Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 05, 1908, Page 12, Image 12

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SPLENDID home near the city at a very rea
sonable price; 10 acres on Em acada carline,
all under cultivation, 3 acres of orchard in
best of condition. 7 -room house, bam 16x20.
henhouse 12x14. 2 acres chit-ken park; it la
h miles from Portland; price $4A; would
consider exchange for city property If sold;
fliioo would handle It. balance in 5 years at
7 per cent.
133 ft, First St.
At once, two fine cottages on E. Everett at.;
one 5 rooms, built about 8 months, corner
lot: wi't sell for cost. $10Oo. lot free; $5H
caeh, balance in 3 years, interest at 6 per
er.t; aJfo a 4-room cottage on corner lot;
a cozy little home, for $UuO. $60O cash, bal
ance In 3 y-ars. interest al 6 per cent. For
further particulars call on owner at 1446 E.
Everett st.. or 165ft 3d st.. room A.
HAVE YOL" $50o?
An opportunity like this comes but once.
Do big things with your email earning.
Investigate this today. It won't last long.
412 Chamber of Commerce.
MODBH X 8-rooTj house on East Bums Id
st., fireplace, furnace, full cement basement,
laundry tubs, fruit room, billiard room, etc.;
this U In the bst part of the swell East
nurn.wide district and at the price, $5700.
is chtaD.
2"S Rothchlld Bid.
A 8IOHTLY residence lot. SOxlOo, Bull Run
water, cement walks and curbs all paid
fur; about 2 blocks from carline, with Rood
-ar service; 15 minutes out; price $45o;
714 Couch bid?.. 100 4th at., near Wash.
ft MALI hoiiw and1 full lot. East 32ri St.. near
Hawthorne ave. ; all permanent street im
provement made; a fine buy for only $l-Vi;
also 2 unimproved lots on same street, $ TH).
Yanduyn A Walton, 615 Chamber Corn
mere. EAST SIDE SNAP $4O0 buys 2 fine resi
dence lots near Hawthorne ave and 24th;
best district: sightly; only $1000 each;
time to suit on balance. James C. Logan,
room 41 1 Corbett bldg.
S NEARLY new rt-room house on improved
Street In Holtadwy Addition. $tio0, or will
HI ont-.nt $.'(2tff; terms If desired. Western
Oregon Trust Co.. 14 Chamber of Commerce.
B-IH i(M cottage. bath. light lot fttxloO,
grudf-d streets, sewer, small fruit trees;
price $14m; terms S400 cash. $15 monthly.
State Land Co., IWU 1st st.
lO ACRES, all highly improved, best of soil.
Rood 5-room house and barn, I mile to R. R.;
priee, including all farm implements, $2250.
Particulars at 291 4th st.
MUST sell at onoe. 9 targe room house and
corner lot 50xiyO. near St. John, on car
line. $i:..ri0; $tm dow n, 2 years on rest.
L 663, Oregonian.
BARiiAN Rose City Park lots below
market value; must raise money: high;
sightly ; improvements; terms. C 056,
NEW 6-room house, near car. 20 minutes to
city, good surroundings, fine lot, $18(Ki.
"Western Oregon Trust Co., 14 Chamber of
fSlon New modern home, elegantly fur
nished; hardwood floors; furnace. Call
room 16, Washington bldg. Phone Main
LOT K. Ankeny. bet. K. 22d and 24t
50xM; priee $1000; $."oo cash. bal.
cent. Culver. 623 Chamber of Com
ot. K. 22d and 24th. Blze
MV rnsli. hnl ner
FOR SALE BY OWNKR Beautiful lO-room
home; walking distance; good neighbor
hood, on West Side. Phone Tabor 414.
-BLOCK East Side; good dwellings, rent
ing for $H2 per month ; price $12,500.
Culver. 623 Chamber of Commerce.
$1500 -New 5-room modern cottage, plastered
and tinted, bath; cor. lot. 6oxJ5. nice lawn;
terms. 530 Lumber Exchange bldg.
SWKLIi lot. 57ftxlOO; good buy; improved
street; improvements all paid; price $1050.
Conklin Bnw., 302 Rothchlld bldg.
LOT 1 block from Kllltngsworth, near Pat
ten ave., $"0 cash. $15 month. Purse, 823
Chamber of Commerce. M 7309.
svon Modern 8-room house, including some
fnrniture. Holladay's Addition. D. Miller,
41tf Chamber of Commerce.
FtR quick sale, list your property or busi
ness with the Far West Real Estate Co.,
630 Lumber Exchange bldg.
THKKM lots, Mi-Kcnna ave. and Williamette
boulevard, facing river. J. C. Werschkul.
Phone East 5499. B 1328.
$000 Sightlv residence lot on East Yam
hill st.. in neighborhood of new homes.
Owner, 819 Belmont.
$7500 IrtOxloo, facing Hooker, between Front
and Water; Income $250 month if you build
flats. Box 710. city.
MY equity In new 6-room furnished cot
tape worth $2000; monthly payments. S
646. Oregonlan.
1 ACKB on carline. $75 cash, $12.50 month;
price $(. Purse, 823 Chamber of Com
merce. M 7;mu.
NICE 4-room cottage on E. loth St.. $1575;
easy payment. Coplan, 407 Rothchlld bldg..
4th and Wah.
SEVERAL well located modern houses;
cash or easy terms. Call 325 Lumber
CORNER LOT, 333 Kenton St., cor. Cherry,
A-room cottage, modern; L car. Apply
HOt'sB and lot. not too far out. in ex
change for nice little farm IS miles from
Portland ; only 5 miles from railroad, on
small river; comprised of 44 ft acres. This
is an ideal country home. Address W 664,
Oregon i an.
HAVE a $20iH short term secured note
nhlch 1 will turn as part payment of a
home; want a place for about $3006;
prefer Sunny side. Address H 653, Ore
gonian. WANTED Will pay $400 down and rest on
time for 2 or 3 acres, 4 to 6-room house,
near to school, not more than 5 miles out,
on carline. A 04S." Orrgontan.
AY A NT lots, acreage, residences and busi
ness properties at right prices. Main 1675.
303 Buchanan Bldg.
LIST your houses and lots, any part of cit
with" uj: we do the business. Both phones.
11. W. Goddard & Co.. lil 4th st.
A ANTKl U or 2o acres near Siuen eWc
tiir line, all or partly cleared. Seneca O.
