THE 3IOEXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1900. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOXUN TF.LEPHOXB8. 1 Pac. States. Home. "ountir.a--P.oom Main 7070 A 609S City Circulation Main 7070 A 6095 Manaftinir Editor Main 7070 A 6095 Sunday Editor Main 7070 A 60!15 Composlng-Hoom Main 707O A 0005 City Editor Main 7070 A 60H5 Supi. Bmldlnga Main 7070 A C0US AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER (Twelfth and Mor- rlxon) Gtnrce M. Cohan la "The Yankee Prince." Tonight at 8:15. ( ORPHEUM THEATER (Morrison. between Sixth and Seventbi Vaudeville, 2:15 and 8:15 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third and Tamhlll) "A - Girl at the Helm." Tonisht ,at 8:13. GRAND THEATER ( Washirston. between Seventh and Park) Vaudeville. 2:80, 7:30 and 9 P. M. PANTAOBS THEATER (Fourth and Stark) Vaudeville. 2:3. 7:30 and 9 P. M. LYRIC THEATER 'Seventh and Alder 'A Bachelor's Honeymoon." Thia after noon at 215 and -tonight at 8:15. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Motion pictures, 1 to 11 P. M. HELP FIGHT CONSUMPTION. There Is no way so effective as to buy Eed Cross stamps. A few dol lars Intelligently expended will often save a human life. Nickels from the multitude make many dollars. Woodmen Plas Bio Time. a number of the officers and members of Portland Camps of Woodn.en of -the Vrld will as- f'fit in initiating- 25 new members at the meeting of St. John Camp No. 773 Wednesday nlpht. District Organizor W. L. Plimimer has sic.ired 25 applications and there probably will bo more. A. X. cox, post commander of Multnomah Camp. No. 77, A. I Barbur, clerk of Web toot Camp Xo. "ii, and Neighbor Jen- ninga will assise in the initiation. Other prominent members! of Portland camps will attend. . The uniform rank of the St. John Camp also wll: give some fancy drills after the initiation. Arleta Camp has voted to attend in a. bedy. Refresh nunts will be served. Next Thursday niii'"t Arleta Camp also will initiate 25 new nieiTibers. Waiislet Takes New Job. Prank F. "U'anisley, for some time traveling freight HRent for tho O. R. & N. at Spokune, has teen appointed local ascent for the Oregon .fc Washington at Taooma. Mr. "VV-ipifley lies already assumed his rew link!! although the operation of trains over tho P'lertt Sound extension of tiie Ilarriman system will not t- inaugurated until January 1. r. J. Collins, noral baggage agent for the O. K. & N. and the. Soi-tliern Taciric at Portland, will serve in the tame capacity for the Oregon . Ik "Washington. His headquarters will con tinuo to be in tills city. Appendicitis Attacks Visitor. Coming to Portland with his 'wife to do their Christmas shopping. Dr. A. B. Stiles, a Kugene dentist, was attacked by appen dicitis and hurried to Good Samaritan Hospital for an emergency operation. Al though Dr. Stiles Is progressing favor ably the Christmas shopping and return to Kugeno have been postponed and yes terday the doctor arranged for a sub stitute to go to the Willamette Valley town. Train to Seaside Fridat. For the ac commodation of Portland people desiring to spend Christmas at Seaside, the night train over the Astoria & Olumbla River roaxl will run through to the seaside resort Fridjv night. This train regularly runs through to Seasida every Saturday night, so it is expected that with the additional trip it win be powible to ac commodate all patrons of the road. Injuries Silence Voice. As A. P. Clapper, a farmer living on the Powell Valley road, drove a load of hajt Into Portland Saturday afternoon, he was shaken from his high perch and crashed to the ground, sustaining severe scalp wounds and internal injuries. Clapper was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital. Ho Is in a critical condition and is unable to speak. Boat Thief Fined 2R. Andrew Thomas, a Pole, arrested on Friday was fined $23 yesterday for tho larceny of two row boats. Thomas had erected a small Bhanty near the Swift Packing plant on the Peninsula and finding the boats tied near Hayden Island appropriated them to his own use. They belonged to Krlk B.iorklund. who swore out a complaint against Thomas. Jt'RT Refuses Tamaoes. Although Joseph Dietseh's hand was crushed while he Was trvimr to assist In lnnviiiET n crr: vil wagon which had become wedged in grooved streetcar rails on Clinton street, a jury in Judge Clelund'e department of the Circuit Court yesterday refused to award him damages. lie