rtlE MORNING OKEGOXIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1908. 15 ESTIMATES TOO BIG English Hop Crop Only 470, 761 Hundredweight. FIGURES OF GOVERNMENT English Dealer Ixoked for a Yield of 600,000 Hundredweight or More Export Orders in Local Market. Th EnHh hp crp thin year did nnt tarh th uiwm prd!ct?d by th London tr&d. Th oftr1l rtarn of th Brit.91. AmtIc aiitarmi IrrtTTint. jivn out y trpdr momln and rWd tn Klaber. Wolf A Nvtter. of this lty. and Isaac Pincua A 5nni. rff Tacoma. how a total ylrld of 470. TI evt. Th stlma.ts madf arllr In tha KaiAn by mont of tha London dealTfl nniH from BOO.000 to 530.000 cwt Contl nnta da!r flsurad tho crop even larger and nowhere waa an ePtlmat made under 3fv0.o.0 cwt. The English yield and acre for th pajt 27 years art shown In the follow ins; tab'e: G t. returns cre under total crop Vmr Cultivation, .'wt. Ifc-'J ' Wmi ....... .l-.l1l $rt.OlO ' .H'..t9 IL'M.fMKI .71. .17 ."'' 7VU7 77H.144 17 - .-.; 4.-7.r.li .......... ...."'S 21.101 uu 4W7.M !n ..vi Jl zvi.rtJO ...it s.l 4:1711 .. ..; -. 4i:i l I - j': ta-jt .. oiA 7m.;wb R4.21T 4.v..i iky- 411.0V ,v 4.T.1S .Ml M..tn 3 .as 111.421 ?.7 v 27 4.3fi7 !! . 1 ww . loot . tfrt . To . 1n7 . -.4S.fi2 4 311.041 ...47. On 421. rW . . .47.700 ;2."::o . . 4S or, fift.VOI ...4 T2Z IM.YKS ...44.I..1B 374.1.. .. ..le.OIA 470. 71 With the appearance of the Brltlnh offi cial flswres comes the first Indication of an Kngll-h demand fr Oregon Imps. Orders were said have been received yesterday by certain of the export buyers. This Is grtd news for holders, as foreign purchas ing rannnt fall to stimulate the market. which la already very firm as a result of the recent speculative operations. The mar bet attained Its present position without evidence of any demand from either the F a t or Eu mpe and the appearance of either ef these Interests on the baring side ran have but one result. The revival of Interest In the Eastern trade Is not looked for until after election and it waa not ex pected that English buyers would appear f-.r a month yet. Thst they are now waa ing up to tha necessity of purchasing la probably due to the reveiatione of me gor- ernment statistical board. Besides a lighter trop than exjected, the quality of the Bng lnh hops this year Is far from as good aa was promised before harvest. - A 1ndn cable to Isaac Pine us A Sons yeeerday quoted choice bue Arm and others teak. Klaber. Wolf A Setter's cable sail there awe -k change la the market to report. A moderate amount of business was done tn t?e local market yesterday, mostly In small lot-- It is asserted on good authority that some of the recent purt-hases were at a better figure than waa generally believed and that a high 11 84 cents has been paid for choice. The Kentlfh Observer of October t said ef the English hop trade: "There Is still very little bu1nee doing tn the new sea son's crop. The supply of eamplee Is large, but brewers do not buy. East Kents are quoted at from 12 Ins to 13 lOe, and a few err choke Mid Rents have made 14" English trade reports' bearing dates of aeptemher 2 to ?0. follow: Wild. Neatne Company, tendon There Is noihtna freah to report regarding the trade, ail choice, bright colory anmplee meet aith a ready sale, medium gradee are difficult to negotiate, but even duu-olorvd samples atow rood hretting dualities and will short ly meet with demand. , W. H and H. I May. lndon Market good for brisht hope of any kind but slow for brown sample. Hanger Henley. London Tha growths : are now coming up. but show very few choice hop. The buyers are very indiffer ent at present and will look at the best ealy. J H. Mevc-flrrtb A Co, Worceaier Trade ruled slow for all qualities. the lower grade being parUcu'.arly difficult to d.s po of. alihouah offered mu-'h under cnt of production, v'hoice samples were reia-ttv-elv eowrca and obtained pair day price, while uaeful medium lots realised about 4s to tuts per cwt. FIRMER TONK IX AtX ttRAIX MARKETS Site Club Wtteac !U at 9t Cents at Hoard ef Trade. A nrmr fe!iti In all the cereals was shown m the b'd.ling at the Board of Trsde yesterday offers for December wheat were made at aoifooi centa with 9 ltC asked. A car of spot club waa sold at 2 csnts f a b. dck. Offers for barley and oats were 1 to 2 cents higher than Tuesday. The range of futures waa aa folrawe (f. a. b warehoue. Portland : WHEAT. Open. . .$ o High. IjOw. Close f .!2, A $ .OA 9 .f0 R .OjtA .00 .0B OATS. J M A 5 1 SO B ll A 1 624 1.53VB BART.ET. Pec Ve Dec Nov. 1 2 1 WSA 12 1 27 . .t5 A 1 27 H 1 27SB 1 .t0 B Recelnts fr the week to date were Wheat Oats Barley Fl-ur Hiy t ar. Csrs. 1'ars. tia--ks. Car. Vordav ..l.M o I i::2 11 T ;et1av . 11 11 1'kiO II Wednesday 5-1 17 EASTERN COM'ORn .RAPE DFR. (mrtewd Fveesi Peeis Ivanla Will Be Put .a real ThW Miwwlnc. A car of old-faehiofied i"oncord grares was due last night- They will be put on s'e at 371 0 40 cents per 10-pound basket. Trie season for hval Concord grapes Is prantcaJ'v ever. Receipts were light yes terdsv and It is not likely that many will rome tn after today. California grape moved fairly well, considering the weather, but the suppl waa large and the market eeek. other fruits were slow. There was a good demand for vegetables of all ktnd. partKutarly celery, cabba and sweet po:aie LACK OF INTEREST I.N PRICES. .waxket Wewk a a Remit ef ladlffereetce f Buyer. A weak tone la reported In the prone market a a result of the lack of in terest on the part of buwra. packers are asking 8-cem base for large sise and 2H rents for the smaller . but little busi ness Is being transacted - With the email crv better pricoe should prevail later and Holders are making no eTort to preee their gkods en ths market. The fact that parkera ar unable to sell vrskes them bearish in their wws