14 THE MORXIKO OKEGONIAJT, TUESDAY, JTILY 23, .1907. NEW TODAT. mi v m me Last Close-In Lots IN PORTLAND, OREGON, At low figures and easy terms, are in Take car with the big "A," at Sec ond and Washington, and go out see for yourself. Moore Realty Co. 268 Stark Street. Frank Harbke, Agent on Ground, at 21st and Alberta Sts. Phone E. 2082. Large Investors Attention! IBS ACRES WITH AM, KINDS OP TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES FOR ONLY fttftO PER ACRE. This property Is facing on the Van couver Road running to Vancouver, Washington. The new O. R. & N. R. R. line runs through It and It also has deep-water frontage making splendid manufacturing sites. At the price quoted you are getting the finest kind .of platting ground at leas than sur rounding values with about 83 acres of manufacturing site ground thrown In, Most of the tract is within old-estab-lfR'naA Mtv boundary line. Can also offer 45.5 acres of high and sightly platting ground immediately adjoining the 152 acres facing about 1200 feet on the Vancouver Btreetcar line with FIVE-CENT FARE. Will sell together Or separately. You positively cannot duplicate this tract for a number of reasons and title Is perfect. Investigate It quick. ZIMMERMAN A VA1TGHAJT, Room 303 Buchanan Building. 286 Washington Street. Phones Main 1675, A 4803. SAVE THAT RENT! And Buy a Lot For IN Railroad Addition, Montavilla Graded Streets, 5c Carfare Easy Terms $10 Down, $5 Per Month Lambert-Whitmer Co. Real Estate Department. 10T Sherlock bldg. . Cor. Third and Oak SU. Sites on N. P. and 0. R. Sfl.R.R. On Peninsula Fronting Columbia boulevard and deep water; one acre up, to suit. Pacific Coast Realty Co. Roomi 307-308 Buchanan Building. Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates Real Estate and Insurance A. H. BIRRELL tOt to SOS McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. QEORQE BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 818 Worcester Building. Phone Pacific, 1807. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. 500 WTLIj troy at one your eholcs of 8 lots In Counoll Crest Park, with unobstructed -t Tlew of mountains and rivers: the mout ii ideal spot up there, but must nave money 1 to pay on mortgage, hence the sacrifice. Price $250 lea than adjoining- property. M 63, Oregon lan. gSSOO Beautiful new six-room house; fur nace, laundry, gas, electricity, bath, fire place; $800 cash. $25 monthly. 889 E, Main. Dr. Darling. FOR SALE Desirable Income property; new improvements; price iow; mommy rental, five years lease, $75; price $7600. M. O. Griffin, 266 Stark st. A SNAP 6-room modern house, lot 25x100: 15 minutes' walk from business oenter of city; nice view of river, bee same 86 East 7 th st. worm. ALL kinds real estate bought, sold and ex changed. See Abraham & White, 2274 Washington at., corner Second. Labbs bid, offices 8 and 0. 1975 Beautiful lota In block across street east from Falling School, West Side. State Investment Co., 118 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE Cheap, quarter block, with - three six-rocm rnooern houses; closa in East Side. Phone owner. East 8252. FOR SALE New and modern 7-room house at Highland, 1' blook from car Hue; by owner, luua urana ave., isortn. WEST SIDE 6-room Kb use on 6th, between Lincoln and Jackson, $4400. Palmer-Van Alstina Co., 222 falling bldg. LARO0 modern bungalo on corner; 6-room cot tape: large 5-room cottage; easy monthly na irmnta Ownfr nhonft Rut 7R SIX-ROOM modern and new house. West Side; fractional lot; $3600; $750 down, bat. $25 month, a o, uregonian. fractional lot; $3600; $750 down, baL 124 month, s 40, uregonian. FOR SALE: Modem 5-room house, new; base- r mni, large ioi. riM uuaocn, xvi vareiae on ice. ci. joiiiis cut. SMALL tract Hood River apple land in best section or tne vaney zor sate cheap. Telephone Main street. Upper Alblna; rnt, $22. Plttenger, OX easy monthly payments, a 4-roora house wlttt 1 or ntv; cJoa xo canine. w tv, Oregon! an. FINE corner, 50x100, well Improved, small house, $050; take Beiiwood car. 714 Tacoma ave. $1500 Corner lot Holladay Park); cement sidewalks; improvea street. l eu, uregonian. 6PHINX AGENCY, $06 STARK ST.. CAW 1 sell your business property or residence. IBS manufacturing FOK SALE REAL ESTATE. $9000 Choice Investment in flats; brings over i.u per cent; property is new anu weli located. MOORE REALTY CO., 26 Stark SC. Room 18. 929,000 ChMce invstment, nar Morrison; nearly fuil lot, with 3-tory building, leaded for 1200 pr month. MOORE REALTY CO.. 268 Stark St., room 18. SPLENDID NEW HOME. WEST SIDE. $3250 Positively the cheapest buy for a full lot and 8-room house, with every mod ern convenience, in the city; wlthia walking distance of business center. BEAUTIFUL CORNER ON PARK AND HARRISON STS. , $6250 Very desirable for apartments; make me an otTer for quirk sale. FRED C. KINO. 500 Commercial bldg.. 2d and Wash. - $10 PER acre, 457 acres In Lincoln County, . near the Coast; 200 aores gooa timosr; Tuning water; orchard; house; barn and 25 acres under cultivation; this is a splendid dairy preposition, and the tim ber is worth all they ask for the place. $18 per acre, 152 acres, including a saw mill run by water power; on Coast, In Lincoln County; good orchard, house, barn, and 50 acres good timber. B. 8. COOK & CO., 251 Alder St. WE have 80 acres of the best apple and strawberry land in the White Salmon Valley that will be on the market the next 30 days at' $30 per acre. " Located 6 miles from White Salmon on the county road and stage line; Is prac tically level brush land, hazel, willow, cherry; easily cleared and no waste. land or rock; will sell in 20 or 40-acre tracts, ESTE3 REALTY &, INV. CO., White Salmon. Wash. NOW OR NEVER AT THESB PRICES. $2800. 