TIIE MORNING OREGONTAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1908. Portland Agents for "Nemo" Corsets, "Estelle" Corsets, Butterick Patterns, "Willamette" Sewing Machines, "Vudor" Porch Shades Demonstration of Economy Fruit Jars in Basement Store Special Reductions on Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Etc, uHirlf 15e Meier & Frank Store's Saturday Shopping Bulletin Open Tonight Until 9:30 1CT $2.00 Nightgowns, $1.19 $2.50 Drawers at $1.29 r i i Great Satnrday Sale of 1 00 dozen Women's Fine Cambric and Nainsook Nightgowns, trimmed in fine embroideries, lace edgings, tucks, insertion, beadino? and ribbon Low neck !ons and short FtkiZ sieves All new, desir-. able styles; grana assort ments Regular $ 1 . 75 $ 2 .00 values on sale at this very Q I 1 Q low price . ij) I I . Look to your needs and profit by this unusual offering 2d Floor 100 rlozxen women's cambric and nainsook Drawers, trimmed in fine lace and em- roiderv, tucks, insertion, beading: and ribbon; the best regular $2.00 T 1 2Q nd $2.50 values buy all you want of them at this low price, the pair P a Cleanins up our entire stock of women's fine Undennuslins at exceptionally low 1 . , .: n l ll prices. Uowns, drawers, corset covers, cnemise, peiuruHLa, an pmucs, . the best values in the city await you take advantage. On sale on the Second Floor. 10,000 Copies New Sheet Music Today at Only i5c Per Copy All the new popular Sheet Music at a wonderfully low price today. Mail and phone orders will be carefully tilled. Included are: Afraid to Come Home in the Dark, Stung. Moon Won't Tell on You, Red Wing, Buffalo Kate, Dreaming, Night and Day, That's What the .Rose Said to Me, Sometimes, Honey Boy, Moonbeams and Dreams of You and thousands of others. Take your pick of the splendid 1 assortment at this special low price, per copy balcony, rear of Main Floor. v Popular Opera selections, at 20c the Copy Included are pieces from Yankee Prince; Time, Place and Girl, Fantana, Ginger bread Man. Mr. Pipp From Pittsburg, Geo. Washington Jr., District Leader, Mile. Modiste, Tattooed Man, Happyland, Red Feather, and many others. Take advantage. Our Entire Stock of Fine Lingerie Waists At Very Low Prices Great August sale of our entire stock of fine Paris and New York Lingerie Waists This season's handsomest waists selling regularly at prices from $5.66 to $55.00 each Magnificent styles and as sortment in batiste, linen, lawn, dotted swiss, nainsook and cross bar materials Beautifully trimmed yokes and fronts in fine and coarse aces, round mesh laces, val. laces, eal Irish crochet laces, cluny, maltese and filet laces, French em broidery, hard anger, linen and embroidered medallions, long or short sleeves grand assortment of superb waists and wonderful values at these low prices Second Floor. Waists at only $3.95 Waists at only $5.95 Waists at only $6.95 Waists at only $8.55 Waists at only $9.65 $5.00 $7.5'0 $8.50 $10.50 $12.50 $15.00 Waists at only $10.85 Complete stork of Sweater Coats for women, misses and children. Second Floor. $ 1 8.00 Waists at only $ 1 25 $22.50 Waists at only $ 17.45 $25.00 Waists at only $ 1 9.85 $35.00 Waists at only $26.85 $47.00 Waists at only $32.50 $55.00 Waists at only $38.50 Misses' and Children's White Dresses at One -Third Off Our entire stock of misses and children's White Dresses in linen, pique, French reps and lawn materials- Buster Brown., jumper, Russian and sailor-blouse styles trimmed with inser tion and fancy braid Some with low neck and short sleeves; full plaited skirts All are prettily made and finished throughout All new, high-class Sum mer apparel for misses and children 6 to 14 years of age Values ranging from $4.50 to $ 1 2.00 a garment Take your pick at one-third off 1 the regular selling prices 5 Vll A Sale of Bathing Suits Our entire stock of women's, misses' and chil dren's Bathing Suits on sale at greatly reduced prices; in all styles and all grades. See them. Our entire stock of women's Summer Apparel on sale at greatly reduced prices. Let us show you. All Lingerie Waists on sale at very low prices. Sale Women's Long Silk Gloves Best $ 1.75 Quality at 87c Pair The only complete stock of high-grade Long Silk Gloves in the city; black, white :and all. the desirable shades in Kayser, Fownes and other leading makes; full 16-button lengths, double finger tips; best regular $1.75 values. Buy all 0f you want of them at this exceptionally low price, pair take advantage. O C Regular $2.25 Long Silk Gloves, 98c Pair $3.00 Long Chamois Gloves $2.39 Pair Special lot of 16-button length all silk Mesh Gloves mousquetaire style; QO black and white only, all sizes; best regular $2.25 values, on sale at. pair. 