Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 01, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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rash' will purchase a strictly modern,
rozy 5-room bungalow, nearly new;
elegant view; Portland Heights, two
blocks from carline. Nice lawn and
a few large fir trees; corner 60x60.
Balance F2S50, payable $2T per month,
0 per cent. Built by day labor. This
week only. Holding vacant quarter
at $9000, adjoining.
Frank Bollam
128 Third Street.
Holladay's Addition
The nr.. BEST llare Portland to
MOST DKSIRABLE residence property
of the city.
50 th" m.,.y CHOICE
dcnees ufider construction and the Im
provements going on.
The Greson ReaP Estate Company
SSVt. Third street. Portland, Orrfos.
will handle two modern dwellings of
6 and 7 rooms each; full lot; rented
$43.00 per month, paying 92per
cent; balance 6 per cent. West Side,
on Second, near Meade. Will separate.
Frank Bollam
128 Third Street.
A lot In the Burned District. Don't
rn! this rare crrortunlty to invest In
liamher of Commerce.
I.ovrrat rates nud term to null; "pe
rl a 1 race and favorable terms om large
Joans balaea properties.
Fonda Loaned for Private InveBtors).
202 McKay BldK 3d t Stark.
Andrews. F. V. Co.. M 340, S3 Hamilton M
Baker. Alfred A.. 21S Ablnctoa bid.
Chaoln Herlow. 832 Chamber of Commerce.
Compton. J. F.. Pec A A IMS. 100 Ablngton bl
Cook B S. A Co. 503 Corbett bldg.
Crossley Co.. 706-9 Oorbett blda. M 7S5S.
Goddard. H. W, Wain and A 1743. 110 3d at
Jennings Co. Main 188. 208 Oregonlan.
Kinney Stampher. 631-632 Lbr. Ex. U 443ft.
Im, n. room 411 Corbett building.
tan Von Boretel. 104 2d at. 392 IS Durnstd.
Palmer. H. P.. tlS Commercial Club bid.
M S99. A 2933.
Parrtsh. Watklna at CO.. 230 Alder at.
Reed. Flelda Tynan.. Beard of Trade bldg.
t?c-halk. Geo. 24 Stark st. Main 392. A 892
Fharkey. J. P. Co.. 122ft Sixth at.
Ewensson, A. F. Co.. 2S3ft Washington at
RICHARDSON. A. B.. 221 Com. Club Bldg.
The Oregon Real Estate Co, 88 ft Third ac
tHolladay Addition.)
Veteran Land Co.. 822 Chamber of Commerce
Weddel. W. O.. sea Lumber Exchange blda.
white. B. F. 227 ft Washington et.
Only $200 for an Irrigated farm. IIO
down and 110 per month. Ask me about
It Thos. McCusker. 203 Couch bldg. Main
HOUSES for sale in all parte of the cite-'
acreage close In, and farms in Oregon and
Washington, phone Main 44S6. Kinney
Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg.
40 ACRES best land. unimproved; 1500
cords wood: near Beaverton and Salem
Etei-trlc; on good road: 8 mllea from
Courthouse: $55 Pr acre; easy terms.
Owner. 407 Mohawk bldg.
BT OWNER Fine house, nearly new, 6
room, hall. den. bath, pantry and closets;
full cement basement and walks, gas. elec-.
tnclty: good neighborhood. Phone Wood
lawn 16.nI.
23 Y OWNER. new 6-room house, on Bel
mont St.. bet. East 24th and 23th : lot
35x1.18: street at each end; price. $3215;
improvements paid. John Amberaou. 791
Belmont st.
Oregon CHy carline. 2 acree or more: all
In cultivation: best of land. C. W. Rls
ler. owner. JUsley's Station P. O.. HU
waukke. FOR SALE FT OWNER New modern 3
room bungalow; ft block from carline;
easy terms, or will trade- 40 Hamilton
FOR SALE Near city. 113x141 feet, modern
Improvements, flne location for a suburban
home, owner. 535 E. Burnslde. or phone
E. 1244.
.room modern house, complete In every
respect; $30O0. $SK cash, balance easy
terms. phone owner. Woodlawn 197, fore
noons only.
COTTAGE. 30x100 lot. electric lighted and
plombing complete: right between two
carllnes. In splendid suburb. 320O0. Phone
Tabor 1270.
132ml NICE- home, beautiful grounds. 2
lota center of city and 20 acres fine fruit
land convenient to Forest Grove. Box 131
Forest Grove. Or.
FOR fjALB 8-room houee. nearly new; built
by owner; 717 Broadway; price and terms
reasonable. M. Talbot. 31s Commercial
Club bldg.
3NEW modern 5-room cottage, bargain at
31300; terms $200 caah. $13 monthly. Call
91 E. 8th at-, corner Washington.
$1650 5-rooro cottage, modern, cornier, fine
lawn, easy terms. 1459 Rodney avenue
Phone "Woodlawn 2173.
VERT choice acre at erd of Mavtr'.y-Rlch-mond
line. One view, good eoil: price
$1500. Call for McGrath. Main 8177.
KBVP 8-room cottage, terms of $20 per
month, or will trade for what you have.
Room 813 Buchanan bldg.
8000 HALS" BLOCK, close In. good for
laundry or stables. Fuhr. Oaborn Hotel.
East tide-
C4, Beautiful home, only two left out of
seven- $3. 320 monthly; three blocks
south' Hawthorne. East 44th. Dr. Darling.
FOR SA L-E By owner, 6-room cottage,
choice corner. 75x100, on easy terma 611
Going st-
1-ROOM house. Highland. New. modern;
a big snap. $?250. John P. Sharkey Co.
V2ft 6th at. Main C50. A 2537.
S30OO0 Fine business corner on Sixth street:
Income 1T5 per month. Owner. A B 109,
Real estate, farms. 268 Stark at., room
10. A 614S. Main 1222.
OWNER Modern new e-room house, well
located. .-.: down, balance monthly. M
117. Oregonlan.
"6-ROOM modern cottage. Inquire 62S Wil
liams .; owner.
