Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 01, 1908, Page 15, Image 15

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Country -Buyers Trying
Start the Movement.
Some Demand for Old Bluestem in
the Local Market Watermelon
Prices Are Shaded Peaches
Are Very Scarce.
The amount of business under way In
new wheat in the Interior Is not large. Very
few farmer are disposed to sell at this
time and tha full prices offered In some lo
calities do not produce business, country
buyers are trying to stimulate the movement
of wheat to their warehouses and this is
probably the reason for mwt of the offers
that have been made this week.
There Is a moderate local Inquiry for old
bluestem. principally from milling sources,
and as only a limited quantity is available
a premium la offered for It. At ther Board
of Trade -yesterday there were bids of S.
BO and 91 cents for old bluestem wheat.
December wheat was the Interesting fea
ture of the Board of Trade. The bidding
mi active but buyers and sellers were
till X cents apart In their views and no
Inquiry resulted. Wheat for that delivery
was offered at 990 cents and 868" cents
was bid. September wheat opened and
closed at Thursdays prices.
Oats and barley were very firm. For
September oats $1.!0 was bid and S1.2ZV
was offered for December, being an advance
cf S cents over Thursday's closing price.
For barley, 1.1S was offered for both
Receipts for the day were 1 car and 630
sacks wheat, X cars and 3U sacks oats and
4 cars hay.
The range of futures was aa follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
Sept. I rf -S
Dec StS 0 .bo
frpu 1 1TH ISO llTVi l!1'
Dec, . 1X2H 1-22
6rt 1 15
Dec. 1.15
l'ear Shipment Are Sow the Heaviest of
the Season.
Ths movement of California deciduous
fruits Is reported by the California Fruit
Distributors as follows:
Peaches, lie cars The shipment for the
next seven days will remain steady. Early
C'rawfnrds are getting preity well along
but other yellow Trees, Elnertas and some
Clings will go forward. The Elbertas are
reported as being especially nice this year.
Plums and Prunes, 140 cars The ship
ment has remained steady tor the week w-ttlt
a slight decrease. There will be a slight de
crease for the next seven days. Quality of
this fruit going forward now Is generally
very nice.
Pears. 3H cars There was a slight In
crease In the shipment of Bartletts during
the week on account of the fact that the
Futsun district commenced shipping liber
ally before expected. Barttetts ha e, how
ever, reached the apex and while the ship
ment will remain reasonably steady if any
change there will be a tendency to de
crease. Quality la O. K. In ail respects,
everything that could be desired, clean and
smooth, no worms, no smut and fairly good
slae. We will bava a goodly quantity of all
varieties of Fall pears as well as a number
of cars of fancy Winter stock.
Grapes, 40 cars Thompson Seedless are
going forward liberally in straiRht carload
lota. Other early varieties coming In In
more or less quantities. The later grapes
are all reported as doing nicely and are giv
ing splendid promise of being fine In all re
spects for shipping and keeping. Although
some report from burn has been received we
have no reason as yet to cut down former
estimates In regard to the total crop avail
able for shipment.
Prospects as Viewed by the Merchants and
Factors of London.
The latest circulars of the English hop'
trsde. like the plantation reports In tha
English papers, show the hop crop to be
In generally good condition. The circulars
Cattley. Gridley Co.. London The
genial rains which have fallen during the
past week have further benefited the plan
tations, especially those on the shallower
soils. The temperature has been somewhat
lower, and this has to some extent stopped
the rapid progress of the bine. Some little
vermin and mould are reported, but at pres
ent there Is nothing to cause any tUarm.
Continental and American prospects are oso
on the whole favorable. Market quota
tions are unaltered, and trade is principally
of a hand-to-mouth character. Very few
good hops are now left in first hands.
Wild. Neame A Co.. London Trade con
tinues dull and uninteresting. There Is a
general sprinkling of fly In the plantations,
and washing Is taking place In most dis
tricts. Msnger Henley. London The Inquiry
for hops continues and some good business
has followed. The bine has been consider
ably checked by the cold nights, and doei
not look anything like so favorable for a
crop as it did a fortnight ago. Home grow
ers are washing, fearing the increase of
- vermin of the last few days.
W. H. Le May. London There Is
no alteration to report In our market; a
small retail trade la doing and prices re
main nominal. '
J. H. Meredith A Co., Worcester Warm
rains have refreshed the plantations and
the bine continues to make vigorous growth
with pin already beginning to show for
burr on some of the earlier sorts. Blight
has not entirely disappeared, but growers
have to study strict economy and washing
Is only being continued in a few grounds.
Peaches the Scarcest Article In Fruit Line
r ' ' on Front Street. '
Six cars of watermelons came In yester
day and with the heavy receipts of Thurs
day weakened the market. Quotations
ranged from DO cents to S1.U5 loose, with
the usual additional crated harge. Canta
loupes were steady and unchanged.
Peaches were very scarce and Arm. The
receipts were only a few shipments of Ore
gons of small slxe. which, however, sold
resdlly at SS'ffB.I rents. A mixed car of
California Crawforda and Elberts Is due
Monday. Pears were In light . supply.
Loganberries mere scarce and other berries
fairly plentiful.
Loral Egg Receipts Falling Off Seattle
Baying Cheese.
The poultry market continued very weak
yesterday and hens were sold at 12 cents,
while some dealers cut Springs to 15 cents.
Egg receipts were 400 cases Eastern and
170 cases local. The market was strong
for fresh stock and extras were firmly held
at 25 rents, with firsts steady at 23 6 24
Butter receipts were 83 boxes. The mar
ket was firm for all descriptions.
The feature of the cheese market was
the continued buying of Seattle. At the
Board of Trade 100 rases of Tillamook
twins were offered st 124t cents.
Ollves and Syrup Advance.
An sdvance of 10 cents per gallon In
bulk olives was announced yesterday. Syrup
advanced 2 to 5 cents per gallon.
Doard of Trad Drain Quotations,
WHEAT Track prices; Club, S3c per
bushel; forty-fold. 87c; red Russian, 83c;
bluestem. 89c; Valley, 86c.
FLOL'R Patents, 14.85 per barrel;
straights. 84.0504 55; exports. 83 70; Val
ley. $4.45; fc-oack grabam. 84.40; whole
wheat. 84 5: rye.
BARLEY Feed 823.50 per ton; rolled.
$2326: brewing. 826.
MILLSTL'KFS Bran. $26. 0O per ton: mid
dlings. $"10.50: shorts, country. $2850; city.
$28: V B. Mill chop. $.
OATS No. 1 whits. $26.50 per ton; gray.
HAT Tlmothv. Willamette Valley. $U
per ton; Willamette Valley, ordinary. $11;
r.. rrnn sit 50 1 mixed. $13: alfalfa.
