Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 13, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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Portlai td Agents for Butterick Patterns, Columbia Yarns, Ostermoor Mattresses, Perrins' Cloves October Delineator Now on Sale
Today, 15e Meier Frank Store's 920th Friday Surprise
Anniversary Sale Specials Today Great Muslin Underwear Sale
New Fall Tailored Suits
The Very Latest Fashions
$32.00 Values $19.45
Portland's leading Cloak and Suit Store
offers for today the season's first
great special sale of women's new Fall
tailored suits 75 of them, made up to
our special orders by one of the best
known makers in the land - Styles and
materials the very latest that dame
fashion demands - These garments made
up in medium and three-quarter length
coats, semi-fitting and doupie-preastea
effects Also single-breasted, tight
fitting jackets in broadcloths and fancy
striped mannish materials Black, navy
blue, garnet, purple, red stripes, green
stripes, brown stripes Well made and
finished throughout and a perfect fit
guaranteed Tailored suits that will
strongly appeal to women who want
the newest style garments at a price
never before known on fashionable ap
parel of equal quality All sizes Only
75 of them Other
stores call them
$40 vals. Choice
See Fifth-Street Window Display
800 Silk Petticoats, Black, Colors
$9.00 and $ 1 0.00 Values $5.85
Tor today's 920th Friday Surprise Sale, one of our famous Silk Petticoat bar
gains will attract a great crowd of buyers to the second floor garment section.
Petticoats made of a superior quality taffeta silk, -with silk dust ruffle; assorted
plaids and plain colors; styles include plain flare, strapped flounce and accordion
pleating, with tucks and ruching; black, tan, pink, lavender, red, gray, green,
brown, champagne and blue; well made and finished; perfect-fitting. J C
.Best regular $0.00 and $10.00 values, on sale at this low price, each. yJiOJ
SeO e Fifth-Street Window Display. Mail orders carefully and promptly filled.
Meier dS Frank's 920th Friday Surprise
2000 Pretty New Waists
Va lues to $2.00 on Sale at 65c
2000 new, pretty Shirtwaists at an excep
tionally low price for today's 920th Fri
day Surprise Sale A very large line of
white lawns, white swiss, checks and plaids
Tailored effects with tucks or fancy trim'd.
with yokes of Valenciennes lace, also
allover embroidery fronts Button
front or back, long or short sleeves.
A large assortment of new desirable
waists in all sizes Reg
ular values up to $2.00.
Take your pick at, each.
These are splendid waists for morning house
wear, or even with wool jacket suits Take
advantage of this great bargain 2d floor
Brass Candlesticks 37c-Toilet Sets $1.99
Today's 920th Friday Surprise Sales in the Basement Store, at these low prices;
Special lot of 300 Brass Candlesticks, complete with shade, holder and can- 1
die; very neat and-. pretty for any home; special today only, complete. 3 C
100 Toilet Sets, 6 pieces; decorated semi-porcelain, in blue, pink .and fl 1 AQ
gray;' handsome colorings and special values, at this low price, set.P
Today $4.00 Gloves $2.39 Pair
Today $3.00 Chamois at $ 1,75
In' Portland's greatest Glove Store, a very special offer
ing of women's fine Kid Gloves in full 16-button
- lengths; black, white, tans and browns, mousquetaire
styles; every pair fully guaranteed to give the best
of satisfaction in every particular; every pair per
fect, and fitted to the hand. All sizes; TLQ
regular $4 values, at this low price, pair.N'd f
1000 pairs of high-grade Chamois Gloves, elbow length,
in white and natural color; two-clasp mousquetaire
style; cool on the hand; all sizes; best C 1
regular $3.00 values, at, special, the pair. J
S 14 Ostrich Plumes $6.98
Every one $14.00 value, your choice today at
$6.98 each. These plumes are all the finest im
ported feathers, selected stock of the highest
grade, full 19 inches long; colors are black,
white, brown, champagne, light blue and nink.
Ostrich Plumes will be the popular hat trimming this Tall and Winter. No
woman can afford to pass by this extraordinary bargain. The best fl? QO
regular $14.00 values; choice today for this special low price, each.?0.rO
5000 Prs. Women's Hosiery
Values to $1 .25 at 29c
For Today's 920th Friday Surprise Sale we announce our great
annual September distribution
of women's sample Hosiery
at a small fraction of its real
value 5000 pairs in the lot
The greatest values, the largest
and the best assortment you ever
selected from Plain and fancy
effects including plaids-circular
and vertical stripes, polka dots,
embroidered insteps; also plain
black silk lisles. gauze lisles,
lace lisles in allover and boot
effects A wonderful assortment
of new and pretty hosiery to
please every individual taste
Hosiery of style and quality in
all sizes Every woman having
hosiery needs to supply should
profit by the splendid saving
olfered by this great sale Values
up to $1.25 per pair
Buy all you want
today at per pair
See 5th-Street window display Mail orders will be carefully filled
5000 Pairs of Men's Hose
Values to $1 .00 at 29c
Today's great Surprise Sale of 5000 pairs men's Hosiery is of the greatest im
portance to economical buyers an immense sample line from America's largest
and most. reputable importing house. Beautiful styles in plain and fancy colored
lisles; silk plated and mercerized novelties, all the finest quality imported hose, iu
the newest designs and colorings; blue, gray, tan, black combinations, OQ
clocks and embroidered effects; values up to $1.00, on sale at, the pair.
