Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1909, Image 1

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    . rr.,v itvn a i i'Tii?T' A Tf V T 1000. PRICE FIVE CENTS.
VOL. XLIX.-SO. 1.1,038. i-uiuLAJii, va,, ,
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Ultimatum of California
.Anti-Jap Solons.
Lower House Awaits Enlight
enment From Speaker.
Fays Japan Has Served Notice Unfa
vorable Legislation Will Be Taken
as "Breach of Faith" Stan
ton Quiet as to Information.
NEW TORK. Feb. 7. A special
dispatch received tonight from San
Francisco states that President
Roosevelt telegraphed in part the
following to Governor Gillett:
"After consultation with Mr. Flint
I sent Speaker Stanton a message
which he can make public If he
thinks advisable. Please see him.
"I have nothing to advise at the
present moment, but cannot speak
too highly In praise of the course you
have followed. I suppose ray tele
gram to the' Speaker Is the best war
I can render assistance. Please wire
me if there Is anything I can do.
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Feb. 7. (Spe
cial.) Positive Information that anti
Japanese legislation will Involve the
United States in trouble with Japan is
all that will prevent trfe final passage of
Grove L. Johnson's Japanese school bill
in the Assembly next Wednesday morn
Ins. The lower house has taken Speaker
Stanton at his word and awaits enlight
enment upon the great secrets of state,
publicly or privately. If the conversa
tion of members today reflects the senti
ment of the Assembly, the slightest of
ficial intimation that legislation adverse
to the Interests and welfare of the Jap
anese In this country may cause interna
tional complications will be sufficient to
kill every anti-Japanese bill.
Speaker Must 3Iake Good.
If, however, this official information
cannot be produced by Stanton, if he
can't "make good." then the Assembly
will demonstrate that the Speaker, may
cry "wolf" but once.
Stanton's dramatic pleading for delay
Friday Is the talk of the Legislature. In
both ' houses the members are asking,
"What In the world did he mean?"
Arrayed against Governor Gillett, Stan
ton and the conservatives, however, Is a
strong an ti -Japanese force which is
merely conciliatory. The postponement
of final action on the school bill was in
the nature of an armistice and back
of that action Is a determination to pass
every anti-Japanese bill if the Speaker
cannot make good his suggestion that
Information would be submitted to show
the folly of antagonizing Japan. The
proponents of the anti-Japanese meas
ures are quite frank in saying that Stan
ton must produce documentary proof of
the Imminence of conflict between this
country and Japan and that nothing else
will kill the bills.
Stanton Likely to Make Good.
That Stanton will make good may be
Inferred from the remark of Governor
Gillett that Japan has served notice upon
the United States to the effect that any
drastic anti-Japanese legislation will be
regarded as a breach of faith.
""You know what breach of faith means
In the parlance of diplomats," said the
Governor. "Between two nations It Is
a very serious thing. It may mean the
end of diplomatic relations. It Is un
necessary for me to explain the signifi
cance of the recall of an Ambassador."
The Governor will not divulge the na
ture of the matter which has been for
warded to him by President Roosevelt.
It Is, however, understood that this, to
gether with additional facts relative to
the diplomatic relations of the United
States and Japan, which will bo sent
from Washington by telegraph, may be
submitted to the Assembly Tuesday. It
Is the opinion of Stanton that the display
of this information will end the Japan
ese embroglio.
Author Would Segregate Brown Men
In Packing-Houses.
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 7. Representa
tive Jeremiah Howard, of South Omaha,
has prepared a bill which lie will in
troduce in the House this week, which
provides for the segregation of Japanese
employed in th local packing-houses.
Representative Howard declares the
Japanese are permitted to work beside
Americans to whom they have become
offensive, especially in the departments
where young women are employed.
Speaker Stanton Will Kevcal Fed
eral Policy Toward Japan.
