13 TITE MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903. FOB KENT. kerplos THE BEAVER. 12th aa4 Marshall r.w'y turrshil. fuxiy qulpp4 for boa liepir. tnrludinc ga. rax. fra of e:irlc Itabts. hot srater. batha. lara. rcoptloB rocm mod Sundry room; baami fu: lawna vsranaa. surfo undine t-s ba::dlrK. FurnUnM afc.artm.nls from up; a. so nr roxns. wuh similar oon T.riiencav $-: V rr ...a up. Thoro la fKtntnc In comparison la liva city for tno Trtnry. This piax-. wiii bear Inopoctlon. S"ort distanc from Inlon Hpou Tm 6'- or IStn-at. cara aclna: r.onn t olt at Marshall at. Pbona Main - "osa. WF.TJ. furnlsh.d honkp!na; roomi, i or 1 mcnth: 3 for 1.V N lo-r rooms, cottaae. $13. W'e.t K11 rlr Appl 3. N"rth 21h. lth-.tr-t cara on Waanlnton lo IMth. turn sou.b nail block. THREE dVsIrabla furnlah-l rooma. modrrn. private homo, ownrr onlr other business coupl. preferred: t Blhbor hood. 15 minuter alk. on. block from car: QJ to -: references. T J. sonln. THE HOWUXD PARTMENTS,-, Waah!r.ctr. cor. Zoth-Nlciy fre. ba:h. fr phone. bo;n floora. ale .ulre. from f!2 up. NEAR the river and rar. c.oe In beautl Ml location, everything ne. "w llsht hou.ek..p!n room., alngl nd en jit. or room and board. 5S3 Esst Bin. pnone eenwow ... THB ONEONTA. 1ST 17t at., near Tasihllt. tborooshlr turnl.had. as ranaa. hot and cold water in each apartment, both t. a phone. and btn frai tarn raaaonbla; Bo children. trr.EOAVT suits of rooma with kitchen prtvlleae: one or two anale; desirable: Sri vat. rslfr-nca. Morrison. Phon. lain . lt rOBBETT ST.. I nicely furnished, housekeeping rooms. RIB. bath and phono. Take S car south; private family; no chil dren. 17Js EAcST Oak et.. Roilin Apartment house. Housekeeping- and sleeping rooma) for .entlemen: fine, nice new unfurnished, rooma. with furnlehed kitchen. THREE furnished housekeeping- rooms, op statra and a on the (round floor, modern conveniences, phnne before 10:0 A. M.f East A330. 3R3 East Yamhill. THREE newlr furnished housekeplnsr. with bath and all modern conveniences:- 15 minutes' walk from 8teel brulire Inquir 444 Rodney ava.. or phone East 48.6. BEAUTirrLUT located bay-window, mi fur nished 2-room suite In centrally located apartment-house. 3fb Jefferson, cor. Bth. TWO light, cleajl, furnished housekeeping rooms, modern houi. IH; adult only. 6R1 rh t- corner f.rant. A giUO. rrRN'.PHET kitrhn or 8 unfurnisthed houkepng rooms; ga and bath. 49 Market. THE JEFFERSONIAN Choir 1-roora utt. atrictly modern apartment, direct carllne to dopot. S14 Jeffr-on. THRER n)rly fumlahed rooms for llicht houakeplnK: phone, bath and electricity. 241 ftanton at., near William ave. 1 1M WEEK up. lame, clean furnished houekei-tr.c rw-mit: pseior, laundry, bath. 1R4 Pherman. Houth Portland. WATXEWOOO 109 N. lth. nicely far nlibfd housekeeping uitea; running watr, fuxnaca hat; reasonable ralea. FrR!PHEr aulte. hooekeep1n; rooms. $S pr month. 6S8 Pettygrova at. Phona MllD 3433. FOR RENT i unfurnished rooms, 20 4th. Hmues. WHEN" TOU MOVE you alwaya ned BOMB fumttura. BUY AT NO-RENT pHc?-: tha aT tn will xce-1 cuat of movtric WE OWN OLR OWN Bl'lLDINO: O0 eoDr one-ha'f : collect re nt on baiance. MOROAN-ATCHI.EV FURNITURH CO.. Grand ava. and B. Stark. Phona Eaat 2029. FOR RfcNT a-room cottane, N. 24th, bt. Kearner and Iovejoy. modern con venlenres. rent per month: will s;lva efNb to responsible party If desired, in quire Wakeileld. Kriea & Co., 229 Stark street. . a-ROOM house. 74S Lovejoy wt bet. I2d and J3d; rent "M per month; will tva to renponKlble party if desired. In nulr Wakeneld. Kriea A. Co.. i2a Stark airier. VROOM cottas;e, modem. hot and cold water, fnrnae. etc.. never been occupied. month. Roae City park. Call room 3 3. Hicks-'hatien hM-. cor. Id and Al der, rhone Main Tti".. FOR RENT Pix-room bo-tae, near Brooklyn hool an.. Ke'lao'-i rnritna; No. 66 Beacon t Apply W3 East 9th. Phona Sell wood FOR RENT acr-s with rood ft-room huie. fruit and rerr1e. haif mile eaat of rrvolr, on tection Lira road. Altlresa Eaat Ankeny. Phone Faet 42n. A FINE modem rt-room cottatie, aa. electric llaht water and larit trnrden; beat location In Mt. Tabor. IS" a Taylor, cor. 4)th at. Apply 244 Wa.thlnaton at. N!"B - room cottaire. i&5 Thurman at.. S 1 per month. MARTIN J. nrOI.ET. Ill Jd St. Ft'RNISHED flat of 8 or 4 rooms, closets, rs stove. 614 E. 21at at.; W-R. car; afternoons XTERN cof'njce. East 2d. near Hollaiay iv.; rent 23. Apply at S01 The Dekum bMa;. COTTAGE. 5 rooms, on flrarrd ave., $13. Hart man at Thonvpaon. Chamber of Com merce. MODERN 6-room house for two families; free rent by Inveatina; $2i0. 89 Koaa at., near Steel Irid HESIR API.K eottare. with ood erounda, cd Brooklyn carllne. Inquire 113 Abln( ton bide. TO RENT and 7-room hoiisew. $12 and fii. Fast 53J and Oak sts ; man on prem lswa durlns; worklna; hours will ahow. $1(1 McFarlantVa new bung-alow. Myrtle Park; 2 lota, ele.'trlctty. bath. Mount Scott cars. Wells, ajcent, Stewart Btatioa. FI'HT rooms, all modern convenlencea; f.re r'c. furnace, lawn, roars. Main 9494. 7M E- Bumsl!e. KEW houe- of A rooma and bath. E lth n-ar Everett. Apr'y Harris Trunk Co., 132 6th at. A MODERN -ro,m house, furnace. flra plares. electricity, gaa. rent $32 50. Apply room S01 Deknm. FOR RF3NT new a-room modem hon. West Sloe. IT.W. Main 3401. 371 Worces ter. HOOMINO-HOI'PB for rent. (Wt-room. din Inc. or without tinlna-iKm. 374 Hawthorne ave. MODERN 5 -room houe. 37 Ella et. In quire 433 (ilisan Main 4..7tf. A 3574. FtR RENT 'ottace on Marquam Hilt In quire A 04 Fpokane ae.. S;iood. MODERN B room house. Clay between 7th and Prk; $2.V Phone M.iln 3431. Furnished Honaes. COTTAOE. furnished $13: unfurnished. $11 month New lower flat, new furniture. $lrt month. Furnished hrouskecpins; toome. $t wek. All West Hde river. lfi-h-airet cars on Wahmaton to 'Jrtth. u-n south half block. Apply SS4 North 2Vh. S Kih M furnished flat on id. ne.-ar Clay at . tent or 111 rent 4 rooma furnished PARRISH. WATK1NS CO.. lid Alder St. Fl "RNISHED h-use. rooma. We Pi.le, flr.e Mn and rtfihborhood ; reasonable rent. 20 Vulkev bM;. a. n h nv'n cvrf.irtaMe hme. TV K Rurnn .. Inquire Tot Eflit Burtt-i-!e l'ne Knt 324 or Ernst 310. Nl- FI-T fueled. V-room bouse at 109 Wh!t iiiir st. Irju.-e of Cfaurchley, pno-tirafh-r, J-ti- Cd. In you wart to rent a house T Fee our '.1st Hartmaa A Thompson. Chamber of Commerce. $ TATI.OR. nrar ITrh. modern 4 -room furniphed fiat. s;s and elex".iic Hthts; no chi:dren. Fl'RNlHED ho;se. 7 rooms, modern. Hol-laday-lrMrrton district. Thone East 53M. 413 .Vroom moi-rn h-tuse. furnished Htr ersttc A Oaliasher. 