I $11; alfalfa meal. 820.
Vegetables and Fruit.
FRESH FRUITS Apples, new California.
$130 per box; cherries. 3ii 10c. per lb.;
peaches. 8,".S$1 per box: prunes. $1 per
crate: Bartlett pears, $1.7J per box: plums.
4n50c per box; grapes, sl.39fil.7B per
BERRIES Raspberries. $1 per crate:
loganberries. $1 per crate; blackberries. $1
tj 1 2.V
TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. Mediter
ranean sweets. $383.73 per box: Valencia
dates. $44.25 per box: lemons, fancy. Jj
6 50 per box; choice, $4.5030; standard. $
per box: grapefruit, choice to fancy. $3 50
per box; bananas. SHiioc per pound.
POTATOES New. I a 1 2." per 100 lbs.:
old Oregon. 73c per 1o0 pounds; sweet po
tatoes. 6 per pcund.
MELONS Cantaloupes. $2'2.0 per
crate: watermelons. 90C& 1.25 per 100 loose;
crated. c per pound additional; casabas.
$2.75 per dox-n.
ONIONS California red. $1.23 per sack;
Walla Walla. $1.00; garlic. 10c per potnd-
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $1.50 per
sack; carrots. $1.75; parsnips. $1.73; beets,
$1 0-
VEGETABLES Beans. 7o per pound:
cabbage. 2c per pound: corn. ooo
per dox. ; cucumbers, hothouse, 35 40c per
doxen; outdoor, $1.00 per box; egg
plants, 17 He per pound: lettuce,
head. 15c per dosen; parsley. 15c per dosen;
peas, 4c per pound; peppers. 10c per
pound; radishes. 12Ve per doxen: rhubarb.
16 2c per pound; spinach. 3c per pound: to
matoes. 73.-S $1 25 per crate; celery, $1.25
doxen; artichokes. 7"c dosen.
' Dairy and Country Produce.
BUTTER Extras. 27Hc per pound;
fancy, 23c; choice. 20c; store. 18c.
- EUGS Oregon extras, 25c; firsts, 2324c;
seconds. 22u22Hc; thirds, 154 20c; Eastern.
2363e per dmen.
CHKESt: Fancy cream twins. 14V4c pet
pound; full cream (triplets, 14(c; full cram
Young America, 1 I'sc.
POULTRY chickens. 11c lb.;
fancy hens. 12SllVi; roosters. 9lUc;
Spring. lJuiOc; dikks. old. 8c; Spring. 126j
l-"-sc, gees.!, old. k; gosling". lollc; tur
keys, old. IS V lc; lyoung, 209 24c.
VEAL Extra. St'SHc per lb.; ordinary,
lei'ic; heavy. 5c. .
PORK Fancy. Tel per lb.; ordinary. 8c,
large, .'ic , 1
MUTTON Fancy, 8 6c.
Pro jlslona,
HAMS 10 to 13 bs., 17c; 14 to 10 lbs.,
16c- IS to 20 ibs., 16":c; hams, skinned,
lc; picnics, 11c; oltage roll. 12c: shoul
ders. 12c; boiled ham, 24c; boiled picnic
BACON Fancy. 23 He per lb.; standard.
9Vsc; choice, 1SSc; English, 17Vc; strips,
DRY SALT CUBED Regular short clea's.
drv salt. 1HC smoked. 12Hc; short cUtr
backs, dry salt. 12Hc; smcked. 131c; Ore
gon experts, bellies, dry salt. 13Vc smoked.
14 c.
LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces, 134c;
tubs. 13Hc; 60s. 13Hc; 2os, loHc; 10s. 14c;
6s 14isc; 3s, 14c. standard, pure: Tierces,
121c; tuos, 12Hc; 5os. 1-ic; 20s,
Uc; los. 13c; bo. 18 c Compounds:, sbi', tubs. S1c; 50s, bjtc; 20S.
3c; los. 9ic; 5s. 9 He
SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues. each.
70c; dried beef sets, 10c; dried beef out
sides, 15c; dried beef inaldes, lac; dried beef
knuckles. 150.
PICKLED OOODS Barrels: Pigs- feet
$13; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe, $13;
pigs' tongues, $19.30 r lambs tongues. $23:
S. P. beef '.ongues. $20; pig snouts, $12.50;
pig ears, $12 50.
MESS MEATS Beef, specials. $1.1 per
barrel;-plate, $14 per barrel; family. $14 per
barrel; pork. $21 per barrel; bruket. tiS per
. Groceries, Dried Fruits. Etc
DRIED FRUITS Apples, Tfec per pound;
peaches, lll'.sc; prunes, Italian. Sofec;
prunes. French. 3tr5c; currants, unwashed,
cases. 9c, currants, washed, cases. 10c;
ngs. white, fancy. 50-pound boxes, 644c,
COFFEE Mocha, 2lfr2sc; Java, ordinary
1720c; Costa Kica, fancy, 18020c; good,
lb WISc; ordinary, 12&16C per pound; Co
lumbia Roast, 14c; ArbucKie. $16.60; Lion.
RICE Southern Japan. alic; .bead.
Imperial Japan. One
bALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis.
$2 per dcxen; 2-pound tails. $2-95: 1-pound
flats. $2 10; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis. Woe;
red. 1-pound tails. $1.45; aoceyea, 1-pound
talis, $2
SUGAR Granulated. $6.25; extra C. $5 75;
golden C, $5.65; fruit and berry sugar,
$6.25; plain bag, $6-05; beet granulated.
$6.05; cube tbarreis). $6.65; powdered
(barrels), $6-50. Terms: On remittancel
within 15 days deduct 14c per pound; if
later than 15 days, and within 80 days,
deduct fee per pound. Maple sugar, 15(?18o
per pound.
NITS Walnuts, leSifflSc per pound by
sack; Braxll nuts, 16c; filberts. 16c: pecans,
16c; almonds. lOVttflSc; chestnuts, Ohio,
25c; peanuts, raw. W8Vic per pound:
roasted, 10c; pinenuts, 104jfl2c; hickory
nuts. 10c; cocoanuts. t)0e per doxen. .
SALT Granulated." $14.50 per ton. $2 per
bale; half grouno, lous. $lu per ton; ous,
$10.50 per ton.
BEANS Small white. 5jc; large white,
5c; pink, iltc; bayou, 4c; Lima, tic; Mexi
can red. 4c.
HONEY Fancy. $3.50-93 73 per box.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 90
pound sacks, per barrel, $7; lower grades,
$5.5O&6.50; outmeal. steel-cut. 45-pound
sacks. $S per barrel; 9-lb. sacks, $4.25 per
bale; split peas, per 100 pounds, $4.2uO4-80;
pearl barley, $4.50 03 per loo lbs.; pastry
flour. 10-pound sacks, $2.75 per bale; flaked
wheat, $2.75 per case.
