THE JIORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1907. owing tc the unsatisfactory- labor of their countrymen, their unreliability, their Intemperate habits and the In creasing number of desertions, partly on account of interference of boarding house runners, they will no longer em ploy them. Each ship will sign prob ably 35 men, bringing the, total num ber of Chinese to 2050. Principal Portland Agents for "Nemo" and " Smart Set" CorsetsColumbia Yarns OF TRADE OH .WHEAT TRUSTS TO BE RESTORED WD Price Soars to $1.1 If on Ru mors of Frosts in Argentina. SOLEMN WARNINGS ISSUED Conditions, Brokers Say, Are Like Those of 186 7-8, When Joe Let ter Went Under, Carrying With II im Many Fortunes. CHICAGO, Oct. 10. (Special.) Vheat for May delivery soared today o $1.11 1-2 on the wildest opening known to the Board of trade in months. The closing yesterday was 11.10 and predictions of frosts In Argentina, .where the plant is now In the first staff es of its grrowth, save the- shorts a tremendous soare. The grain trade of this country and Furope is counting on the Argentina crop to make up tl.e deficiency in the world's supply and any hint of disaster in that country starts a panic in the pit here. The further fact that there were sharp advances in all the European markets served to send the boom in motion here. The shorts suf fered heavily. The big traders are 'sending out warnings to the speculators to beware of the present market. They think it resembles to a marked degree the market and conditions of 1S97-S, when th world watched the attempt of Joe I.elter to crown himself 'Wheat King." Many fortunes went down In that crash and the conditions now. the com mission houses intimate, are ripe for a repetition of that disaster. FOUR JERSEYMEN DROWN Capsize Burning Boat at Sea to Ex tinguish Flames. KEY PORT, N. J., Oct. 10. Four young men. all residents of Perth Amboy, were drowned la Rurttan Bay, off this place, last night. They were members of a party of seven who left Perth Amboy in a ekltf to visit Keypont. The boat caught fire and the occupants, being un able otherwise to put out the flames, oyer turned the skiff. Subsequently four of them perlBhed, three being saved in an exhausted condi tion by a passing steamer, after having clung to the overturned boat for mors than two hours. Those who were lost: HARRY BAXTER, clerk in the First National Bank. Perth Amboy. KDWARD OLSKN, clerk of the Perth Atnhoy Trust Company. FLOYD McHOSyj, employed by the At lantic Terra Cotta Company. t'HARLBS WICKSBURO, clerk In a gia,ss woKs. Certain Lands in Bear Lake Irrlga- ' tion Project to Be Settled. WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct 10. Investi gations on the Bear Lake irrigation pro ject, Idaho and Utah, having reached a point where the segregation of certain lands withdrawn in connection therewith is no longer ponsidered necessary, the Secretary of the Interior has ordered that such tracts in the following de scribed areas not otherwise withdrawn, reserved, or appropriated be restored to the public domain and become subject to settlement on such date and after such notice by publication as the Department may prescribe. These lands shall not be come subject to entry, filing or selection, however, until the expiration of 30 days from the date so fixed. Boise meridian T. 9 S., R. 41 K.. Sees. 7. 8, 17 and 18. Ts. 10, 11 8., R. S B.; Ts. 10, 11 and 13 R. 37 B.; Ts 12, 13. 14, 15, 16 8., R. 38 Ts. 6, 7, 8, 8, 14. 15. 