i 4V FOR REST. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts., newly furnished, fully quipped tor house keeping. Including- gas ranges, free use .of electrlo light. hot water, baths, large reception room and laundry room; beauti ful lawns and verandas surrounding the building. Furnished apartments from $16 up: also single roomi; with similar con veniences. $2.50 per week up. There Is nothing In comparison In the city Tor tne money. This place will bear Inspection. Short distance from Union Depot. Ta" S" or lth-st. car going north, get on at Marshall St. Phone Main 6771. No o- A LARGE. well-furnished housekeeping room, suitable for man nd wife or two ladies: electric lights, bath, phone: VTlre 10; also two large pleasant unfurnlsneo. half basement rooms; light and bath: l". close in on East Side, near car. Phone Sellwood 1109. THE HOWLAXO APARTMENTS. 631 H Washington, cor. 2nth Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms: gas ranges hot water free bath, free phone, both floors: nice THE ONEONTA. 187 17th St.. near f1' thoroughly furnished, gas range, hot and W cold water In each apartment. ' phones and baths free; tarma reasonable. no children. ENTIRE lower floor, parlor, dining-room and kitchen: bath. gas. fireplace, sink hot and cold water, pantry, yard and base mem' arranged with 2 beds, reasonable. S3J East Bin St- near Salmon St. 886 rORBETT ST. 8 nicely furnished . . housekeeping rooms, very warm and com- ) fortahle. with private family: gas bath and phone; take S car south; positively no children wanted. THE MONTGOMERY, cor. East 8th and Morrison, nicely furnished housekeeping suites, electric lights. baths, reasonable rates, temporary entrance on 8th. between Alder and Morrison. WAYNE WOOD," 109 18th North: nicely furnished housekeeping suites: hot and cold water: furnace heat; pleasant loca tion; reasonable rates. GROl'SD floor of cottage. 5 rooms, bath, basement, yard, free phone and water; no small children: walking distance; no other roomers, tail. Main 326.1, DESIRABLE unfurnished rooms. 8-room suite, suitable for tailor or other worker; brick building. 2114 Second-balmon. Save carfare. WANTED Desirable young ladles to share ; modern housekeeping rooms: walking distance; very reasonable. Phone East .-.073. THREE rooms, unfurnished or rarlly fur nished. Corner. Complete kitchen. Heat. Also two-room suite, neatly furnished. Call afternoons. 563 Everett. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with use both phones, on first floor, to adults for $16 per month. 309 Market st. Phone Main 9478. A 124. NICELY furnished 4-room apartment: new building, strictly modern, private phone and bath, electric elevator. The Buell Apart ments. 14th and Salmon. Houses. WHEN YOU MOVE you always need SOME furniture. BUY AT NO-RENT prices': the sav ing wilt exceed coat of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; oc cupy one-half: collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CCk. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2929. FOR RENT 9-room modern house, cor. Gth and Montgomery sts.; rent $75 per month; references required. Morris Bros., room Chamber of Commerce bldg. TWO 4-room flats, modern in every way. new. Overlook Addition, full view of city; $15 per month each. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT New 6-room house, corner of East lth and Stark, all modern. $2.. C. F. Pfluger Co., room 14 Mutkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. 1 ' 3 McFarland's new bungalow. Myrtle Park; t . - . .-.,- ,.tt v hath. Mount Scott cars. Wells, agent. Stewart Station. DESIRABLE cottage, with good grounds. on Brooaiyn crii. w - ton bldg. NINE-ROOM house, large grounds. T15 East Madison. See J. E. Werleln. City Treas urer, for particulars. A MODERN 6-room house, furnace. fire places, electricity, gas. rent 132.50. Apply room 301 Dekum. 120 CORNER T-room house: gas electric ity, porcelain plumbing. 712 E. Clinton. Phone Sellwood 897. MODERN -room house. S!2 San Rafael St.. near Union ave. Inquire S99 Hancock. Phones Esst 168S, C 1491. TWO 2-story modern houses. East 8th St.. bet. Sherman and Caruthers. Apply 450 East Sherman St. DO you want to rent a house? Pee us: we may be able to locate you. Hartman ft Thompson. Chamber of Commercs. $1R MODERN 7 -room house, newly tinted; 1 block from car. The Conant Realty Co.. Room 5. 250 hi Alder at. TWO modern 6-room dwellings, walking dls - tance. near High School. Inquire 691 E. W'ashington at. - MODERN 8-room corner house, walking dis tance. 395 11th. Inquire 427 Harrison, l'hone Main 2556. SIX-ROOM house on Mt Feott carllne. $11 per month. Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE. No. 656 Gllsan St., will be for rent about Oct. 1. Apply at drugstore. NICE new. modern 6-room house, East 24th and Couch. Phone East 6079. COTTAGE on Commercial St., $11. Phone Sellwood 2. MODERN cottage. 6 rooms, new. $20. In quire 408 Tillamook. 6-ROOM house, bath and gas. 826 Sherman t. John Barbey, 171 4th. MODERN 5-room house. Clay st.. between 7th and Park; $25. Phone Main 343L MODERN. 6 rooms, gas, electricity. Key 8.12 Clinton St. W.-R. car. 4-ROOM cottage for rent, $12. Inquire 106 X. 14th st. VFW 9-room modem house for rent; refer ences, rhone C 1107. ROOMS $27 60. 349 Market (at Park). Key next door, or 303 Mohawk bldg. SIY-ROOM modern house. 474 Hall. Call bet 1 and li. Tel Main 5758. A 3S04. RENT B room cottage. 4S3 West Park St. Apply 328 7th St. 14TH and Colombia, flats, upper and lower, yards in connection. $25 each; key 190. 16 .NEW modern flve-room cottage. 1531 Virginia St. Fulton car. M 9046. AN 8-room modern house, close In. 4 block from carllne. Inquire 248 Hamilton ave. .ROOM modern, good yard. West Side, walking distance. 49S Clay, near 14th st. B-ROOM cottage. 29J Sacramento st. In quire 349 Grant St. Furnished House. ELEGANTLY furnished 8-room house. strlct.y modern in every respect: almost new; splcn- did neighborhood; references required. DEVLIN FIREBAUGH. 608-9 Swetland bldg.. cor. 5th and Wash. PRIVATE home. 10 rooms, nicely furnished: walking distance; best residence district; rot water heat, strictly modern: parage: will lease six months or year. Phone C 1439. FOR RENT Well furnished 7-room house; re ception hall. 4 bedrooms, piano, etc : will lease for number of month. Inquire 78 E. Salmon. Phone E. 0244. (.ROOM lower flat, with fireplace and yard. ,.,s. references required. Inquire 3i,i Stout St.. "corner Madison. Phone Main 5853. FOR RENT 6-room furnished fiat In best part of city. Phone Main 8436, or call .JO Irving st. AN aiaxtment of 4 modern, completely furnished rooms, bath, large yard- Irv- lngton. East 30S1. NICELY furnished ft-room flat, all con- venlences. walking distance. West Side, Tent reasonable. Apply 13th at. Fl'RNISHEP 4-room cottage, electric lights, bath, central. Inquire 273 ti 7th st. Fl'RNlHFlD 7-room house in Irvington. Ad dress!. 