GRAIN BAGS Oftc each.
Hops, Wool. Hides, Etc,
HOPS 1907, prime and choice, tttGoo
per pound; olds, 2a2Vc per pound; con
tracts, V'a 10c
WOOL Eastern Oregon, average best, 14)
C16"c per pound, according to shrinkage;
Valley. 1515c
MoHAlrt cnoice. ISfflSHc per pound.
HIDES Dry hides, o. 1. 14c pound; dry
kip. No 1, 13c pound; dry salted, one-third
less; dry calf. 13c pound; salted steers, lit
8c pound; salted cows, 6c p.-uud: stugs and
bulls, 4c pound; kip. 6c pound; calf, lullc
pound; green stock, lc less; elieepMKins,
shearlings, 10 3 25c; short wool, Uug40c;
medium and long wool, accoidlng to qual
ity. 60-'(lnc; dry horses, 500(0-1-50; dry colt,
25 c; angora. 80cO$l; goat, common. 109
FURS No. 1 skins Bear skins, as to
slxe. No. 1. each. $3-00 1U; cubs, each, $14
3; badger, prime, each, 2550c; cat, wild,
with head perfect. 30(50c; house. SCoFZOc;
fox, cummon gray, large prime, each, 40(9
30c red. each. $385; cross, each, $5lo15;
silver ard black, each. $1000300; ushers."
ach, $598; lynx, each, $4.5006; mink,
strictly No. 1. each, according to sixe. $1
3; marten, dark northern, according to else
and color, each. $1013; marten, pale, ac
cording to size and color, each, $2.5004;
muskrat. large, each, 12tfl5c; skunk, each.
80ft 40c: civet or polecat, each. 515c; otter,
tor large, prime skin, each, $610; panther,
with head and claws perfect, each, $2cM;
raccoon, for' prime large, each. 50073c;
wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each,
$3.500 5 00; prairie (coyote), 60cO$1.10;
wolverine, each. $!3800
CASCARA BARK New. 8ic; carloads,
4c; old. 4c; carloads, 4 fee per pound.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. July 31. The London' tin
market was higher today with spot clos
ing at 13 10s nnd futures at 130 13s.
The local market was quiet, but higher In
sympathy with the foreign advance, spot
being quoted at 30.50?3lc.
Thore was a further slight gain In the
London copper market, with spot closing
at ."! ' 6d and futures at 60 10s I'd.
Locally th? market was Arm and a shade
higher, with Lake quoted at 13.12
13.37t?r: electrolytic. 136 13.25c, and casting,
12.756 13c.
Lead closed at 13 3s 6d in London. The
market locally was also firm and higher
at 4.40T 4.45c.
Spelter was lower at 18 17s 6d in Lon
don, but the local market - was firm and
unchanged, at 4 7orf 4.73c.
Iron was uncharged locally.
London Sheepskin Sales.
LONDON, July 31. A sate of sheepskins
was held today and 11S-584 skins were of
fered, of which 79.432 were sold. The mod
erate supply and condition of the offerings
seemed to be fairly satisfactory. The at
tendance was good, though competition was
chiertv confined to the home trade. Long
wooled reallxed .fe4rfe dearer while short
wooled sold at unchanged prices. Shorn
showed fe to over last sale. Coarse waa
In better demand and sold U dearer.
Bank Clearing.
Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes
terday were aa follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland 757.i::2 $107,110
Seattle 1. 14..V.'W 22S..SS4
Tacoma 5P.804" 43.558
Spokane 824,603 123,v39
Syndicates to Operate in Most
Prominent Stocks.
Gould Group Strengthened by Re
port of Settlement of Wheeling
& Lake Erie Financial Trou
ble Bonds Are Steady.
NEW TORK. July 81. Today's djsultory
speculation centered In the copper stocks
and other Industrials. The effect of the
general list was distinct but moderate, ex
cept for the late bulge In Reading. The
feature of the market was the scarcity of
stocks offered so that the advances were
made on comparatively light dealings.
There were rumors in circulation of the
formation of speculative pools to operate
In pome of the most prominent copper stocks.
The movement waa widespread, affecting
Amalgamated Copper, and, abroad. Rlo
Tinto, the principal foreign producing com
pany. Minor copper stocks moved in com
pany. Loth on the stock exchange and In
the outside market. American Smelting and
National Lead showed their usual close sym
pathy with the movement In this group of
securities. The interest snown in ire rest
of the market was somewhat languid and
lapsed with the pauses of the buying of
the coppers.
The Gould stocks were first to move out
side of the coppers. The announcement that
provision had been made to meet the $S.00.-
000 obligation of Wheeling & Lake Erie
notes maturing - tomorrow - gave some
strength to the group, although the im
pression remained strong .that the principal
benefits from this settlement will accrue to
other properties. No authoritative informa
tion was forthcoming of the terms which
had Induced banking relief for the situation,
but it was supposed that the Harrlnian
Interests were Insured some advantage, for
1 heir properties In the operation of the Gould
Not much attention was paid to reports
of rust damage to wheat in the Dakotas,
the large offerings or wheat for sale serving
to discredit these reports to an extent. De
velopments in the -money situation were not
Important. The Reading movemont held
up prlcee elsewhere after they had begun
to sag.
Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value,
$3. 356. Con. -United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Sales. High.- Low. Bid.
Anal Copper .... 5710 77T 76V "
Am Car 4 Foua. 2.OO0 3tf' 38fe 30fe
do preferred ..." 101 i-j
Am Cotton Oil... 6u0 34' B3 .33ti
Am Hd & Lt pf, 20U
Am fee Securl.. 1.500 28 21 2-i
Am 'Linseed Oil 10
Am Locomotive.. 12,800 BV 56 56 ..
do preferred H6
Am' Smelt & Ref 45.7"ft Wfa HR ' t
do preferred ... 400 Ins l"7y-i 1"7',
Am Sugar Ref.. 3.2"0 132 131 132'
Am Tobacco pf.. Ion 96 U5
Am Woolen - loo 244 24 24 K
Anaconda Mln Co 20SKJ 4H ' 4S, 47V
Atchiion 6.5() -KTt SB's, 87
do preferred ... 100 MVs fWa S3 14
Atl Coast LUie.. k ttx4 3 92 1
Bait & Ohio 400 82 Via, 91
do preferred ..... 81
Brook Rap Tran. 5.800 61 . 51 .51Vi
Canadian Pacific.. 4,600 174tj 173i; 174t
Central Leather .. 2(" 27:a 27 2S
do prefrered 96
Central of N J 20O
Ches 4 Ohio 600 43'i 43t 43"4'
Chi Gt Western.. 1.7O0 7'.4 03j 7
Chicago A N V.. 1.9O0 180-T4 158 159,
I, 31 St Paul. 1U.3UO 14 1H 14U 141S
C. C. U St L 551-.
Colo Fuel & Iron 2.6o0 32l 31T 32
Colo & Southern... 9u0 .1214 32 32
do 1st preferred. 4HO B1T4, 61 Ts ' rt
do 2d preferred. 400 52 '4 5? 51V.