FOR SALE 60-room hotel. 112.000; a snap,
call owner by phone. A 4547.
FOB SALE RE A I ESTAi.. I an-no- I v ' I I llncllnou.
A good lot on Multnomah St.. In Hoi
laday Park. 60x100 ft.. 2H ft. above side
walk; good houses on each side and fac
ing lot; owner going away: a anap if
bought soon; close to Irvlngton and
Broadway cars; price 31100; hi cash,
balance terma.
An Ideal home We have a a-room
house on Multnomah St., lot 6OX.120 ft
house 2 years old; house Is modern and
In nnest shape; no repairs needed, and
would be cheap at $5750: price. $4i..o.
$'-'250 cash, balance terms; close to Irvlng
ton and Broadway cars.
These pieces must be sold soon, as own
era are roing away. Come in today and
we will take vou out In our automobile.
Chamber of Commerce.
We are offering the bet thing In acre
or half acre tracta In Portland; water
mains laid and terms of only $10 cash
and $10 per month.
110 2d at.
Full lot, 5Oxl0, on East 13th at., near
Tillamook. Cheaper than any lot In the
Main S&i. A 2U92. 2o4 Stark SU
V. S. military bounty land warrant, good
for 160 acreo of Government land any
where In the t". S.
614 Board of Trade bids;.
CHOICE lota Jn irvlngton. John lrvlmr and
. i . . .. . j t bar
gains left; a number very select homes, o.
7 and 8 rooms; a mansion or two. very
reasonable, several bungalows at cost, oae
very nice home, beautiful furniture and
carpets, low price. Don't fall to secure
a home In the most desirable spot on earth.
We have a few acre tracts, nicely located
to the city. For further particulars call
at office, cor. 15th and Hslsey s.. Broad
way. Irvlngton can.. Phones East bUO, t
19U3; residence C 160. C 1271.
7-room. modern house. cement base
ment, frultroom. furnace. 2 toilets, n ee
large bathroom, nicely tinted; very choice
light fixtures, rooma are nlco slie; nea
room downstairs: large lawn .nice shrub
bery, some small fruit. chicken-house.
Iron fence In front of lawn; large porches,
on a carline: only $3200; easy terma
611 Gerllnger bldg.. corner 2d and Alder.
$1000 CASH will buy-3 nne 60x100 lots In
Woodlawn: all cieareu. ' ,.,
poultry netting. 48 young fruit trees. 1.x
to one-room building; Bull Run
piped close to. property; Just oft S0-fool
boulevard: beautiful view. One lot $'"
two lots $700; three lots $1000. Hartman
A Thompson. Chamber of Commerce.
Model home (new). 1 rooma and recep
tion hall, fireplace, cement basement and
walks, faces east, lawn and garden, lot
60x100. Price. $4250. terms. Must sell
this week. Take the U or St. John car
to Walnut Park.
OWNER. 1137 Williams ave.
CHEAP home at Tremont Place. from
owner, 8 minutes' walk from end of Wood
stock carline; small new house, two lota
each 40X12U. with 2o-foot flleys. water
In house, shade trees, lota in garden truck
and potatoea; price $650. Address H 1-0,
Oregonlan. "
14 lots, 50x100. price $1706; terms; 17
minutes' ride on Oregon Electric line, 6c
car fare: this Is the best buy In town;
Investigate; good land.
444 Sherlock Bldg.. 834 Third St.
-ROOM modern house: full lot on East
Main and close in; very sightly: an honestly-built
and well-planned house wortn
$4000, but for reasons will sell now for
611 Gerllnger bldg.. corner 2d and Alder.
Choice businees lot, corner Corbett and
Bancroft streets, only $2500. beautiful
view flne location for fiats; must sell to
close estate. Hartman A Thompson,
Chamber of Commerce.
J1S60 New, modern 5-room bungalow;
good lawn, improved grounds and street; one
block Portsmouth School: email cash pay
ment, balance like paying rent. A. W.
Kagley. Portsmouth st., St. John car.
Ml'ST sell. $675. beautiful full lot. between
Broadway and Hancock ata, ail Improve
ments paid, including 6-foot cement side
walk. The swellest residence district on
the East Side, only 15 minutes out; terms.
Owner. 48 N. 15th st-
FOR SALE Modern 5-roomtcottage. cement
basement, cement walks all around the
house. Creston Addition, Clarke's Station,
near greenhouse; few hundred down, bal
ance easy terms; a bargain. Owner, E 119.
6-ROOM cottage, a bargain, corner lot, 1
block off Ainsworth avenue, house mod
ern finely finished, close to. cars; price
$2ihK; terms to suit. Call owner by
phone. Woodlawn 931, between 7 nd 9
NEW 5-room cottage, bath, toilet, hot and
cold water, electric lights, ahades, screens,
linoleum In kitchen, fruit, berries; email
payment, balance monthly. 581 South
ave., Sellwood car.
2 ACRES on Kellogg Lake. In Mllwaukle.
good 5-room house, fruit trees, boating
and Ashing right at the door, flne view of
river; ideal spot for a home and close to
car. $2000. F. C. Harlow Co.. Mllwaukle,
60x65 ON BROADWAY carline for $2000, or
half for $1050; nrst-class neighborhood
and walking distance; all improvements
In and paid. Chapln A Herlow. 332 Cham
ber of Commerce.
11 ACRES, close In; 10 In cultivation: good
house -and barn, running water; 10-cent
fare to city; price $(1800.
O. W. P. LAND CO.,
1st and Alder sts.
FINE QUARTER BLOCK, nicely Improved,
on Union ave.. near Holladay. now pay
ing a fair rate of Interest on the price.
611 Gerllnger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder.
$5000 West Side; good Income-bearing
property: 9-room house, at v412 10th st. ;
$2000 cash required, balance at 6 per cent.
F. A. Rossbach, owner, 1416 Broadway,
Spokane, wash.