33 'y Washinaton. $oi HOT. .-A DA T AVE. modem 4-room fur nished flat. 1st f wr. HotM far Real. FaraJtore for 8alev POT rash pa!! fr cur furniture: prorrpt attention a:as ar.vea. Phona Eaat 1067. AI-MoST new fnrniture for sale at 7"M) lTMCg at FOB RENT. fc Karat. Furwltmra for Sale. R BQT'LAR BEACTT. But must aell 1 rooma, all new fur nish in rs. furnace heat, hot and cold water in rooms, income $114 per month, rent J55- 3-year leaae: don't fail to aee it; will handle it. 292 10th at. T-ROOMED house for rent, 4 block of Washington St.. furniture for sale, bargain if taken thla week; a rooms rented. In quire So Davla at. PT'R NTTCR E of t-room furnished flat. 4 rooma rented. $375 for quick aaJa, or $17& with terms. $7 N. 9th. FOR a banraln In a cloee-in. well-furaished roomlnc-boum with low rant. Inquire at 141 Waat Park at. nrE-ROOM flat for rant, carpet, shade and range for sale, 64 10th, near Burn aide. FTTRNITCTtB o-room cotta; eottas; rent to buyer. Call aftemoona. 4 West Park, near Stark. NEWLY furnished house. 10 rooms, down town, central: fin for boarders or room arm Man 761ft. FOR RENT Store, 50100. Addr Oregonlan. S 277. 4-STORY brick building and baaement. Ox lOO. with Large e'eetric elevator, on 1st st.. betwetn Taylor and Salmon. Suitable for wholeaale or retail bueine. Apply w W. E- Grace car or Commercial Club. FOR RENT December 1. 4 -story and baae ment, brick atore building-. 100x103, & B. corner Front and Pin ta: also larga dock in rear. 100x200. Apply to C. A. Dolph. Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT A-l location for grocery: large patronage aaaured ; no charge for refrigerating; ahow caaea; rent moderate. Apply 718 Board of Trad bldg. FOR RENT 2 nice little atore. on at 347 Morrison at.; other 187 Holladay Apply at ISO Holladay are. or phone Eaat 642. FOR RENT Meat market, A-l location, big trade assured, rent moderate; no charge for refrigerating counters. Apply 718 Board of Trade Bldg. THREE-STORT and baaement building, good for wholesale or w axe ho use; 4XK square feet, with elevator. Apply R- U. Strong, 710 Corbett bldg. HOUSEKEEPING room; a flrst-clasa house, full all the time; the beet of furniture and location. Particular room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark at. FOR RENT A-l location for a florist ; large patronage assured; no charge for refrigerating show cases: rent moderate. Apply 718 Board of Trade bldg. STORE on Union ave.. with living-room above. $23. Hart man A Thompson, Cham ber of Commerce. FOR RENT Store room for grocery, dry goods, hardware, plumber. Phona Tabor 24. Call 100 Baaellna. FOR RENT Good location for confection ery; big trade assured ; rent reasonable. Apply 718 Board of Trade bldg. STORE ROOM for rent; 26-foot front, 100-foot depth; beat location In Portland. W 314, Oregon lan. FVRNIPHED dining-room ; no cash rent ; New Grand Central Hotel, Sd and Flan ders. SUITABLE for tailor or cloak house. 3d floor, Waahlogton at. front. 80S 6 wetland. NEW brick store, 50x100. Jobbing district. Give long lease, R Xtt6. Oregonlaa. DESIRABLB OFFICES. PMt . location. $10 and up. Desk room. $5 and up. $03 Bwetiand bldg., 5th and Washington. GROUND floor desk room, furnished or un furnished, including both phone. Beng take A Lyman. 90 6th t SPLENDID, well-lighted front office, newly carpeted; front of elevator. Call at 201 Fenton bldg. THE AUDITORIUM. 208W Sd t.. 8 larg of Hcea. aultabl for any bualneas. DESK. room, ground floor, at 228 Stark at. Call, or phone Main 5338. FOR RENT A few offices in' Coueh bldg. Apply room 808- BOO MING-HOUSE OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold Co.. Main 7311. 351 4 Morrison t. BUSKXESS CHANCES. HOTEL MEN. Hotel man with room to handle over Sort people daily; rent leae than $3 per room monthly, wants a reliable partner: inveetlBMtion solicited; referencee given and required. W. Lawrence A Co.. 315 Lum ber Exchange bldg., 2d and StaTk t. WANTED A man with $500. of a promotive mind, one who can see good thing when ti 1 explained to him. In a new corpora tion which i being formed; can ahow where not lea than $lftOO will be earned the tin year. For Itnervlew phone Main 1812. ' LAUNDRY doing good business. In good live town, owner in poor health, will sell cheap- 1-3 cash, balance on long time. Tor particulars, call 417 Board of Trade Mdg. - WANTED Partner with $500 in big pay . trig busineea; can clear $&)O0 Pr year: ex-P-rienc unnecessary: bueinei easily lenrned. Call 15 Mllner bldg., 3A0H Mor rison st. FOlt tLE $looO stock of dry goods, ehoes ani g-nt furnishings In the new and httetllng town of Raymond. For further particular addrea Helm Mercantile Co., Raymond. Wasn. BKER with 20 years experience ww.nt partner to Join him in best paying bakery In citv; $. low rent, sales $20 per day. Inquire 140 2d at. SMALL cash business; partner wanted to deliver goods; owner will guarantee $25 weekly and board; $3.V required. Call room 623 Lumber Exchange. $40 CASH bnya business paying $175 per month : will start you in way to make big monev: .rtrictly legitimate. Call quick, 248 H Stark at. HALF Interest In ftrst-claea planing mill do ing g:i buslrte; new machinery, good tra1e: $1750. $I0O cash. 325 Lumber Ex change FOR PALE One-half interest in established retail business: finest location In city; clean business; would require about SoOOO; principals only. X $10. GROCERY Bargain. East Side, clos In. at Invoice, leas one-tenth for cash; about $lSfo- new. clean etock; lease; low rent. Investigate. G 534. Oregonlan. INTEREST In a good paying real estate office; some money down, balance out of the business: a proposition that cannot b handled alone. 230 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Grocery In good location: no delivery, at Invoice around $9O0. Main mV5. ONE of the beat little restaurants in the city, can be had at a sacrifice, a half In terest, or ail. to right party. 2T2 Stark at. BATTLING business, well advertised, do ing goo,i business. wtM stand Investiga tion; citv; $10ih.. XX Oregonlan. HAVE got the best reataurant for sale prop osition In the city. Address T 819, Ore gonlan $- CASH and rooming house to exchange for residence worth $14O0; no agents. Main lvTi. FXRTNER In th best paying busmess In the city ; S0 required. $11 S wet land bldg , WANTED Bright. honeat. sober man with pmall capital as partner to show property and learn th buslnesa. 