Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 28, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Ephraim P. Rosenthal's Guests
Government Estimates That
27,000,000 Acre Are
Still Standing.,
at Commercial Club Din-,
ner Walk Out.
west, while a splendid engineer, is an
equally adroit politician and enjoys the
reputation of being all-powerful In Se
attle Republican circles. The selection
of such a man seems to lend color to
the fear of the engineers."
This gentleman went on to say that
soma of the field men who propose to
resign do so out of resentment of in
terference with their chief. Under his
direction, they say. politic has been
entirely ignored, appointments and
promotions have been made solely upon
merit and without regard to political
Infuenee. This, it is said, has worked
well. To change all this and convert
the reclamation service into a political
organization, he said, would drive out
many good men and generate endleis
fear in the hearts of those who re
main. It was his opinion that the announce
ment of the contemplated change nad
generally disheartened the engineers
and to some extent demoralized the
field forces. He said that in his Judg
ment it would be well for the service
and well for the West if the mat'er
should be taken up and promptly de
cided and not be permitted to drag
throughout the Summer, leaving everv
ont in doubt of where he will srtnd
tomorrow. - " "
"Better Cttixenship" Feast Has
Abrupt End Unauthorized Vae
of Names on Invitations Cause.
Heralded Speakers Absent.
Annexation of several namea on an in-
tton to a dinner at the commercial
Club last night resulted In a clash be
tween rr. Wetherbee. president 01 me
liih. and Eohraim Philip Rosenthal, who
planned the feast. The direct cause of
the wordy conflict, apparently, was the
Issue of the invitations by Kosentnai to
members of the club over the names of
club officers who prohibited use of their
names beforehand. Mayor Simon, Wil
liam McMaster. president of the cnaro
tier of Commerce, and several others
were heralded to take part as the prtn
cioal speakers at the banquet.
In Dr. Wetherbee's absence from the
city and the ignorance of the speakers
elect of their connection with the affair,
Rosenthal's plans for the dinner pro
gressed admirably. In fact the plana
reached such a point that a check for
tl or SI for each plate laid, was de
manded of Rosenthal before the festl
vitles began. Dr. Wetherbee returned to
the city but an hour before.
Rosenthal, without formal Introduction,
rose, and In a few brief remarks, outlined
the object of the gathering. He read
a dozen pages of manuscript, teeming
with epigrams, theories and suggestions
for better citizenship. Pointing to a
page from a local newspaper devoted to
church news he declared, "Here Is an
object to teach men how t die; my be
lief Is to teach men how to live."
Dr. Morrison Takes Floor.
"I must deny the allegation of the
speaker," said Dr. A. A. Morrison, of
Trinity Episcopal Church, rising to his
feet. "From no pulpit in tho land does
there not go forth a plea to men to live
and be good citizens." Continuing. Dr.
Morrison spoke of the requirements and
essentials of good citizenship. In a short
address D. Solis Cohen defined Rosen
thal's aim by the remark "that a full
stomach was one of the bulwarks of
good citizenship." Then Rosenthal apolo
gized for his remarks, and in conclusion
asked for an open discussion of his
theme, "Better Citizenship." The sug
gestion of a debate brought Ir. Wether
bee., who sat at the festive board, to his
"I want to take this opportunity," he
said, "of assuring those present that
while I claim to be a loyal American citi
zen and try at least to be as good as the
best of them. I want to state emphati
cally that I had nothing whatever to do
with this gathering here this evening.
But. on the contrary. I forbade the use
of my name and of the Commercial Club
on the Invitations that caused you to be
here tonight!"
Dr. YVetherbee Walks Out.
Dr. Wetherbee then walked "briskly
from the room, while Rosenthal evidently
sought to offer an explanation. Present
ly others followed, until the banquet hall
was forsaken except for a group of
about a dozen guests. Rosenthal, some
what abashed, proceeded to appoint a
committee from among the remaining
guests. Despite the unwillingness of
many, he appointed A. H. Devers. A. B.
Steinbach, Milton W. Smith. W. B.
Maekay and Dr. A. A. Morrison as a
committee to consider whether an organ
ization of a society for better citizenship
would be practical. The affair was
brought to an end unceremoniously and
Rosenthal sauntered from the building.
Mayor Simon aid several other pro
grammed speakers failed to put in an ap
pearance. It was such a delicious dinner, too!