$3700 6-room modern, up-to-date house. In
Piedmont, cement basement, walks and
retaining walls, furnace heat, built for a
home and everything Is nrst-class; terms.
C. B. Lucas. S22 Corbett bldg.
IB PER CENT down and $25 per month buys
a new modern 6-room house and lot In
Waverlelga Heights; price only $2760. Ad-
dress owner, 777 E. 8th at. Phone Sell
wood lltM.
$3730 6-room modern house on East An
Iceny. west of 24th St.. nearly new, fixtures
all complete and go -with house; terms If
desired. C. B. Lucas, 322, Corbett bldg.
HANCOCK-ST. ADDITION to Irvlngton: will
sell equity of $250 In one of the choicest
lots on Hancock et.. for $175 caah; price
of lot $630. B 133. Oregonlan.
$2300 Almost new 6-room cottage, modern,
near Williams ave.. etreets Improved:
$10O0. balance loag time. Owner, phone
East 1623.
60 ACRES, platting proposition, close In.
fine view and special features that are
very attractive: a snap. E. R. Markham.
209 Commercial bldg.
ELEGANT fractional lot. College, near W.
Park- south frontage: $3800; over half
time. 8 per cent. Culver, 623 Chamber
LOT. 50x65. Broadway, west E. 7th: reason
able price If taken soon for cash; Im
provements In and paid. Culver, 623
Chamber of Commerce.
13100 New, modern 6-room house on
Montavllla carline; $400. time. Phone
East 1623.
PRICES sacrificed, new 6-room residences,
walking distance. $3100. . $3300. Inquire
evenings. 6S6 East Stark.
10 ACRES of rightly ground, suitable for
platting, on good car line; $360o. Call
mom 40. -Washington bldg.
$776 Lots $7Hxl0O. adjoining 786 E. Yam
hill, 24th. 608 Main st.. Oregon City.
160 ACRES adjoining town of Yamhill; fine
river bottom land; 110 acres In flne state
cultivation; 10 acres In orchard: good mod
em 11-room house, good barn and granary,
newly painted, new outbuildings, with barn
for 25 cows: running water on place; the
best buy In Willamette Valley In a good
dairy farm. Price $100 per acre.
340 acres H mile from Yamhill; 800 acres
In flne state of cultivation; good family
orchard, well fenced, house and 8 baras.
well watered and adapted for fruit. The
best buy In the valley for platting In small
tracts. Price $65 per acre. Willamette
Valley Information Bureau, room 312 Board
of Trade, corner 4th and Oak sts.
336 acres, all extra flne soil; over 200
acres In cultivation: several acres of ex
cellent pasture, green all Summer; balance
good oak tlmbeA good 8-room house and
fair barn. This is a splendid buy at only
$4.- per acre. Adjoining this place Is 320
acres; 250 acres in cultivation, all flne
soil; good house and barn, windmill, etc.
Price. $47.50 per acre. These places are
located In the best part of the Willam
ette Valley and are the best buys of the
size that I know of. See me about theBe.
204 Corbett Bldg.
IT takes only $2300 to handle this up-to-date
stock i-anch of 2i06 acres, balance 10 years'
time; this property Is located on the John
Day River: there is some scattering pine
timber, but most of the land is the best of
bunch grass and Is finely located on the
river, where the Winter la mild; land is
all under 3-wlre fence, a good barn, cor
rals, feeding racks and all outbuildings, good
6-room house, bearing orchard of 2"k trees,
grapes and small fruits: flne garden. 130
t"na of hay In stack. If you want this at
$6 per acre, you can have It. Geo. W.
Turner, 416-16 Rothchlld bldg., Portland,
We have some choice large tracts of
land In Southern Oregon. admirably
adapted for orchards: one tract of a lit
tle over 1000 acres at $75 per acre; a
SNAP. Must sell quick.
We also have some large stock ranches
with big back ranges adjacent, and some
magnificent irrigated dairy farms.
We buy and sell and sell right. Corre
spondence or a visit solicited.
CO.. Hotel Oregon. Ashland. Or.
125 ACRES.
All In cultivation: large house. In fine
condition: good barn, windmill, plenty
of water; extra good family orchard.
This Is a very sightly place; 8 miles from
town and R. R. station; price $6250, $2500
1.-.0 ACRES.
100 acres under cultivation, balance pas
ture and oak timber: good house and
barn. This is a good farm and cheap
at $5500.
204 Corbett Bldg.
Will buy a 40-acre farm. 30 acres
under cultivation, balance In timber. It
is watered by small creek and 3 good
springs: can be piped to any part of
the Held. Has small house and barn, not
linlshed: water piped In house and barn
yard. Some young fruit trees. It has
about 400 cords of standing timber: Is
1 , miles from Estacada carline; terms,
$1000 cash, balance In 4 years.
13314 First Street,
225 ACRES of river bottom land, on Wil
lamette River, 30 miles from Portland;
about 40 acres In cultivation. 60 acres
slashed, balance good timber: buildings of
little value: this is a good Investment and
a pickup at $27 per acre as the timber
' w-lU pay for the land and It will make one
of the best stock and dairy farms on the
river. See I Geo. W. Turner, 415-16
Rothchlld bldg.
10 ACRES beautifully located, good level
land, half mile from town, 1 mile from 6t
Martln's Springs. 3 acres cultivated. 80
walnut trees, young family orchard, good
well, 6-room house, new barn and chicken-house.
25 chickens. 3 tons of hay.
household goods, tools; prloe for quick
sale $1700. Address J. L. Olson, Box 27,
Carson. Wash.
FARMS FOR SALE Special snap! 160 acres
1 mile south of Mooter, 6 miles from Hood
River; 20 acres cleared: 6 springs; good
apple land: $30 per acre for quick sale;
case of sickness; adjoining land sold at
double price. J. W. Wledrick, Hood River,
FOR SALE Hood River apple land, by
owner; 40 acres unimproved. 10 miles
from Hood River, on main Mount Hood
road: land rolling, under ditch, close to
school. Address P. O. Box 693. Hood
River. Or.