to grown The w ork Journal of bommeree nf October le saiJ ef the condition of the prune snarket tn the East: Vregon prunes, watch a day or no age shewed a ta dacy te advaaoA, ane again reporte-1 to be unsettled, owing It is sa:d te e!T rings t KMUrt on aovrc at le f. o. b. ba baala for aqual quanta tie ox SOa aad 40s for October shipment. BETTER I)FJMAXT FOR POCXTRT. TTfknras Is DUappesrififf From Mark. bat Price Are Plow t Rise. There was a little batter demand for poultry, especially chlckeas, yesterday, and as receipts were light, the undertone of the market was firmer. No Improvement was shown in prices, however. The era market was firm with a strong demand. Fresh selected Oregon ranch egrs nid at 87 W cents and fresh Eastern at 23 030 centa Butter and cheess were active and firm at 'the previous prices. Receipts of Prod are. Produce receipts a reported by the Board of Trade: Apples. 641 boxes; berries. 8 crates; cherries. 20 boxes; grapes. 144 era tea; pears, ifi boxes; peaches, 700 boxes quince. boxes; cabbage. 0 crates; celery, 23 crate; eggplant, 1 crate; potatoes, 5"2 sacks : sweet potatoes, 2 cars. 17 sacks tomatoes, 3 crates; peppers, 1 box; clams. 19 boxes; crabs, 12 boxes, 3 barrels; craw flsh. 4 boxes; fih, 107 boxes; oysters. 87 sacks; lobsters. 8 boxes; shrimps. 1 box hogs. 105; veal, 94; mutton. 6; chicken. 4d coops; ducks, 2 coops; turkey. 1 coop reese, 1 coop; meat. 1 car; butter, 50 boxes milk. .'.TO gallons; cream, 4364 gallons egra. 79 cae; honey, 7 cases; cider. 7 barrels; almonds, h2 sacks; hops, 152 bales. Bank Clearing. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday were aa follows: Cltnrinrs. Balances. Portland 91.3!.42 $1 os, U7 Seattle l.h.y.iW j3.3.s Tacoma ............. $:. g 64.400 Spokane 1.58,504 136,754 POUTLjkN'U MAKII& Grain. Floor, Feed, Etc WH EAT Bluest em. 9394e; club, fife. 9c; red Kustan, bic; 40-fold, valley, 0c. 89c; sec BAHLET Feed. $ : -T per ton; rolled. 827 S092S .jO; brewing. g.'O.OU. OATS Now 1 white, VnUol.&0 per ton; grajr, FLiLK Patents, $4.80 per barrel; straights. $3.s&; exports. 3 70; Valley. t4.4; K-sck graham. $4-40; whole wheat $4.5i re $3-50. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $26.50 per ton; mid dlings, $:t3; shorts, country, $81; dir. $30; I!. mill ch.'D. 122 HAY Timothy. Willamette Valley. $14 per ton; Willamette valley, ordinary. $11; Eastern Oregon, $10 50; mixed. $13; clover, $; alfalfa. $11; alfalfa moal. $20. Tesretmblea and Fruit. FRESH FRUIT Apples, new, 0cC$l-50 per box; peaches, 30 a ooc; per nox; pears. fll.a per box; graphs, 0c41.1' per crate; i onconis, it wc per oasKet huckleberries. 9q IOo lb. ; quinces. $1 it 1.25 per box; cranberries, $iu per barrel; prunes. ;i:'-iC rT Hi.; nuimeg m-ions. ei.e per dox. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, Valencia, lares. 4.tfii.ho vT bux; lemons. fitnrv. 4.ft-i t.00 per box: choice. $3.oo34.o0: standard. $2 75 per box; grapefruit, $44.75 per mix; bananas, yoc per puuna, pomejrranattt. $1.700 2 per box; pineapples, t'in '' Ml nr dozen. hvrATuKS-Humg price, , 75-rO0c per h u ml red ; sweet po t a t oes. 2ti - V c per pound. ONION'S Oregon. $Il1 2 per It) lbs. ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.25 per ta' k ; carrous. b&c; parsnip. oeets; Kl "1 VKOETABLE9 Artichokes, 65o per dos ; beans. per pound ; cahbag. 2c per pound: cauliflower. flOi-fl per doxen: cel erv. 754J9DO per doien -. cucumlers. $2.2- per tu.x : e;g plant, 11.1.2 per crate; iuuf, 75- fl wr b-ix: tareley. 15c per doxen; peaa. Ri tier no'jnil : oerners. $2.25 per box : pump kin. ItlWc per pound; radishes, IStc per ooaen; spinach, 2c per pound; sprouts, bv per pound; Miuash, . 1 VaC per pouna; iomww, 5'ii tkc. Provisions. nkrrtN.Fin. -mc uer nound : standard. 19 wc; choice, 18 He; English. 17 17 o; strips, loc ti.it Kii.T niBBD Regular short clears. dry salt. 12 c; smoked. ia?C; short clear aCK. neavy, ui y ei'cy. litc; Oregon export, beillas, dry salt. 14o; smoked. 15c HAMS 10 to IS lbs.. 17c; 14 to 10 Iba, l'3c; IS to 20 lbs., lttc; bams, skinned. ldWc; picni'-s, lOc; 'cottage roll. lc; sho'uidera, i.t. boned bam. -Jc; boiled pic nic. lc l.AKD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 14 Ho; rubs. 14fee; ue, 14Hc; Sua. l4Sc; lOe, lac; 5s. 15Vc. 3s, 15 "a c Standard pure: Tiercea 12c; tuba 1-c; 50s. 13c; 20a. lSc; 10s, 13c; 5s. USi; s. 13c Compounds: Tierces, HSc; tubs, 8c; 5Ua, flc; Bus, 8jc; 10s. uc:s, 4c. SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each, 70c; dried beef sets. 10c; dried beef outsidoa 15c; 4rl?d beef lusloea, 18c; dried beef knuckles. 18c WChU-EO GOODS Barrels: Pigs feet, $13; regular tripe, 810: honeycomb trlD. $13: pis' tongues. $10.50: lambs tongues, MF.SS MEATS Beef, specials. $18 per barrel; plate. $14 per barrel; family. $14 per barrel ; pork. $2 1 per barrel ; brisket. $23 per barrel; 8 P. beef tongues. $20; pig snouts. $12 50; pig ear. $12 50. Dairy said Ceantrr Produoe. BUTTER City creamery, extras. 35C3c; fdtu'y outldr crnier, 32'tl35o per pound: store. 18C- KC.iS Orefion selects. 87c; Eastern. 27 ft c per dozen. POULTRY Hens, lie per pound; ffprlng. 1U-; dui ks. old. 12 9 12S-1; "Utig. l4itou; geese, old. 8l)0c; young, 84HO0; turkeys. ltVv 1 7c. CHEBSG Fancy cream tw!ne 15c per pound; full mam triplet. 15o; full cream Young America. Irtc. X E A L Extra. Ik? per pon nd ; ordi nary. 7y7He; heavy. 5c . PORK Fancy, W 0 N. Pr pouna; oraiuary. c; large. 5c Groceries. Dried Fruits. Eta, DRIED FKC1TS Apples, 71c per pound: peaihes. 11 4 1-Sc; prunea Italians, 59 dc; prunes. French. 3&5c; currants, un- ashed, cases, yc; currants, washed, cases, loc; figs, white, fancy. 50-pound boxes, COFFEE Mocha. 24 tr2Sc; Java, ordtn arv. 17 a c; Costa Kit , fancy. INtf 20c; good. IkjiSc; ordinary. 