Knglneers In Reclamation Service
Disturbed by Uncertainty.
Big and Healthy, but Does Not Re
semble His Heroes.
OAKLAND. Cal., July 27. (Special.)
Jack London, the novelist, is here visit-
Comparison Shows Glaring Error as
to Washington and Idaho All
United States Have Forest
of 550,000,006 Acre.
ington, July 27. The present forest area
of the State of Oregon, according to an
estimate just completed by the United
S Vty
.; .-. ; ,V -Vr;. :,
NEW YORK, July 27. (Special.) Helen Keller has gone to her
home. Linden Grove Farm, on Casco Bay, in Maine. She has sought
this remote spot three miles from Brunswick, in the hope of obtaining
a little quiet and seclusion while she Is writing a book on nature
study. So great is the interest in Miss Keller that a large part of
her time when in the city is devoted to social duties.
ing friends and looks bigger and health
ier than ever. In spite of stories of his
sickness. A friend who knows him we'I
says that "although London in his stories
delights In tales of fortitude under suf
fering, when it comes to himself ho Is
the biggest calf and makes more noise
than a child over a cut finger."
He appears to have had an exciting
time on his recent cruise, but is reserving
the tale for the magazines, which he
affects to despise so cordially.
ington. July 27. There is considerable un
rest among t he engineers or the United
States Reclamation service since it be
came known that Secretary Balllnger
contomplates relieving F. H. Newell, the
present director, and replacing him with
City Engineer Thomson, of Seattle. Ac
cording to reliable Information which has
reached Washington, a number of the
district and project engineers, the men
directly charged with the construction of
Oovernment irrigation works, are today
looking about for new employment, fear
ful that they. too. may be let out If there
is to be a general reorganization. Some
nay reeign before any action is taken
with regard to Mr. Newell.
A gentleman well known throughout the
West and whose business brings him Into
association with mar.y of the engineers
of the Reclamation Service, was a Wash
ington visitor about two weeks after it
became known that Mr. Newell's head
ad been placed In jeopardy. Having
recently conversed with a number of the
reclamation men in the field, he was ac
quainted with their feelings and therefore
able to speak with authority. In discuss
ing the situation Jie said:
"While personally I am not a great
admirer of Mr. Newell. I find that the
people of the West, generally, are well
satisfied with his conduct of the re
clamation service. By the men of the
service he is held In high esteem, both
as a man and as an engineer. There
appears to be the most harmonious re
lationship between the home office and
the field offices.
"On my recent trip through the West
I talked with a number of the leading
reclamation engineers. Every one of
them had heard of the purpose to let
out Mr. Newell, and they unanimously
deplored such action. Three of the en
gineers with whom I converged told
r.te that the dismissal of Mr. Newell or
bis reduction In the service would
mean reorganization, and the extent
to which reorganization would go they
did not care to predict. However, they
rifd say that they no longer felt secure
in their positions, and that they were
looking about for employment by some
private enterprise engaged In similar
work. I believe they will readily find It.
and at better salaries than they are re
ceiving from the Government cer
tainly salaries equally as good.
"But this determination to reslgt
from the reclamation service Is not al
together due to fear. One of the men
will, whom I talked entertained tiie
belief that the retirement of Mr. New
ell foreshadowed political control of
tie reclamation service, particularly In
view of the fact that Mr. Thomson, of
feaule. seems to be slated to suc
ceed to the directorship. Mr. Thom
son1, as la well understood in the North-
Band Concert at Plaza
Charms Throng
ROBEBROOK and his band of 33 pieces
captivated a large and appreciative
throng by another concert last night on
the south Plaza block. The numbers
were played with precision and there was
a variety to please all tastes.
Preceded by the overture "Le Caid."
from Ambrose Thomas' "Moon Moths."
three melodies from Alfred Kussuer. and
the waltz, "Ma Belle Adoree," the Hun
garian Fantasle by Theo Moses, came as
the star selection of the evening's pro
gramme. The features of this selection
were the fine execution by the clarinets
and the after-time by the horns The
Pizzicato Polka, given as an encore, won
great applause.