16 6.. R. 39 E.; Ts. 7, 8, 9 S., R. 40 E. WHOLESALE CAR ROBBERY Burlington Road Enriches Italian Laborers by $500,000. DENVER, Col.. Oct. 10. Over $500, 000 worth of merchandise has been stolen from the Burlington railroad in transit between Chicago and Den ver during the past year and 500 Ital ian laborers who pillaged freight cars have been discharged, according to a report published in the Denver Times today. It Is said that secret service agents ferreted out the eystem by which the robberies were constantly committed, but failed to secure evi dence sufficient to convict any of the thieves. NO ACTION ON COL. TUCKERN Recommendation of Garlington Af ter Inquiry In Philippines. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. Inspector General Garlington, who was sent by Secretary Taft to the Philippines to investigate certain charges .made by Mrs. Tucker against her husband. Pay master Tucker, returned to Washing ton last - night. General Garliagton spent five weeks in Manila and pre pared a report, which he left f or. Sec retary Taft to consider upon hla ar rival in that city. There Is reasonr to believe that no action by the War Department is rec ommended. EMPLOY CHINESE SAILORS Owners of Fruit Vessels Find Nor wegians Too Unreliable. i M.or.lI.E. Ala., Oct. 10. Nearly all fie vessels in the Central American fruit trade will, it Is said, in the next frtw weeks replace their Norwegian crews with Chinamen. The Norwegian owners. It Is sulri. have concluded that. - .. Washington Rural Carriers. CVREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington D. C. Oct, 10. Rural carriers appointed for Washington routes Aiount vernon, route n. v imam n. Cameron, carrier; Martha A. Cameron substitute. Rosalia, route 2, Will c. Perry, carrier, Robert F. Dyer, substi tute. ,. KTSEB FOR SOUVENIR PHOTOS. Northwest Scenery Imperial Hotel. Butterick Patterns 10c-15c November Delineator 15c Established in 1850 Fifty-Seven Years in Business Dpman. Wolfe $ Co Quality Considered, Our Price Are Always the Lowest Friday Bargain Extra Such splendid Friday values tha.t we take this extra adver tisement to tell you about them. Friday Sale of Cut Glass Another of our famous Cut-Glass Sales, offering greater values than ever. Unly a lew pieces or a Kind, fcariy-coiners will reap a harvest. $5.50, $6.5p, $7.50 Ifi $1.75 Cut Glass Nap-A Q Cut Glass Bowls J pies, pretty design, Tfjfj sale price only . . richly cut, sale ... $8.50 Cut Glass Bowls $5.48 $3.00 Nappies for ... $2.00 $4.00 Vinegar Cruets . . $2.78 $7.00 Comports only . . $5.48 $5.00 " " . . $3.48 $9.00 ' " . . $7.48 $6.50 Cut Vases $5.48 $9.00 Water Pitchers .$7.48 $12.50 " ' ...... $8.78 $5.00 " Bottles . . $3.98 $4.00 " " .$2.48 $4.50 Perfume Bottles . $3.48 $2.50 " " $1.48 $3.50 " . $2.98 $2.00 Nappies f or . . . . $1.58 $2.50 " " . $1.78 $4.50 Spoon Trays . . . $3.25 $2.50 Toothpick Holders $1.38 100 Visiting Cards From Plate, 59c 100 cards printed from your copperplate on the best PQ vellum finish cards. Sale price JJ7C Sale of Score Cards and Favors Bridpe Whist Pads, with rules, over three dozen scores to pads; 1 Cp regular 2oe, sale Aw "o(0" Score TaiU, wi(h rules; pad contains over three dozen lO, scores JLJ "500'' Score Cards, with rules on back, dozen 8J Duplicate liist bcore Cards dozen , g Latest Novelty ravors, largest variety to .select from, at 4o, 8c, 10c, 12c. 15c, 25c. Novelty Place Cards and Tally Cards, in the latest designs, 4c, 8c ana i:'2c. $1.50 Flannelette Kimonos, $1.19 Women's fancy figured Flannelette Kimonos and Pressing Sacques, with or without "belt effect, high or low finished neck, short or flowing sleeves; trimmed with fancy banding or stitched edges; CJ" Q bizes 36 to 44; values to $1.50, special iplZj Roosevelt's Guide Goes Crazy. OGDENSBURG, N. T., Oct 10. Michael Cronin, one of the President's Adirondack guides, has been adjudged in sane and sent to the state hospital. It was CrQnin who drove Vice-President Roosevelt IS miles through the Lower Adirondacks to the nearest railway sta tion in 1901 when a courier brought him the news of President McKinley'a assas sination. They made the 16 niles in one hour and 43 