80x100, Kearney, between 2d and 23d. $2900. 50x100, Northrup. near 25th st. $3050. 40x100, Kearney, between 22 d And 2fld. $5150. ' 66x100, Kearney, between 23d and 24th. Don't delay. Delays cost money. Lemon t A Harris, 306-7 Swetland bldg. OWNER MUST SELL. New 6-room bunicaiow, with bath, pantry fireplace; corner lot, 100x100, 1 block from car, a. Woodstock ; 25 minutes from city ; concrete basement and foundation; 8 new carpets and new range included; wired for electric lights; price $2250; 700 cash, bal ance $20 month. Those desiring to Investi gate, take W.-W. car and get off at red tore, two blocks from end of carline. Meet me at 3 P. M., July 23. E. M. STEVENS. Tabor Heights, end of Mount Tabor and Morrison -st. carline. The new, sightly "Broadview" lots from $300 up, on terms made easy. Only 2 blocks from carline ; wide streets, Bull Run water, shade and fruit trees; the -best buy now on the mar ket. We have a long list of lots, acreage, timber lands and trading property. Phone East 5050. Fare fi cents. $3000 On East 7th street; easy walking distance; 6-room house, new and commodious. MOORE REALTY CO., 26ft Stark St., Room 18. WEST SIDE homes on easy payments. Your choice of these brand new 6-room mod ern houses, 890 and 394 North 24th St., Srlce $8750. $350 down. $30 per month, or 91 Guild st.; near Thurman. $4000, $350 down, $35 per month. "Pay rent to your self." Inquire Fidelity Trust Company, owner, 406 Commercial blk. Phone Main , 447. VERY DESIRABLE NEW HOUSES. 6-room cottage, modern, full plumbing, gas electric lights, fiber plaster, streets im proved, sewers in, 8-mlnute car service. Owner, 208 4th. Tel. Main 8990. Also in South Portland beautiful quarter, 85x110, S1350. Owner, 208 4th. Tel. PaciAo 2125. $8.50 PER ACRE. -Unimproved lands in Harney County, on line of proposed railroad and on right of way for Irrigation ditch. These lands have been examined by our representative and are as represented. THE) AMES MERCANTILE) AGENCY, 204 Ablngton bldg. $40,000 Corner, 100x100, with concrete foundation completed; close in on Davis street ; easy terms, or will build to suit. MOORE REALTY CO.. 268 Stark St., Room 13, ACREAGE). For track garden, within 2 miles of 3d and Morrison, at $600 per acre. MOORE REALTY CO., 268 Stark st. Room 18. $2750 Choice, sightly building corner on Portland Heights; view of entire tjlty. MOORE REALTY CO. . 268 Stark St., Room IS. BARGAIN. On account of owner leaving the city, will sacrifice 8 sightly lots and modern 7-room house, 50 feet from carline, on Portland Heights. A. B. RICHARDSON, 614 Chamber of Commerce. I WILL sell my 6-room home, with 2 full lots, all In good condition, with fine selec tion of all kinds of best fruits. In bearing, plenty of rosea, house In best repair; near 8 carllnes. East Side; will sell cheap and give good terms. F 59. Oregoniaa. $17,500 Heart of warehouse district, lOOx 100 on 12th street; best buy In isortn fortiana. investigate. MOORE REALTY CO., , 26S Stark St., Room. IS. $1200 PER acre, $27,000; a snap; $10,000 cash; 23 acres, close In, platted and ready for market; lots sell readily for $350 to uu; win aggregate o,uw in years. ttoom o-ur uucnanaa bldg., zuu Wash ington. A SIGHTLY residence lot. 80x100: Bull Run water, cement walks and curbs, all paid for mua jb into two diocks iromt canine; only 15 minutes from heart of city; $450; terms. Columbia ' Trust Co., Couch bldg. H. P. PALMER. M. VAN ALSTINH. - PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO., REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. 222 Failing bldg. Main 5661. A 2653. $825 I will sacrifice this week a choice lot. taken In a trade, situated in Alblna; all Improvements In: this is 1200 less than ad joining property; being a non-resident, X win sacrince. Aaarees n tz, uregonian. NEW, artistic 7-room residence, lust fin lshed, beautifully arranged, complete In every detail, desirably located, Holladay Park Addition, near Broadway carline. owner, o 40. uregonian. $600 CASH and $25 per month buys 6-room house, in fine location; corner lot; full ce ment basement, laundry trays, gas and elec tric Kgnts; gooa ouy. ow union ave. North FROM OWNER. 2 lots in Ina Park, oa 26th, near Alberta st Call or address N. B. Fenne,- 166 E. 20th. Phone East 710. Home phone B 1769. I HAVE 4 choice lots in Klamath Falls. Or. value $800; will sell or trade for good paying business or Portland property; good invest ment if taken at once. 1 70, uregonian. WE have some choice acreage, close to two carllnes, $250 to $300 per acre; will divide 1n tracts to suit.- Rooms 4. 6 and 6, Mul- key bldg. Phon Main 7145, A 1240. WANTED 40 to 160 acres on new Salem line; not over 8 miles out, . with run ninlng water, preferred. Vanduyn & Wal ton. 010 cnamber commerce. $300 DOWN, balance $12 a month, for a 6-rSom house; 2 full lots, 1 large barn; 1H blocks irons canine, owner, b 66, uregonian. SNAP $1000 buvs 2 fine lot adlolnln boule vard In Willamette Addition on St. Johns carline. B. J. Gelser. 221 14 Morrison st. TJp-TO-DTB 5-room cottage; hath. ' good L-anrnmiK., nun irwF, Kurxien. v u rJ. wn N., nesr Mason. Owner. CHEAP House. 5 rnomn fruit tr hnth furniture, etc. 760 East Eighth, North, 190x100 corner and 8 houses on Grand ave nue, clo-e in, $7500. Terms. State Land vo.j xoa J.SI sc. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ALL OF THESE ARE BARGAINS. . $600 6-room modern cottage, 2 lots (corner), near car. clone in. $2300 8-room modern house, 2 lots, near car; cash or terms. $1800 6-room .modern, 2 lots; in Fir land; $500 cash. $1300 Corner lot, new house, near sta tion : terms if desired. $1100 5-room house, 2 lots, near car; $500 cash. - n $850 Neat house, 2 lots, near car; $450 cash. - $825 Cottage, corner lot, near car; $3u0 Room 510, Buchanan bldg., 256 Wash. BARGAIN. On account of owner leaving the city, will sacrifice 3 sightly lots and modern 7-room hou. 50 feet from carline, on Portland Heights. A. B. RICHARDSON. 