SACRAMENTO. Cal., Feb. ". Antl
XCcnciuded oa Page e-1
Upper House Now .Appointed by
loner Means Increased
OTTAWA, .Ont., Feb. 7. (Special.) A
resolution has been introduced in the
Canadian Parliament which, if passed,
will make the Senate, now fallen into
disrepute, practically a non-partisan and
InHanetinnt hrani-h nf Parliament.
This step has been agitated) for more
than a decade and is intended to reform
the system which obtains regarding the
Canadian Senate. Under the present sys
tem the political party in power has the
solo privilege of nominating Senators,
and of course that body is usually over
whelmingly Conservative, or Liberal, ac
cording to what party is in power.
It is now proposed that two-thirds of
the Senate shall be elected by the peo
ple, and to limit the term of service of
all future Senators to eight years.
Tenure at present fc for life. Twenty
eight Senators are to be classed as Sen-ators-at-lawe
and will be appointees of
the government for the time being.
In addition to this number, should an
Incoming government find Itself in the
minority in the Senate, it may appoint
a number of additional Senators, not ex
ceeding nine. In this way It Is hoped to
make the two political parties In the
Senate more evenly balanced.
Archbishop Farley Calls Modern
Plays "Orgies of Obscenity."
NEW TORK. Feb. 7. "The stage is
worse today than it was In the days of
paganism," saldi Archbishop Farley in
his sermon in St. Patrick's Cathedral to
day. The A-rchbishop said:
"The old preachers wanted us to be
lieve that we must live undented to be
saved. AH about us we have the men
and women who are setting evil ex
amples. Men hoary with age go to the
publlo places and to the theaters In
shameleesness and they bring with them
youngsters who cannot escape corrup
tion. We see today men and women
old men and old women who ought to
know better, bring the young to these
orgies of obscenity."
Two Men of Revenue Cutter Acush
nel Die Before Friends.
WOOD3HOLE. Mass., Feb. 7. While
standing on a pond near here today,
Charles Gottliebson, wireless operator of
the revenue cutter Acushnel, broke
through the ice, and both he and Seaman
Oscar Rongve, also of the Acushnel, who
made a brave attempt to rescue him, were
Several of their shipmates endeavored
to reach the drowning men from the shore
by tying their handkerchiefs together to
make a lifeline, but the Ice continued to
break under them.
Sealby and Bins Do Not Arrive at
Liverpool AVhen Expected.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 7. The White
Star steamer Baltic, on which Captain
Inman Sealby, who commanded the
Republic when she went down two
weeks ago off Nantucket, and "Jack"
Bins, the wireless operator, were pas
sengers, missed the tide in the Mersey,
and will not arrive here until tomor
row morning. Crowds that had been
waiting to give the two men an ova
tion were greatly disappointed.
Bear - Admiral Sperry's Flagship
Signals "All Well."
CAPE ST. VINCENT. Portugal, Feb.
7. The American battleship fleet, un
der command of Rear Admiral Sperry,
homeward bound from Gibraltar,
passed this point at 10 o'clock this
morning. The flagship signalled "All
0f wfMW'K
V - ' - r
Aurmlilymii Grove L Johnson, Who
Persists In Forrlnar Through Anti
Japanese School BUI.
Many Bills to Be Put
Up to Governor.
Four Increases for School
Superintendents Made.
Says He Will Not Kill All "More"
Measure. Selling Advocates
Higher Pay for Circuit Judges.
5 7 Varieties of Increases.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Feb. 7.
(Special.) What are commonly known
as the salary grab bills will occupy a
.considerable part of the time of the Leg
islature this week, unless the two houses
mark out a definite plan of defeating
them or passing them and then follow
the plan without much discussion. Many
of the bills are pending and it is prac
tically certain that nearly all of them
will meet the Governor's veto when they
reach the executive office. The present
outlook Is that few of the salary bills
will get through the Senate over the Gov
ernor's veto, though some of them may.
