livery, good livery bualneaa; locat-d la a proaperoua volley town . prico 4 Zm), :rma to nuht prty: sovd raaoa lor aWlina-. Addrvaa &o H. fraimon at. or ci.l Eaat llt4. LAK)E T-paaaena;er rar In flrat-claaa condi tion, practical. y nw; juat tho car for a atac run or livery bualaeaa; will aell cheap for caah or trad a for das Ira bio prop arty. Inqulro '. A. Iundo. car W blta Co.. cor. tiih and Mad Leon ata. MAKMO.N H10. Z2 II- P. tourln car. newly painted and completely ovtrbauW; flrat claaa and ko'hI aa new; a a rue maaa aa car which r-eatly n bir rco; not a racer, but a woli-buiit, macbiao; a anap at livn). Phono M. bii WA VTE L An auto; muat b hljrh-rrada and in a;ood abapo; banaabla papar to ax caanae. PIUIXIP3 4k THO MTS ON". CAN YOU IHK A BAhd.VlSf 40 M P. Chalmara. &-aaaena;ar auto coat ;.30. yotra tor owner leaving 1 city. iavld Law la. room S. LumUrmw t-' car. In fin. !'.-. 'machine t or particulars ca.l Alain WILL o;l my 1110 .l-yllndr Wlnton car. fuiir iutppd and a. sooO aa new. at a r. at a.criace tor caah only. J'hon. UmAu 1w4i. ffH KAIX Automobile, for IIS. up: we havo th. f:nt hi r ..cond-haad cars in this rtty. S.e Vance, iiulbuxt, -2 'ront .:. laio;iI. S-pSMnerr 80-hortwpow.r, fore-door 'fourths car. bargain Xor cash. Call fealu r ii- Rl'NABtL'T In p.rft coodlUon SO H. P.: mu.t be sold today; price el, a'hone il8. ALTtjMOfill.tS Doucnt and eo.a. CaU o, write ror bertralo u.t. Cu.tom-Honae ABU ta. J1 Ev.rett St. 1 04 a. nB P.relan tortol. shell klttena. cheap: f.lhw end mother both fuet prixe other cats and to tire If ood homes, a -o board cata Mra Kent. M.ums s:tlon.Wcar:te:iwood1117 AT 6TUD. Itoeton terrier. Stuart's 3'lHle. A. K. ti 140.171. by ttanpl XUsuie. l;rU;..nt. rboneLe,oa. Airedale Terriers Imported stud "Laddiz alonarch." Laddtx k.aD..Etacada.Or. CHEAT Dane purrles. pllTed. weeks o il, cheap. B 100. Orecunian. ptastM, Organ, and Muaical in.trmmenta AN eleeant" VX plarer piano to be .o'.d quick, inctudlng lots of bet style music Aiao a Victor t.iVuir machine and many Ute recoriia Call--TE-Ankeiiy st. X WILL sacrifice my nearly new mahoganr pi.y.r ptano. coot n.w 0; BO reaeoah'. orrr r.fu..d If taken this week. H 17. OrcCohi.n. WOrLI1 aacrlflce my rlaaelton ooet- In .TJu last Chrl.tnias: bargain qul'-k purcliaj liarlr-g city. C loo. Oregonlan. sllerellaawoa. men's errra. I meet and beat .trvngest competition In the city on Biftl'i .ulie: take elevator and mi Slti Jimmy Lmnn, room eio. urvgoolan b.dg. 1MB 8 ALB. At a price If taken at once, rwo 100-hrwiower return tubui.r boilers. In flrt-c!.M condition: Just the equipment f..r mill work; comi lete with fittlnic. anJ all equipment to in.i.ll !n your plane Par ticulars at SOI uresonian bldg. PORTLAN"Dpipoehop sell, now and scconJ h.nd. a,l eiie i. Inch up: all fctmls of fittltiK.. have o-ton boiler from 2 Incbr. up: could be ued fr water; a:l kind, ol raillnc Phone Uala c j -".7 front, nr r N..moD. 15" you haee ary uee at all f-r a launch, hi;, e a tar.ln". we will ...1 on terms or ti.d. fcr r.: .ttate our fi.".e -0-.wl 13 honevower calm uaacl P. o. box i V .rt.An.t rVH fALE A blu. serge tailored suit go" ooe-rfce go.n. linen suit and other clotting. 317 lllford Mil.. 11th and Morr'.eon. GE N l" I N E"n ar o Indian jugs on sale for i th.n pr.c. at lb. blotto Pot CJird .-d sourcnlr .hop, 144 aecond IU. bet. Aider .ad klornaorv aa. k. N.w and low .ricee. t.-ne. Mta openeO. repalnd and r.lsi.J. HKOtU. Ca end -OrfTLAJ liri o. aoI.h . Mam SJOU. A 4111 f"Fr f ALK The Inrention of a kcyls bot t e anU Jar cr- n-t yet patented, but r.o'.-cted IT esamlrillon: la not mutxialed b u.c Afjlt- Oregonian lTx:ir,PrToN"4LtVpewr;ter tarcca for the w.-k- It.nvngl.n.. jO: hmttn Premiere. I.-T JO; Ulie. .l7u. Nortaweal Typw wniei Co.. w Mi t- jioT'KL. H. P- IrJUin rnolorcjcU f not run ov.r 3oo and Is in f.rat'.ciees ccr.di'.ton. InQulr. at 181 Ttit.n 11. Moat.l.:t. LiT'lrN a.mot n.w. h..p: 1 r-.ah -iy se-llonn' boo).-ases and oak oimI-mv. pbone 47-7. 5 Tvr.lVAT "Water W.goa.- 13-Ift h. n, 3-y:inJ-r. 17 mi ce per hour: fesyo. C C Myer. Tulon lepot. Lv.lNEER TRANSIT vVrtlO clrrli ;rt; tu'-'e. perfect older. Thomson. A13 iVnam-hJUJ. El FiTRIC .euum rr.cfc!r.e, good as new; t-.t :.-. wi.l sell for Address A.V is:. .regoo:.n. - .fc r ...:tou oinl and In Rnwlut or- " . r - . C... 473 1-'- at. I'hon, ... KKl . nVHi LAIlHlP at Holmes' Business Col- ,rt Miia T.TS, OASOL1NE Uunch for sale; bargain. Own- l. u-. 1 J" aVi'- practlc.'lr new. 10C lb, cheap for ca!- -3 ei.. sr.o. SirKSI nedlum Hi ch.p fcr ch. K 1. large Delbold Oreg jnl.n, Cer-'r.ctorV equipment by Cnited Engineer lug A t'.n.-TU. X". Co.. 711 Lew., b.og. y.,;Hr?T grade r' of lawn tennis, mill tw.; tl.ip. c k;a 5 l.K Tusedo. pra-tlcaily new. e.x. klia arad. 4 none Aia-a ew. ttte aronxnrci okegoxtax.' Saturday, FOR BALE, Mlaceilanawna, KOLL-TOP daak. aoild oak. ft4 inches Ions. &; ft At-lop dac. aolld oak, aanltary. i2 tnchea long-. ln: bookkeeper's atand lnff dtu, aan, ti inrhea loo. $12: ravoiv lti oft. ca cbaira. AT. &o to $6: Oilnf c-iltnat. 30; a0 aaia. 150: Monarch atcai rausa, good aa new. $u; Kailancs teal ranse with water coil. $20: four buraor J val ks raro. ei-0; Reiiab.a aa mat- healer. $6; Lv kltchao cabinet. 