225 5th at. FOR SALE Machine shop and foundry, one logging engine. Address Box Palla. Polk County. Oregon. SMALL general tor In suburb of city; will Invoice or take, part caah and part trade. i: Couch bldg. C A. Sheppard. $1150 5-roomed plastered house, full lot. close to -ar; bargain. 1010 Board of Trade WILL sacrifice my 20-r,m house for 500 If old this wreck. Soft Third st. P09T4L CARD STORE, a. dandy, $500 for quirk sale. ' Ml Shetland blig. OFFirre Trsnarer for Pendleton: liberal salary; $VW required. N X20, Oregonlan. Saloon Must elT. good location, at a rifle H Wolfe, SI 3d ft. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE MAT-HOLLAND COMPANY (INC) -;-:7-2S Corbett Bldg. Main $517. A 2T7J. Business Investment. Rooming -House. Real Estate and Timber. Investors, if you are looking for a flrst claaa business we have a number that will bear closest Investigation. Call and aee our list of hotels, rooming-houses, general atorea, ' drugatores. wholesale and commission business, barber shops, confectionery and cigar stores, groceries, saloons and almost any business you may de"' MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. We have an opening in an established canning manufacturing plant that will bear the closest investigation; thia pro duct Is an A-l seller; party buying in can have management, of same; iloUO to $2500 required; thla 1 a sure money maker. ABSTRACT BUSINESS. One of the best In tha city; clearing $300 per month ; will sell one-half In terest; must go Eaat; thla Is flr.3t-c.asa of its kind. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. Small manufacturing monopoly In Its line, staple goods, showing big profit ; will sell interest and give man position $160 per month. FINE BUSINESS. Grand opportunity for a man with $8000 to $4000 to buy an established business; clearing from $273 to $300 per month; this can be doubled- CEREAL MILL. One-half or controlling interest in one of the best cereal mills in the city; owner an experienced man ; can make all Battle Cneek breakfast foods; a bar wain. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Confectionery, cigars, soft drinks; good trade; Washington at. ; elegant place; must be sold at once. DRUG STORE. Old-established buslnoss, splendid loca tion, owner retiring on account of age. THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY (INC.) .:6-627-628 Corbett Bldg. A $-1000 STOCK of general merchandise, do ing a monthly business of $1500 In a town of 8O0 Inhabitants and In one of the nicest little valleya in Oregon ; good farming and fruit country and plenty of timber and sawmills; It la 16 mile eaat of Leb anon; the building 1 2.'i by To feet with a 6-foot galley on both sides, suitable for furniture. This 1 th best place in Oregon to make money; muit be sold in 00 day a proprietor la going East. Call on or address C. E. Pugh, Sweet Home, Oregon. ROOMING-HOUSE SNAPS. $600 for the high-class furniture of a 10-room house In e well hood of Portland ; low rent. $2600 for the best 2 9 -room house on Washington st., clearing over $200 every month; might take part or all in good city property; will stand your closest In vestigation. F. FUCHS, 121 H Morrison St. t EAST SIDE apartment-houses on fine cor ner, brick buildings, all modern, always full and turning people away. $3000 and $5600; easy terms. Would consider part trade on residence property. West Side houses, choice locations, arranged for housekeeping and transients; some are re markably cheap. &ee ua before buying any place. Goldschmldt's Business Agency, Washington at. LOOK AT THIS. 15 rooms, elegantly furnished, furnace heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, $-year lease, at very low rent, clearing above all expenses $80 per month; $1000 caah will handle it. DEITZ-MUELLER CO., 417-18 Corbett Bldg. WANTED An active partner with $3000 to assist me In controlling the output for Portland of a patented article of East ern manufacture, which has been demon strated in the City of Portland to pay 100 per cent net on tha Investment. This proposition must be taken up at qnce, A C 277, Oregonlan. SOMT5 ROOMING HOUSES. W. Lawrence, 315 Lumber Exchang bldg., 2d and Stark eta. WOULD like to hear of good mining or other stock for sale In any enterprise where an Investment of several thousand dollars would be safe. No liquor propo sitions considered. X. Darbyshlre, Box 1010, Rochester. N. Y. PARTNER wanted to look after agents for one of the most practical and serviceable article in the market. Chance to make $300 to $500 monthly. Very little money required. Call room 623, Lumber Ex change. 23-RCOM BARGAIN $2250. with 2 years' lease, the last two months of lease Is paid. This Is a money-maker, but on account of sickness must sell. Particulars 417 Board of Trade bldg. WB have a client who wante an Interest in some good business: 1 well accredited and can invest from $5000 to $50,000. THB AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 403 Swetland bldg. CLEAN, up-to-date merchandise stock In innving vnwey ivnu, uunn a. una usuii business, cheap rent, brick building; a money maker; a snap if taken at one. A 201. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT - DELICATESSEN A very attractive place, good locatfon. fine trade. We are ready to prove this is positively the best place to be had for $200. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE--!-chalr barber shop; rent for shop with 2 rooms In rear $10; must be aoid this week on account of having other business to attend to; price $125. 463 Gllaan at. PARTNER to assist In an abstract office; a common school education only necessary; all the work can do; Investigation will prove a rare opportunity; $S00 required. 511 Swetland bldg. TO exchange lot or acreage near popular carllne for motion-picture theater com- fIete and in operation ; give particular n first Jotter. A C 275. Oregonlan. GOOD cook wants a partner, must have on Immediately, cannot depend on hired nelp. will sell right to wiling man or woman. 