THE MokNIKG OREGOXIAX. FRIpAT, SEPTEMBER 27, 1907. 13 INSPECT NEW ROAD G. B. Moffat and W. S. Bar stow Go Over Salem Line. PLEASED WITH PROGRESS Former Is Sew York Banker and Tart Owner of Oregon Electric Railway and Latter One of Constructing Engineers. Gedrpe, Barclay MofTatt, of the New York banking-house of MofTatt & White, and William S. Barstow, head of a prom inent engineering firm of the same city, art in Portland and will Bpend a few days In looking over the progress of the Oregon Electric Railway, which Mr. Bar Ktow'g company is building. Mr. Mof fatt is one of the principal owners of the new line. 'Attacks on public utility corporations of all -kinds throughout the country during the past few months, are responsible for the general tightening up of the money market In the Bast," said Mr. Moffatt yesterday. "Only work already . under way Is now being prosecuted by the rail roads and other big corporations, and until the public's attitude is changed some what. It is likely the big financial in terests will not put much cash into new projects. The Pacific Coast is so pros perous that apparently it has not heard of the somewhat more conservative stand of the Bast, but It is probable this con dition will be felt here later." Mr. Moffatt expresses himself as highly pleased with the progress of the work on the new Salem electric line. In com pany with Mr. Barstow. he will go" over the Salem end of the line today and com plete his Inspection of the work done. Mr. Barstow says the line to Salem will be In operation by December 1, at the latest, when the construction gangs now at work will be transferred to the Hills boro and Forest Grove branch of the road and work crowded forward on that part of the system. "We have been very much delayed by difficulty in getting skilled labor," said Mr. Barstow. "Particularly is this true In the construction of substations. We are erecting four concrete, fireproof sub stations along the line, equipped with the latest electrical apparatus. It has been hard to get workmen to build these. "Electric locomotives for service on the line were shipped this week from the manufacturers at Schenectady. Passenger cars for use 6n the line will be shipped from the Eastern (manufacturers so that they will arrive here some time between November 1 and 15." FIGHTS JOINT WHEAT RATE O. R. & N. Objects to Washington Railroad Commission's Order. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company will fight the joint wheat rate order just decided upon' by the Washing ton Railroad Commission. Officials of , the company consider it unjust and at torneys for the company will file suit In the United States Courts to avoid com plying with the order. "I shall ask for an injunction In the courts." said W. W. Cotton, general counsel for the O. R. & N., "asking for a restraining order preventing the Wash ington Commission from putting the Joint rate on wheat into effect. We certainly ought to win in this case as we did last year when an injunction was secured preventing the rate from going into effect-Opinion among traffic officials is divided as to the effect of the joint rate on Port land wheat shipments. Some allege the effect will not be felt and that Portland will continue to be the leading wheat ex porting port of the Pacific Coast. Others incline to the opinion that Port land will lose, should the joint rate or der become effective. R. B. Miller, gen- eral freight agent for the O. R. & N., says no doubt more wheat will be stored at O. R. & N. stations In competitive territory in the Palouse country, but he doubts that Portland will be the gainer by the transaction. It Is the general opinion that it rests with the exporters as to whether Puget Sound or Port land shall be the principal wheat ex porting point of the Paciflc Northwest and that wheat shipments at Portland will probably continue to exceed those of Tacoma or Seattle because of the natural advantages of the port and the tact that exporters generally favor Portland as the most advantageous port of the three of fered. Mr. Cotton's suit for an Injunction against the Washington Commission's joint rate order will probably be filed within the next two weeks. NEW ROAD OPEN NOVEMBER 1 J. N. Hill Tells of Inspection of Portland & Seattle. J. N. Hill, vice-president of the Northern Pacific, accompanied by W. L. Darling, chief engineer of the same line, were in Portland yesterday, hav ing made an inspection of the new Portland A. Seattle Railroad along the north bank of the