413; kltcbn treaaure, $L0t; drop-uaf dinlnf tab.e, $2: ash axTenaion tabio, 4 iO; cbaira. 00c to 4.0; rockinc chara. $l.2i to dreaeara, $. 00 to 4-0; chlflonlerea. 41 to 410; solid oak aidoboard, good Ur- Bixe. with French plata mirror, 410; Ucliea daaka. 44.50 to $13.00; Iron beda. any sire. 41.50 to 'J; 1S washln- ma chine. 47.&': o:ln oak halirack, with rouad Vrencn mirror, 47; dlroctora tab Is. ao.ld oak. 73 In hee by 4-4 inchoa. 415; bruaaola ruira. bxl. 41L50; birdao ma ple cbllTon:r. witn mirror. 41- bu1 aiaa); sael mirror. Ita40. waatnersd oak frame, aultabie for dreaamakcr. 410; Freacb mirror. 4Sx".2 Incbea, obony frame, 41; refria;rator. 4; cherry wood book cass. open front, 44; 'oidina; bed, 43; cab inet folUin. bed. solid oak. 47.50. Weatern Salvage Co.. M4-64T WuhlBAnoa. bat wean loth and 17th a is. Both phones. Mam Hvt or A 3711. Ttoer lumber lu mpe r Frand caw dimension stock. 4 Pwr thouaaxd. ii.conJ-h.nd lumber In tlrt-l con dition. ) tx thouwnd. plumLlEj flxlurM. nr ul Meono hnd. w.w b.!ow comu W. carry .veryrrtln la th, bollalnc "O,, nw nd coud-bn PrlM, rMrkoly WW" PORTLAND -VTRECKINQ CO.. M.ln S". " A 8738. PARTY r"lnr to Tcom do wl to cil fcOL WANTED msrELLAXKOCi.. ' WB MX CLOTHINO. EVERTTHINO. Wtb-t prlc. p.ld for m.n; ' iihior. iim; w. .i tor th. Inc. C.ll op th. Glob SOBO. Hrt. c.r I'olurobl.. WANT to bur houM not mll th.n !Ox ,0 tfU troin Hmioni who to mk. room lor lw buliain; mu.i bo 'a con dition to nov. .nd loctd on vt biao. nl.H Ton ell tb. Ford Auction Co. M .t prlc 00 wnt 70a nv. to U. HUB H.ii. A . . IF TOU h.v, bouMbold rsttnr. to .U. nil up uorso B.K.r Co.. Ill rul t Kiln ,t r.rttlence. . .p.el.lty. WANTED To buy two matured contract. In Standard Real Eatai. Loan Co.. AJ TOOLS HUhert price, p.ld 'r !iJ'ln?" of ..oomi-n.nd tooifcL.vln ilardar t-o. WAITED Moviox ptctur. macbin. fllma, ru outat. .tc AB Or.onan WANTED Oood davanport: mn bo ehap and tn ood order. X 164. orftonlaii. KELT WA.NTF-D MALE. INCIDENT. (Ou of Many) ... Ofac. Cjcrotary Employmant Dopartmoni Tounr man. auanaor. out of work (!: h:a total ch as.t; If I Py, for arxcial .mployni.nt m.mbrlilp. I wiu h.o only li IcU bctw,n mo and alar- U bcrt.ry If you pay IS for P1 .mploym.nt membr.".ilp you will Y. ii. C A. with 11a moiircM botwoon you and starvation. Rx-ord for Mar. 1111. Calls for men. ............... ----,r Kxition. ni:.d 2.w uemlwi ...........-"4a Employm.nt mmbTh!p rnarantoM ym pluym.nt or rfund of m.mb.r.rilp J. lv.. two months full m.mb.rhlp P" llwu. 1. month.' aocl.l Prv"M,n,(,?n; dtrtali.. to kep party .mplo d do rln th. full urm of mamborWilp without further char. a. W, haro eon.t.nt demand for J,lr irrado. eip.ii.nced men. . Ar. on cttaa for a bettor position? Fee secretary employment department T. U. C. A. DON'T BE QUICK TO INVEST When you are ottered something tn nothln you can bet yon will get Ir.r for something. Common sen., wo teach you thst no one Is going to divide a "gold mine" with you. Rarely buy what be I. anxious to sell; examlns what he is anxious to keep. "A 't"a,A 7 mon.r are soon parted." Don't be too. Advisory Xeparunent, T. M. C A. WANTED House porter and freight ele vator men: one experienced In handling p:.nos preferred; stesdy position to a thorough, y reliable and steady man. Ad drees In own handwriting with two or three references, Ellers Muslo House. WANTEL Agent to represent San Fren claco Importer and Jobber in men's fur ni.lilnga. hosiery, underwear, etc. on com mission basla Write ii auric. Rosenthal. Iiattery St.. tsn Franclaco. SiEN who can write Uf, lnauranc. any where In Oregon can secure A-l con tracts with the American Life at Acci dent Inaur. Co. Home office Beck bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED Toang man to learn the deli catessen business; (lermstl boy who has some knowledge of th. business preferred. Apply to the manager, oealy. Lowell Co. Kt.irlc and 5th 1'.- . 11EN' with references to solicit: expe rienced salesman to go with you and teach you the business free: big money from the start. 402 Bchnke-Walker bldg. lt!7 fourth at. ERRAND boy, good steady boy, 1 years of age. can have s:eady employment, with chance to advance. Apply ft to It) A 11. aupt's office. Olds. Wortman 4Y King. WANTED st ones, boys ovsr 1- w'ih wheels, to deliver telegrams: some renoy to work. Western Union Telegraph Co. 7 3d st WANTED Live, enercetlo salesmen; most be appearing, fluent talkers and ca p.b'.a of handling '. quick-selling article. Call forenoons, lit 'Mohawk bldg. PRINTER Toung man who thoroughly un d.retsnds running card-printing machine. Apply 8 to 10 A, 24., Olds. Wortman at King. SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa cific Coast-grown nursery stock; cash paid weekly, pacino Nursery Co. 808 Cortelt bldg. ' WANTED, at once, n nrat-class h.rncs. m.ker; muat be Industrious, sober and honest. Apply to UcCurdy 4V Eon, Eala cada. Or. SALESMEN wanted; proposition backed by le.ulng Portland business men: beats sell ing real estate; references required. In quire 410 Couch bldg. MAN and wife, experienced, to work on furm. 840 per month. Call Municipal Em plovment Imresu. 