272 Stark st. WE want man that can invest some money in a publtc-servlce corporation and take an official position. Oregon Engineering Co.. 32ft Beck Bldg., Portland. WANT energetic man with $350 to work In stor; pay you $20 week salary, also profita Call room 417 Board of Trad bldg. WANTED Partner with $1000 to take half interest and act as treasurer stock the ater; good B. C. city; full Investigation. Address K 320, Oregonlan. WANTED To lease, privilege of buying, good 40 to T5-bbl. flour mill, water power preferred; at once. Address B 331. Ore gonlan WOOD AND COALYARD Partner wanted to attend office and check wood; will pay $ir.O monthly; 1UOO required, fully se cured. Call room 53 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER WANTED Growing business, experience unnecessary; pay you $25 a week; only $200 required.- Call rocm 417 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. CASH grocery, owner prefers partt er to hired help; pay you at least $25 per week; man must he honest and sober. Particulars 24 Stark st. OWNER of a good little restaurant wants a partner to act as cashier; a good propo sition to th right party. 230 Lumber Ex change. WANTED An actlv manager for manu facturing business; salary $125 per month; must have $3o0; money secured. Apply N 3u5. Oregonlan. BAR A IN sacrifice for cash If sold soon $10,000 stock peneral merchandise. Those meaning business address Reliable Mer cantile Co.. Independence. Or. WANTED A man to take part interest In a photograph gallery; no experience re quired; will teach the bualneas; require $650. 611 Swetland bids. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. The Fletcher Co., 125 Ablngton. FOR SALE A nice, new grocery In one of Portland's best suburb; has to be seen to be appreciated. J 312, Oregonian. 41LLMEN. NOTICE I want to buy a good grist or flour mill. What have youT Must be a bargain. AE 277. Oregonlan. ON E of th n Icest cigar, fruit and con fectionery store In city; party leaving city. 195 4th, corner Taylor. No agema. FURNITURE and business of a 14 -room boarding-house, all rooms full; cheap If taken at onoe. Phon East 48. CIGAR STORE Must be sold to-lay; wtu In voice, with fixture, about $fc0; will go for $550. 511 Swetland bldg. ENERGY and $1000 will make yon $5000 In one year; new business. $23 Wash ington St., rooms 39-41. ROOMING-HOUSES. aM sires - and prices, from $3ft0 to $7000. 272 Stark at. MAN with $A and service can make over $4000 a year. Address A ZZi, Oregonian. SALOON for sale cheap If taken at onoe. inauir a b9l Thurman st. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROYAL REALTY COMPANY. PORTLAND'S LEADING BROKERS, S5 5th st., near Oak. A Few of Our Many Bargain. Boarding-house 17 weti -furnished rooms. choice location, clearing $100 monthly. See this at once. Bargain. Special bargain $500 buy nicely fur nished house "of 8 room; choice location; rent $35; don't fail to ee thte exceptional ka$Tolio caah. buy weU-furniphed house; 14 rooms', ail on one floor; brick building; rent $35: good leaee; clear $100 above all expense; will trade for lot or Acreage. Large Hat of hotels, apartment -houses, rooming-house and flat. Call for free list. White Salmon apple land 20-acre tract. $12K; 1-3 caeb. balance long time; will take diamond or piano on nrst payment on 20-e.cre tracts. For quick sales list with ns; bave many buyer waiting. ' ROYAL REALTY COMPANY. 55 6th at., near Oak. Phone A 3it. $5000 GROCERY tock. swell eet in town, no competition, within number of blocks, . no charge for flxtunes; cheap rent; finjj neighborhood; doing big business. $6000 invoices general merchandise stock In fast growing suburb; doing $35,000 yearly; cheap rent, with modem living rooms. Will consider part residence property. Grocery stocks. $1200 to $2500 on East and West Sides; every one well located, doing nice business. Trade will be con sidered on some of them. Reason for selling will be explained by applying to the Goldschmidt's Bualneas Agency. 263 Washington at. MONEY-MAKING. Buy a cash busiaeaa; no credit; the ofllT way to make money: I have one that wi.l clear from $250 to $300 per month; books are open and a trial before buying- VJ. Lawrence. 315 Lumber Exohange bldg., 2d and Stark t. . WANTED Business opening; 25 year x perlence wholesale dry good business; 5 years' experience manufacturing; good ex ecutive ability; highest grade referencea, age 48; will Invest $10,000; give full par ticulars; will visit the West in November. Address W. K. C Cross. 1405 Transit ave.. Louisville, Ky. PROMINENT real estat owner and dealer averaging $10,000 net per year, has splen did opening for honest, reliable hustler to attend office and show property; $230 monthly or more guaranteed; chance sel dom oftered; trial given. Particulars, Ger man American Realty CO.. 343 Washing ton at. REAL ESTATE partner wanted; owner is alone: must get man at once to ahow land; experience not necessary and very little money required; actlv man can earn $175 to $250 per month. Particular National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Wash ington st.. room 616. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ame Mercantile Agency (estab lished 1S35) furnishes free information on opportunities in mercbantlle or manufac turing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 403-4-5 Swetland Bldg. THE GARMAN-HEMENWAY CO.'S Im mense department store, doing a strictly cash business, is for sale; business will bear closest investigation; brick corner 50 feet front, 2 stories, 10 years' lease, $75 per month. Address Q.-H. Company. Cot tage Grove, Or. REAL ESTATE man owning his own prop erty, will take partner re show land ana guarantee no less than ISO monthly. $600 required and money refunded If dis eatisfied. Call room 623 Lumber Ex change. REAL ESTATE Steady, sober partner wanted, will pay active man $200 month; experience not necessary and lit tle numey required, as It Is the man wanted more than hia money. Particulars room 417 Board of Trade bldg. ISOOO BUYS drygood and notion store. East hide; fine corner; cheap rent, long lease; will Invoice; thia place 1 making money; reasons for selling explained by Gold schmidt' Business Agency. 253 Wash ington t. LARGE office or hotel building, 6 etorles, 106 rooms, four stores on ground floor, good basement, new elevator, near center of city, now filled with good tenants; owners want to lease for long period. Ad dress L 307, Oregonlan. CASH busineea, with living rooms, $350. " Boom 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 24 and Stark ts. WANTED A partner In real estnte busi ness, a good live man can get in right; the profits of the businesa are pood at the present time and can be doubled with a good rustler. 