Both houses have already passed four
salary bills over the veto, each of these
measures being for an Increase in the
compensation of County School Super
intendents. The discussion shows sev
eral reasons for favoring these bills. It
Is generally agreed that the School Su
perintendents have been underpaid. It
is also known that in many counties the
Superintendents have been paid small
salaries with the understanding that
they would teach school as well as fill
the office of Superintendent, and thus
fill out a reasonable compensation, but
fiat owing to increased population and
greater interest In education. It is now
desired that Superintendents devote all
their time to their official, duties. For
this reason increased salaries are de
sired. Four Passed Over Veto.
The four salary bills passed over the
Governor's yeto are:
H. B. 42. Jones Salary of Polk County
Superintendent, raised from $1000 to
H. B. 69, Mahoney Salary of Morrow
County Superintendent raised from $800
to J1200.
H. B. 69, Yamhill delegation Salary of
Yamhill County Superintendent raised
from $900 to $1200.
H. B. Ill, Jackson Salary of Sherman
County Superintendent raised from $500
to $1000.
All salary bills have been successful in
the House, even to the extent of passing
over the Governor's veto, but three of
them met defeat in the Senate when they
came up with the Governor's veto, and
it seems very probable that all of them
will go the same road except those re
lating to School Superintendents and per
haps those relating to Circuit Judges. It
takes 20 affirmative votes in the Senate
to pass a bill over the veto and there are
11 Senators who have gone upon record
as opposed to such measures unless a
special reason Is shown why they should
Senator Selling, who is one of the
leaders in the opposition to the salary
bills, was a strong advocate of higher
salaries for Circuit Judges. If the Gov
ernor should veto Hart's bill for an addi
tional $1000 for the Circuit Judge In
Baker County, the increase to be paid
by the county, it Is quite likely Selling
will support the bill over the veto. A
(Concluded on Page SJ
t ,1
Ft': i
Prenldent Roonevelt, Who Is Actively
Intervening; to Estop Hostile Legislation.
Life Saved Only Because He Was
Sending Instead of Receiv
ing Messages.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 7.-(SpeciaI.)
In a heavy thunder storm which broke
over the city at 5 o'clock this morn
ing, William J. Smith, manager of the
Massie Wireless Company, at the sta
tion on the bluffs rxfar the Cliff House,
was struck by lightning and only the fact
that he was sending a message instead
of receiving, saved him from Instant
death. As It was. he was badly burned
about the arm and chest.
The regular wireless operator was try
ing to locate the steamer Lurline oft the
coast this morning when Manager Smith
arrived at'' the station. He told the
operator to take a sleep and he would
manage the instruments.
Lightning immediately struck the high
station pole. Before the fuses which
protect the operator burned out, -enough
electricity passed to the sender to give
Smith a bad shock and' burn his right
arm from wrist to shoulder and spread
ing over his chest in a burn taking the
form of a fir tree.
Death Claims John B. Moran,
- Prominent In Boston.
BOSTON, Feb. 7. District Attorney
John B. Moran, who died last night In
Phoenix, Ariz., where he was seeking
to restore his health, had Rained the
popular sobriquet of "The Man Who
In-1906 he ran for Governor on four
tickets Democratic, Prohibitionist, In
dependence League and Citizens' and
lost the election to Governor Guild, Re
publican, by a narrow margin. Mr.
Moran at one time summoned the entire
Massachusetts Legislature before the
grand jury to give evidence to the al
leged bribery in the "bucket-shop"
bill. .
Indiana Company Organizes to Ar
range Course Near Indianapolis.
INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 7. The much-talked-of
motor speedway in Indianap
olis, to vie with the Vanderbilt and
Savannah courses in attracting; the
world's promfnent auto racers, ma
terialized yesterday when the Indian
apolis Motor Speedway Company, capi
talized at $2,501,000, filed articles of
The track is only four and a" half
miles from the center of the city, and
is reached by train and trolley. It is
to be finished by June 1.
Engineer at Goldfield Meets Hor
rible Fate In Machinery.