FOR SALE By owner, 10 acres, all cleared,
excellent fruit or garden land. mile
from Forest Grove electric line and- two
miles from Forest Grove. Price $1500.
This Is a bargain. Address P. O. box 814,
Forest Grove, Or.
$5.ri0 FOR 5 acres of some of the best land
. in the Willamette Valley; one and one
half miles from Canby; will sell Cor $50
down and $10 a month. D 126. Orego
nlan. $18 PER ACRE 320 acres, 8 miles from
Salem. 120 acres cleared, balance fir and
oak timber: 7-room house and large barn,
very low price but must be sold to close
an estate. N 107. Oregonlan.
11 ACRES good land one mile from Oregon
City, running water, some timber, $100
per acre; terms. G 109. Oregonlan.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment tributary to
Portland. 827 Worcester block.
FOR Willamette Valley lands see Olmsted
Land Company. Salem. Or.
96.000,000 FEET of timber In Jackson Coun
ty, Or., 30 per cent sugar pine, balance
white pine, fir and cedar, close to S. P.
Ry. ; a good milling proposition. This
property Is known to be rich In gold
quarts and placer mines; will be sold at
low price. F. C. Harlow Co., Mllwau
kle. Or.
WE are practical timber dealers, with per
sonal knowledge of the best timber tracts
In the Northwest: can give reliable Infor
mation and correct values of large or
small tracts.
$36 Chamber of Commerces.
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce.
WE are constantly acquiring nne . tract of
timber for sale and are headquarters for
lumber enterprises of all kinds Phone
Main 44S8. Kinney St Stampher, 631-32
Lumber Exchange bldg.
2 TIMBER claims. 3.000,000 each: pine;
6 miles from R. R. Cruise guaranteed;
price $325 each. A. W. Nelson A Co.,
Lafayette bldg.
FOR SALE -8.000.000 feet good saw timber,
cedar, spruce, hemlock. 160 acres deeded
land; good transportation facilities, near
Chinook. Wash. Address P 4. Oregonlan.
HAVE several excellent timber claims, will
cruise S and 4 million ft, 1250 Macadam
Government locations. 327 Worcester blk.
TIMBER claims open for immediate filing.
Call room 13 Lafayette bldg.
WANTED From owners only, 5 to 7-room
modern house on West Side; give full par
ticulars In first letter. L 131. Oregonlan.
100x100 OR more near a school in any good
suburb, on easy terms. K 124. Orego
nlan. I WANT a good building lot, close in; must
be a snap. K 128, Oregonlan.
EIX good homestead locations ready for
entry; locating reasonable. T 123, Ore
gonlan. TIMBER Lands wanted. C J. MoCrackea
304 McKay bldg.
Including ten cows, team, wagon and
harness, cans and cream separator; other
stock, crop, implements, chickens and
garden for sale to the amount of $750; In
the dairying district of Washington
County, 178 acres, lease $240 year.
B. -S. COOK A CO., 503 Corbett Bldg.
WILL trade for what you have. Gue Smith,
404 Buchanan bldg.
WANTED -Good launch In exchange for
nrst-class real estate. U 124. Oregonlan.
WE have 12 acres onlv 4 miles from city
limits on a fine road; all lies level;. quar
ter mile to a graded school, handy to K.
R. station: all clear and In grass: some
bearing cherry trees. Will trade this for
a good 5-room cottage In city.
511 Gerllnger bldg.. corner 2d and Alder.
THREE sections raw fruit land near North
Yakima, Wash.; can be used for wheat now;
in artesian belt; will exchange for Portland
Income property. Address L. D. S. Patton.
box 846. North Yakima. Wash., or at Nor
tonla Hotel until Monday.
GOOD 9-room house and 28 lots on the Pen
insula, 2 blocks from St. John carline;
price $16,000. General merchandise, hard
ware stock or Improved farm In Willam
ette Valley preferred. G 117. Oregonlan.
FINE home, beautiful grounds, in booming
Valley town; want home In Portland; also
450 acres land near same town for sale
to close estate. C 118, Oregonlan. Phone
Woodlawn 846.
$2500 13 ACRES flne land. Joining Glad
stone Park, half mile Oregon City car
for house and lot In Portland. 616
Couch bldg. Phone Main 2405.
HAVE flne complete motion-picture outfit,
consisting of flne feature films, gas outfit,
etc for sale or will exchange for acreage
or lots. Main 8458.
A. $12,000 Klickitat hill fruit and farm
tract to trade toward Portland home or
business property Fiank Lee, 147 Vi
Front st.
INCOME brick building in good town for
trade; wants acreage: will assume differ
ence. Angeles. 411 Commonwealth bldg.,
6th aad Ankeny.
WHAT have you to trade or exchange? W.
Lawrence & Co.. 816 Lumber Exchange
bldg., 2d and Stark.
lOO-ROOM rooming-house; will exchange for
farm or city property.. . Address AE 89,
FORTY acres choice fruit land, north of
Hood River; will take good team, harness,
wagon and cows. Box 21. -
WILL exchange a flne grocery for anything
you have; no .agents. Address owner, N
114. Oiegonlan. -
640 ACRES wheat land to exchange for res
idence. Smith. 404 Buchanan bldg.
LAUNCH for sale, or will exchange for real
estate. Main 815L
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
WANTED 3 single delivery horses, color
bay, black or sorrel, weight lioo to 1150
lbs., sound, age from 6 to 8 years. Phone
Main 5331. .
WANTED Horses to board by day or
month, best of care taken of all horses
and rigs, everything new. Kirby, near
Russell at,
25 HORSES, farm and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close
out- Hubert A HalL 266 4th st.
A NO. 1 driving horse, buggy and harness
for sale; a bargain. Dr. Froom's barn. 14th
and Yamhill in., city.
FOR SALE or trade for good work horses,
160 acres of yellow flr on river. J 130,
FAMILY horse, bay, 1200 lba; sell or ex
change for lot or housepalnting. 243
Stark St.