614 Chamber of Commerce. 2 LOTS In Piedmont, one a corner; $1300; very cheap. A full U Mock (100 fet square). Union ave. and Wygant. $3650. CULVER,- 623 Chamber of Commerce. 1025 Cozy and handsome 6-room bouse and two lots on Mount Scott line; rents - $12 per month; a barsain. State Invest ment Co.. 118 Abington bldg. HOLLADAY PARK residence, less than one block from carline; modern In every par ticular; beautiful lawn; ?45O0; terms. Colum bia Trust Co., coucn oiag. FINE home In Piedmont; 7-room modern 1 Wo. nnlv eOHflft TV' 1 1 1 ilUUBV BIIU WWV iww, win vuv". ' lams ave. $2500 8 rooms, bath, partly furnished, fruit. roses, garoen, oarn; nan c&e?. rnous fast, 5297. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE LACBY WAY Is recognized to be the standard way of handling timber lands. The timber must first satisfy us, and our crtllse reveals every detail of the conditions surrounding It. Our reports are prepared In such a way that the buyer linowa whether or not the timber will satisfy him befsre he visits the tract. Twenty years experience and the client age we represent, ie a sufficient guarantee that our methods- are right. You mar wsMe your valuable time in looking up the tract you want. Take advantage of the results of our own constant efforts along this line and get the best. JAMES D. LACEY & CO.. Lumber Exchange, Seattle, Wash. Chamber of Commerce. PortfanTJ. Or. TIMBER BUYERS. ATTENTION. We have several attractive timber prop ositions; call and Investigate; timber lands in Oregon, California and Washing ton, from 1000 to 20,000 acres. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY, Sixth and Washington. TIMBER If you are In the market for large or small tracts of timber, consult us, as we have some very desirable ones. Can give you tracts up to 20,000 acres, and the prices are right. Sphinx Agency, 80S Stark st. PARTY going East last of month with tim ber proposition wm taice otners it ne can have not less than three months' exclusive option, without too much water in thd yrice. Lock Box 164, P. O. TO TIMBER BUYERS ONLY. ' We have several tracts of timber land, which we own, for sale; have detailed es timate by forties. G. F. Sanborn & Co., 401-2-3, Buchanan bldg. 15,000,000 FEET, easily 35O.000 railroad ties, worth $175,000; we can clear $65,000; near Portland; Joins river; water and railroad transportation; $25,000. Owqer, E 65, Oregonian. FOR SALE Quarter section fine timber land. well located; has from eignt to ten minions yellow fir; easily logged; price $25 per acre. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark at. 1,500.000 FEET high-grade piling for sale with or without the land. Near Forest Grove. Mrs. MacRae, 214 Chamber of Commerce. A FEW specially good yellow pine claims in Wheeler County; must be locateo at once. Columbia Trust Co., Couch bldg. WANTED Reliable timber cruisers and com pass men tor steady work. . Room ZUtf Lum ber Exchange bldg. TIMBER wanted. Oregon or Washington, large or small tracts. Sphinx Agency, 3C5H Stark. OREGON TIMBER CO., timber lands bought and sold. 403-4 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE An estate of 72 acres, with buildings and improvements tn Western New York, value $3600. for Portland or country property. M. J. Sullivan. 653 2i st. WILL exchange as first payment, fine building lot on Improved street, worth $1000, for house and lot. worth from $2000 to $2500. K 66, Oregon lan. FINE income property, West Side, for stock of general merchandise country town. V . 56, Oregonian. WILL party with 820 acres grazing land to trade call on L. Alns worth Smith Tues day? . . ROOMING-HOUSE, near business center, to trade for real estate. O 57, Oregonian. WILL trade for what you have. L. Alns worth Smith, 109 Sherlock bldg. WANTED REAL fcJs'AAXB. PROPERTY wanted. The great demand for homes in Portland Is the reason tne span ton Co. are about to open a city real estate department. Whatever properties you may have for sals should be listed with us before the 1st of August, as we are compiling a booklet for circulation among prospective home 1 buyers. Come In or mail descriptions and price. The Spanton Company, 2iU btaric st. WE HAVJD BUYERS FOR ALL KINDS OF property. W1 bat hare you to offer T Ken nedy m Blckok, Room 825, Lumbar Ex change. TO LEASE. HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE. om ntniiiKhfd. with or without saloon: furnished ; newly remodeled ; $35 ; also 7- room house and orcnara. ana 11a", 3 8 rooms, $23; all on Wast Side. C. H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, 4. 5 ana 6, mui key bldg. PARTY will build modern stores, with 8-ft. basements and rooms for lodgings or hotel, to suit lessees. Phone -Pacific 1962. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND fiCRXP. ALL kinds, including approved forest reserve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed timber and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland, Portland, or. FOR SALE FARMS. HOOD RIVER. HOOD RIVER. HOOD RIVER. We 'own land In Hood River; bought It because we think it's the most fertile val ley In the United States, bar none, and here is what we will do for you if you will buy. 10 ACRE3 FOR $3500. We will plant it to year-old apple trees. of the best Spltzenberg and Newton va rieties. Every tree guaranteed to grow; and guarantee you TEN PER CENT ON YOUR MONEY for rive years, provided you will give us the crop for that length of time. We will back ud our sruarantee with land. or In other words, we will deed you in trust 10 acres aa joining, wnicn win do yours in case we fall to keep our agreement. At the end of five years we will turn you over 10 acres of the finest orchard in the valley that will produce anywhere from $2.V to, siiow yearly, and on which you have been receiving every year 10. per oent interest on your money. Can you afford to neglect an opportunity 01 tnat Kino 7 Think it over and come in and talk to us aoout it. WHITING & ROUNTREE. 