"Scenes from Lucia." with Its alow and
tender movements, was a pleasing con
trast to the more brilliant previous se
lection. Rosebrook in his solo, "Re
membrance of Prague." 'from Hoch, dis
played wonderful execution and tone
work. The popular two-step. "Louisi
ana." was a pleasing bit of rag-time
whloh required rapid execution.
"The Burgomaster" was given a warm
reception and was played with avidity.
Particularly noticeable was the work of
Trella, the BB-flat bass player. He can
always be heard and his tones are clear
and resonant.
Moclips Beach Lively Place.
MOCTJPS. Wash.. July 27. (Special.)
Moclips Beach Is growing every day and
with the advance of Summer is rapidly
putting on metropolitan airs. Many im
provements are being made and business
of all kinds Is growing. There Is activ
ity in beach realty, new lots are being
sold, cottages in some instances are
changing hands and the coming of a'
small army of new mill workers means
more money, more homes, more business
for everybody.
Flames Do Little Damage
Sparks from burning soot in the chim
ney of the house at 259 Twelfth street, oc
cupied by W. E. Robertson, set fire to
the roof last night and called out the fire
department. The firemen arrived before
the blaze had developed much headway,
and had little difficulty In extinguish
ing it. ,
Taft Will Stop at Salem.
SALEM. Or., July 27. (Special.) In re
ply to a telegram from Governor Benson
inviting him to stop at Salem on his
Western trip. President Taft has replied,
by his secretary, Frederick W. Carpen
ter, stating that If the trip West is made,
careful consideration will be given to the
invitation to stop at Salem.
States Forest Service, is 27,000,000 acres.
The original forest area Is estimated to
have been 30,590,000 acrea No attempt
Is made to compute the amount of stand
ing timber remaining in the state, though
it is estimated that 97,037,600,000 feet remain
standing on Government land, mostly
In forest reserves. Of this amount over
90,000.000,000 feet are included in forest
reserves, nearly 4,000,000,000, lie within In
dian reservations; over 600,000.000 are
found in National parks and 2,500,000.000
stand on unreserved public lands, sub
ject to future entry.
Glaring Errors Evident.
The forest service admits that its
estimates are rough and far from satis
factory, but some Idea of the extent of
their Inaccuracy may be gathered by
comparing the Washington figures with
those of Oregon. The bulletin in ques
tion shows, as Is well known, that the
forests of Washington have been cut
away much more rapidly than those of
Oregon; in some years the lumber cut In
Washington is shown to be three times
that of Oregon. Yet in face of this fact
the forest service produces statistics to
show that the original forest area of
Washington, 25,970,000 acres, has been
reduced only 670,000 acres to the present
time, whereas the forest area of Oregon,
where the timber cut has been much
smaller, has been reduced from 30,590,000
to 27.000.000 acres.
There appears to be lees timber in the
forest reserves of Washington than of
Oregon, and much less vacant, un
reserved public timber land available
for entry. It is estimated there Is.
98,276.000.000 feet of timber controlled by
the Government In Washington, nearly
90,000,000,000 feet of it in forest reserves;
over S.000.000.000 on Indian reservations.
1.600,000.000 in National parks. 75,000.000 In
military reservations, and only 672,000,000
feet on unreserved public lands.
Figures for Idaho Wrong.
There Is more public timber land avail
able for entry In Idaho than In any
Northwestern state; 2,000.000,000 feet. It
Is estimated. This in spite of the fact
that M.eoO.Oon.OOO feet are now In forest
'reeerves. The only other remaining tim
ber land in the state, according to esti
mate, is feet in Indian reser
vations. But another glaring inaccuracy
In the foreit service figures Is found in
the estimate of the timber cut of Idaho.
Out of an estimated original forest area
of 34.130.000 acres in that state, it is re
ported that only 20,000.000 acres remain.
Tet the total estimated timber cut of
Idaho during the pest 27 years was only
2.725.148.000 feet. According to these
figures, a greater forest area has been
cut over in Idaho than in either Oregon
or Washington, for the total cut of Ore
gon for the 27 years Is given as 17,318,
734.U00 feet, and of Washington 36,805,113,000
The report In question, from which the
above figures are taken, deals with the
timber supply of the United States, the
rapidity of its use in times past, and
the possibilities of Its exhauston if pres
ent methods of cutting and consumption
continue. It is stated that the original
forests of the United States have been re
duced by cutting, clearing and tire from
an acreage of &0,000,000 to not more than
6110,000.000, with a total stand of J.500,000,
000,000 board feet. Of this total, it is esti
mated that SO.000,000 acres of forest land
are left on the Pacific slope, estimated to
contain a total stand tof 1,100,000,000.000
Taking up the forests by Epecies. the
report shows a present day stand of
Saturday, July 3 1 st
leaves the Jefferson-street Depot promptly at 8 A. M., returning early. This is a personally conducted
excursion giving you plenty of opportunity to see Broadmead at short range see its progress see
a town in the making, that is going to be a remarkably short time in the process.