NICE young team. 1000 each, or will Bell
separate. 630 East Brooklyn. Bellwood
AT A SACRIFICE Road horse, buggy, har
ness as good as new. 14 Union ave. North.
FOR SALE Young team draft horses. Ap
ply 308 Davis st.
FOR SALE Five-year-old team; weight 2400;
broke double and single. 458 Williams ave.
FOR SALE or trade, 1 light team, 6 and 6
years old. Phone East 4804.
WANTED Sound, young horse, weighing
1200 or more. Apply at 42 Union ave. N.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
GOOD, gentle horse for sale. Fox A Co.. 209
Second st,
2H-INCH Bain wagon, new; good set of
team harness. 16th and Jefferson sts.
4 DRLIVERY horses for sale cheap. Call East
FOR RENT Large stable, near business
district. Phone East 3141.
FOR SALE 4-cyllnder 1908 model run
about, with top, curtains, lamps and stor
age battery, guaranteed in perfect run
ning order. Sell for cash or trade for
real estate. AF 120. care Oregonlan.
Phone Tabor 722.
AUTOMOBILE toe eale; Stevens Duryea, 4
cyllnder, with top, lamps, Gabriel horn,
clock, extra tires and tubes, etc. ; guaran
teed to be In nrst-class condition; $1300.
L 123, Oregonlan.
AN automobile, good for sightseeing; will
carry 10 persons; will sell or exchange for
real estate. Address B. B. Hodman, 603
Alder su
WANTED Runabout, new or second-hand.
Address, stating condition and best price,
H 64, Oregonlan.
PARTY INTENDING to purchase piano at
Ellers Piano House can have $loo credit
slip for $80 cash. Phone East 6829. bet.
9 and 11 A. M.
$500 VOSE & SONS upright grand piano.
$225: terma Might rent. 617 Tourny.
Pacific 244.
FOR SALE Extra good piano, oak case,
bargain to party showing money. 109
Cook ave.
GASOLINE launch. 81 feet, canory top. 1j
H. P. 4-cyllnder engine, brass finishings,
quarter-sawed oak decks, complete, with
boathouse. A 42. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE way below cost, a good stock of
general merchandise In a good town,
about $12,600. 611 Commercial block: 2d
and Washington.
FOR SALE 35-ft. launch, complete with
machinery, for less than cost. A snap.
Address J. O. Badger, Toledo. Wash.
FOR SALE OR RENT, Logging and Hoist
ing engines, rails, cars. etc. Railway
Equipment Co., 74 1st, A 2363. Main 2363.
FOR SALE One 10-horsepower traction en
gine, $200. Henry Kllnkman, Mllwaukle,
Oregon, or phone Sellwood 1001.
FOR SALE Orpheum (Marquam Grand)
Theaiter programme. Address M 120,
FOR SALE 110-loaf Roberta portable oven,
new. cheap. A. G. Humphrey, Goldendale,
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. flr and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover. 813
Water st. Phone Main 7451.
FOR SALE Complete scholarship In I. C.
S. bookkeeping and stenography; cost $70
cash; will sell for $20. C 103, Oregonlan.
"CHIEF" gas range, 4-burner, $10.50: also
coffee mill, $8. 919 Williams ave. Wood
lawn. 1449.
FINE 11-months-old female bear, tame as a
kitten. La Tosca saloon, 307 Washington
St., Vancouver, Wash.
the latest films, song slides, supplies, etc.,
at the lowest prices. 293 Burnslde.
FOR 8ALE Jersey cow. Ladd stock; will
pay for self In 3 months. Phone 1097 Sell
wood. 494 Lexington ave.
LAUNCH and boathouse for sale, first-claas
condition, well equipped; cash, terms. C 126,
NO. 7 Remington typewriter, very cheap;
good as new. M. Heaman. 402 Sd st.
20-FOOT launch and boathouse. first-class;
cash or real estate. Phone Main 7314.
A HEAVY spring wagon for sale very
cheap at 231 Madison st.
SWELL Babcock trap, cost $275. will sell
for $175, Including harness. 433 15th St. N.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 165ft 4th st.
FOR SALE Fine office rug. 72 1st st. Phone
Main 2o3.
GOOD family 00 w for sale cheap at 395
Larrahee st.
LADY barber wanted at once and will teach
young lady trade. 12 N. 4th et.
FOR SALE 2 cows, good easy milkers. 49
E 50th St., near Base Line.
GOOD Jersey cow to trade for good pony.
Tabor 366.
CALL Main 1037 for good flr wood.
We carry a complete stock of plumbing
material and piping of all kinds, on which
we can save you from 15 to 75 per cent
from the plumber's price.
We furnish reliable registered plumbers
to Install the work If desired.
Let us show you.
3V. E. Cor. 4th and Gllsan Streets.
FOR SALE New and --eeond-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments: we rent
tables, with privilege of buying: modern
bar fixtures; cheap prloes. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender.
49 Third st.
IN LOTS OF FROM $100 TO $5000,
parties Interested call Maglnnls ft Son.
408-4 McKay bldg. -
OLD VIOLINS bought, and sold. Choice old
Instruments always 'on hand. L. Winters,
' 318 Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts.
$3000 to $10,000 a year in the real estate
business for man who Is looking for a
future is offered by one of the largest
real estate firms which is now being or
. ganized; men wanted in every seotlon of
the state; a great opportunity for in
vestors with a few hundred dollars to
make a fortune; Investment guaranteed
and secured by 8 per cent real estate.
We control large tracts in which for
tunes will be made; we control the finest
fruit and farm land. In wTiich we will
take in a few partners to participate in
the large profits, at the same time acting
as our representative. Answer, with full
particulars, R 114, Oregonlan.
2 PAINTERS for R. R. depot work, $2.76,
free fare.
Chef. $100; second, $fl&; baker and pastry
cook and help on range, $75; kitchen help,
planerman. edgerman, 2 donkey engineers,
$65; sawmill hands.
Dairy to lease on shares; five-year con
tract, no capital required, but must be
practical In dairy business.
