TIIE MORNING OREGOXTAX. SATURDAY. AUGUST 1, 1908. SULM BECOMES IDOL OP CAPITAL Immense Concourse Cheers UIEDMG f Him as He Goes to Mosque. Am CTON B OLD MINISTERS EXILED Ambassadors Congratulate Him and He Asks for Support of Powers People to Give Revolution ary Leaders Swords. CONSTANTINOPLE. July 31. The ef forts to persuade the Sultan to perform Mb usual Frldav devotions at thegreat mosque of St. Sofia, where the imperial seat has been empty for so many years have been fntlle and today His Majesty attended the Selamlik at the Hemldich mosque, facing the Ytldts palace. An Immense concourse of all classes, includ ing the criminals who were released yes terday, thronged the precincts of the mosque waving flairs and cheering Abdul Hamld with enthusiasm. The Sultan stood up In his carriage and bowed ac knowledgments to the cheers of the populace and troops. Later he received the diplomatic corps in a body and the Italian Am bassador addressed a few words of congratulation to him. The Sultan briefly thanked the Ambasoador and expressed the hope that he could count upon the support of the powers. The Persian Ambassador handed the Sultan a congratulatory address from Persian residents In Constantinople, and his majesty, thanking him. requested the ' Ambassador to transmit to the Shah Ms salutations and a description of to day a proceedings. The German Min ister also felicitated the monarch. Subscriptions were opened today by officers of the army and civilians for a fund with which to purchase valuable swords of honor for Niazi Bey and Knvlr Bey. the leaders of the Young Turkey movement. Izzet Pasha has taken refuge at the German Legation at Therapia. Izzet Has formerly subsecretary to the Sultan. Wednesday he was made president of the commission for the Inauguration of the tlejax Railway, an appointment equiva lent to exile. Gia Pasha. Minister of Finance, has resigned because of his dissatisfaction with the government's lack of energy in dealing with the new situation. RELEASE DANGEROUS CONVICTS Reactionaries in Power Work to Dis credit Young Turkey Movement. CONSTANTINOPLE. July 31.-The re lease of 930 ordinary criminals from the Central prison on orders from the pal ce. is regarded as showing that the Min istry is not yet free from palace inter ference, and Indicates that the reaction tries are working on the organization of the "Black Hand" with a view to pro voking disorders and casting the re sponsibility on the people to the dis paragement of the Constantinople resne. At a time when our Fall stock was on tKe way, and the problem of adequate room was facing us, the Abington building fell prey to the fire demon, damaging our complete stock, more or less, and necessitating the disposal of it at ruinous prices. Fortunately, however, our entire damage was suffered by water, and none by fire or smoke. The goods we had on hand were brand-new, high-grade, and the line was complete. The. entire stock has been marked down and will be sold at once, not a single item being withheld AT ONE-THIRD FORMER PRICES INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING WELL-KNOWN LINES: CLOTHING Carson, Meyer & Co. Paragon Trousers FURNISHINGS (Shirts) HATS Cluett Manhattan Monarch Eagle GLOVES Dents HOSIERY SALE BEGINS AT . NINE A.M. TODAY John B. Stetson Crofut & Knapp FURNISHINGS (Collars) E.&W. Arrow Brand The Very Best Imported and Domestic Makes UNDERWEAR All Leading Makes NECKWEAR Keiser's Full Line PEOPLE'S CLOTHING CO. 106 THIRD STREET ABINGTON BUILDING A deputation of Young Turks and Journalists waited on the Grand Vizier and protested against the release of the prisoners. Said Pasha replied that he would consider the matter. It is reported that Kiamil Pasha resigned, owing to the action of the Ministry, and it is believed he will ultimately succeed Sai Pasha as Grand Vizier. The Vali and military conimander-ln-chlcf of Adrianople have been dismissed by the Young Turks. Sultan May Become Emperor. BKRT.rN', July 31 .The Berliner Zel- tung today publishes a dispatch from Constantinople saying that the Sultan ot Turkey is preparing to declare himself Emperor of the Moslems, abrogating the title of Sultan. Probe Oklahoma Timber Trnst. Gl'THRIE. Okla.. July 31. Governor Haskell lias directed Attorney-General West to bring suit immediately against the lumber combine In Oklanuma in accordance with the agreement be tween the Attorneys-General of the states of Missouri. Kansas and Texas. BOY FIREBUG IN TOILS Attempts to Burn Jail After Arrest at Cartersville, Mo. CARTERSVILLE, Mo.. July 31. Af ter starting several fires, one of which destroyed the livery stable of R. D. Moore, and after trying to Ignite the clothing of Mrs. William Sims, Elsa Stringer, 15 years old, was arrested yesterday. A number of fires had broken out and always Just after the Stringer boy had been seen about the buildings. The boy made a complete confession late last night, and after being led back to his cell started a fire in the Jail. Governor Lilttle Breaks Down. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 31. Governor John S. Little, of Arkansas, has been placed in a sanitarium here. He has been suffering from a nervous break down almost since his election, which has developed acute melancholia. CORPSES FILL STREAMS Floods In Austrian Tyrol Canse Big Loss of Life. VIENNA, July 31. A series of terrific thunder and rain storms have caused de struction and heavy loss of life in the Austrian Tyrol. The Bukowina district and the Siller Valley suffered especially. Corpses are floating down the swollen streams, and houses and stock have been washed away. The death roll In Buko wina is said to be SO, while In the Siller Valley upwards of 30 persons have Inst their lives. The village' of Mehrn, near Brlxlegg, haa been overwhelmed by a landslide and 16 persona are reported to have been killed. - Farley Addresses Pilgrims. NAPLES. July 31. Mgr. Farley, Arch bishop of New York, delivered an address here today to the American pilgrims who are on their way to Rome under the leadership of John J. McGrane. AKAIA w ill Open for Business Today at the Same Old Stand. Damaged Goods WillBe Sold at Reduced Prices HUE ID