272 Stark st. $300 AND services of bright, energetic young man secures half Interest in three years' established real estate business; experience not necessary. Cal I 41 1 Commonwalth bldg., 6th and Ankeny, PARTNER wanted for restaurant, experi ence not necessary but must be honest, as only expects you to be cashier, etc.; pay you $5 a day; $400 required. Call room 417 Board of Trade bldg. OWNER of the best short-order restaurant in town wants partner to act as cashier; will guarantee him $5 a day; $250 re quired. German American Realty Co., 84:. Washington st. PARTNER with $2000 cash, to buy half In terest in the best paying business in tha cltv; seeing Is believing; investigate it; $20 profit each day for you. For particu lars address O 319, Oregonian. CHEAP for cash, good grocery, also one to trade for property or lots; good residence to trade for a good business; a good sa loon cheap for cash, in a good location, cheap rent. 272 Stark at. FOR SALE Rooming-hous business In Wallace, building modern, steam-heated, along with furniture, nearly new, for $2(00 cash, balance on terms. Wallac Adjustment Co., Wallace, Idaho. A ROOMING-HOUSE of 14 rooms, good fur niture, dong good bu si n ess, every room full cheap rent; other business cause of selling. Phone A 1581. WANTED Partner; good, live man with amall capital to Join me In big enter prise; references exchanged. P. L. Austin, room 4, Raleigh bldg., oor. 6th and Wash ington. REAL ESTATE Partner wanted In estab lished office, owner will teach yon the business; only sober, reliable man wanted. Small amount required. Call 248 fctark POTATOES, fruit, etc.; want live man with $1 00 for partner; give you bank refer ences and pay $150 a month. Call room 417 Board of Trade bldg. PARTNER wanted In established real es tate office; can show buslnen and give best reference. Inquire 1010 Board of Trade bldg. COMMISSION business, a rare chance for active man to get into a permanent pay ing business; $ltoi required. For particu lars call 248 Stark st. WANTED to lease, with privilege of buy ing, good country newspaper, by experi enced printer and newspaper man. Ad dress box 692. Chehalfs, Wash. PARTNER wanted for ca.h business doing from $10 to $15 dally; $230 required. Ger man American Realty Co., 43 Wash ington st.- TODAY only, newly furnished 8 -room house, Olav t., close In; $85 rash, balance $.155 terms; must leave city tonight. 614 Swetland bldg. Main 6S20. WANTED Partner with $2000 to take one half interest In and manage large hotel in citv; a good opportunity for live man. Phone Main 360. WE can locate you In paying business, be fore buying be sure and see ua -Kinney A Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 4486- DON'T YOU KNOW We can give you a special prloe on any mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlln A Co., room 3 Chamber of Commerce. OWNER ha best of reason for selling half interest In one of the best bakeries and delicatessens in the cfty. Particular 230 Lumber Exchange. - MUST eell a flrst-clasa poolroom, cigar and fruit store; 5 new tables and everything brand new ; good reason for telling. In quire today at 287 1st st. WANTED A partner In an up-to-date busi ness, that will stand the closest Investiga tion; $2 required, money fully secured. 272 Stark at. WE have several shares of German-American Coffee. $25 per shar If taken soon. F. J. Catteriin & Co. WANT partner for real estate business: must be honest and industrious; good op portunity. AC 27P, Oregonian. FURNISHED roomlng-houa for sale. 74 Tth St., N.E. cor. Oak. WELL-FURNIPHED small restaurant: small aacttal will handle. Inaulr 363 Morrison U BUSLNESS CHANCES. HARDWARE STORE On acconnt of busi ness that will take me permanently from the citv, I will sell my general hardware business, including 100x100 lot. 5ix6t build Ir.g. stock and fixture.-;- stock will invoice about aaooo. property $7000; monthly sale $3500 to $4000. See me and I will show you that I have the beet money-maker In Portland and the very best location. Aq ' dress AB 27 S. Oregonian. MUST HAVE MONEY. To Tatse it will sell at a big sacrifice the furniture, with lease, of best paying hotel In Portland. 85 rooma, $4500. it will pay to Investigate this. A B 2i. Oregonlan. SEE our list of commercial house In East ern and Southern Oregon, also hens, rang ing from $2000 to $60,000. Investigate some of those stocks through the Gold schmidt's Business Agency, 253 Washing ton st. FIRST-CLASS saloon, restaurant and rooming-house, fine location, valuable lease; paying business- V 328, Oregonian. $2000 BUYS gents furnishing good stock; good corner; better see this. Goldschmidt's Agency, 253 Washington st. 40-ROOM hotel, well furnished, doing busi ness; will sell cheap. Address Box 111, St. John, Or. FOR SALE A snap; fl.h route netting $5 to $10 dailv; a sacrifice: $400; Investigate, Address AB SSI, Oregonlan. BLACKSMITH, with outfit, wanted at Bay Citv: particular at room 318 Lumber Ex change, Portland. CIGAR and confectionery store for sal cheap. 263 Everett St., bet. Sd and 4th. Confectionerv store, all iee and locations. 325 Lumber Exchange. SALOON doing good business cheap; owner going away. Call 361 1st at. ROOMING-HOUSE, 2-year lease, clearing $100 per month; aee thla 806 4th t. LOST AND FOUND- LOST On Woodlawn car, or between. Union and William ave., on Knott st., Tues day morning, lady's gold watch with black fob fastened on red velvet belt; monogram M. L. A.; finder phon Wood lawn 59; reward. $26 REWARD for Information leading to recovery of my red, wire-haired Irish terrier, stolen 3 month ago; ha two bare spot on left ida of body. A. C. Pan ton. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 223 Front. Wain 474, X 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metrger. - LOST 6 o'clock Tuesday, between 5th and Washington and White Temple . small change purse with over $3. Reward, Main 5412. LOST Younpr Scorch collie dog at Sell wood, Sunday, the 11th; reward. Phon A 8979. or address Oswego. Or., R, F. D. No. L box 113. LOST LedVs gold watch with pin at tached. Reward. Call or phone Room 207 Nortonia Hotel. STOLEN from Holladay School. Racycl wheel. No. 10.643; $10 reward. Leave at 345 Morrison st. STRAYED Tuesday morning, lt bay mare, weight 1000 pounds. Notify CoL Steel Co. ; reward. LOST Locket, Initial M." containing baby's picture; finder liberally rewarded. 