. TITE MORNING OREGONTAN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1903. f tt, avrra-MAU. f MLT WAytF.D FTTMALK. ' STTCATIOX WAXTEP-JXMAU5. FOR BEST. FOB SALE REAL KffTATK. FINE new modem ft-room fcoaie, Eut 17ta a:., near Divulon, with fireplace, f 3500, $lO'0 cann. ;ood 8-room house. Eft 82d and Bai rn "n. lot 50xi0, atrset and ieweru all paid, only will take torn trade ' A real snap, nice (-room cot tare. Mil tiu):) street, well rurnUhed; ail go tor $1850. , Fine 23-ecre tract, all 1tI, rnnnlr.g wafer, oo Rood road. some cleared, near carl me; only (2200. iOO cash. if you want to aIi a mortgage call on CHARLESTON & CO. 411 Commercial B:dg. phoce Main 665- A HOMES There la a rplendid new -room fm lLh lot 80x100 feet on tha East Sloe that I will eil for $250O; $500 down and $20 per month; 6 per cent Interest; there Se no reason why yen should pay rent when yoa can get a bargain Ilk this: buy this and get settled befor the raina set In. GEO. D. BCHALK. Main $92, A 2392. 2 Stark Bt. WANT TO DOUBLE TOL'R MONET? Hu walnut land, naar Forest GroTt, 70 acres of A-l walnut or orchard land. 10 acres wood lot and pasture; over 30 acres Jn plow, 30 more e early cleared, on best r-Md In county. R. V. D-. milk route and telephone. $40 an acre takes It this week. rt this to walnuts and It will eeU quick at six times the price. B- B. ruOK ft CO 503 Corbatt Bldg. WANTED to sell 25 acree Hood River Ian, uncleared. 7 mile from Hood River P. O. Tha Dioat beautiful home alt In tha val ley. 12 acres almost level, balance steep and rocky but can be used. Land In bonded district and water g-uaranteed; ' $uO0 cash. Addreaa Z-. lbl Esat Water c. Portland, Or. 43."fK MODERN home, nearly new, Central Albina, lot Ox llW, cement walks and steps, sewer, bath, electricity, fine cement as men t. tinted walls. fixtures and shades all ready for housekeeping ; terms or discount for cash, phone Woodlawn 1G53. t 0o LOTS In Irvincton, John Irvine; and HoUadays Additions; prices from 1 1100 up ; bungalow or two; a number of tine houses to select from. For further particu lars rail at office, lth and Halsey sts.. E. !, C l'Jl3, C 1271, C 1508. Dolen at Herd in an. FELL IT. New 5 -room m orn cottage, piped for gas. wired; the best plumbing; close to car line; nvirt sell; obliged to ae,l; ben bold ire? It at $ iuu, but somebody is going to sat a bargain. J. J. ceder, cor. Grand ave. ar.d E. Ankeny. TWO Bice lots rlose to Kllllngswnrth ave.. at a price that will Interest you. PORTLAND TIU'ST COMPANY OF OREGON. 6. E. Corner Third and Oak Sta. BUY whera yonr family can help you make a living; buving an acre tract in North rop A ores, they can greatly assist you; only 14 minutes' car ride to this beauti ful property; R-cent fare. West Side; price onlv $60) ech: easy terms; macadamized raria M. . Lea. room 411 Corbtt bids;. FOR SALK FARMS. BARGAINS FRUIT RANCHES. 122 acres adjoining the town alt of Woodvllle. Or., good house and baru. house only 20 roa from me Southern pa cinc station ; b- acres of level bottom land. . 40 acres of limbered hillside; this land lies along the bank of the Rogue River; the soil Is gray or black loam; tn ere la no better land in the entire vatley fr apples, pears, peaches or walnuts; the would be suitable for grapes and the timber will more than pay for clear ing; this ranch must be sold by De cember 15.; price $16.0Ou cash, or one half cash and the balance In 90 days. Also 35 acre 7 miles southwest of Orants pass. Or. ; 30 acres level bottom land along the Applfgate River; five acres la good hillside suitable for grapes; the bottom la "river-wash" soil, clear and partially cultivated; 100 lnchea of water belong with thle land; price $2500. Ad dress Rev. William C. Long. Grant pass, Oregon. TWO 10-acre tracts of fine land, all level and under cultivation a 1th a good family orchard on each tract, located 1 mile from Forest ttrove on good road, for sale for $150 per acre. If taken soon; will aell rne or both tracta Address Owner, Lock Hoi 44. Forest Grove. Or. COME and let us show yon one of the best T.Vacre farms In Oregon. 63 acres In cul tivation. 21 In pasture, 3 In orchard, good new 7 -room house; barn holds hO tons I'bt; jj wells; this Is a money-maker; only lO per acre. J0O cash, balance time. J. M. Kerr Co.. 20S Stark at., room 10. H E RE' A GOO D ONE. 120 aurvs. 40 acres Improved. acres snorted fruit, balance pasture land, school on place, running water, tine house, barn, fruit dryer and outhouse. 1 mile from Canby. or; price $12,000; terms. Call 623 Lumber Exchange bldg. IDAHO Carey act lands. 25.000 acres em bracing some of the choicest agricultural and horticultural landa In the state now open for entry under Big Wood River Troject. For Information address C. B. Hurtt. Mgr. Land Sales Dept.. Boise. Idaho. TAFT AND BRYAN Pay you cannot mine, it if you will call at &09-14 Buchanan bldg., for farms, acreage or city property, as the Pine Tree Land Co. has the Koods and guar antees an honest deal to all. 184 Washington bt. .4)3oo BUYS 10-acre farm within S mtles from poatofTtce; 4 acres in vegetables, 3 H acres rich bottom land, with com fortabhe house: also barn, implements and stork; part cash. See the Goldschmldt'a Agency, :11H Waahiugton at. IF you want a gJd farm or investment, call en us. We carry an extensive list, also t racte from 1 to 2io acres along elecirlo Hues. Kuratll Bros., lltllsboro. Or. )VHO wants the beet farm In the Wlllam ette Valley T For particulars call upon or write Council. Iong Imbrie. Hills boro. Or. Ji A P. O A I N 2. J or ft ncree. house, ce 1 1 ar, barn, young fruit trees. 7 miles out Esta rada line, near Gilbert Station and achooL Inquire 14 Front at. Wtgik-r. FARMS Do you want to sell or buy farms f Can handle same quickly to your advan tage; lave customers; square deals. John Anderson. 311 Worcester blda. CNAP 100 acres unimproved land near 8iappoose, good orchard land. $1000, Joseph 1'araer, aiattniesen rioiet fx ' H 8 ALE Chl-ken ranch. 2 acres, all improved. In Mtiwaukle. Cail Drowning Hatha. 146 1st st. Jii M ESTEAD relinquishment. tributary te Portland. 