251. care Oregon n. THREE or 4-room flat: bath and gas. 614 E. 21st St. W.-R. car. .,. eor Rent, Furniture for Sale. "ft ROOM rooming-house for sale by owner; all housekeeping sultea 272 Montgom ery st. . 6-ROOM rat for rent, part of furniture for sale. SJ-" Jackxis, FOE KENT. Houses for Rent Fumitars far Bale. eojo Elegant mission library table, rockers, dining set. new. complete furnishings modern 5-room flat: walking distance. rent flat If desired. $25. 6S E. 15th St. NINE rooms, good furniture, thoroughly clean- 10 minutes walk to business dis trict: 4 rooms pay rent: must sell by Oct. 1; $050 cash, phone A 33n. FURNITURE of 6-room house. Including steel range, hot water tank and bath; $125, rent $10. 99 70th St.. .ML Tabor. SNAP 5 rooms: velvet carpets: west upper fiat " Yamhill: $350; next Elton Court; also furnished 5-room cottage, suburban. 7-ROOM flat- furniture for sale cheap. 402 1 Clay, near 10th. FURNITURE) of 6 room a on ground floor. 290 I2th st. $27 50 RENT for 7-room house; furniture $350. 452 Market. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phqne East 1067. tores. FOR RENT All or part of modern 3-story brick building, upper floors contain 52 rooms, ground floor stores, located Grand ve. and Belmont St.. 1 block south of East Morrison. Apply Chicago Clothing Co.. 69-71 S4 st. 4-STORY brick building and basement. BOX 100. with large e'ectrlc elevator, on 1st st.. between Taylor and Salmon. Suitable for wholesale or retail buslnesa Apply to W. E. Grace care or Commercial Club. FOR RENT December 1. 4-story and base ment, brick store building. 100x165. S. E. corner Front and Pine sts.; also large dock In rear. 100x200. Apply to C A. Dolph. Mohawk bldg. STORE In well-located business block on Williams ave.: low rent. Apply W. N. Carter, 712 Williams ave. Phone East 40.13. FOR RENT October 1, storeroom, 248 1st. Fine location for nlckelodlon. Apply up stairs. FOR RENT Large two-story and basement building; long lease; nominal rent. Chlopeck Fish Co. SUITABLE for tailor or cloak house. Id floor. Waabtngton st. front. 30$ Swetland. Offices. TH REE-story and basement building, good for wholesale or warehouse, 4000 square feet with elevator. Apply B- H. Strong, 710 Corbett bldg. .DESIRABLE OFFICES. Bet location. $10 and up. Desk room. $5 and up. 803 Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington. GROUND floor desk room, furnished or un furnished, including both phones. "Seng slake ft Ionian. 90 6th at. ONE large front-room. McAlptn, 129 7th, bet. Washington and Alder. FOR RENT A few offlcea In Couch bldg. Apply room 808. ROOMISO-HOTJSE OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold ft Co.. Main 7311. SRH4 Morrison st. BUSINESS CHANCES. GROCERY MEN. A SACRIFICE. Owner going south, a line grocery store, on East Side, doing business of $4000 monthly, $5000 stock, 2 wagons, store SOx AO. feed aad coal sheds; will sell at in voice; will stand close investigation, and take city property to $2000 value In ex change. PINE TREE LAND CO.. 2S0U Washington St.. 509-10 Buchanan Bldg. Phone Main S81-0. STRICTLY MODERN. 44 rooms, strictly modern brick hotel; steam heat, hot and cold water and call hells In all rooms; almost new and elegant lv furnished with the best of carpets and furniture: 4 years lease at only $1S5 per month: place clears $225 per month over and above all expenses. Cash price for quick sale Is $4250. DEVLIN FIREBAUGH. 608-9 Swetland bldg.. cor. 8th and Wash. FEED AND FUEL BUSINESS. Account old age and leaving country, the best feed and hay business In Port land Is going at a sacrifice; will accept good city property in exchange; good lease and fine, large building In O. K. shape. Horses, wagon scales, and all equipment goes for $2000. 609-10 Buchanan Bldg. Phone Main 8896. A CONFECTIONERY business, first-class location. $1200. Another one doing $1600 monthly, $2000. Also another, one of the best stands In the city. $3500. THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY (INC.), 626-627-628 Corbett Bldg. GENERAL merchandise store In fast-growing suburb, doing now $125 a day business; long lease, rent only $60 per month, which Includes 5 living-rooms, all modern; no bonus asked; you can buy it at $6000. in voice price; will take part residence prop erty. See Goldechmidt's Agency. 253 14 Washington st. SALOON Partner In a first-class saloon; present owner has more work than he can attend to and will take a sober, reliable man as partner: experience not necessary. Particulars room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. DELICATESSEN restaurant, good location, low rent, excellent fixtures. positively makes fine profit every day; fine for two ladles or man and wife; only $400. Call 513 chamber Commerce. WISH to meet a man with $500 to $3000 to invest in legitimate business; can es tablish $35,000 to $50,000 business In 2 vrs. H. W. Lindsay. 302 Wells-Fargo i'ldg. SNAP FOR TODAY Restaurant and lunch counter; clears from $8 to $10 a day; price $350. German American Realty Co., 34314 Washington St., rooms 3 and 4. RELIABLE real estate dealer will take bright young man as partner to show land; $1(10 required.- German American Realty Co.. 3431 Washington St.. room 3 and 4. WANTED A partner with $500: will show you where you can make S'JOOO on your Investment per year: experience unneces sary. Address J 237. Oregonlan. p,-,0 BAKERY In heart of city, doing good business; we will show you. 627 Corbett bldg. RESTAURANT Good location, good busi ness, cheap rent; great bargain. 70 6th St., North. ROOMIN'G-HOI'PB. 16 rooms: good location, cheap rent: $S0O, $300 cash. 325 Lumber Exchange. PAYING advertising publication; half Inter est for sale; rustler wanted; no agents. C 269. Oregonlan. STORFJ on Peninsula, 11 rooms over store, $500); good trade In general mere handle. S 264. Ore-ton lan. GROCERY STORE, growing suburb: sales $90 per day; $2700 will handle It. R 250, Oregonlan. FOR SALE cheap, a 1 7-room rooming-house, close in. Phone A 4990, or Main 667. Mra Miller. WE have not got the whole earth for sale, but we certainly have a genuine bargain In a 6-room cottage. 