'OC 1000 pairs of women's best quality 16-button length Chamois Gloves, tO mousquetaire style; white and natural; sizes 5y2 fo 7; $3 values, pair. PnrJ 6:00 to 9:30 Specials 20c. Hosiery for 11c the Pair 6 to 9:30, 100 doz. misses' and children's plain black cotton Hose, medium weight with seamless foot; all sizes; 11 best 20c values, on sale at, pair. Women's 1 5c Handkerchiefs, 7c 6 to 9:30, 50 dozen women's plain white hemstitched mercerized Handkerchiefs; the best regular 15c values; buy f7 g all you want at this low price, ea.. Framed Pictures at Half Price Tonight, 6 to 9:30, our entire stock of Framed Pictures, genuine hand-colored pastels, carbon reproductions, etch- Ay ings, etc; all sizes, all grades, at. Regular 50c Stationery 23c Box Thin Blown Tumblers for 4c Ea. Tonight, from 6 to 9:30, great special lot of 10,000 thin blown Tumblers for table use; buy all you want of them to nierht at this verv special orice. ea. Regular 15c Undervests 8c Ea. 6 to 9 :30, 50 dozen women 's Swiss-ribbed Undervests, low neck and no sleeves, all sizes; the best regular 15c val ues. on sale at this low Drice. ea. Ribbon Remnants at Half Price 6 to 9:30, great special lot of fine Box Stationery in the best styles and grades, selling regularly at 50c a box; your choice tonight at, the box. Hand and Stand Mirrors at 1 fie 6 to 9 :30, special lot of Metal Stand and Hand Mirrors, fine heavy bevel plate glass; great special .value, for O. tonight only at this low price, ea. "v Reg. 40c Doilies for 20c Each . r 6 to 9:30, special lot of hand-embroi'd-ered Linen Doilies, 6-inch size; regular 40c values; buy all you want of them at this special price, each. $ 1 .00 Table Damask 85c Yard 6 to 9:30, 1500 yards of half-bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, full 72 ins. wide, in best patterns; regular O $1.00 value, tonight only at, yd. WJt 6 to 9:30, thousands of ribbon remnants in all styles, all qualities and all lengths; on sale at one-half the fo Priro regular selling prices.. 1 IvC Reg. 65c Ribbons at 27c Yard Tonight, 6 to 9 :30, special" lot of 3000 yards fancy Print Warp Ribbons of su perior quality taffeta ; best styles 7 f and colorings; 65c values, yard.."' Women's 25c Neckwear 9c Ea. 6 to 9:30, grea't -special assortment of women's Turnover Collar and Cuff Sets and Stocks, embroidered effects; Q regular 25c values, on sale at, e&.. Regular 50c Pillow Tops 23c 6 to 9:30, a special lot of Lithographed Pillow Tops in the very best designs and colorings; regular 50c val- Ofc ues, on sale at this low price, ea. "Jw 1 000 Dozen Jar Rubbers 5c Doz. 6 to 9:30, in the Big Basement Store, 1000 dozen Jar Rubbers for Mason fruit jars; good quality heavy rubber; tf great special value at, the dozen. A Great August Sale of Men's Furnishing Goods 'Entire stock of men's and boys' j Bathing Suits on sale at, each 3 VslI Entire stock of men's and boys' Summer Un derwear at greatly reduced prices. 2d Floor. 100 dozen men's white Muslin Nightshirts, plain and fancy trimmed, low or regu- "JO lar stvle. cut full sizes: special. each.Ov Men 's and women 's Stock Ties, white and fan cies in madras, dimity and oxford ma- 7Q terials; great assortment; 75c vals., ea. C Men's Traveling Caps on sale at low prices. Entire.stock of Belts at special reductions. Annual Aug. Sale Man hattan, "E.&W." Shirts Our entire stock of the celebrated Manhattan. MM E. & W.. Cluett. Star and other leading makes St of men's shirts at greatly reduced prices all (SjaS lma season s very Dest styles, in matchless as- Knrfmpn t anA nil cramps Tnbo arfrnnt-urd All oit Straw Hats are now , on sale at extremely low prices. Let us show you. $16 Princess Dresses $7.85 Ea. $15 Summer Coats $6.55 Each A great special line of women's Silk Princess Dresses, with lace yoke and sleeves and full pleated skirt with bias folds; black, navy, brown and a large assortment of stripes and checks; well made and finished; come in all sizes; CJf the best .regular $16.00 values, on sale at this special low price, each.S OJ Great special lot of women's Summer Coats in a variety of styles; short, tight-fitting garments, semi-fitting and loose effects, in tan coverts, black broadcloth, lace coats, fancj checks and striped tweeds; just the coats you want for GfL CC