brought: suit against the Portland Railway, IJght & Power Company for J1500 damages. Portland to Kb HfST. Preparations are being made for the entertainment of a large delegation of Spokane business men. who will be in Portland January IX. The delegation will be on its way to I.os Angelos on a booster tour. The Har riman system planned the trip as an advertisement for lis excursions- to the tout ii. School, Entertainment Planned. An entertainment will be given in the Buck It y school house, on the Section Line road. Friday night for the benefit of the school Horary. A full programme has been pre pared. Among the numbers will be a Jap anese, fan drill and violin and cornet duet' by Carl and Kenneth Gootz. Widow Asks Damages. A Jury In Judge . Gantenbein's department of the Circuit Court is hearing the suit of Kmma " Lovgren against the Doernbecher Manu facturing Company for $7500 damages on account of the death of her husband, , harles Ixivgren. -He was killed by the falling of a veneer press, October 23, 1907. Ijso Robs Cocktrtmax. Frank Leo, an Italian laborer, was arrested yesterday charged with having robbed his room mate Manuel Silva. Both are laborers em ployed on the reservoir at Mount Tabor. It was found that Ieo had also been living under the name of A- Saloni. Kscalloped Salmon, waffles, meat cro tiut'ts Spanish sauce, cold turkey cran berry eauco, Waldorf salad and' steamed chocolate pudding for luncheon at Wo man's Rxehange today, 15; Fifth, near Yamhill. Christmas Kntertainment Planned. The First I'nlted Brethren Church, iiist Fifteenth and Morrison sireets. will hold its ChrKUma. entertainment next -Friday. Uterarv and musical numbers will be rendered. Oreoon Mothers to Meet. The regular monthly meeting of the Oivgon State Con gress of Molhers will be held in th City Hall t.Hiay. at 2: SO P. M. Miss Butter, of the Juvenile court, will deliver an addrtt . 1" Opportvnttt to obtain exclusive Christ mas presents in china, cut glass;, brass and copper goods, electric lamps, etc... are afforded at Bailey & Co.'s. 424 Washington street, between 11th and -12th. x Xo Notarial Seal necessary when buy ing diamonds at Heitkemper's the ,nanie !s enough. No misrepresentation of true 1 values ult.iwed at 2.m Morrison. Go today. "Lkfferts" diamond engagement rings, flneet quality, all sizes; every stone guar anteed, prices $25 to $500. 272 Wash. st. Christmas Books. 'JtcLoughlin and Old Oregon." "McDonald of Oregon" and "The Conquest," at all book stores. Select Leather Pillows, wall hang ings, art novelties, water-color calendars. 149 Sixth street. Swiss watch repairing. C. Clirlstensen, second floor Corbett bhig.. take elevator. Old Mahogavt. Sheffield, quaint jew elry. Antique Shop, Jd floor, St5 Wash. To Office Seekers A few choice offices to rent in the Beck bldg., 7th and Oak sts-. " Don't throw diamonds away give them to your b-e girl you'll get them back again. Diamond surety is yours at Heit kemper's. We're doing an enviable dia mond Xmas business. Proposing time is Xmas time. Make that diamond ring do double duty. Pres ent and pled,io In one. Nifty way of sav ing money on presents. Look over the diamond values at Heitkemper's. Mrs. Margaret Allen III- Mrs. Mar garet V. Allen, principal of the Allen Preparatory School, ' is at Good Samari tan Hospital suffering from an attack of laryngitis. For Sale. Small safe, containing com partments; no space for books; will sell cheap; ready for delivery to purchaser about January 1. AK 561. bregonian. Christmas Plumes and Furs. Business rushing on these acceptable gifts at spe cial prices. Open evenings this week. F.-aley Bros, 212-214 Third street. Auction. George Jeffrey's hand-painted china. 454 Wash. st, near 13th: six pres ents daily. Sales 2 and 7:30 P. M. Peerless, electric suction cleaners, $75; guaranteed. Call M. 1233. ,. Da. A. C. Pakton has returned; Mac leay building. LEAP FOR LIFE SAVES SCAFFOLD BREAKS AT TOP OF EIGHT-STORY STRICTURE. Two Steel Workmen by Rare Pres enee of Mind Jump to V-prights and Clamber to Roof. By the slenderest chance Lioyd Brown and Joseph Russell sheet metal workers, escaped death oy a fall of eight stories late yesterday afternoon when a scaffold on which they were working near the roof of the new Electric building. Seventh and Alder, broke from under them. The two men, retaining" a rare presence of mind and acting with the rapidity of a flash of powder, leaped for outreaching strips