230 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALI3 12 shares of stock In Northern Ovsrter Co. Apply Imperial Restaurant. Astoria. Jjr. ESTABLISHED pressing and tailoring shop; good location: cheap rent; investigate, h i .1 TS'a ,hlnrifin mt CASH store, steady, sober partner wanted: owner will guarantee you $25 a week; $350 cash required. Call 2481, Stark st. NICE up-to-date cigar store and confec tionery on the main street of tha city will be sold right. 272 Stark St. SELLING OUT The entire printing office located at 628 Everett St. ; 8x12 press, type, stock, etc. Mam 4874. SPLENDID opportunity for party with or without services; $2uo0 required. Call 405 Buchanan bldg., 4 P. M. today. GROCERY. Invoice $2500; sales $R0 daily: rent $2.1, including living-rooms. 921 Board of Trade. A GOOD paying grocery in a nice location will be sold below invoice. 7S Stark st. SALOON A good paying one for sale cheap: must sell. Call 361 First- st. 94 KILLINGS WORTH ave.. cirar store and lunch counter for sale. B 400. Oregonlan. STOCK In the BonviMe Pub. Co.. $100 a share: terma 413 Marquam. $200 TO $5AO Partner In flour and feed store. R 261. Oregonlan. BARBER SHOP for ssle: three chairs. 2 bath tuba. aT2i 17th North. TIIE HORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, BUSINESS CHANCES. PACIFIC BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 30314 Washington St. Suite 4. $1600, H cash, for 20-room lodging house: 4-year lease; ail on one floor $5000 buys grocery store, established lo years. $600 buys oyster and chop noose; 3 years' lease. . Partner wanted for fruit and confection ery business: established 20 years; must be sober man. . $:t.-,0 buys cigar stand, worth $500, on Fourth St. - , $1200 buys fruit farm, close in. Money loaned, low interest. Other business chances. PACIFIC BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 803 u Washington St. Suite 4. Phones. Main 8075. A 2982 2 ROOMING-HOUSES; biggest money makers In town; very cheap; both parties anxious to leave city. 23-room transient house on Morrison St., - near Portland Hotel: reasonable rent, lease: monthly Income $400 to $J0; make us an offer. . . 28 rooms, partly arranged for house keeping; rent only $68 per month: 2 yeans lease: it must go for $1350: pick this up GOLDSCHMIDTS BUSINESS AGENCY, 283 Washington at. YOU CAN'T DO BETTER. With $1700 than to buy this li-room rooming-house. 2 blocks from Hotel Port land. B. B. carpets, good furniture and bedding, hair mattresses, rent only $0 with lease 2 rears; clears over $100 every month: always full of good paying room ers; you will find nothing better than ' this for the price. ELLIS. YORK t CO.. K6M Washington St.. Room 201-202 ' t TRADERS. TAKE NOTICE. A swell modern 7-room house; cement walks and basement: lot SOxloO; all Im proved with lawn, roses and fruit: 1 block to carllne. In Piedmont Add. Will ex change for small, well-lmprcved farm near carllne. Price $3200. PINE TREE LAND CO.. 809-10 Buchanan Bldg., 28614 Washington St. Phone Main 8890. CASH MARKET No soliciting or deliver ing an old-established business, clearing from $300 to $400 per month: low rent, with" lease and located In center of busi ness district. Call room 815 Lumber Ex change bldg., 2d and Stark sts. 1 EXCELLENT opportunity to good hotel "man to make big money In a 40-room country hotel In Eastern Oregon: f-ooo will buy the whole property, or $2.-.00 buys the furniture and lease the building at $50 per month: would take Income property; Investigate this through the Goldschmldt's Business Agency, 253 ft Washington St. MACHINE SHOP Partner for a first-class machine shop; must "be good machlnlet; will nay you large returns on Investment, besides a good salary. Particulars room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., .2d and Stark its. HOTEL 38 rooms, in one of the best coun try towns; new brick building: steam heat: hot and cold water In every room, baths and electric lights: 10 years' lease, $S5 per month. Including heat and water; will sell furniture and lease. $4500 THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY TNO). 626-627-628 Corbett Bldg. VERY GOOD. 10 rooms', very nicely furnished. Includ ing fancy dishes, etc.. 2 porcelain baths: beautiful location for renting rooms; rent $40 per month: this Is a bargain at $425. half cash, balance monthly. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 508-9 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash. $2000 WILL buy grocery stbre; good loca tion; cash business. Owner wishes to re tire owing to old age. $1400 buys new stock, fair business, lo cated on Williams ave.; rent only $15 per month. Owner anxious to sell; wife homesick. Bee the Goldschmldfa Agency, 258Vt Washington at A GREAT business opportunity open in th" city for business man or woman with from $3000 to $4000 capital. a partner: Income from $500 to SO0 per month to each. Ad dress box C 208. Oregonlan, giving address and telephone number for Interview until i P. M. today. Better than gold mree. FOR SALE General merchandise store In fast-growing suburb; invoicing $0000. do- Ing $125 per day business; long lease, cheap rent: modern living-rooms at tached; would consider part trade; some one ought to pick this up. 23314 Washing- . i I . . m fnaaa IfMII'V. tOn St., UDIWIuUUl i " - ROOMING-HOUSE SNAP 9 rooms; price only $220: rent $26; nice modern house, very centrally located: furniture all nlcej some new; gas and wood ranges: -will clear you $28 a month and have 3 rooms for your self: owner leaving city. Call at once. Garland & Shelton, 191 4th St. EXTRA FINE. 14 rooms, residence district, on 12th st . paying $55 above rent and living; rooms have rented to pay $100 above rent; this must be sold at once; w-orth $1200: make us an offer. 627 Corbett bldg. HOTEL, PARTNER Hotel man with a large hotel to look after, will take a partner in one of the best hotel propositions in the city; has over 100 rooms, all furnished, with rent averaging less than $3 per room. Call room 815 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark ata. PARTNER Partner In a first-class business: will clear you from $25 to $40 per week; you may try the place before Investing: $550 required. Satisfaction guaranteed. Particulars room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. HARDWARE business near Portland, doing Al business; established 20 years, doing $ 5 000 per year: this Is one of the beat propositions in that line we have un our books. 