THE MOKNllTCJ OKJKjQAIAV, TVEDXESDAT, SEPTEMBER 4, 1907. 1 1 m WILL NOT LOSE SCALP Lane being In the chair, when the lire broke out, and great excitement pre vailed among the members of that august body. So curious were they. In fact, that not even the brilliant speech of Coun cilman Vaughn on the subject of steam healing, failed to hold them In their seats and they all got up and ran to the Fourth-street windows to see the fire ap paratus go by. Vaughn delivered himself of a scathing rebuke to his associates, but without effect, and when a huge en gine went puffing by, he lost his dignity also and took up a position with the . . ... i uieu unu iuus up a, position WILll me POlltlCal TradeS GlVe Him Firm others. Including Mayor Lane. When iney icarnea ine uuy nan was in no Grip on His State Job. danger, they returned to their places and Mr. Vaughn resumed his talk, WHISTLING IS STOPPED HOLDS ON AS FISH WARDEN Cars and Engines Must Keep Quiet in City Limits. The roar of the locomotive whistle and the ear-splitting shriek of the compressed-air sirens of the electric motors will no longer disturb nervous people at all hours of the night on the East Side down In Councilman Rush light's ward. M. G. Griffin. J. A. Klein and A. V. Nawratel, committee from the Brooklyn Republican and Improve ment Club, interviewed the managers of the Southern Pacific and the Port land Railway, Light & Power Com- rtnnl vRterflav with satisfactory re- That H. G. Vau Dusen has linked him- BUjtB it was found that an ordinance seir fast to his Job as Fish Warden, introduced by ex-Councilman S. G. through fortune of several trades in the Richardson in 1891 is now in force, pro state aDDolnting board and the influence hlbitlng the whistling of locomotives IT- "JL1. J . ,h r, m nolit- Inside the city limits except In case in M-imiui utiw... . ..." . t- I nm Howo-an- Tht rtrHlnnnrn WRff D leal circles. The report is strengmenea " by Van Dusen's evident peace of mino. Kerretarv Benson and Treasurer Steel Form Combination to Par cel Out Appointments and the Ax Is Not to Be t'sed. SEVEN SHIPS TAKEN Vessels Chartered for Loading of Grain at Portland. NEW RECORD FOR PORT street, will be given this evening at 8 o'clock. Following is the programme: Piano solo, Miss Ella Young; song, T. Boyd, third engineer British steamship Strath neas; song, Mrs. Hodges; recitation. John Ellis; song. Miss C. Buasell; song. August Lecierc. French ship Vlncennes; piano solo. Miss Jessie Potts; vocal duet, W. Jackson, British ship Dalgonar, J. V. Da vice. British ship Tola; song, James Cormack; piano solo. Miss Madeleine Bernays; recitation. Miss Eu genia Craig; song. V. Hay ward; song and chorus, -Carl Rentch and ehlDmates. German hip Slam; song. Miss E. Bennett Johnson; song. W. McCreary, British steamship Queen lexandra; song, Edwin T. Caldwell, mate British ship Dalgonar; song. J. M. Von Wink ler; song, J. Turner; piano solo, George Rose, British ship Dalgonar; national anthems. Admiral Borresen Now in Harbor at San Francisco Others Are Sev eral Weeks Away Union Kate Is Paid for Craft. With the charter of four big sail ing vessuls and three steamship Port land exporters made a new record for one day's business yesterday. The fleet has a carrying capacity of 30,033 tons, and while some of the vessels will not be here for three months, most of then are near at hand, and will be loading here within the next 60 days. The sailers chartered yester day were the British bark Strath gryfe and the French barks VlUe de Dijon. Amlral Corneuller and La Tour OREGON-WASHINGTON WHEAT AND FLOUR SHIPMENTS August' 1907 Bushels. '. '. '. '. '. '. 1 '. ". ". '. ". '. '. ". '. ". ". 74. 