2T0 kladlson at. WAN'TEP Refined, well educated boys as bel:bos: reference required. Apply bet. end 10 t 2"M Park st. WANTKD Klrst-clsss markar and dls- trioutor. Apply at once. International LAunJry Co.. East gth and Oak. PHKKR wanti-d. Arleta Cleaning Works. K'trr road. Take Mt. ncott car. Tt)ir 23S4. EXPERIENCED Japaneas cook and do housework for family of two. 229 E. Soth. T-tt-or o-d. BOYS wanted from all parts of ths city for scare time work, good money and prises to bustlers. 3131. Washington St.. room 18. . HOT to rue errands tn the wholesale dis trict: muat be wl.ltng to work. Apply Jonee Cash Store. WANTED Competent grocery men to act as stock snd check clerk. Apply to the men. igcr. beat; .A!y. LOWtll I.O.. fl3rK Ml Bin. UIUCKBS AND SORTERS. Be.t w...i. steady eraph-yment. Opsrm jliuN laundry. 2d and Everett. IJPNTIST Muat be Al operator and 11 e'ersed: good salary. Alveolar Dental Co.. AtingtonbJdg- IQtS 8d st. BORE collar bucklers aad cutters. Apply 1 os Angeles baddlery di Flndi&c Co., Lc Angel-a. Cai M'AVTED tirocery man to de'.lv.r and taks orders. Call at Apt. A. Guild apartments, bet. li and 11 A. M. Sunday. U'AN7D Young man to .earn barber tr'.ide. 8-chalr union shop. Call S83 Mls lss :j Q'.va ijov-ei to 1 yesrs. with high school sd-u-.tln. good opening In large office. Q 1 . Oregon :ia. MAN of good appearance to solicit for large corpora. ion; good par If .ulted. Apply 71 Yeoa b.dg. ; . a XTKD Experienced Uundry driver sxd so iciior. I'hon. Marshall .iLI'-ilAN' o sell stock In a msnuZactur Ing" InJustry. AjI loo. Orsganlan. toss blow-pipe man. one sheet-mstaj man, lT J. Ruea.iL Aberdeen. Wash. sTuJcTtQKSw anted for th. Leightoa Dy. Works. lo4l;th St. p vuilizrjjt'w jr.ted; steady money guar. anted. - j-irst st. W VNTKD Klrst-clsss pantryman at tb. Ljuvre. rour'.handA.dersta. HOT wanted. 1 years, good wage a Apply Aider Jioi.1. soi Altisr at. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMAN Do you want to sell an article , that every one wants? Do you want to oe schooled In the scl.lng of life Insurance T Why not look Into this proposition and nnd out yourself what our proposition Is .na what possibilities It has in store for you. Ask for S. P. Lock wood, manager, or Harry Rlchey, sales manager, co.umbia Life A Trust Company. 1 Spalding bldg. I WANT six young men of good appear ance who feel that their salary Is Inade quate and who are willing to work hard, for more money; to young men ot this stamp I can oltr a position that will pay over 820U per month. This is no cinch, and unites you sre willing to work you need not spply. T 162. Oregonian. WANTED for C. 6. Army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 18 and 3, cltlsens of Cnlt.d States, of good charac ter and temperate bablu. who can speax. read and write tne English language, tor Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Ainsworth block. Sd and Oak sis.. Port lard. Or. . WANTED Agents to Introduce our S pea cent loan plun In all Orejon cities; boost your town and Orer.on: make good money besides; best of references. Stand ard Real Estate Loan Co.. W. H. Monroe, stats .Kent. 425 chamber of Commerce bldg.. Portland. Or. A BCSHELMAN wanted. 125 Bthst. . ELEVATOR bor wanted. Lang & Co. itei.p tt ATTTn uur. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. 9, Marine Corps, between sges of 19 and 35: must bs native bora or have first papers; monthlv pay 815 to 89: additional com pensation possible: food, clothing, quarters and medical attention free: after SO years' service csn retire with 76 pr cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and ashore In all parts of ths world. Apply at U. S. Marino Corps Recruiting Office, Breeden bldg.. 3d and Washington sts. Portland, ur, WANTED Salesmen for exclusive territory, big opportunities, steady position, com plete line Yakima Valley grown fruit, shads and ornamental slock: cash weekly; outfit free. Toppenlsh ISursery Company. Toppenlah. Wash. BARBER wanted, first -class man: no other need apply. R. L. Kortrtsnt. Lents. Mu bcott cariine. PHOTOGRAPH coupon snd portrait agents WANTED Salesmen for outside property. Call 20d Rothchlld bldg. ; HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLT THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE a. TELEGRAPH CO. EAST 0TH AXD ANKENT STS. MCNICIPAL Free Emploj-ment Bureau ex . tenda svery courtesy to girls and women In sesrch of employment. Lady esslsuuit. No fees charged. 272 Madison su GIRLS WANTED. Apply Btsndard Eaclorr No. X. Grand vs. and East Taylor St. MARRIED Isdy, without children, can have throe furnished nousekeoplng rooms for 1 . . . . .Am. In ranmltlff hOUael save rent- snap. Apply SU4 N. 2iith. "W car. west on Morrison to 20th. block north. GIRL wanted to take care of child and assist i.w 1 ...A-l.. iXbemon nreiarredl good wsges. Apply at 60O Everett su. GIRL for general housework and plain cooking: must be neat and willing: good wages. Call morning. 11113 Thurmaa su. v luamette neignts. WANTED A girl who understands cooking for private family to go to Gearh.rt for the Summer. 60S 20th st-. cor. Myrtle. Phone A 000. WANTED Girl to cook and do general housework la smell family. Portland Heights; good waa'es. phones Main 600, A DJoi. COMPETENT woman to assist with house work and 2 children; willing to go to ths bescb: best wax us. Call tiiO East An- keny st. WANTED A lady cashier. Apply In person between 1:30 and 2:30 P. U.. Saturday. June 10. Michigan Market. 