127 Worcester block. TR Willamette VaMev landa I .and Company. Salem. Or. WANTED REAL KHTATB. IF YOl7 really want to sell your property and your price la right, list with us. we have buyers f.r all c.:'ses of property. DEVLIN FIR EH AUG R. .--OS - fiaetland Bldg. Cor. th A Wash. "7 ATTENTION! OWNERS ONLY. Will pay $ 0 per month, and make pay mert of $.too t( .s on a or 7 -room modern house desi ably located. AD 2W4. Drtconlaa. WANTED Vr a client. Income paying In vestment, about 315.OO0 cast); If you can fill the bill call on o. S. Lamont ex Co., 4i4 Board of Tnule. WILL BUY WITHOUT DELAY From owner. strictly modern 6-roon house: can pay $uw cash, balance month ly payments. AD 23, uregonian. 1 WILL pay cash for a house and lot not too far out; state location and price. A D oregoulan. W ILL bur equity m f ne residence and gie A No. 1 bank stock. Call 51 J Cham ber Commerce. W4.NTED to bv from owner, cheap lot. ' H 'lladar. or llolladay Park Addition. L 1.' t. oreg-onlan. W A NTED To buy small house and lot ; must be cheap for cash. V 322. Orego- 11 La n. TO ULAAB. A-l APARTMENT SITE, quarter block, for )caaa tor term y ea rs, on i.m nasvr Taylor. Addr es J SIS. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. JAPAN ES E wants to rent small farm within 10 m:s of Portland Address O 3iL Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. Vll.L trade contracta on good suburban property frr biMtr.g. a.l er part of JkM house. C I-- Oregonlan. JVII-L r-.!e for what yoa naT. Qua Smite, 4b4 Bucrarsa b.g. VYrH 411. BU. I w si. I . . 1 1 m m i . -" r ft on x I n: a A vrM. I miles from city limits, 24 acres under cultivation. 1204 peach trees, good buildings and water, river front and county road, only $200 per acre; will take Portland property in "SA'TAtT BUILDING CO. 429 Worcester Bldg.. 2d mail Oak St. EXCHANGE FOR AUTO. 1S5X145 at Woodlawn, on caxlln 12 tcrcf at Erwon. 17 tcrM at Ereagon. 1 icm, Laka View. Boath.ra Orea-on. Machine miut be la oxi order. I0-1 Buchanan B!dg.. :! aan. Bt. Pbone Main 8S40. EXCHAXCE ACREAGE. On th. 6ak;m and Hlll.boro Electric Ilnea for good Income or realdenc. prop erty. What hare jrouT PINE TREE LAND CO 10-1 Buchanan Bld.. ISthb aah. St. WILL SELL or axenanc. for choice realtT. In rood location, or leaae for term of yean, up-to-date apartment-houae, wltn all mod.rn Improvementa, In center of cut. Correirondence solicited- Principal, onljr. T 2S0. Orejonlan. CONFECTIONERY and ar .tore. Morrt .on at., near brtdue. id location, for real eetat. office; will trade for city real eatate or can aire eaijr term, for cash. Phone B 14ft. OF COURSE! CERTAINLY I If yon want to buy. e.U or trad. bus:ne. or property fol low the crowd to Stevenson A Taylor, room 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. . WANTED Improved farm near a town with in 60 mile, from Portland for fine resi dence at Forest Grove, worth (4U0U. See Goldscbmldt about It. 213 i. TR aahlngton A lliono Klickitat hll) trull and farm tract lo trade toward Portland home or buelneas property. Frank Lee, 14TV, Front st. SMALL Improved farms near electric line and railroad to exchange for Income city property. TuC0 to 313.000. 325 Lumber Exchange. TO EXCHANGE-M3200 equity In Salem res idence proper! for Portland pToperty or ilv"t"ck. S Goldschmidfs Agency. 233 Washington ww at fcave you to trade or exchange? W. "a.rence Co. 315 Lumber Exchange blag.. -Ml iuu oiw. 83-ACRE improved farm, right close to R. R station, to trade for Portland property. Call 511 Chamber Commerce. ACRE AO E for city home, or vice Tersaw Llnd & Co.. 329 Lumber Exchange. FOB 8ALJC TDtBKB IaAXQ. TIMBER tSN'APS. 4.0O0.00O feet. 41250. 8.0O0.000 feet on good etreem. lU0OO.o0 feet on drivable stream. 4WO I have some splendid buys in arge tracts, either fir or pine, c. J. Mccracken. 304 McKay bidg. TIMFER LANDa. . OREGON. WASH1NUTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D LACEY a CO., Chicago. New Orleana Seattle, 29 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. DETAIL guaranteed cruise on all timber offered. Have several exceptionally good purchases, either in small or large proi-o-sl lions. C C SHAY. 40T Rothchild bid v. FINE green timber, open for filing. 2 splrndld claims adjoining with 4 to 0 million feet each on River. K. R. ony 1 i -i. T nf vnrth ar.noO earn or more. Call or address Pacing Business Exchange, 803 waanington st,. suite . A GREAT opportunity Wanted, five men with :000 each or one man with S25.OO0 to float a big timber and milling enter prise, easy to log and handy to railroad. For furtner particulars Inquire of Jaa. O. Horning, Philomath. Or. CHEAPER THAN GOVERNMENT LAND Have several patented timber claims, wall situated. 8.000.000 to 6.000.000 feet each, at S10O0 per claim. Western Investment Co.. 301-30- Corbett bldg. CAN you do better than locate on a timber claim that. &s soon as you prove up, one third can be sold for more than the whole cost? If not and yon want one, cail Main 4111, A 1422. FOR &ALE TIMBER LANDS. OREGON AND WASHINGTON. THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY INC.), 62o-627-28 CORBETT BLDG. HOMESTEADS Have 4 with plenty timber, good soil and water: location cheap. Oliver A Havlland. 1119 Board of Trade bldg. MUST dispose of my two sections of tim ber at sncrlAce: beat quality fir and cedar, well located. For price and particulars Address V 824. Oregonlan. WB are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney A Stampher. 5.11-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. $200 BtY9 beat timber claim relinquishment in the state; cuts 4.000,000. bee owner, room 14 Washington bldg. TIMBER RELINQUISHMENTS. 327 Worcester Block. CHOICE homestead located. Inquire at 331 North 17th st. CHOICE? YELLOW PINE- CLAIMS. Government locations. 2T Worcester blk. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WILL buy well bulit sawmill. 5O.000 ca pacity and 40.000.000 or 60,000.000 feet of timber; mill must be conveniently located for shipments to North Dakota. Address K 521. Oregonlan CASH paid for timber. Will deal with own ers only. C. C. SHAY. 40T Rothchild bldg. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. S04 McKay bldg. H031ESTEAD ItEUNQllSKiEXTS. f 1O0 BUYS homeMead relinquishment IT ml.es from Portland. See owner, room 14 Washington bldg. FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RJCNT TH acres garden land on E. 27 rh and Klickitat a Address owner, boa 72, Mllwaukie. Or. FOB SAXeR. Horse. Vehicles and Harness. WE have moved our horses from Union Stock Yards, which? were shipped from Condon. Or., to 122 17th at. North. Our horses are all broken and any one wish ing to buy should come and look our stock over and price them; you will find that we have the best-eelected lot of horsua and that you cannot beat the price in any part of the city at our arables. FOR BALE New light two-horse express wa;on with canvas top over aeat; ca pacity 1000 pounds; also new double har nes and robe, all In good condition; price $ ti0 lngutre at room 2uO Oregonlan bldg. or of A- P. Lang en berg, Clackamas. Or. $100 BUYS big team of sorrel matched work horses and new team harness com plete ; o w ner must sell. Ask for Coch ran's team. 24 Montgomery. FOR SALE Saddle horse, fancy city broke, kind as a kitten. Inquire P. L. Austin, Chicago Dentiata, 0th and Wash ington. MADISON-ST. SALES STABLES O. D. Williamson. Prop. Horses bouarlit and sold. is1- Madison ac, Portland. Or. Phona Main fc324. FOR SALE 14 head of ho rues, all young and sound, draft and delivery, at the Morgan barn. cor. of . Market at. and Grand ave. WANTED A good. light, second-hand bus for one horse, to carry 1 to 12 passen gers; send full description to Hotel Wake field. Raymond. Wash. FOR SALE Vast boras with pedigree, buggy. uikv. names two pa Ira blanketa. Apply to Joha So'acona. 271 Couch at. EXTRA tine driver, sound, thoroughly broke for lady; well sell at bargain. F SI'S. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE 10 good horses, we'ghlrtg from l'00 to 14i0 pounda Phone U res nam twg. Hl'BERT HALL, moved to ISO Front at. cor- Montgomery. Main 220 i. Horses and vehicles bought, sold, horses, rig for rent. TO EXCHANGE A good old horse, worth f S. for a first -class cow. 3C4 Front st. HORSES, msres, r!;s an harness) of all kinds for ea.e. V4 Montgomery. FOR SALE Young team draft horses. Ap ply Soft Davis st. LAIT wants piano to ?ore for use; very beat cars. Phone A Sodd. AatoTOobUem. AUTOMOBILES, tonrlnc care and nra abouta. 2J0 to 1IOO. for aale or trade. W. G. Hartman. 46 ad at. Main 1SH2. Mlaceilmneona. GET our prices and Bare money on all kind OF PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. Yea. we aell to all. Plumbing goods ln.talled If desired. NOT IX THE TRUST. M. BARDE SONS. PLUMBING SUPPLT HOUSES. lit N. Id St.. near Gilaan: MOVING PICTURES. New films, new subjects for rent and light Frleee. Moving picture machine, for aale. formation freely given about the busi ness. We teach you to operate. Consult os about the most profitable business of the age. Laemmle Film Service. 418-424 Marquaxn bldg.. Portland, Or. S0-FT. GASOLINB launch, I year old. with 5 -horse power 4-cycle Lip pert engine, never been used yet; outfit cost $00; must sell at once for $450 CASH. Launch has cabin with 16 wlndowa, will aeat 25 peo ple. Addreaa J. H. D.. Box 720, A ton a. ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER $1 per equare. J. SIMON A BRO.. 244-40-00 Front St. ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER $1 per .Square. SIMON & BRO., 244-4O-50 Front at. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap pricea, E runs wick -Balke-Coilender. 49 Third at. ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER $1 per fiquaro. J. SIMON A BRO., 244-46-50 Front St. BARGAINS In 8xlJ Gordon Pres, 14x22 L style. 2A. Colt's armory, imposing atone, f Su-lnch paper cutter. t-pe, etc.. S air brushes and automatic pump, A motors. Address E 298, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Bridge A Beach Superior ateel ranre; walnut sideboard; bookcase; 101 yards of Axmlnster carpet. Phone East FOR SALE Flrat-class ticket to Chicago, good till October 81, female, medium dark- For information call up 209 Com mercial block. 2d and Wash. SILK-LINED overcoat and new blue serga suit, tallor-mado. for man weighing about 175. Will sell cheap. 235 Pine at. FOR SALE Cedar posts and poles; all elzea and lengths. For particulars address Nick Faler. Lents, Oregon. A-l LOGS suitable for building boat houses at "Vonder Werth's, east end Mor rison brldgs. THREE Barred Rock .roosters. 0 months old. The Garrison blood. Price reason able. Is7 Chapman at. NEARLY new Smith-Premier typewriter and new "Oriole" go-cart for aale cheap. 235 Pine st. FOR SALE Bent dry 4 -ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. HooTar, 818 Water at. Phone Main 745L OLD Ttollna bought and sold; expert re pairing. L. Winters, SIS Tllford bldg., loth and Morrison. FOR SALE Violin and clarinet, reason able. Phone B 2082 mornings. FOR SALE 2 freah milch cow, cheap: good, milkers. 14S0 Macadam, Fulton, Phona Main 69S. FOR line cane aeats tn your chair a .call up Main 4418 or A 6211. MOVING-PICTURB EXCHANGE) Machines, supplier, elides, films for rent. 165 4th st. HELP WANTED MALE. MOVING picture operator make $35 week ly. Easy work, short hours. Learn tha business In short time. Terms reasonable. Particulars Newman Motion Picture Co., 18 Burnside at. WANTED Energetic young- man to travel and learn good -paying business; must come well recommended. Call 9 A. M. to 2 P. M., room 1, The Mercedes, 20th and Washington. SALESMEN wanted, to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc. ; outfit furnished; cash advanced weekly; good territory Write us If Interested. Albany Nurseries, Al bany. Or. WA NTED Young- man for office work, must be good penman and quick at figures. Give age and reference and sal ary expected. Address Box H S2l, Ore gonlan. WANTED Young man with office experi ence and salesman's ability to join adver tiser In supply business; mu.it have email capital, well secured. Box 63, Boiee, Idaho. EXPERIENCED advertising men to earn $25 daily. Investigation costs nothing; experienced men only. 603 Goodnough bldg. OFFICE BOY wanted by wholesale house; must be bright and Intelligent and write a fair hand ; good opportunity for right boy. J 814. Oregonlan. LEARN watchmaking, engraring and op tics; easy terms; positions secured; money earned while learing. Watchmaking. Engraving- School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle, WANTED The Outlet Clothinj Co., First and Morrison, wants 10 first-class cloth ing and furnishing roods men at once; none but experienced need apply. HAVE 6 acres of brush land to clear In Hood River Valley. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. FOR WORK OR FOR HELP, CALL ON PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 12 North 2d st. Both phones. WANTED Bright, honest, sober man with amnll capital, as partner to show prop erty and learn the business. 226 6th st. SPLENDID opportunity for good salesman; must have best of references. Addreaa "K." Portland Hotel, Portland, Oregon. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers and stenographers. Commercial Abstract Co.. suite 40$ Commercial Club bldg. CARPENTER finishers, carpenter helper, wood choppers. on farm and others. Call early, 226H Morrison. RELIABLE place to borrow money on dia monds, watches and jewelry; strictly con fidential. 165 1st st. TAILOR wanted for repair work in cloth ing store, Jaa J. Padden, 602-4 Main sL, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED A rood solicitor, by business college: good field; liberal commission. A 261. Oregonlan. WANTED First -class coat, vetrt and panta makers. Nlooll the Tailor. 141 6th at., cor. Alder. CLEANER and presser; If not experienced don't apply. 646 B. Burnside at. B l&2tf. East 5-6. STANDARD EMPLOTIIPTNT OFFICE, For Men 250 Burnside Street. Pbone Main &t&4. THE Eagle Hatha and Shaving- Parlors; shaving 10c Ed Dennison, prop., 44 Sixth st. WILL teach businesa and take trustworthy man as partner; $150, balance easy. In quire 242 Fifth. BUS HELM AN wanted: one handy on new work. 617 Washington at. WANTED Photo coupon and picture sgents; some tuing swell. C ut berth, - Dekum bldg. STOATM AKERS wanted at once at Colum bia Woolen Mills, 7th and Stark sta JAPANESE and Chinese employment agency. 810 Da-vls st. Main S30u. A 2U97. TWO first-class eoatmakere wanted. Beideck A Rausburg, Lew I yt on. Idaho. WANT ED Photograph operator ; also printer for artist. Cutberth, Dekum bldg:. DOMESTIC dryroods salesmen. Washington bl, rooma 39-41. , LADIES tailor- steady position for right party. 405 F.eidner bldg. WANTED A boy to drive wagon. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark at. WANTED A reliable male cook at 76SH Thurman at. WANTED An experienced presser at once. The Wardrobe, Y61 Washington at. ALTERATION handa wanted. 334 Wash ington at. 2 OR 8 experienced glaziers for Inalde work. Apply 60 Front st. WANTED Good solicitor to Room 89 Hamilton bid. work In city. Pinner feeder. $2.50; lumber gnader froai planer. $2.25; 10 mill hands. $2 to 15 yardmen, $1.75 to $-t; ahlngle wyers and packera, union wages; loggers, - to $3.50; teams ere. laborers, etc Large list of other too 'numerous to mention here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Main office 12 N. 2d at- Both phone 10.000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men ana women to learn barber trade In 'Sh weeJta; help to secure positions; graduatee earn from $15 to $25 weealy; expert in rtructor; tools fe; write for cacxlogue. Moler System of Colleg-aa, 85 N. ia Portland. Or. WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied un marrkni men. betwen ages of 18 and 3a, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speaic. read and write English Apply to re cruiting officer. Alnsworth block, sa ana Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED By wholesale and Importing house, alert young man of some exper ience, as traveling salesman, must be con versant with carpet, upholstery bed ding supply lines and familiar with Wash lngton and Oregon trade. Address Box M 239. Oregonlan. SOLICITORS Our boys are Siting the money on the big magazine combination need two more smart men; good commis sion and free transportation, but dorit call unless you can give bond -Office hours 8 to 9 A. M. and 2 to 5 P- M. R- Maddan. 602 Swetland bldg. WANTED Young man to take clerk and carriers' examination In November, aee us in resard to preparing for same. A gooa opportunity to choose a life V010" sure pay and advancement. Call toaay. v-.- viKav bide. rSLlllC OlttlCI otaaw-, WANTED Reliable man to work Jn res taurant as partner, to be cashier, etc.. pay you 4 a day and board; $800 cash required; experience not necessary tail room 417 Board of Trade bldg.. 4tn and Oak. WANTED Men to work In tunnels at Spring Garden and Chllcoot. California, and on outside railroad grading near Qulney. Cal. Apply at Chllcoot QJ Spring Garden. Tha Utah Construction Co. - . THE PASSING OF THE SALOON Live agents and temperance workers to seil this book on greatest conflict in history. even Aiivuu iucu uuj ... if - - . . book $2, N.-W. Sales Co.. Portland Spokane. MKN to learn electricity, plumbing, brick laying, plastering, day and night classes, no books, positions secured, freo cata logue. Coyne National Trade Bcaool. AiU 24(1 8th St., San Francisco. C. R. HANSEN. JR. Employment Office Men's Department, 2d North Second at Phones Main and A 132& Help Free to employer WANTED Combination clerical man and stenographer, must be good at figures and write legible hand. Apply In own nana writin. MtfLtlnflr salarv expected. Good chance for promotion. F 2SS. Oregonian. MEN with references, to solicit and collect; experience iu.u win aw .... j teach vou the business; opportunity for Sromotion to salary position soon. 409 acleay bldg., 248 Washington st. WANTED At once. 10 young men to learn to operate moving picture machine; easy work, short hours and good twages; terms easy. Call at room 4. 81 H 4th St., bet. 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Win. Depot. P. Loratl. 