627 Corbett bldg. - WE pay special attention to business open ings. Before buying, call us up and see what we can offer you. Phone Main 44S6. K'.nney Stampber, 631-32 Lumber Ex change bldg. I, y KINO AND CLEANING BUSINESS. One of the best In the city, doing a business of $75 to $100 per week: can be had for one-half its value; $550 takes It. 627 Corbett bldg. DON'T YOU KNOW We can give you a special price on any mining stock or bond? F. J. Catterlin & Co room 3 Chamber of Commerce. TtTTRT navlnc cigar and confectionery store TrS-" fo? $r0 cash This M good gaylng business of long standing. Fried erg & Borglund. Rainier. Or. THIS IS TOO CHEAP. -room flat, close In; rent $35: steam heat: 3 rooms vay rent and expenses; will go tor .i CONFECTIONERY, cigars and light gro cerlrs; West Side: 2 rooms rent $18; re ceipts $15 to $18: very cheap at $j25. 32J Lumber Excnange. CONFECTIONERY, cigars and light gro ceries, East Side; 4 rooms, rent $18; re ceipts $15: very good location; $780. 325 Lumber Exchange. ELECTRICAL arid mechanical engineer wishes partner with a few thousand dol lars to open consulting engineering offloes. H 262, Oregonlan. PLANING MILL AND LUMBER, with woodyard connected. Can be bought for $5000. A gilt-edged proposition and a money-maker. 627 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Grocery horse and wagon and old established business; sales $2600 per month- will Invoice about $0000. Retir ing from business. AB 253. Oregonlan. A LIVE up-to-date real estate man wants Dartner to rustle; will accept half of the payment down and the rest out of the business. 272 Stark St. HOTEL and restaurant, 30 rooms, all fur nished" well paving: best location; little rem: on easy payments; price $3200. R 257. Oregonlan. POSITIVELY the best buy: 100-room hotel, cost In 1905 $11,000 to furnish; house run nhVg full; forced to aeU at $4500. Call Main 860. - ONE of the beet comer saloons In Portland: long lease, low rent; also a newly furnished 12-roora house in connection: a bargain; In vestigate, R 236. Oregonlan. FOR SALE by owner, or will trade for house and lot. nicely furnished. 23 rooms, mostly housekeeping suites, with lease. 414 6th street. FOR SALE Sawmill and planlng-mill: com bined capacity 20.000. For full particu lars address Lee Brown Sons. Stayton. Or. GOOD cook wants sober partner: experience not necessary and little money required. 230 Lumber Exchange. MAN with small capital can clear from $4 to $8 per day; light work. 230 Lumber Exchange. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL -STOCKS, tele phone and other bonds negotlsted. bought and sold. C. S. Fletcher, 125 Ablngton bldg ROOMING-HOUSE for sale. See my Us Mrs. Koontx, 43 Stark. M. er A 196. BUSINESS CHAJiCES. BETTER SEE THIS. 28 rooms, beautiful corner brick, choice location. West Side, steam heated, modern house, ap-to-date furnishings, iron beds. B. E. maple and quartered oak sets, vel vet and brussels carpets; this is pleasing to the eye and profitable to the purse; cleara $150 a month; see It and you will buy It If you have $1650 to pay down, balance long time. ELLIS. YORK ft CO.. 326 14 Washington St., Booms 201,-203 THE MAT-HOLLAND COMPANY (INC.), 626-27-Ki8 Corbett Bldg. Main 3517. A 2772. Investors If you want some of tne best business Investments come and see our list. Hotels, rooming-houses, general stores, drug stores, wholesale and com mission businesses, barber snops. confec tionery and cigar stores, groceries, sa loons and almost any business you may desire. SALOON. We have the best bargain In the city: good equipment; long lease: 2 wine rooms: full basement; splendid business. Pee us at once. Can be bought at a sacrifice. 627 Corbett bldg. TODAY We can show you the swellest 15-room house in the city, elegantly furnished, hot and cold water in rooms, furnace heat, rent $73, -year lease and clearing $73 per month above all expenses: now it you want the best don't fail to see this; $1000 cash will handle it- DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 417-418 Corbett Bldg. WANTED Honest, Industrious man to take charge manufacturing plant In town of 2500 people: must be able to drive, look after timber and factory, salary $125 a month: must invest $2000 for half interest, share profits of $13 per day. Call and see me personajly, 831 Lumber Exchange bldg. G VTS' furnishings, boots, shoes and cloth ing. Fine stock, new. new w , ....... --- well assorted. Fine store fixtures, nicely located In town of 2000; large railroad center, pay roll over $80,000 a month and Increasing every month: about $5000 will handle it. Fulpt particulars. D. W. Alton, Pasco, Wash. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished 1805) furnishes free information on opportunities In merchantlle or manufac turing lines, city or country. TH.E. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 403-4-8 Swetland Bldg. WATER power electric plant and flouring .... T. . irFnarlTia TOWHS. Jm rny-Jufkerr$14;4bo eSS If Taken soon; might consider A-l Portland property to the value of $7500. Good reason for sell ing. White & Luce, John Day. Or. A (SNAP T cows and milk route bringing in $140 per month; also 414 lot. to Uni versity Park and a modern bungalow, barn, chicken-house, fruit trees wood and hay for the Winter. Address 717 Amhora st. Phone Woodlawn 504. COMMISSION BUSINESS. g2000 For a good money-making com mission business, clearing $3000 a year besides a goodllvlng. Will stand closest investigation. - F. FUCHS. 221H Morrison St. HALF" Interest In one of the best real es tate businesses in the city; wants good otfic man, as proprietor is "bilged to be out of town much of the time; good refer ence; investigation desired. 627 Corbett bldg. 9 ROOMS $400. Tse blocks from Hotel Portland: It will clear you. $30 .a month and good rooms for o--n use: better see It. ELLIS. YORK & CO.. 32614 Washington St., Rooms 201-202- BEAUTIFUL HOME. 6-rootn modern house, something fine near Piedmont, only $2800; very easy terms. DlrBOig & CROCKETT. "Washington Bldg., Room 3. kvap Swell furniture 6-room fiat, only $400 If sold Wednesday: fine furnltnre li housekWSlng rooms, all full, swell buy, income $40 per week: $1700. terms. Mrs. Koontx. -243 Stark at. WANTED Immediately. 