50H Dekum bldg., or phone Main S247. LOST A liver and white pointer dog. Re turn to Q94 Oregon t. Phona E. 897. Reward. LOST Bird dog, brown, curly, tall. 65 lbs. E. E. Morgan, 223 Stark. Main 6913. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS for beef and mutton Vancou ver Barracks. Wash.. Sept. 10, 190S. Sealed proposals for furnishing and deliv ering fresh beef and mutton for six months, beginning January 1, 1900, will be received here and at offices of com mlFsarles at Fort Stevens, Or.; Boise Bar racks. Idaho; Forts Casey, Columbia, Flag ler, Lawton, Vancouver, Walla Walla, Ward, Worden and Wright, Wash., until 10 A. 51.. October 16, 190S, and then opened. Envelopes containing proposals should be indorsed, "Proposals for fresh beef and mutton to be opened October 16, 1008," and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Lieutenant-Colonel George B. Davis, Chief Com' v. SEALED BIDS will be received at the of fice of tl3 Clerk of School District No. 1, Multnomah County, Or., up to 4 P. M. Mondav, October 26. 190S, for teachers and school desks, which the said school district mav wish to purchase during the year ending October 31. 1809. Prices quoted are to be for desks of oach size properly fastened to the floor of school rooms In such quantities and at such times as the Board of Education may direct. A certified check for $300 must eccompany each bid. Th Board of Ed ucation reserves the rig-ht to reject any and all bids. R. H. Thomas, Asst.' Clerk. SEALED bids will be received by the un dersigned, until coon on Wedneaday. Oct. 21. 1908. for the sale by Multnomah County, of 48 acres of land situated In section 6, township 1 south, range 3 east, Multnomah County Oregon, to be aoid a a whole or In 5-acre tracts; plat of this land can be seen at the office of the County Clerk in. th Courthouse. If sold In tract. 20 feet will be reserved off the west side for a roadway. The county reserve the right to reject any and all bid a F. S. Fields. County Clerk. BIDS for the erection of high school build ing at Albina will be received until Mon dav noon, 12 M-. November 2, 1008. at School Clerk's Office. City Hall. Plana and specifications may be seen at office of architects, Whltehouse & Honey man, room 620 Worcester bldg. Miscellaneous. TO th Taxpayers of Multnomah County. Oregon Notice 1 hereLy given that on Monday, October 19th. 1008. the Board of Equalization of Multnomah County will attend at the office of the County Clerk of said county and publicly examine the assessment rolls for the year 1903. and correct all errora In valuation, descrip tion or qualities of land, lots or other property, and It 1 the duty of all per sons interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and if It shall appear to such Board of Equalization that there are any lands, lota or other property as sessed twice or In the name of a person or persons not the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond its value, or any lands, lots or other property not assessed, said Board of Equalization shall muke the proper corrections, B. D. SIGLER. County Assessor. Portland, Oregon, September 26, 1008. ARCHITECTS, contractors, engineers, get Pacific Builder it Engineer. 816 Ch. Com. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. TITLE GUARANTEE, Oregon Trust accounts and German -American certificates bought at the highest cash price; also Home Tel. bonds. Conn Bros.. lbO 1st at., cor. Yam hill. LOANS made quickly and privately on salaries, pianos and furniture. warehouse receipts, purchase contracts, diamonds and Jewelry. E. Pierce, 211 Alfpky bldg. WE loan money on diamond and Jewelry at reasonable Interest for long or short time. A. & M. Delovaga, jewelers. 269 Washington st. WE will buy your German-American cer tificates and pay the highest cash price for Oregon Trust accounts. The E. L. . Fraley Co., 418 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. HARDING A REYNOLDS CO., 313 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. Improved city property current rates. Fred H. Strong, 242 Stark St. $100,000 tc loan In sums of $1000 or mora to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. M. G. Griffin. 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $5000 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Main 4655. $5000 OR less for first mortgage loan. In quire J. 11. Middleton, 617 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Capital stock of Portland Coun try Club and Livestock Association, B. T. Burnett, $0 Fifth St., near Stark. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel, Tha Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn. 440 Sherlock bldg. LOANS on city real estate; no commission. Call on B. R., Room 40. Washington bldg. ANY part of $25,000 to loan at per cent Interest. 305 Gerllnger bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton Mdg. LOW rates; w loan ir oney on diamond and Jewelry. Marx c Bioch 74 3d &. FINANClAl. Moaey t Loan. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! SALARY LOANS TO HONEST EMPLOYES, "GIVE" YOUR NOTE. "GET" $10 TO 100. ALSO LOANS ON PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ETC WITHOUT REMOVAL. LOWEST RATES. EASIEST PAYMENTS BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. CALL. TELEPHONE. WRITE. STATE SECURITY CO.. 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. to o P- M. WEDNESDAY. SATURDAY TILL 8 F- M; THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchild bldg.,. cor. 4th and Wash. The recognised bank of th wae earner. a clerk bookkeeper, maehiniet. engineer or employe can obtain money or us on hi note without security. $15 return to u $:.0 return to us S! Mo- $50 return to ua $13.35 a Mo. Confidential; mo unpleasant Inquiries. Special ratea on planoa furnltur. etc. STAR LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; business confidential. Mo. Seml-Mo. Wkly. 75 return to u ....$2000 $10.01 $r..oO $50 return to ua ....$13-35 6.65 3 $30 return to u .... a. 00 4 00 2-00 $15 return to us 4.00 2 00 ,1-00 20t McKAY bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sta SALARY and mortgage loans to salaried employes and on Pianos. Furniture, are house Receipts. Horses, Insurance Policies and all kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE CO 403 Swtland bldg. ON Improved city property or for building purposes, for from 3 to 8 years tlm with privilege to repay all or part of loan te' two. years; loans approved from plana and money advanced as building progresses. Equitable Saving s Loan Association. 