12tfloc per pound. It ICE Southern Japan, 5c; head. 80; Imperial Japan. 6Hc. SALMON Columbia River. 1 -pound tails. $2 per doien; 2 pound tails. f2.wo; 1-pound rats. $i 10; Alaska pink, l-pound talis. U5c rvd. 1-pound taU. $1.45; sockeyss, 1-pound t;. 2 rOAlt Oeanulated. $6:05; extra C. $5 .i5 ; golden t $J4'; fruit and berry sugar, $6.05; plain bK. ti.Oi. beet granulated. 4.bS; cute t barrel . $445; powdered (barrel), $5 S5. Terms: On remittances within 13 days deduct He per pound; if later than 15 days and within o0 days, deduct Via per pound. Maple sugar. 15 f 18c per pound. NUTS Wainuta, lu m 8 ls per pound by sack; Brasll nuts, ItJt-; Alberts. 16c; pecans. 16c; almonds, ltl1Sc; chestnuts, Ohio, tc; peanuts, raw. 6S'c per pound; roasted. 10c; pinenuts. 10 y Hc; hickory nuts. ioc; cocoanuts. 90c per doxen. SALT Granulated, $14. 50 per ton. $2 per bale; half ground. 100, $10 per ton; 80s, $10 V per ton. BEANS Small white. 6V0; large white, 4c: pink. So, bayou, $c; Lima, c; Mex ican red. 4c. HONEY Fancy. $3W per box. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oata. cream, 90 pound sarka. per barrel, $7 ; lower gradea $3 M'grt 50; oatmeal, steel-cut, 45-pound sacks, $S per barrel; 0-lb sacks, $4 25 per b!e; spilt peaa per 100 pounds. $4.25 4 penrl tarley, $4 50 IT 5 per 100 lba; piMry dour. 10-pound saks. $2 T per bais; flaked wheat. $2 75 per case. Coal Oil, Unseed OH. Eta. REFINED OILS Water white. Iron bar rel. 10V,C; wood barrets, 14 He, Pearl oil, cases, l&c; head light, iron carrels, 12o; cases, lic: wood barrels. ltiVc. Eocene, cases, 2,1c- Special V Iron barrels, 14c; wood barrels, lac Elaine, cases, 2c; extra star. caes 21c. GASOLINE V. M and P. naptha. Iron brrts. 12 He; casea 19 "'iC Red Crown gssol.ne. troa barrels, 16c; cases, Uc; motor gsoiine. iron Nrre.. 16 He; casea tic; So gasoline, iron barrels, 30c; casea 7Hc: No. 1 engine distlliate. Iron baxreis, c; casr . LINSEED OIL Raw, barrela, 52c; boiled, barrels. 55c ; rs w. ca sea 5Sc . boLe-i, casea, tka KAetens Mining Mocka BOSTON. Oct 14. Clojtng Quotailcas: Adventure ,. 7 :-0 (Wmtny J2 00 Ailouea 37.50 khsnnon ..... 15 25 Amaijramaied 75 2o Tamarack ... 71. o0 Atlantic . .. 17 V Trinity 17 ."-0 ral Hecla t' ,1'r.ited Copper 11 "0 centennial .. J4 "0 U. S. Mining.. .r 5 t'opter Range ".' ,U. S. OH 25 50 Paly West... .00 I Utah 40.00 FTankiia .... 12 25 Victoria 4 50 Granby 1 "0 'Winona V124 Isle Royale. . 2 j Wolverine ...ia0 Mas Mining. 5 75 (North Butte.. 1.5 M.fh'Mn ... 13 :;"H Butie Coal... 24.5 Mhak .... 3 ,K Nevada lAS7i Mont C C .40 fa: Arlg.. o OM ivminicn 4- 25 lAns Com.... 14 00 Os-eoia liniw 'tireene Can... 10 00 Parrot 2.2 5 t EW YORK. Oct. 14. Closing quotations Atto ,.5. t l.advtll Con... v S Prrw 5 U.lttlo Chief - Hrutwwlfk Cn. 1 MMKin ....... Com Tftt stock. 4 jomano 37 do yndf 21 jOphir ...17." C C 4 Va m '.tan.lanl 17 Hrn siur. ... o ,low Jacket... 4i Iron Silvsr 93 MARKET IS NARROW Trading at New York Wholly Among Professionals. DAY'S BUSINESS SMALL Prices Manipulated for Trading Purpow8 Harrimans Affected by Reports of Government's Purpose to Recover Lands. NEW TORK. Oct. 14. Th. ,tock market took on all th. aspects of a narrow pro x?uionaI allair today. It varying Auctua tlon. were very meantnglesa and reflocted no convictions on the part of those re sponsible for the bulk of dealings, but merely an attempt to effect a movement of prices for trading purposes. The volume or the day a transactions was meagre and the constant shifting of the current of prices demonstrated the feeling of hesi tation and uncertainty of those taking part in i tie marKei. The Harriman Pacific were affected somewhat by rep'orts of the Intended purposes or the Government to recover pub lic lands in Nevada, Including railroad grants. Bonds were steady. Total sales, par vame. i.soi.ouo. i ntied states 4s registered auvancea 4 on can. CLOslNO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing aies. iitgn. ma. A ma! Copper 14.4i"0 THV, 74? 75H Am Car A Foun. 900 4o 40 401. do preferred ... lno 101 10H, 1"1 Am Cotton Oil.. 510 3S 3S". 3Jl Am 1IJ t I.l p( ,. 8 is Am Ice Securl.. 2.3f"U "27 1 26 EH Am I.inseed Oil 9T Am Icomotive.. 800 48 4S 4RV4 do preferred 14 Am Smelt Ref 12..VK) fnu, na fia'b do preferred ... 200 lmVi HK Am Suijar Ref... J.50O 13.1 1311, 131V, Am Tohacco pf.. .100 B3M V3i OTV Am tVnolen 22 I Anaconda Mln Co. S Ton 44 43t 43 Al. hl.n 16.7O0 1"4 8t',, . do preferred ... PIS All Coast Line... l'X SS SR'-j aS'i Bait Ohio 6.WO 8714 9s do preferred . 00 Brook Rap Tran. 8.0O0 4R 47A 4SU Canadian Pacific. 1.4"0 17S4 174 '4 17.1', Central Leather 2.S00 26 25H do preferred ... lis1. Central of N J 1WV, Chen A Ohio l.ffO 43 42 42'.. Chicago Ot West. 3'Xl 7Mi 7 7 Chicago N w. 300 lij 1HO law's, C. M ft St Paul. T.00O 137 135 IM4 c. c. c st l r Coio Fuel Iron. R.300 3 35 35 Colo ft Southern.. 5.20 4,1 41 42 j do lt preferred. 2"0 n BK K.T, do 2d nreferred. 200 tHU, IW f8'i Consolidated Gas.. 2,100 148Vi 144 S, 14S', Corn Product n i Del ft Hudeon... 2X) IIWS IKS' ihi D ft R Grande... 1.7"0 W 29 2 do preferred . 400 71) 88 " nistlllcra Securl 2J)4 Krie 21.10" 31 14 31 do 1 preferred. oo 44 3" do 2d nreferred. IOO 3 3d General F.leetric. o 144 1424 144 Gt Northern pf... 7.300 132 131 18lt C,t Northern Ore.. S00 691i M Illinois Central i" Interborcugh Met. 2O0 to 10!4 30H do preferred ... i i a' Int Paper 100 M S1 do rrererred "' . Int Pump 8 S0 SfV 2Si 25 Iowa Central .... ;M -o1 -J K C Southern ... 200 28lj S 2S rfn nreferred ... 300 61 T 61 t 61 Louts ft Nashville. 2.100 17 103 10rtt4 Vinn St Iuls Z"" a"' M. St P ft S P M. 20O 122 1224 123 Mo. Kan ft Txa 3,700 31 1 30l 3"T do preferred ... w no. National Lead ... S.SOrt M 81 hJ N V Central S.IOO 101 104 l"4li N T Ont ft West 2"0 41 41 4f4 Norfolk ft West. 3"0 74 73 73 North Amerlesn.. loo K! Kl w Northern Paclflo.. 