THE PORTLAND MOPKRX EUI1CUA.VI CtMT OKI ! HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVEKTH Portland's New and Modern EoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up European Plan. Free Bos WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Prop. Cantrelhr Lacatei Bu M all t X r. DA VIES, PraakUot St Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $l.Saj FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION I THE Park St. Bat. MorrUon and Aldar CALUMET HOTEL : u i Ltt4 4 . J.. J . MODERN 4rfflffB&IB mm 4-r ." ?"W f. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD Hiiiiuu ruie. :1S a. B. 41 a I T:a p. m 1.(4 a. aa. t:Ui ea. 4 10 p. m. IHLa 1 rOO p. m. 5 44 p. m. T:isa m. cwui. 6rov. iasae. , California Kansas s.n rrancuea Itepraia w.m sia Corvi:t. Fa.nser S!irldul P&ftcgr ...... Tor l Orov. 1mho.. yontt Orov. punr... Gr. piiinr... Arrlvtus PatlauoV Orega tiprwl CMi oro. pwr Ro:uif ..... tii WMt S:d Corv.ui. ruonia ...... .b.riu PuMnitr ....... Tor l Oro. ... a-arMt tirav. ruKUir... rwwt Grov. Foir 11:80 a m. A &4J a Bft. !l 1:14 b. ak :M a IB. 10. 40 a. is. M a. m. 11:60 a ra. OaXflOS RAILKOAU NAVIGATION CO- Lea.lac Partlaaa r.adiMda l"l ............ CUo-'er:ia Blcll ....... t-pokn F1 - - T:lSa. i SO a i a. it p. i .IMS. i a oo a a i S:Ma. i :la. I mx . . . rhL. lilt CUT a t ,ir naau Cbico-Portun4 opll .." f.MB.r KOKTKEKX ricina Lea. Lux . - Tcoa:a ar.4 :tl Exar ... Nina v-v.-t ft Chkaa. Uiaiud. Ov.rl.nO Exrr .............. ArriTlaa- PortlMO Dun Cout LJmlwA . SO a i S.oo a. i il.s p. I 00 a i 4 IS p. 1 t.U.I portend Kxpr ECUKtrA R TICKS tob TOnunw m nUVFlfM Bpmrtel rM naade ta famine, aad Is rll"n' Tb Will N tr prkm. A anad cra Tnrkbh bXii ea tabnaainaa la tfas hotel. aft. C. BOVKBflt ILIiO!( DOIXABI, AND STARK STREETS Mod mm Imi Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington PU. Mscschasi A Son, Pimp. Rates 5L00-51.50-$2.C0 HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. In tha heart of the business and shopping district. The most modern and up-to-date hotel in the Northwest. Loral and long-distance phones in every room. Rooms with private bath, en suite and single. Large and mod ernly equipped sample-rooms. ELEGANT GRILL MUSIC miu. Rates 1.00 aad up. W. IWETUm. Maasser. C a DA VIES, Sao. aa Trsaav A Strictly First-CUss and Modern Hotel Containing 170 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. In Ittstassee Pbooea . In Kvery Room, free 'Bos Meets Ail Trains. Ess Fates America. flOO per day and a. Rats-Ruropii. 81.00 oer dr and OD. Par month, single room and board, $46 to $65 a ceo rains to room, ror two. o to shj. Board without room.. ...... .930 per month N0RT0MA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFV WAIHIXGTOH ST. Beautiful Grill Room America Rate. t. Families aad Earopeaa Oar Baa Meet. All Tralaa Suite, with Baths, for Xrmiellm Mea COMFORTS MODERATE PRICES THE DANMOORE Portland's saw hotaL TS Waahiartna, mimt lath, aaa. Theater. r.i s.saa al.a l.oa til Vw- Bua maata all trains. DAN J. MOORE, Proprietor. Hat.l Maori data.. Beach, 8a alaa, Or. Oaea all rw. Par Iniar aaatioa aaaly at Tit Daasasore. THE CORNELIUS "The House of Welcome," Corner Park and Alder. Portland's Bon Ton Transient Hotel. Headquarters for the traveling public. European plan. Single, $1.50 and np. Double, $2.00 and up. Our free omni bus meets all trains. C. W. CORNELIUS, N. K. CLARKE, Proprietor Manager. HOTEL LENOX Portland' new and most moderniT furnished hotel Third and Main itreeta, fronting- on the beautiful City Plasa and adjacent to business center. Free "Due to and from trains. Up-to-date grill. Excellent cuisine. Telephone la cverv room. Private baths. EIROPK1X PLAN, AMERICA PL Aft. SI ta gXM per Day. 3JM t. S4 Per Day. O. H. SPENCER, Manager AStOKU ft COIXXBIA Kivm. Leavtas 1 ABtoria A .aid. Xxprw...... 9:00a m. Alton. PaMenger .............. 6 :00 p. co. ArHrlna Portland Eeaiide A Portland PuMDIW. . .111:15 p. m. Portland gprrn ... . ......... .) 10:00 p. m. CANADIAN PACinC HALLWAY CO. Leavlaf Portlie 1 C P. R bcrc LMi. via Bpokan.i :15 p. za. Via Beattl. 111:4 p. m. AtrltUf PerUaad 1 CPU- fchori Lm via Spokaae.l 1:00 a a. Via Siattl. I T:00 a m. Jefferson-Street Station Leavln Portlaad Salia. r"l allai PaMBSr . ArriTtac rertlaad Dallu r" T:4a m. :lp. aa. 10:11 a ta. Palla Puww. :oO o. sa. ORgGOX KLACTBIC RAILWAY. ArriTlas Portland Wilaoavtue Local - Clem asd Id tarmadiat.. Local . WiimbitIM. Local ......j. T:0a. m. in . 