8 to 13 furnished rooms, dlose in, on West Side either pri- ' vate hoase or flat, customers waiting. $200 to $400 down, balance montnly:mea business, but with owners only. k. io. Oregoniacn. REAL ESTATE man wants partner to show land: can. make $150 to $200 per month; no experkmca necessary and very little cash Call National Land Co.. 919 Board of Trade tuag.. BROKE It AfilE AND COMMISSION BUSI NESS partner wanted to keep plain ac counts ami do collecting; owner Is re sponsible rind guarantees $200 mt"bl5 . trial given.: references required. Call B2J Lumber Exchange bldg. ONE of She. best rooming-houses In the city will IX) sold at a sacrifice, owner has other buslqess and. cannot attend to botn. If you wait this snap come quick. 21i Stark st RELIABLE neal estate man tired of hired help wants active partner and will guar antee him t least $150 a month; exper ience not necessary and little money re quired, particulars -&ry oiata WANTED Yo"Ong. Industrious man to sell butter churn in country, $4 a day, ex penses: mush know how to drive team, also invest SnOO- as security; references. Call 631 Lumber Exchange bldg. WILL give one-fourth Interest to party that will Install 8-atamp and concentrating mill on our mlninar property; this is a bonaflde offer: you, should Investigate It. . B 240, Ore gonlan. BAKERY for s,ale: cheap rent, long lease, good buslnessl town of 8000: no wagon; two other sratlll bakeries here. Write for particulars. . aArgajlia Newburn. Centralis, Wash. RESTAURANT 'Owner wants honest part ner to be cashlHsr. etc., pay yon $4 a day and board experience not necessary ana little money required. Call 248V4 Stark st. PARTNER wanned In smalt cash store; duties easllv a-jsxned: must be satisfied rf,H x weelrt'v: very little money re quired. Call 523 Lumber Exchange bldg. CROCERY doing a. big business, no delivery. no opposition, uviun twu iTr" J?" ' $22.50: must bf sold at once; $1000 or Invoice. 827 Bos rd of Trade. RELIABLE mercliant wants honest part ner for cash ston?: pays $150 a month sal ary: also big prints: money secured; trial given. Call 24814 Stark L WILL be willing no take In a partner for $750 in a manufacturing business netting $200 a month. Qall at A 201 3d st. 9 to 12 and 1 to 6. CEMENT business, working partner want ed, pay you $3 or $3 a day salary, also lence not necessary. Call 248 Stark st. A GOOD paying bslkery for sale, same bakery has good store and shipping trade. For Information write ta box 622, Chs halls. Wash. WANTED To buy fumlaMngs of estab lished real estate otflce; give location and particulars In first letter. Address D 273, Oregonlan. GROCERY store at Invoice, changed hands twice In 20 years, ssr will trade for city property. 633 4th st. Phone Main 6179, A 8960 MOST profit for money invested "l a room-Ing-house;22 rooms. $1100. D 274. Ore gonlan. CONFECTIONERY and. cigar store m good locality at ha'f nrlor If taken at once. See owner. 848 Washington st. PARTNER wanted for solid business: will pay active man $250 month; $3500 re quired. Call 24814 Stark st. A GOOD cook wants a partner to look after the front end and be cashier; little money required. 271 Stark st- $700 ESTABLISHED real estate business; good list of property and buyers; going East. J 253. Oregonlan. SALOON for sale, rent reasonable. Inquire at 591 Thurman st. GROCERY store. $550. rent $15: come quick !f you want a bargain. 6M First St. FINANCIAL. Money to Loa a. I w'ILL make a few small loans on city real estate. B. R-. room 40, VV'ashington bldg. $'000 TO $10,000, private money. Improved city property. 83014 Mill St. Main 3226. MONEY loaned on real estataa mortgages or contracts. W. H- Nunn. 449 Sherlock bldg. A LOAN for the asking, sal.try or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum b Idg. MONEY to loanon Improved .-real estate. O. F. Cady. 322 Mohawk bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chatta1 or collateral security, v.. w. - - o State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as. state agt- Multnomah Co. 4O0 C of C. -irv- rates: vre loan money rfm diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch.. 74 2d su sasjv, SEPTEMBER 33, 1908. FINAKCIAI. Money to Loan. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES, WITHOUT SECURITY. LOANS ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ETC., WITHOUT REMOVAL. LOWEST RATES, EASIEST PAYMENTS. 'EVERY $1 PAID OFF REDUCES COST.' BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK 7 STATE SECURITY CO, 704 DEKUM BLDG. $$$$$$$$$$$! $$$$$$$$$i$$$$S' THE CRESCENT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothchild bldg., cor. 4th and Wash. The recognised bank of the wage earner. A Clerk, bookkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note without security. $15 return to us $4 a Mo. $30 return to us a Mo. $30 return to us ...$13.3 a Mo. Confidential; no unpleasant inquiries. Special rates on pianos, furniture, etc STAR- LOAN AGENCY. Money loaned on salary or chattel mort gage; business confidential. , , Mo. Semt-Mo. Wkly. $75 return to us $20.00 $10 00 $5.00 $50 return to us ....$13.35 6 65 3.2a $30 return to us .... 800 4.0O 2.00 $15 return to us 4.00 2.00 1.00 209 McKAY bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sta, SALARY and mortgage loans to salaried employes and on Pianos, Furniture, Ware house Receipts, Horses, Insurance Polities and ail kinds of securities. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE CO.. 403 Swetland bldg. ( WE PAY you spot cash for your Ger- uiaii-Amenciui ici inn ... . -" - - antee acounts. We also buy Oregon Trust and telephone bonds for 30 days only. Cohn Bros., 180 1st St. Tel. Main 4773, A 8819. ' MONEY advanced salaried people and oth ers upon their own names without se curity; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices in 60 principal cities: save your self money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 317 Lumber Exchange Bldg. MONEY loaned on salaries; no other security: my system is best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar employes and others; business confidential. F. A. Newton. 811 Buchanan bldg., 28614 Washington st. LARGE and small amounts on Improved city real estate at low rate of interest. C. F. Pfluger & Co.. room 14, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. LOANS made quickly and privately on salaries, pianos and furniture, warehouse receipts, purchase contracts. diamonds and Jewelry. E. Pierce. 812 Gerllnger bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reawnauie iiiieicb. iw -"-- time. A. & M. Delovage, Jewelers. 