730 . . . . . . fib .666 Total 124,730 Flour Barrels. To Orient 81.841 California 10.5(11 From Portland. Wheat To Europe .... California . South America Orient Total From Puget Sound. Wheat To Europe California Jouth America .... Orient Total 62.620 PloiiN- Barrels. To Orient Suth America California Total 258.713 Total from Portland M2.442 barrels flour Included) .. Total from Pujret Sound (258.718 barrels flour Included) Total August shipments Grand total season to date Same period eeaeon 1906-O7 Same period jwaaon 10O6-O6... Fame period season li"4-oft Same period season 1903-04 Same period season 1902-03 Same period season lttol-02 Same period seaeon 19ort-Ol... Same period season im-tx.. which has come to him recently. Tho Irish Warden's appointment is in volved with that iOf Superintendent of the Insane Asylum and that of Superin tendent of the Reform School. DOtn in Btitntlnns hclne in Salem. The appoint fnr hnnrd 1r composed of governor Chamberlain. Secretary of State Benson nri state Treasurer Steel. Benson and Steel have agreed to parcel out tneso three Jobs Independently ot tne iro- ernor. To do this tney are swapping v nolntments. Benson, if political urmi i-irum anything, is to be recognized in me ap- nnlnimnt of Van JJusen ana bito m .,.ioctirn nf Dr. R. E. Lee Stelner, of Rniem for the Asylum T-ositlon. Steel Is to have his share In the appointment f Harrv K. Bickers, of Pendleton, an old-time Simon faithful, as chief of tne Reform School. This would seem to give ihA lion's share to the Benson element but It will be rcmembereu mat jumcs Steel, brother of Treasurer aieei, nan been appointed Bank Examiner, which evens the score. Are Sure or Consummation. As viewed in several quarters, these e. lections, while not agreed upon to an ahaoiiite flnalltv. are apparently sure of consummation. Meanwhile Steel and Ben son are posing in the attitude of uncer tainty, to test the effects that the selec tions will make In their respective camps and to avoid semblance of ignoring other asnlrants. This much seems cer to in- steel and Benson have reached an understanding, whereby each is to share in the parceling out of patronage and each knows what man the other wants. si months ago it appeared wnouy likely that Van Dusen would not be able to keep up his grip, iremuret o'"' - under evident obligation to favorite sons of Clackamas County, either H. A. Web ster, then Deputy Warden, or J. U. cmnhDii member of the Legislature, for appointment to the place. Bach of these aspirants nad reason to that Benson wanted Van Dusen dis missed also, though what the reason was has never been revealed. van jjusen. however, has incurred a great deal of onmltv in Clackamas County where Steel has his home, and in Southern Oregon, whencA Benson hails. Coupled with the enmity ot mese nro districts was that oi tne upper Colum bia River, center- in Wasco County. Th. fui of Van D"en thoughtJSIm as rooH an scalned. and during tlf Legls lature they bruited It about that after the session the big knife would be used on htm As for that gentleman, he was in evi dent distress. To make matters worse him Governor Chamberlain wameo. a new man appointed. But van iusen s VCR IQ F NED BU S1U f,ino, with chief headouarters in As- UrllVLn IO rill-U UUI i roT-ia where Is centered tne opposition to Wasco and up-river fisheries, got busy foreman and Stableman Bear Brunt and succeeded in holding tnings in status . mm Then arrived Senator FultoVi from in Cruelty Case Washington, and from that time on the complex.on or tilings . j Fulton With the Bensons. smith and E. J. Boon were each fined Fulton long had been a political any i zu in tne niuiiiuipm v.u.v nr the Benson family, iour oi wnusu i morning, ior cruelty i n. nu.oc members hold state office, and Secretary Bates iB a teamster in the employ of of State Benson at once was hailed In th(j Banfleld-Vesey Fuel Company and E. J. Boon and J. Smith are employed 1D06. Bushels. Cereal Tear to Date. 1007-08. 1006-07. 77.042 Barrels. ' 63.0S2 7.514 Bushels. 137,522 60,666 Bushels. 122.72S 167, 7H7 101.220 . 42.442 Bushels. '. " i'&b '. oiisio .215.2R9 30.S73 12,571 71.196 38.3P3 73.3.15 109,723 Barrels. 179.R47 26.373 12.220 187,522 Barrels. 83,845 27.273 111.118 Bushels. '15,1)42 61 ! 840 381,735 Barrels. 108.908 10.813 119.749 Bushels. 93.174 76.303 73,670 21 8,440 77,782 Barrels." 353.698 47X63 80.675 431,636 243,237 Barrels. 348. 097 71.177 21.761 441.035 Bushels. . 315,719 .1.226.828 1,542,547 2.708,597 8,lt8.BOO 1.892.995 2.829.911 2.474.230 2.282,450 2.437.917 2.513.837 1.758.433 Same period season 1898-99.. 