82 & Third St. $6000 Prune farm of 24 acres, all planted to fine trees; the crop will sell this year for $2500. Large fruit drier on the place. Near ancouver. Wash. MOORE REALTY CO.. 268 Btark St., Room 13. FOR SALE By owner. 140 acres on Columbia Rtver and mile from proposed North Bank R. R. station; part Improved, all fenced and private gravity irrigation system; has all the advantages of Hood River land and some bftides; a snap. Agents need not apply. For , particulars write Jf 00, uregonian. MUST sell, account age. Immediately, beau tiful home on Yaqulna Bay ; 80 acres, house elcht rooms, barn, srood orchard. on tidewater, one mile from postoffice, eood market?, fine sorine. clear title: $1500; reduced fares; come now. Oscar Miadiekauu, laquina. ur. FOR SALE FARMS. 3 0 FARMS FOR SALE. BY PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO. Rooms 307-308 Buchanan bldg. NO. 1 EXTRA SPECIAL. MUST BE SOLD IN 10 DAYS. 800 acres. Eastern Oregon, 330 acres sow in wheat, 1;"0 Summer fallow, about 50 acres rye and other cereals ; over 600 acres can be farmed, balance pasture; all under fence; orchard 90 trees, 12-foot header, household furniture, farmhouse and Implements, outhouses, etc., with crop wheat will aveiage 25 bushels to acre), at $18 pr cre. Term, part cash, part Income Portland property, balance on time. Owner too old to work. NO. 2. Eastern Oregon ranch. Morrow County, 70y acres in all : 100 acres good whent land, 250 to 300 acres under irrigation, 2."0 acres in nlf alfa ; 3 big irrigation ditches, all free perpetual water rights; mn pie water for all purposes; good 10 room house. 2 larpe now barns, ample outhouses and blacksmith shop; good bear ing orchard, fading plant, fully equipped for feeding, 400 head of cattle: cut 700 to 800 tons of alfalfa hay a year; can double output In two or three years; townslte platted on ranch, with railroad store and postoffice already located; price $21.50t, , half cash, balance 6 per cent mortgage. NO. 4. 597-acre dairy farm, $22.50 per acre: Lane County, Or.; half mile from railroad: 800 acres under cultivation; 350 acres good timber; 3 pastures, creek through each; fine farmhouse, piped hot and cold water; large barn, granaries and outbuildings; terms. NO. 5. 80-acre wheat ranch for rent on shares; Morrow County, Oregon; 10 miles' haul downhill to shipping point; a responsible rancher can get good liberal terms. NO. 6. 120 acres. $150 an acre; 1 miles beloxr Llnnton. Or.; street privileges to water front; you had better iook tms up; some thing doing down there. NO. 7. 240 acres. $16 per acre; Lane County, near railroad; all clear and in cultivation; good 6-room house, 2-acre orchard; creek through farm; terms. NO. 8. 240-acre fruit ranch. $4000; 18 miles from Vancouver, 3l,4 miles to railroad; Clark County; 30 acres under cultivation; 2-acre prune orchard;; good ' house, 2 barns, prune dryer, farm implements, 5 head of cattle, chickens, turkeys, ducks, perpetual spring water and 'terms. NO. 9. 33 acres, Portland suburb on Peninsula, factory district, north of Columbia Boule vard, fronting on deep waier and S. P. Railroad; sell tn acreage to suit; liberal terms. NO. 10. a cres. Including 3-storv brick, cold storage and slaughtering plant, on Penin sula, In factory district; switching privi leges from N. P. or S. P. R. R. can be leased on very liberal terms. Do vou know Heidelberg is In Portland? PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO., , Rooms 307-3U8 Buchanan Bldg. IOR SAXJ5 A fine fruit farm, three miles East of V ancouver, wash.; low prune trees. 225 peach trees and 100 pear and cherry trees: well cultivated and healthy; an Ideal country home, on the Columbia, overlooking Portland: good buildings, telephone and rural mail delivery; terms. Apply at room 801, The uekum. 80 ACRES, 25 under cultivation; running water; , mile east of Concord Station, on uregon city canine; $1.0 per aero; lei-ms. Apply to owner, Henry Thlesen. A SNAP 174 acres, near Woodburn; 35 acres beaverdam, 20 acres onions; gooa reasons for selling; no middle man; gooa terms, Boyer, Route 2, Woodburn, ur. - FOR SALE Horses, Vehicles. Eto. New srrocerv. laundry, bakery, milk wagons. 100 second-hald vehicles; single, double furniture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Tom- llnson & Cassia ay. 211 waan. racmo ovi. ONE swell driving and riding mare; one 14O0 nound draft horse, sound : one trap, one surrey, cheap. Call evenings after 6. 272 Hooker st. FOR SALE Black mare, 6 years old, weight 14JW; also nay norse, ouggy ana names. 23 N. 14th, near Burnslde st. CHEAP New top buggy, or will take good cow or horse In exchange. 835 E. 2Sth st. w.. w. car. FEED stables; fetalis for rent 'by week or month; new management. Fred Seelow, BSO Water st. 7-YEAR-OLD bay mare, broke single and double; also good saddler. Inquire 268 r rout si. HUBERT & HALL, 266 4th at. dealers In horses and vehicles; horses and vehicles for rent. CHEAP, light Columbus surrey. Sherlock A Woerndle, 90 5th St., near stark. pianos. FOR rtENT New Hal let 4k Davis piano; rea sonable to careful party. 402 Morrison, cor. 13th. Miscellaneous. "YACHT BROKERS. 20-foot launch, price $ 275 IH-foot launch, price $ 150 22-foot launch, price $ 600 2J-foot launch, price $1.0v0 3 h. p. marine engine .9 7'' 4V4 h. p. marine engine $ 123 HAYES ENGINE-LAUNCH CO., 171 Madison st. Phones Main 7408, Home AS367. 