minutes. r Another Sensational Plume Sale nday At Prices far Below Wholesale Cost ; , This sale last Friday brought the largest number of Ostrich Plume buyers of any plume sale. Dozens of women were asking for them the day after the sale. Therefora we offer you these beautiful plumes, made of the bes,t African-grown stock, at the same prices that created such a sensation and set a new high-water mark in plume-selling Bear in mind, we do not offer the ordinary "sale" Plumes, but the best hard fiber, lus trous stock. Plenty of salespeople, but come early to make sure of your selections. See Washington-Street Win dow Display.- ' $3.50 Ostrich Plumes, $1.95 . 12 to IS Inches Long Exceptional values in black or white Ostrich Feath ers, feathery and lustrous; best values ever given. $6.00 Ostrich Plumes, $3.59 ' IS to 20 Inches Long. The greatest values you-Can find are here in this lot. All the new colors brown, navy, leather, Alice, myrtle, garnet, light blue, pink, black, white. $10--$12 Plumes at $7.95 22 and 24 Inches Long For the Winter Hat, nothing but a long, sweeping Plumelike these, will give it that exquisite and verve effect. At this price these plumes are wonderful values. $6.00-$8.00 Tips at $4.95 Thiee to the bunch There are so many ways to utilize these beautiful tips this season that you should secure one or more bunches at this sale. They come in black or white. $2 f Regular $5.00 Ostrich Plumes remarkable values these at $2.75. Colors, brown, J navy, light blue, Copenhagen, pink, olive, myrtle cardinal, black and white. J Oreat values, for Fridav sale onlv at $2.75. 2.75 Semi-Ann'l Corset Sale 1 - . ! ' ' La Vida, W. B., Nemo, C. B. a la Spirlte Corsets Vals. to $4.50 at $1.39 Odd sizes and numbers of four famous makes of Corsets for 1 which Lipman, Wolfe & Co. are the Portland agents: "La Vida," " W. B.," "C. B. a la Spirite" and "Nemo" Corsets in white, black and fancy effects of coutil and ba tiste; high, medium and low bust, with short or princess hip. The bar gain opportunity of the Regular values up tofc$4.S0 for year. fll-j Ofl Sale of Batienberg Work Scarfs and Squares Values to $4.50 at $1.39 500 exquisitely beautiful Battenberg Scarfs and Centerpieces, round or square ; some made entirely of the rare Battenberg lace work", others with plain centers. The- variety of de signs is very choice. Reg, values r up to $4.50. Friday at . pl.O7 Linen Counter Fourth Street Biggest of All Friday Sales of VEILS AND VEILING Double the stock we have ever shown. Four times the variety. A special sale lot in nearly every fashion able style of veil. k . ' 30c to 65c Tuxedo Veiling, 1 7c Yard A generous assortment of plain, fancy and dotted Tuwdo Veilings, in black, white, magpie, navy and brown. 1 C Regularly sold from 30cto 65e yard, sale $3.00 Embroidered Chiffon Veils, $1.13 50 dozen Embroidered Chiffon Veils, in all the latest shades and combination colors. Regular value $3.00 ; fl "1 1 O great value, in this sale only at,.. 4jXAO $3.50 Chantilly Lace Veils, $2.90 Fancy round Chantilly Lace Veils in plum, dark gray, black and green. Regular $3.50 values, on saleP O f Friday at , piZtJ $2.00 Chantilly Face Veils, $1.25 , $2.25-$2.75 Chantilly Face Veils, $1.85 Chantilly Face Veils in all the new shades. $4.50 Chantilly Square Veils, $3.45 Ribbon border Chantilly Square Veils, dotted effects, the latest novelty, can be worn in many ways; colors, black, white, pink, light blue. Regular $4.50 vai- "S A, C ues (4J.ciJ $1.50 Chiffon Motor Squares, $1.00 Brow, and White Only. The new "Fluffy Kuffle" Veil, 14 yards long, In all the leading; shades, glJSO. We have a full line, of Grenadine and Net Mourning Veils; also Chiffon uto Veils, 3 yards long, all shades. Sue to to.aO. 45 Stylish Women's Coats Reg. Vals. to $35.00$20.75 45 'new, stylish and up-to-date effects