of bracing and both got a' precarious hold as the strip of broken timber on which they had been standing went hurtling to the street below. Dangling at arm's length with the roof five feet above- them, their escape seemed more than doubtful. Scores of people passing down Alder street saw their plight. Many turned away, fear ful of seeing the two men drop to certain death. Uoth clung to the braces for several minutes studying the chances of climbing- ,to the roof, and then Brown began to work his way up, followed by Russell. In the meantime the construction forces was busy. A rescuing force, armed with rope and tackle, was taken to the roof full speed by the steam lift. They hurried to the point where the scaffolding had fallen, but bythls time Russell and Brown had wormed their way up to the roof and were safe. Both were cool, Russell being espe cially so. Instead of retiring for the day after their nerve-rending adventure, the two men Went back to their work as if nothing had happened. . "I'll not feel very bad if I don't get anything else for Christmas," Russell said. "I call that luck enough to be satisfied with." An examination was made of the broken scaffold by the building super intendent and representatives of the Sheet Metal Workers' Union. The lum ber appeared new and stout and the break was doubtless due to a flaw In the wood and lateral pressure outward from the workmen. NEW FACTORY PROMISED W isconsin Man Proposes to : Move Wooden-Ware Plant Here.. A wooden-ware factory, involving an investment of $15,000 and employing 25 ex pert mechanics, is the latest Industrial plant to decide on Portland as its home. H. M. Sivert, $f Shawnao, Wis., is to be the owner of the proposed factory. "I was out here on a visit and know ing It to be a great timber country, wondered why you did not have a wooden ware factory. So I decided to sell my own buFinese and come here. I like Port land very much, and expect to make this city my home," said Mr. Selvert. A location has not yet been decided upon. Mr. Seivert has been In charge of Director Oiltner of the Chamber of Commerce since coming here. TUESDAYDINNER At Meier &, Frank's, v Tea Room, seventh floor, served 5 to S:30 P. M. Splendid menu, line serf ice. Tonight 50c dinner. Come. soup. Consomme Julienne. RELISH. t . "V Pickled Beets. FISH. Fried Filet of Sole. Tartar Sauce. ENTREE. Veal Cutlets Breaded a la Milanaise. VEGETABLES. Minced Potatoes. String; Beans. DESSERT. Ice Cream. Cake. BEVERAGES. Tea, Coffee. Milk. Special Christmas dinner served Fri day evening from 5 to 8:30. Reserve tables. Special dinner all this week. Seventh floor. CHRISTMASLOWERS. "What would be more appreciated than a bunch of Tonsath Floral Co. fragrant violets for Christmas morning;. We can supply you with them or anything In the line of cut flowers, fresh from our own conservatory, also a splendid variety In flowering plants now on display at our store in the Marquam tilde;., 325 Morrison, opposite the Portland Hotel. Prompt de livery to any part of the city. Tonseth Floral Co.. the clty.t Phone M. 5102, A 1102. CALEF OPEN EVENINGS. Until Christmas the large assortments of furniture at Calef Bros.', 360-370 East Morrison street, will be on sale until 9 P. M. daily. Useful, sensible .gifts rang ing from a 50c art vase to &V0 parlor euit. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of th season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies. 30d Wash., near oth st. shown. FOR TILLAMOOK. The steamer Golden Gate sails Wednes day, 4 P. M. Oak-st- dock; freight only. PHOTOGRAPHER. Aune, Columbia Bldg., Main, A 1635. Rcx?Ic Springs Coal. The best house coal. Liberty Coal & Ice Co.. exclusive agents, 25 Norttx Fourteenth street. Main lti2 A 3136. The Xeecuecraft Shop, now located at 83 Yamhill, near West Park. For kidney trouble use Oregon Herbs Cure headache. Plant Sibson's Roses. Phone Sellwood 960. New Bills Open at" the Vaudeville Houses Orpheum. ONE often wonders what the actor folk more especially the vaude ville exponent would do If there were no obliging orchestra leader or other musicians to sit In front and be the butt of repartee, assist by asking per tinent queries whereon thespians may hinge a joke which Aight otherwise go a-hunting for a laugh. This is apropos of several acts at the Orpheum , this wek that are materially aided by the men in the orchestra pit. Frank Tinney, an original burnt-cork comedian, uses the inoffensive leader, "Jeff,'-' on twhich to hang much of his patter. His appearance suggests an African Napoleon, and his manner is positively convulsing.