1:S0 a m. ll:!0a sa. aalm aad lntrmdiato Local.. 1:30 p. m. 4 .44 p. aa. 4:00 p. aa. :0 p. m. 14 p. aa. aasa aa. T .SJ a aa. 8 a. n W ueoavill. Local BaIms aad lDKrmtat. Ciprat aalea and IDt.rmai.t. icat.. aalim and Int. rrnjo-late txprw. Filim and lat.riBlat. Local. . WiiioBvin. Local aalim and!at. IxprMt Salem and Intel oaadlat. Local.. WllaoBTtU. Looal Salem and lutarmedl.t. Expraa Saiam and Intermediate Local .. 11:10 a aa. 1:10 b. m. i:04 p. m. :30 p. aa. :10 p. SB. aVt. lvilaoavui. AriOcat TONIGHT, 8:15 Tomorrow Night Saturday Nisjiit Special Price lUt Seturday THB WIDELY DISCUSSED DRAMA THE CLANSMAN A Story of the Ka Kraz Klan HEILIG THEATER Fourteenth and waahlnarton. Phone. Mala 1 and A 112Z. PRICES Bv.nlBr. 60c. 75c, 1.00. 1 901 Matinee, zoc ooc. 7c i.uu. Mala 117 A 4224 Thla la the third and poaitlrely laat week of the Baker Stock Company In . -THB GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WKST." Oat your seat, at once. Evening pricea, 23c. s5o. 50c; matlaee loc. 25c. Curtain S anarp. Kext week "Br. of Harrard.' BAKER THEATER Main S. A 5390. Oregon Theater Co. Inc. leaaee. George L. Baker. Gen. Mgr. Matinee Tueeday. Thuraday. Saturday Back acaln All thla Week the famotia Rio hardi Prlogle'a "MINSTRELS" Plgrer. Better. Brighter Than Hfeer. ici.k, ... 2 fuif TKa. 1 1 matlneea Sc 60c. Kext Week "The HoneTTnocra." THE STAR sa Mal" M9 Matlnnee Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday For the entire week of October 1L Kllmt A Gaxxolo Present THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN EXPRESS." A new railroad play of the Golden Welt. Matlneea at 2:30 -P. M. Every evening at 8:15 P. M. Matinee pricea 15c. 25c Mgnt price. 18c JSC 35c. 50c Seat, may be re served t,y either phone. Next Week "At Cripple Creek." , MAIN A 1M0 Matlneea Ex. BuBdaya ana uouoaya. 15-25-50C NIGHTS THEATEE 15-25-50-75C Adraaeed VaaderUle Week October 12. DeHavea Sextette. Mope. Booth Co., Amelia Hummerville. Paul Valadon, Howard a Howard. Lewi. A (ireeo. Black ft Jonea, Orpbeom Picture., Orpheom Orcheatra. GRAND THEATER-VauJeville de Laxe ANOTHER BIO BUX. Slitters yilerone, Darlnr and Sense, Uonal Globe Per former!. ?foble t: Brooks. Herry Thornton. , Adams A GuhL The IeeAnders. Tops. Topny Si Tops. Fred Bauer. Graodaecope. PANTAGES THEATER ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. Stare of All Nationa. 8 Zingari Singers 8 PreMBting the Spectacular Scenic Operatic Production, "GYPSY LIFE. Matlneea dally, 15c Two ahowa at night. ISo and 25c. LYRIC THEATER BLUXKAIX COMPANY Present. Young Mrs. Winthrop October 11 Week Next Week, October u "Stricken Blind." HORSE SHOW Second annual Horse Show, Portland Bunt Oub, ORIENTAL BUILDING. Oct. OO-lft-lT. 'Sal. of aeata opena Monday, October 5, Martin ft Rowe Drug Store. Reairved Seats, SI. 60; General Admlaaion. 50c. AUCTION BALES TODAY. At Bakera Anction Houae, 152 Park atreet. near Morriaon at.; furniture, etc ciel. at 10 o'clock. Baker ft Son. auctioneers. MKET1G NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE 114, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communica tion 7:10 this (Thuraday) evening. Maaonio temple. F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Sec GOLDEN RULE HIVE Lady Maccabees, you are requested to attend the funeral of our late sister. Mrs. Lissle M. Woodln, at Holman'a chapel at 2 o'clock today t Thura day). By order of the commander. MRS. SADIE A. SWAN. COLUMBIA REBEKAH LODGE, NO. S, I. O. O. F. Member, requeated and urged to attend funeral of Slater Liazle M. Woodln today (Thuraday) at 2 o'clock P. M. at Holman'a Chapel. ELLA SNA V ELY, Secretary. MINERVA LODGE NO. It. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting thla (Thuraday) evening at 7:30 .'dock. Initiation. Vlaltors wel come. come. B. KXOTZ, Sea BORN. SAELEN'S Oct. 13. to the wife of Alldor Saelena. proprietor of the city meat mar ket. Forest Grove, a son, the parents of whom, who recently returned from Bel gium, are the beat pleased couple In the land because It la a boy. Dr. C. L. Large attending. FUNERAL NOTICES. BAUMANN" The funeral of the late Ru dolph Baumann will be held from the residence at Cedar Mill, Thuraday, Oc tober IS. 18 OS. at 11 A. 11. Iowa, Mon tana and San Francisco papers please copy. WOODIN The funeral services of the late Liasle M. Woodln. beloved wlf. of Major Allred Woodln. will be held at Holman'a chapel, at 2 P. M. today (Thursday). Friends Invited. Interment River View Cemetery. JCAERCHER In this city, Oct IS, John Kaercher. aged 77 years. 