3 SALE OF 100 Summer White Dresses THE MURNRG OKEGOXIAX. TirtTRSDAY, JULY 11, 1907, tl l"" """"""T i. Tl Sale of Women's Black Hosiery 50c, 75c, 85c Values 29c Vals.to $7.50 Friday $2.95 Sale of Japanese Hand Made Battenberg Scarfs and Squares. Reg. $3.50, $5 Values $1.39 iii'riiillT'l"TtitlitTIi-r Special for Friday Bargain Day, we offer 100 beautiful Summery Women's Wash Dresses, in eight distinct styles, made of union linen and lawn, in pleasing effects. A number of the popular jumper styles, also the breezy college blouse effects, with pink or blue collars and cuffs and sailor tie; others in fancy lingerie styles with lace, insertion and tuck-trimmed waists some with panels of embroidery. Regular Skirts in all styles, plain and tucked, values to $7.50; for Friday, sale No Phone Order. None C O. D. See Window Display $2.95 300LawnWaists $2.75Val.$1.28 For Friday Bargain Day, 300 White Lawn Waists, made in ten distinct styles, according to this season's most popular ideas. The assortment includes a number of the beautiful Marie Antoinette Waists, heretofore always sold at a much higher price and other styles of Summer Waists trimmed with lace,inser- tion, tucks and embroidery. Regular values to $3.75.: at. On sale Friday only $1.28 See Window Display. No Phone Orders. None C O. D. A great special purchase of a European im porter's sample line of Japanese 'Hand-made Battenberg Scarfs and Squares in about 25 different designs, all very rich and exclusive patterns of Battenberg lace.. The Scarfs are 80x54, 18x54 and 18x50 inches; Squares, 30x30 inches. Not one piece in the lot that is not worth at regular sale $3.50, others as high as $5.00. For Friday Bargain Day $1.39 5ooo of Womc- 's Black Stockings of every style and high-class, imported grades Fino if black lisle lace Ixots, allover laces, gauze lisle, gauze cotton, garter tops, crowfoot; in fact black hosiery of all descriptions, all fin est imported qualities, real Hermsdorf dye The qualities are equal to those given in our fc-nous 29c salco, and the fine weaves and desirable color mak; these the greatest bargains of the season. Every woman who wants to be sure of getting her share ought to be here early in the morning. Regular 50c, 75c, 85c values. A bargain that will 29c Lj- i brhv; an enthusiastic crowd of 1 ' sssf- shoppers , at only Extra salespeople to wait on you. Extra wrapper to tave you time. None C O. D. No Phone Orders. See Window Display. Sale 50c Pillow Tops 19c Choice of hundreds of Pillow Tops in prettiest and cosiest designs, selling regularly at 35c and 50c. Biggest bargain of the season. 29c, 35c 50c and 75c Half Hose for 19c This great special sale of the swellest styles in Men's Half Hose embraces an entire sample line of the newest 1907 pat terns of a great New York importer. His entire line of samples, regardless of former price, goes on sale at this one low price, including maco and lisle, in all solid colors, black, plaids, stripes, novelty designs, embroidered figures,... Q etc. Sale price only ItV Saleof 25c, 35c, 50c,60c Wash Goods 11c Absolutely the most sensational value-giving ever presented by a Portland store at this season of the year- great clearance of new and desirable 1907 White and Colored Wash Goods for Summer in evening dresses, chil dren's wear, kimoncs, sacques, waists, etc. White and all colors, new designs, in light, Summery Voiles, Batiste, Madras, Organdies, Dimity, Swisses and Linens.. Regular 25c, 3SC, 50c and 60c values, for Friday Sale ........ v. ., ..... lie 11c Short Kimonos and Sacques T3T $2 98c Worn '-. :hort Kimonos d Dressing C acques.made of white dotted Swiss, white lawn, fancy faired lawns, fancy figured dotted Swiss. All the newest styles of nightingales, kimonos, and 9d j dressing sacques, with fancy scalloped edges, with or without col- (T lar and belt. Regular values to $2.00, Special for Friday Bargain 1 . A Now 's the time to get that new Straw Hat at a bargain. ' If '"wJl C kP5k Hats in this sale are Young's Straw Hats the kind f. ' . V-VA VijvVA. tiat set tie Pace iQ New York and have seven New f V I l Vfjl TrimmedSailorHats $9-$12Vals.$5.00 The most correct and Summery Hats for present wear and the most stunning Dress Hat shown this season is the Trimmed Sailor becoming to almost every woman, extremely individual and exclusive in style. Fine fancy straw braid shapes, with ribbon, flower, fancy feather and chiffon drape trimmings; also a number of Imported Tailored Hats. TJ ( Regular $9. to $12 values, special at only . j J 750 Prs. Silk Gloves 75c Values, 47c For Friday Bargain Day, 750 pairs of Women's Two-clasp Silk Gloves, double-tipped fingers, superb values in every respect. White, black, mode, tan, brown, navy, etc Regularly sold at 75c and a rare value in- g deed a rare Friday value at X L W Fancy Silk Ribbons 35c-50c Values, 19c 200 pieces of fancy all-silk Ribbon, and 5 inches wide, including