GOLDFIELD, Nev., Feb. 7. Held in
the clutch of a six-foot flywheel at
the pumping plant of the Tonopah &
Goldfield Railroad, at Klondike Wells,
J. T. Lewis, the engineer, was whirled
to his death yesterday, being beaten
against the cement floor with each
revolution of the wheel. Nearly every
bone In his body was broken.
It was some time before the man's
plight was discovered and the ponder
ous wheel stopped.
Delivers His Lecture Sunday After
noon at Jacksonville.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla,, Feb. 7.Wllliam
J. Bryan emphatically denied today the
report that he was injured in an automo
bile accident near Tarpon Springs.
Mr. Bryan was met here by his cousin,
W. S. Jennings, and taken to his home.
Mr. Bryan delivered his lecture, "The
Prince of Peace," this afternoon.
Rebate Inquiry Is to
Be Extended.
Instructions Are That Work
Must Be Thorough.
Indictments Are" Expected Against
Morris & Co. Subject of Viola
tion of AntPTrust Law Not to
Be Taken Up This Time.
CHICAGO, Feb. 7. (Special.) Investi
gation of four additional packing con
cerns beside Morris & Co. will be con
ducted in Chicago as a result of the con
ference held in Washington last week
between District Attorney Edwin W.
Sims and Attorney-General Bonaparte.
Mr. Sims and his first assistant, James
H. Wilkerson, returned to Chicago today
prepared to renew the beef inquiry.
These investigations will not be upon an
extended scale at first and will be for
the purpose of determining whether the
packing concerns have accepted or so
licited rebates from the railroads. Wit
nesses will probably be called this week
from the offices of the National Packing
Company, Armour & Co., Swift &- Co.
and Sehwarzschild & Sulzberger, though
no large number of witnesses will be
called at one time.
Probe to Be Thorough.
President Roosevelt's instructions that
the inquiry be thorough will be followed
to the letter in these late investigations,
as well as in the Morris & Co. Investiga
tion, which is practically concluded. The
President and the Department of Justice
in no uncertain tenns urged the prosecu
tion of the inquiry, according to an offi
cial who was in close touch with the
conference last week.
District Attorney Sims refused today to
discuss the new turn the beef inquiry has
taken, saying he could not make public
the incidents of the conference with the
Washington authorities. Neither he nor
Mr. WITkerson would make known their
plans, though they did not deny that
additional witnesses will be called. The
report made to the Department of Justice
upon the progress of the Morris inquiry
is said to have been highly commended
by the Attorney-General, and doubtless
led to the Instructions to "look a little
further Into the matter of rebates."
Indictment of Morris Expected.
It is not understood that the Govern
ment already has a case worked up
against any of the other concerns as It
did against Morris & Co. For that inves
tigation special agents of the Interstate
Commerce Commission had been work
ing for months and collected the evidence
which was presented to the grand jury
Scraps of evidence have leaked out in
the examination of railroad men before
the grand Jury which indicate that all of
the packing concerns have used the same
methods in making shipments and in the
presentation of claims for damages. On
this theory the new investigation villi
doubtless proceed. .
The extension of the Inquiry is also an
indication that there is little doubt that
indictments will be returned against Mor
ris & Co. The success of the one inquiry
is said to be the reason for its exten
sion. Another question which is said to
have been definitely settled in the Wasb
ington conference is that the inquiry will
be confined to the matter of rebates or
accepting rebates, and will not be for the
purpose of discovering the existence or
operation of a trust in violation of the
Sherman anti-trust law.
Governor James N. Gillett, Who Has
Vainly Endeavored to Restrain Legislation.
Headgear Smaller, Say Skyplece
Arbiters, but Price Is In In
verse Ratio to Square Yards.
CHICAGO, Feb. 7. (Special.) Comes
now the "peanut lid." To the garret with
the much-abused and dearly-beloved
"Merry Widow" hat, which reigned de
spite all the artillery fire of jokesmlths,
the rage of husbands and lovers and the
force of the elements. Women liked the
sombreroesque effects, the larger the bet
ter, and that Is all there Is to be said
about it.