11 months. 13 days. Funeral will take place from F. 8. Dunn ma's per lore. East Alder and East Sixth sts.. Friday, Oct. 18. 10 A. M. In terment Multnomah Cemetery. SMITH At St. Vincent's Hospital. 8ewell C. Smith, aired 84 years. Body will be taken to Eugene, Or., today (Thursday), for in terment. Dunning. McEntee Gilb.ugh, Funeral Director. 7th aad PtBS. Pbooe Main 4 S. an, fra ad at. Lady aaatataat. Phoo. M 501. J p. FINLEY HU.l, SO aoa nwiiw Lady attendant. Phone Mala . A loflS. ULI-EK-BYRNES CO.. Funeral Dlreot n. Eas 10. Lady aeaUtaat. F. S, DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady aiejataat. Psoas Best U. Weyrrhaeuserg Neglect Tivxea. SALEM. Or.. Oct. 14. All the 'Weyer haeuser Lumber Company' valuable timber holdings In Marlon County are on the delinquent tax Hat at the Sher iff" office, and subject to being- taken under delinquency certificates under the new Oregon tax law. The holdings rep resent an asseased valuation of 1112.800. and back taxes amounting to $1422.80. NEW TODAY. Attention That fine. lO-room. modern home and one lot northesst corner of East 18th and East Ankeny street can be had for J800O, provided it la purchased this week. A splendid barsrain for any peo son wanting; such a home. Go and look at the place or call on us. Dubois & Crockett Waahioartoa Bids;.. Reoca 3. a. t n OEOBQsf BLACK. WTJBLIC ACCOUNTANT. S2J Worcester Bulldlag, K '1 5 " Psoas jiAlA Uii CJT- SKYLINE ACRES On' Cornell road, one mile back of Linnton. ' The ' most sightly acreage, with the finest soil in or about Port land. Your terms are ours.' Prices from $50 per acre up. Agents Anthony Harder Linnton. F. Blanchard 840 Chamber of Commerce. P. S. Come early, for. this acreage won't last long at the price that we are asking. Hood River Orchard 10 Acres--$4000 All good orchard land, 9 acres In Tellow Newtons and some Winter Ba nanas, prime condition; 2 miles from depot. Positively this la $1000 under the market today. If you see this and have the money you will buy. $1703 will handle this. DEVLIN 5 FIREBAUGH BOS-9 S wetland Bldg.. cor. 5th and "Wash. J. L. FIREBAUGH Hood River Representative. SUNNYSIDE 94100 1-story, 4-room, reception hall and bath, all Improvements, including fireplaces and wash trays; corner lot 60x100; close in. Will sell on terms. KERN PARK $2000 2-story, 7-room house and barn, full basement, fine Improvements; 100 cash and $20 per month. SeeThe Spanton Co. 270 STARK STREET NOB HILL HOME On easy monthly payments; 10S North 24th street. Thoroughly modern eisht room house. In the heart of the West Side's best residence district. Fidelity Trust Co. i OWNER. SOI Board of Trade Building. Phone Main 447. SPECIAL BARGAIN On Twenty-fourth street. Swell neigh borhood ; 50x70 FOR $3500 FRANK BOLLAM 128 Third Street. $4000 Over block, railroad district, North Portland; trackage. Lambert-WMtmer Co. 107-108 Sherlock Building. Ingleside Park Lots SlOO AND $125 "$ 10.00 DOWN, fS.OO PER MONTH. Located 1uat east of Country Club, directly across the street from Rail way Addition. Bull Run water piped to all lots. These lots will double In irice before they are half paid for. mmedlate possession. No restriction to buildings. DiETZ XIELLER CO, 417-18 Corbett Bldg. $8000 LOCATION Walking- distance on West Side. SIZE OP LOT 63x100. IMPROVEMENTS 2 flats and an 8- room house, modern and up to date. INCOMES $1020 yearly, or 13 per cent on the investment. Whiting & Rountree 82 V Third Street, Upstairs. BRICK BUILDING Brand-new, two-story brick; close in. West Side; covering- 0x100 lot. , $25,000 Paying- 7V4 per cent on investment GRUSSI & GANTNER Room 7. 285 Washington, cor. Third MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rate aad terms to suit spe cial rates and favorable terms larse loams oa biitefnesa properties. Funds sLoaaed for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL 903 McKay Bide Sd tfc Stark. Willamette Heights Tour choice of those beautiful modern S-room homes. Just completed, on the northwest corner Twenty-seventh and Savler streets. Price, $1260; $400 down and $40 a month. Fidelity Trust Co., Owner 901 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Main 447. S9750 Nice lot, close to center of the city, suitable for flats. Martin J. Higley 132 THIRD ST. Mortgage Loans 'lowest rates of Interest. LOUIS SALOMON. SSS Stark Street, near- Second. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 7-ROOM, modern, new hoase, lot SOxlOO; liSOO cash will handle It; no agents. T 80s, Oreconlan. BARGAIN 7-roozn. strictly modem bouse, with lirnaoe, oa TTnlon oacUao. -doe lutf NAP sladreTs. r. V. Co M sU0l U Usmlltoa si Baker. Alfred V, 115 AMnrtoa bids. Cbspln Herlow. S3S Cb amber of Commrc Cook. B. fi. at Co.. &03 Corbett bids. Crossler Ce-. 1&-9 Oorbett bids. M Fields. C XL s Coe Board of Trade bids. Ooddard. B. W, Mala and 1T43. S10 Sd at. JesBlas Co. Main 168. S0O Orrsoirlaa. : Lee. M. K. room 11 Corbett balldlns. sfsJl Von BorsteL 104 Sd et, Xt2 SJ Sarnslda Pslraer. H. P.. SIS CommercUl Clab blds- U S89. A 235S. , Psxrtoa, Walk Los Co.. S5 Alder st. Bicbaxdson, A B S21 Com. Club bldS- Scbslk. Geo. r.. -4 Stark st. Main SCS. 89. Sharkey, J. P. A Co.. 122 H Sixth st. fiwenssoa. A F- A Co4 2634 Wasblnstoa at. The Oreron Real Estate Co , Grand ave. and Multnomah sts. (Holladay Addition.) Wad del. W. O., SV9 LimDsr fcxehanse bios White. B. P.. 227 H Washington st. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. TUNNEL TOWN SITE. Two lots facing 100 feet on COLUMBIA BOULEVARD At a price that will DOUBLE" Within one year. Embrace this golden opportunity. . DO IT NOW. ' COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 711 Couch Bldg-. 100 Fourth St. SMALL piece of asrage. Just outside city limits, house, barn, fixed for raising chick ens, pn carline, 5 -cent fare. Owner living n place. Snap If taken at once. Small payment down, 10 per month. Will not be long 'till this property can be subdivided and sold as city lots. See McGulre or Cleland, room 712 Couch bldg.. today. ACREAGE. One of the finest pieces of acreage out doors; all in cultivation, some fruit, all level. Ideal building place, about 4 miles rrom city limits on level roaa, nana? to crood school, stores and churches : will sell on very easy terms to the party who wants to improve. HENKLE & HARRISON, 511 Gerllnger Bldg., 2d and Aider. 20 ACRES, 1 mile from new electric carline and 4 miles N. W- of Linnton, on county road; land lies nice and level and is nartiy imnroved: some fine timber, fruit trees: would make a fine vegetable, fruit or chicken ranch; xoou ior tne wnoie piace if taken at once. C. F. Pfiuger st Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. ACREAGE We are selling some of the finest acreage oa the West Side, with macadamized streets; only 16 minutes car ride ; 6-cent fare ; at only $000 each ; easy terms. Money to loan for building purposes. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. WE BUILD HOMES. We nave first-class, modern facilities for building homes upon terms within the reach of all. Call and examine our up-to-date methods. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 822 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Will take 451-00 In suburban lots or acreage at cash value, ior nrst pay ment on iO-roora house, modern plumbing, furnace, full brick basement, lot 50xl&. on Portsmouth ave.; price $3200, balance long time. ranc i., oil com mercial block. FOR SALE By owner. 5 laree room cot tage, bath, pantry, closets, large attic, 2 good porches, basement, full plumbing, wired, east front, half block south Alberta carline: lot fiOxloo or lOOxlOU: this will be sold at a great bargain as owner has to leave city; terms given. 107 K. 24th st. im 8-ROOM house in the swell East Burnside district; up-to-date in every respect, and bas every modern convenience. Including auto garage; over a full lot, frontage on two streets; 7 dozen choice rose bushes. H. P. PALMER. 213 " Commercial Club Bldg. BUT where your family can help you make a living; buying an acre tract in North rop Acres, they can greatly assist you ; only 16 minutes car ride to this beautiful property, 5-cent fare. West S ide ; price only SG0O each; easy terms; macadamized roads. M. E. Lee. room 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 2 small houses on Gibbs st. at $2000 each; both rented. 1 fine modern corner house, same street, $5500. Modern 6-room house on Water st.; price 14000; part cash. Inquire at Goldschmldt's .Business Agency, zoiri wasmngcon si. CHEAP Nice block. 