coast and mountain wear; values up to $15.00, at this low price, each. iJ)UJJ A special lot of 200 women's Walking Skirts in gray, black and white, blue and white checks and invisible plaids; full pleated and trimmed with bias folds; also plain gored skirts with narrow strap trimming; regular values up P O C $10DuckSuits$5.85 Special line of women's white Duck Tail ored Suits; semi-fitting double-breasted coats, well made and finished through out ; all sizes ; best regular C v Q $10.00 values, at, the suit. ?" to,"$10.00 each, on sale at. M en's and Young Men's New Summer Suits '" H olf Reg. Price fC Continuation of the great half-price sale of Men's Fine Suits Both three-piece and ::.'..twn.Air Ont!nr 5kiiitQ Are inrluHpd High-class, ready-to-wear garments for :men and young men, and suitable for .'business, dress and outing wear Two and three-button coats, single or double breasted Fancy cassimeres, worsteds, tweeds and cheviots in grays, tans, brown and fancy mixtures Clothing of fashion and quality The best product of the leading manufacturers in the country. Suits selling from $12.50 to $40.00. Take your pick today only at half regular prices. Here's a remarkable opportunity for men of judgment to secure fine cloth ing at a big saving Second Floor See the big Mor rison-Street window display l Half MILITIA 15 READY TO ED WILL - DEPART" FOR AMERICAN LAKE MONDAY. Third and Fourth Infantry Will Have I -a rife Turnout and Only Two Days of Rest. Work of packing all tentage and equlpaga of the Third Infantry for shipment to American Lakt was com pleted at the Armory yesterday after noon, and the freight will be taken to the depot this morning for shipment. All Is now in readiness for departure of the troops Monday morning. Re ports from all outside stations indicate readiness to start for Portland tomor row. It is likewise shown that the turnout will be larger than at any pre vious m.ineuver period. There will be between "no and S00 offleers and men with the Third Infantry, and about 400 from the Fourth Regiment. Troops from Southern Oregon will start for Portland tomorrow night. Every member of the field and staff, with possibly one exception, will go out with the Third Regiment. Colonel C. K. McDonell. commanding, has urged upon all his officers that the maneuver work itf of the greatest Importance and that all should attend regardless of personal convenience. Colonel George O. Yoran. of the Fourth Regiment, has taken a similar stand, and gives assur ance of a full attendance of officers. Some of the Southern Oregon men will be held back by harvesting work on their farms, but this number Is com paratively small. Any' one who fancies for a moment the Guard Is going off on an outing or pleasure Jaunt has but to glance at the programme in order to be undeceived. Activity will begin - when the troops reach the American Lake district. Mon day, and will continue until they leave. Payday and Sunday will be the solo rest periods, and payday will be marked with an abundance of wholesome drilling. Dally field maneuvers are provided In the programme announced by Brigadier-General Brush. U. S. A., command ing the camp. This work will be taken up Tuesday morning. The following Monday the troops will be given a hard day's march, followed by a night prob lem. Bivouacked in the field, the regi mental commanders wiii be required to keep on the alert for an enemy of un known strength, which wii. make an attack during the night. Thin will be the most trying and at the same time moot interesting maneuver of the ten days in the field. Sixty-four men were detailed yester day as a fatigue party to accompany the regimental effects of the Third In fantry. These men will accompany the first section Monday morning to trans fer the baggage and equipage to the camp site. standing timber there Is in the coun try and where It is located. W. B. Hunter, D. L. Wing and W. B. Wood son, special agents of the department, have been detailed to gather the data In Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, constituting what Is called the lake dletriot. They expect to take several months for the work. WEATHER NOT SO WARM Maximum Temperature of 84 De grees and Humidity Lower. A drop of three degrees In the maxi mum temperature, together witn an ap preciable drop In the humidity, made yesterday a very comfortable day in Portland. The day opened with a tem perature of 59 degrees at 5 A. M. The thermometer rose slowly all day until 4 o'clock it had reached 84 degrees. There was a cool northwest wind blowing which moditlcd the heat. No one suffered. The hourly temperatures follow: 3 A. M 5;i2 M 6 A. M 6lj J p. M TS 7 A. M 2 2 P. M S3 8 A. M 63 3 P. M ...S3 9 A. M ." 