- He had the house in an uproar throughout his act. He gives a monologue, some dancing, much rapid-fire conversation affa fin ishes with a bagpipe rendition that rl most created a riot of mirth. Imagine, if you can, "IlTravatore' played on a bagpipe. The Zanettos are Japanese jugglers with French accent; and American fea tures at least the two women of the trio are decidedly' Caucassian in ap pearance. Their act deviates from the time-honored style only by the intro duction of Juggling with torches of fire. Excellent Is the offering of the Basque Grand Opera Quartet. They are vocalists of an unusually high or der, whose selections are entirely from the .standard grand opera. Their list yesterday included numbers from "II Trovatore." "Martha" and "Frou Frou d' Amour." Fox and Foxie's circus, which is billed, to be iust like Barnum & Bai ley's, only different," is mostly differ ent. Two cats, one an achievement in taxidermy and the other a respectable white cat, are featured In the act, as are also two fox- terriers. One of the dogs appears as the smallest horse in the world. Fox in a ringmaster'3 garb, really gets some splendid tricks out of the little animals. He haa a fund of genuine humor, and knows how to disburse it. The headline act is given by two old-: time Portland favorites, Franklyn Un derwood and Frances Slossoh. who have at various times, appeared here In sup port of a number of popular stars, in cluding Nance O'Neil, Florence Rob erts and Katherine Grey, and later starring under their own management. Their offering, "Eobbs Dilemma," is a delicious comedy playlet, which in cludes not only the principals, but a very capable third actor, Mr. Davles. Miss SI os son is picturesque and a ca pable actress, and Mr. Underwood cre ated a high ly favorable impression with his original and debonair manner. In presenting her quartet of picca ninny dancers in what she calls "South ern, Pastimes," Belle Davis, who sings, provides an act that pleases. Her four piccaninnies are exponents of- the plan tation dance, and have added enough modern steps to keep the audience in high -good humor. The quartet consists of three little ebony-skinned boys and a small girl, who look like cartoons, with their rolling eyes and widespread Hps over shiny teeth. All of the glo ries of the act is theirs alone. James B. DonoAn and Ren a Arnold introduce a hodge-podge of nonsense called "Doing Well, Thank You." Rena is demure and fetching in appearance, but her singing Is ordinary. Donovan, however, is an instant success, and hla original interpolations are well re ceived. This act, too, is aided mate rially by the orchestra men. Pantages. 7T "WELL balanced and diversified vau "" deville bill Is given this week by the management of Pantages. Princess Irene and her troupe of seven untamed African lions and two British Columbia bears Js the large-typed feature act. The woman seems to have no knowledge of fear, and when the savage beasts of the jungle snap their jaws and growl sav agely. Princess -Irene appears to be in the seventh heaven of delight. The bears are the comedians of the group, and besides dancing a Salome effect, por tray a drunken scene. The fair young trainer, of the magnetic eye, feeds the entire troupe before the audience, each and everyone acting with docility, and displaying table manners that would be approved even by Edward Bok. the tal ented lady editor of Philadelphia. The four Dordeens present a sensational acrobatic stunt, which is cleverly done. Their feats iu one or two instances were new, and all require skill. A rattling good musical act is given by the three musical Millers, presumably father, mother and child. The latter gives the larger portion of the actr plays on the slide trombone and bassoon, sings, dances and plays ragtime. She works like a dynamo and burns op several hundreds of dollars' worth of energy at each per formance. In singing of "Carissimo" she not only showed a pleasing voice, but also displayed dramatic ability. Gaines and Brown, of the genuine rich brown ?olor, have a line of foolish pat ter, sing a few topical songs, and do some lively dancing. Mills and Moulton, in a comedy skit. "A Trial Performance," have a line of up-to-date talk that meets with the audience's approval. As a finale Shakespeare's