Consolidated Gas.. 8"0 138 138 13914
corn Product ... IB 19 l't
Del & Hudson.... 2.3U" lttf io. 16ttR
D R Grande... lis) 27 27 27b
do Dreferred . . . 300 67 66 66
Distillers" Securl.. 2,lno 35 34 35
Erie 12,lt,o 2o 24 24',
do 1M preferred. 1.2UO 41 lg 40 4m
do 2d preferred. 600 31 30 30!
General Electric. 3m 148 I4f 145H
Gt Northern pf . . 10.4?0 137 . 135'. 136
Gt Northern Ore.. 3.3f0 68 , Hit, 67
Illinois central .. is 141 i-ts
Interborough Met. !' 11 14 II V, 11'-,
do preferred ... 500 32 31 "i 31',
Int Paper 2O0 10 10 10V,
do preferred 6fttj
Int Pump 2.100 24 22'4 22
Iowa Central 17H
K C Southern 70 2,1 14 25 25 "
do preferred ... 1 57V4 57 52
Louis .& Nashville 200 Ii9 I08V4 1"9
Mexican Central 14
Minn St Louis 2S
M. St P 4 S S M. 1.400 116 115 118
Missouri Pacific. .. 1.100 56 .15 56
Mo. Kan ft Texas 3.800 31 31 31 1,
do preferred 63 14
National Lead ... 15.200 7.1 71 72
N Y Central .... 1.8"0 los 107 108
N Y Ont & West. 1.400 42 41 42
Norfolk West.. 600 73 " 73 73
North American.. 800 6.1 6T 65
Northern Pacllic. f.:;00 141 140 141
Pacific Mall 5"0 25 24 2.1
Pennsylvania 22.800 125 124 12.1
Peoples Gas 94
P. C C & St 1 75
Pressed Steel Car SOO 33 33 33
Pullman Pal Car 168
Rv Steel Spring.. 0 45 44 " 44
Reading 166.500 122 117 121
Republic Steel ... 300 21 21 20
do preferred ... 5"0 73 73 73
Rock Island Co.. "no 17 17 17
do preferred ... 3.500 33 33 33
St L S F 2 pf. .".H 261, 20 26
St L Southwestern 7h) 18 18 18
do preferred ... 800 41 4i 41
plosi-Shefrield Sol 62 61 62
Southern Pacific .. 17.700 93 02 :i
do preferred 1!
Southern Railway. 30O 10 18 18
do preferred ... 900 .10 48 60
Tenn Copper H.IOO 40 as -38
Texas A Pacific. . 2.600 26 25 25
Tol, St I. West 22
do preferred ... 8(X 49 48 49
Union Pacific ...108..VW) 155 152 155
do preferred ... 70 82 82 82
U S Rubber 800 31 ' 29 30
do 1st preferred. 1.7no T 97 91
TJ S stcef 42.100 45 44 45
do preferred ... 3.0O0 109 108 108
Vtah Copper 5,20 40 39
Va-Caro Chemical. 400 25 24 25
do preferred 101
Wabwh n li 12 13 '
do preferred ... 8.8 28 27 28
Westlnghouse Elec tMM) 77 76 76
Western Union ... 4O0 65 55 65
Wheel L Erie.. Boo 10 8
Wisconsin Central. 2f0 21 21 21
Total sales for the day, 681.600 share.
NEW YORK, July 31. Closing quotations:
U. S. ref. 2s reg.lo.j N Y C G 3s.. 91
do coupon 103 'North Pacific 3s. 72
U. S. 3s reg 100 j North Pacific 4s. 101
do coupon. .. .100 fgouth Pacific 4s. Srt
U S new 4s rec.120 Union Pacific 4s. 102
do coupon. .. .122' Wlscon Cent 4s. S3
Atchison adj 4s. 80 Japanese 4s 79
D & P G 4s 92 I
Stocks at London.
LONDON. July 81. Consols for
86: do for account, 86.
Anaconda ... 95.00
Atchison 8!.00
do pref 96 OO
Bait & Ohio. 94O0
Can Pacific. .178.00
N. Y. Central.
Norflk & Wes
do pref .....
Ont West. .
Rand Mines..
Southern' Ry. .
do nref
82 O0
64. 0O
94 62
4 6.00
111. 10
Ches & Ohio. 44 00
Chi Grt West 7.00
C. M. S, P. 144 00
De Beers 10.7J
do pref..,. (17.60
Erie 24.87
do 1st pf.. 41.50
An 2d nf.. 31.00
South Pacific.
Union Pacific.
do pref
U. S. Steel...
do pref
CrjinH Trunk 1 8.37 Wabash
III Central. .. 142.0O do pref
L ft N 111.00 ISpanlsh 4s...
Mo. K ft T. . 32.87lAmal Copper
Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK. July 31. Money on csll
easv, 11 per cent; ruling rate. 1 per
cent: closing bid. 1 per cent; offered at 1
per cent. Time loans, fairly Arm, dull; 60
days. 2 per cent: 90 days. 2 per cent; six
months. 4 per cent. Prime mercantile
paper. 34 per cent.
Sterling exchange steady, with actual
business In bankers" bills at $4.8890 for de
mand and at $4.8530 for 60-day bills.
Commercial bills. $4.844.S5.
Bar silver. 52 c.
Mexican dollars, 45c.
Bonds. Government, steady; railroads,
LONDON, July 31. Bar silver, steady.
23 8-16d per ounce.
Money. 1 ner cent.
The rate of discount In ths open market
for short bills is 13T1T-1 per cent; for
three months' bills. 1 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 81. Silver bars.
62 c.
Mexican dollars, nominal.
Drafts, sight, 10c: telegraph. 12c.
Sterling on London, 60 days, $4.85;
sight, $4.87.
Dally Treasury Matement.
WASHINGTON. July 31. Today's treas
ury balances statement shows:
Available cash balances $206,460,337
Gold coin and bullion 45.981.113
Gold certificates 34,582,390
Government Cotton Rrport.
WASHINGTON. July 31. The average
condition of cotton - was 83 per cent on
July 25. as against 81.2 a month ago and
75 a year ago today, according to the re
port of the Department of Agriculture given
out today. The condition on July 25 of
previous years was 82.9 in 1906, "4.9 in 1903,
81.4 for the past ten' years.