Columbia. Two officials left yesterday afternoon for Vancouver, where they will make a further examination of the work be ing done. "The road will doubtless be In op eration by November," said Chief En ' glneer Darling, who has general sup ervision over the construction of the Portland & Seattle. "We have 125 miles of track already laid from Ken newick. The remainder of the work is going ahead rapidly, and we expect to be running trains within the next two months." Discuss Slabwood Rate. A conference was held yesterday be tween General Freight Agent Miller, of the Harrlman lines, and members of the Railroad Commission, looking to the alle viation of the fuel famine in parts of th state by putting in low rates from saw mills throughout the Willamette Valley so that slabs may be hauled to the points where residents are suffering from a fuel shortage. The matter has been taken up by Mr. Miller, and some plan may be de cided upon whereby fuel now wasted at the mills may be hauled to points where it is much needed by people who are threatened with a fuel shortage during the coming Winter. BISHOP'S CARRIAGE" TONIGHT Miss Jessie Busley at Hellig Theater Two More Nights. Th attraction at the Hellig Theater, Four teenth and Washington streets, tonight and tomorrow, night, will be the enchanting and magnetic young actress. Miss Jessie Busley, In the intensely Interesting drama, "In the Bishop's Carriage." A special pries matinee At the Theaters Wbaft th Pruts Areata ftjr f will be given Saturday afternoon at 2:15 U ClOCK. "FATINITZA" AT THE MARQUAM Callfornians Tonight in the Melody Opera of the Year. Tti local publie has set the stamp of ap proval upon the efforts of the Callfornians during their brilliant engagement at the Mar quam, but never ao unmistakably as during the present week, when "Fatlnitza" has been offered. The alnglng of the principals and chorus, as well as the fun of the comedians, has created the most enthusiastic feeling ot regard toward the company. "A STRANGER IX NEW YORK" Iast Three Performances oi Farce by Baker Company. Those who have so far this week failed to see Hoyt's "A Stranger in New Tork" at the Baker .have three more chances only, to night, tomorrow matinee and night. There are many specialties interspersed by mem bers of the company, the moK beautiful be ing the Gibson picture song as suns; and posed by Miss Barney and Donald Bowles. "For Mother's Sake." "For Mother's Sake," msda popular sev eral seasons ago by Marie Heath, Is at the Empire this week, and Pearl Goldlng, In Mies Heath's old part, leaves nothing to be desired. The play is a story of dear old home life In the New England States, and contains many quaint characters. ' ' "Drnsa Wayne" Tonight. The Lyric Stock Company, with Maxine Miles, the beautiful and talented young lead ing woman. In the title role, will repeat Its wonderful performance of "Drusa Wayne" tonight and every night. Including Sunday, with the usual matineeB Saturday and Sun day. It Is Franklyn Fyles' best drama and as presented by the Lyric company, has few equals. "King or the DeserU" Only three more performances remain of "The King of the Desert." the big comedy drama with which the Richard E. French Stock Company Is filling the Star Theater to the doors at every show. There will be a performance tonight, tomorrow after noon and evening. There is an elephant In the drama, which is only one of the many pieces of realism. COMING ATTRACTIONS. . 'Lime Johnny Jones I .Seal Sa Hellig Theatesr Tt.rlny This morning at 10 oVkci at office of the Hellig TheatetFnurr-tuif and Washington Streets, the advfencn sepsf sale will open for the musical com'SfTy' success "Little Johnny Jones." This tuneful offer ing of George M. Cohan's will be the at traction for four nights, beginning next Sunday, September 29. Catchy music, pretty girls, stunning goSna and fun ga lore are the predominating features In this comedy set to muslo. "The Prince of Pilsen" Coming. Beginning next Thursday night. October 3. Henry W. Savage will present the famous musical comedy success, "The Prince of Pilsen." at the Hetlig Theater, Fourteenth and Washington Streets, for an engagement of three nights, with a special price matinee Saturday. Advance seat sale opens next Tuesday morning. October 1. "Maritana" Monday Night. The announcement that the Callfornians have decided to present "Maritana," that beautiful ballad opera, as the bill for next week, commencing Monday night, has been received with grest pleasure by the public and already the