in Women's 50-inch Coats including the latest mannish, plain-tailored coats, made of dark rich mixtures with just the suggestion of a pat tern to relieve the plainness. Others of dark red broadcloth, made in the prevailing Jap- anese style, suitable both for street and even- ing wear, richly trimmed with silk fancy braid. Other tailored effects in brown, .navy, black, gray and stripes. Great variety of styles, with and without collars, all 6atin lined.. Made very carefully.' hang perfectly, and cut with a fullness found only in highest grade garments. Regular values from $27.50 to CPA H ET $35.oo, on sale Friday at...... y CtXJm I" J SEE THIRD STREET WINDOW No Mail Orders. None On Approval Sale Begins at 8 Be Early $2.25"Trefousse"2-ClaspKidGloves$1.35 $1.75 2-Clasp Mocha Gloves on Sale $1.35 . i . 50 dozen pairs ef gerihine "Trefousse" 2- clasp overseam Kid Gloves in all- the opera shades lavender, green, light tan, pink, navy, light blue, dark red, mode and mais, sizes not above 6j, some have fancy stitching. Regu- m r j- Iar $2.25 "Trefousse" Gloves for 4)1.jO 100 dozen pairs of Mocha 2-clasp Gloves, pique seam, in brown, p-i O C gray and tan; all sizes. Values to $1.75, for this sale only p? N. B. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. are the sole authorized agents for the- genuine French "Tre fousse" Gloves. We mention this because some merchants attempt to trade on the good nume and reputation of "Trefousse" Gloves. , $1.25 Men's Winter Weight Underw'r 73cj 75c Outing Flannel Night Shirts for 59c ioo dozen Men's Winter - Weight, Jersey - Ribbed, Steam-Shrunk Merino Undershirts and Drawers; shirts are made full and long, French neck and silk fronts; drawer made with sateen bands, suspender tapes and extra gussets; colors blue and novia. Regular $1.25 quality, a garment. : . 100 dozen Men's Night Shirts, made of heavy outing flannel, with military or turndown collars; great "va riety of patterns to select from. Our regu- lar 75c quality for Q"C Agents "Dr. Jaeger" Underwear and "Young's Hats" for men who appreciate a $4 hat for $3 73c $4.50 Lace Curtains, $3.19 900 pairs of Marie An-f toinette, Renaissance, Lace , Arabe and Cluny .Lace Cur tains, all made on the. best quality of French nets, both edging and inserting pat terns, white or Arabian col or, 2 x and 3 yards long. $7.50 Curtains $5.85 $6.50 Curtains $4.98 $5.5d Curtains $3.98 $4.50 Curtains $3.19 Also 500 pairs of Scotch t . r, . :., 3 , iaicc wui tnma, J cuiu 372 yards long; special priced as follows: $3.50 Curtains $2.33 $2.25 Curtains $1.50 $1.65 Curtains $1.19 Silk Petticoats $8.75Values $4.87 100 Silk Petticoats Black, brown, dark green, medium green, gray, red and navy made of exceptional qual ity heavy taffeta silk. Reg, values to $8.75, for Friday only at fstOZ Only a Few of Each Kind 6-inch All Silk Ribbons Reg. 35c Vals., 23c yard 6-inch All-Silk Messaline Taffeta Ribbon, all shades; regularly 35c yard, special "rjn for " this sale i .Ot $1-$1.25 Stylish Belts. 50c $1.25' Carriage Bags, 69c New Black, Brown and White Kid and Elastic Belts, with back buckles of gilt and gunmetal. $1.00 and $1.25 values on sale at. . . rV". vt New Carriage Bags, fitted with coin purse, fZQr extra well made, $1.25 value, sale OJvC Buster Brown Belts for children, in all colors, "ttZrt double buckle, on sale, each XOC 35c Black Stockings, 25c The famous imported "Onyx" Brand Women's Fast Black Cotton Stockings, positively the best ry 35c stocking made; for this sale only, a pair.. OC 100 dozen Children's Fast Black Heavy-ribbed School Stockings; double heels, toes and 1 0)f knees. Regular 20c quality for 2t "Wearwell" Hosiery is the best absolutely fast black hosiery for women and children that is sold regularly for 25c. Not genuine unless sold by Lipman, Wolfe & Co., sole Portland agents.