100x100. on S. W. corner of E. 13th and Ivy sts.; this is walking distance from Courthouse; can be had at a bargain or woum traae ior goo a lots further out. C. F. Pfiuger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and. Morrison sts. BT OWNER, new, strictly modern bun galow, 6 rooms, large lot, restricted neighborhood; 25 niinutes ride from Al der st. ; one and one-half blocks from carline. F. P. Shaughnessy. Phone Ta bor 644. ELEGANT 7 -room house, built for a home: owner must sell to save him from loss on other Investments ; buy direct from owner; will allow you agent's commis sion. For information call M 8152 or A 4152. IS TOUR HOUSE INSURED? We write fire Insurance. Call us up and we will come and get your Insurance. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. Main 8639. A 2653. 11000 WANTED. 8 acres at a sacrifice; owner has In structed us to cut the price for a few days; situate on carline, 35 minutes. BRUBAKER & CO.. 501-2 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. FOR SALE Portland , Heights, beautiful building site, equivalent to 3 lots; no city view; 2000, easy terms. See owner, 601 Fenton bldg.. city. Also beautiful site for 12230. NEW map of Portland and vicinity of 25 miles' radius, giving townships, ranges and section numbers, new railroads and electric lines. Price 50 cents. The Cross ley Co.. Inc 709 Corbett bldg. ARTISTIC suburban bungalow of 4 rooms; all modern conveniences, about finished. See it and then see me about building one for you; $1400, lot and building. J as. C. Logan, room 411 Corbett bldg. A WHOLE block, 200x300, with new, mod ern 11-room house on Blandina St.. near Patton home, $8500 for the whole prop erty, half cash. C. F. Pfiuger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. IF you are looking for an apartment-house I have one close in on West Side, 3 stories, netting big income, for $20,000; terms. Call at 607 Buchanan bldg.. 2864 Washington at,, for particulars. GRANT STREET HOUSE. 7-room house on Grant str near 4th; must be sold quick; a snap at $2500. GRUSSI & GANTNER. 265 Washington, Cor. 3d, Room 7. 8-ROOM cottage In Sellwood, with bath and hall, nearly new, corner lot with pretty lawn, $1500. C. B.- LUCAS. $22 Corbett Bldg. LARGE, modern home on 8 acres of ground, near good carline; $6000. Will trade for modern home, close In. Call B. R., room 40, Washington bldg. BARGAIN 6-room modern bouse, beauti ful lawn and shrubbery;- lot 50x133 1-3. 1035 Hawthorne ave. Owners 1033 Haw thorne a vs. FOR SALE 2 Peninsula lots, close to Swift packing plant; owner In a pinch; must sell. Phone Main 4387. $2500 BUYS modern bungalow on Wood - stock line; easy terms; better see it. Gold " Schmidt's Agency. 253 y Washington st. MODERN home, near 29th and Thurman, fine view, $1500 cash, balance easy terms. MARTIN- J. HIGLEY, 132 3d St. I-POOM modern home, with fine view, on west oiae, price iokw, mrmu io uic xx. R., Room 40. Washington bldg. TWO corner lots, 2-room house. Mt. Scott carline; easy terms; investigate. T 305, Oregonlan. $650 BUTS fine building lot near Hawthorne ave ana emn; easy i-mn. a rump, j its. Logan, room 411 Corbett bldg. $5800 Warehouse lot on railroad, North Portland, with two housea Owner, E .334, Oregonlan. A NEW 'modem flats. West Side, for sale at a great sacrince. inquire oi .m. tL., iee, room 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 7-room cottage and fractional lot. 7V Everett ft., prlre $4750. For terms see owner. 318 Falling bldg. FOR SALE Lots in Peninsula Addition No, 2, near BwlXC Packing Plant? A $361, KENTON. $3200. Two of the M-st Desirable BUSINESS Lots within the fire limits. CHEAP? I should say so. Tou'll never buy like that again. DO IT NOW! N. B. This will be advanced to $4O00. If not sold before Saturday night. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 7th Floor Couch Bldg., 100 4th St. SALE OF NOON ESTATE PORPERTY. There must be sold at once the follow ing property belonging to Noon Estate, to close the estate: Lots 1 and 4, block 2. Wilson's Addition. Lots 4. 15. IS. block 4, Wilson's Addition. Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, block 5. Wilson's Addition, Lots 18. 10 20, block 1. Brainard tract. Lots 13, 14. block 3, Brainard tract Lots 18, Id, block 4, Brainard tract. Lots 1, 4. block 143, Couch Addition. Lots 1, 2. block 1, Ken worthy 'a Addition. Lots 3, 4, block 11, Kenworthy's Addition. Lou 3. 4. 5, 6. block 13, Kenworthy's Add. Lots 11, 12. block 45. Piedmont, Lou 8 4, 6. 6, block 2, Edendale. For particulars Inquire of W. C. Noon, Jr. , or T. J. Armstrong, execu tors, at Noon Bag Com pan y . 