2,582,645 duced by the committee, and tne Southern Pacific officials informed the committee that it would be observed henceforth. An order was sent out In the pres ence of tne committee mat tne urui nance be complied with. The excep tion mentioned in the ordinance Is that locomotives may whistle in case ot danger, to which nobody will object The residents living along the South ern Pacific track to the carshops com plalred that they were greatly dis turbed by the whistling of locomotives, especially at night. F. I. Fuller, mana ger of the streetcar company, also said that air-whistles or tne electric cars will only be used in case of danger. The crowded condition 01 tne sen- wood cars in the evening and morning was discussed, and relief was promised. The members of the committee were assured by Manager Fuller that he was a-lad to have them call, as he de sired to keep in touch with the people. de Averjrne, all belnp; taken for wheat loading for Europe at the union rate 27s 6d. The British steamship Ferndene was taken by the Frank Waterhouse Com pany to load flour and wheat for North China ports, and the Norwegian steam ships Terje Vlken and Admiral Bor resen were chartered to load lumber for the Far East. The Borresen Is now at San Francisco discharging coal cargo from Australia, and will ar rive in Portland in about two weeks. The Terje Vlken, which loaded In Portland a few months ago. Is ten days out from Newcastle, Australia, with coal for San Francisco, and the Fern dene is also coming to the Coast with coal. The Strathgryfe comes north from Callo in ballast, the Ville de Dijon is about six weeks out from Ant- the Van Dusen camp as a friend. And KtaTdto at the same place Boon as foreman BafeT'as-arreTast Friday af- on the several no An ternoon by Officer Goltz at Third and "The seiecUon'oT Jaes Ve" was the Flinders streets. The office, - noticed rV the agreement It hasjeen ST made plain since then that -that means p f , e sore on lts i,iint,in man in Lilt? nfiL i - . . Van Dusen evidently neck. The foreman and stableman selection of Important office. has nr,vt "'IT: ."t one" o, the '-lobs than was either, the foreman or stable- and a Steel man the other, c'om to be th. FT - The were subse.u ent t '"-I'-fZr'l respoeChfoar8 tT I ess sed Tho division of offices runs back some time. Dr. Stelner. in the last state elec tion, was an active worker in the Ben son ranks. Then came the Legislature, wherein was created the office of Bank Examiner. It was known before that that Stelner was aspiring to the Asylum job. His appointment, however, meant that Steel should select a man for some o: to he filled at once; therefore, the Steel PunlBned man was chosen first. And now that the Asylum office is next. Stelner would appear slated for his hrv rieht soon. This will turn out Dr. J. F. Calbreath. the present Superintend ent, who seemed to have the support of Steel for a time. man." said tne judge, me coun m in clined to be lenient with him, although a nominal fine should be inposed as a reminder. The other men knowing the condition of the horse have no ex cuse. The court therefore will impose a fine of $10 on Harry Bates and Z0 each on E. Boon and J. Smith. Mr. C. Banfield furnished bail for his employes, but was in full sympathy that Steel .noma e.eri wlth ti)e West and expressed his de- eraffborSdedffthat iVh -I, th the defendants be severally ALL RUN TO LITTLE FIRE Small Blaze Disrupts Council and v Injures Three. the nart of a delivery- man for the Standard Oil Company caused a fire at 3 o'clock yesterday after noon that wrought damage to the ex tent of 3000 to a cleaning and dyeing establishment and the Rose City apart ment house, broke up the meeting of the City Council for several minutes, slightly injured two firemen and burned the oil driver. ty. oil detlvervman drove ud to the cleaning and dyeing establishment con ducted by w . K. Karoer ana . i. vvou ison. Third and Mill streets, and carried an of frnsnlinA through the shon. He Swung the can and when passing close tj a gaS n U ril-l , tui ejLiuetuii 1UUUWB1 "and the flames burst out in all .portions hk room. The emDloves managed to scape in time to save themselves from injury. Out me ueuvci jiu wan siigiiuy v. A ohont thtt bands. From the clean. ing establishment, the flames quickly ate .v. - v to the floor above and to ad joining rooms, comprising the Rose City apartments. The inmates had ample time to reach the street in safety and pone was hurt. While placing the lad ders to the second story of the apart ment house, James Duncan, attached to Hose No. 2, sustained a sprained wrist, and James Baldwin, of Engine No. 4, had Via han llt VlV PlASR- The City Council -was In session. Mayor SOME PEOPLE SEE! Your "To Let" or "For Sale" sign, but most of them do not. And you wonder why nobody wants such AN IDEAL HOUSE Somebody does want it, and wants it badly, and someone will take it off your hands if you let them know' about it through The Oregonian real estate columns. YOU'LL FIND THAT SOMEBODY EIGHT QUICK. Phone , your ad. if you can't bring or send it, Main 7070 A ...1670 STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Dne to Arrive. Name. ' Prom Data. Alliance Coos Bay In nort Numantla Hon,rkoilr In SS" City of Pan... San Francisco. . Sent 11 SJome city. . San Pedro i ijort Redondo Seattle i i,ort Geo. W. EldorSan Pedro in i,ort JohanPoulsenSan Francisco. .Bept 4 Costa Rica. . Ban Francisco. Seot. Breakwater. .Coos Bay pent 7 Roanoke Los Angeles. . ..Sept.' 10 R. D. Inman. San Francisco. .Sept! 13 Arabia Hongkong Sept IT Alesla Hongkong Oct. 10 Nlcomedla... Hongkong..... Nov. X Scheduled to Depart. Name. For Data. Rcdondo Seattle sept 4 City of Pan . . .San Francisco. . Sent ' 15 Geo. W. ElderSan Pedro Sept S Numantla. .. Hongkong sept. 8 Nome City. . . Ban Francisco.. Sept. 8 Alliance Coos Bay Sept 7 Breakwater. .Coos Bay Sept 9 Costa Rica. . San Francisco. . Sept 0 JohanPoulsenSan Francisco.. Sept. IO Roanoke Los Angeles. . ..Sept. 12 i. u. iDmaD. s,an ranclsco Arabia Hongkong. ... Alesla Honckonr jNicomeaia .Sept. . tept. . Oct. 1 25 20 8 . Hongkong Nov. Entered Tuesday. ' Breakwater, American steamship (Macgenn), with general cargo from Coos Bay. Walacut. American barge (Olson), with 500.000 feet of logs, from Ne halem. Casco, American steamship (Ah lln). with general cargo from San Francisco. Nome City. American steamship (Hansen), with 300.000 feet of oak logs, from San Francisco. City of Panama. American steam ship (Nelson), with general cargo from San Francisco. Berlin, American ship (Fry), with salmon from Nushagak, Alaska. . Cleared Tuesday. Breakwater, American steamship (Macgenn), with general cargo for Coos Bay. City of Panama, American steam ship (Nelson), with general cargo for Ban Francisco. Xew Master on Gardiner City. Captain Harrv C. Lund, who was formerly master of the old American bark Harry Morse, was sworn in yes terday at the Customs-House as mas ter of the barkentlne Gardiner City, ucceedlng Captain Olsen. The Oardi- er City has been on drydock for clean- ng and painting. On her vovaa-e north from San Pedro she made the remark ably slow time of 33 days. Marine Notes. The salmon ship Berlin Is discharg ing at the Alblna dock. The steamship Alliance will eall for Coos Bay Saturday night. The steamer Casco is discharging oak logs at the Banfield dock. The steamer Excelsior arrived yes terday from -San Francisco. The steamship City of Panama sailed last night for San Francisco. The steamship Costa Rica, from San Francisco, is due tomorrow night. to werp ior Jr-ortland, the Amlral de tjorneuiier is nearly due at San Diet from Newcaotle-on-Tyne, and will come norm in oanast, and the La Tour d Avergne is, enroute from London San Francisco. The British bark Lucipara from Ant werp for San Diego was chartered terday to load wheat at Puget Sound, urain cnarters tor Portland have aver aged one a day for the past three weeks, and the amount of tonnage al reaay cnarterea ror this season loading has a capacity equal to three fourths of the entire amount loaded at this port last season. Trial Trip Tomorrow. The trial trip of the new steamer Bailey uatzert win be held tomorrow. xne steamer was aeiayed by the inter vention 01 iaDor