C. R. HANSEN, JR., 26 N. 2d St.
WANTED 1000 respectable men and wom
en, able to pay $10 .down and $10 per
month for nine months, to write us for
particulars about Gordon Falls, the new
textile town on the Columbia River, 29
miles from Portland, where large woolen
mills and other manufactories are to be
established. We give stock free with
bonds, and want every employe to have
.an interest in the town and share In the
profits. Gordon Falls Electric A Mfg.
Co.. Commercial Club bldg., Portland, Or.
For graduates last year: men and
women to learn barber trade In eight
weeks; help to secure positions; graduates
earn from $15 to $26 weekly; expert In
structor; tools free; write for catalogua
Moler System of Colleges. 85 N. 4th st..
Portland, Or.
WANTED Expert electrical aid at $5.04
per diem. -An examination will be held
at the Navy-Yard.. Mare Island, Cal.,
August 81. 1908. to fill the above posi
tion. For application and further Infor
mation, address Commandant. Navy-Yard.
Mare Island, Cal.
WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bc-dled un
married men, between ages of 19 and 35,
citizens of United States, of good charac
ter and temperate habits, who can speak,
read and write English. Apply to re
cruiting officer, Alnoworlh block. 3d and
Oak sts., Portland, Or.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster
ing and bricklaying, day and night classes,
no books, free catalogue; special low
tuition; easy Installments. Coyne National
Trade School. S39-240 Eighth St.. Ban
WANTED Today, 4 good rough carpenters.
In city, $3.75; also 6 laborers, $2 to $2.50;
call early; others.
12 N. 2d St. Both Phones.
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 152$.
Help fnee to employers.
$5 PER DAY earned by. men handling our
universal brush and broom attachment for
dustleso brushing and sweeping. Send Sue
for sample and full particulars. The
American Sanitary Co., Allentown, Pa.
A HUSTLING salesman to travel for large
manufacturing concern; salary $100 a
month and expenses; $500 cash bond re-
' quired. 225 Lumber Exchange.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle.
A GOOD honest hustler with small capital
can secure interest In real estate business
that will pay $150 month. Particulars 318
AllsKy blag., 30 ana Morrison.
BOYS wanted for messenger' work. Derma
nent employment; good wages. Apply
to manager American District Telegraph
Co., 76 3d st.
WANTED Saddle-makers on medium nmd
high-grade work: steady positions. Address
Los Angeles Saddlery A Finding Co., Los
Angeles, -tai.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced price
clerk for wholesale hardware house; good
position for first-class man. Address T
107, Oregonlan.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Commer
cial Abstract Co.. 407-8-9 Commercial
Club bldg.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon portrait or book
agents; winning offer. Cutberth Studio, De
kum bldg.
A-l DRIVER with experience on bakery
wagon; state last employment, Q 125,
DENTIST Good all-around man to operate
and take Impressions. New York Dental
WANTED Boy 16 to 18. in law office as
messenger, etc.. for two weeks. Address
H 116, Oregonlan.
WANTED A man to work on small place;
must understand gardening and milking.
D 127. Oregonlan.
WANTED Quick man with $300 to Invest
and take position of true on road; salary,
expenses. 225 Lumber Exchange bldg.
12 North 2d st. - Both Phones.
For Men 250 Burnslde Street.
Phone Main 6694.
EXPERIENCED clothing salesmen apply at
once to Lee Bertllllon. 6th and Everett
FIRST-CLASS men to write health and ac-
.Mant tnmirnrw. l'tlifin f'.UflrRllT.fl AlBn,
Commercial Club bldg., 5th and Oak sts. 1
STUDY LAW in our night school, now In
session. Portland Law School. 630 Wor
cester block.
TRAVERS A HANLEY, employment agents.
No 7 North 2d. St. Telephones Main
727, A 2290.
GOOD lot for housepalnting and decorating.
243 Stark St. Phone Sellwood 370.
WANTED Young man for light steno
graphic work. A E 123. Oregonlan.
WANTED A salesman to solicit for a shoe
house. Room 39 Hamilton bldg.
JAPANESE and Chinese employment
agency, 289 Burnslde st. Main N309.
WANTED Experienced chocolate dippera
Apply 110 N. 4th st. Ideal Candy Co.
WANTED Porter. Hotel Tennessee, cor. 4th
and Madison.
BARBER wanteds Saturday. 84 6th st. N.
BARBER wanted for Saturday. 250 1st st.
CHAIR man wanted at 284 Main St.
BARBER wanted. 205 Morrison st.
EXPERIENCED second girl: references re
quired. Call mornings, before 11, 66 Lu
cre tla st.
WANTED Experienced second girl, refer
ences required. Call before 11 A. M. 68
Lucretla place.
WANTED At once, experienced lady steno
grapher; must be competent. B 118, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Bright, healthy girl for doctor's
office. Apply A D 122. Oregonlan.
WANTED Young lady to learn barber
' trade. 201 Bornside st,
GIRLjfor general housework, one who under
stands cooking. Apply 686 Lovejoy st-
GIRL for general housework in private
family, good wages. Apply 229 Cherry st.
WANTED Good girl for general housework.
257 N. 22d st-, corner Northrup.
WANTED Waitress at 208 Columbia
GIRLS. 16 years and over, to work 1n fac
tory. Apply at once, Ames-Harrls-Nevllle
Co., 6th aad Davis sts.
TODAY 3 cooks, private boarding. 1 out
town. $30-$50: 12 cooks, private families,
1 out town. $20-$3.-: 3 second girls. . 1.
$23; 5 waitresses, 3 out town, $-0--. 1
general housework. 20-$30; 1 cnild s
nurse. $30; 2 girls. 14 to 16. assist house
work. $10; St. Louis Ladles' Agency,
4th. Main 203t. A 2S24.
WANTED Experienced first-class cook: ref-
-,., cmflii family: no wash
ing or housework; wages $45. H. E. Carr.,
Northeast corner Island Ankeny. 2 1st
street. ' a
LADY for general office work, one who un
derstands bookkeeping and stenography,
state references and salary expected. D
. . 103, Oregonlan. .