102 hulllngs- worui a vs. GERMAN girl for general housework: small family; must be strong, willing, good ' plain cook. Wages 40. Call evenings. 1022 Raleigh St. LAUNDRESS to do wsshlng at home for family of two. Call between 9 and lL Arcadia Apartment No. 201. or phone A 7519. WANTED ToOng ledy poasesstng executive ability: prefer on. with knowledge of stmogrsphy and bookkeeping; permanent position. M lid. Oregonian. COMPETENT nurse girl to take care of In fant 4 months old. "til E. Flanders. Take Montavilia car, call oeiors a o cioi-a WANTED A girl or woman for light house work about two hours, for board and room. Call 852 Front iL or Main 32.. WANTEDExperlenced girl for geneAtl housework and experienced nurso girl. BlriJ blverctt su WANTED Girl for office work, with some experience on typewriter; stats salary expected. AP lt9. Oregonian. . . . nr-c.rc A vn IS"1T? TERS. JlAUrt I."" -" " - ' Best wsges. steady employment. Opera TTnu.e Laundry. 2d and Everett. A RELIABLE girl for general housework, no laundry. Apply oo E. 27th st. N., Alameda Park. Phone wooaiawn ir"-J WANTED Girl for general housework In spartment: two In family; 825. Telephone Marsnsii owo. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 5?7 East 17th IU North, Ixvlngton. C 2i0. WANTED Housekeeper. one who speaks Bp'snlsh preferred. Address AS 169. Ore gonian GIRLS wanted, experience not necessary . E. p. Charlton. B. lo and lo-cent store. 2S8 Wash In gton st. t id. ...! housework: three adults: good wanes. 508 E. 24th sL. cor. of Bra- xeo. uroaaway car. ... roirv-rrri r rl for general hbuse- work aril cooking, small family, good w a sea j'none ca.. ..v. . .-.Tor roe general housework, small family. t-all 406 East 12th sU North. Phone East 2nM. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; good wages. Phone East 2318. Call 7bg Schuyler at " MRS. HOVVE-3 LADIES' AGENCl. 820H Wsshinston Su. Room 814. lsin bsJd or A 3266. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. ' 848U washlrgfon St.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phons Main 269J. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vi.vl Co., 609 Roth- c h lid bldg.. th snd Washington. GIRLS for doll rake. Apply bet. 10 and 12. 421 4th su GIRL wanted for gonoral housework. Call morning. 565 5th St. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Ap ply at the Aiqer nmei. GIRL wanted to assist In general housework. -aii at t2 North 13th st. Call mornings. GIRL to assist In general housework. 545 l.mniu .i. GIRL for housework in small faml.y. Call WANTED A good cook. German preferred; also second girl. 87 North 17th st, WANTED Girl for shooting gallery; 82 per day. 33 . -Q - FVPFRIENCED short-hour waitress Wo--- . . : . lfi,i '. y. inc., s r.. -- ' COAT finishers on men's coats; must be Virv-rienced. 263t Yamhill st.. room a GIRL for cooking and general housework. 763 Broadway. Phone E. 1152. W4NTFD Competent girl for general housework, small family. Call East4014. ONE experienced waitrsss at th. HilL 23d and V M-uiimu- i-ii'Hii;SCEl) wai: reaa. Thompson's res- 'tauraou 144 4th St. EOCPERlENCED girl for gsnsrai housework. phone Tabor 1745. fIrsT-CLASS waist drapsr, also helpers, at T.le's t0 Marquam bldg. WANTED Girl for Ice cream counter. Humsiae u GIRL for g neral housework In small fam 11 y. 54 7 7th. WANTED Young girl. 14 to lfl years old. to work in cigar stsnd. 201 Bunulds st, city. WAITRESS wanted at Crystal Grill. 2S2 Russell ah jttxe 10, i9iir HKI.P WANTED I "KM ALU. WOMAN TOAKEr"HOMESTEAI. I wsnt a responsible woman who wishes to take a homestead in Central Oregon. Can pay location fee with services as as sistant in housework, care of two chil dren; homestead near railroad town. This will be s plessant place to live In the town of Culver. Or., on two railroads. scd but a day s ride from Portland: will pay 86 per week for services. Audress lira u..ii. r xivrs. Culver. Or. GOOD cook for small country hoteL Ad-J !..., .7. Stella. Wash. t Gir.L for general housework. Phone B 1577. HELP WANTEIV MISl t LLAN Ol jt- " WANrTEDMOVINa-PICTURS OPERATORS, in all cities throughout the world: oper ators earn 825 to HO weekly: actual thea ter experience given; we have the largest and finest equipped school In the world, tliesters make 10 to 8I0O dally, theater, equipped on easy terms. Opon evenings. NEW YORK EXCHANGE o-P? ani"S."" 10,000 POSITIONS tor "m men and women learn barber trad, u 8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn ?rom 1S to 825 weekly: expert tasTructors: tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 88 North 4th su. Portland. Or. BELMONT ACTO SCHOOL. Wsnted. energetic man to take coarse to auto repair work snd dnvtng: best Jqulppei school on Pacltto Coaju e ua before enrolling eojewhere Tak. bS car. get oft at E. 28d and Morrison. WANTE ' More scholars in mllUnery school "take lessons now; prepare for iall leason: locations nrd position. .ccu"d: latest methods tausht. old hats e ever hats trlmmea to orue . o.b . -over Shoo. 875 Alder st- Marshsll 1965. POSITIVELY no expense to leaxn trade and tuXwork- on VnTrait Jobs; elecmcity lutomobllo.. plumbing bricklaying, .3Q ItudenU laat year. Write to United Traae School contracting vo. WE have a poaitlon for a man to can do thisxa: a small Investment In this dividend-paying Portland Mfg. Co. Is necessary evidence of responsibility. For Inter view address AO i-i. uihim. PRIVATE shorthand lessons; QreKg and Pitman Systems, day and night sessions; special speed classes and positions for stenographers. Main 7fi?2. Modern Bust- .