16.900 142 140 142'4 raclflc Mall PenneyWanla 4O0 12.1 12.1 lJ'4 reop;e s Gas .... -'v i-'t " i P OCftPtL .. ..... ..... 7H Pre.eed Steel Car loo 32 32 82 4 Pullman 1-al Car 100 183 163 lj Rv Steel Spring 36 Redln7 64.PO0 181 H 12914 Republic Steel do preferred ... SOO 79 TH 7S Rock lelnnd Co.. !. 1 Jf4 do nreferred ... 10.4OO ' s St. L ft 8 r i pf. ...... "Y St I. southeweetera 1" J" ;" do preferred ... i'" "" '" Sloiw-Sheffield .... In 0. o.-. Southern Vsclfle- 18.100 I"31 JnS M.fHMri tin Southern Railway. 2.500 2214 -2 do preferred ... ..... Tenn Copper l. T 11. . Texss ft Paclflc. 4,100 2. 2', Tol. 8t I. ft West. w a 1 j do m-eferred ... 4) M4 M ? Pnion Pacific S.O0 168V. 1641. J 8614 31 do prererrea l'Ao,UDrVf:""i iois i0P4 IT S Rteef S2.90O 47 48, "do preferred ... 3.JO0 1WJ '.'"J Vtah Copper .... 1 J'J V.-Caro Chemical. J. S2 32 3-4 ,lo preferred ... 1" lo HIS W.has. ......... k, ... 12i 12'4 2714 27-4 31 77 S I.R SH m do preferred. ... -' - ' Westlnghouse E!eo .. WeKtem I nion ... aw -Wheel A L F3rle.. ...... Total sale, for the nay. BONDS. l- R nTw 4. re'g l214-t-nion Faolnc 4..102?! tdo"n.".'l52;W1.con Cent 4s. S4 . ,.v..n. .d 4s. B4 ' Japanese 4s T) ft R Q 4s... 95 I a locks at London. LONDON. Oct. 14. Consols for money. AnacndT ""Too "iV."1 Central . 107 00 A7cT.on::: S:S n w mi Can Pacinc .10.00 'Pennsylvania. 63.73 Ch ft Ohio 43.12 R.nd Mine,.. 8 8, B'ftT- Tl'soduthprp':cinc:io?:ooft -.7. v . 3182 do pref 90 .0 n do i.t 'if $ 0 TJ. 6 Steel.. 4S.12 So 2d It.. 38 00 I do pref 112 J0 GraSd Trunk 20.12WbaSh 13.B0 111 Central . . 142.00 do pref .... 27.0 T ft N 10 "S ISpanlsh 4s... I2 oft Mo K 'ft T" . 31.62! Amal Copper. 77.75 . Money, Xzcfaange. Ftc. VEW TORK. Oct. 14 Money on call ete.dv ltl4 P" wnt: ru""K rate 1 per cent: c'slng bid. 1-4 per '""if" it 1 per cent. Time loana dull and steady; K days. 262 P nli 4 . per cent: six months. 3 43i per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 44 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual bu.iness in banker-r bills at 4 63348310 for 60-day and at $4.8.S3 for demand. Com mercial bills, $4 S4fl 4.84. Rar silver RISC per ounce. Mexlman dollars 43c. Government bonds, firm: railroad bonds, steady. LONDON. Oct 14. Bar silver, quiet, S3 13-ld per ounce.' Money, V01 per cent. The rata of c.te ccunt in the open market for short Mils 1s 1V&1 per cent; thrM months' bills, lit per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 14. Silver bars 61 So Per ounce. Mexican dollars Nominal. Drafts Slsht. .02: telegraph, .04 Sterling. 60 days. $4 Si; sight, 4 SV Dmllr Treasury statement. WASHINGTON. Oct. 14- Today's state ment of the Treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of th. fioo.ooo.ooo gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance S172.2fW.324 Gold coin and bullion 40 2S2 1P7 Gold certificates 40.784. 180 PORTLAND IJTESTOCK MARKET. Prices Correat Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Macs. Recipts of livestock yesterdsy were th. largest for a considerable period, and as the greater proportion of the arrivals graded under first -ci ass th. result was a NEW TORK. Oct. 14. Closing quotations: -. a !L 0. reI 10:1: N T C G 3. t. S. .i re 1 n . . pRMflc 49. 92 weaker market and lower quotatlona on hogs and steers. Had the receipts all been good they could have been worked off to advantage, but Inferior stuff la diffi cult to dispose of. Receipts for the day were 5 cattle, 350 sheep, 768 hogs, and ISO calves. the following pricos were current on live stock In the local market yesterday; CATTLE EW-st steers. $4; medium, $S.:5 3.50; common, J3&3.25: cows. best. IS. 75 3.:6; medium, S2.2 gr 2.50; calves, $3,500 4.50. SHEEP Best wethers. $3 50; mixed. $3; ewes. $2.502.75: lambs, host trimmed, $4 6 4:5: untrimmd. $2.5003. 75 HOGS Best, ti.t06 6.i5; medium, 15.75 3 6.25; feeders, not wanted. Eastern Livestock Markets. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 14. Cattle Re ceipts WOO; market, steady. Western steers, 3 2395.50; Texas steers. $3T4.60; range rows and heifers, $2.50 y3 85 : canners, $2 2 90- stockers and feeders, 2.5040: calves. .2.7otf5 75; bulls and stags, 2.25 41 3. 10. Hogs Receipts. 4000; market. 20c lower. Heavy. 5.0ff5 7S: mixed. $5.55 5 63; light,; pigs. 13 5083; bulk of sales. 1 5.55 5 83. Sheep Receipts. '20.OOO; market, stronger. Yearling. 45: wethers. $464.75; ewes. S3.60g4.5O; lamps. "a ..".. WHEAT. AT FIRM PRICES ACTIVE TRADING AT SEATTTiE MERCHAXTS EXCHAXGE. Bottom Drops Out of the Tomato Market Eggs Hold Steady at 50 Cents. NiBiTTLH. Wash.. Oct. 14. (Special.) Thlrty-?lEht thousand bushels of wheat were sold today on tne aiercnama ex change. Bluestem sold at 94 cents, club at 88 centa. red Russian at 86 cents, life at 88 centa The market was Arm. East ern Washington hay has advanced $2 par ton to :0 and 821. The bottom dropped out of the tomato market today, good stock selling as low as 25 cents. A heavy supply appears to have reached the market at once. Good peaches command 40 cents. Grapes are weaK. rollowing me arrival wi cases from California. Cabbage was lower at i . cent to 1 cent a pound. There is no aemanu ior cbicij, Onions are nun ana potatoes are m supplv. selling around $15 and $16. EA..!t.v was in better tone today, re. celpts being lighter and the demand stronger. Dealers look for a cleanup by the end of tbe week. Eggs were steady at 50 cents for fresh stock. QUOTATIONS AT WAN FBAKCIStHfc Prices Paid lor Produce In ths Bay Cls Mantels. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14. The follow Ing prices wer. quoted In ths produce mar Iter todav Millstuirs Bran. 29. 501031.50; middlings. Vegetables Cucumbers, i5cg1.2... gar ... ne. 5e77e: string beans o'n -ontoes. 20f35c: egg plant, 653 "'o',,t. vncv creamery, 32c: creamery seconds. 