B-ach. t2 1st st. Both phones.
1 WILL ny fah for residence lot close in
on Wert Mde If reasonable. Room li, 131
CM st. Phone Mam 401O.
AVAXTEIV Two or three good lota in Ir
vington or Hoiiaday Additions. Riggs.
.Vil couch bHig.
AY A XT HO Will pay $4O0 to $500 down for
4 to tf-room houe. with 2 or 3 lots. A
H47, Oregon Ian.
4 OR 5 hotmnteads wanted, close together.
What do you know about them? X t42, Ore
gon Ian.
AV1LL pav cash f'r your equity, only snaps
considered. O 5t. Oregonlan.
AVAST fi to &-room house, east or West Side;
ay terms. J 615, Oregonlan.
1 HAVE $10o0 to pay down on
Side only. K WO. tirtgonian.
AVASTHP House and lot, not tm far out,
in exchange for nice little farm 1 st miles
from Portland; only 5 miles from railroad,
on small river; comprised of 44 S acres
This is an ideal country home. Address.
W t'04. Oregonlan.
BY onr. $im0 equity in &-room house.
Sunny si tic : price only $20; Improved
stieet. M'wtr. etc.. Mswmntt all paid. S
fiilt. Oregonlan.
CTLTIVATED farm in Mlsaourt. 160 acres,
for sale, or exchange for property In Port
land. 13. N. Howell, 2.10 H Alder, room 7.
IF you want to sell, buy or exchange real
estHte. timber or business of any kind,
call or write 325 Lumber Exchange.
TWO sigrtly Belle Crest lot, facing Country
Club racetrack: sale or exchange. McRae
J Angus. 4;C Chamber of Commerce.
s.,-,000 Sale or exchange for Portland prop
erty. block Ashland. Or. ; best town
in icinlty. Phone B 1114.
TO HXCHAXtiB Timber claim and rooming-house
of 34 rooms for farm or resi
dence. R t4fl. Oregunian.
I HAVE a large list of all kinds of property
for exchange. A. J. Richarddon, 204 Roth
chlld buiMing.
AY ILL tr,-d Newport property for riannor
household goods. Phone Main 17'.:, Ool-
d a rd .
WII-L trade for what you have. Gua 8mJth,
411 Buchanan bldg.
A SPLENDID farm, well located and well
stocked. S acres. 12 acres clear, .TO acre
easily cleared, balance m small timber, notice
ltx2S. bam 3Hx4S, and all necesaarv- out
buildings, good well and small creek, all
fenced land, nearly all level; personal prop
erty: 4 horse. 10 cows, 10 heifers. 1 bull.
5 shoats, S eheep, 85 chickens. 2 sets of
harness, lumber wagon, 1 2-sea ted hack,
cart, single harness, binder, mower, rake,
cream separator, bone cutter. 10 tons of
hay. SO bu. oats, 20 bu.- wheat, 25 yacks
potatoes, a lot of small tools, household
furniture: price $SOO: terms can be had.
There are So acres adjoining, with 40
acres under cultivation and In crop, which
can be rented for $100 per year for sev
eral years. This place Is 4 miles from Ore
gon City, 2i miles from carline, lfi miles
from boat lan ding. 14 milts from Portland.
133 V. First St.
Choice chicken ranch, 40 acres ; 4-room
house, running water; near school; some
bottom land, some swale land; & miles
from Kalama; easy terms; price $8oO; this
place is owned by sick man who desires to
eel! Immediately. Have plenty other good
Kalama, Wash.
13 ACRES, 6 miles east of Vancouver, good
soil, on good county road. 3 aere cleared;
remainder in pasture: dozen apple trees. &
cherries. 2 pears and 2 prunes: house, barn,
chicken-house and chicken park; price $1500.
714 Couch bldg., 100 4th at., near Wash.
FOR SALE 100-acre ranch near new Salem
electric line and only 4 miles from
Portland ; 50 acre unler plow; good !
room house, fine orchard, lots- of small
fruit, and some walnut trees. Price is
right, and give terms. For particulars
write or call on
Main -3S3. 222 Failing bldg.. Portland.
& ACRES near A'ancouver. 2i miles from
ferry landing, partly cleared; lies nicely,
good soil, water easily gotten; $425; easy
714 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st., near Wash.
Ijands wider the Furnish & Coe project,
Umatilla County, Oregon. Call on Columbia
Land Co., 603 Marquam bldg., Portland.
$75oo will buy the best 15 acres on the
market; Ideal in location, very rich soil,
running water, near electric line and only
about 6 miles out; buildings thrown in at
that price, too. B. L. Hagemann, 1 5th st.
A NICE 40-acre farm, only 22 miles from
Portland. 20 acres under cultivation,
house, large barn and other outbuildings,
spring, good orchard; only $2300. C F.
Pfluger & Co.. room 14 MUlkey bldg.. 2d
and Morrison sta.
10-ACRE tract within 7 miles of city, well
improved, house, barn and spring; one-half
cleared;, price $2500. half cash.
232Vj Washington St.
$300 1 60-ACRE homestead, three-quarters
level bottom land ; plenty wood and wa
ter: only 1 day's drive from Portland.
Others, all prices. Coast Realty Co.,
226 Morrison st.. Main 1568. A-4150.
$5OO0 iko acres. 76 in cultivation, fine 8
room houee. 2 large springs, chickens, 50
head cattle and hores. plenty open range;
near condensed milk factory. 630 Lumber
Exchange bldg.
20 ACRES bottom land Yamhill County, close
to station, school and town; ready for plow;
make me an offer, cash or payments, all or
part. Cobb, 4i7 Rothchlld bldg., 4th and
$16:0, H CASH. 65 acres good land, well
Improved, good building, fruit, water,
etc. Others, all srices. Coast Realty
Co.. 226! Morrison st. Main. 1508,
80 ACRES land for eale; 25 acres under
fence, 10 in cultivation; water for Irrigating;
good house and barn. For information ad
dreufi R. J. Orme, Grants Pass, Or. Price
HIGHLY cultivated 2o-acre place, near elec
tric line, only 7 miles out. worth $I5.0tO,
can be bought for $12.!O0 for a limited- time.
Investigate. B. L. Hagemann. 01 5th.
APPLE land in lO-acre tracts, $35 per
acre; "half cash, balance in monthly pay
ments of $1 per acre; Hood River dis
trict. M 658, Oregonlan.