day, and It waa possible for the builders to get ready for today. The steamer hmilarht to thA A Mnrtraaf nn.a her fittings are being placed on board toaay. im her was and Concert at Seamen's Institute, The first concert this season at th Seamen's Institute, 100 North Front Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND. Sept. 3. Arrived Steamer Excelsior, from San Francisco: steamship Geo. w . aiaer, from San Pedro nd wsv nnrts. Bailed bteamship City of Panama, for San Jjranclsco. ASTORIA. Sept. 3. (Special i Arrived In urlng the night and left up at IO A. M. learner .XCeislor. from Ran Franlncft Ap. nveo. oown at ll A. M. and sailed at P. M. Steamer Breakwater, for Coos Bay. Ar rived down at 12 noon Steamer Lakme. Ar rived at 12:30 and left up at 4:30 P. M. steamer Northland, from San Francisco. Sailed at 4:flO P. M. Steamer Lakme. for ban fTanclsco. San Francisco, Sept. R. Sailed at 12 noon Mteamer Costa Rica, for Portland. Port San Luis. Sept. 3. Arrived vesterd&v aieamer banta Maria, irom Portland. lewcastle, Sept. 3 Sailed August 28 British ship St. Mlrren, for Portland. Monterey, Sept. 3. Sailed vesterdav ocnooner Koaerlck. for Portland. Plymouth. Sept. 3. Arrived French bark Jacques, xrom Portland. Tides at Astoria. Tides at Astoria Wednesday were as fol lows: High. Low. 11:25 A. M B.9 feetl.VOB A. M 0.4 feet 11:30 P. M....8.0 feet 15: IB P. M 3.3 feet Conditions at the Bar. ASTORIA, Sept. 3. Condition of the bar at 6 P. M.. smooth; northwest wind. 12 miles; weather, clear. NVITED TO WALLA WALLA SUFFERED AGONY WTHSALTRHEUM On Hands, Arms, and FaceforThree Years Spent Hundredsof Dollars t in Seeking a Cure Hands Be- ' came a Solid Sheet of Sores No Rest from Awful Itching Until CUTICURA REMEDIES , EFFECTED A CURE "I had salt rheum for three years on' my hands, arms, and face and I thought it would get all over me. I tried four or five doctors but they failed and my husband has spent hundreds of dollars in trying everything we could hear of. But 1 grew worse and worse, my hands itched awfully and I could get no rest at all. I was just in agony all the time because when they did not itch they were so dry and crackly that I was mis erable and when they cracked, they bled. The nails of my finger and thumb began to come off, and my hands were a solid sheet of sores. Several of mv friends told me to try the Cuticura itemed ies so I got a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment and from the first my hands began to improve and now they are well, and I think that the Cuticura Remedies are worth their weight in gold, and I advise every one that has skin trouble to use them. Mrs. Omie Parkerson, 1639 11th Ave.. Nash viUe, Tenn., Jan. 28, Feb. 11, and Max. -31. 1907." MOTHERS OI Skirt -Tortured, Disfigured Babies Should Know That warm baths with Cuticura Soap and gentle anointings with Cuti cura, tne great, oiuu Cure, afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure of tortur ing, disfiguring ecze mas, rashes, itchings, irritations, and chaf ings of infants and children when aH else fails. Guaranteed absolutely pure under the United States Food and Drugs Act. and may be used from the hour of birth. Complete External sod Internal Treatment for ety Humor ol Infants. Children, and Adults coo- ku of Cuticura Soap (26c.) to (.'linnse tne oain. utlcum Ointment (60c.) to Heal the Sim. ana Every SoHitlisSaihout tne world. ura Aeflolvent (60c.), (or In toe form of cbqcolat caste, mis, .xv per viaioi oui w i-unty iw Potter Drue Cbero. Co.