Take a walk or a drive across Broadmead, note the quality of the soil note its high state of pres
ent production.
You'll become a firm believer in Broadmead as an investment. You'll understand why a Broad
mead 10-acre tract will support a family in solid comfort with very little labor.
Buy your ticket at our Affices for this Excursion any time before 6 P. M., Friday, July 30. You
get a one-way rate for the round trip it will cost you $1.50.
To stimulate the sale of 10-acre tracts, we offer a free town lot to any person making a 10 per cent
deposit on any tract selected. This offer, however, can not be extended beyond Saturday, July 31, our
opening day. This is unquestionably your opportunity. ' ,
Broadmead visitors on Saturday will not go hungry everyone will be welcome at a grand, big
barbecue in honor of the occasion. Don't miss this big event you can't afford to.
If you are interested at all in intensive farming this is the opportunity of opportunities. ALL
"We have prepared at a great expenditure of time and money a large and beautifully illustrated 24-page folder, printed
in two colors throughout. In its class it is unique. It sets forth in detail the many advantages of Broadmead and shows
various glimpses of the property by actual photograph. A careful reading of this folder will give you a pretty clear idea
of the property. A copy will be mailed to your address upon request.
Columbia Trust
84 Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon.
Please mail me a copy of your Broad
mead folder.
Name .
o Address. flr of "probably not less than
E2o,0M.000,000 feet." This is mostly in ore
and Washington. The anual cut of
Douslas fir Is set down at 4,i00,000.000.000
feet, with indications that the output will
r i iVitt near future if
materially uw .
market conditions encourage operations
in tho many large pnvaie
virgin timber in Oregon and "Washington.
Area of Spruce and Fir.
There is estimated to be 6.000
. . , , ift in the Rocky Moun-
tain and Pacific Coast states. About one-
sixth of the presenL ouipui. -
attm la Kunlied by tnis
region, the bulk of it coming from Wash-
"ofcedar tho report estimates tho total
western stumpago at perhaps IW-;0
....i out i less than 200.000,-
000 feet of lumber and about 7,000.000,000
shingles. Most or me mmoer .x
tically all of tne snmgiea "
cedar. . . ,,
The total stumpage or western mo. "
is admitted. Is very difficult to estimate.
'It may be about 60,000,000,000 feet," says
the report.
Using More Than Grows.
m, -,-enort closes with a paragraph
dealing with our future lumber supply.
Tho total yearly drain upon tho American
forests, not counting losses from fire,
storms; insects, etc. is some 20,000,000,000
cubic feet. Our present forest area of
660 000 000 acres Is roughly estimated to
consist of 200,000,000 acres of mature
forest, in which the annual growth is
ti a k oth anft dftcav: of 250.000.-
U rl l.Wll-,. u J ' - -
000 acres partially cut r burned over, on
which, wun reasonauie twe, ,
sufficient young growth to produce in
time a merchantable, but not full crop
.t v,- ti n h i iii") iYm nrvt acres of more
VI lllliuc, - . - " -
severely cut and burned over forests, on
which there is not sumciem. Rruwui m
produce another crop of much value.
- a whrtle " nnnrluries the
iditw -
report, "the annual growth of our for
ests under tnese conomons uuca nuk ex
ceed 12 cubic feet per acre, a total of
, v, rniYtnnnmn fept. That is. we are
jcea u't
cutting our forests three times as fast
as they are growing, wnne we mi8ni
never reach absolute timber exhaustion. evnlnltAtlon Of our
forests in tho past has already had
serious effects, and It will nave worse
If it is allowed to continue unchecked.
What Other Nations IX.