320 ACRES near Salem, half cleared, bal
ance good timber; fine, soil; house and
barn; price $22.50 per acre; will divide if
desired. D 513, Oregonlan.
S0-ACRE farm In Clark County, "Washington,
$2500 cash. Includes stock. Implements,
household goods and fruit. I. Bracy, 661
Sandy road. Kast 42S0.
HOMESBBKERS, it will pay you to Investi
gate our $5 to $30 fruit and alfalfa lands
in Central Orgeon. McCallum & Gregg, 223
Chamber of Commerce.
HOMESTEAD Xear Hood jfiver, the best
in Oregon, about 15 acres, ready for plant
ing; fee reasonable. Cobb, 407 Rothchlld
bldg.. 4th and Wash.
$1100. half cash, 5 acres good level land at
Lents. V in cultivation; also fenced.
Coast Realty Co.. 226ft Iorrlson. Main
1568, A 4150.
jUooj 160-acre farm; 30 in cultivation: houre
and born; near a eonaensea mux ractory.
530 Lumber Exchange bldg.
10 A C R E3 on corner road , 6 miles from
Courthouse; good soil. Phone xwner. Main
Locations in Columbia. Douglass and Coos
counties, from 3 to 7 million feet; millions
of feet of deeded timber land at prices that
will surely interest you.
160 acres, between 6 and ? million feet,
close to tide water; price if sold at once
$2T5ti; this Is a rare investment; the party
needs the money.
31S Worcester bldg.
good fruit and dairy land,
containing about 2.000,000 feet fine fir
and cedar timber, within 3 miles of Forest
Grove; assessed valuation $2150; will ac
cept $2000 on easy terms. S 641, Orego
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle.
829 Chamber of Commerce,
I HAA'E personam examined a number of
valuable timber claims within, and
claimed by. the Oregon & California land
grant, upon which 1 am prepared to locate
parties wishing the same. Both phones.
C. W. Mead. 632 East Madison.
A Nl'MBER of yellow and sugar pine tim
ber claims open to entry under timber
and atone act. These are heavily tim
bered and near railroad in Northern Cali
fornia. Phone John B. Haviland.
TIMBER, timber, timber, choice homesteads
and timber claims near R. R. and water;
reasonable fee; no agents. Call or ad
dress The Coast Realty Co.. 226ft Morri
son St.. Main 156S. A-4150.
CAN file you on 12 choice Government
claims, yellow pine. Inquire C. E. Hatch,
Guarantee Co.. 7 N. 2d. Phone Main 3007.
AVE have a few first-class timber claims
for loon t ion. Call room 627 Corbett bldg..
5ih and Morrison.
Government locations. 327 Worcester blk.
TIMBER wanted. Sphinx Agency, room
30S. Chamber of Commerce bldg.
TIMBER lands crulyed and estimated. John
B. Haviland. P. O. Box 63S.
GOVERNMENT land scrip locatable upon ocd
or even sections, surveyed or un surveyed
land; prices reasonable. For further Infor
mation apply H. H. Peale 4t Co., 403-4
McKay bldg., Portland. Or.
ALL kinds, including approved forest re
serve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed tim
ber and prairie Government land. H- M.
Hamilton, "The Portland." Portland. Or.
GOVERNMENT scrip, all kinds.- for sur
veyed or unsurveyed lands; lowest price.
Moulton A Scobey. attorneys, 504 Colum
bia bldg., Portland. Or.
Pl'BLIC land scrip for sale: land, mining
practice. D- X. Clark, Atty., Washington,
D. C.
WE ha e buyers who want improved Wil
lamette A'alley farms. 50 to 30O acres. Rose
City Realty & lnv. Co.. Lafayette bldg..
6th and Washington sis.
WAXTKi" Firm. o to 10 acres, on water
navigable bv matl launches; $liMo, terms.
AY. P. Nelson. 675 Williams ave.
TO LEASE for term of years. 45 acres. 2
miles east of Clackamas Station on the
S. P. Ry; small house mad barn; creek for
stock; 2 acres in berries; 6 acres black
garden soil; 12 acres in old stumps: easily
cleared: balance light timber; good pas
ture. Apply on premises. Walter Wilson,
Clackamas, Or.
FOR REXT 25 acres. a mile from carline;
reasonable. P 653. Oregon i an.
FOR REXT Good- farm, cheap.
Owner. K 655, Oregonian.
TIMBER AYAXTED I have several parties
desirous of purchasing some good tim
ber relinquishments. If you have suci.
come see me at once. Geo. W. Douglass.
318 "Worcester block.
WAXTED 20 to SO acres unimproved land;
good soil; near A'ancouver. F 660. Ore
Ionian. TO LEASE.
TO lease, warehouse 268 X. 13th; terminal
facilities. Phone East 560.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
$25 BUYS we II-matched chunky black
team, 7 and S years old, weight 25;V; $275,
pair chuky mares, weight 2700; $135 well
matched chunky sorrel team. 6 and 7
years, weight Uoo. Can be seen at Dex
ter Stables, 4-5 4th st.
TE M, weighs 240O lbs., sound, good work
ers, also black Percleron horse, weighs 1510,
several nice roadsters, all kinds buggies and
harness. Red Front Stables, 15th St., just
off Washington.
IF you have horses you want clipped tele
phone Main 5032 A 1534, Tom Sharp
office. Nobby Stables, 12th and Flanders.
FOR SA LE Two very fine teams weighing
about .tO pounds per team; with or with
out harness. E. R. Claxton. Hood River, Or.
FOR SALE Cheap, a few farm horses, single
or in teams: also wagons and harness; Phil
Francis, 227j Front st.
"WILL give Portland Iots or cash for good
horse or team. Call 325 Lumber Exchange,
2d and Stark.
$50 BUYS single express wagon, good as
new. Call at Nlkam Station, opposite Wills
burg School.
GOOD team horses, almost new harness and
wagon, at Oregon Livestock Stable, 9th and
FOR SALE 3000-lb. team horses, always
been on farm. Inquire Clarke, 170 Front.
Hubert A Hall, 266 4th. dealers In horses
find vehicles; horses and vehicles for rent.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
TEN HEAD of Eastern Oregon horses and
mares for sale. 752 Front st.
HORSES for sale. W. J. Kelly. Overland
Stables. 5th and Gllsan.