NEW OR LEA IS, July 31. While the crop
condition report of 83 per cent, issued by
the Government today, was regarded by the
local trade as decidedly less bearish than
expected. It did not have a very bullish
effect on the market. The active months
advanced 7 points, following the announce
ment of the report, but reaction followed
and prices sank to the former level.
Barley Higher and Oats Firm.
Poultry Received From Port
' land Weakens Market.
SEATTLE. Wash.. July 3L (Special.)
New wheat Is needed here to run the flour
mills. There Is practically no old grain in
the crty and millers will not pay thfc price
demanded by the growere for what little they
have left. There was a frrm feeling all
around In . wheat. The State Grain In
spector's ofTice today reiterated Its 60 per
cent estimate made on July 8 and Insists that
despite reports of lieavy yields, the total crop
will not be above the flrsrt estimate.
Oats and barley are firm. Barley Is 60
cent higher- than last week, at $23.50 for
August and September delivery.
Oregon cherries are about all that Is In the
market at present. Commission men state
they- have to depend upon Southern shippers,
owning to- light receipts from local and East
ern Washington points.
Local potatoes are- In heavier supply and
weaker. Good otock can be had at $20 per
All kinds of berries are disappearing from
the market. Few supplies are being brought
from California at present.
Owing to quite heavy shipments - of live
hens frem Portland today, the poultry market
turned weak, but did not break.
Veal dealers state that there should be a
refrigerator car service between Portland .and
Seattle, which would admit of bringing In
Oregon veal In. hot weather,- when the market
Is usually bare here.
. The total Puget Sound ' sockeye salmon park
to date is 40.000 cases. The British Colum
bia pack Saturday was 130.000 cases.
Prices Paid (or Produce In the Day City
8 AN. FRANCISCO, July 81. -The follow
ing prices were quoted in the produce mar
ket today;
Mil.'stuifs Bran, $2831; middlings,
Vegetables Cucumbers, 4o'?f75c: garlic,
4'J5c; green peas, 2jr.",c; string beane, 39
6c; asparagus, 34zbc; tomatoes. 3075c;
eggplant, .ISSc
Butter Fancy creamery, 23c; creamery
seconds, 22c; fancy dairy, 20c; dairy
seconds, 20c.
Cheese New, 10llc; Toung America,
12 'a 13c.
Eggs Store. 26c; fancy ranch. 29c.
Poultry Koosteia, ola. $3.6t"4.f0; roost
ers. young. $5&8; . broilers, small. $2.r0
$3; broilers. large. $3-&4; fryers $
5: hens. $5.6065.50; dutks. did, $4fc5; young.
$,rxB5.50. ,
Wool Spring, Humboldt and Mendocino,
15i$18c; Mountain. 48c: South Plains an'
Ban Joaquin. 79c; Nevada, 9I2c.
Hav Wheat. $1418: wheat and oats,
$12gl6; alfalfa, $llf 13.50; stock, $810;
straw, per bale, 50&73c.
Frulte) Apples. choice, $1.15; common,
40c; bananas. $lfi3.60; Mexican limes, $4
5; California lemons. choice, $3.50;
common. $1: oranges, navels, $2.503.50;
pineapples. $1.503-
' Potatoes Early Rose. 7585c; sweets, 49
Receipts Flour. 628 quarter sacks; wheat.
140 centals: barley', 3690 centals: potatoes, 2930
sacks; middlings. 100 sacks; hay, 200 tons;
wool. 60 bales; hides, 580.
Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and
. There was a good market yesterday for
cattle and hogs, but lambs continued weak.
Prices may not decline, however, unless
the Quality of the offerings should be un
satisfactory. Values were unchanged
throughout the list. Receipts were 60 cattle.
340 sheep, 330 lambs, ISO hogs and 35
The following prices were current on live
stock in the local market yesterday:
CATTLE Best steers. $3.65& 3.83; me
dium. $3.303.75; common. $3.23('3.50;
cows. best. $2.50(3)2.75; medium. $2.25'0'2.5o;
calves, $4 1 5.
SHEEP Best wethers, $3 ,10;' mixed. $3.23
3.50; ewes. $3: Spring lambs. $434.30.
HOGS Best. $6..10j6.75; lights, $5.75;
stockers, $3.505.75. .
Eastern Livestock Prices. -
CHICAGO. July 3!. Cattle Receipts,
about 1.100; market, steady. Beeves, f:;.'M'if
7.8n; Texans, $3.0'&5.25; Westerns. $3.80ffJ
5. WO; stockers and feeders, $2.504. 30; cows
and heifers, $1.30-5.80; calves. S.1..101U 7.25.
Hogs Receipts, about lo,00O; market. 10
20c higher. Lights. $6.156.90; mixed,
$6.2.1 7; heavy, $6.20(87 05; rough. $6.20
0.45; good to choice heavy, $6.4.1 (-7.0.1 ; pigs,
$5.4046.50; bulk of sales, $8.456.75.
heep Receipts. about 6()00; market,
strcng. Natives, $2.604.63; Westerns. $2.63
4(4 70; yearlings, $4 5093.13; lambs, $4-50 0
6.60; Westerns, $4.50Mj.bO.
SOUTH OMAHA," July 31. Cattle Re
ceipts. 800; market, steady. Native steers,
$4.25gjp7.50; native cows and heifers, $2.75(9
4.73: Western steers, $3.50)5.40; Texas
steers. $34.60; range cows and heifers,
$2.504.60; canners, $2f?2.S5; stockers and
feeders. $2 7.1W4 SO; calves, $33.75; bulls
and stags. $2.300 4.2.1.
Hogs Receipts, 4800; market, 10150
higher Heavy. $6.45'& 6.60 ; mixed, $6.40H?
6.45; light. $6.3566.45: pigs, $5.506.15;
bulk of sales, .4U(y b -13.
Sheep Receipts, 4.100; market, strong to
10c higher. Yearlings. $1.2.1 (a 5 : wethers,
$:; 716 4.3.1; ewes. $3.2534.25; lambs, $4J
KANSAS CITY, July 31. Cattle Receipts
20OO. Including 10O0 southerns; market,
steady. Native steers. $4fr-6.2e; native cows
and heifers. $2'4-25- stockers and feeders,
$3'4.73; bulls, $2ijj4; calves. $4(6.2.1;
Western steers. $3.?u4f)6; Western cows, $2
6 3.75.
Hogs Receipts. 5000; market. 10I5o
higher Bulk of sales. $6.60ia6.80; heavy.
$6.80(6:6.90: packers and butchers. $6.60
6.85: light. $6 40g6.73; pigs, $5f.1.60.