-.-.. d.v. Le jihmlnn. ness uoiie.e. um "-" You ARE wanted Government position: 8S0 month. Write for list positions open. Franklin Institute, Depu 80S. G, Roches ter. A . LEARN automobile driving and repairing; actual Practical experience; day or i even ings. 32614 Washington sU. room 415. sTake-money-wrlUnif short stories or for paDers- big pay; free booklet tells how. Press Syndicate. San Francisco. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 611 Swetland bldg. . PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TTP3- -RyCG.5moi4thjuMain 3soi INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools, local otiice 00 aiuw WILL tint rooms for $2.50 and paint house at your price. Phone East ..-63. S I T U A TI O N S W AN TK D M A LIS ii.oLkf-eoer anaclerks. WANT position as bookkeeper with depart ment store, men's clothing store or hard ware business. I graduated from the School of Commerce, Oregon Agricultural Colicite- have good references. AV 13S. uregonian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRIIB up oooka, prcraro baiancea and atatemanta. Inaiall ayetema. GiiLLDgham, auditor. 411 i.eiil USU8W - " -' BOOKKEEPER, coat accountant, manager ye are of experience. A-l references. A3 107 Micellancomw POSITION wanted by man and wife, man experienced cook, waiter or manager, wife waitroaa. helper or pantry; tbaroughly un deratand tho buaineea with yeara of ex perience: countr'. camp or beacb; wul o aLy w a ere. au v.. WANTED Position with steam roller, sta tionary, plowing, thrashing or donkey on g!ne?r; experienced and rocommendations. 37 W. 10th. aaleaford. Or. FAMILY of four want ateady work on stock ranch, farm or- camp; woman good cook; go anywhere, i'ranit McNaugbton, Van cottver, Wash. WANTED By ateady younsr man, position In -auto garage or repair shop; experi- encea. j jo. urenwuuu. AUTO truck driver wishes steady eroploy rrent; referencea. It, V. D. No. 1, Uox 14. M 11 w au k.e. ur. POSITION wanted by competent wagon maker (German). Call at 4b5 E. Morri son. MEATCTJTTER that thoroughly under atanda tbo business. John Sheridan, 304 4th at YOUNO American wants position as garden er; can tend to furnace and automobile. J. A - fWUa, A Ul slgmA vo..v.. JAP VNESE Employment Co. will furnish all kinds help. Main 4001, A 4073. 208 Everett. CHAUFFEUR would drive to Seattle or San Francisco for expenses. AM 167. Orego nian. EXPERIENCED porter wishes Job In store. w noit-'eaje nouw " - X 36-. Oregonian. , JAPANESE wanta place to cook, as waltnr or cleaning house. Phona A 4518. EXPERIENCED man wants work on dairy farm; good mliker.AC 160. Oregonian PIRST-CLASS blacksmith wants position In or around city. A Otyegonlan. VIOLIN player wants position; very rea- aonable. Z. S., 48 3d sU North. RTTTJATION WAXTKD FKMAIJS. Pookkeepra and rtte nograuhera. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, thoroughly experienced, who has for years bad entire charge of an office, wishes position of trust and responsibility. A3 166, Oregonian. D reaa making. EXPERT fitter wishes few mora engage- MRS. DAVI3. drea-making. 180 West Park. jjuain tix vi. WANTED By competent dressmaker and liner a poeitiuu. OJy""" PO.SITION bv experienced tailoress in first class ladles' tailoring. Y 164. Oregonian. ynrsea. TRAINED nurse will take confinement caaJs a tMierboTPe. Woo d 1 awn 767. YOUNGr lady (Scotch) would like to go to beach as nurse girl. Phone B 2502. IIoiiseK ewers. XEVT German girl wishes pt'sltion to do gen " eral housework and assist in cooking in small family; state wages. AC 16u, Ore gonian. COMPETENT woman would like place aa housekeeper for reliable parties. H 161. WOMAN of 30 wants chamber w,ork. Phone Marshall o-o. rooia o. M.M-clU-nf ona. YOUNG Udy, with best of references, de sires position as cashier or similar po- aiiiuii. x w. -- POSITION wanted by three Swiss sirls, two for general housework and one for second g i rl. Ph one Ma In f244. CAPABLE family cook and second girl; same place, nursery governess. St. Louis - ..,.nl: l'ol, lTin Vs.lQ AgUDCy, 'WOT. COLORED laundress wants work Tuesday, "Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; 25c hour, cleaning and washing. Tabor 143. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work and cleaning. Call 670 Woodlawn. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work of any kind. Mrs. E., 571 Thurman. WANTED A G ENTS. RELIABLE salesman can make big money selling our well-known line ot hardy a on irrigated treea. ah rub a, rosea, etc.; out fit Urniabed; cash weekly. Address O.-e-gen Nursery Company. Oranoo. Or. EXPERENCEDagenta to sell human hair goods in San Francisco; wages or com mission. Greer.berg at Bernxwelg. 