Through the misfortune of the Blake-Mc-Fall
Co. and our ffood buying we are now
orTermg to the public at snap prices the
$'6,000 stock of rubber roofing paper, pa
per bags and miscellaneous paper that was
recentlv slightlv damaged by water.
.1. SIMON & BRO.,
244-240 and 250 Front St.
BARGAIN Full moving-picture outfits
film, slides, trunks, curtain, also model
"B" oxyllthe tank, ready for road, per
fect condition: 200 pounds stock paper,
"pictorial." Apply 555 Morrison st.
A 4121.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
- and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables, with privilege or buying; moaern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender.
41 Third st.
DI D It ever occur to you that by trading
at The Dollar, 233 1st St., for house fur
nishings you could save time and money?
New and good as new; time or cash. "We
want your trade-
PILEDRIVER on scow, with engine, a gaso
line launch and several skiffs.
PANY. Failing bldg.
MOVING pictures, song slides, etc., for rent,
lowest prices, supplies, machines bought,
sold, exchanged Newman's. 203 Burnslde.
Main 6374 Stove doctor. We make A 3237
sick fetoves well, do expert stove repairing,
stove plumbing and regulating. 232 1st.
FOR SALE cheap, complete Edison motion
picture outfit. Including films, song slides,
views, etc. Address O 646, Oregonian.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments
bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters, 318
Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts.
FOR SALH Ice cream machine, 10-gallon
cylinder, dasher, all neraly new, and steel
cans. B. J. Scott. 622 Gantenbein.
LOGGING and hoisting engines for sale or
rent. Railway Equipment Co., 324 Cham
ber of Commerce: both phones.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir wood, at ?
per cord delivered. Kirk Hoover. Phone
Pacific 2506. A 12S4.
ROLL-TOP desk chair and 5-foot weath
ered oak library table, reasonable. Call
311 Marquam bldg.
J. Y. WOODY ARD We sell the most rea
sonable - wood for you. Phone East 818. E.
6th and Main.
FOR snaps on large and small second-hand
automobiles, call on Portland Motor Car
Co., 526 Alder.
chines, supplies, slides, films for rent.
165 4th st.
FOR SALE 1 horse, weighing 1550 lbs., sound
and true. Phone East 4804. 236 Russell st.
FOR SALE Picture machine and 3J0 feet of
films; bargain. 350ft Alder St., room 15.
TYPEWRITERS Second-hand and factory re
builts; $35 UP- 247 Stark st.
YOL'NG man to take charge of light manu
facturing business; will pay $25 weekly;
must invest $200. Room 23, 250ft 3d st.
WANTED Bench hand and window frame
maker for factory; state salary and ex
perience. Box 257, Vancouver, Wash.
4 A X and wife to work on suburban home;
"German or Swiss preferred; permanent posi
tion; reference. P 658, Oregonlan.
BARBER wanting: Jno. M. Levy, represent
ing Dellar Barber Supply Co.. kindly phone
or send address to Oregon Hotel.
ADVERTISING solicitors for special edition
and regular work; city only. Benedictine
Press, t3 Goodnough bldg.
"WANTED Experienced engraver on soft
metal. Apply at once. Ames, Harrrs, Ne
ville Co.. 5th and Davis sts.
GOOD, honest man for partner In office
business; good profits; little money re
quired. Call lSUft 4th st.
WA XT ED A good, active man for jani
tor work at night; $60 per month. M
670. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS printing solicitor wanted; good
opportunity of acquiring a third interest. L
64. Oregonian.
BOND salesmen wanted; salary and commis
sion paid to gotd men. Call 320-327 Cor
bett bidg.
500 MEN WANTED Free shaves and hair
cuts. 2S4 Couch st. Moler Barber College.
MARRIED man to work in apple orchards.
Address E. B. Long. Hood River, Or.
WANTED Two outside tinners. 285 Grand
ave.. mar Hawthorne. Call 7:30 A. M.
W ANTED 3 flrst-clatss solicitors at once; men
with tact. Apply 329 Mohawk bldg.
W'E secure positions for our members; spe
cial membership $2. Y. M. C- A.
WANTED Flrf-t-class non-union barber;
steady job; big wages. 1 6th st.
WANTED Married man with boy to work
on farm, near town. Main 1840.
WANTED Steady boy. above 16, to work In
cake shop. Apply 114 Russell st.
BOY wanted; Multnomah Printing Co., 82
Front, cor. Oak.
BARBER wanted; steady job. 2o Morrison
BARBER wanted. 266 Burnslde st
100 laborers wanted for common labor
work in placer digging, wages $5 a day and
board, for 1ft hours. See the man from
Fairbanks. Alaska, here today and tomor
row. Next steamer goes March 8. Full
particulars from one of the' niineowners and
operators at this office. He is here to get
laborers. Any ablebodied. English-speaking
man ued to common work -may go. Na
experience needed.
26 North Second St.
Owing to our inability to find really
competent men in a variety of lines we
are unable to fill over 50 per cent of the
positions which employers list with us
daily. Xow If - you are a competent man
in your line and are contemplating a
change for better opportunities, or are
temporarily unemployed, call and talk
over our method of placing high-grade,
competent men with firms needing them.
403. 404. 405 Swetland bldg.
"Wanted for one of the largest and best
departments In the city, a thoroughly ex
perienced, competent, energetic and reliable
first-class man. A good, permanent posi
tion with one of the beat houses for right
party. Apply to M 648. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS clothing man to manage a
branch of the Brownsville Woolen Mill Sure
soon to be opened at Marshfl-vd. on Coos Bay;
must have executive ability, bt able toilte
the store advertisements and be an al'awuai
clothing merchant. Call on or address J.
L. Bowman, proprietor Brownsville Woolen
Mill Store. Portland. Or.
WT A XTED A man to f urn ish a dress goods
and silk department. $2o.oOO capital re
quired), in the largest department ftore in
the state of Washington, rent, advertising,
light, heat and cell very furnished for a
small commission of sales. Address "The
Market Co., 7 box 103S, Tacoma. Wash.
WANTED For TJ. S. Army, able-bodied
unmarried men. between ages of 18 and
35. citizens of United States, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read nnd write English. Apply to
recruiting officer. Ainsworth block. Third
and Oak sts.. Portland. Or.
WANTED- P 198 Salesman to sell from cata
logue who has had experience in this line,
preferably one with hardware experience;
salary, commission and all expenses.