50 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machines at very low prices; Singer, Wheeler & Wilson. Domestic. White, Household, Davis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. 8. bigej, 335 Morrison St., Marquam bldg. FOR SALE Single-seat, light touring car type, Cadillac automobile; luny equippea; gas and oil lamps, odometer, top, etc. For town work and snort touring tnis car un excelled. Guaranteed In perfect condition. Oregon Motor Car Co., 105 7th at. FOR SALE Gasoline launch, with canopy atop, 31 feet. 15 H. P. 4-cyiinder engine, with boathousa comDlete: In fine condition almost new; can be seen at Von der Werth Buathouse, East Side, Morrison bridge. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick- Balke-Collender, 4tf 3d st. FOR SALE S1000. small fore and aft com-' pound tugboat, about 80 horsepower: Just Inspected for one year; can be delivered at additional cost anywhere. Address aox zw Hoqulam, v ash. WE PAY MORHJ FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION CO., MAIN 6065. 211 FIRST ST. FRENCH range, kitchen ' outfit, silver ware and tableware Tor sale cneap ir tat en this week. Inquire 291 Stark at. 86-FOOT arasollne launch. 20-horsepower en glne, fully equipped for passenger service; a Dargain. commercial mug. SOLID sole leather trunk, used very short time ; forced to sell ; original cost 1120. Address Box B 56, Oregonian. FOR sale cheap, fine lot of candy jars, soda fountain, ice cream ireezer ana cot fee mill. Room 2, 145 6lh. 6-ROOM house. Park st., near Jefferson, cheap; to be removed. inquire txo ad lngton bldg. Bargains moving pictures, atereoptlcons, dm slides, repairs, exchange, Stevens, 165 H 4th FOR SALE Cheap, 2 gasoline marine glnes, 8 and 7 H. P. 2o5 First st. THREE fresh cows, good milkers. 646 Bv Madison st. Phone East zvui. NEARLY new York professional cornet for sale. 27 N. 1st St. HELP WANTED MALE. BARBER SHOP for sale $275; doing 1 good three-chair business. 228 34 Morrl WANTED Stave bolt cutters, $1.50 per cord. Apply 306 Stearns bldg., Portland, ur. Young Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept., . BOY having experience, to feed platen press, Ryder, printer. t&6 otn TWO carpenters " wanted : good wages to right SALESMEN Big wages; something positively new. 215 Commercial diock. WANTED Young man to work In German bakery at Vancouver, wash. Al PRESSER on ladles Jackets and skirts. J. M. Acheson Company. WANTED An experienced soda bottler. V 1 0. uregonian. DRUG clTk. downtown store. Address L 6S, Oregonian. FARM hand wanted. Inquire 825 Ablngton HELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 2 locomotive engineers. 2 steam shovel engineer, machinist, tool sharpener, S3.50; blacksmith, $4; edgerman. $3.6; cut-off man, $3; sawmill Inside and outside hand. $2.50 to $2.75; carpenter - helpers, $2.80. 8 hours. , Head fallr. $4; second fallers, $350; buckers, $.1.50; swampers, $2.75; brickyard laborers, street ' laborers, carpenter helpers; others. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 26 N. 2d st. 2."0 Burnslde st. WANTED Machinist for sawmill, $4: planer- man, one machine, $3.25 up; 3 millwrights, $4; 25 sash and door factory hands, $2..V) to $4; 10 experienced box factory men, city; 3 boom men. $3; 25 loggers, $2.75 to $5; others. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. Main office 12 North 2d St. AT once, several good men to prepare frr u. S. Immigration and Chinese inspectors. Special examination August 12. Applica tions must -be filed without delay. See Mgr. West Coast Schools. 315 Ore gonian bldg. Open evenings. ALL diseases of men successfully treated; discharges positively cured in from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly con fidential; send for our symptom blank. X -radium Medical Institute, 3d and "Alder sts.; entrance 23 Alder st., Portland. A BRIGHT, active, experienced man, with references, wanted in tnis territory to e cure orders for advertising and subscriptions for New York's oldest financial -dally paper. Liberal commission. Address Manager, 60 New st.. New York City, room 33. STOP WORKING FOR OTHERS. $250 cash will place you in a good raying business, with large profits; experience not necefsary- STANDARD INVESTMENT CO., 225 Fifth St. U. S. Internal Revenue service. Men wanted to qualify for examination September 4. Call today. Information free. West Coast Schools, 815 Oregonian bldg. Open tonight. Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plas tenng. bricklaying, also sheet metal pattern draughting; positions secured: day and night classes: free catalogue; visitors welcome. Coyne Trade Sch'ls, San Fran, and New York WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers. stenographers and clerical men, for posi tions now open, for city and country; sal ary S90O to $1800. Call or write Com mercial Abstract Co., Raleigh bldg. WANTED Steady reliable boys living with parents, between the ages of 17 and 20, to learn mold era trade. Must have flrst-clasa reference. Apply Wltlamete Iron & Steel Works Foundry, 23d and York streets. RAILWAY mall clerks for Oregon; exam ination August 6; good salaries and pro motions. Call or write at once If Inter ested In getting a Government position. Pacific states Schools. McKay bldg. PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association, 109 Sherlock bldg. Agents wanted. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In sight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; cat alogue free. Moler System of Colleges, 5 North Fourth street, Portland. WANTED Salesmen and solicitors for best proposition ever made to both agent and public; do not overlook thlB. Call after 7 P. M.. New Occidental Hotel, 1st and Mor rison, room 212. P. Kramer. WOODCHOPPERS, ATTENTION. ' I want woodchoppera for my place In Hood River. Will pay $2 per cord. J. O. ROUNTREE. 