Othello is merrily travestied. Grand. POR Christmas week the Grand is giving a bill of all-star acts. First and foremost, Herr Alber presents 12 Polar bears, offering a distinct novelty in vaudeville annals. Contrary to th majority of animal acts, It Is dlstinqtly picturesque, as well as displaying skill. The 10 big huskies are attractive to look upon, being of a canary shade which shows to advantage with a foil of property ice, and a scene resembling the Northland with a brilliant setting sun. The trainer has accomplished re markable results with the favorite pets of Dr. Cook. Among the stunts, he rides upon the back of a Polar bear while he shoots the chutes. An equilibristic novelty-is given by Les Junts. The man and woman who stagger with this name do some thrill ing head balancing gyrations. They also give a unique musical act, while doing, a head-to-head pyramid, with bells on their fingers as well as .their toes. Gladys Kelton, called "the little dead er,' is a prize-package and a whole band in herself. Assisted by her mu sical father and mother, billed as "the three Keltons," Gladys seems to be able to manipulate the entire gamut of mu sical instruments. Dainty little Gladys is good to look upon, Is graceful and is bubbling over with music. She plays the xylophone splendidly, particularly her rendition of the Second Hungarian Rhapsodic Iater, In a breezy Sousa march, she manipulates, at the same time, the snare-drum, base-drum, cym bals and traps. Hill and Sylvlany have something new In the hazard line to offer. They work upon a unicycle. Hill doing the pedal muscular exercise, and Miss Syl vlany, radiant in white spangled flesh ings, assist in the nerve-racking evo lutions. Riding on his shoulders while he guide the single wheel down a flight of steps Is the thrilling finale. A pretentious act is offered by Yola Yberrl. a Mexican, who interprets Span ish. Grecian. Jungle and Oriental dances, assisted by Miss Louise Tay lor, a dramatic soprano, who wears strikingly handsome gowns. Yola is remarkably supple, but not overly graceful, while her costumes are bar barically brilliant- ir I SUBSTANTIAL ! Rates of Income j i The very best of f I i Mortgages ! I on improved Port- I land property i I FOR SALE BY j j Portland Trust Company j I BANK I S. E. CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS I AFTER the dentist has re J paired the damage your teeth have suffered through neglect, the daily use of Oil S PERFECT will cleanse, preserve and beautify them, without . in jury, and impart purity and fragrance to the breath. -i . P. Centemerl Kid Gloves. La Tosca Corsets. F.-.P. YOUNG 280 Morrison Street, Between 4th and 5th. The Quality Shop. THE CHRISTMAS STORE. " Umbrellas $1.50 to $12 For Men, Women and Children, Kid Gloves $1.00 to $4.00 The most acceptable of all sifts. Fine Neckwear 25c to $25.00 Hundreds of dif ferent styles. -Pretty Ribbons "25c yard and up. Glove or Merchandise Orders Good to any amount. Ex changeable in any of 'P. Cen- temerl & Co.'s stores. F. W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for PRINTING geTll65 First and Oak CHRISTENSEN'S SCHOOL for Dancing, Deportment and Physical Development Chrtft'iuen's Hall can b rented, first class affairs only. For terms apply to Mr. Chrlatensen. office at hall., corner Eleventh and Yamhill streets. Portland, Oregon. Phones, Main 6017. 4SS0. Dr. Lv sV Tooth Powder LTrTf7ilSifl' !'L3 C?ri:r jisiis", CLASSY? PI For all that word im- 1:1 . plies in a Christmas if 1 1 remembrance ' II V SWITUUfD'S 3 VV WIXDOHS. fj Just Five More Shopping Days Before Xmas Holiday Stationery Fancy Leather Goods Lawyers' Brief Cases Writing Portfolios Card Cases Pocket Books Wallets Fancy Desk Sets Desk Pads Calendars. Diaries Inkstands Address Books Engagement Books In and Out Cards Silver "Pencil Holders Fountain Pens Drawing Instruments Scientific Books Book Cases Dennison's Gift Dressings EVERYTHING FOR OFFICE THE K1LHAM Sr.4 Fifth and Oak Streets What to Give A Man Think of how much enjoyment a man gets out of every good cigar he smokes. And think how you can multiply that keen enjoyment by giving a man a box of twenty-five or fifty Optimo Cigars for Christmas. Sim pi y bear in mind that Optimos are the cigars most men like best. They like the full, smooth flavor of the rich all-Havana tobacco. And they like the fragrant aroma. If you give a man a box of Optimo Cigars, you give him many hours of pleasure. Optimo Cigars At any good store Boxes of 25, 60 and IOO THE HART CIGAR CO, Distributors, Portland, Oregon SAPOLIO Is especially valuable during- the Sum mer season, when outdoor occupations and sports are most In order. GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS AJfD CALLOUS SPOTS yield to It, and It is particularly agree able when used In the bath after vio lent exercise. AXL. GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS. PROMPT DELIVERY. Willamette Fuel Co. Main 1325. A 1226. " GOLD SEAL " OIL CLOTHING Dead gras3 color. Keeps the water out. For sale by all dealers. Goodyear Rubber Co. 01. 