4 P. M 84 i A. M 6 5 P. M 84 11 A. M 72 la Russia i Many people live from childhood to old age without knowing the taste of meat. They can never hope to be able to buy it. In Germany: The workingman thinks himself lucky to eat beef once a week. Fifty cents a pound is the price of fair ly good cuts. In France, Italy and Spain the larger portion of the population live on cer eals, wine and cheese. Meat is a lux ury of the rich. In Sweden. Norway and Denmarki Meate are served on festive occasions and holidays. Only the wealthy can afford them often. Throughout Great Britain and Ire land! The populace Is alarmed and frightened at the recent raise In the cost of meats. There is real suffering on. account of it. Mr. Asqulth, the Prime -Minister. Is Investigating the manipulations of the Chicago Beef Trust in .England. And crossing the water to our own country: In New York the Beef Trust Is get ting 12c per pound for soup meat -fancy that! . In Chicago they are charging 20c per pound -for round steak how does it strike you? ' In Portland you are getting .from Smith the cheapest and best meat to he fo'und anywhere In the wide world. It's all raised here in Oregon; dressed In our own city abattoir, cooled by the open fresh-air method; inspected be fore and after slaughter by Frank I Smith himself. It conies to you as fresh and pure as nature can give it. Gather Statistics or Timber. ' ST. PAUL. July 31. The Department of Commerce and Labor has begun the work of gathering data In regard to the timber resources of the United States and wilt soon have full informa tion as to how much merchantable ; SALE MEN'S HOSE. M.'n'a fancy half-hose in knickerbocker effects In all color combinations, best 25c values, on sale today (Saturday! only at 10c a pair; men's fl and $1.50 shirts on sale at 49c: boys' dress shirts, 60c and 75c values at 15c. McAUen & McDonnell. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST FOUR MARKETS 226 Alder St., bet. 1st and 2d Sts.; 512 Williams Ave.; 791 Mississippi Ave.; Cor. 5th and Main Sts., Oregon City. When you come to onr market on Alder St, be careful yon don't go to the market adjoining, u on the right that market was put there by our opponents. BEEP Leg of Beef for soup Si Plates of Beef 5 Brisket of Beef 5 Liver 50 Necks of Beef -.-50 Plate Corned Beef 6d Brisket Corned Beef.. Gti Shoulder Roast Beef It and 8 Chuck Roast Beef It and 8? Shoulder Beefsteak 8 Lean Corned Beef 7t and 8e Rump Roast Beef, end cut Rump Roast Beef, choice 10 Prime Rib Roast Beef, sixth, seventh and eighth rib lO Round Steak lO Hamburg Steak lOtJ Beef Tongues, rough trimmed 10 Flank Steak Prime Rib Roast, first 5 ribs 12Vi Sirloin Roast Beef J2Mt Loin Steak 12 ' Sirloin Steak 12tt Prime Rib Roast Beef, rolled ..... 15 'T"-Bone Steak, best cut 15 Porterhouse Steak, the bet 15 SPRING LAMB Spring Lamb, hindquarters 15 Spring Lamb Loin Chops 15 .15 .12to ...io .121 ..12 Spring Lamb Rib Chops . Spring Lamb, frontquarters . VOl'XG MUTTON Shoulder of Mutton I Shoulder Mutton Crops Legs or Mutton, large Frontquarters of Mutton lO Legs of Mutton, small 15 Loin Mutton Chops 15 Rib Mutton Chops 15 OREGON PORK Piers' Heads 5 Pig's Feet 5 Pig s Hocks 8 Shoulder Roast Pork In Whole Shoulder Pork Pork Sausage 12 Vi I Center Cuts Shoulder Roast I Pork .124 Legs of Pork 12tt Shoulder Pork Chops 1214 Fresh Side Pork 12 V4 Corned Side Pork 12V4 Dry Salt Pork 12H Spare Ribs 12'4 Leaf Lard, fresh 'Zk6 Leg of Pork, fancy cut 15 Loin Roast Pork ' 15 Loin Pork Chops 15 Rib Pork Chops 15 Dried Beef, by the piece.. 15 VEAL Veal Shanks 6 Necks of Veal 8 Breasts of Veal 8 and lO Legs of Veal 12V4 Leg Roast of Veal, small cut...l2V4 Shoulder Roast of Veal lO and 12H Shmilder Veal Cutlets 1214 Rump Roast Veal 15 Loin Veal Cutlets 15 Rib Veal Cutlets ...15 HAMS AND BACON Hams, whole IT Half a Ham, either end ;.17 Sliced Ham. first cut Sliced Ham. from the center.. Smith's Sugar-Cured Break Bacon Sliced Breakfast Bacon.. .20 ...25 t.17H 20 SUNDRIES Boiled Hams, whole 25 Boiled Ham, sliced SO Smith's pure Lard in 6-lb. pails... 60 Liver Sausage 10 Head Cheese ..,..10 Frankfurt Sausage 10 CHICKENS Fancy dry-picked, milk-fed Ore gon Chickens 15 and 18 FISH Shad 5 Halibut. 3 lbs 25 Black Cod 124 Chinook Salmon 12 H Sturgeon 10