WANTED Girl for light chamber work who
Is experienced waitress auu. -table
for dinner: wages $25. The Colonial,
10th and MorriEon.
84314 Wash, st..- cor. 7th, upstairs.
' Phones Main and A 2692.
Eelp Supplied Free to Employers.
WAITRESSES, city, coast, mineral springs,
Estacada, $25; chambermaids, cooks do
mestics, etc. "Drakes," 205 ft Washing
ton. WANTED Experienced lady demonstrator.
Address with references. AB 124. Ore
gonlan. WANTED Bright girl for laundry office
- work, experience preferred. Address AH
122, Oregonlan.
Ladles' Department 206ft Morlson at.
Phones: Main 1062; A 2064.
848ft Washington St.. corner ith. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692
WANTED Athletic girls to Join traveling
company; five months' engagement: salary
and expenses paid. C 117. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
must be good cook, good wages. 858 N
S2d. Willamette Heights.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co. 609 Roth
chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Girl for cooking and housework:
must be good cook; 3 in family; small
wash. Call Saturday afternoon. 121 23d.
GOOD girl for general housework In a boarding-house,
at 41 Ella st.
COMPETENT hairdresser and manicure.
Rosenthal Sisters; 109 7th at.
WANTED A saleslady of good address to
solicit for shoes. Room 39 Hamilton bldg.
WANTED Middle-aged couple to take care
of invalid lady for her board and the use
of an acre of ground. Mrs. Gray,, Archer
Place. 8 blocks north of store.
WANTED Singers, comedians. etc., for
vaudeville and dramatio stage. Newman's
theatrical circuit, 293 Burnslde.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED Position as salesman, either road
or Inside; have traveled Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho past 12 years and California
past two years and always successful; ex
perience In most standard lines; will start
cheap until show what I can do; try me.
Salesman, East 22, 10th st.
THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer,
bookkeeper and office man of 25, now
employed, as city salesman, desires open
ing where loyal and efficient service will
Ized. railroad, mining and mer
cantile experience; salary reasonable. O
128, Oregonlan.
WANTED Office work or bookkeeping,
either permanent or temporary, or small
sets of books to keep up; long experience
In business of different kinds; steady and
reliable. Write me. K., East -a, 10m st.
POSITION by a young man to work from 7
to 11 or 12 In the evening as a typewriter.
clerk, etc. L 119, Oregonlan
YOUNG man of several years' experience
banking, wants position, gooa reierences.
W.,124, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man desires position as office man,
assistant bookkeeper; salary no object.
V 122, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man 32 years old, marrie. wants
management of some good commissary or
position in same, or In some small town;
experienced general merchandise; shoes a
specialty. AU lzi. uregonian.
1 iitnni 1 A nc'n man wishes TiORlfflnn.
A .1HL'1'L,IJ " uui' .
care of stock or teamster: strictly sober
ana lnaustrious; jh.j w -uu.. j
WANTED Position by married man. un
derstands care of stock, good driver and
all-round practical zarmer. v ur
A JAPANESE student wishes situation as
bellboy or elevator boy or any kind of
office work; not very difficult; experienced.
M 132. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position of trust where execu
tive ability Is an object, city references;
will be available Aug. 16. A 120, Orego
nlan. POSITION wanted by first-class circular
sawyer ana flier; gooa an-rouna miumiuij
experienced foreman; best of references.
Address box 805. Centralia, Wash.
YOUNG man, 18, capable. Intelligent, wants
position; city or country. C 127. Orego
nlan. SITUATION wanted by Industrious and sober
man; do gardening, care horse or automo
bile; good references. AC 121, Oregonlan.
A YOUNG, respectable man wants a posi
tion as coachman or academic horse
breaker. C 120. Oregonlan. .
JAPANESE, honest. Christian boy, wants
position at housework; talks English good.
C 129, Oregonlan.
AN Oriental student wants some light
housework or schoolboy work In a small
family. G 129. Oregonlan. '
GERMAN man and wife, no children, want
work on farm or private place. AB 121,
WANTED Position as watchman; six years'
recommendations. J. W. Towler, 645 Hood
COLLECTOR wants your delinquent accounts
to collect. B 119, Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted by man and wife to
cook In camp. Box io uregon t-ny, ir.
FIRST-CLASS chef wants position In or out
of town. Pacific 989.
COMPETENT- man wishes steady position,
barn man or cuffer. AD 125. Oregonlan.
A JAPANESE desires a position as the cook
In a small family. Li 110, uregonun.
WANTED A stenographer for light office
work; state wages. K 120. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE boy wants situation as cook or
doing housework. .purnsiao
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
WANTED Young lady with some experi
ence wishes position as bookkeeper and
stenographer. Lock box 20, Washougal,
LADY stenographer. 8 years' experience, de
sires permanent position; best references.
J 117. Oregonlan.
FOR a good stenographer, for ubtlt"t r
permanent work, phone Clerical Office.
Main 4304.
WANTED Dressmaking at 350 Benton st
bet. Broadway and Cherry; suits (coats
and skirts) specialty. Mrs, ttyan.
Kn-TKnr much experience, will take charge
?any EnS nuSnsf Including elderly peo-
pie. AUUU oww
xt FA RANT home, best care during con
finement by capable nurse; rate, low;
?efe?.ncos. Phone Woodlawn 247.
wit at voung girl wishes work as second
Itl in gSod family. Apply 246 ft 7th st.
1 ADY wants washing or nousecleaning, also
takes laundry home. Mrs. Spring. 467
East Ash.
MOTHER and son 18 want positions to
gether; rooming-nouae or raiicn; vrrni
low wages if good home; capaDle house
keeper, son strcng. energetic. C 128, Ore
gonlan. A RELIABLE lady going to Los Angeles
would act afl nemonsirtttui in any iiof
just for occupation. F 126, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED suit saleslady wants posi
tion; can make alterations; Desi 01 raw
ences. H 111. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT woman wants washing, clean
ing ana ironing oy me f.a.ot
ELDERLY ladv wants position to assist In
housework In small family, call after 8
A. M. 757 Division St.
WELL-MANNERED school girl would like
to care for and entertain child in refined
family; go home evenings, rhone A 3061.