240. Si 2 Stark at. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth er upon their own names without se curity; cheapest rates, easiest payment; offices In 66 principal cities; save your self money by getting my term first. TOLMAX, S17 Lumber Exchange Bldg. TO LOAN Several large and small amount , on good city real estate; low rate of inter est. C. F. Pttuger & Co.. room 14 Mul key bldg., 2d and Morrison sta. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agt. Multnomah Co.. 400 C of C PERSONAL. THE GLEN CO E SANITARIUM, located at ii54 Montgomery bU AU mental and ner?ou diseases treated; the whisky, morphine, opium and cocaine habit cured in 46 hours; we guarantee no pain or auilering; no money until cured and thoroughly satisfied. Call and Investigate our method of treatment, the fundamental principle of which is the testructlon of that craving which prompt he desire for th drug or stimulant. Phon A 3u2.. DEEPEST WRINKLES, SMALLPOX PIT'S and all Imperfections of the scalp, hair and face removed, busts developed, sup perfiuous hair removed by the latest French method; all the rage in Paris; no electricity ; faces bleached ; booklet free. PROFESSOR AND MADAME M Alt CO XT, Facial Institute, 146 11th' st., bet. Alder and Morrison. TO MEN The only scientific vacuum ap paratus is manufactured by Erie Medical Co., Dept. E E 2, Buffalo, N. Y., who made it known throughout the world; furnished, together with Important acces sory treatment, on approval and easy terms; write the company for descriptive matter; mailed in plain sealed envelope. DESIRABLE company found ior lonely peo ple or strangers, either sex; 500 to select from; photos on file; meetings promptly ar ranged by phone, with use of parlors; pri vate place to mail or receive letters; mem bership $2; register of members luo. Port land Introducing Bureau, 211 AiWky blag., 2t5 Morrlcion si. SWEDISH trained nurse, Relsingion gradu ate, cure rheumatism, siomacb troubles and nervous disorders by band rubbing ; steam aweat and tub baths; both eij. 7 East 11th t., one door from Last An keny car. Phones E&dt 2b, Hum B :gJJ. FIR GROVE SANITARIUM Strictly a maternity hospital, where ladies can have the best care at reasonable rates and any physician they chooee. Office oub Merchants Trust bldg., il26fc Washington BU Phone Main 7743. Dr. Isabella Mackie. SUITS pressed while you wait, 50c To vis itors of Portland hotels aud to public at large. Suits pressed at 6oc at Gilbert, the tailor's 60 6th et., next to Oxford Hotel. Ladles' akirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and i boas cleaned and curled. Phone Alain 4l04. AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE, reliable skin spe cialist and beauty doctor. Parlor with Grand Leader, 5th and Alder. Largest stock of hair good In the West at loweat pricea. HairUreasing. manicuring and beauty cul ture taught for professional uae MME. A. A. LU CK E Y. Psycho-mug net Ic and suggestive thera peutics; a full line of electrical appliances, newest and most Improved electrical blunket. All diseases aucceaafully treated. Room 30, 850 Morrison st. Main 2011. YOU can't work when you don't sleep well; Pal mo Tablets make you sleep and give you steady nerves; 5oc a box, 6 boxes $2.50. All druggists, or addrest the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co.. Portland. ELECTROPODES for rheumatism, nervous disorders, poor circulation, etc , $1 pair, $1 05 by mail. Guaranteed satisfactory or money back. Berni'a Pharmacy, 233 Washington st., Portland, Or. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichesters Diamond Brand Pill. For 25 yeara known as the best, safest. Reliable. Takfc no other. Chichester Diamond Brand Pill are sold by druggists everywhere. YOUR eyes may need attention for diseased condition or glasses; we fit glasses right and treat eyes, ear or catarrh in any form. Impondero-Therapy Co., 00b Mer chant TrusL bldg., 326 Waeh. at. MEN whatever your disease or infirmities may be, our specialist for men will give you the pioper treatment. Impondero Therapy Co., 608 Merchant Truat bldg., S2(j4 Wash. st. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pill, wure remedy for delayed period. $2 per box or S boxea for $5. T. J. Pierce, 211 Allskx bldg., 265 Morrison st. LADIES no dlfferenca what your aliments may be. see our lady physician, specialist for women. Impondero-Therapy Co., 58 Merchants Trust bldg.. 326 Wash, at. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calla and de Hveriee. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. WHY not tak up Government timber land? Rest and safest Investment on earth. Oliver & Haviland, 1119 Board of Trada bldg. WANTED Addresa of Lizzie Akin, or Bvn Tft-a In Portland 1888, from Knox County. .Neb. T. J. Lutton, North En glleh, la. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Ir. Ketchum, graduate; advice free. 170H Sd t. Main fcitu. WIDOWER 32, would like to meet widow or maid; working girl preferred. O 315, Oregonian. . LOST nowera restored by Dr. Loretur Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25C box. Eysseil s phar macy, 289 Morrison st.. bet. 4th and 5th. MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental scientist, 30 AHky bldg., hours 10 to 8. Public lec tures Wednesday. 8 P. M. Main 2835. PFATHER3 scientifically renovated; feath ers wanted. Allstar Feather Co.. 88 Upshur fit. Main 0479. CHIROPODY, pedicuring, manicuring. Mrs. E. Dun to u, room. 1, Iris Apartments; 3t:2 3d st. GERMAN, French, Spanish and other for eign textbook and literature a specialty. AT W. Sehmaie Co.. 229 1st st. NEW LINE HAIR good, latest hair dress ing manicuring, facial massage, cham pooing. Hudeon. -'t Macieay bldg. Mme Courtwright, skin and scalp treat ments laciai deformities corrected; plastic surgery. 225 Fliedner bldg. M. 6u42, A 2utW. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people; circular loc. 22& 1st et. MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 350 Fliedner b;ig. 51. 3473. DRS. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity case; good care, terms right. Ad. Aiieky bl. HUDSON'S satin cream, 207 Macieay bldg. AU druggist or Meier ft Frank. FURS repaired and remodeled by Eastern parties at reasonable prices. 661 E. Taylor. A PERMANENT cure for pile. "Hemlock Salve." Woodard. Clarke A Co. 250 PRINTED business cards. $1; 100 visit ing cards. 