403-4O4-4O5 Swetland bldg.
WAXTED First-class. experienced sales
man, wiih good business experience: com
pensation worthy of such a man; no ap
plicant ' without good recommendations
and successful record need apply. Beall
& Co.. 321 Hawthorne ave. Phone.
CLOTHING salesman wanted for the coun
try: an experienced salesman for clothing,
furnishing goods, hats and shoes; state ex
perience, references and salary expected ;
permanent position to the right man. Ad
dress D 656, Oregoniam.
WANTED QUICK Amateur clarinetist with
low-pitch instruments; must be married and
willing to work; steady job with water
company for the right man; give references
and age. Address Klamath Falls Military
Band, Klamath Falls, Or.
MEN UNDER 35. HUSTLERS, to prepare
for railway mail and customshouse exam
ination, many openings, good salary, fine
futures many appointments to be made.
Call today. Pacific Statea School McKay
WAXTED QUICK Clarinet player, amateur,
with low-pi ton instruments, who is steam
engineer; tell all first letter and give ref
erences. George R. Parish, please write.
Address Ivan Daniel, Klamath Falls, Or-
WAXTED Man to represent us as agent on
a partially worked city route; we also have
several good out-of-town openings for good
live men; state reference and experience.
Grand Union Tea Co., 473 Washington st.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
call for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association. 205
Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted.
COMPETEXT furniture man to take charge of
f stock in large furniture store; must have
good clerical education and be posted on
values; no attention paid to reply unless
' complete history of previous employment is
given. D 642, Oreronlan.
MAN to take entire management of res
taurant, cook or waiter preferred; splen
did opportunity for right party; am leav
ing city. Call ISO North 6th st. This is
an opportunity seldom offered.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plastering,
bricklaying, drafting and plan reading; day
and night; no books; positions secured; free
catalogue. Coyne National Trade Schools,
230-240 8th st.. San Francisco.
BARBERS wanted to bear In mind that we
" now have the largest and best equipped
grind shop In the Northwest; razors finished
to shave; send us your grinding. Dellar
Barbers' Supply Co., Seattle.
MEN and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to
$25 weekly; expert instructors; catalogue
free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North
Fourth st.. Portland.
SALESMEN wanted to handle 'one of the
best kind of security in the city and
country; salary and commission paid. Aak
for B. E. Clements, mgr. of agents, 320
to 827 Corbett bldg.
THE Red Cross Employment Co. wants 25
white laborers to build fence for O. R. A
X.; wages $L75; good outfit cars to live In;
go with boss; free pass. Apply at 20 North
Second st.
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured: money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
WANTED Shingle sawyer for upright ma
chine, union wages; bandresawyer for box
factory, $2.25: lot of other work dally.
Pacific Employment Co.. 12 North 2d st.
WANTED Bright, honest man, real estate
business; experience not necessary and very
little money. Multnomah Investment &
Realty Co., 3S6ft Wash, st., office 14.
WAXTED Three successful salesmen at once;
no matter what you are selling now, you
can double your income with our proposi
tion. 148 5th St., 2d floor, forenoons.
SPECIALTY merchandise traveling salesman
wanted for Washington; man experienced in
calendar line preferred; excellent opportunity
for right party. 237 Worcester bldg.
WE want young men to qualify as tele
graphers; 9-hour law makes big demand for
our graduates: day and evening. Oregon
College, 5th and Oak.
WAXTED Foreman for sash and door
factory end general detail work; state ex
perience and salary expected. Box 257,
Vancouver, Wash. '
WAXTED Married man to superintend hop
ranch; German man preferred. Call at 231
Sherlock bldg., between 10 and 12 A. M.,
or phone Main 8384.
WANTED Reliable man to work in res
taurant as partner, to be cashier, etc.; pay
vou $25 a week and board; $300 required.
Call 248ft Stark st.
GROCERS Specialty man, Portland and
surrounding territory; references. Ad
dress Wm. McBride, 527 Pacific block,
WANTED Man familiar with office work of
corporations who will Invest $2000 can
get $125 month salary. G 667, Oii-goniar.
WAXTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Call or write
Commercial Abstract Co., 323ft Wash. st.
WAXTED Honest young man for ft interest
In real estate office: some cash. bal. from
commissions. Call room 10. 142ft 2d st.
WAXTED A Japanese girl for housework
in a small family. Apply 622 East Burn
side St.. cor. 16th.
WANTED Competent girl for genera! house
work. Apply 771 Tillamook. Phone East
315 or H. 1135.
W ANTED First-class experienced waitress ;
none other need apply. Alexandra, Court,
53 Ella st.
GIRL for general housework, good wages,
small family. Phone C 1327. 638 Broad
way. WAXTED Girl to assist with general house
work. Apply forenoons, 747 Glisan.
WA XTED Girt for general housework. 181
East 16th. Phone East 1593.
EAST SIDE Female Employment Office.
122ft Grand ave. . East 1055.
GIRL to assist in housework: wages $15; good
home. Inquire 178 0. 14th St.
WAXTED ElderJv lady as housekeeper; two
In family. B 66H. Oregonian. t
WANTED Experienced tailoress at Harris.
312ft Alder, cor. 6th st.
GIRL for general house-work. Apply 763
1st st. Phone Main 2353-
GIRL wanted for light housework. 453 4th.
WAXTED Sewin. girL 407 Mohawk bldg.
Applicants for all kinds of work regis
ter with us, free of charge, so we may
locate you on short notice,
343 ft Washington St.. corner 7th. upstairs.
WAXTED Young, attractive chorus girls;
long engagement. Call at stage entrance
Grand Theater Thursday during matinee
or ' evening performance. Inquire for
Crimmins A ' Gore.
YOUNG women after taking short course at
college can make $So to $75 per month as
telegraohers; day and evenings. Oregon
College, 5th and Oak.
PRIVATE lessons in bookkeepeing : experi
. enced instructor; lessons $4 per month, 4
nights in week. Pacific 94S and A 4t48.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks. nurses, wai
tresses, second girls. St. Louis Ladies
Agency. 234'u Yamhill. Main 5413.
WANTED Good steady woman who" loves and
understands care oi children, as housekeeper;
fair was8. Call 75u Michigan ave.
WAXTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
WAXTED Girl to cook and assist with house
work ; every convenience ; good wages; nice
room. 765 East Burnside st.
343ft Washington st.. corner 7th, upstaira
Phone Main 2692.