But the National Milliners, who have
Just closed . a week's convention, pro
nounced death sentence upon the "Merry
Widow" and all other feminine lids of
her breed. Enters now the "frenzied
finance," the Russian tonk, the Maude
Muller, the peanut and the "flower-pot
brigade. All of them are much emaller
than the "Merry Widow," but, by that
peculiar brand of reasoning known only to
milliners, the price is higher.' Conse
quently, the women will have to have
Some of the new effects displayed at
the convention yesterday are startling.
The Russian tonk looks like an inverted
champagne bucket, and is severely plain.
The nearest approach to the banished
Merry Widow lid is the "frenzied finance,"
and the jnfortunate men who have to
pay for this style will appreciate the
Both Principals Die, Each With
Five Bullets In Body.
DESLOGE, Mo., Feb. 7. George
Ketcherside' and John Hughes fought a
duel In the main street of Leadwood,
near here, last night, and each received
fatal wounds. Hughes died 20 minutes
later. Ketcherside was dead when his
friends reached his side.
The shooting took place In front of
the home of Mrs. Adams, a widow with
whom Ketcherside had boarded. He
saw Hughes talking to Mrs. Adams, and
because of jealousy, he is said to have
abused Hughes, who went to his home
and returned with a revolver.
Both men began firing at the same
time, and at so close a range that one
fell across the other. Each body re
ceived five bullets.
Work Awaits Unemployed Who
Can't Pay Railroad Fare.
WASHINGTON, Feb.- 7. An official of
the bureau of Information of the De
partment of Commerce and Labor said
today that within the last ten weeks
fully 15,000 laborers could have been sent
out to different parts of the country it
they had had the means to travel. Thou
sands 'of applications are being received
for work from the unemployed.
One suggestion which has been put for
ward Its that some fund be set aside by
Congress for the use of the division in
transporting laborers, with the under
standing that the money should be re
Mercury Heglsters From Zero to
Ten Below In Montana.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. Following a
storm, which will move eastward from
the extreme West tomorrow, a cold wave,
which now covers the Northwest, will
prevail over the entire Northern section
of the ,country by the middle of the
Much lower temperatures will be ex
perienced over the Southern districts, ac
cording to the prediction of the Weather
Bureau tonight.
Fund Will Be Used to Provide
Homes for Italian Orphans.
ROME, Feb. 7. It is announced offi
cially that the American Red Cross,
through Ambassador Griscom, has put
$150,000 at the disposal of the commit
tee organized by Queen Helena, which
has undertaken the establishment of an
orphanage to be devoted to the care of
children of homeless and without care
of parents after the earthquake dis
Merger Suit Against Union Pacific
Called in Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI, Feb. 7. The case of
the Government affainst the Union Pa
cific, E. V. Harriman and others, called
a year ago in the United btates court,
to break up what is claimed to be a
merger of the Harriman lines, will be
heard here next Tuesday, having been
transferred to Cincinnati recently.
Thirtv-flve witnesses will be examined.
including prominent railroad men and
Veteran Actor of "Old Homestead"
Sick With Pneumonia.
NEW YORK, Feb. 7. News was re
ceived in theatrical circles today that
Denman Thompson. 76 years old, the
veteran actor of "The Old Homestead,"
is lying very ill of pneumonia at bis home
in West Swansy, near Keane, Ohio.
Finds Canal Work in
Good Shape.
Intimates He Will Have More
to Report Later.
President-Elect . Looks Picture of
Health Has Visited Every
Section of Canal During y
His Trip to Panama. ,
COLON, Feb. 7. President-elect W. II.
Taft and party left here this evening, on
board the cruiser North Carolina, for New
Orleans, accompanied by the cruiser Mon
tana. Previous to embarking, Mr. Taft
gave out the following:
"I am not prepared now to make a state
ment as to the results of the trip to tho
Isthmus, except to say that we have found
the work progressing most satisfactorily,
the organization better thnn ever, the
esprit de corps excellent and the determi
nation of all. even the humblest laborer,
directed to the building of the canal. I
am sure this has impressed Itself upon
every one of the board of visiting engi
neers, as it has upon me.