26c; fancy dairy. 22c; dairy seo- ""cheeseNew. 12f?12'4c:' Young America, tt.-, mil. 13il isc; ci'p ' " . Eggs Store, 41o; fancy ranch, 49c; East 'rpouUry Turkey gobblers. 238 25c; mm. 23 025c: roosters, oiu, e""'7:: r vw" v ' t.-r. v.rnlTA.. mtu,11 S.I-n.l.SO: broil- .SI TlArgT $3.5003.75; fryers. $44..V: hens. 13.509; ducts, om. e.vo. w"e, , loe'lsc: Mountain. esc: South Plala. an Ban Joaquin. 7 fc.- "- . . 12; straw. P .bale. 50 6Bc Oregon Burbanks. 1.25S1.S0; weets, 1.5o Fruit. Apples, choice. $1.15: common. 40c bsnanas. iro-3: Mexican limes, 4t; Cali fornia iemons. choice. $3.23; common. $i pineapples. I .303. , ..... h. Receipts r lour, oi'c .tu.i.... r . . 4O0 centals: barley. 1360 cental-: oats. -4-to cent.: beans. 4 '"-Yin '. seksl saks: nran. ' .-"'" " VV- hav. 349 ton..: wooi. u.,, - cdpts-Flour. 6330 H scks; wh.at. JJ centals ccans, " 1' " isn MMr- middlings. et-i... . 27 bales; hides. Ih2.'. Dried Frnlt at New York. NEW TORK. Oct. 14 Ths market for evaporated apples is quiei .u. crop fruit quoted at 5S1t6c on spot and 1007 at 4S6c. according to grade. There is a little buying of prunes for immediate need, and the tone of the mar .... - a,, .-uh nuntations ranging from 4 to 13c, for California and from 6 to 7e for Oregon fruit. . i .leadv. with choice quoted at 8-4 8'ic; extra choice, BSc, and fancy t OHtluc ... c,h.i ere dull, with oh"lce quoted at Tf7c: extra choice. IS 08c. and fancy a,Ra.Uslns0are offered quite freely from th. Coast, but prices ar. fairly steady on spot. with loose muBcaiei liu"" . choice to fancy seeaeo, o-swt-ac; oocu.., 5 6c, and London layers. $1.601.8o. Metal Markets. . . n- vtv.- ,-.. 1 1 The Tjondon tin market was higher, with spot quoted at fl32 7s 6d and futures at 134 2s 6d. lo cally the market was quiet but higher In with the foreign advance, at 29.103 29.36c. Coprer was lower at 159 15s for spot In the London market, but futures there were mchanged at to" izs oo. i ne n.uai i4nc. ras dull and unchanged with lake quoted t 13 37 & 13.62c; electrolytic at 13.12$? 3.37HC. and casting at 12 87 13.12c , . .. Ti .i,.nnnBi tn ft. :td in Iniinn. uEHU .1," 1 ..... . . - - - The local market was dull at 4o54.40c. Spelter declined to till lis 00. in Lonaon. he local market was quiet at 4.774.82c Ihe Inilon iron market was lower with ..,i,ni roundrv Quoted at 4Ss 3d and Cleveland warrants at 4tfs 3d. Locally th. market was uncnangea. ;so i tounary Northern. $18.5217.25; No. 2. JlOgie.i; o. 1 Southern ana -o. coutnern soit. $16.25817.25. - X" Coffee and fr-ugar. NEW TORK. Oct. 14. Coffee futures closed steady, net uncnangea to nve points lower. Sales were reported of 81.000 bags. Including October at 5.55c; December. 5.40c; March and May. 5.10c; July and Septem ber. 5.35c; Spot coffee quiet. No. T Rio, 6c; No. 4 Santos. 8Sc; mild coffee dull; Cordova. 912c. Sugar Raw. quiet; fair refining, 8.45c; centrifugal. .96 test, 3.95c; molasses sugar, 3.20c. Refined, quiet; crushed, 6.70c; pow dered, 5.10c; granulated. 6c. London Wool Sales. LONDON. Oct. 14. The, offerings of th. wool auction sales numbered 13,.i;5 bales. Competition was animated and prices gen erally reached the highest of the series. Cosrse cross breds practically recovered the opening loss under continued American and heme buying. Scoured and fin. medium greaslea showed a hardening tendency. Punta Arenas fine grades advanced 10 per cent and coarse 3 per cent over the July average. . New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 14. Cotton future, opened steady at an advance of 4 points to a decline of 2 points and closed steady on near months, which vir 1 to 5 point, net higher and easy on later positions, which were net unchanged to 6 points lower. October. S.9!c: November, 8.75c; De cember. S70c: January. K.SGc; February, 8.50c; March. 8.46c; May. 8 69c; July. 8,S1i Ialry Produce in the ast. CHICAGO. Oct. 14. On the produce ex change today the butter market was steady. Creameries. 2027c; dairies. 18tj24c Eggs 8teady at mark, cases included 17 20c: firsts, 17 8 20e; prim, firsts, 23c; ex tras. 24c. Cheese Steady. 12lSo. European Grain Mart eta i LONDON. Oct. 14 Cargoes, dull and In active. Walla Walla, prompt shipment, at 37s fid: California, prompt shipment, at 3Ss. English country markets. 6d cheaper; French country markets, slow. LIVERPOOL Oct. 14 Wheat. Decem ber. Ts tSd: March. 7s 5Sd; May, 7s 4Td. Weather fine. Wool at Rt Loais. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 14. Wool, firm. Terri tory and Western mediums. 17 20c; fln. mediums. 15 317c; fine, 12510. CDODEXPOHTTRADE Sentiment in Chicago Wheat Pit Is Bullish. CLOSE IS NEAR THE TOP Active Buying by a Leading Ball Starts Prices Upward Soon Af tr Opening Slump In Caab Corn. CHIOAOO. Oct. 14. Following a declro. at Liverpool equal to nearly lc per bushel th. wheat market here opened easy, .with prices unchanged to tj-Sc. lower, compared with the previous dose. Before th. nd of the first hour, however, prices hsd advanced about c, owing to active buying by a lead Ing bull, and during the remainder of th. day sentiment in the pit was bullish th. greater part of th. time. Cash wheat in the sample market was In only fair demand and premium, were steady on the Spring varie ties. A later better demand from exporters w. reported, but It was entirely for durum. The market closed at almost th. top figures. Final quotatlona on December were at $1.01 and on May at 1 1.08e1.0. Tha corn market was weak, owing to beavy selling. Inspired by a decline of to 3 cents in the price of tho cash grain. Xh market closed weak at almost the bottom. Final quotations showed net loose, of to 9c. December closed at 639s65fco and May at 63c. The oats market waa unsettled, but sent! ment waa Inclined to be beaiioh the ' greater part of the day. A decline of c ia th. price of cash grain had a depressing effect on options. The market closed easy, with prices oft a ahado to c. December closed at 4Sa48ic and May at 60ff5Oc Provlslona wer. rather weak at the start. owing to renewed liquidation, but sentiment eoon became bullish on buying by local pack ers. The early selling. waa due to a 1015c decline in the nric of live hogs. At the close prices were 2Vj0 lower to 30c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Dec $1.00 Jl.Oli Mav 1.03 1.04 'a July 889t .98 CORN. Dec. ? .64 May 63 .63 July 625. -62L OATS. Low. Close. $1.00 $L01 1.03 1.04 .882 .. .63 .63 .63 .63 V .62 .62 .48 .48 .60 .60 .46 5. 