See the Fifth-Street Window Display. Mail orders promptly and carefully filled.
Meier d& Frank's 920th Friday Surprise
10,000 Yards of High-Class
Ribbons 25c Value 1 2c Yd.
The Greatest Ribbon Bargain of the sea
son is announced for today's 920th
Friday Surprise Sale 'A very advantag
eous purchase of 1 0,000 yards of wide
ribbons at a low price permits us to offer
25c values at 1 2c a yard Beautiful quality
full 3 inches wide, fancy dresdens. warp
prints, and plain colored heavy all silk
taffetas The fancies are in very attractive
designs and colorings, the plain taffetas in
pink, blue, white, black redr navy and
brown Ribbons for dress trimming, hair
ties, fancy work, etc Best 25c
quality Buy all you want to
day at this price the yard
See 5-St. window display
1 8c Velour Flannels 1 2c Yard
35c Snowfake Flannels 23c Yard
Two great Flannel bargains for today's 920th Friday Surprise Sale, as follows:
3000 yards of Velour Flannels, for sacqucs, kimonos, etc., in flowered patterns
and stripes. .Best styles and colorings; large assortment to choose from.
The best regular 18c values, on gale at this special low price, the yard.
000 yards of new Snowflake Flannels, in all the very best colorings, for
waists, misses' and children's dresses; handsome effects; 33c values, yd.
Meier Frank's 920th Friday Surprise
2000 Pairs Long Silk Gloves
$ 1 .50-$2.00 Values 67c Pr.
In Portland's -Big Clove Store for today's
920th Friday Surprise Sale, we offer another
great special lot of women's long silk gloves
at a ridiculously low price per pair All stand
ard grades of heavy silk, double finger tips.
12, 14 and 16 button lengths, in black, white,
brown, red, pink, tans, etc., in sizes SVz to 7
Cloves suitable for street or evening wear-
Values ranging from $1.50 to $2
a pair Buy all yon want today at
this unusually low price per pair
67 c
See the Fifth-Street window display
$7.50 Automobile Veils, All
Colors,Beautiful Styles $1.98
For today's 920th Friday Surprise
offering we place on sale a great
special purchase of women's high
class chiffon automobile veils Beau
tiful styles in grand assortment, made
full three yards long, in the following
colors: Light blue, white, pink, gray.
navy, black and brown, in pretty
plain and fancy borders; also satin
stripes All new high-class merchan
diseAuto veils that find ready sale
at prices up to $7.50 each Buy all
yon want of them today while they
last at this excep
tionally low price
See the Fifth-Street Window Display
Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled
Just the veil yon want for autoing, driving and windy weather
wear Take advantage The best veil bargain we ever offered
Women's $2-$2.50 White Oxfords $1.19
In the Shoe Store for today's 920th Friday Surprise Sale, a great bargain in
women's white Oxfords, suitable for party and house wear this Winter; 1000
pairs in the lot this season's very best styles, of superior quality white canvas,
white covered heels or leather Cuban heels; plain or tipped toes; hand-turn or
extension soles. Blucher, lace or Gibson pump styles; come in all 1 1 Q
sizes. Regular $2.00 and $2.50 values, on sale at, special, the pair.P 1 7
Meier Frank's 920th Friday Surprise
5000 Dozen Val Laces
Three Lots 50c, 69c, 89c Doz.
Sale extraordinary of handsome new
Valenciennes Laces for today's 920th
Friday Surprise Sale 5000 dozen
the entire stock of one of New York's
largest and best importing houses 3
immense lots All marvelous values
LOT 1 Round thread val. laces and in
sertions, 1 to 4 inches wide, beautiful
designs - Values up to $4.50 per dozen
yards, on sale today at 69c the dozen
LOT 2 Round thread and French val.
laces and insertions- Va to 2 in. wide
Values to $2 doz. yards at 69c dozen
LOT 3 French and round thread val.
laces and insertions Va to lVa in. wide.
Very best designs in large assortment.
Values up to $1.25 doz. yards at 50c
Values Up to $1.25 at 50c Dozen Yards
Values Up to $2.00 at 69c Dozen Yards
Values Up to $4.50 at 89c Dozen Yards
See Fifth-Street window display Mail orders will be carefully filled
4000 Pes. Women's 25c Neckwear 5c Ea.
A sensational clean-up of women's Neckwear today 4000 pieces in all, good, de
sirable styles, including stiff collars, turnover collars, stocks, bows, Croats, etc.;
a great clean-up of all odds'and ends of seasonable and staple neckwear, to make
room for the immense shipments of new merchandise arriving every day; t
23c values; buy all you want at this low price, each take advantage. JC
Meier (8b Frank's 920th Friday Surprise
Women's Black Oxfords, $3
and $3.50 Values at $1 .98
Women's standard footwear at a price
below manufacturing cost is the shoe
store great offering for today's 920th
Friday Surprise Sale The assortment
Includes all the very best lasts and
leathers Fine black vici kid, patent
colt and gunmetal leathers In fight
weight and extension welt soles, patent
or plain leather tips Medium, military
or cuban heels Blucher, lace. 2-eyelet
ties Button and side-lace styles AH
sizes and widths-Regular $3.00 and
$3.50 oxfords-
Today only, your
choice at, per pair,
1$ 1 .98
Mail Orders Carefully Filled Take Advantage