WANTEfD Experienced second girl, private
family, Swedish or Norwegian; wages $30.
230ft Yamhill. Main 5413.
WAXTED Good girl for cooking and general
housework: good wages: call mornings and
evenings. 145 X. loth st.
WANTED Capable rlrl for general house
work in Hood River. Excellent wages.
Call at 3S8 Salmon t-t.
COMPETEXT girl for general housework;
must be good cook; email family. 161
14th, corner Morrison.
WAXTED First-class millinery saleswomen;
no other need apply. Allen. King A Co
GI RL to assist In general housework,
uly 662 Johnson.
STENOGRAPHERS and bookkeepers, ex
perienced or beginners, taking our short,
rapid drill work in day or night classes
will be placed in position when competent.
Business University, 68 3d st. .
IF YOU want laborers or any kind call
Guarantee Employment Co., No. 7- X. 2d
st. Phone Main 3007.
LARGE Incomes, reformed shorthand ac
quired In 30 lessons. School of Shorthand,
550 Fourth.
Bookkeeper and Clerks.
AX active, steady and competent man would
like employment as bookkeeper or clerk in
some business where hustler is required and
appreciated; bank references furnished. K
664, Oregonlan.
ATTORNEY Young man, graduate of Uni
versity of Michigan. 2 years practical ex
perience, desires position , in law office on
salary; an interview solicited. L 065, ore
gonian. YOUNG man of 25. sober and Industrious
wishes position as clerk In grocery or con
fectionery store; honest and reliable. K
663, Oregonian.
TIMEKEEPER, experienced, energetic, re
liable and accurate, desires position any
wheru. Address X 666. Oregonian.
Miscelra neons.
JAPANESE. 20 years old, wants posi
tion as "porter, house-cleaning or any kind
of work; have long experience; can talk
good English and will go out of tow'n.
Address B. Togo, 269ft N. Everett.
Will furnish all kinds of Japanese help. 268
Everett st. Main 4659.
GOOD Japanese boy, first-clase
situation at hotel or family,
st. Pacific 086.
cook, wants
311 Everett
YOUNG Japanese boy wants housework or
as dishwasher. Address K. Koyama. 40
North First st.
YOUNG man wishes work of any kind;
would work for board. Address V 664,
RELIABLE Japanese boy wants situation
to do cooking and housework. S 670,
JAPANESE boy wants a position to do all
kinds of work for short hours. K 649,
BOY wants work evenings after 6 o'clock,
addressing letters or anything. B 626, Ore
gonlan. A GOOD Japanese boy wants a position os
farmer; speaks good. C 641, Oregonian.
WM. A. WORTMAN Teacher of mathemat
ics and piano. 195 16th. At home evenings.
JAPANESE Employment Office, male and
female. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 6521.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants any kind of
work. Address B 627, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE wants to work -as elevator boy
or janitor. X 64 1, Oregonlan.
HOUSECLEANIXG by day. Job or hour.
Thompson. Phone Pacific 731.
SITUATIOX wanted by an all-around black
smith. A 655, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS gardener, florist, fruit. Hanson,
3d St., Terminus House.
JAPANESE wants general farm work. C
667 Oregonlon.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
FOR a good stenographer or bookkeeper,
experienced or beginner, phone Business
University, Main 4504.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants steady
place, $7.50 to start. Phone A 1856 8 to 8:30
mom i ngs or even! ngs .
EXPBRIEXCED stenfrapher wants steady
place. $7.50 to start. Phone A 1856, 8 to 8:30
mornings cr evenings.
STEXOGRA PHER wants position; willing to
start at $8 per week. F 641, Oregonian.
HXPERIEXCBD young lady wants position in
office. Phone E 4854.
ALL kinds of plain sewing, shirt waists
and children's clothes a specialty : ait
work promptly and carefully executed at
moderate prices. Call East 1837, B 1837.
EXPERIENCED tailoress and dressmaker
can accept engagements day sewing; refer
ences; reasonable. Phone Sell wood 591.
a snecialtv. Mrs. Ida Winter. 305U Jeffer-
son, cor. 5th St., room 37. Pacific 21G5.
B. L. DUXLAP. modiste, suite . Gayoso
bldg.. Grand ave and Stark sts.
YOUNG woman wants plain sewing by the
day. Phone 4529 Main.
COMPETEXT and experienced woman with
best of references would like charge of
first-class rooming-house. D 649, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position by experienced nurse.
Mrs. Chamberlln. Phone Main 41 10.
REFINED nurse wishes position with invalid;
willing to travel. K 666, Oregonlan.
CAPABLE middle-aped oman desires house
work, plain family, good wages. 2u0ft Yam
hill. Main 5413.
SCOTCH girl wants situation at general
housework. Address K 654 Oregonlan.
YOUNG girl wants position to do general
housework. 412 North 25th st.
LADY wishes to coach high school pupils
in arithmetic and algebra ; would heip
grade pupils; terms reasonable. T 6o3,
HIGHEST prices paid for men's castoff cloth
ing, shoes, hats, 73ft N. 3d. Phone Pac
1694. Orders promptly attended.
HOUSEKEBPI R. boy 6: experienced nurse
girl; waitresses, chambermaids; laundress.
230ft Yamhill. Main MIX
YOUNG lady wishes to teach pupils in the
grammar grades, by hour. L 661, Ore
gonian. WANTED by a 3'oung woman, work by the
day or hour. V 652. Oregonian.
LADY wants washing and cleaning by day
or hour. 467 East Ash.
M Isceltmneooa.
YOUNG lady, with experience, seeks posi
tion as proofreader; can operate linotype
and do general office work. T 627. Ore
gonlan. -
AGENTS WAXTED Can you sell goods? If
so. we nesd you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or.
WANTED Agents to solicit for a new
novelty. Call at 269 14th st.. near Jef
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, fiats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WE rent houses, collect rents, look after
, your fire Insurance and keep them In or
der for so little that vou will be surprised.
Call or phone Smith's Rental Agency. 443
Sherlock bldg. Main 2413, 34tt6-
STRICTLY modem 4 or 5-room frat or cot
tage: yard: permanent; either side; dis
tance Immaterial; no children. S 660.
W A XT ED A 5 or 6- room furnished or un
furnished cottage or flat; must be strletly
modern and neatly furnished. Room 9 Mc
Kay bldg.