269 Washington st. WE will buy your German-American cer tificates and pay the highest cash price for Oregon Trust accounts. The E. L. Fraley Co., 418 Chamber of Commerce. PLENTY of 7 per cent money on good se curity. FRARY ft SEITZ, 132 6th St., Ground Floor. I BUY Oregon Trust. Title Guarantee. Mer chants German-American, telephone bonds, etc. Thos. McCusker. 208 Couch bldg. Main 7646. ANT part of $50,000 to loan on approved se curity. 6 or .7 per cent Interest. 305 Ger llnger bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED Dwelling house mortgages, $500 to $1000: easy terms; owners only apply. ix' c VA.--- 91A Alilru M 7H9.ft. 100.000 to loan in sums of $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realty. M G. Griffin, 266 Stark opp. Cham, of C. MONEY to loan on real estate, anywhere and any sum; $100 and up; see us. Vaughn St Burt. 402 Corbett bldg. WANTED Small lots of Omaha telephone bonds, state amount and cash pries. Ad dress S 253, Oregonlan. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates. In sums from $500 up. The Dunn-Lawrence Co., 248 Alder st MONEY to loan on real estate. 826 Board of Trade bldg. Loans wanteo. W AN TED J3000 from private party, 3 or 8 years, on choice-improved property. X 243. Oregonlan. $2O0O LOAN wanted, private party, sub urban home property, value $5000; no commissions. E 271, Oregonlan. WANTED $300 for two years at 8 per cent; real estate as security. Address D 268. Oregonlan. $3000 WANTED on high-class improved city property: 7 per cent. Miller, 430 Worcester bldg. Main 1940. WANTED $1700, 3 yeans, 7 per 'cent, on improved residence property. Hawthorne Addition. X 240, Oregonlan. WANT $2000 loan on good security. Address B 258. Oregonlan. PEKSONAL. LADIES Dr. Sanderson s Cotton Root Pills will "do the work" when all othetj fall: they always "bring results"; 3000 boxes sold last year; every box bears the Government stamp and Is guaranteed; price, $2, or 3 boxes $5. T. J. Pierce, 512 Gerllnger bldg.. cor. 22 and Alder sts. FIR GROVE SANITARIUM A woman's hospital, Just completed. In South Mount Tabor, beautiful location, where patients can have the best care at reasonable rates and any physician they choose. Office 6u8 Merchants Trust Bldg, 32614 Washington. Mam 7743 and A 5755. . SWEDISH trained nurse, Helslngfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by hand rubbing; steam sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th St.. one door from East An 'keny car. Phones East 260. Home B 1803. SUITS pressed while you wait. 50c. To vis itors of Portland hotels and to public at large. Suits pressed at 60c at Gilbert, the tailor's 66 6th st., next to Oxford Hotel. Ladies'' skirts gressed, 50c Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Main 4964. YOUR eyes may need attention for diseased conditions or glasses; we fit glasses right and treat eyes, ears or catarrh In any form. Impondero-Therapy Co.. 608 Mer chants Trust bldg., 32614 Waeh. St. YOU can't work when you don't sleep well; Palmo Tablets make you sleep and give you steady nerves: 60c a box, 8 boxes $2.50. All druggist or address the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., Portland. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchesters Diamond Brand -Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Relisble. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. MEV whatever your disease or mnrmltles may be, our specialist for men will give you the proper treatment. Impondero Therapy Co.. 608 Merchants Trust bldg.. $2614 wasn. st. MRS OBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream nasBage; references. ZS214 Park. sun A-ayo. MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientist, 801 Aliky bldg.. hours 10 to 8. Public leo- tures weonesoay.. o r " LOST powers restored by Dr. Lorens" Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c box. Eyssell's Phar macy. 289 Morrison St., bet 4th and 5th. RAG RUGS, rag carpets and rugs woven to order. Call 718 East Ash st. Phone East 484. DR PAUL CROMWELL'S former wife. Dr. Cromwell-Smith, will sell East India herbs at 28814 Harrison St. GERMAN. French, Spanish and , other for eign textbooks and literature a specialty. A W. Schmale Co.. 229 1st St. Mme Courtwright, skin and scalp treat ments facial deformities corrected; plastic surgery. 225 FUedner bldg. M. 5042. A 2069. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr Ketchum. graduate; advice free. 17014 8d st. Main 8770. PORTLAND MATRIMONIAL CLUB. Ad- dress, vna w, , PACIFIC Introducing Club tor lonely single circular 10c. 22914 1st st. PILES cured without operation by a well established physician. Box 300. city. MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 330 Fhedner bldg. M. 3473. DRS AT WOOD; private hospital; maternity cases; good care, terms right. Ad. Aiisky bl. A PERMANENT cure for piles. "Hemlock Salve." Woodard. Clarke & Co. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 860 Gllsan st- Main 9215. JUST opened, ladies' barber shop. 68 4th St.. bet. Oak and Pine. 250 PRINTED business cards, $1: 100 visit Ing cards, 60c Schmale, 229 1st. FE5SOMAL. THE GLENCOE SANITARIUM, located . at and nervous diseases treated; the wnisKy. morphine, opium and cocaine habits cured , in 48 hours; we guarantee no pain or suf fering; no money until cured and thor oughly satisfied. Call and Investigate our .. . j 4 auutKuniBii - " ' . . xneinoa oi utaiuicui, lu - principle of which is tne destruction , l- , .. 1. . - .Ha n.llr of for mat cravtui iuii.ii u. v - , " , the drug or stimulant, phone A St29. DEEPEST WRINKLES. SMALLPOX FITS and all Imperfections of the scalp, hair and face removed, busts developed, sup perftuous balr removed by the latest French method; all the rage In Pmrls; no electricity; faces bleached; booklet free. PROFESSOR AND MADAME, MAitCOIT, Facial Institute, 146 11th at., bet- Aider aad Morrison. DESIRABLE 'company found for lonely peo ple or strangers, either sex; 500 to select from; photos on file: meetings promptly ar ranged by phone, with use of parlons; pri vate place to mall or receive letters; mem bership $2: register of members 10c. Port land Introducing Bureau. 