indications sre that it will be the most successful week of the en gagement." - "The Girl With the Green Eyes." . Clyde Fitch wrote "The Girl With the Green Eyes" tor Mr. Clara Bloodgood to make her debut as a star. The Baker Company, with Miss Barney in the diffi cult role of Jinny Austin, will present the play all next week. "Uncle Josh Perkins." "Uncle Josh Perkins" will be the at traction at the Empire next week. First time Sunday matinee. "To Die at Dawn" Next. Commencing Monday night the Lyrlo Stock Company will present for the first time in Portland that thrilling melodram atic success "To Die at Dawn." It is a play that will make a very strong appeal to the theatergoing public and cannot fall but please. "Slaves of Russia." "Slaves of Russia" will plot against the great White Czar at the Star Theater next week. The French stock company will pro duce this melodrama next Sunday afternoon and will continue in It throughout the week. It gives an insight into conditions of Russia. AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATERS , Pantages Good Show. Today - and tomorrow conclude the ex cellent bill which has been the drawing card at Pantages all this week. In first place is the noted La Salle trio ot European acrobats. Larkln and Barns. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shaw, the . dancing couple, the Cox family 'of five, Lee Aller. the comedy hit, Jean Wilson, popular baritone, and the bio graph, complete a thoroughly good bill. Feature Acts at the Grand. From one end of the program to the other the Grand this week offers feature acts. The hit of the bill is the dancing act of Hayes and 'Wynne, two of the best artists In this line that have been seen In Portland at any time. They dance like chain lightning. George Boyle and his as sociates have a hodgs podge of Comedy and burlesque. Zamloch is a magician who can give the ordinary mystlfler cards and spades. MakesProfessional Calls in Butcher's Cart Dr. I. L. Cole Mistakes Rig; for His Own Horse and Buggy Police Charge That He Was Befuddled. IN a fit of mental abstraction, Dr. I. L. Cole mistook a butcher's cart for his private turnout yesterday forenoon. He stepped Into the cart at Fourth and Morrison streets and proceeded to pay a few professional csalls. Being occupied by weighty problems relat ing to medical affairs, he failed to note the nature of the rig and drove about town the center of much curi osity. In the meantime the Mason butcher shop's employes were very much exer cised concerning the disappearance of the delivery cart. The driver, nearly, frantic, appealed to the police to help locate the rig, declaring it had been taken by daring thieves. Half a dozen officers were quickly detailed on the case. The butcher's boy made a hurried trip around the city in his own behalf and while the police force was still beating side streets the boy came upon the cart and the doctor at Sixth and Washington treet. He claimed the cart? but the doctor didn't know what iaie at :he-V"OX NEW WE have received and are now showing our Fall stock of Bigelow Axminsters. We show twenty-five patterns of this splendid fabric, of which nearly all are our own private designs. For variety of design and beauty of col oring, we believe that this display of Axminsters has never been equaled in Portland. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE. J.G.MACK&C0. 86-88 THIRD STREET Grand Central Station Time Card SOUTHERN" PACIFIC. Leaving Portland B hast a Express Cottage Grove Passenger. California Express 6a n Francisco Express. West Side Corvallls Paspenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passer ger... Forest Grove Passenger... Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger.. Bhaftta Express Portland Express West Elde Corvallls Passenger . .... Sheridan Passenger ...... Forest Grove Passenger.., Forest Grove Passenger... 8:15 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 7:00 a. m. 4:10 p. rn. 11:00 a. m. 5:20 p. xn. 7:25 a. ra. 11:80 a. m. 7:30 p. iu. 11:30 p. m. 5:55 p. m. 10:20 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 2:50 p. m. m NORTHERN PACIFIC. xYtng TEortlapd Tacna end Seattle Express.... NorFh 0-atJ& Chicago Limited.. Pug?l i-'ou.rfa Limited OrernrnrV-Express Arriving Portland North Coast Limited. ,:.. Portland Express . Overland Express Puget Sound Limited.. 8:30 a. m. 2 :00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:00 a. m. 4:15 p.m. 8:15 p. m. 10:55 p. m. OREGON RAILROAD ft NAVIGATION CO. Leaving Portland Local Passenger Chicago-Portland Special ....... Epokane Flyer Kansas Cltv A Chicago Express.. Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer , ChL. Kan. City & Portland Ex.. Chicago-Portland Special Local Passenger 8:00 a. xn, 8:30 a. xn, 7:00 p. xn. 7:40 p. xn. 8:00 a. m. 9:45 a. m. 8:20 p. m. 6:45 p. xn. ASTORIA ft COLUMBIA RIVER, Leaving Portland Astoria Seaside Expreas Astoria Express ... Arriving Portland Astoria & Portland Passenger. Portland Express - 8:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 12:15 p. m. io:ou p. in. Jefferson-Street Station SOUTHERN PACIFIC. T -ravins; Portland Dallas Passenger ..... Dallas Passenger Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger ..... 7:40 a. m. 4:13 p. m. 10:15 a. m. 6:25 p. m. he was talking about. Patrolman Crate was then galled. The doctor would have been charged with robbery except that the butchers saw the situation in its true light and believing the doctor thoroughly hon est, refused to sign a complaint. The police, however, insisted on fil ing a little charge of drunkenness against the medical man. He will be tried on that charge in the Municipal Court today. DALLY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Or.. Sept. 26. Maximum tem perature, 69 degrees; minimum, 49. River reading at 8 A. M., 4.7 feet; change in last 24 hours, fall 0.3 feet. Total rainfall (S P. M. to S P. M.), trace: total rainfall since September 1. 1907, .91 Inch; normal rainfall since Sep tember 1. 1907, 1.48 inches; deficiency, .87 Inch. Total sunshine. September 25. .1907, none; possible sunshine, 12 hours 1 minute. Barometer (reduced to eea level), at 6 P. M., S0.02 inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 5 P. M. Pacific time. g "0 3 Wind. 4 S ETATION8. -J 2 o-h. 3 " I 3 3 9 5 f 2 Baker City Boise Eureka Kamloops North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento. ..... Salt Lake... San Francisco Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla.... 700. 001 4NW 74 o.eo; 8 W 86:0.00 10 SW 72;0.00.Calm 80 T. 20:SE 6BJ0.2S 12 SB 89 0.001 8-N 80i0.00 6 S 701 T. 4 W 78!0.0fl! t8 6!0.00l 41 W 68 0.00118 W 8 0.0O.12 SB 6'0.00 8'E en'! s'E . 7H.O.O0I 4 W IClear (Clear Cloudy Clear Rain Cloudy Cloudy Clear IRaln Clear Clear Clear Pt Cloudy Cloudy ICloudy IClear T. Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The shallow low pressure area over the In termountaln states has remained nearly sta tionary and the barometer Is again falling along the Washington Coast. Unsettled weather in consequence oontlnuea In the North Pacific states and light rain has fallen In Southern Oregon, extreme Western Washington and Southeastern Idaho. It Is cooler at Poca tello and much cooler at Spokane. The tern- ROSE CITY PARK HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE DISTRICT Splendid Car Service Bull Run Water Graded Streets Cement Sidewalks Electric Lights. Building Restrictions and Lines. All improvements included in the purchase price. Over three miles of cement sidewalks already laid. Many houses now in course of construction. Easy terms of payment. Hartman & Thompson Room 3, Chamber of Commerce. r1 u perature has rien in the Willamette Valley and the Sound country. The Indications are for occasional rain Fri day In Western Oregon and Weatern Wash ington and for unsettled weather east of the Cascade "Mountains without much If any rain. FORECASTS. For the 28 hours ending midnight September 27. . Portland and y'IJjity Friday,, rain and cooler; aoutherly wWTb. Western Oregon Ad Western Washington Friday, rain, cooler Interior; southerly winds, increasing along the coast. Eastern Oregon, Rh stern Washington and Northern Idaho Friday, fair foil am-d by in creasing cloudiness. - Southern Idaho Friday, fair,,wet; showers followed by fair and warmer east portion. San Francisco, Sept. 26. Arrived Steam er Siberia, from Hongkong: ship Helene, Blum Fr.) from Newport, England; steam er Cascare, from Astoria; schooner Expan er Cascade, from Astoria; schooner Expan steamer Wellington, for Comoi; steamer Argyll, for , Seattle; steamer Hilonia, for Honolulu. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES (FOB CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rates will be given only when advertising U ordered to run consecutive days. Daily and Sunday- Issues. The Ore gonlan charge first-time rate each Insertion for classified advertising that Is not run on consecutive day. The first-time rate 1 charged for each insertion in The M'eefcly Oregonian. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board, "House keeping Rooms,' "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less, IS cents; 16 to SO words, Ktf cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc 2io discount for additional insertions. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ads. one-tlms rate each insertion. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today 30 cents for 15 words or less 16 to 20 words. 40 cents i 21 to 25 words, 60 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. , "NEW TODAY gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion! 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian, and left at this office, should always be inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp la required on such letters. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS For the convenience of patrons. The Oregonian will accept advertisements for publication In classified columns over the telephone. Bills for suosi advertising will be mailed imme diately and payment Is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonian will Dot bo responsible for errors iu advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephonei Main 7070; A 1670. ATJCTIOX SALES TODAY. At salesroom, 208 First St., at 10 A. M., A T. Wilson, Auctioneer. And the Portland Auction Co. starts Its ale at 2 P. M.' at 211 First St. . At Oilman's auction rooms. 411 Washing ton street, at 10 o'clock A. M- S- L. N. Gil man, auctioneer. MKETIXG NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP. NO. 77. W. O. W. Meeting every Fri day nignt at liz East Blztu street. Visitors welcome. EDWIN L. MINAR. Consul Commander. J. M. WOOOWORTH, Clerk. MYRTLE CHAPTER. XO. 15. O. E. S. Regular communication tills (Friday) evening, in Masonic Temple, at S o'clock. Degrees. By order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY. Sec. MT. TABOR LODGE, NO. 42, A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication this (Friday) evening Masonic Hall (East Side). F. C. Degree. Visit ing brethren welcome. By trder W. M. GEO. P. LENT. Sec'y. DIED. W. ELDRIDGE ALMY Age 65, at his feme at Woodstock. Funeral notice later. Newport and Rhode Island papers please copy. DEERS-At his late residence. 1228 Atlantic street. Sept. 28, Andrew J. Deers, Jr.. aged 43 years, 8 monthe, 25 da.yl. Notice of funeral will be given later. i FXj'XEHAL notices. MORGAN In thui city. Sept. 25, Floyd Ken neth, age 4 years, 5 months and 1A days, only, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Morgan, of 84T Russell st. Funeral services will be held today (Friday), at 1 P. M., from ths funeral parlora of Zeller-Byrnee Co.; eor. "Williams ave. and Ruesell st. Interment at Riverview Cemetery. Friends Invited to attend. PHILLIPS At the family residence. Laurel wood Station, Sept. 25. 1007, Mary A. Phil lips, aged 72 year. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which wilt be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. today; (Friday), Sept. 27. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. SCHNEITER At Sauvles Island, Sept. 28, Headrlg C, Infant son of Robert and Katie Schnelter. aged 8 days. Funeral services will be held at German M. E. Church, corner I5th and Hoyt St.. at '2 P. M. today. Frlenda invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. KOCHER The funeral services of Armlna G. Kochex will be held at the German M. E. Church, corner 15th and Hoyt sts. at 2 P. M. today. Friends invited. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. LARSON The funeral services of Carl E. Larson will be held at Flnley'g Chapel at 2 P. M. today. Friends Invited. Inter ment Lone Fir Cemetery. 3. P. FTNLET SOTS. Funeral Director. Mo. 261 Sd St., cor. Madison. Phono Mala 0. Dunning, McEntee A Gllbaagh, Funeral Di rectors, 7th Pine. Phone M. 430. Lady asst. ERICSON rNDEBTAKING CO.. 409 Alder at. Lady assistant. Phone Main 6138. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Funeral Direct or.. 120 Sd st. Lady assistant. Pbone M. 5Q7. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Funeral Direct ors, 273 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone) East 52. AM18EMEXT8. Washington EEILIG THEATER Main 1 (Tonight 8:15 I I Special Price Tomorrow Night f Matinee Tomorrow MISS JrXSlE BUSLEY In the Intensely Interesting Drama "IN THE BISHOP'S CARRIAGE" Evening. $1.50 to 25c: Matinee. $1.00 to 25c Seats Are Selling at Theater wanton HEILIG THEATER ffiK". BEGINS SUNDAY NIGHT. SEPT. 29 Continues Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Nights ' The Musical-Comedy Play "LITTLE JOHNNNY JONES" Catchy Music. Prettv Girls. Fun Galore Prices. $1 to 25c Seats Now Selling ;marquam grand (Phone Main 6.) Tonight and Remainder of Week. Matinee Saturday. FATINITZA Don't miss this beautiful opera. Beautiful stage settings. Elaborate costumes. Fun of fine songs and entrancing music. Evenings 25c. 50c. 73c. Matinees 25c 50c. BAKER THEATER Phono Main s Portland's Popular-Price Playhouse. Geo. L. Baker. Manager. All This Week. Baker Stock Company In Hoyt. "A STRANGER EX NEW YORK." Music. Mirth and Merriment. Matinee Saturday, 13c. 25c. Evening prices, 25c. 35c, 50c. Next Week. "The filri With the Green Eyes." EMPIRE THEATER Geo. L. Baker. Man Phone Main 117. Eastern Road Attractions Only. TONIGHT. ALL WEEK. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, The Little Sunbean, PEARL HOLDING. In "FOR MOTHER'S SAKE." A Beautiful Rural Melodrama or New England. Night, 10c. 20c, 30c. 50c; matinee, inc. 20c Next attraction. "Uncle Josh Perkins." THE STAR Phones: Old, M. 8494 New. A 1406 Continued Success of the R. E. FRENCH STOCK CO., All this week presenting "THB KING OF THE DESERT." Matinees Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday, at 2:30; prices 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:15; prices 10c, 2oc and 80c. Reserved seats by both phones. . , ' LYRIC THEATER Both Phones: Main 4685. Home, A 10:6. Week commencing Monday, September 23. THE LYRIC STOCK COMPANY IN i "DRISA WAYNE." Matinees Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday and Sunday. Prices 10c and 20c Every evening at 8:15. Prices 10c, 20c and UOc Boxes 50c. Office open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. THE GRAND Vaudeville de Luxe All This Week, the Headline Act. CHAS. H. BOYLE. LILLY GEORGE. HARRY GEORGE. The Sure-Fire Comedy Actors. Plenty of other big acts. Three performances daily, at 2:30. T:R0 and 9:15: prices matinees, 10c; evenings and Sunday matlnees 10c. 20c and box seats 30c. PANTAGES THEATER J. A. JOHNSON. Resident Manager. Acrobatic Feature greatest of all Gymnasts, THE LA SALLE TRIO, European Favorites. Vaudeville Headllners. 8-Big Feature Acts 8 Admission, 10c; reserved seats. 20c; boxes 25c Any seat at weekday matinees. lOc. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth, PORTLAND vs. SAN FRANCISCO September 24. 25, 26, 27, 23, 29. Game Called at 3 P. M. Daily. Double-header Sunday, Sept. 29 two games for one admission fee. First came called at 2 P. M. Ladies' Day Friday ADMISSION 25c. GRANDSTAND 25c. CHILDREN 10c First Annual Horse Show Sale of Botes Opens TuesdayOctober 1, 1907 The Show Will Be Given Nov. 7, 8 and 9, 1907 at the Oriental Building Lewis and Clark Fair Grounds, and will be the greatest event of its kind -in the history of the West. At tractive programmes day and eve ning. Boxes seat ten persons comfort ably. Price, for the season, $100. Ap plications will be numbered in the or der received, carrying preference as to location. Address, with remittance, Portland Hunt Club 229 Lumber Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. NEW TODAT. Business Corner Lot At special price of $26,500 until October 1. Located on '6th st.. bet. Burnslde and Union Depot. Owner, phones Main 585 and A 3342. PAYS 15 NET on $7000, the amount of cash required to buy this property. It Is situated on west side of 6th St.. not far from City Hall. Price $14,000. Onlv1 one tenant to deal with. See F. BRESKE about this. Room 444, Sterlock bldg. 83 3d . Any person wanting a good paying investment ought to look this up. NEW TODAT. SaveThatRent And Buy a Lot for 600 LOTS 600 In Railway Addition, fatavilla 5-Cent Fare EAST TERMS $10 Down, $5 Per Month Come out and Bee these lots. Take Montavilla car. Get off at Eibbard st., corner of Villa, or call at office. Agents at tract every day. lambert-Whitmer Co. Real Estate Department. 107 Sherlock Building, Corner Third and Oak Streets. 