148 4th. Main 6800. HELP WANTED IK MALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 2 camp waitresses. i30 each; dishwash er. tM; 2d girls. 5 cooks. 40 and $30; nursegirl, bottle washer. $1.50; household and hotel help of various kinds. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. 843 Washington St., Cor. 7th. Upstairs. THOROUGHLY experienced and competent nurse girl living at home to take care of H&-year-old baby in hotel. Apply 9 to 12 A. M. Room 824. Board of Trade bldg. LADIES to act as agents to sell a quick selling line of ladles' wearing apparel on the installment plan; no former experi ence necessary. J. D. Sherman, 89 Grand ave. WANTED Good caiwassers, neatIT dressed women, city and state: good money. Call room &08 Merchants Trust bldg., 0th and Washington .tr HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843)4 Wash. St., cor. Tth. upstairs. Phones Main and A 2US2. Help Supplied Free to Employers WANTED Experienced salesladies In our glove, neckwear and leather goods de partments; doim but experienced need apply. The Silverneld Co. WANTED Renned. capable woman foe re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 600 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. COMPETENT, experienced cook for general housework; references required. Call 348'A 10th, bet. 11 and 12 A. M. Main 1244. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, U3V, Washington st.. cor. Tth. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. FOR HELP FOR WORK A, B, C EMPLOYMENT CO.. I2SV4 Morrison. M. 3022. We are white. WANTED Good cook for small family and assist with housework. Apply 715 North rup st. WANTED Middle-aged woman to work In boarding-house; good laundress preferred. Call 265 6th. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. &2utt Wsshir.gton St., room 307. Main 836 or A 3266. WANTED An experienced demonstrator; state previous experience and salary de manded. L 327, Oregonian. FIVE ladles for work among schoolteachers and club women, goods furnished; all or part of time. 338 Worcester, forenoons. GIRL or middle-aged woman for genera! housework; no noon meal. Call after 2 P. M-, Swetlands. 273 Morrison. WOMAN wanted for general housework in small family; references required. 867 lilth. near Montgomery. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; no children. 260 Grand ave. N., corner Multnomah. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies' Department. 2054 Morrison st. Phones Main 1062, A 2Q61. WANTED At once, an experienced girl for general housework. In family of 4 adults. 566 Hoyt St. WAITRESSES. lady alteration. family cooks, houseglrls. city and outside. A. B. C. Employment, 2204 Morrison. WANTED Girl for general housework; family of 4; sleep at home. Call 386 Halsey st. Phone East 337u. NEAT, reliable girl to assist general house work; good home. Call mornings 1178 Belmont st. WANTED Cook, laundress and Janitor for small hospital out of town. Phone Wood lawn 1223. MIDDLE-AGED lady to do housework on a farm; good home. Call bet. S and 9 A. M. IS!) N. 19th. WANTED Good waitress at Rainier. Call Steward steamer Iralda, 10:30 to 1; S3U; foot Taylor st. LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good pay; Instruction free. Call 452 Washing ton. BOOKKEEPING, private lessons. 4 night la week. f4 per month. Main 7S62. A 4048. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply CS1 loth st, EXPERIENCED girl for housework. Call at 791 Tillamook St., Irvlngton. WANTED A competent family cook; refer ences. Children's Home, &o7 Corbett St. WANTED Girl for housework and cooking; wage. 830. 730 Hoyt st. WANTED A girl for general housework. Call mornings, rooiu 423, the Hill Hotel G1KL for light housework and help with baby; references. 410 Holiaday ave. GIRL for general housework, must b. com petent cook; wages 825. Main 4152. SALESLADIES wanted. Inquire today. Bannon A Co.. 3SS-390 East Morrison St. GOOD cook In small family; good wages. 29 West Park. cor. Columbia. WANTED Girl for general housework. 443 East 15th N. Take Irvlngton car. GIRL for housework- 2( E. 24th St. WANTED A woman cook. 3S6 Morrison .- GIRL, tor senarml housework, ffis Johnsnnl al-TEHATOS HANDS AND PRESSERS. who are experienced and do sood work. Apply immediat.lv to OLDS. 'WORTMA-N KINO. NOTICE. "We have a good. large list of position. for coots, waltrejises, cfaambtnnaide. house -iris, laundry girls, housekeepers, eto. Large Iiat of new positions every day. Call early and jret your choice. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Department, 205, Morrison st. THE St. Loul Ladles' Agency ha. list of several good situations; must have today some good help for them. 2094 Main . 2039. A 2S24. . HATS remodeled like new, half price; we dve clean, curl, remake plumes. Model iiililnery. 204 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. HELP WANTED MALE OR I KM ALE. SIMPLEX operator wanted, male or female- state experience and wages wanted; position permanent. The Tillamook Her ald. Tillamook. Or. WANTED Immediately., first-class singer for motion-picture theater: also musicians and comedians. Newman'. Theatrical Cir cuit. 2D3 ijurnsiae SCHOOL officers and teachers call at Flsk Teachers' Agency. 80S Swetlana bldg. Phone Main 2410: res.. M. 6425. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. SITUATION WANTED Bookkeeper and accountant 12 years' experience as oBlce manage? and chief accountant along Manufacturing and contracting lines; ox pert In costs and earnings, highest cre dentials, bond. 32 years of age. of good appearance; desirous of locating In Port land with a live, up-to-date contracting or manufacturing firm. Address -Walter Gregory, 1010 First National Bank bldg., Chicago, Jill. STENOGRAPHER (32) wants outdoor po sition in either Southern Oreson or Wash ington; newspaper, reservoir and rail road engineering experience; teacher 6 ' ears; decided leaning toward newspaper illustration and writing. A C 276, Ore. gonian. - EXPERIENCED German bookkeeper and salesman wants position: willing to ac cept any kind of work and small salary at start, when advancement. A C 278, Oregonlan. WISH position as assistant bookkeeper with prospect for advancement, strictly sober; can give best of references. B 834, Ore gonlan. YOUNG MAN wants position In office: some experience; references; salaiy not object. L 829. oregonian. Miscellaneous. A MIDDLE-AGED man speaking French and English wishes a position in a liquor store; lifetime experience; best references. Address V 823, Oregonian. FURNITURE salesman. 