32 1st st. N or t h, or Northup A Northup, attorneys, room 40, Washington bldg. IF TOTJ Will take the Montavllla car and get oft: at Jonesmore we will show you the best Investment for the money In this city. GEO. D. 8CHALK. Main 89 A 2392. 264 Stark St. ENGLISH WALWOT8. We are the largest owners and plant ers In Oregon. We have Che only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are In th walnut country. Yamhill 5-acre tracts, planted. $100 cash, $15 per month. CHURCHILL, MATTHEWS CO., LNC, . 110 Second t 85 ACRES, with 1000 feet deep water front age on Willamette Kiver and extending back to Improved county road, running water on tract, mostly In wild state with native trees and shrubbery; five miles from Portland, 1600 feet from electrlo line, good graded road leading to same. Price $24,500. No agents need apply. H. G. Starkweather, box 43. route 1, Mll waukie. Or. Phone Oregon City, Farm ers IS 6. $3500. Modern 6-room house on East Davis St., near 22d, bas everything modern, furnace, full cement basement, laundry tubs, built in china closet and linen closet, electrlo and gas fixtures, all rooms are tinted, ce ment walks; half cash. H. P. PALMER. 218 Commercial Club Bldg. IRVINGTON BUILDING LOTS. Full lot, facing east, sewer and con crete walk in and paid for; a bargain; price $1200. Schuyler-st. lot 75x100, sewer, concrete walk, etc In and paid for; close to Broad way ar. t. HARDING ft REYNOLDS CO., S13 Chamber of Commerce. $3000. Will buy 2 acres, all improved, with good, comfortable house, land partly covered with fruit, ail in full bearing ; this is only a short distance from car line; 7 hie fare; terms $1000 cash, balance reasonable time. OTTO & HARKSON, 133 First SU GENUINE BARGAIN IN NICE HOME. $1700 for nice-10-acne farm, first-class soli, acres In cultivation, fine spring, new house, handy to electric cars, near Tualatin; nothing as cheap around there; your own fault if you miss this bargain. F. FUCHS, 221ft Morrison St. 11 ACRES, 8 miles from Portland, quarter mile electric line, good county road, 6 room houso, barn and chicken-house. 160 chickens, ducks and turkeys, 1 hog, 2 rnwm fresh this Winter. 1& stands bees. fruit, 4 acres in cultivation, lays nice and sightly, fine well and spring; $3500, part cash. owner, a. u z a u, j regoman. BUNGALOWS. New 5 and 6 rooms, choice part of city, modern and ud to date; small payments down, balance monthly at practically your own terms; prices xrom 10 jwu, PACIFIC BROKERAGE CO., COL Board of Trade. Main 751. WEST SIDE bargain, fine modern 7-room house ana lot wumn easy waiKing ais- tance-of 3d and Washington sts.; lot alone worth more money; house nearly new, only $6250 If taken at once; terms cash. U b JruUger v uo., ruuiu ma me uiutf. 2d and Morrison sts. BUNGALOW, s-room bun era low. on 17th and Halsey, In the best part of Holladay's Addition; furnace, fireplace, paneled dining-room, etc, 4uw; terms. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. HOLLADAY ADDITION. By the owner, lot 60x100, on Wasco st. ; cement walk, parked street, fine neighbor hood; all Improvements paid; best buy In this locality; $1250, terms. Address F 326, Oregonlan. . GOOD BUY IN HOLLADAT'S ADDITION 7-room house, large fireplace, new fur nace; newly tinted; lot 50x100; near school, 1 block from car, best neighbor hood; price, $5000; terms. Owner. Phone Main 526, A 1582. 6 ACRES. Not a gravel bed, but extra good soli; all under cultivation; 7 miles from Court house and 4 blocks from electric line; would trade for house and lot. J. J. Oeder cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. NEAR EAST SIDE HIGH SCHOOL. Beautiful, new, modern, 8-room house; a swell home; the price Is low and terms are easy. GRUSSI & GANTNER. 266 Washington, Cor. Sd, Room 7. HOME IN HOLLADAY. Modern 7-room house, 13th and Broad way furnished complete, value $5000; hk cash deal with the owner. Immediate poa cession, as I am leaving the city. Phone B 3957. ' 82400 New, modern, 6-room , cottage, lot 0x100, east front, easy terms. b00 Corner on Patton ave., near KI1 Ungs worth, ave. Inquire 1095 Maryland ave. Phone Woodlawn 60; St. John car. $4600 Modern 6-room house on E. Burn- side St.; furnace, full cement basement, tC . H. P. PALMER, 218 Commercial Club Bldg. THIS week only, new 6-room modern house on East 35th St., hk block south of Haw thorne at your own price; must be sold this week. W. I- Nash, owner, 2&S East - 85th st ACREAGE on Willamette and Oregon City carline ; SO minutes to Portland ; large or small tracts; terms reasonable. Owner, Meldrum, R- F. D. No. L Milwaukle. ACRE, absolutely clear and level, near Myr- i n.i. Gtatlnii' Atrsati. flit t hrVaiiirh ' bulldfngs all around; $1200, half cash. 325 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Fine, modern homes, all over the city on easy terms; before you buy see the Goldschmldt's Agency. 