WAXTED By couple, 3 rooms in private
family or small house partly furnished,
near car; permanent. L 660. Oregonlan.
WANTED Warehouse room about 50xlO0,
one or two stories; state price. location
and length of lease. Tel. Main or A 1475.
WAXTED Couple of clean adjoining house
keeping rooms; will pay reasonable pri-te.
G 666. Oregonlan.
4 OR 6-ROOM cottage, with gas; no children;
must be reasonable. C 642. Oregonian.
hand store in Portland. We buy and sell
from a chair to a full house.
20th and Washington. Phone Pacific 793.
WANTED To rent for the season, house
boat; must be furnished nicely and in
first-class condition; will guarantee the
beat of care and furnish references. Would
buy second-hand canoe or launch if terms
are right. Address R 666. Oregonian.
And any thing else you have to sell.
Main 6650. A 4121.
WAXTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
BOILER wanted, 40 H. P.; must be bargain
and stand test of 120-lb. test; for station
ary plant. Address J. C. Poucher. 248 Stark
st., city.
WE buy your household goods of every de
scription. The Dollar. 232 1st st.; we want
your trade. Main 6374, A 2327.
SMALL cash register and soda fountain;
must be in good shape. Apply O 647,
READY money paid for furniture; better
prices than a dealer, phone East 5&S8.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
I PAY cash for household goods. Savage A
Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Phone 360.
PRIVATE party desires to purchase modern
furniture and carpets. Call Main 8458.
Furnished Rooms.
THE DORMER. 2S3 13th St., cor. Jefferson,
new corner brick, steam heat, hot and cold
water, elegantly furnished rooms single or
en suite, both phones free. Mrs. J. B.
HOTEL KEN YON, ISth and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496.
THE WILLAMETTE. 322ft Stark. S. W. cor.
6th st. Well furnished rooms, large and
- light, single or en suite; transient, 50c to
$1: by week, $2 to $5. Pacific 1296.
THE ARTONIA Mrs. B. A. Melbourne;
n Icel y f urn i shed rooms, all steam heat, a tl
modern conveniences. Rates $4 per week
and up; transients. 128 West Park.
PACIFIC HOTEL, First and Columbia sts.;
steam heat, free bath, hot and cold water
In all rooms; 50c to $1 day; $2.50 to $5
per week. Phone A 1539.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton sts. All modern conveniences; suites
with bath; principal carllnes pasa the
door. Phone Main 2333.
THE GENEVIEVE Steam heat, porcelain
bath,, free phone; walking distance; $3 a
week and up. 445 Columbia st. Main 7410.
I3th and Alder, modern, walking distance,
single and en suite, special rate by month.
THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison; homelike resi
dence hotel; rooms strictly modern; woman
cook; cars to depot; reasonable: transient.
THE WOODLAND Two very pleasant rooms
vacant, bath, heat, all modern conveniences,
very reasonable. 265 6th. corner Madison.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 ft
Stark, corner Oth. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
258 ft 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms In
private family, house new, every conven
ience, moderate, gentlemen only.
302 COLUMBIA, near Tenth, bright room,
furnace heat, electric light, porcelain
bath; phone; very reasonable.
FOR REXT Nicely furnished room, hot and
cold water, electric light, gas, bath and
phone; reasonable. 209 10th st.
ELEGANTLY furnished front suites for
rent, also single rooms; modern conven
iences. 32 North 16th &t.-
181ft 1ST ST., cor. Yamhill, nicely fur
nished rooms, reasonable; permanent or
transient. Both phones.
ST. FRANCIS, 34 North 8th st., opposite
park,, beautifully furnished rooms en suite
or single; rates reasonable.
THE NEW CASTLE, 402ft 3d St., flirnished
housekeeping rooms, also single rooms;
reasonable. Main 800.
448 TAYLOR ST. Nicely furnished room in
private family; heat and gas; price $12 per
month. Pacific 1911.
FURNISHED rooms, with or without board;
electric lights; home cooking; reasonable.
247 5th. Main-' 7754.
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms; all
modern conveniences. 412ft Jefferson st.
PhonePacific 932.
OUTSIDE steam-heated single room, first
clasff tub, shower bath. etc. 494 Morrison,
flat 8, 8d floor.
NICELY furnished cozy room for gentleman;
heat, electric light, bath, $10. 407 Jeffer
son, flat A.
309 11TH. near Columbia, well furnished 'ront
room, with fireplace; one or two gentlemen;
PLEASANT front room, suitable for two, abo
side room. 17 6th St.. 2 doors south Hotel
MODERN furnished rooms, close In. oppo
site Portland Hotel. 181 6th st. Phone
A 5326.
LADY has Jargo, well furnished, warm room,
private family. Phone Pacific 1274 even
ings. THE HYLAXD, 4O0 Morrison Furnished
rooms with bath and steam heat. Phone
A 2210. -
NICELY furnished front room for rent,
suitable for 2 gentlemen. 86 ft West
NICELY furnished rooms, bath. gas. phone,
steam heat, rates reasonable. 4S5 Yam
hill st.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; rooms,
heat. bath. 50c to $1 day; $2 to $4 week.
WELL furnished room In private home; all
conveniences; cloe In. 547 Yamhill.
$6 Comfortable basement room; walking
distance. C61 lOth st. Main 3312.
FRONT room, well furnished; walking dis
tance; moderate rent. .135 14th.
COMFORTABLY furnished' rooms for tent,
close in. 348 Columbia.
Furnished Rooms.
Nicely furnished rooms, single or en
suite. $.50 per week up: steam heat, hot
and cold water, free baths, free phone;
dining-room in connection; transients solicited-
open all night; best location In
the city; office and reading-room ground
floor 488 Washington st.
Elegantly furnished rooms; heat, hot and
cold running water, return call-bells in all
rooms, free baths and both phones on each
floor; strictly modern throughout; rats very
20th, near Washington.
LARGE outside rooms, single or en suite;
beautiful outlook; newly furnished; every
modern hotel convenience; apecial rates
to permanent guests; with or without
meals; finest cafe in Portland at modest
prices; be sure and see these rooms before
you decide where to move. Hotel Sargent.
Grand and Hawthorne avenues.
Corner Yamhill and West Park sts. New
house, elegantly furnished; hot and cold
water, telephone, hot-water heut in every
room; private baths; elevator service.