47 AGENTS for quick-selling 25c necessity; guaranteud salary: steady situation; oniy experienced solicitors need apply. S3 2d st. V A NTTTTl TO RENT. Hon. WANTED Five or six-room modem fur nished houae. within three-mile circle; no children. Phons Main ooluw WA NT ED To rent, by young German cou ple. 4 or o-room furnished bouse. Phone Main ol9. WANTED To rent furnished bouse by July 1 not less than 8 rooms, close In ; rent re asonable. West Side. Main P1U. WANTED A home for two children, age 4 and 2; will pay well to responsible party. For Information call Wood. awn 2'Xa. WANT (-room bouse, good location; rent must ba reaaonaQla. Address early, room 0. 101 0th st, . WANTED TO KENT. Houses. DO TOU want that house or apartment renteu r ve u.a wm e- -- aunnly- List with us now. y. J. ROSENBERG 4 CO. 818 Lumbermens Bldg. Marshall 5oo, A 4227. Booms. ROOM In ststctly private family by young v- knmA irt nilsnfem Will COi jr rnan, m ii w cs, uv. . be expressed and prefer walking distance; Quality ia essentlai: no boartiin or room lVfhoLiso cwd answer; will occupy at occa AR 1C9. Qresonitj-n. Apartment a APARTMENT. 4 rooms. unftis,hd,B.VJ Slue. wa.amg uiduuh-oi t Uregoaiaa. Rooms With Board. ROOM and board in nefghborhood of and Killingsworth aves. .!S KiUingswortn. Woodlawn 118 FOB RENT. Booms. "ROSE CARNIVAL" RESERVATIONS. Furnished or unfurnished rooms, single, en suite, all conveniences, best location. Mllner bldg-. S50a Morrison st. . f ijirnlabed Kooms. NOW OPEN- NOW OPEN I .NOW OPbNI Those thrs beauUfully, furnished riotels. HOTEL HOTEL ?,?J.n SlNOOK PARSONS YhthS 13 4th si. 2114tbSt. -O.J a 4t h s t On FourOx st.. running from Taylor to Salmon su Brand new ,br:ck. elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water tn all rooms: strictly up-to-caie in ail respects, and at popul prices. If fou want something out of tne ordinary lo the heart of the city at reas onable prices, give us a call, as we know you Will Ui e IL. rtootua ujr t-uw you win i o - aws j 7. T " or month. Tourist trade solicited. Xtealdentlal. 650 Taylor. Transient. Btt. 7tb and park sts. Opposite new Heiilg Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern t onvenience, eievator aorvlca. steam beat, telephone and hot and cold water in .very room; single rooms and suae wirM or without private baths, sto.; centrally 1-vated. near postoffice; Just o.f all carllne; very Quiet; low rates by day. week cr month. Phono Marshall 2LOU- GRAND UNION HOTEL. S87 EAST BURN SIDE In the heart of the East Side business district; modern thoroughout; rooms sin gle or en suite; rooms with private bath, rates $2 to $S per week; transient, 75c to II per day; special Summer rates. -ast filHO. B 1275. . FOR a clean, cool comfortaljla place try the new FOSTER HOTEL. ftrf and TiavlJI SIS. ion i.tMft rooms. Hot and cold water. electric light, telephone in every room; free baths: tree aoito bus from and to all trains. Lowest rates In the city. HOTEL. SAVON. 129 Eleventh tiU Keir, m idem, brick building, steam lieatel. private batha, hot and cold water tn roims, 'oautlfully furnished, coxy ana Mmr. i-ruhU. Kant a very reaaonabla. CaU ard lee us Keguia r and traAauint trad Solicit ed. , HOTEL IRVING. Corner Sixth and Oak. New brick building, centrally located, steam heat, hot and cold water, baths, r.hnnn. Atr n.rmaner. and transient trade solicited; rates reasonable. Phones Main 4i anu a b the ritrx-5 Under new management; eantraiiv located, new brick building, nice ly furnished, hot and cold water and free telephones in au rooms; rates oy tne tiy. week: or month: special inducements to permanent guests. 100 12th st., near Washington. Phone .arsiinrr z.w. OUT-OF-TOWN visitors to the Rose Car nival wilt find the Philadelphia House I modern, respectable and reasonable place to stop. 2L-v 3d. corner Salmon. Phone A 2uoi. HOTEL REN WICK An ideal homo for busl-t-i..a.a r.pnuli.' nentruJlv located. eieeiAJlt rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th uid Tay.or sis., i o.ock irom roruanu j3.w.. op posits neiiig laeater. .ain pio. BUSH MARK HOTEL, 17th ana Waanlngtoa t.ftiarlv furniihtid rooma. sin nisi op OA suite.; private tat ha. ateam heat, hot and CO.a water ana paone ti an ruui , rate reasonable; transients solicited. CALUMET HOTEL. ark at. between Morrison and Aldftt. Heart Of tho city; quiet and modern; tras 'bus or W car at depot; rates 1 single. S1.5S douLle: also zamiiy iooiu wuu pxivafco ia. ik etc Rates per week. "ROSE CARNIVAL." RESERVATIONS. iTurnlahed or unfurnished rooms, single. en suite, all conveniences, best location. "MILNE R BL1JU., Bau A-Orrison fct. HOTFI. BURTON. Yamhill and 2d sts. Strictly modern, reasonable rates by the day, wee 1k or mon. .d. yv. louer, aaa ager. th K REAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.. sln- ela rooms, clean teds. 50 cents a night. Take S or 16th-st, cars north, get off at Marshall. XtHjtll, airy ruuiui uitfuei u, auiLea or sin gle, $2 and $3 a week; five minutes' walk to theaters and stores, free phone. .Lin dell Hotel, 828 4th- HOTEL EDGERTON Nicely furnished rooms, by the day or week. 117 & ¬t MODERN outside rooms, $2.50 to $J per weeK. lnciuaiug uttuia. i- uuuo a. losa. 64 8 b Wash St. NICELY furnished housekeeping and sleep ing rooma, vw v-cuu a. t v aauiug' ton. 4-ROOM, furnished flat for rent. Call East 12J0. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooma at moderate prices. Cor. 31 ana Montgomery. THE Gay os a, modern rooms. Grand av. and East Stark su THE PALMER, 350i Alder; furnished rooms by day or week. Fornltsheo Ijnoini' it. yrlvare Family. SUITE of 2 large furnished rooms, modern, in nrivata familv. with no other roomers; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen ; $15 per month. Phone evenings, A ita. REFINED married coupie (no children) wifth tn iham their home: modern conve niences, central; references exchanged. C 170, Oregonian. NICELY furnished sunny suite, also two otner Deauuiui rooms, to a a ji ferson at. Gentlemen only. NOB Hill, front room, 2d floor, electrto light, bath, phone ; rent reasonable. 699 Flanders. LARGE front parlor, porch, bath, walking aisiance. lauiio suiAUMjo ur urtuiin, 412 2d at. ( ROOM to rent in a private family for -young man - refprnces reauired: West Side. A 2066. . A NEWLY furnished room, walking dis tance; a beautiful neighborhood; very rea- sonanie to iaay. ooi iwm. NICELY furnished room, modern conveni ence., centrally located; private party. 404 Clay, near iom- 3 LIGHT, airy rooms, newly tinted, newly f umiSiiea ; gus, ua.m, iCiLavuauie, (jeiiti m.T. r.r.frred 1024 East 6th st. North. 112 ATTRACTIVE room. reading lamp, n -W-.T- muttress! dean, small rocni. S7 "s viardcra. $! WrELL furnished room, modern house. ONE furnished sleeping room to rent. 289 11th st. FRONT room, also basement room, monthly; bath, phone. 249' Clay st. 7 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with porch also housekeeping suite. 3S5 Mill st. MODERX rooms; easy walking distance. 504 E. lamnill, corner a..l. jp jyiau. 1 LARGE front room, suitable for two peo- 1,1 e. 2b9 7th- NEWLY-FURNISHED room, all conven iences, 5 per montn. juuza. au NICELY furnished front room for two 'or three. xvZ i.Jtn. near jaurnwu. Unfurnished Rooms. HOSE CARNIVAL RESERVATIONS. Furnished or unfurnished rooms, single, an auite. all conveniences, best location. "MILNER BLDG." 350 hi Morrison St. THREE unfurnished rooms for rent. 26 N. 20th st. Rooms With Board. rw. hrnna anneal to vOU? The Whitehall. cor. 6th Madison, large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, ciose in, near cax, blocks from P. O- American plan. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 10 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. " TH K! MAK'iTuu. 1 4rri nsauv TnjLnarment: thorouahly renovated .Jnviting rooma, choice board. FURNISHED rooms with board. Casa Rosa, 200 Jetterson au Kooms With Board In private Family. ROOM and board In refined private family for 1 or 2; terms reasonable. 387 Sd st., near Montgomery; BOARD and room with private family. 4.04 BOARD and room In home of young people. CjUI " " - NEWLY furnished rooma with board, pries reasonable. 5i5 E. Oak. B 261l. FOR RENT. ltiMm With Board ia Private Family. FURNISHED room with breakfast for onoj two, SIO per axii'mii siU. v..., can appreciate borne comforts need apP'y. or unruraisgpu u - " -" w BEAUTIr Llsisi lurnioiiew w to so per ween, uui- " o.. v. -L ZZ. must be seen to be appreciated. Phone tUSt lOl jc. BOARD and room for one oiv two younff near loin. LARGE furnished room, wit h r 1 jon" veniencea, reaa uh ai - TPlu mlArt Jnd GIlBAn. - LARGE parjor with board to private rtuui w - East 1SUJ. BOARD, with .roon, Bn. ?f""' . Home, 11 COUVUUs;u 'Mil -V ' st LARGS suite, also slnirle room; moda conveniences. n .North. Phone a t-.w. PLEASANT rooms and home. Mta-mlly. OOUaO,. - . st.: take "" car. Main 4115. BOARD and room. bath, phone, good homo nirirA- s-?s npr hiodiIl 787 GUsan. SLEEPING tent for two. with board. 211 liitn at. v. ROOM . andboard in private f awlthm WSUK1DC Uiai-mc "UUB " Ap&rtnienta, . THE LOVEJOT, 2M NORTH 17TII ST. 1 2-room apt., 127.50. 2 S-room apt., J3j. . V 2 S-room apt., so-ou. .,. i Kew cor. brick, private baths, eleranl rurnlsniaes, inutii""' apartment: take 10th-st. car or 8 car. corner 17ih and Lovcjoy. ' ' THE-KEW CHETOPA AXNEX. 1STH ST.. NEAR FL.ANDSRS. New 4-story concrete building: 2. 5 ana .-room apartments, now furniture, modern, electric elevator, hardwood floors. beds, phone, and all modern 'mProA'9 ments: will be open all day bunday. Ap ply to the Chetopa, 18th and Flamlais sts. A few unfurnished apartments. "HOUSEMAN." Elegantly furnished apartments. 