"Wo take 260 cubic feet of wood per
capita annually from our forests, while
Germany uses only 37 cubic feet and
France but 25. On the other hand Ger
many, who has learned her lesson, makes
her state forests produce an average of
48 cubic feet of wood per acre. We have
as fast-growing species as Germany, or
faster, and as good or better forest soli
if we protect It.
"The necessity for more farm land
mav eventuallv reduce our total forest
area 100,000,000,000 acres less than it is at
present. It is entirely possible, however,
to produce on 450,000,000,000 acres aS much
wood as ap. population much greater than
we have now will really need If all the
forest land is brought to its highest pro
ducing capacity and if the product is
economically utilized. But to reach the
necessary condition of equilibrium be
tween lumber production and consump
tion will take many years of vigorous
effort Dy individual forest owners, by the
states and by the National Government.
None of them can solve the problem
alone; all must work together."
Canadian With Fractured Skull Held
by Immigration Officials.
New York Sun.
Not since the Chinese commissioners
to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition
were held up, examined critically, and
Insulted grossly while re-entering this
country on a railroad train from Can
ada has the immigration service
achieved a triumph so complete and in
every detail gratifying as was recorded
recently in Buffalo, N. T., when a Can
adian suffering from a fractured skull
was detained five hours on the steam
boat which brought him for surgical
treatment. The Canadian's Injury was
received at Ridgeway, Ontario, three
miles from the lake. The facilities for
proper treatment were lacking, and he
was put on an excursion boat sailing
for Buffalo.
On arriving at Buffalo an ambulance
was waiting to carry the maji to a hos
pital, where the necessary operation
could be performed. But an alert and
admirable immigration inspector named
Sparkling observed him with discerning
eye, saw that he was a disabled alien,
and Immediately refused to permit him
to be . taken ashore. It was plain that
the man with the broken head might
become a. public charge; obviously he
was Incapable of self-support.
Unhappily the inspector's superior
was not of th stern stuff of which
this admirable public servant was
formed. . After a delay of five hours,
this weakling was found, and he gave
permission for the landing of the pa
tient, extracting from the physicians at
the hospital a guarantee that they
would protect the government against
his becoming a public charge. This
guarantee having been approved, the
man was taken to the hospital, and the
surgeons, began their work promptly,
and, it is hoped, with a prospect of sav
ing his life.
It is such incidents as this, in which
it is entirely probable that the immi
gration Inspector obeyed literally a
necessary ' and wholesome order, that
strengthen and cement our belief in the
desirability of extending government
control and increasing the power of
government functionaries.
St. Ixraisy Mo., Fur Exchange.
9t. Louis Globe-Democrat.
St. Louis now has a fur exchange, the
first of the kind ever organised in the
world. Ever since John Jacob Astor.had
St. Louis as a branch of the extensive
fur business he .carried on in the West
and the Lacledes and Chouteaus built
up the trade here. St. Louis has been
the largest primary fur market In the
world. As much as $50,000 worth of furs.
are frequently sold here in one day. Tne
fur business has been carried on differ
ently In St Louis than in other markets
in that hers it has been customary for
the firms engaged in the fur trad to
receive sealed bids for furs from all parts
of the world. In other fur markets fur is
handled like any other raw material.
It's Fun
to be Well
Leave off coffee use
hot or iced with lemon
v "There's a Reason"
Warehouse for Lease
Centrally located; free trackage facilities; seven
teen thousand square feet floor space; half acre
ground. JuSt the thing for a wholesale concern. -
1 'I I T , ' ' r-T-'.'
4 i-1 V I) 'I 9 "ssa tmm
The W. G. McPherson Company
.Main 852.
A 1852.
Each bond represents an
undivided ownership in
the celebrated
Selling by this method is
merely a plan of dividing
the entire property into
smaller tracts, yet preserv
ing the entire orchard
If two men buy a piece of
property, it is unnecessary
for them to divide the
ownership and have a
trust company hold the
two parts in trust for the
two owners.
In the case of a large
number of owners, how
ever, nearly all of them
strangers, the holding of
the property by a respon
sible trust company is de
sirable. Thus, while each bond
holder is part owner of
this magnificent property,
the whole tract is kept, in
one ' great piece, thereby
promoting its highest de
velopment and greater
earning, power.
This company, as fiscal
agents for the LOWNS
licits the opportunity of
demonstrating the abso
lute safety and splendid
profits derived from this
Literature sent on