"With reference to the type of canal
and the continuance of the present plans,
the engineers promise that they will be
able to hand me their report by the time
we land at New Orleans."
Mr. Taft and party reached Colon from
Panama this afternoon. Governor Mclen
dez and a large gathering of the Panama
Railway and the Isthmian canal em
ployes were present to bid farewell to
him. Lieutenant-Colonel Goethalt, chief
engineer of the canal, accompanied Mr.
Taft on the North Carolina. He will pro
ceed to Washington to discuss the mat
ter of canal appropriations.
As the tug which transferred the visit
ors to the cruisers moved away, the
crowds cheered lustily. Mr. Taft, look
ing the picture of health, bowed and
called out, laughingly. "Keep your eyes
on that subterranean lake at Gatun."
During his visit, which liusted ten days,
Mr. Taft visited every section of tho
canal. His Influence was exerted also to
bring about a better feeling between vari
ous factions that have been opposing one
another since the last election.
New Orleans Perturbed by Drastic
Order of Reception Party.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 7. Every man
(Concluded on Page 2.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY Maximum temperature. 4S.3
decrees; minimum. 3". 2 dettrees
TODAY Occasional rain; vosslbly part
snow; southerly winds.
Revenue proMem worries Finland: must
ra"se additional 10U.OUO.OOU this year.
Ottawa6 proposes reform in Senate. Page 1.
nvrnment proposes to probe four more
G beef Packing companies on rebate
charges. Page 1.
Taft leaves Colon for New Orleans; says
work on canal Is pr. greasing satisfac
torily. Page 1.
Senator Newlands believes Japanese ques
tion should be handled along broad Na
tional lines. PaRe 3.
If international complications wuld result.
California will not pass anti-Jap legis
lation. I'age 1- , .
secretary Garlield admits he Is not hanill
cajfpeu by limitation ot secret service.
Formal" ratification of Taft's election will
be held Wednesday. Pago J.
American manufacturers fear proposed res
vision of French tariff. Page i.
Wireless operator hit by lightning at San
Francisco. Page 1.
Nation prepares to do honor to Lincoln.
TiirtBWllilam J- Gaynor may become antl-
J fammanv candidate for Mayor of New
York. Page !.
Beautiful girl brutally assaulted In San
Kafael; lynching may follow. Page 5.
Slo of hats goes down; price goes up.
Son-inlaw of Rockefeller attacked on board
snip. raH
Magnates of ?l"XJj'f't
alter t-oriiuu c- -
State League still trying to break Into San
Francisco. Page .
Fighting fans fear Legislature will kill game
in .tiiii".
Con Albright may meet Joe La. BaJle.
page w.
Great basketball tournament planned to bs
held at San Francisco. Page .
Pacific Northwest.
Oregon Legislature will put in entire week
considering salary grab bills. Page 8.
Work done by Oregon Legislature. Page 8.
Klamath Falls offers exceptional advantages
to capiiaiisis a""
Elks' Temple at Albany to bo dedicated
February IS. Page Vi.
Horticultural Inspector comes In for de
nunciatlon at Linn County Grange meet
ing. Page 12.
Portland and VMnity.
Councilman Wills says he will continue in
vestigation of North End. Page 14.
Business of Legislature is badly congested.
Page 8..
Portland pastors form lobby to support Sun
day bill. Page 8
Dr A. A. Morrlsnn takes up the Emmanuel
- .. . 1 1 .i io
Rev S C. Lapham -preaches final sermon as
pastor or &ecuiiu xv v i,..
City Poundmaster Reed dies. Page 7.
Rev "Billy" Sunday will have numerous
assistants In tomorrow's meetings.
Page 11. J
i n-7 o