253 h Washington st. ABSTRACTS EXAMINED BY EXPERT REAL ESTATE) ATTT. D. A. TUFTS, 803H WASHINGTON ST. NON-RESIDENT wishes to sell 4 lots and good 6-room house on Clinton st. ; price $3000. Call B. R.. room 40, Washington bldg. SPECIAL $H00 cash, 6-room house, full lot. In fine neighborhood, near car; price $1400. Angeles. 242 5th and Main. 6 LOTS 50x100 each, 2 blocks north of Ockley Green, near Piedmont carbarn; $''200; $700 cash. 326 Lumber Exchange, MODERN home, desirable neighborhood, furnace, shades and linoleum included, $3500; terms. See owner, 790 E. Salmon. 400 Snap; small house, woodshed, clear lot. water, near A car. H. Nichuser, E. 19th st. North, cor. KlUIngsworth. $500 CASH, balance easy terms ; good 6 room house in Albina: price $2500. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 $d St. CHOICE building lots tor sals In all parts of the city. Washington A Oregon Realty Co.. 108 2nd st., Portland. $150 CASH, balance $15 per month, nice full lot on carline; price $1000. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 182 3d St. 8 LrTS. 50x1 (X earh. nar Ockley Green; $375 each. sxr iuumoer itixenange. 10 ACRES on Powell Valley roadJnust sell moon. Call 207 Mohawk. JIdg , HOMES. HOME SITES APARTMENT SITES Are you looking for something FOR NOTHING ? Yon are not likely to And It, and If 711 tnlnk you have, chances are you'll find you've been GOLD BRICKED. Buy something that's RIGHT At the Right Price. Of the Right Dealers. And at the Right Time That's Right Now COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 7th Floor Couch Bldg., 100 4th St. 6-ROOM modern house, lot 50x100. elec tric lights and gas; nice lawn, garden and fruit; 1 block from St. John car line; $3600, on good terms. 6-room modern cottage, 1 block Sunny side carline. $2600; part cash, balance like rent. New 4 -room house, lot SOxlOO, 4 blocks from Mount Scott line, $50 on terms. 5 acres, all under cultivation, set out In small fruit, good well of water, small house, 16-mlnute walk from 6o carline. $2300; part cash, balance 2 years at 6 per cent. C. S .ARNOLD A CO.. 361V, Morrison St. HOOD RIVER Arrange to go to Hood River Saturday and see the finest apples In the world growing. I will show you a 25-acre orchard mites from town, cood 7-room house with hot and cold water, 5 acres bearing trees, about 2 acres 4 and 6-year-old apples, 8 acres 3 and 3-year-old. all standard; free water; price $450 an acre. See me for full details. It will pay better than - S per cent this year. F. O. NORTHRVP, 815 Couch Bldg., Fourth and Washington. A HOME. There Is a splendid new 6-room home with lot 50x100 feet or the East Side that I will Bell for $2500; $500 down and . $20 per month; 6 per cent interest; there If no reason w hy you sh ou Id pay rent when you can get a bargain like this: buy this and get settled before the rains set , In. GEO. D. SCHALK. Main 302, A 2392. 264 Stark St. THE finest location on the Willamette River; 3 lots, fine garden and large, bear ing fruit trees, 6-room house, all mod ern conveniences, electric light, telephone, 1 blocks from oar, sewer, city water, 25 minutes' ride to center of town; If you knew the property you would make a rush at the office; price $3000; $1900 cash. THE CROSSLEY CO. (INC.) 70S-709 Corbett Bldg. WANTED to sell 25 acres Hood River land, uncleared, 7 miles from Hood River P. O. The most beautiful home site in the val ley. 12 acres almost level, balance steep and rocky but can be used. Land In bonded district and water guaranteed ; $3000 cash. Address Z.. 181 East Water st., Portland, Or. OWNER MUST HAVE MONEY BY NOVEMBER 1ST. Lot 50x100, located on E. 83d, near Hawthorne, In swell residence district, graded streets., gas, water, small pay ment down, easy, terms. Owner, D 270, Oregonlan. LOOK AT THIS. Swell bungalow with $4 block, overlook ing the city; Woodstock carline; owner la sick; must be sold at once; easy terms. Inquire at Goldschmldt's Agency, 253! "Washington st. 40O LOTS In Irvlngton, John Irving and Holladay's Additions; prices from $1100 