12 years with one Arm In New York, wants situation selling, or office work; best of references. L 325, Oregonlan. WANTED At once, position for head miller by experienced, up-to-date flour miller; efficiency guaranteed. Address B 3S0, Ore-gonlan- YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and boar. AD 229. Oregonlan. POSITION as stable foreman; 20 years' ex perience; qualified to care for sick and cripples; references. B 318, i Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted by experienced cook in a camp or on coast freight boat; well recommended, v azu, oregonian. WANTED Position a sawmill foreman or . millwright; host of references; win leave city. Y 287, Oregonian. YOUNG man. German, good education, fj; steady work, any kind. John Grabits, 114 Russell st. YOUNG Japanese boy wants a situation at housework or schoolboy; can speak good English. D 354. Oregonian. MEATCUTTER, one who can watt on the trade, wants work anywhere. N 813. Ore gonian. ' PIRST-CLASS waiter wants porltton. Phone Main 4275. JAPANESE Employment Co., Main 4659. A 4073. 26S Everett. JAPANESE, experienced. boy. wants hotel . or sanoon porter, a c .to, -. -r TENOR soloist wants a position in moving i.t., .hnw vi 332. Oreeonlan. MIDDLE-AGED man wishes position as Janitor. V azi. oregonian. WANTED A position by a graduate elec trical engineer. C 332. Oregonlan. I WANTED enamoermaiu aim w mmo. - JAPANESE employment office. 249 Couch st. Main 6521. A 4358. t SITUATION, WANTED FEMALK. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. A YOUNG lady who i a first-class book keeper and has some knowledge of sten ography and who held a position of trust and responsibility for eight years In a large leather concern and has had two years' experience, in agricultural Implement business aesires 10 uu.u "v-. - -- r reliable growing concern; has good health and can iurn.su . ences. F 327, Oregonian. COMPETENT. experienced stenographer wishes employment for half day; win ac i . a t. oni ArB;rtnian. cept low saiiixy. .fYJL t-xt vp BOOKKEEPER with xpertenc wants po sition; salftry expected. ?y0. A -B 2S3, Oresionlan. Dressmakers. THE famous Kelstei-s Ladies Tailoring . t ou. .a-v-n dressmakers' bills. make your own gowns here W ' teach Relators draiung syaiix. DRESSMAKING, prices reasonable, worlt vi. ennranteed. 290 Jefferson sL Phone A 4482. GOOD seamstress wanta few engagements by day or will take sewing home. Phone Main 43H4. DRESSMAKING 147 15th at., near Hoyt. phone Main 4005. DRESSMAKING $3 Pr day. excellent fit ter, work guaranteed. Main B133. FIRST-CLAS.S dressmaking at lowest pricea. Mrs. Angeles. 242 6th and Main. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position, doctor's office or In cases of confinement; terms reasonable. C 331. Oregonlan. NURSE desires a position at once. Phone Main 1876. N 311. Oregonlan. WANTED Position aa nurse girl; have had experience. O 320. Oregonlan. Domestics. YOUNG lady wants light "housework," Mt. Tabor district preferred or country; no children. A 324. Oregonian. GIRL wants place to do plain cooking and housework; small family- Phone Main 6641. . . EXPERIENCED girl wishes position to do second work, not lesa than 30. V 329. Oregonlan. YOUXG LADY wishes housework or other work for board and room. P 824, Ore Ionian. A GIRL wants second work or general housework. Call at 623 Pettygrove at, X. YOUNO LADY wanta housework, washing, ironing and sweeping. N 317. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED Work by day or hour. Mrs. C. Andersen, room 21. Phone M. 642.. LACS curtain hand-laundered. Phona Mala 3507. 252 12th at. WANTED Ironing and hotwe-c leaning-. , Phone Main 6575. Mrs. Da via. AN experienced chambermaid wanta work. Address 623 Pettygrove at. N. 8KILLFUL latin d rose wishes eneragements; fine ironing; preferred. Main 8928. WOMAN wants laundry or housecleanlng by the -day. Main 6575. YOUNG LADY will pose In costume. O ISO, j rftfff Ti r Miscellaneous. WANTED WORK FOR Cooks. waitresses; chambermaids, housekeepers. house girl. nursea, laundry girls. factory girlav ta. Call tip Mrs. Kennedy. Ladles Dept., Pacific Employment Co., u&H Morrison st. Main 1062, A 2064. YOUNG lady wants position aa "demon strator- or general onice wors, n. pearance. experienced In meeting people. A 323, Oregonlan. SWISS lady wants pcMtion In German fam ily. Call 15 East 30th at. Experienced. WANTED AGENTS. IF YOU want to earn $50 to ?200 a week right In your own city, write at once for full particulars. J. M. Harris & Snyder Company, MarbrMge Bldg.. 34th t. and Broadway. New York. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent housea. cottages, flats. lords will do well to cail on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E, cor. 3d and Oak. Pbone Exchange 72. GENTLEMAN 28 desires room and board In refined private family ; prefer French or Spanish; must be modern. A B 284, Oregonian. HAVE you a house to rent? Place it on our list. Hartman inompson, vuam ber" of Commerce. REFINED, middle-aged lady desires house keeping rooms, modern, reasonable. AS 275, Oregonian. YOUNG GENTLEMAN wants room and board In good family in city. T SIS, Oregonlan. FURNISHED house by two; etato price and locality. AB 2S0, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE), And anything else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. Main 6655. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Cail at the "Fair Deal," 62 3d at. North. Phone Main 273. FORD AUCTION CO. "Paya the price" for second-hand furni ture. East OSS. B 311. CLOTHING Phone M. 186183 N. d. Highest price paid: prompt attention. FOR RENT. Furnished Kooma WE are making special Inducements to monthly roomer; have an elegant modern front nuite, furnished in mahogany, well worth $45; will rent for $30; other modern suites, $22.50 to $25; four good sized outside rooms, $10 each; other eingle steam-heated rooms, $12 up per month; elegant parlor, with piano In connection ; phones and bath free. The Barton, 13th and Alder. THE WESTMINSTER, 6tn and Madison ate., has a few bachelor rooms ready for oc cupancy; these rooms are the handsomest furnished In the city and have every mod ern convenience; terms moderate; rent begins Oct. 1st. GAYOSA HOTEL, 392 East Btark, cor. Grand ave. ; modern, new, elevator, steam heat; hot. cold water, private baths; $2,50 per week up; a few select housekeeping suites, furnished; gas atovea. Phone East 5465. THE BUCKINGHAM, opposite Portland Ho tel. 330 Yamhill; new management; an ideal place to make your Winter Quarters; new fireproof building, with modern con veniences, in heart of city; special rates to permanent guests. A. H. Pracht, prop. HOTEL SARGENT. Parties desiring steam-heated apartments for Winter, with all modern conveniences, should make their election at once; first class grill in connection. Cor. Grand and Hawtherne aves. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington sts. Newly furnished throughout; new buildings, suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7195. Long-distance, phones In all rooms. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and ewld water, free baths and phone; transients ouc, i5c and W per day. Open all night; office and reading room ground floor. 488-402 Washington au THE GOODNOUGH, cor. 5th and Yamhill, opp. P O.; rooms by day. week or month; t-levator service, eteam heat, etc.; singles and suites; $3 weekly up. Mra. Allison & Snyder. THE NEW OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. First and Morrison; steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water, baths per week up; transients solicited. Phones A 44U8. Main 4661. HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington Modern rooms, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water, private and free baths; rates reasonable, pacific 496. THE AUDITORIUM, 208 3d St., home comforts, steam heat, free baths, water in rooms, permanent or transient, $3.50 up weekly. HOTEL BUSH MARK, Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern convenience-; $3 weekly up. A 2t4. Main 5t47. LARGE front, ground floor, bay window room; steam heat, hot and cold runn.ng water, bath, phone. 201 14th. corner 'ray tor. NICE furnished front sleeping room, and also small 2-room housekeeping suite at $12 per month. 104 11th St., near Wash ington. ROOMS with all modern conveniences in private family of two. 6'J North 21st. block Washington- Cheerful surroundings. 104 LOWNSDALB, cor. Taylor, two nice rooms for business gentlemen; all modern improvements; rent reasonable. FRONT room with alcove, modern ; can have board or kitchen privileges ; rea sonable. 505 H Columbia st. Main 8963. $7 Room for one or two; free phone and bath; walking distance. 573 Irving, near 18th ATTRACTIVE comfortable room adjoining bath, for business man; private family; select neighborhood. 94 North 16th. BEAUTIFUL front bay-window room In new, modern flat; also side room; open or Dav enport beds. 349 6th et. AT Hotel Clarno. rooma, steam heat, electric light, hot and cold water in every room; east end of Steel bridge. NICE convenient front room in modern flat, suitable for one or two gentlemen, walking distance, 402 Clay st. Main 8277. 165 NORTH 17TH Newly furnished room. $8; ga, bath, phone, furnace heat; use parlor, piano. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. 258 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms; private family; new house; every conven ience; gentlemen only BRIGHT large, warm, bay-window room, also smaller room; Quiet; central. Main 3312. 361 10th. ELEGANT front room with alcove suitable for 2; also single rooms at 227 Tth st. ; Walking distance. Phone Main 5217. FINELY furnished front room $10 per month. 67 N. 14th, bet. Davis and Everett. $7 Elegant single room. East Side; walking distance. Phone East 6231. ROOMS, transient and permanent. The Alpha. 269 Washington, bet. 3d and 4th. THE DORMER, 283 13th Beautiful rooms, steam heat, hot water, rates reasonable. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; heat, bath; 60c to $1 day, $2 to $4 week. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $S wk.; also transient rooma 343 Morrison. NICELY furnished room overlooking park, in private family. Apply 844 Hall at. LARGE, well heated, front room, bath, efcec- triO 11 gill. J30.il.lLL ... 71 THE MAYFAIR New brick, very central. 213 Stark at,, near 6th. Phone A 1732. NEWLY furnished rooms, light, heat and bath; private residence. 387 12th at. ROOMS, with or without board. 475 Morri son. 135 14TH ST. Cor. Alder. 2 large connect ing furnished rooms, one or both. 262 12TH ST. Nicely furnished rooma, fur nace heat, centrally located. NICELY furnished room, private family, bath, furnace heat, North 17th ct. Famished Rooms. LARGE airy rooms, modern conveniences, hot and cold water; extensive grounds; excellent board. 617 Kearney at. Main 39d0, A 251S. t?nfurnlshtxl Rooma. FOUR unfurnished rooms, all convenience free; cheap to reliable party. S53 12 th at. Phone Main 8643. FOR RENT Lower 3 rooms, new. lawn, large pantry, ate-ol range, linoleum, neat tenant. Phone E 494 , FINE unfurnished rooms for housekeeping:. . 2.' 3 4 Pine at. Rooms With BoardL EXCELLENT MEALS A SPECIALTY. STEAM HEAT. TWO BLOCKS OF POSTOFFICES. Board and room only $30 per month. Investigation will be a mutual advantage. The Vallamont, West Perk and YamhilL WHEN in Portland stay at the Hill Hotel, cor. 23.d and Washington; under new man agement; an elegant family and transient hotel; beautifully situated, near the City Park; every modem improvement excel lent table: ratvja reasonable. ELAKELY HALL, 3iX Jefferson, one of tha nicest private boarding-houses In city; lanre alrv rooms, running water, beau tiful ground, finely located for tourlrns, transients and permanent guests. A 5345. FINE sunny room with board. In private lamiiy, every moaern convpjucuuo, auu and furnishings, new, walking distance. West Side. For information call at 20 Commercial block. 