-v . ci Propa.. Boston. Maaa. as-llkiied Free. Cuticura Book oa Skin Sta Portland Business 3Ien Will Attend Coming Harvest Festival. Walla Walla Is to have a great Harvest Festival this year, according to K. L Bernard, who was in the city yesterday. The festival is to be under the manage ment of the Walla Walla Commercial Club and will be held September 16 to 21, Inclusive. According to Mr. Bernard, who is director of the show, it will be the biggest show of the kind ever held In that city. The business men of Walla Walla already have subscribed i000 to make the festival a success and the rail roads have fallen Into line by making very low excursion rates. Members of the Portland commercial Club were yesterday informed by Mr. Bernard that arrangements were being made at Walla Walla to entertain a large delegation of business men from this city on "Portland day ' and a dozen members of the club signified tneir inten tion to go on the excursion. As soon as notices of the proposed trip have been sent out and replies received the man agement of the club expects a large in crease in the list. The letter from the Walla Walla Com mercial Club brought by Mr. Bernard reads in part as follows: As vou are doubtless aware, the Com mercial Club of Walla Walla will glva a harvest festival and ' street fair in this city during the week of September 16-21. It will be on a larger scale than anything I we have hitherto attemDted. and will excel perhaps any similar, event in the Inland .fcimpire. We have abundant reason for this cele hratlnn. Our neonla have been blessed with bountiful yields on their fields and orchards and nave progressed in an tne ways that go to make life worth living. It will be a celebration to which our friends and neighbors can come and see the beauties of the fertile Walla Walla Valley and note the progress that has been made in the last few years by the Garden City, the metropolis of Southern Washington. To 'the people of Portland we feel es pecially attached, since from the earliest times we have been in cordial commercial relations and have a common Interest In mnv Imnnrtant nroierts. These ties can not but be strengthened by the opening of the Columbia River and the completion of the many railroad projects now under contemplation and construction. In view of all these things and the fur ther fact that some 80 per cent of our wholesale trade is with Portland mer chants, we shall be pleased to meet as many as possible of your people. We are dolna all we can to make this event a success, and we lack only your active co-operation to make It a complete success. A. c. MUUKti, esecretarjr. Interest Passenger Agents. Anxious to interest the members of tae Traveling Passenger Agents Association of the countrv in the coming Alaskan Ex position at Seattle, the management of the fair has sent letters to Portland mem bers of that organization, telling of the progress of the work and hinting at the big features of the 109 show. The man agement realizes that few classes of peo ple come in touch with so many of the general public as the passenger agents and they know that information riven these men will be widely distributed, thus creating an interest among the general public. MOTHERHOOD MRS. DANIEL SULLIVAN Unquestionably preparation lor healthy maternity Is accomplished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound more successfully than by any other medicine, because it gives tone and strength to the entire feminine organism and renders it perfectly normal. A woman in good physical condition transmits to her children the bless ings of a good constitution. Read what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Sullivan, 689 E. 7th Street, Flatbush, N. Y, "What a blessiDg Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is" to motherhood. I send you a picture of my three months' old baby and myself, and the photo shows the splendid condition of our health. That I am so well and the baby so healthy and happy is entirely due to your excellent remedy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took it for five months before baby came and it brought me an easy confinement and kept me strong, whereas I was weak and in perfectly miserable health all the time when my first three children were born." Mrs. Geo. Walters of Woodlawn, 111., also writes: "I feel it my duty to tell of the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has atone m and to recommend it to all expec tant mothers to insure a healthy child and easy birth. I had lost three children and was discouraged when a friend advised me to try Lydia E. Pmkham Vegetable Com pound. 