Sheep Receipts, 2O00; market, steady.
Muttons. $44.60; lambs, $4.2U6.25: range
wethers, $3.756.4.40: fed ewes, $3.234.25.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. July 31. The market for
evaporated apples Is quiet, but steady on
spot with fancy quoted at 1010c; choice.
88c; prime, 667c. and common to
fair at 6 6c.
Prunes are higher on the Coast but' spot
quotations are unchanged, ranging 3 to
13c for California, and 5 to 7'c for Oregons.
Apricots are scarce with choice quoted at
8 S 9c; extra choice, 03 10c, and fancy,
10 11c.
Peaches are firm with choice quoted at
88e; extra choice. 99c; fancy, 10
10 c: extra fancy. 10 a lie.
Raisins are in better demand with loose
muscatels quoted at 46c: choice to
fancv seeded. (&17c; seedless, 66c; Lon
don layers. $1.2S3'1.35.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. July 81. The coffee futures
market closed steady at a net loss of 5 IS
points. Sales were reported of 26.000 bags.
Including August at 3.60(fj-3.70c; September.
5.605.63c; October. 5.50c: December. 5.50
5.55c; January. 5.60c; March, 5.50(8:5. 55c;
May. 5.60c. Spot, quiet; Rlo No. 7, 6c;
Santos No. 4. 8c. Mild, dull; Cordova, 9
Sugar Raw, steady: fair refining, 3.75c;
centrifugal, 96 test, 4.25c; molasses sugar,
3.45(93.500. Refined, quiet; crushed, 6c;
powdered. 3.40c; granulated, 5. 30c
Rust Damage Reports Are
Crop Said to Be Too Far Advanced
to Be Seriously Injured Chi
cago Prices Xear lowest
Point at Close.
CHICAGO. Jujy 31. The wheat market
opened easy and became weaker as trading
progressed, the close being at almost the low
point of the day. Additional black rust re
ports were received from the Northwest, but
many advices were also received claiming that
the new crop Is .now too far advanced to be
seriously injured by the blight. The denials
of damage were . chiefly responsible for the
heaviness at the market, although unrespon
sive cables, a slackening export business and
a decline at Minneapolis helped to depress
prlcee. The principal selling was by a few
influential, holders. September opened c
to (gc lower at 01c. advanced to 91 c
and then declined to 9oig90c. The -close was
at 90c.
The corn market was irregular the greater
part of the day. The September delivery was
rather weak and distant deliveries firm, com
mission houses and local bulls were good
buyers of the new crop months, because of
crop damage reports. The new crop months
at the close showed a slight gain comparea
with yesterday, but the tone was barely
steady. September closed weak. September
opened c higher at 74c to 75c, sold off
to 74c and closed at 74c.
Oats were firm early In the day. but weak
ened on realizing ealcs brought out by the
slumo In wheat. The volume of trade was
rather small. September opened c higher
at 45c. advanced to 43'345c and then de
clined to-44c . The cloee was at 44N4c.
Provisions were strong at the outset, be
cause of a 1620c advance in live hogs, but
the market eased off later In the day on
profit taking sales. .. At the close September
pork was a shade lower, lard was 2fi5c
higher and ribs were .250c higher.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
,.$.90' $.90 $ .89 $ .89
. .91 .91 .0n .9o
. .91 . .93 .92 .92
. .93 .92 .92 -82
. .76 - -.77 .76 .77 "
i .75 73 .74 .74
. .61 .62 .61 . .61
. .61 .61 .61 -61
. .65 .55 .51 -M
. .52 .53 .51 .53
. .45 .45 .44 .44
. .43 . 46 . 44 . .44
.15.90 16.00 16.72 15 77
.15.95 16.08 15.85 15.85
. 9.55 9.67 9.52 9.55
. 9.62 8.67 9.62 9-62
. 9.10 9.12 902 9 0S
. 8.10 9.20 9.10 9.10
September ..
Dec, old :..
Dec, new ..
September 1
May ,
July, rold .
July, new
October ..
October .
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Firm.
Wheat No. 2 Spring $1.1391.14; No. 3,
Corn No. 2, 77(&77c; No. 3 yellow. 78
. Oats No. 2. 61c; No. 2 white (new), 6Se;
No. S white (new), 50g51c.
Rye No. 2. 74c.
Barley Fair to choice malting. 61ff63o.
Flax seed No. 1 Northwestern. $1.26.
Short ribs Sides (loose), $8.75r8.12.
PorkMess, per bbl., $5.7oig'5.75.
Lard Per 100 lbs., $9.45.
flJesi Short, clear (boxed), $9g9.25.
Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.36.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu. . .
Corn. bu. . . .
Oali, bu. . . .
Rye. bu.
Barley, bu.
258. on
Grain and Prcduce at New York.
NEW YORK. July 31. Flour Receipts,
15.9O0; exports. 3O00 barrels.
Wheat Receipts. 132.800; exports. 49.-
100: spot, easy; No. 2 red. 98ctj$1 elevator
and 99 c f. o. b. anoat: No. 1 Nortnern uu
luth. $1.22 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard
Winter. $1.01 f. o. b. alloat Sharp reac
tions took place In wheat today on reports
of heavy unloading at Chlcugo, a conviction
that rust news had been exaggerated and
disappointing export business. The close
showed a net loss of s 41' c. July closed
$1.01; September, 98c, and December,
Hops Quiet.
Hides Firm.
Wool and petroleum Steady.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 31. Wheat Firm.
Barley Firm.
Spot quotations:
. Wheat Shipping. $1.57(gl.e2; milling,
Barley Feed. $1.351.40;' brewing, $1.40
oats Red, $1.35(91.52; white. $1.40
1.62; gray. $1.4061.47.
Call board sales:
Wheat December. $1.61.
Barley December. $1.371.37 .
Corn Large yellow, $1,8511.90.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON. July 31. Cargoes quiet but
steady. Walla Walla, prompt shipment, at
3s; California, prompt shipment. S7s 6d.
English country markets quiet but steady;
French country markets Arm.
LIVERPOOL. July 31. Wheat July,
nominal; September, 7s 3d; December, 7s
3d. Weather fine. Holiday Saturday and
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA, July 31. Wheat Unchanged.
Bluestem. 87c; club. 85c; red, 83c,
. Eastern Mining Storks.
BOSTON, July 31. Closing quotations
Adventure ..$ 8.50
Allouex 37 .10
Amalgamated 77.7.1
Atlantic 13.50
Bingham ... .75
Cal & Hecla. 67.1.00
Copper Range 80.00
Qulncy 93
Shannon 1
Tamarack, ... 73
Trinity 1.1
United Copper 8
IT. S. Mining. 4
U. S. Oil 24
Daly West... 11.12H"tah
Franklin .... 14.12 Victoria .