730 Hoyt street, between 2nd and 23d sts. Newly built, electrio cookers, sleeplnff porc'nes. snd oil up-to-date conveniences. Reasonable rates. , LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. N Strictly high-class exclusive and modern unfurnished apartments In this city; on, Lucretia St.. near Washington and -3d-Apply to manager or phone Marshall l&ut. ?ivate phones furnished tree In each, apartment. References required. PENINSULA Apartments One of Portland's finest apartmont-houscs; 4-mlnute car service, beautiful part city to live JlJ-VS Alblna ave.. cor. Kllllngsworth. take Mis sissippi. L or Kenton car at Third an Wash: sts., 15 mm. ride; i 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished; J17.50 to 130 mo,, also nnfurnlshed apt. Woodlawn , itijt? T.T1.I.TA 1T. Cor. 6th and Montgomery Sts. New brick buildings, new furniture, all outs'de 2 and 3-room suites, disappearing beds, sanitary couches, private (Paclilo phones, every modern convenience, no car fare t? pay. We challenge any one In th. "ty to dupUcate the suites at our price. THE CHESTERFIELD. tor. zutn aim ft-'"DJ-. , New and beautifully furnished and un furnished apartments of throe rooms ana bath- very desirable location; rents ex ceptionally reasonable. Call personally or phone Main S3S1 or Meier & Frank's ran tal department. - "NOB HILL" APARTMENTS. lth and Marshall. The newest and most elegantly fur nished apartment-house in the city at the lowest rates. Don't fall to Inspect this place before ydu locato. KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay streets. Strictly high-class. S-room suites, unlurnished, with pri vate vestibule, bath and phone, electrics elevator. "JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 Trinity Place. Between Washington and Everett sts., near corner Washington; newly built, eie gantly furnished. KING HILL APTS. 171 King Street. 4, 5 and 0-room apartments In a select apt.-house; a home of re lint; merit and neighbors you would be glad to have. Aj ply to Janitor. THE ALBERT APTS.. 353 Russell St.. cor. Union ave. New brick bldg.. elagantly furnished S-room apartments, rent reason able. C. H. Logus, prop. Home phone O 1064. Best car service in city HANTHORN APARTMENTS, 251 12th SL near Main. Elegant three-room apart ments with private balcony; large rooms, every modern convenience and each ar ranged with two sleeping apartments; rents $35 to $37.50. ST, FRANCIS APARTMENTS. ' 21st and Hoyt sts., now ready for oc cupancy; most modern 3 and 4 -room apartment in city; each apartment has large private balcony and every modern, convenience; rents from $30 to 45- ORDERLEIGH Apartments, .cor. Grand ave and Fast Stark st. New. fireproof biicJc building, beautifully furnished, two and three-room apartments, private bath, free phone, hot and cold water, ice box. no car fare. Summer rates. Phone East 300. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished; comforts of home ; private phone and baths, elevators, private playground for children, ideal location. 228 U. 20th at, Marshall 202&. SHEFFIELD APTS., 7th and Jefferson sts.; 4 rooms, unfurnished, with bath; all out side rooms; modern; every convenience; 5 -minute walk from postoffice; very rea sonable rent. Main 2509. A 3149. PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison sts., beautiful 3 and 4-room apartments furnished for houaekeepins; eveiy thing new and modern; elevator, telephones free. 45 to $60. .TUANITA, 325 11th st., corner Clay; nicely furnished two and three-room apartments, modern every convenience, rent reason able RE-U-KAN AFMTS., 624 Marshall Elab orately furnished; 3 rooms, private bath, phone, elevator, balcony, lawn; something real nice; reasonable. Main 6032, A 31S1 THE Altamont. cor. 5th and College, one two-room furnished apartment, private phone and bath, free light. Janitor serv ice, rentreasonnble. phone Main 60S0. "brAINTREE APARTMENTS. Beautifully furnished and unfurnished S-room apartments. 205 12th st. Phone Main 7741. THE- WESTFAL. 410 5th, furnished and unfurnished strictly modern apartments, walking dis tance, prices reasonable; no children. THE BERYL One front and one baclc apartment for rent very reasonable. Ap ply to the Janitor. &6 Lovejoy at, noac 21st. THE CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy, furnished or unfurnished apartments, all modern conveniences; rea son a ble. Marshall 2U23. VtRf desirable apartment, reasonable rani bee Janitor. The Kearney, 21st and Kear ney or Morgan, Filedner & Boyce, Mai 2015, A 2015. - "it'KINLEY APARTMENTS. New and beautifully furnished S and 4 -room apartments, with bath. 429 East Morrison. HARRISON COURT, 3&4 5th st. Two and three-room unfurnished apartments; all modern conveniences ; most reasonable S the clt. Main 5148. A 7333. THE CECILIA, 22d and Olisan; 1 furnlshpd ard 1 unfurnished apartment, private p h one and porch. Marsnall 184)1. A 27:jG. AVALON Apartment, furnished and unfur Tiisned apartments, sleeping porches. Ross lad Clackamas sts. Phone East 3172. DAYTON Swell location, fine large Rroom apartment, porches, every con venience, reasonable renr. 653 Flanders. 77, -n Elegant 3-room apartment, fur- Dtshd7 1-35 Belmont. Tabor 1763, B room apartment, two porches. Phone Main 4LoO. SPTtaVTA APARTMENT3 and single rooms wlv furnished; strictly modern; rea- ikt 17TH Oneonta, 2 and 3-room suites, hot and cold water, free phones; rents reason able. . . tS DAVENPORT. 3-room newly furnished Tiat. private bath and phone; reasoiLabia, mis 'jeSerson st- Main 5415. " THE STANLEY. Either furnished or unfurnished apart ments. mWashin8ton st. ii-he HARTFORD Best modern apta. in the gTr21st and glanders. TLtODERN 7 -room apartment; hot and cold waterTKey at 711 Johnson st. r-rj V ELMS Two and three-room apart -inr.tsT cornplete.urnished.10l SIIaTrAEEE. 227 Larrabee 8t. Nicely furnisned rooir.s.. moaern, low rates. tu'O-ROOM modern furnished apartments. 1162 Union ave N. Woodlawn 237a, -