1 did so and it not only kept me weu ana strong out 1 nave as Healthy a child as you will find anywhere. I hope other discouraged women may read this letter and take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and be benefited by it as I have been. " Women should remember that for more than thirty years Lvdia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has been without a rival in sustaining woman's health and curing all those painful ailments peculiar to her sex. Its rec ord shows that it has cured almost every form of female complaint, orga nic troubles, inflammation and ulcer ation, falling and displacements and consequent spinal weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to tho periods of child-birth and change of life. It cures backache and all those bearing down sensations. If there is anything about your case you do not understand write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice. It is absolutely free. Thou sands of women have done so and hare received help. ME N H a I 3n't MY FEE IS ONLY In Any Uncomplicated Cbm. Pay After Being Cured Treat Cases I Can't Cure I treat for real and lasting cures. Every rem edy I employ has its part in bringing positive and permanent results. Under my treatment the patient who notes improvement in his con dition can feel assured that real benefit and not a temporary drug effect has been obtained, and can continue with confidence that a thor ough cure is being accomplished. My success as a specialist is due to the fact that I accept no incurable disease and always treat with a cure in view, never resorting to the use of remedies that bring out temporary encourage ment to the patient. "WEAKNESS" DR. TAYLOR, Che leading Bpeclallrt. I n s a neither knife, ligature nor caustic in my treatment for Varicocele. I pos itively cure this disorder by nn absolutely pain less method, and without detain ing the patient from business. My treatment for Specific Blood Poison forces th very last taint of virus from the system, and all this is accom plished without the use of dan- ferous minerals, afford you a complete and permanent cure. My colored chart affords an Inter esting study in men's diseases. Will be sent free upon application I hava conclusively demonstrated the fact that derangement of the masculine functions Is a curable ali ment. That there has been consider able diversity of opinion upon this point among the profession Is but an evidence that functional weak ness has not been thoroughly under stood and has been unscientifically treated. Though commonly regarded as a nervous disorder. It has never yielded when treated upon this theory. I have ascertained by the closest observation in thousands of rases that only In rare instances is the general constitution or nervous system Involved to any noticeable degree whatever, and that "weak ness" In all Its phases Is merely a symptom of nervous disorder. In by far the greater number of cases the functional derangement Is due to a single cause, a chronically Inflamed condition of the prostate gland, brought on by early dissipation or lingering as a result of some Im properly treated contracted disorder. Such cases may show temporary im provement under stimulating pro cesses of treatment, but ultimate re lapse Is certain to follow all such methods. The only radical cure In the absolute removal of the abnormal condition responsible for the func .lonal disorder, and this I positively accomplish through careful ly -directed local measures. My treatment Is entirely distinctly and original. No other physician employs like methods or approaches my success In curing. The results I obtain are thorough and lasting, and strength and vigor are restored In the full and normal degree. T cure contracted Diseases Thor oughly and tn less time than Is commonly re quired to even cure partially. To not endanger your health and power by relying upon patent nos trums or other Uncertain measures. My method of curing Stricture Is new and en tirely original. No cutting or dilat ing. The struc ture Is dissolved and completely removed, and all affected mem branes thorough ly cleansed T make no charge for consultation, examination or advice. All af flicted men