Granby 1O8.00 Winona ..
Isle Rovale.. 23.00 IWolverine
Mass Mining. 7.62'North Butte.. 8.1
Michigan ... 13.75
Butte Coal. . . 27
Mohawk 70.50
Old Dominion 40.73
Osceola 112 00
Parrot 29.00
I Nevada 15
Cal & Arlx.. .127.
Ariz Com 21.
Greene Can. . . 12.
NEW YORK, July 31. Closing quotations:
Alice 310 ILeadvllle Con... 3
5 Little Chief 5
6 Mexican 74
2.1 Ontario 400
15 Ophlr 2.10
91 Small Hopes 18
50 Standard 230
95 I Yellow Jacket... 33
Brunswick Con .
Com Tun stock.
do bonds
C C & Va
Horn Silver....
Iron Sliver .
Oalry Produce In tie East.
CHICAGO, July 31. On the produce ex
change today the butter market was easy.
Creameries. 18620e; dairies, 1719e.
Eggs Firm; at mark, cases Included, 14
13c; firsts, 17c; prime firsts, 20c.
Cheese Steady, llfl3c.
NEW YORK, July 81. Butter and cheese
easy, unchanged.
Eggs Irregular; Western seconds, 16
London Wool Sales. ,
LONDON. July 31. At the wool auction
sales today. I0.12S bales were offered. There
was an Improvement In competition for all
offerings and merinos were quickly taken
by the home trade and Germany at full
rates. Croas-breds were in strong demand
and occasionally slightly dearer. America
bought medium grades more freely.
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. July 31. Wool, steady. Ter
ritory and Western medium, 15180; fine
medium, 10 - 16c; fine, 9 612c.
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $1,000,030.00
J. C. AINSW0RTH, President. E. W. SCHMKEB, Cashier.
R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President.
A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier,
Issued for use on the AMERICAN CONTINENT
or in any FOREIGN COUNTRY, cashable without charge
or identification.
But Buying Is Still of Conservative
Character Lumber Trade
Reports Better.
NEW TORK, July 31. Bradstreet'e tomor
row -will say:
Trade, crop and Industrial reports show lit
tle change from last week, but general ten
dencies and certainly sentiment are In the di
rection of moderate Improvements. Prepara
tions for opening of all Jobbing llnee In the
first week of August are making at all cities,
buyers are gathering In large numbers and a
full representation, with increased buying, is
looked for. At a few eltlea July trade has not
been up to expectations, but at New York a
moderate increase In activity is noted. Best
reports of Fall trade are coming from the
Central West, West and Southwest. Every
where, however, the testimony is that buying
is of a conservative character.
In industry there are evidences of expansion
in some lines and- of contraction In others.
Factories generally are running simply on
orders. In iron and steel, orders and produc
tion of finished llnee) are larger but pig Iron
is easier. Lumber trade reports are a trifle
better, notabjy In the Pacific Northwest, and
building trade reports arc more hopeful.
Business failures In the Inlted States for
the week ending July 30 number 27S, against
23 last week and 143 -for the like week ot
1907. .Canadian failures number 32. against
24 last week and 16 In thle week last year.
Wheat, including flour, exports from the
United States and Canada for the week end
ing July 30 aggregate 2.6C5.098 bushels,
agamet 2,629.922 last week and 2.739.838 this
week last year. For the five weeks ending
July SO this year the exports are ll.4il8.449
bushela. against 12,690.767 In the corresponding
period last year.
Bank Clearings.
NEW TORK. July 31. Biadstreets bank
clearings report . for the week ending July
30 shows an aggregate ot 2.3lW.78c.,OO0 as
againat I2.5.M.W4.0OO lat week and $2,521.
214,000 In the corresponding week last J11-
New York 11.4:14.187.000 4.9
Chicago 2l.712.0iX 8.8
Bostoi l22.l:ir..0OO 11.9
Philadelphia iw.ill.onn 2J.3
St Louis 64.921.000 4.6
Pittsburg . 37.701.000 23.2
San Francisco 19.5
Kansas flty 32.7S4.O0O -R.0
Baltimore 2:i.N71,OOo 15.4
Cincinnati 21,6.".4.ooO 15.7
Minneapo 14.S37.000 2'.2
New Orleans 1O.301, 000 2i.l
Cleveland 14.504.0.N) 17.5
Detroit ll.28T.0tn 11,6
Louisville 9.87S.00O IJ-f
Los Angeles 7.676.0O0 17.4
Omaha 9.750.000 '6.1
Milwaukee 7,994.iJ 17.0
Seattle 7.581. COO 10.2
St. Paul 8. 1O7.0OO 0.8
Buffalo 7. 616.000 14.2
Denver T.338.0O0 17.9
Indianapolis 2.716.0IK) 2 5
Fort Worth 8,122,000 3:!.2
Providence 5,2't!.0t:0 21.3
Portland. Or 4.806,000 24.1
Albany M25.0HO 7.1
Richmond 4,7(5,0(10 17.8
Washington. D. C 4.183.OO0 19.0
Spokane. Wash 4.T0I.O0O 14.3
Salt Lake City 3.9 5.000 60.9
Columbue 4.077.000 .3
St. Joseph 3.91.(o0 23.0
Atlanta 2.522.000 23.8
Memphis 3.131,000 4.9
Tacoma 4.t2!.000 10.8
Kavannah 2.2W7.OO0 21.2
Toledo O 3. 87S.O0O '.4
Nashville 2.7:i5,0oO 26.1
Rochester 2.1."1.0(i0 32.8
Hartford 3.145.00O 13.6
Des Moines 2.001,000 13.4
Peoria 2.014.000 6.2
Norfolk 1,626.000 27.7
New Haven 2,355.000 13.7
Grand Rapid 1.740.000 22.2
Birmingham 1.300.COO 4.7
Syracuse 1.380,000 29.0
Sioux City 1.K20.0O0 8.2
Sprlngdeld. Mass 1,K4K,0(0 2.4
Bvansvllle l,2.0oo 4.2
Portland. Me ' 1.5K7.O0O 16.3
Dayton 1.274.OC0 30.9
Little Rock 834.000 25.2
Augusta. Oa 1.07M.OOB 6.7
Oakland. Cal 1. 331.000 29.7
Worcester I.IO6.00O 16.4
Mobile 1.001), 000 27.9
Knoxvllle 1,008.000 25.6
Jacksonville. Fla 1,080.000 14.2
Chattanooga OS2.000 25.6
Charleston. S. C. 8I8.000 24.5
Lincoln. Neb 1.026,000 4.2
Wilmington, Del 1,220.000 11.0
Wichita 1.276.00 -I S
Wllkebarre 1,052.000 3.4
Wheeling. W. Va 1,291.000 61.1
Fall River 57ii.0-o 40.9
Davenport 663,000 13.8
Kalamazoo, Mich 828.000 24.6
Topeka 864,000 4.3
Helena Oflo.OOO 19.3
Springfield. 111. 752.000 12.0
Youngstown 496. oon 32.7
Fort Wavne 597.000 26.2
New Bedford 508.000 33.5
Erie. Pa 511.000 35.7
Cedar rapids. Ia. 508.000 .9
Macon 373. 00O 24.7
Akron . : 554. 000 4.0
Lexington 47o.0O( 11.2
Rockford. Ill 4WB.0C0 12.3
Fargo, N. D .XI.000 "1.5
Lowell 371.000 17.3
Blnghamton 427.01X1 20.8
ahester. Pa 68.VOO0
Sioux Falls. S. D 434,000 2.1
Bloomlngton. Ill SW.OOO 2.8
Canton, 0 335.000 26.6
Qulncy. Til 42.000 17.3
Springfield. O S75.O0O 6.0
Decatur. Ill , 4.".6,nno 48.8
Oklahoma 687.01X1
Houston 17.228.000 42.7
tlalveston 10,650. oon 3.5
Colombia 97.".ihn 6o.4
Jackson 319.000 ....