613 Gerllnger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder. MME. A. A. LUCKEY. Psycho-magnetic and suggestive thera peutics; a full line of electrical appliances newest and most ' Improved electrical blanket. All diseases successfully treated. Room 30, 35014 Morrison st. Main 2011. . DRESS suits for rent, all sixes; $1.80 month keeps your clothes ojeaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. LADIES, no difference what your ailments may be, see our lady physician, specialist for women. Impondero-Therapy Co., 609 Merchants Trust bldg.. 32014 Wash, st. LOST AND FOUND- LOST Pointer pup, both sides of head and ears brown, with brown spot on top of head, brown spot on side and root of tail: about 6 months old. Finder return to S. J. Carney. D. V. 3., 266 Gllsan st., and receive liberal reward. LOST Sorrel horse, white- spot on fore head, weight 1200 lbs., rope burn on left front foot: scar on Inside of left hind foot; $23 reward. Gustav Tucfel, R. F. D. No. 2. Portland. LOST White Lewellyn setter, black on back near tail, black ears, face mostly brown; about 2 years old. Finder will be rewarded by notifying M. Flelschner, 344 Salmon st. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front. Main 474, A 1374. . Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST September 20. between baseball, grounds and 3d and Alder sts, watch fob and locket, with Initials W. E. L. Notify Woodlawn 1US3. Reward. LOST Sunday evening, carved tan leather wallet: contained coin, papers, cards, etc.; finder please return to Wetnhard Brewery office: reward. " LOST Sack of basket handles, between Steel bridge and Vancouver. Finder please leave at Pearson-Page Co., or notify H. Stumberg & Sons. Vancouver. . LOST Pasteboard box No. 1483. containing lady's brown skirt, also gentleman s light brown coat. Phone C 2158 or Main 92o3; reward. . LOST Fox Terrier dog. yellow head and three yellow spots on body. Liberal re ward for return to 22814 Washington. Phone M 9124. No collar. LOST Lady's tan rajah belt with gold buckle set with topaz. Leave at Aetna Life office. Falling bldg. Reward. LOST Lady's watch, on car on Grand ave. . , - . ci. u i ai'.n I i aa or Morrison u, r.ast .... Phone Sellwood 1134. Reward. LOST Sunday. Sept. 20, on 23d St. caaj a sterling ellver rosary. Return to i94 Irv ing st. Reward. LOST Female English setter, name Nellie; spotted black and white. Reward. 499 Mar ket st. LOST September 1. lady's gold cuff but ton; letter K on lace. Phone Tabor 1S00. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS. Notice is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids until 2 o'clock P. M-. October. a, 1908, for the following described school lands, to-wit: The N. E. 14 of N. E. It. W. 14 of E. 14 and W. 14 of section 16 and all section 30, T. 3 ST., R- 42 E. Section 16, T. 5 N., R. 45 E. Section 16 and section 36. T. 38 S., R. Section 16 and section 36, T. 89 S., R. B1S?ctlon 36. T. 36 S., R. B W. ... All bids must be accompanied br a regularly executed application to pur chase and by cash or postal money order for at least one-fifth of the amount of- ''"J bid for less than $5 per acre will be considered. .... The right Is reserved to reject any and Applications and bids should be ad dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board. Salem, Or., and marked "Applica tion and bid to purchase school lands. G. G. Brown. Clerk State Land Board. SEALED bids will be received by the un dersigned, until noon on W'ednesday, Oct. 21 1908. for the sale by Multnomah County, of' 48 acres of land situated In section 6, township 1 south, range 3 east, Multnomah County, Oregon, to be sold as a whole or in 6-acre tracts; plat of this land can be seen at the office of the County Clerk In tha Courthouse. If sold In tracts, 20 feet will be reserved off the west side for a roadway. The county reserves the right to reject any and all bids. F. S. Fields. County Clerk. UNITED STATES CUSTOM-HOUSE (new), Portland. Or. Office of the Custodian, Sept 17, 1908: Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 2 o'clock P. M. on the first day of October, 1908, and then opened, for interior and exterior painting at this building, in accordance with the specifications, copies of which may be obtained upon application. P. L. S. Malcolm. Custodian. SEALED proposals for furnishing material and labor for a 20.000,000-gallon rein forced concrete reservoir -will be received until 12 o'clock noon, October 2. 1908, at office of Water Commission. Astoria. Or., where plans and, specifications may be seen. Right .reserved to reject any and all bids. City Water Commission. Miscellaneous. ' THE public Is hereby warned that on or about the 21st day of August, 1908, there was stolen from the custody of Wells Fargo & Company, at Portland, Or., a pack age which we are advised contained the following papers, the property of Uos. Mvers: One note of Chas. Hlngus and wife for $2000, dated April 8, 1908. due two years after date. One note of Henry and Milton Myers for $8000 dated March 8. 1908, due one day after date and drawing 5 per cent Interest. One note of Henry and Milton Myers, for $6000. dated April 10, 1908. due one day after date and drawing 6 per cent Interest. One note of Joa, Myers ft ons. a cor poration. Indorsed or Jointly executed by Henry Myers and Milton Myers, for $38, 600 dated July 13, 1907, due ten years after date, carrying 5 per cent Interest. One note of C. W. Beeket for $125. dated March 31, 1906. bearing 8 per cent taOne"note of C. W. Beeket for $100. dated February 19. 1907, bearing 8 per cent in terest. , . Stock certificates for stock of the par value of $12,000 In W'ashington Realty "Sonfe 'fire insurance policies on the hotel and the home of the said Job. Myers, at Salem, Or. ' One gentleman's hair watch chain. One ladv'e diamond ring. One lady's watch charm in the shape "of a small decanter, with a small chipped diamond In the center. One gold nugget valued at $40. Stock certificates for 202 shares of stock in Jos. Myers & Sons, a corporation. One lady's gold buckle. One cigar cutter with diamond. One bank book in favor of Jos. Myers, evidencing a deposit of $2000 in the Capi tal Savings Bank, of Salem, Or. One bank book of J. D. Myers, showing a deposit of $135 in Capital Savings Bank, at Salem. Or. ... , One bank book of Arthur Myers, evi dencing a deposit of $35 In Capital Savings Bank, of Salem. Or. The public Is hereby warned against pur chasing any of the foregoing list of items. " WELLS-FAP-GO ft COMPANY. By H. Beckwith. Its general agent. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. ' i. WAhv elven that the partner ship heretofore existing between the under signed. aid known as Cady ft Seiple. Is dissolved this 15th day or septemDer. lira, by mutual consent. - o CADY, O.' H.' SEIPLE. ARCHITECTS, contractors. engjneers. get Facinc uuaer ,r.ni'. - BTJSINFJ5S DIRECTORY. Attorneys. EMMONS ft EMMONS have removed law offices to 909-913 Board of Trade bldg. 13 BUSINESS DIRECTORS. Accountants. E. H. COLLIS. 824 Worcester block, public accountant ana estate sijenu Ai"ti"""! Investigating, systematising; permanent keeping of books and records a specialty. I Assayers and Analysts. Wells ft Proebstel, mining engineers, chemM 1SLS aUm aJ - -' " I PAUL BAUMEL. assayer and analyst. Gold; dust bougnt. zv aioer t. , MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory; and ore-testing worK. im j..,. , ... , Architects and Builders. SEE Johnson about bungalows. 204 Mo-i hawk bldg. A 4321. i Contractors. I BUILD fireplaces that work, city or coun try. Aiasae, aou. o a. om - Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. SHAW ft MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en-' gine and electrical repairing, a-o oiara u; Carpet Cleaning. THE lone Steam Carpet-Cleaning Works n carpets cleaned, refitted and laid. R. F. She par d, manager. Phones B 2236, East 300. Chiropody. WM. DEVEN Y and Estelle Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Par lors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. ' Chirppedv and Pedicuring Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 3473. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG ft CO.. ship brokers, com-' misslOT. mercnanis. onenwi urns.., j w iwhu. Dancing. Lessons 23c; now opening classes for begin-, ners this evening at 7 o'clock; private lcs-; .sons every morning, afternoon and even-! ing. Prof. Wal Wlllson School, 38614 Washington, bet. West Park and 10th sts. RINGLKR'S schools, dancing, physical culture. New Masonic Temple and Rlngler hall: pri vate or class Instruction dally and Tues., I Wed. Thurs., Sat. eve. Phones. Bust 6670. B 1003. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS diessraaklng at lowest prices. Mrs. Angeles. 242 5th and Main. Feed Stores. E. L. COOPER ft Co.. wholesale hay and grain. 181 Washington sU Phone Main 7718. A 3718. Harness and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co.. wholesale sad dle and harness mnfrs. 80-86 1st. Main 229 Hotel Brokers. B.F.GERMAIN, HOTEL BROKERAGE CO.' If you want to buy, sell your hotel.' rooming-house or restaurant, see the only hotel broker In Oregon. I have a fine list of properties for sale, lease or exeh Anga. ' Offices 2 and 3, Benson bldg., 5th and Mor-. risen. Phone A 2145. Branch offices Seattle, Spokane and San Francisco. Junk, Hides and Felts. L. SHANK ft CO., purchasers of hides, pelts,' wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, nietaia and sacks. 312 Front St. ' Leather and Findings. J A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. Leather End findings;! Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st. ; CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO.. 74 Front, leather, of every description, tap. mfrs" findings. Musical. SOPRANO soloist of one of the largest West Side churches would like limited number of pupils for Instruction In vocal mUSlC. Apply 411 "layior bl., alter v EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil ot ,,. . ..at T3- 9.11a. Main SlUfL Bavciit- . - PIANO STUDIO, 269 14th South; principle thoroughly taught. Phone Main 3893. M- C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 462 Salmon st. Main 7340. Osteopathia Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 Dekum Bldg., Third and Washington Sta Phone, office. Main 849. res.. E. 1028. Printing. THE EAGLE PRINTING CO.. not In trust close figures, good work. 38 Russell bldg., corner 4th and Morrison. Faints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent and Pension Attorneys. R C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PATENTS, trademarks. Smith ft Buchanan. 827 Board of Trade bldg. , J 3 HIRSHHEIMER, pension and patent attorney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg. Photo JKngr&vvers- PERFECT printing plates. Hlcks-Chattea Engraving Co., corner 2d ami Alder sta Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark St. Both phones 1407.' Ban Francisco Hotels. When in San Francisco, stop at the WIN CHESTER HOTEL. 3d St.. near Market.; 600 rooms. Free 'bus. free batha blngle foim. 50?a day; family, $1 up. Kolkin 4. Sharp, propria tors. - Safes. DIEBOLD SAFE ft LOCK CO.. John E. la-j vis? 66 8d St. Bargains In 2d-hand safes.' THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st Safeg at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Signs. FOSTER ft KLEISER. SIGNS The largest sign-makers in the North west. 6th and Everett sts. Phone Private) Exchange 6. Home A 11 55. ! tihowca-r. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases,! cabinets, store and office fixtures. 28 Couca St. Main 2703. ' Storage and Transfer. C O PICK Transfer and Storage Co., offlc and commodious four-story brick ware house, with separate Iron rooms and fire-, proof vaults for valuables. N. W. corner!'' of 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 598, A 1996. 1 OLE EN-ROE TRANSFER CO. ; General trasferring and storage, safe-,1 toianos and furniture moved and packed, for shipment. 209 Oak St.. bet. Front andV 1st. Telephone Main 847 or A 2247. Street Paving. WARREN Construction Co.. street paving WA. .... ..aMimr, 31 Lumber ExJ SlUCWaiaa ' t THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. at . , Wi.rcea.-r block.1 Forliano. u11 " - Typewriters. TtfEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes repaired, sold and rented; alsa state agent, the Visible Fox. The Type. 7 . o, 9rl -I. Stain 606. writer t.' KPFCIAL prices, all makes rented, sold, re palred. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407., Wholesale Jobbers. WADHAMS ft CO.. wholesale grocers, man ufacturers, commission merchants. 4tU and Oak. Wood. ALBINA Fuel Co., green and dry cord- wood. Alblna ave.. R. R. at, BANKS. GERMAN-AMERICAN BANK ' COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON ETC., TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKINei BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAFTS AVAILA BLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OS THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOS1'" VAULTS. FIRST NATIONAL BANS. , Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,800,00 ' Mo Interest paid on account a 1 iB3 101.0