Transient. Rates $1 per day up. Phone
Main 202.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts Newly furnished throughout;
new building; suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. phone Main
.7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
THE BENSON 291 ft Morrison, cor. 5th,
most centrally located brick rooming
house in city; convenient to PostoffU-e,
ana ail canines; rooms $4 tip per week.
30c to $1.50 day.
HOTEL ST. PEtilS 87ft 6th. Swell
rooms In city, from $3 to $5 per week;
transient solicited; bath and phone.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk. : aUo transient rooms, 343 ft Morrison.
Rooms With Board.
BE SURE and see rooms at Hotel Sargent
before you decide where to move; modest
prices: American or European plan; best
cafe In Portland; famous dining-room
service; living here is a pleasure; manage
ment studies comfort of guests; every
modern hotel convenience: close in. yet
away from downtown dirt and noise.
Hotel Sargent. Grand and Hawthorns
3d and Burnslde sta, new and ab
solutely fireproof; elegantly furnished
roome, single and en suite; elevator, hot
and cold water, steam heX and tele
phone In each room.
Grill in connection; special rata ts
families. Phone East 171.
NlCBLY furnished, light sunny front room,
large hay window, suitable for 'two, with
board , fi ret tl oo r . mode m ; ho me cooki n g ;
choicest neighborhood. 675 Gllsan. A &640.
Portland Women's Union, 18th year; rooms
with board, use of sewing-room, use of
library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Raw lings, Supt., MO Flanders st.
WELL-FURNISHED front room with board
for 2 or 3 gentlemen or man and wife; re-
fined widow's private home; references. 335
Montgomery st.
FRONT rooms, with board, home cooking, h
steam heat; walking distance; modern '
conveniences; $6 per week. The Llndell,
260 Market st.
WELL-FURNISHED front bedroom in mod
em house for two young men ; first -clas
board and home cooking; $25 each. 22 K.
8th st.
PLEASANT front room for 2; breakfast and
dinner; home cooking; private; very rea
aonahle. 252 N. 19th. Phone Pacific 2497.
THE Colonial, best low-rate family hotel In
the city; 'steam heated rooms; centrally lo
cated. Corner 10th and Morrison.
PLEASANT room for 2. nice location, pri
vate family; also table board, walking
distance. Pacific 2917.
ROOM and board in private residence; home
comforts and modern conveniences. 444ft
Park. A 4986.
SELECT private boarding-house, modern
conveniences; board optional. 452 Morri
son st.
THE MARLYN Furnished rooms; good
board; convenient. 553 Washington st.
ROOM and board for two; walking dis
tance. Phone Pacific 1460. 3SS 5th st.
NICELY furnished rooms. with board;
home cooking. 349 Jefferson st.
ROOMS, with or without board, 350 Madison,
near Park, modern conveniences.
WELL furnished front room, with board.
Phone Main 1852.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark,
225 11th st.
THE DAYTON 6 large outside rooms, and
comfortable 4-room basement apartment in
beautiful new Colonial building; swell
neighborhood; steam heat, hot and cold
water furnished; storeroom; low rent; adults.
Inquire janitor, 658 Flanders st.
IONIAN COURT Elegant new 4-room resi
dence ajmrtment; bath, steam, hot and
cold water, gas range, refrigerator, win
dow ehades, telephone, janitor service;
adults; also 3 -room basement apartment.
Apply janitor, 18th and Couch.
THE WESTMINSTER. 6th and Madison sts..
will have one of its up-to-date apartments
to let on 1st prox.; every modern con
venience at moderate rates; only 6 blocks
frcm post office.
and 2oth, on Washington at.; one suite of
3 or 4 housekeeping rooms, with bath and
toilet; also one 2-room suite thoroughly
TH?3 MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders,
will have a beautiful 5-room unfurnished
apartment the 15th; steam heat, janitor, etc.
$40 Swell 4-room furnished apartments; nice
furniture; good location; easy walking dis
tance. Apply 108 2d st. Phone Main 2404.
S-ROOM and alcove, steam-heated apart
ment; gas and electricity. Cottell Drug
Co., 1st and Sherman sts.
HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison, un
furnished suites of 3 and 4 rooms and
bath. Phone Main 5148.
THE GHETOPA 1 4-room apartment, steam
heat, elevator. Apply to C. J. Wheeler,
with I. Gevurtz A Son.
FOR REXT Three-room apartment, com
pletely furnished, with private bath. Home
Phone A 3258.
WELL.IXGTOXS COURT, 15th and Everett,
unfurnished steam-heated five and two-room
apartments; also four rooms, furnished, pos
sessing modern conveniences; excellent
neighborhood and surroundings.
MODERX flats, all sizes, for rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon. . E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
FIATfc, 9ft 10th, near Buroside st. ; very
modem; 7 rooms and bath. Inquire Wake
field, Fries A Co., or John Klosterman.
NEW, modern 5-room lower fiat, walking dis
tance, near Steel bridge; 3-room fiat, $15.
4o2 Ross st., cor. Dixon.
FOR REXT A swell 8-room fiat, fireplace
and furnace. 446ft Park at. $37.50.
Phone Tabor 763.
403 10TH 4-room steam-heated lower flat,
gas range, shades, janitor service. Apply
Fiat E.
NEAT 4-room fiat, with bath walking dis
tance, $10. 89 East Eleventh, near Wash
ington. NEW. modern 4-room flat; very attractive
adults); $16; ft block to car. Woodlawn
ELEGANTLY furnished flat for rent, f urnl
ture for sale. Telephone Main oi A 3215.
252 7TH. 7-room flat for physician's office and
residence or private family; electricity, gas.
MODERN 5-room flat, close in Call 170
E. 2d North. Phone Woodlawn 362.
8-ROOM modem flat, all conveniences; In
quire 225 Market. Phone Main 616.
LARGE 5 -mom flat: fireplace, furnace, gas,
flctric light.. 351 W. Park st.
NEW, modern 6-room flat, 231ft Halsey st.
Phone East 1998, C 1348.
Housekeeping Rooms.
TH Ft EE cozy housekeeping rooms, 3d floor,
suitable for girls or couple employed; $12.
215 13th. -
$12 Two furnished housekeeping rooms. 653ft
East Morrison. Inquire 651, between 17th
and 18th.
COZY housekeeping suite, $10; also sing'e
housekeeping room. $8. 544 Overton.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished or un
furnished. 446 Washington st
TWO furnished
reasonable rent.
302 4th st.