YOUNG lady desires position taking care
baby and assist in housework. J 125, Ore
gonian. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY wants orders
for good help. 209ft 4th. Main 2039, A
LADY wants washing or cleaning, 25o per
hour. E 117, Oregonlan.
CAN put to -work cracker-Jack real estate
salesman; Installment payments; extra
good seller, extra good commissions right
man can make $100 per week. Address,
giving experience. X 123, Oregonlan.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? It
so. we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory
Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
CAN give few good salesmen exclusive con
tract whereby you can make $100 to $206
per week; write today, giving references.
410 Corbett Bldg., Portland.
THE Oregon Nursery Co of Salem, Or.,
wants more saleemen: llneral terms; out
fit furnished. Full Information on appli
cation. WANTED Good agents to sell photo cou
pons, best seller out. Call 362 Washington.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, eta. Land
lords will do well to call OB Portlani
Trust Company of Oregon. B. E. cor. Id
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
GENTLEMAN, single, wants furnished room,
including breakfast and dinner If possible;
family preferred; references exchanged. D
130. Oregonlan.
WANTED Location for cigars and confec
tionery stand, where you catch the traffic-
AF 123. Oregonlan.
WANTED Board and room In private familr
for gentleman; must be central. Phone
Main 610, Home A 3510.
WANTED To lease or purchase one or
more greenhouses. E 129, Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent 10-room house, close
In. West Side- Phone East 106.
Pays the rrlce that gets any second-hand
furniture there Is for sale. East 988, B
FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to aelL
Main 5655. A 412L
WANTED To buy 1 upright 8 to 12 H. P.
boiler, 3 or 4 w(wden tanks, 500 to 2000
gallons capacity; 1 copper kettle. 25 to
50 gallons capacity. Address T 101, Ore-
. gonlan.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also .buy housohold furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phone l'aclno 1722.
WANTED Diamond, one-carat or two
carat stone, state lowest price. Box N
120, Oregonlan.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
CLOTHING Phone M 186188 N. Id.
Highest prloe paid; prompt attention.
WILL buy a second-hand safe at a bargain.
P J 20 Oregonlan.
WANTED Used cash register; will pay cash.
Phone Main 1433 or A 1433.
Furnished Rooms.
BOARD and room for one or two young men
in private family, no other boarders; use
of phone and bath, and all the comorU of
home, $18 per month If together or $20
occupying separate rooms, 186 E. 23d St..
Sunnyside car. Phone East 3836.
HOTEL PALMER, cor. Park and A!der, un
der new management; thoroughly reno
vated throughout; roomsC single or en suite;
transients, $1; special rates by the eek;
free bath and phones. Mrs. N. A, Bills,
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 18th and Wash
Ington sts. Newly furnished throughout:
new buildings, sultej with baths, hot and
cold water In every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
IF you are looking for the best rooms In
the city for the money, phone the Glendora
for particulars; rooma $5 to $15 per month;
strictly modern. 19th and Couch, one block
from Washington. Main 6280.
HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th
first-class furnished rooms, single or en
suite; every modern convenience. $3 week
ly up; dally, 75o up; special monthly rates.
Main 5647.
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacltlo 496-
TH E ALPHA Beautiful front bay-window
and other outside rooms; electric lights,
baths, etc.; $2.50 -week up; transients.
209 ft Washington.
214 Columbia st. 1 block from Salem Blectrlo
depot; running water In all rooms, bath and
phone, A 1539; 600 to $1 day. $2.60 to $4 wk.
THE WILLAMETTE. 822ft Stark St., large
light rooms, well furnished, single or en
suite, 60c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5 week.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 ft
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea.
6T. JOHN HOUSE, 205 ft Wash.. Joseph
West, prop. Furnished and unfurnished
housekeeping rooms; transient. 60c.
NICELY furnished front room, all con
veniences; gentlemen preferred. Phone
Main 500 or 175 14th.
FURNISHED room, private family, suitable
for two gentlemen, with or wl!hout board.
427 3u.
LARGE room, running water. Immense
closet, bath; $16 per month. 187 6th st,,
near YamhllK
392 COLUMBIA Large room, first floor;
electric light, bath, phone; easy walk to
WILL rent 2 large nicely furnished rooms,
to gentlemen who would appreciate privl
' lege of nice home. A 123. Oregonlan.
THE COZY, 1!5 7th Nicely furnished rooma
with or without home cooking, one bloca
south Hotel Portland, two from Postofflce.
181ft 1ST ST., cor. Yamhill. Nicely fur
nished rooms; reasonable; both phones,
bath; permanent or transient.
446 TAYLOR, near 12th, very desirable
single front room for gentleman, private
family; modern, reasonable.
NICE, airy furnished rooms, walking dis
tance, near Burnslde bridge and carllnes.
429 E. Davis at.
NICE room, board If desired; private fam
llv. 444 3d St.; bath, phone, piano. Pacific
HOTEL ROYAL. 108 ft 4th; nice rooms.
$1.50 to $5 -.reek, 60 cents, $1 night.
NICELY furnished front room, also 1 bed
room at $5 j r month at 211 Park st.
LARGE, airy front room, furnished or un
furnished. South Portland. Phone A 3061.
FROM $1 to $2.50 week, furnished or un
furnished. L. Stalnaker. 1 ft Union ave.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d aad Columbia: modern
rooms, bath. 60c to $1 a day; $2 to $4 wk.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to
$5 wk; also transient rooma 343ft MorrL
$8 AND up. comfortable furnished rooms.
4J5 Taylor, cor. 11th.
PLEASANT corner room, modern. 642 Mor
rison st.
BEAUTIFUL clean ro-ms at the Ankeny,
349 ft Ankeny, cor. 7 th; $3 to $5 week.