2d and Wash. THE GLENDORA HOTEL, 19th and Couch, zoom and board, $25 per month, large . grounds, baths, pool and billiard tables; large parlor with piano all free; easy walking distance. ROOM and board In strictly private family, fur 1 or 2 gentlemen ; bath, phone and use of parlor; close in. 382 Bast 7th and Harrison. PORTLAND Women' Union. 20th year; rooma with board, use of sewing-room and li brary; Women's Exchange, Mra. 11 Raw llnga, Supt., 610 Flanders at. F1RST-CLA3 room and board, $5.50 per week; all conveniences; also table board, 4 per week; good home cooking. Aster House, 7th and Madison. LARGE front rooms, suitable for two, heat, bath, good board, private family; walking distance; rates reasonable. 4t4 Montgom ery at. NICELY furnished single room, with board; home cooking; desirable location. 181 11th .st., corner, Yamhill. Phona Mala S330. A 8&30. MRS. A. SIMON has suites and single rooma with board, suitable for couples or gentle men; modern conveniences. 46 N. 21st st. FIRST-CLASS room and board; borne cook ing: walking distance; tor ma reasonable. 41 Ella, ner Washing-ton. SMALL room and good board statable for one gentleman; also table board. 674 Gllsan at., cor. ISth. THE COLONIAL Corner 10th and Morrison. A home hotel; large rooms, good board, low ratea FURNISHED room with board for one g-en-tleman. Scandinavian preferred. No. 11 North 10th at., bet Stark and Burnside. ROOM and board, modern home. City View Park, $4 up. Phone Sell wood 1160. 441 Bidwell ONE large, sunny room for two; also single room, with board. 462 Morrison, oorner 13th. BOARD and room, steam heat, bath, phone, home cooking, $6 per week. The LindelL 209 Market. THE) MORRISON, 638 Morrison at., family hotel, modern, new management, board optional; best table board; prices moderate. THE MARLYN, Washington and 17th, well furnished rooms, hot and cold water, home cooking, permanent or tranelent. WELL furnished front room, with board, for two, in private family; furnace heat. 91 North 17th at. Phone Main 4220. LARGE, sunnv rooms for two. also single room for $25. 725 Hawthorne ave. B 2267. ' LE VSANT room with board for gentle man. 242 McMIllen st. Phone East 3826. THE MANITOU, 21 13th. Large, airy rooms. Rates reasonable. SUITE of rooms and board for two, $60; for 3, $60; in ideal home. 470 Main st. FRONT and side room, with board ; home cooking: 328 6th et. Phone A 8622. ROOM, with board. In private family; bath reasonable. 2u0 62d st., cor. E. Taylor. FURNISHED rooma with board. Tha Oaark, 225 11th et. 258 11TH Furnished room, all conven iences, with board. In private family. Apartments. W. L. MORGAN. 822 Falling bldg., just completed at 21st and Kearney most beautifully finished 4 and 5-room steam neated apartments; splendid location; ex cellently equipped; reasonable rent; also 527 Everett, 6 rooms, same equipment IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence apartments, each having private vesti bule and bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, ref rigeratora, window shades and screens, telephone and jani tor service. Apply janitor, ISth and Couch. THE BEAVER APARTMENTS. 12th and Marshall sts.; take S or 16th st. cars go ing north, get off at Marshall; 2-rooin suites, newly furnished, from $16 up; also 3-room suites. $20 up; modern conven iences; no dogs. Phone Main 6771. "THE WASHINGTON," 2tst and Northrup; modern unfurnished 6-room apartment with bath steam heat, hot and cold water, gas. electric light, telephone, etc. Take V" car on 3d or Morrison. COLUMBIAN APARTMENTS, 11th and Co lumbia; elegant 4-room residence apart ments, possessing every modern conven ience; excellent location, reasonable rent; walking distance. C1NC1NN ATI COURT 6-room steam- heated apartment; fras range, shades. Janitor aerv ice: reasonable rent; walking distance. 401 10th, flat E. THE MARLBOROUGH. 2tst and Flanders; beautiful 5-rooro. unfurnished apartment; uteam heat, etc THE Westminster, 6th and Madison. Bach elors should see our stylish rooma Hera are comfort and good cheer. 1 BEAUTIFUL 6-room apartment for rent. 12th and Columbia, "The Braintree." 6 AND 7 -room heated apartments, with every modern convenience. 715 Johnson. A 1678. $5rn Elegant solid oak furniture of modern 5-room flat, completely furnished and used only two months; electricity. gas and wood range, handsome rugs, draperies, etc.. including rent already pail till July, 1909, Main 8277 or A 2o94. ATTRACTIVE lower flat, fireplaces, fur nace, everything up to date; large light rooms, good yard. West tide, ltne location. Woodward, 104 Second. FOR RENT A 6-room modern fiat, just completed, steam and hot water fur nished; 21st st.. near Kearney. Apply Silverneld Co. MODERN flats all sizes, for rent. East and West Sides. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phona Exchange 72. THOROUGHLY modern 4-room flat, walk ing distance, $25. Mrs. A. Larry, room 69 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6159. NEW modern flats, walking distance. West Side; rent reasonable. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. 651 TAYLOR Lower corner flat, oak floors, gas and electric lights; rent $30. Key Graves Music Store, 111 4th at. FOR RENT Choice 6-room flat; will sell new furniture at almost half cost prloe. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. fi-ROOM flats, Overton, near 23d st., mod ern, every room sunny, porches, yard, choice neighborhood. MODERN 5-room flat; ateel and gas range, window shades. 207 Halsey, nea Steel bridge. $30 -ioe 6-room flat, 650 Kearney at. ; windows on all sidea. Donald G. Wood ward, 104 2d st. NEW FLATS of 6 rooms and bath. 731 to 733 Hoyt st. Apply Harris Trunk Co., 132 6th Bt. $20 STRICTLY modern 6-room flat, fine neighborhODd; nice lawn. 429 Rodney ave. Phone East 807. 6-ROOM sunny flat. $22.50. 173 Green ava., near 23d and Wash. NEW, modem 2, 8 and 4-room flats: A re place; on Williams ave. Phona East 171.