may feel free to call upon me or write regarding their cases. The DR. TAYLOR Co. CORNER SECOND AND MORRISON STREETS. PORTLAND. OREGON. Private Knlranco 234 MorrUdn Street. DOCTORS THAT CAN CURE MEN In aelectlng- a physician or specialist, when In need of one, soma eonslieratlon and thought should be given to the qualifications, experi ence and length of time an institute or medical man has been located In the city. It stands to reason that an Institution that has stood the test of time and numbers its cures by the thousands is far superior to mushroom institutions that spring up In a night, last a few months and are gone. We have been curing men 27 years and are the oldest special ists curing men in Portland. We Invite those who have deep-seated and chronic disorders to call and be examined. Consultation and examination Is free, and carries with It no obligation to engage oar services. ' Our offices are equipped with the most modern and scientific me chanical devices for the treatment of chronic diseases. Our charges are reasonable and In reach of any worklngman. To the weak, rundown and nervous man no better advice can be given this this: SEEK HELP WHERE IT IS CERTAIN TO BE FOUND. If you persist In going to those who have no standing professionally, HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO BE CURED? This institution has built up its splendid practice more by the free advertising given It by Its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS, who have received the benefit of Its modern, scientific and legitimate methods, than in any other way. If you are not a perfect man come to us. . Isn't it worth the little time it will take when you are CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of HONEST, SINCERE physicians who never attempt to deceive you In any way? A consultation cost you nothing EXCEPT your own time. OUR FEE 10s2 Established 3T Years In Portland. Consultation Free We Will Trent Any Single Uncompli cated Ailment for S10.0O. Absolute Guarantee 27 Years' Experience. "lv'00 -wvsmwv We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD, SPER MATORRHOEA. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL STAGES VARI COCELE, HYDROCELE. GONORRHOEA, GLEET, OR ANY OF THE DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Our fees are fair. Personal attention given all patients. Write If you cannot call. Our system of home treatment Is always CERTAIN and most successful. All correspondence sacredly confiden tial. HOURS 9 A. M. to 5 T. M. ; Evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays. 9 A. M. to 12 noon. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. HAND SAPOLIO FOE TOILET AUD BATH Fingers roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hope lessly dirty. Hand Sapolio re moves not only the dirt, but also the loosened, injured cuticle, and restores the fingers to their nat ural beauty. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS CHICHESTER'S PILLS Jjrrs. THE DIAMOND BRAND. ladles! Aak 7 4 lkl-oLt-tr, J 1111 tn K4 boxes, ivealed Jiait ot-ber. ISnr of rw Drasztft. AsWotClU-4 lfEfc-TEH VIAHU.1U ItKAAU riL.LM, for S, years known u Best, Safest. Aiwa v Reliable. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE -V if our vnirrit for . dA and Void metallicW Hth Blu. Ribbon. W Every Woman lauusraarea ana anooid know ...., a boat th. wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray Tn. naw Tathai lirtu. jnjec Uon and Jwrtton. h-t Sa Ml Moat nt. 1IUIUM lattaaUT. Jk Tasr intf at far It. If h cannot aapplr the jUAnvsa.. accept no other, bat aand atamn tcr Uluatrt.d book mM. it rtrea full partlonlara and llr H-tanna in. valuable to lantea. Mi RVKI. CO.. m. S8 ST., EH YORK. Tor asis br .Lau-Davla Drue Co., a tor Srosdmrd. Clark Os, at FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson' Compound Sst In and Cotton Root Pills. th. beat and only reliable, remedy tor FEMALE TROUBLES AM) IRREGULARITIES. Cur. h .Host obatlnat. cbjm 1b ft tn 10 days. Prlca 2 par box. mailed In plain wrapper. Sold by drugglata everywhere. Addreas Dr. T. J. FISRCB. stre-S Portland Oregon. 181 Flret