50c Schmale. 229 1st. JUST opened, ladles barber shop. 68 4th rt., bet. Oak and Pine. BALM OF FIGS for all femal dlsasa 660 Gllsan St. Main 9215.. FKXSONAL. HOMESTEADS Have 4 with plenty of tim ber, good soil and water; location cheap. Oliver & Haviland, 1119 Board Trade bldg. . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. A coord ton Flatting. Ml$ O. GOULD, 335 Morrison, cer. 7th Ac cordion and knife plaltlne and sinking. Accountants. E- H. COLL1S. 324 Worcester block, publla accountant and estate asuni Auditing. Investigating. systematizing; permanent keeping oi books and records a specialty. Assay era and Analysts. Wells ft Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assay tr. 14 V ashing ton et. PAUL BAt'MEL. aasayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Aider at. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. Ie6 Morrison it EMMONS A EMMONS have removed la offices to 90i-ul3 Board of Trade bldg. Architect a and Builders. SEE Johnson about bungalowa 204 Mo hawk bldg. A 4321. Bicycle aud Electrical Repairing. EL AM SHAW Bicycle, gasoline, engine and electrical repairing. 32t Stark at. Carpet Cleaning. THE IONE Steam Carpet-Cleaning Works; carpets cleaned, refitted and laid. R. F. Shepard, manager. Li 2236, Eaat 360. Chiropody. CORNS, bunions, callouses, ingrowing club nails, pedicuring, manicuring, caip and face specialist, superfluous hair perma nently removed by young lady, a9 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. WM. DEVENY and Estelle Deveny. th only scientific ct lropodisus in the city. Par lors 802 Gerllnger bidg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130 1. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mr. M. D. Hill, room 330 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main S473. Cotnniiidon Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG 4s CO., ship brokera com mWeior. merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. Contractors. CONTRACTOR and builder, plana free and money advanced for buildings. G. Tyack, 927 Williams ave. Dancing. RINGLER'S schools, dancing, physical culture. New Mason I o Temple and Ringler hall: pri vate or class instruction tiatly and Tugs., Wed., Thurt., Sat. eve. Eaat 5670, B 1WW. Dog and F.orse Hospital. L i. C B. Brown, D. V. S. D. C. M. Dog, bora hospital. 113 N. 6th. Union Trans C Feed, Store. E. L. COOPER & Co.. wholesale hay and frain. 181 Washington U Phona Main 718, A 3718. Gasoline fcnglnea. Stationery, marine. electric equipment. launches, acctssorie. wholesale, retail; engine repairing. Reieraon Machinery Co. Humes and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale sad dle and harness mnlrs. SO-SO 1st. Main 2itt Jnnk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., purchasers of hides, pelts, wool, xurs, tallow, old rubbers, luoial and sacks. 812 Front at. Leu t her and Findings, J A. STROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished lSjS. Lea: her iid findings; Stockton sole leather and cut stock; iuii Una Eastern Juinboa liU Front at. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front, leiur of every duacrlpiiuu. tup. mfiV findings. Musical. BAND Instruments. room 2U4 Tourney bldg., 2d and Taylor. L. Selberllng. EMIL TH1ELHORN. violin teacher, pupil of Sevclk. A 4160. Pine 834. Main 3045. PIANO STUDIO. 269 14th South; principles thoroughly taught. Phone Main 3813. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 Salmon at. Main 71140. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. H B. NORTHRUP. 41-V16-17 Dekum Bldg., Third and Washington Sts. phone, office. Main 34'.. res.. faT. 1028. I'alnts. Oils and Glat. RASMUSSEN 6c CO.. Johoera. paints, oils, glass, sash and doora Cor. 2d and Taylor. F E Beach & tv, ttte Ploneor Paint Co. Window glasa and glazing. l:5 1st. M. 1334. Patent and Pension Attorney. C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; inlringement casea 004 Dekum. PATENTS, trademarks. Smith & Buchanan. .i.. -r- rr r-n 1 o Kldir j J. HIRSHHEIMER. pension and patent attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg. Printing. THE EAGLE PRINTING CO.. not in trust; close ilguies, good work. 88 Russell bldg., coiner 4lh and Morrison Photo Engravers. PERFECT printing plates. Hlcka-Chatten Kngiaving Co.. corner 2d and Alder sts. Rubber Stamps. also trade checks and all office goods. P. D C. Co . 231 Stark st. Roth phones 1407. Han Francisco Hotels. When in Ban Francisco, stop at th WIN CHESTER HOTEL. 3d st.. near Market. 600 roomi. Free 'bus. free batlia Slugl SLrSfc t day; family. $1 up. Rolkm Sharp, proprietor Safe. rAVlS SAFE & LOCK CO.. Diebold safes, Dyi BrD,!lirP!l(11(, ,n ad-hand safes. )U OL. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d at Safe at factory prices. Second-hand afes. Sign. FOSTER & KLEISER, SIGNS The largest sign-makers In the North west. 6tn and Everett st. Phone Private Kxchange 55. Hume A HSo. Showcase. Bank and Store Fixture. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcase, cabinet, store and office fixture. 28 Couch st. Main 27o3. Storage and Transfer. C O PICK Transfer and Storage Co., offic and commodious four-story brick ware house with separate lrcn rooms and nre Tjroof vaults for valuables. N. W. corner of M and Pine ts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ahlpylug. Main 596. A 1090. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General traaf erring and storage, safp, nianoa and furniture moved and packed lor ihlpnieut 209 Oak at-, bet. Front aud lat Telephone Main MT or A 2247. Street i'avlng. WAR REN Construction Co., afreet paving, idewatks aud crossings. 514 Lumber Ex. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., at Portland office. 402-3-4 Worcester block. Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters, r all makes, repaired, sold and rented; ak"o state agents the Visible Fox The Type writer Exchange. 84 ad st. Main 600. cpFClAL prices, all makes rented, soid. re " pail id. P. L- "- Co.. 231 .Staik. Main 1407. Wholesale Jobbers. WADHAMS & CO.. wholesale grocers, man ufacturers, commission merchanta 4tu and Oak. DAN ILS. GEHMAN-AMEHiCAN BANK COR TH AND WASHINGTON STS.. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAILA BLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DkPOtSlX VAULTS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 1. 500.004). Wo Interest paid oi account. ' : I rrm I !