up; bungalow or two; a number of fine houses to select from. For further particu lars call at office, 15th and Halsey sts., K. 896, C 1003, C 1271, C 1508. Dolen s Herdman. SNAP Only $70 per aore for quick sale, 46 acres, close to ekictric line, 12 miles out, south of Beaverton, on county road, lies fine, best of soil, no land to be had for less than $100 In this vicinity; you will have to hurry If you get this bargain. Van duyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. AN INVESTMENT. A modern and well-built fiat, close in. north of Montgomery st., choice loca tion; never vacant and pays big on price asked; everything in fine condition. HENKLE & HARRISON. 611 Gerlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder. $3500 Modern home, n-sarly new. Cen tral Albina, lot 50x100, cement walks and steps, sewer, bath, electricity, fine ce ment basement, tinted walls, fixtures and shades all ready for housekeeping; terms or discount for cash. Phone Woodlawn 1653. SELL IT. New 6-room modern cottage, piped for gas, wired; the best plumbing; close to car line: must sell; obliged to sell; been holding it at $2500, but somebody is going to get a bargain. J. J. Oeder, cor, Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. 8 LOTS, 50x108 each, on corner, with large, well-built 7-room house; closets, pantry and basement, fruit trees end roees; plenty of room for garden or chickens; 2 blocks from carline; $1825, terms. Phone A 62--i8 ; 6-ROOM house with 60x100. Suranyside: bathi. gas, electricity, sewerage; $250O; $1000 cat?h (would take lot for part), bal ance ($1500) at $1S per month. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER. Fractional lot. East 14th and Yamhill sts., cement walk and all street Improve . ments paid; $850 will handle. 268 Alder street. $1050 5-room cottage, full lot. fruit trees, street Improvements, $550 cash, balance to suit; 2-room house, $750. Howard Bros., 519 Swetland. Main 1559. MUST be seen to be appreciated, 6-room house with 6 fine 60x100 lots, bearing fruit, improved street, 5c fare, only $2WI0. Quick. C. S. Bradford, Lents, Or. TWO fine lots, 100x100, corner one blnrk to Richmond car. only $775. easy terms. See us at once, Jas. C Logan, room 411 Corbett bldg. WEST SIDE 5-room cottage, almost new; bath end gas. fractional corner, walking distance; $2500, terms. Owner, 243 Stark. NEW, modern 5-room cottage, right at car; good sidewalks, $1600; good terms. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. NEW G-rbom house, large lot on corner, close to car, only $1250. See If you can beat it Call 513 Chamber Commerce. $1650 For a choice fractional corner lot In Hawthorne Paik on 13th .st. X 812, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF YOU really want to sell your property and your price Is right, list .with us, we have buyers for all classes of property. DEVLIN" A FIREBAUGH, 508-9 Swetland Bldg., Cor. 6th & Wash. FOR SPOT cash, strictly modern 6 or 7 room 2-story house on full Jot, close In on East Side, 1 block from carline; place must be in first-class condition and a snap. Owners only. X 815, Oregonlan. ATTENTION! OWNERS ONLY. Will pay $r0 per month and make pay ment of $300 to $500 on a 6 or T-room modern house desirably located. AD 24)4, Oregonlan. WANTED East Side corner, bet. 6th and 1 8th sts., Hawthorne and Everett st. ; state location and lowest price. Y 308, Oregonlan. WANTED AH kinds of good city property, farms and business property, also good country stores listed for quick sale, by F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St. WILL BUT WITHOUT DELAY From owner, strictly modern 6-room house; can pay $300 cash, balance month ly payments. AD 203, Oregonlan. I WANT two rood salesmen to setl lets In new addition; win be on market next week: give references. Address X 317, Oregonlan. WANTED From owners only, a real bar gain In Albina district. Phone M. or A 197. WANT good residence and will pay essn and good bank stock; price must be right. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. I WILL pay cash for a house and lot not too far out ; state location and price. A D 292, Oregonlan. LADY wanting contract to sell lots In new addition, attractive proposition. Address X 318, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy small house and lot; must be cheap, for cash. V 322, Orego nlan. CHOICE view lot on Corbett st.; east front; for sale M. 3k. Lee. goonk iX Cufeetaft bids.