63, 05, 87 Fourth St. Ht"UI1Ul Habits Positivelj Cured. Only authorized Keelev In-, stitnte in Oregon. Write for illus trated circular. Kecler Institute, 1 1 E. 1 1th IS.. Portland, Orecou W. M. LADD, President. E. COOKINGHAM, ' Vice-President, L ' 'w i "ke Insurance may mean fJ'l self-denial, but it also means I f; " J ' 1 freedom from present anxiety s.V . and future worry r ' -' , -" , Jt-. .sr S. P. L0CKW00D, VICE-PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. Home Office, Lumber Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. .lay State FISHER, TH0RSEN S GO. "The Big Paint Store" FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS Manufacturers and Jobbers Christmas Presents JAPANESE CURIOS All kinds of China. Brass, Lacquer, Satsuma and Cloisonne. A Christmas special on Tea Sets. Chocolate Sets and Salad Sets. A big shipment of Brass just arrived. We have the lowest prices in town. Call on us.' R. Kohara Co. Main Store, 351 Morrison St. Across from TuU & Gibbs. Branch Store, 287 Third St. Near Jefferson St. Branch Store, 406 East Morrison, Between Grand Ave. and Sixth St. The Time Grows Short FOUR MORE DAYS IN WHICH TO MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS PURCHASES Let us show you what we have in diamonds, watches brooches, fobs, cuff links, scarf pins, ring's, lockets, etc. A great abundance of rich cut glass. A complete assortment of toilet ware, mirrors, brushes, combs, manicure articles, etc. What would be nicer than a pair of fine gold spectacles or eyeglasses out of our complete optical department? THE L. C. HENRICHSEN CO. 284 WSSN Painless Dentistry Oot of town people $can hav their plate $ lahed in on, day 3 if neoesurr. aWwillgityos good 22k gold or somlais Icrownfor $3.50 ?33Molr Crowns S.0Q 422kBri(lgsTssth 3.50 Gold Fillings I.U'J h I Enamel Filling t 0 Q ' S!I. Rbn -fill Inlay Filling. 2.50 Good Rubber . Pl.t.. tt tub minmra et mrrum Faintest Extr'tlon r00 WORK GUARANTEED FOR IS YEARS Pslnleae .Extraction 1 roe when plates or bridge work ia ordered. Conanltstion Free. Yon cannot aot better painless work done anywhere. Ail work fully sruar BDteed. Modern el octric equipment. Heat methods Wis Hental Co. 52. PORTEND, OREGON 1OTI05 E0CK8: S A. st- aaadara. itoL Hew Is This fcr a Xmas Present? Gold-filled wire and pearl shell hand -made Vr-.Cii A Brooch THm beautiful aonvenir will be appreciated more than anything; you can yet for ?3 00. Mail orders given prompt attention on receipt of stamps Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. When or dering state the initial desired. Re member, the beauty of the pearl shell cannot be shown in this cut. L. SCHEINER'S SOUVENIR AND CURIO STORE, 86 North ixtn Street . (Between Everett and Handera.) 1. if A 7 i s,-rw.' -. r. v. PsitrkAns -r e a. b a -2 1.-1 s. a r - .r s upyo Everything in Paints Christmas Umbrellas We Have the Largest 1.1 no aad Great eat Assortment In the City. All the Newest Ideas In Dlreetolrc Handles. Good, fast color. English Gloria, paragon frame Sl.OO Rust-proof English Gloria, fin est frame SI. BO Hercules Rust and Wind-proof . . S2.00 Ladles' Directoire Umbrella.. Sl.SO ip Full-length gold and pearl, tape edge, silb: gloria S3. SO Tape-edge, real silk warp, gloria S1.50 An immense line of fine ladles' and gents' $5.00 Fine presentation umbrellas up to S20 We Have the Largest Stock on the Coast In This I.I no All Goods Our Own Manufacture. Rust ' Proof, Wind-Proof, folding. Detach able, Self -Opening Umbrellas. WHOLESALE AJYTJ RETAIL. , 1 EXCLUSIVE UMBRELLAS. 812 .WASHINGTON", BET. 6th and 6th. FredPrehn,D.D.S. U.00 Fuu get sf Teeth, S6.0O. Crowns af Brldc. srorkTcXOO. Koum 405, lesiun. Oven hiveniacs Xlil 7. SCHWAB PRINTING CO SOLICITS YOim PATRONACE 2474 STARK STREET B. WILCOX, Vice-President, M. M. JOHNSON, Secretary. Meredith s