82 & Third fit. WANTED A salesman ; will guarantee $20 per wees; - to any man wno win worn; will employ Inexperienced man If a worker; an experienced salesman Is good for $100 per week. T 46, Oregonian. WANT work? Call and see me at once; com Detent gentlemen and ladies as bookkeepers, cashiers, clerking; good salaries. Clerks Registration Bureau, 303 Ailsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. AT once, two bookkeepers, sawmill busi ness, out of town; drug clerk; young man to drive grocery wagon. Clerks' Registra tion Bureau, 803 Alisky . bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. - Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmkff-Engvg. Sch'l, 1426 4th av. Seattle. WANTED Ex-school teacher or bookman to sell the latest edition of Webster's Diction ary In Oregon; new territory; good salary or commisslson. Address D 56, Oregonian. WANTED Young man stenographer for pd sttlou out of town; good salary; trans portation paid ; state experience and ref erences. P 70. Oregonian. DOCTOR wanted to assist' in specialist's office; good salary and permanent posi tion to right man; must be registered In Oregon. R 70, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced newspaper solicit ors; those without temperate habits need not apply. Inquire at room 2O0. Ore gonian bldg. FIRST-CLASS clothing salesman wanted at the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. Per manent position to an Al man. N 07, Oregonian. OFFICE boy wanted to learn the real estate business; must live at home; an swer In own handwriting. M 56, Orego nian. PHYSICIAN wanted for office work; must be registered in Oregon; good salary and position to right man. C 69, Oregonian. WANTED In large wholesale grocery business, young man familiar with the line; must be good at figures. Address G 48, Oregonian. WANTED In wholesale grocery house, bill clerk, who can use typewriter; state ex perience and detail. R 65, Oregonian. MACHINIST familiar with the adjustment of factory sewing machines. Spokane Dry Goods Co., Spokane, Wash. WANTED Office boy. Answer in own hand writing, stating age, experience. If any, and wages wanted. L 69, Oregonian. SHOWCASE makers wanted. $3.25 per day of nine hours. Address Harrlld & Sons, 109-11 Pacific ave., Spokane. PHYSICIAN wanted; must be registered In Oregon ; good salary to man for office work. A 38, Oregonian. WANTED TODAY Second cook and a kitchen man. Call early at 2914 Alder, room 4 up stairs. National Office. ADVERTISING solicitors, good publications, liberal commission. Investigation solicited. 603 Goodnough bldg. WANTED Reliable timber cruisers and com pass men for steady work. Room 2o9 Lum ber Exchange bldg. WANTED Drug olerk ; registered In Ore gon; must come recommended. Address X 703"; Oregonian. WANTED Industrious, sober and experi enced man at baths, bank basement, 2d and Washington. RESPONSIBLE broker to handle large block stock In high-class proposition; liberal terms. P 64, OreKonian. MOVING picture machine, $35 ; 1000 feet ' film, $30. Room 2, 145 Vi 6th, Marquam Roomlng-House. WANTED Solicitors; permanent situation with advancement to right parties. 400 Oregonian bldg. MEN of ability to sell stock In a first-class proposition; Wg money to hustlers. Room 29. 1424 2d st. STATS agent for high-class educational de ice; splendid seller and large profits. 8 46, Oregonian. WANTED Photograph operator, also printer for aristo, first-class. Cutberth, 801 De kum bldg. TWO experienced men to sell stock In high class proposition; liberal terms. K 57, Ore gonian. COLLECTOR for city, age 24 to 30, unmarried; must furnish best references. K 67, Or&so .nlan. . WANT a good horaeshoer, and an aprentice boy also; Call at 547 Vancouver ave., Al blna. WANTED First-class grocery porter. State experience and references. O 56, Orego nian. California Wins Depot, headquarters for cooks and helpers. 148 4th st. Pec. 2183. P. Loratl. PHOTOGRAPHER Printer and operator. Rembrandt Studio, 404 Ablngton bldg. BOOKKEEPER; must be competent and a good penman. Address D 63, Oregonian. WANTED Good strong boy, steady position; reference required. S 50, Oregonian. WANTED janitor; must have references. Elton Court, llth and Yamhill sts. 600 MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch st. Moler Barber Col legs. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WHAT'S the matter? I want three girls more to address envelopes and snd out circulars of The J. M. Acheson Company's stock, $50,000 of which I have for sale with a guaranteed Interest of 10 per ent, besides a 10 per cent discount on goocis purchased. Apply at 9 tomorrow morn ing. J. Whyte Evans, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY Camp cook. $75; 2 camp cooks. $50; 2 hotl chambermaids, beach. $2; 2 hot! cooks, $50; 2 waitresses, beach; waitresses, city and country hotels and restaurants. Man and wife, second cook and waitress, $5 ; man and w I f e, camp dishwasher and waitress, $75; man and wlf. janitor and porter and chambermaid, $70 and room; many other places. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Va Wash. St., cor. 7th, upstairs. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES A4SENCT, 34 SH Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. LADY who understands bookkeeping and is a good stenographer. State Experience and give reference. Position permanent. A d dress Bras! an Seed Growers Co., San Jose, Cal. WA NTED First-class skirt maker ; also waist finisher; both must be accurate and speedy; correspondence solicited. Mme. I. Glonn, Suite 5, Jones blk., Tacoma, Wash. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; leAeons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor at. WANTED Competent girls as bookkeepers, cashiers, clerking; good salaries. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 303 Alisky bldg, cor. Sd and Morrison sts. WANTED ST ARCH WORK IRONERd, flannel lroners and general laundry help. East Side Laundry Co.. East Ash and 6th. Phone East 809. WANTED Girls 16 years and over to operate power sewing machines; good wages. Apply at once. Ames-Harris-Neville Co.. 5th and Davis sts. LADY bookkeeper to help In store; also young stenographer. Call at once, 303 Alisky bldg. Clerks Registration Bu reau. WANTED Ladies of good address to dem onstrate from house to house; nothing to sell. 406 Stearns bldg. Wednesday 8 to 9 A. M. RESPECTABLE woman for chamber work, housekeeping rooms and wages, suitable for married woman. The Grand. 45H N. 3d st. GIRL or woman for general housework; plain cooking; small family, 490 2oth. near Myrtle, Portland Height carline. Phone Main 675. WOMAN as cook In small family living In suburban home mile from carline; 2 servants employed. 223 Sherlock Bldg. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position, with opportunities for advancement. Viavl Co., 10th & Morrison. LAUNDRY help wanted Hand lroners, ma Chine girls, starchers and mangle girls. Opera-House Laundry, 2d and Everett. WANTED In wholesale grocery house. bill clerk, who can use typewriter; state ex perience and detail. R 65, Oregonian. WANTED Operators and girls to leazn shlrtmakin?. Apply Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WANTED TODAY Two chambermaids, beach, $20, and all kinds of help wanted. National Office, 291 ft Alder, room 6, upstairs. WANTED Housekeepers, cooks. nurses, waitresses, second girla. St. Louis Ladies Agency. 230fe Yamhill. Main 6413. BILL clerk In wholesale grocery business; one who is familiar with the linqt and can use typewriter. M 50, Oregonian. GOOD woman cook In private boarding-house; If married can furnish room and board for husband also. 251 Seventh st. EXPERIENCED glove. hosiery. umbrella salesladies; permanent positions; good sal arles. Lennon's, 309 Morrison. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs, Phon Main 2692. COMPETENT girl for general housework; small family ; no washing; good wages. Apply 831 Kearney st. WANTED Young lady; good stenographer and typewriter, that understands books. Apply 72 utn. LADIES of ability to sell stock In first-class proposition; big money to bustlers. Room 26. 142 2d st. WANTED Experienced cook for the beach; good wagtB. Apply to Mrs. G. H. Flanders, 100 19th st. WOMAN, under 40, as housekeeper; widower; fruit ranch; plain place. 23oV Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking; apply 834 Corbett st. Phone Pacific IV 1. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. Apply 181 East 10:h. Phone East 10W3. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD Factory, 2 Grand ave, and East Taylor st. WANTED Girls to make Fits-Well shirts and Boas of All overalls. Inquire 73 1st. GIRL for office work In laundry; must be ac curate; write good1 hand. D 68, Oregonian. GIRLS wanted for burning, drawing, paint ing and lettering. A 27. Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer, permanent position. Graves Music Store, 32S Washington st. WANTED A good cook and a good second girl; good wages. Call 245 King st. COMPETENT woman for general housework; good wages. Telephone Main 2741. WANTED Girl for housework, 3 in family. Mrs. Hogue, 5S4 East Taylor st. GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 586 Tillamook st. WANTED Experienced waitress. Elton Court, 11th and Yamhill sts. WANTED Young girl to assist with house work, prions woodiawn iu40. WANTED Nurse to go away, family, one cniid, age o. iucretia st. WOMAN to do washing at 608 4th st. Call early or phone Main 6717. WANTED A competent second girl. Apply 011 iilu m., mornings. GIRL wanted to line trunks. Portland Trunk -o.. a ana fine. WANTED Woman cook. Apply mornings, 572 Flanders st. WANTED A cook, good wages. 253 Ford st. HELP WANTED MALE OR PXM A LB- WANTED Organizers, either sex, on salary of sioo a month and expenses, for an up to-date association, oaylnc weekly sick and accident benefits and furnlehing free- medical attendance to all Its members; liberal contract will be made with pro ducers of business. American Sick and Accident Association, Buffalo, N. Y. SALESMAN wanted: good offer, either sex; experience not necessary. Call at 203 . Flledner- bldg. WANTED Experienced tailor, man or woman. S. Goldstein, 267 4 Everett st- SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS. of flee workers, clerks, night watchmen, salesladies and salesmen, collectors, wltn reference as to character, experience and ability, furnished in every detail ana readv to go to work on the instant. CLERKS' REGISTRATION BUREAU, 03 Alisky Bldg, 3d and Morrison Bt SITU ATI OX WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERT ACCOUNTING. Books opened, closed or balanced. Day and evening. P. L. Crawford. Main 45Q4. 1 M incel taneoua. t WANTED Situation by all-round gardener. park and street tree cumins., aiuc '- married, employed at present as head gardener; references. Address B 61, Ore gonian. YOUNG man from the South wants posi tion; have had several years experience in retail lumber business. Address L 46, Oregonian. ELDERLY gardener want's situation, or SSJ watchman or any kind of light work; no horses; references. Address O 64, Orego nian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation to do hnnsework In family, city or country; speaks good Kngllsh. O 60, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese bov wants situation of any kind; ork In rlty. C 62. Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION All kinds help supplied. Main 4659. 2riS Everett. A JAPANESB boy wants to d any kind of work after 2 P. M. I 70. Oregonian JAPANESE family cook wants pofcltlon at Summer resort. W 01. Oregonian. MAN and wife wish petition cooking In log ging camp. G 41, Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced hoisting engineer. J 46, Oregonian. I WISH foremanflhlp in logging camp. Call or write J 44. Oregonian. MAN and wife wish position on farm; close in. H 44. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS, of fice workers, clerk?, night watchmen, salesladies and salesmen, collectors, wit.i reference as to character, experience and ability, furnished in every detail and ready to go ta- work on the Instant. CLERKS' REGISTRATION BUREAU, 303 Alisky Bldg. 3d and Morrison St. WANTED Position, by efficient, responsi ble stenographer and office woman ; 10 years' experience tn responsible position. J 65, Oregonian. All kinds stenographic work done; substituting. 012 Couch bldg. Jr1 hones Main is&a, A ha. Dresam alters. COMPETENT dressmaker wishes mors day sewing; city references; prices reasonable. Phone Sell wood 591. Housed eepers. POSITION as housekeeper in a rooming house, or would consider leasing a house In a fair location. Address Mrs. King, - 1565 E. 13th st., Portland. Or. CAPABLE middle-aged German woman de- strea situation, housekeeper, small ramity adults, or widower's family; references. 230i Yamhill. Main 5413. REFINED woman, with daughter, (experi enced housekeeper), desires situation ; family widower. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. SITUATION" wanted by experienced Infant's nurse. Will go to beach. O 66. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SITUATION wanted as clerk in dry goods store by young lady with 5 years' expe rience. S 62, Oregonian. LADY takes charge 01. entertains invalids, aged, children, by hour, day, month. Refer ences. Pacific 671. A JAPANESE girl wants position in pri vate family as housemaid. Klmmle, 273 Everett St., city. SITUATION wanted as family cook or gen eral girl; very capable woman. 23U Yam hill. Main 5413. ELDERLY lady, housekeeper in widower's family. Address H. 2oS 5th st, Phona Pacific 2916. WOULD like plain washing and Ironing- V 65, Oresonlan. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents to sell our high rad trees, shrubs, etc. ; outfit furnished free; commission advanced each week; good ter ritory open. Albany Nurseries, Albany. Or. AGENTS WANTED Can yon sell goods? If so, ws need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or, WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tages, fiats, stores, offices, rooming-houses etc Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. BL cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 7X AUGUST first or before, five-room cot tage: four adults; West Side preferred, or close in on East Side; good location: reasonable rent. A 69, Oregonian. FIVE or six rooms, in good neighborhood, fumiehed. city or suburban; will pay a liberal rental for suitable cottage. Call Main 6274. ' BOARD and room wanted 'by man and 2 chil dren, age 4 and 8; West Side preferred. W 65, Oregonian. ALCOVE room and board, strictly private family, by married couple, reasonable. K 70, Oregonian. WANTED Rooms wh board for 2 or 3 young men: no children; state terms. D 07, tke gonlau. FAMILY without children wants to rent small cottage. Address R. Buetlkofer, 265 Salmon st YOU NO ladv wants modern room with board; references. F 65, Oregonian. WANTED To rent new five-room cottage; would lease for term. Phone Main 5312. YOUNG lady wishes furnished housekeeping room on West Side. Phone Main 429. WA NTED 3 to 5 rooms furnished ; modern fiat, close In. Phone Main 66E3. MODERN 7 to 9-room house In desirable resi dence location. A 69. Oregonian. WANTED -MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and! shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest Iprlce paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION CO., MAIN 5655. 211 FIRST ST. S. L. N. GILMAN, auctioneer. No. 411 Wash ington st.; both phones. Will purchase stocks, furniture, etc., for cash. 8. L. N. Oilman, auctioneer. WANTED Small hall or lecture room perma nently, capacity 50 persons; terms by let ter. G. A. Natxel, 46 East Washington st. ABSOLUTE FACT The Dollar, 233 1st. pays higher prices for household goods. Phone Main 6374. A 2327. $$$$$$$$ CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE FIXTURES and merchandise. Phone Main 1626. J T. Wilson, auctioneer. WANTED A good roll-top desk and chair; name lowest cash price. P 66. Oregonian. X pay cash for household goods. Savags si Pennell Fur. Co.. 34A 1st, Pacific 360. WANTED Flat-top office desk about 60x35; reasonable price. G 70. Oregonian. ' WE call for dead horses and cattle fres of charge. Phone East 2233. WANTED Oliver typewriter, first-class con dition. S 59. Oregonian. FOR RENT. FurnUhed Rooms. NEATLY furnished room, reasonable, central; blocks from Postoffice. 211 11th st. Main 3343. THE WOODLAND Pleasant rooms for' nice people. 265 6th, 4 blocks from Postoffice. NICE room In modern steam-heated flat cheap to desirable parties. 407 10th, THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $3 week; also transient rooms. 343 Morrteon. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms 60c to $1 day; $2 to $4 week. Pacific 2744. FU RNISH ED rooms, mod ern. pri vs t e home 205 11th st., near Taylor. M. G. carline. FURNISHED rooms with board, free bath and phone, 1061 Corbett. LARGE outside rooms, finely furnished. 221 13th t. TO. RENT Front paripr 410. 4th it.