14 NET Apartment House WEST SIDE ALL NEW, LATEST STYLE BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED EASY WALKING DISTANCE EVERY APARTMENT RENTED, WITH WAITING LIST INCOME $550 MONTHLY $2S,000 WILL HANDLE THIS THE SPANTON CO. 270 Stark St. Portland's Best Equipped Real Estate Office. - $6000 Fine apartment-house site on King's Heights; on Wayne street, one block south of Washington. Ad joining lot sold last week for $8000. Brick apartment house being erected adjoin ing. E. J. DALY 114 THIRD ST. $12,500 Nice new 20-room hotel on the West Side; guaranteed lease for 10 years $100 per month; a snap; on for a few days. $40,000 Lot on Washington street, 52 feet front, 125 feet deep, near' 16th 6t.; only $7500 cash, balance terms. BOLLAM, GRUSSI & HIGLEY 128 Third Street. House and Lot for $66 We will give an absolute title to a lot 60x150 leet. with a 7-room house thereon. which today cannot be duplicated for less than ll&O. and with the lot as it now stands the property Is easily worth JlrxX). The DroDerty is located on the West Side. in Portland proper, on the Oregon Elec tric Railway line, and Is one of the choicest pieces on Capitol Hill. Call at the office to inquire about this, do not write, as we shall not answer correspon dence. - CLOHESSY" 5 SMITH 401 McKay Bids.. Cor. Third ana Stark St a. Business Corner for Lease Proposals for leasing the corner of Tenth and Burnside (88x90) will be received by G. H. VanHonten, 205 Lumber Exchange. This property may be leased for a long term of years on the ground-rent plan, or the owner would improve if conditions are satisfactory. The Hill depot will make Tenth the best cross street in Portland. FOR SALE. 1520-acre stock ranch.' all fenced., all tillable, substantial Improvements. 10 miles from Roseburg;; or will ex change for Portland property or close in acreage, paying difference. JACKSON DEEIUNO, Phone Main 34o. . 240 Stark St. Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates Real Estate and Insurance A. H. BIRRELL tot to tes McKay Bids, d and Stark. if $21,000 I A fine pleca of !m- I proved property with- 1 I in 10 blocks of Hotel I I Portland, now under I 1 lease tor J200 per I I month. I J THB HART LAND CO.,, 146 Second St. NEW TODAT. BEAUTIFUL HOMES 810,000100x100. with new 9-roonl house and stable, Irvlngton. 87000 Modern 8 rooms, on corner close to Hobart-Curtls Hotel, 8 years old. A rare opportunity. S6500 10-room house on corner, close In, on 23d. A arenulne bargain. 86500 T-rocm house, full lot, on cariine. Thurman street, Willamette Heights. Fine view; easy, terms. $5500 New, 7 rooms, Hawthbrna Fark. $3000 Modern, 6 rooms, Richmond, near car; two lots, two fireplaces; good terms. F. O. NORTHRUP 315 Couch Building. 10 Investment, $45,000 New, modern steam-heated flats neai business center, with permanent ten ants; $25,700.00 cash, balance terms. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY 204 Abington BIdg. HMD Ten and one-half acres; half a mils south Clackamas station. S. P. R. X. : fenced ; 3 acres In clover, see owner. 440 E. 20th st., N. Irvlngton car. f FOR SALE REAL, ESTATE. HOMEBUTERS! ATTENTION! $5(0 New fl-room house on " floors, strlctlv modern, corner lot, on cariine ana 10 minutes' to city; JiuQ down and $25 per month. j I have other houses for sale on thef East Side on very easy terms. V. PAGE HARRIS. East SRfl. 2 Healey bldrc. Grand and E. Morrlsom WEST SIDE EASY PAYMENT HOMES, i A thoroughly modern 6-room home, wlthj ample grounds. In a ejilendid nelghnorbotid, with two carllnea. for SHOO down and $30 per month; toal price $.?TM; $390, ZV2 North 24th st. Buy now. before the raine be!n. "Pay rent to yourself." Fidelity Trust Co., owner, 4m Commercial blk. Phones, Mala 447. A 144B. A SWELL, RESIDENCE. $4500 Northwest corner, 4 feet abov street, ' 12 minutes to city; furnace and all latest Improvements; 8 rooms. See me fof terme, (Owner) V. PAGE HARRIS. Healey bldft.. Grand and E. Morrison. MUST BB SOLD TODAY. Full lot on Portland Height. Spring anI Chapman ?ts., cement retaining wall just put In. ready to build on. Owner must have money. Price only $2200. This Is a snap. THOMAS MfHSKER. 20S Couch Bldg. Phone Main 7B48. APARTMENT HOfSB SITE. Full Inside lot. Wayne st.. King's Heights. ; one block south of Washington, adjoining lot eold last week to H. R. Reynolds for $soon. Brick apartment house In course of construction next lot; $rt000. B. J. Daly, 114 3d. GOOD fi-room modern house, 4 blocks from Mt. Tabor cariine: lot SlxloO; abundance of fruit; price $2100; easy terms; this Is a nap. WEST COAST REALTY CO.. 605 Lumber Exchange bldg. LAST CHANCE FOR THIS HOME. 7-room new hnufle. bath, full basement. large closet, toilet, wseh bowl. gaa. floors surfaced and waxed; $410, half cash. B. 12th, opposite Ijtdd tract. LA MONT ft HARRIS, S06-7 Swetland bldg. A MOST magnificent modern 7-room house, costing $40ni, with every modern conveni ence in the nicfet part of Piedmont, with lot. 100x100, large airy rooms and closets, for only $4750. This offer cannot be dupli cated. M. C. Davis, 18 Hamilton bldg. I . - SNAP IN IRVINGTON Aa my business com pels my leaving Portland. I will sell my horns at a big isarrllice: my house is a years old, 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, separate bath and toilet, and Is located 3 blocks from end of Broadway cariine. Price. $4300. A 241. Oregonian. INVESTMENT PAYING 10 PER CENT Lot GOxlOO. in lrvington, with two modern houses, 6 and 7 rooms, renting for $25 per month each. These houses are' only one vear old. and have modern conveniences. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. I - . . i FOR $1450 I will sell up to Oct. 2 at Tlgard vllle Station, on Salem electric line. 20 minules' ride to Portland, good wagon road, 6 acres of beaverdam. all cleared; water, one crop will pay for It. Trnia. F. A Miller. Lents, route 1. box 312. FOR SALE On time. 20 acres. rkee In. good, house and barn and alt other bufldinKS, flna creek on place, plenty hay. Bcu sacks pota toes on place, plenty cabbage, turnips and carrots. If you want such a place address X 241, Oregonian. No agents. . i TRY A. S. Draper's system of securing JUST? WHAT YOU WANT In 8 to 8-room houses, modern. $.VlO to $3500. on terms of 2SO down, balance as rent: ALL NEW HOUSES in all parts of the city. S43'A Washington, Rooms 3 and 4, cor. 7th. LET ME SHOW YOI7 THIS Beautiful 7-rpom cottage, with basement, furnace, 2 f're placee. electric lights, Int lOOxlon. with fruit trees shrubherv and barn, and within onej block! of car: $3000. $1000 cash. M. C Davis, 1 Hamilton bldg. $37(M Elegant 7-room house, full baeement. Winter's wood In; cookstove In basement;i range and gas stove in kitchen, gas and! curtain fixtures. haU and stairs carpet;, -everything flrsc-claas; full lot; terms. Owner. 355 Ivy st. $600 CASH, balance like rent; modern B-roomV cottage and full lot one block from car In Sunnyside. A. B. RICHARDSON. 614 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE acreage, good car service, rich lanflf tracts to suit; $250 to $300 per acre. Pig gott. Finch Sz Bigger. attorneys-at-law rooms 4. 6 and 6, Mulkey bid., northeast corner Second and Morrison sts. SELLWOOD 3-rcom house. $S00: 3-ronirl TOWNSITB house, 2 lots nice yard. $1000: CO. 7 lots, fine for ducks or chick ens. $ihi. 10r, Bast 13th,, Phone Sellwood 161. fM0 Corner 100x100 on Beech street, fou blocks from Union ave. cariine. A. B. RICHARDSON, 614 Chamber of Commerce. SELLWOOD 5-room strictly modern bunga-' TOWNS1TE low; fireplace. bath tiled andl CO. enameled; ow-ner leaving cltyj $2350. 1665 E. 13th. 6-ROOM house, store building and barn; all' new, well rented; 2 lots. lnOxlOO; bargain.. Buyers only. 18 Lafayette bldg. 12th and' Washington t. MODERN 7-room. comer lot. 60x100. nlca lawn.- fruit and flowers: good buy as horns or investment; price $2600. Phone owner Sellwood 424. SOUTH MT. TABOR. For choice Iota acreage and tracts seel Jas. Wileon. Take Hawthome-ave. car tor reservoir. 2 FINE lots on Council Crest: very easy terms and reasonable: good speculation. Purse, S23 Chamber of Commerce. Mala 7309. NEAR Steel bridge, new, 8 rooms, modern. 50x160: Installments and $1900 ea-th. C. R. Donnell ft Co.. 2GS Stark, room 12. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO.. 222 Falling bl.lg., make a specialty of retting East Bids resiaenceo. jwi.ii $100 CASH, balance monthly, buys one acre in fruit, near car line. See Thos. P. Thorn ton. 319 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE $2750 buys 6-room cottage, near Steel bridge, for four days only. Inquire of owner. 251 Cherry st. 100x100 in Havelock, near Patton ave.. 1 block; of car. $4O0 cash, $20 month. Purse, S23 Chamber of Commerce. $1600 WILL buy a good 4-room house and lot, 50x100; walking .dristance. Call 212 Morrison at. SNAP Kllltngeworth ave.. Soxino; three days only. Zella Goasett, Riverside office, St. John car. lHO0 New modern bungalow. $.300 down, $2Cr monthly, 3 blocks south Hawthorne-43d. Dr. Darling. $1250 Choice lot cheap for cash, B. Couchf st., near E. 24th st. Fred H. Strong, 243 Stark st. IF you want to buy a home, it nays to sea Chapin ft Herlow, 425 Chamber of Commerce. IF you want to buy a home. - It pays to ses Chapin & Herlow, 425 Chamber of Commerce. $1250 Modern 4-room cottage, near car, full lot; new and cosy. Phone Tabor 21. SPHINX AGENCY. 306 H BTARK ST.. CAJf sell your business property or restdenos. 1 $10 SECURES H acre, near cariine. Purse, at Tremont office. Mt. 8cott line. 1 FOR SALE 7-room house and full lot. 80 Borthwk St. Call If Interested. '