46 Dec. May July .4Si .4SS .50 .60 .45 .46 MESS PORK. October ..18.70 January ..15.05 May 16.30 13.90 16.40 15.30 13.70 16.00 14.87 13.70 16. 80 16.17 LARD. October .. 30 9.35 January .. 9.07 9.22 May 8.08 8.20 9 15 9.00 $.87 S.I6 8.15 $97 SHORT RIBS. October .. 8 80 8.82 8.67 January .. 8.02 8.20 8.00 May 8.07 8.26 8.02 8.82 8.17 8.22 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady Wheat No. 2 Spring, $1.0401.05; No. t, scroti 111- No. 2 red. 81.0001.01. Corn No. 2, 7474c; No. 2 yellow, 78 S79c. V Oats No. $ white. 4Z49o. Rv. Ko 9. 75UC. , Barley Good feeding, 55 666c; fair to choice malting. 67lc. Flax seed No. 1 Northwestern, $1.2$, Timothy seed Prima, $3.45. Clover Contract grades, $8. Short ribs Sides (loose), 8.t8.60. Pork Mess, per bbl.. $13.87614. Lard Per 100 lbs., $9.868.37. pides Short, clear fboxed). $9.508.7S. Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.37. Receipts. Shipments. trir bbls 70.800 61.600 Wheat, bu Corn, bn l?-5?9 79.900 264,400 811.700 1,000 136,300 Oats, bu.. ..465.000 Rye. DU BarVoy, bu. .... ..400.000 ..141.900 Grain and Produce at Now York. v-ii-vo- TOR.tr. Oct. 14. Flour Receipts, ?"K00 barrels: exports, 13.S0O barrels; mar ket firm with a quiet trade. Wheat Receipts, loo.uw ousnei.; ports. 15.900 bushels. Spot, firm; No. 2 ..j 11 OT7A l 0R- elevator: No. 2 red. $1 09 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Du lulh. $1.13 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter. $1.10 f. o. b. afloat. Excellent buying of wheat developed on the opening (decline to dv and prices had a sharp upturn, reflect ing dry weather In the Winter wheat states and smaller worcnwesi rswijw. r held until near the close, when realizing developed, but final quotations were still Sc higher. December closed at $1.10 and May at $110. Hops Dull. Hides and wool Quiet. Petroleum Steady. Grain at Saa Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14. Wheat FrVm, Barley steady. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, $1.62 P1.67J milling. $1.67 1. 70. Barlev Feed, $1.36 1.3S; brewing, 11.40 1.45. Oats Red. $1.50 1.80; white, $1.62 I. 72; black. fz.09 2.50. Call bo sales: Wlieat No trading. Barle-TKay, I1.4OK01.4; December, II. 39 ft 141. Corn Large yellow: $1.85 1.90. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. Oct. 14. Wheat Steady. Mill ing bluestem. 95c; club. 91c; red. 90c. Ex port bluestem, 91c; club, 87c; rod, 85c. AT THE HOTELS. Tha Portland F. Costelle, San Francisco: G. D. Thompson.. N. W. Lehman, Max Stle- fel, Chicago: W. J. Mauley, Spokane; Mrs A. H. Anderson, Miss Riley. W. B. Jenkins, Seattle; H. Rlchter. Minneapolis; G. H. Plumimer, Tacoma; C P. Miller. Chicago; J. B. Tenns, Tacoma; T. O. Haywood and wife. Seattle: K. Mccabe. Boston: F. r . Field. Chicago; D. Cornier, St. Joe; C. A. weaver. rew iork; tt. u. ieyiano. Ban Mateo; A. McBean, Burllngame; C. Dom mlck. San Francisco; Mrs. T. E. Swanson, Mrs. W. O. Palmer. C. B. Hutchins. Chi cago; Mrs. Samual Elmore, Miss E. Elmore. Astoria: Mrs. u. c. MUlett. is. A. frost. Chehalts: C. H. Smith. New York; J. T. Ames. Seattle; Mln A. Christian; R. B. Lloyd, Olympia; Mrs. J. W. Consldine. Mrs. J. W. Considlne, Jr., Miss F. Considlne, Se attle; bir James and Lady Erskines, u. Ersktn Rt. and Miss Ersklnes, Scotland; B. K Coffman. Scotland: A. Giant. Chi cago; J. H. Neustadter and wife. San Fran cisco; M. A. Leach. F. M. Lewis. James Englander, New York; A. E. Alexander, Washington, p. C. ; H. S. Bent and wife. Los Angeles; A. W. Arlen. Stockton: W. S. Hobart. San Mateo; D. F. Sullivan. Seattle; L. E. 8cabrook. Spokane: M. Asher. San Francisco: S. J. Bronner. Syracuse; T. B. Brown, w. JS. miray. New rork: T. E. Slover and wife. Eugene; H. R. Pease and wife. Kingvllle; C. S. Frantx. C. F. Hey wood, San Francisco; M. H. Keller, New York: W. S. Carpenter. Grays River: C. A. Stevenson and wife, Chicago; E. W. Wil son, o. J. Medbury. K. a. ikle. New York: F. K. Plate. T. Milton, San Francisco; George J. Lambley, G. B. Llbby, New York: W. E. Hampton, Los Angeles: L. V. Rathbun. Minneapolis: B. B. Ovelmatt. Chi cago: William Davidson and wife. R. M. Rlblet, Spokane; Miss M. Davidson, Dr. O. W. F. Lyder and wife. Chicago; Jo. Har ris. San Francisco. Tho Oregon J. a. Kerr and wife Fort Smith, Ark.; A. T. Hey wood and mother. Bostoa: Mrs. M. Fahrenbnmnf. Germany: H. J. Lyons. San Francisco; Dave Stafford. Coos uay; u. rit. rieinngnam: o. w. Gri fln and wife, Belllngham; Joseph Barlow, F. J. Claxton. San Francbpco: E. D. Brooks. Cincinnati; J. T. Bertrand. San Francisco: Mrs. J. B. Engart, Medford: A. Bergen. Seattle; G. F. Goerner. Colorado Springs; A. Krelad. Ellensbunt: W. H. Eccles. H. J. Taggerti Hood River; C. D. Rose. Newberg; G. B. Milley and wife. Seappooae; Albert Perneinger. Chicago; D. wltkowskl and wife. W. P. Goods. San Ftanciaco; Mrs. J. A. Venese. Winlock: W. R. Psxton. Mrs. W. R. Psxton. Waila Walla: Mrs. E. Zook, St. Joseph: Sherln Swank. Autrurrllle: O. W. Hoar. aiem: warren Jjuesey. j. o. iueaey. Miss Elma Hendricks. Eugene: R. S. Smith .l wife. Ktama'h: L. E. Price. R. D. French, Saa Francisco; T. 8. Stratton, Dead- Ladd & Tilton Bank PORTLAND, OREGON Established 1859. Oldest Bank on tbe Pacific Coast. Capital fully paid - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits $500,000.00 OFFICERS W. M. Ladd, President. Edtfard Cookingham, Vice-Pres. W. H. Dunckley, Cashier. Interest paid on time deposits and savings accounts. Accounts' of banks, firms, corporations and individuals solicited. Travelers' checks for sale and drafts issued available in all countries of Europe. San Francisco and First-ClaSS Berth and FARE Incfudod Sn (1 f ( l.f . Sails from Ainsworth f f .0. otate or Liahrornia Dock 4 p. m. Fndar Uct.Ib J. W. BAKSOM, Dock Agt.. Ainsworth Dock. M. J. ROCHE, C. T. A.. 14J ad St, Phone Main 268. Main 402; A 118i. wood; August Roxel and wife. Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Benway, city; W. Spiro, San Francisco; H. J.. Mackln. Vanrouver, B. C: T. F. Smith, L. F. Smith. Williams. Pa.; Miss p. M. Blakley, Silver Lake; J. P. Wise, city. The Imperial M. P. Foss. Baker City; C. Wanscott, Salem; C. L. Coy. Chicago: C. A, Chigie, Corvallls; O. B. Cook, Albany: Ike Howard and family. Heppner; Captain Chris teneen. J. H. Kelehlg, Sin Francisco: R. A. Grant. Salem; F. C. McCue. Astoria; C. A. Gill, Seattle: F. F. Blekely. Roseburg ; James A. Perrv. Ohamplaln. N. Y. ; W. R. Ellis, Pendleton: Mrs. F. F. Blakely. W. J. Blake ly Roseburg; F. C. Cross, Kansas City; Mrs. John Nlssen, Eagle Cliff: J. W. Fvans Spo kane; C. T. Early. Hood River; Ed Rosen berg. Astoria; Albion Kahler, Fossil: II. r Bickere, Mrs Bickere. Salem: Herman Fes enfeld. Hoqulam; Mr. Davidson, Mrs. David son, Miss Davldfon, Hutchinson, Minn.; A. Furuseth, San Francisco; J. H. Aokerman. Salem: C. M. Fisher. Prlnevllle; C. W. Mur m, .inn. I. Rsmum. H. N. Ragstiale. O J Goffln. M. D.. G. E. Thompson. Moro; H. P. Lister, Wasco: B. Stoddard, New port: Rev. T. K. ueune, trout . ... Reynolds. Arlington; J. R. Cleman, Salem; J. P. Winter. Pendleton: C. A. Slagle. cor vallls: M. Faherty. Roseburg; Mlas Koch, New York; S. Hoag. city. Tho St, Charles W. H. Vance. Baker City; J. Van Valkenberg, Chicago; R. P. Lawler and family. Oregon City; ? L- '''; West Kelso; Thomas Bennett. Rldgeneia. B K Lorg. U. S. Army: H. Foresman. city; E. E. Phillips. Fred Peck, Corvaliis; Wil liam Dale and wife. Estacada: Phil Mer wln. Salem; William J. Branlgan. Chicago. C. M. Van Bt-ren. Canby; H. H. Gentry. Norman; H. M. Batty, city; F. H. Gllmore. Astoria; R. O. Ijggan, Philomath: Fred Vester, Albany; Mrs. J. Thomas. Seattle, A. McGlashan, Hoqulam; Ed Luke, D 11 Hope, city; L. E. Oliver and wife, Sher man County: J. P. Messer, Coquille; Matt Ketchum. Louis Lynch. Dayton: Fred Vester, Alhanv; Mrs. F. Anllker. Goble: Mrs. M R. Morel. Goble: William Markrell. Molalla: J. A. Mclntlre, Seaside: Collin E. Davis. Fort Collins; Mrs. S. M. Egbert. The Dalles; F H. Allen. Damascus: moma c. Mills. Woodburn: E. P. Greffey, Albany; William N. Arniger. city; F. G. Hanson. O Ormendson. Enumclaw; Alfred Murl land and wife. Beaverton; Alen D. Smiih, The Dalles; F. W. Hunsaker. McMlnnvllle; L. S. Busklrk. N. F. McKlnney. E. J. Suton, Woodland: W. A. C. Kose, Seattle; J. S. Huntington. M. C. Breman. Kelso; B F Keist. Seattle; George Brown. Grants Pass; W. F. Lord, Wakarusa. Kan.: E. A- Hyde. Forest Grove; W. D. Benton. White Salmon; Anr.a D. Robertson. Georgle B. Robertson, Turner; I. F. Cantrell, Heppner; Rebecca Wilson, Dufur; T. E. Line?. Pufur; r. J. Moore. Mount Pleasant; R. E. Bennett, Palmer: E. A. North. Needy; William Dubb, Washougal; H. S. Sherman. Salem; Mrs. Mullln and family. St. Paul; W. W. Robert, Rainier; R. Stewart, city: Joseph Rohn. Roseburg; D. J. Stewart, Estacada; Ellner 8. Wood. Barton; Frank Cole, city: F. J. Jocry, Oregon city; C, Beck, Spokane; A. Peterson. Nehalem. The Perkins J. D. Pnrdy and wife. Woodland: D. R. Evans. A. H. Keihn. Se attle; W. P. Willaby, Athena: G. W. Howell. Walla Walla; S. M. Chandler. Delta. Colo.; F. Le Feran and wife. Elma; W. C. Fry. Rainier; P. L. Hemphill, Seattle; D. B. Russell. Medford; J. M. Srhuler, Sissnn. Cel.; Laura Deny, Tarklo. Mont.; W. M. Glover, McMlnnvllle; N. B. Merrill. Ann Arbor. Mich.; A. Grten. city; I. L. Strong. 1B08; Dan S. Kaln. Valdex, Alaska; H. L. Nelson. Seattle; M. Gulsberg. W. H. Oar land, New York; M. Munay and wife, Spo kane: Miss C. T. Love. Denver; waiter Gould and wife, Charles F. Stone. Seattle; Mrs. E. Hougaard, Seattle; S. L. Ragsdale. Rnwhnr.- TV M Chandler. Delta. Colo.: Otis D. Bentes and wife. Independence; C. W. Van Vleet and wife. c. K. names, jmibs Mrljuitrhlln. Norwich. N. Y. : W. H. Gents, Norman. Neb.; W. A. Rayland. Kansas City, Mo.; L. H. Rogers. Seattle; r. . Lunis. Haiam- TV A Rrnrk and wife and son. Golden; L. P. Brown. Stayton; D. F. Bench. Claud, c. Thompson. .Biaioca; bj. owu and wife. Summit: J. A. Silverstock. Ante lope; Ella F. Macy, Newberg: C. A. Mann, Port Huron: W. A. Ott and wife. Roseburg; W. A. Lelber. San Francisco; Dr. j. v. Kott. Falls Citv: R. S. Carr and wife. North Yamhill; B. J. Green Columbus. O.: J. A. McLeod, Tacoma; Dr. F. A. Bird, Kelso; R. E. Davis. Rainier: J. M Short, Gresham; C. W. Rollins and wife, St, Tools' Rose Brealcv. Bertha Andert. Min nesota; Mrs. A. Merel. Vancouver; Mrs. L. Been, Centralia; R. Skipton. Corvaliis; H. Henderson. J. O. Neat. Eureka; S. H. Rob son, Tacoma; Joe Bratton and wife. Golden dale: C. B. Walkey. Clatekanle; W. M. Henry. Nachotta, Wash. The Dajunoore E. W. Allen, Arthur A. nreen. city: H. M. Flavel and wife, Astoria: W. O. Thompson, Nome; D. H". Cleveland. Victoria: Mrs. E. Cannon, Eureka: Mrs. G. B. Kleppey, Canby; C. F. Russell. Seattle; S. H. Sherden. Ely; w. fc. Baruen, sea side; R. G. Kruse, Spokane; F. E. Jones, Los Angeles; Mrs. F. E. Morris. San Fran