1 Increase.
Watchman on Millionaire's Estate
Puts Thugs to Flight.
GREENWICH, Conn., July 31. Converse
Manor, the 1200-acre estate of E. H. Con
verse, a wealthy New Yorker, and a di
rector of the United States Steel Corpor
ation, was the scene of a thrilling pistol
duel between three burglars and the night
watchman or. the estate early today. The
robbers were driven off after a number
of shots had been fired. It is believed the
three men hod an automobile outeide the
grounds, as a moment after the shooting
a car containing three men was seen rac
ing away.
The watchman declares that one of the
men fell, but regained his feet and ran
away with his companions. All the men
got away Just as Mr. Converse; a revol
ver In each hand, rushed down to the
Several years ago Mrs. Converse's
daughter, Mrs. Antoinette Morell, was see
upon by a masked man who entered her
house in the night, shot and so severely
wounded her that her life was In danger.
A man who gave his name as John Brown
was convicted of this crime and Is serv
ing a term in the state penitentiary.
For Astoria and all beach points.
Tickets good to return by train or
0. R. & N. steamers.
Leaves Taylor-street dock at 7:00
A. M. daily except Sunday.
JACOB KAMM, President.
Ticket Office and Waiting-Room,
First and Alder btreets
Oregon City t. 6:80 A. M.. and every
SO minutes to and li eluding 9 P. M .
then 10. 11, P. M. : last car 12 midnight.
Gresham, Hiring. Eagle Creek. Et
rada. Caxadero. Fairvlevr and Trout
dale 7:15, 9:15. 11:14 A. M.. 1:13, 3.45.
8:15, 7:25 P. M.
Tlckot oltlce and waltlifl-roim Seoond
and Washington streets.
A M. 6:15". 6:50. T:25, 8:00. 8:S.
9:10. 9:50. 10:30. 11:10, 11.50.
P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:60. 2:30, 8:10,
8:50. 4:30. 6.10. 6:50. 6:30. 7:06. 7:40.
8:15. 9:25. 10:35". 11:45".
On Third Monday In Every Month
the Last Cur Leaves at 7:05 P. SI.
Dally except Sunday. "Daily except
Mondav- -
by Large. Luxurious Twin ticrew
6teamers; all modern appointments.
90S Market St., Ban Francisco, and B. 8.
Offices la Portland. Agent.
Only Direct fiLeamers and Daylight Sailings.
From Alnswoi-th Dock. Portland. 9 A. M. :
S.S. Rose City. Aug. 1, 15. 29.
U.S. Mute of California. Aug. S, 2f.
From Lombard St., San Francisco. 11 A M.I
.. Mate of California, Aug. L 15.
8.8. Rose City. Aug. 8. 22, etc.
J. V. RANSOM. Horn Agent.
Main 2o8 Ainsaortli Duck.
St. J. ROCHE. Ticket Agent. 113 3d St.
Phone Main -102. A 1402.
North Pacific S. S. Co'x. St aim hip
Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder
Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and
Los Angeles direct every Thursday
at 8 P. AL Ticket office 132 Third
St., near Alder. Both phones, M.
1314. II. Young. Agent.
The steamer PANAMA Ieavaa Portland
every Wednesday at 8 P. M. from Oak
street dock, (or North Bend. Marshtield and
Coos Bay points. Freight received till 4 P.
M on day ot sailing. Passenger fare, flrst
class. S10; second-class. S7, including brtl&
and meals. Inquire city ticket oltlce. Third
and Washington streets, or Oak-strest dock.
Ciias. R. Spencer
Daily round trip, Astoria and way
landings, leaves foot Washington st 2
A. M. : leaves Astoria 2 P. M.
Sunday Excursions A A. M.
Phone Main 8619.
Fast bteamer Bailey Gaisert.
Round Trips to The Dalles Week Days. Ex
cept Friday. Leave 7 A. M.
Round Trios to Cascade Locks Sunday,
Leave 9 A M
Maintain dally service to The Dalles, except
Sunday, calling at all way landings 'for
freight and passeneers. Leave 7 A. M.
Alder-Street Dock.
Phone Main 914. A 5112.
The Well-Knowa
Boot and Herb
i?x 0 DOCTOR
f4 In that study discovered
and is giving to tha
Vi world his wonderful
lieilasmtA remedies.
x:A u.Mr, fflUnni or Drugs Used H
Cures Without Operation, or Without the
Aid of the Knife. He guarantees to cure
Catarrh. Asthma, Lung. Throat. Rbsuma
tism Nervousness. Nervous Debility, stom
ach. Liver, Kidney Troubles; also Lost Man
hood. Female Weakness and All Private
Just Received from Peking. Chlnsi Sate,
Sure and Reliable. IF YOU ARB AF
DANGEROUB. If you cannot cal. wrlta fof
symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4
cents in stamps. CONSULTATION FREE.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co,
162 H First St., Cor. Morrison.
Portland, Oregon.
Please Mention This Paper.
Dr. Sandorson'B Compound Bav
in and Cotton Root . P. II. th
best and only reliable remd
most obstlnat cases in S to 10
daya. Price S2 per box, or box $5. Sold
Addrea T. J. PJKRCE. ft12 Gerlinirfr bid.,
xar. lot and Alder, Portland, Oregon.
fc. n ri x m
Qx irr fo rw lowtu grj I
24c! MkT iiiiii Aiilli II 1 DnitgUti