cisco; E. V. Davis. Tacoma; Miss Gladys Poria, Miss Pauline Poria. city; Arthur Gantler. Kaukauna; Miss .Tosle Gantler. fhlcaeo: R. E. Smith. E. R. Madden, St. Paul; Miss Georgia Palmer, Cedar ' Rapids; Mary Cholupsky, New Prague; S. W. Thomas, Seattle; M. K. aieyers. tacoma: M. E. Dresen, Mrs. Frank Phillips, New York. Tho Norton ia Mrs. W. L. McCabe, Se attle: H. W. Rogers, A. Catrawth. San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stutthoff. Se attle: W. Haxgreaves and wife, city; S. Buzaglo, New York; M. B. Augurlnle, Se attle' A F. Budford, H. T. Bohlman. Mrs. H. T. Bohlman. city; Mrs T. J. Murray. Seattle; C. E. English, Chicago; Mr. and. Mrs. T. H. Burton. New York; J. T. Tinker. Los Angeles; F. R. Keene, Omaha; G. C. Lambert, Spokane. The Cornelius A. JalofT. Astoria: W. G. Cuthberth city; D. H. Hcndee. Miss Car rindow. Miss Harriette Dow. Vancouver; N. Shasburry, San Francisco: E- W. Sheuhert and wife. Boise; D. J. Smart. New York; T. Wilson and wife. iSalem; F. J. Hessan. McMlnnvllle: W. E. Shuman. Seattle; Frankel and wife. Cleveland; Mrs. E. Reams. Klamath Falls; S. J. Fuller and wife. Sacramento; J. S. Thompson. La Crosse. Th Calumet H. C. Gibson, Walla Walla; C. G. Byrne, G. Wallace, Fan Francisco; H. G. Meyer. Salem; T. J. Flavin, Spokane; Mrs. D. D. Love, San Francisco: D. Erlck son and wife, F. S. Inches, Chicago; F. S. Dooley, city; Mrs. W. F. Hall, Vancouver: D. V. Bean ana wire, atiss sn. namiiion; W. E. Buffman, Astoria; E- L. Glbb. Okla homa Ctiy: Mrs L .Lundlach. city; c. W. Bailey, Astoria: R. G. Brand and wife, St. John: D. W. Blakeslee, Pendleton: H. M. Bransford. South Bend; F. Baer and wife, city; J. Haw and wife. Boston: J. Mitchell, Los Angeles; E. T. Deitzell and family. The Dalles: G. Perham, Areata: S. Hatfield. San Francisco; C. Bussiere, Glendale; Mrs. Thomas Cullen, New York. nstn 000'iS -WA8 niduj Xjisnp -ni JttnjrsTib i.jsueS .qj, spui snow.A 30 .tqj.ul pa. suo)S Of qoiJ S uxniStsg; R. S. Howard, Jr., Asst. Cashier. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Asst. Cashier. Portland S. S. Co. $10 Upper Deck $15.00 Second Glass $5.00 Diseases of Men Varicocele. Hydrocele, Nervoue Debility. Blood Poison, Stricture. Gleet, Prostatic trouble and all other private die eases are successful! treated and cured by me. Call and see me about your case it you want reliable : v- ireniiimiii wun pi anal .nArrriaVnrit maiiltl. Consultation free and Invited. All transac tions eatlsfactory and confidential. Office houre 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to IX Call on or address DR. WALKER 181 First St. Cor. Yamhill, Portland, Or FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Sav in and Cotton Root Pills, th. best snd only reliable remedy for FEMALE TROUBLES AN1 IRREGULARITIES. Cure the most ohstlnato cases tn S to 10 davs. Price $2 per box. or 8 boxes so. Sold bv druggists everywhere. Address T. J. PIERCE, all Allsky Bldg., I5 Morrison St.. Portland. Oregon. TRAVELERS' CC1DK. 2 CRUISES TO THE 117 r i? T Venezuela, f I Li J 1 Spanish INDIES Twin Screw Cruising S. Si OCEANA January 23 Leaves N. Y. ) Febuary 27 30 days-Cost $lSO ?P Send for new illustrated book de scribing thise and other cruises to tho Orient Mediterranean, Egypt, Nile and Holy Land, etc Hamburg - American Line 90S Market St- San Francisco, " or Local K. It. Axrnta. PORTLAND BY.. LIGHT ft rOWiU CU CARS LEAVS. Ticket Office and Waiting-Boons, First and Alder Street. FOR Oregon City 4. 0:30 A. M . and nary 80 minutes to and Including 9 P. tL, then 10. 11 P M ; last car 12 mldnlgBL Greshjim. Boring. Eagl. Creek. Esta cada. Caaadem. frail-view and Trout, dale 7:12. 11:16 A. M-. 1:15. 0:15. 7:25 P. M. FOB VAJJCOtrVKR. Ticket office and waiting-room 8cooa and Washington streets. A. M. 6:16. :60. 7:25. 8:00. :U. 8 10, 8:50. 10:30, 11:10, 11:60. p. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:60. 3:30. 1 10, :60. 4:30, 6:10. 6:60. 6:1,0. 7:05. T:0, 8:15. :25. 10:85. 11:S. On Third Monday tn Every lloata the JLast Car leaves at :0S F. M. Dally .xc.pt Sunday. Dally .xc.pl Monday. REGULATOR LINE to Th. Dalles dally except Sunday. "Bailey Gatsert" leave. Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 A. M-, stopping at th. principal landings. "Dalles City" leaves Portland Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M., making all landings. Returning, both steamers leav The Dalles on alternate days at 7 A. M. Phone Main 814. or A 6113, Alder-st. dock. jtamburg-Stmericcm. T Anrfnn Paris Hambora Deutschland. .Oct. 2 Jj Amerika Oct. 28 Pennsylvania. Oct. 24; Patricia Oct. 31 (.Ibraltar Naples Genoa. S S Hamburg Nov. 3, Jan. , Feb. It. Pres Lincoln. Nov. 19Moltke, IVc. 8, Jan. 28 Deutechland to Italy Feb. 6 Hamburg-American Line. 00S Market St. San Francisco or local railroad agenta COOS BAY LINE Th. steamer BREAKWATER leaves port, land .very Wednesday at F. M. from Oak stre.t dock, for North Bend. Marshncld and Coos Bar points. Freight received tilt 4 P. M on day of sailing. Passenger far., nrsl. claaa, 110; second-class, 37. Including bartn and meals Inqulr. city tlck.t offlc. Third ud Washington ilnm or Oak-str..t dock. North Paclflc S. S. Co'i. St e ami hip ko&aotio and Ceo. W. tidar Sail for Eureka, Saa Francisco and Los Angelea direct every Thursday at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St., near Alder. Both phones, M. 1314. H. Young, Agent. BAN rHANt ISi'O FOBTLAXD 8.8. CO. OnTy direct steamer and daylight sailings. From Ainsworth Dock, Portland. 4 p. M. A R State of California. Oct. 16. 8 S. Rose Clly. 0:t. 23. Nov. . From Lombard it. San Francisco, 11 A. U. 8 6. Rose Clir. Oct. 16. 30. 's S. htato of California, Oct. 28. J VV- BAXSOM, Dock Agent. Main 2o8 Ainsworth Dock. M. J. EOCHE, City Ticket Agent. 142 3d 8t, Phone Mala 403. A 1102.