checks, plaids, stripes and Dresdens. Regular 35c and 50c values, Friday 1Qi only I.. $1 Chiffon Veils 75c Chiffon Hat Drapes and Auto Veils, IV2 and 3 yards long the latest style, worn by the Summer girl on sailor hats. All colors, including light blue, pink, lemon, champagne, white, black, green, lavender, etc. We drape them free of f charge. Reg. $1 values, Friday... JC AllLadies' Neckwear 35c-50cVal.25c Our entire stock of ladies' Neckwear, selling regularly at 35c to 50c, goes on sale Friday at only 25c. Your choice of any of these popular styles: Wblte or Colored Croats Embroidered stiff Collars Tailored Stocks Tailored Stocks Um Stocks Linen Stocks Lawn Turnovers Bows, Tabs, etc Hammocks for $1.29 Heavy fishnet hand-woven Hammocks. just the hammock for camping or out- , , , . - ing; remarKaDie value at our sale Also fancy woven double-twine Ham mocks, with spreader, valance and up holstered pillows, in light or dark colors, as follows : $3.00 Hammocks, Spec. $2.39 $2.00 Hammocks, Spec. $1.59 $1.25 Hammocks, Spec. 98c $1.29 All Parasols Reduced Every Parasol in our stock reduced for this great sale, including white- linen, white taffeta, em broidered styles, eyelet work and plain hem stitched, colored taffetas of every descrip tion; solid colors, plaids, checks; stripes and dots. White Linen Parasols with embroid ery edge and insertion; regular $1.50 values for HCi only 3iJS White Embroidered Linen Parasols, with one and two rows embroidery; natural wood, and enameled handles ; regular $3.50 and $3 val- CI Q C ues for only plLj4j White, Eyelet, Embroidered Linen Parasols, very nobby effects; regu lar $4.00 and $5.00 val-C ry J C ues, only .fP Gt L tJ 75c Swiss Ribbed Lisle Vests 43c 25c Cotton or Lisle Vests at 15c 1000 extra fine Swiss-ribbed lisle or mercerized Vests, beau tifully trimmed ; silk -taped; regular 75c quality; A.r special for Friday. . . 1000 fine quality women's cot ton or lisle Vests, low neck, no sleeves, silktaped at neck; our reg. 25c quality, for ICp this Friday sale only... 1000 extra fine quality women's lisle or mercerized Vests, lace trimmed, both silk or mercer ized, tape at neck. Regular 50c quality, for Fri- OCi day sale sW4JW Friday Sale of Household Needs Best quality Goodyear Jar Rub bers, box of one O I A. i dozen.. .073C Shoe Laces, dozen......... 10 Bone Hairpins, box 50c Shopping Baskets 22$ Dutch Cleanser only 25c package Gold Dust 18 Pearline, the Cleanser 8i Pure Paraffin Wax, best grade, one-pound packages 10 C 15c Paper Napkins, per 100 . . 8 Wooden Pieplates, dozen.... 8 25c Shinola Outfits. 18 White Shoe Dressing (....... 7 White Shoe Liquid 8 Blue, green, pink and lavender Shoe Dressing 18 Regular $8.00 Suitcases, $5.98 Reg. $4.50 Straw Grips, $2.98 Solid cowhide Suitcases, shirtfold, straps, heavy locks CJ C QO and bolts; extra well made; regular $8 values, Friday New Straw Grips, strictly waterproof, very light; just the thing for vacation time; 14, 16 and 18-inch sizes; $4.50 values, 2 98 Big Sale of Letter Writing Tablets A great offer of the best Linen and Vellum Tablets, all the best shapes and fabric papers. Get a supply for the seaside and vacation outings at the special sale prices : 15c and 20c Linen Tab lets, two sizes; sale price 35c Linen Tablets, let ter size; sale pr. 18J 15c Bond Paper Tab lets, letter size; sale price 8J 15c and 20c Linen En velopes, various styles all sizes ; sale price, ' per package 8 25c Onion Skin Paper Tablets, sale pr..l2 25c Portland Souvenir Tablets ; sale price, only 8 20c billet size Tablets, French cambric paper sale price 8 50c London Bond Let ter Tablets, sale 18 35c Blue Bond Letter Tablets, sale pr. 18 COPPER PROPERTY SOLD Los Angeles Capitalist , Purchases ' Mine in Bohemia District. MINERAL., July 10. (Special.) Richard son & Cook, who own Bohemia mining claims, have sold their big copper proper ty near Yoncalla, to Mr. Carl, of Los Angeles, for a big sum. This property is known as the Copper Quarry, and some very rich ore has been taken out of it. This mine won for its former owners two medals, one of silver and one bronse at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Mr. Carle will commence exenslve development at once. Richardson & Cook will now devote their time to the development of their Bohemia property, which is a gold proposition. Much interest is being taken in the meeting that will be held here on Friday. Miners and others interested in Bohemia will be present to help organize a mining district, and take steps to interest capital in our mines. Habitual constipation cured and the bowels strengthened by the regular use of Carter's Little Liver Pills la mall doses. Don't lorsret this. RUNS AMUCK ON SPREE Heppner Man Threatens to Shoot Deputy Sheriff. HEPPNER, Or., July la Clyde Royse, who has been on a several days' spree in this city, went to a hardware store and bought a revolver yesterday afternoon. Last evening he flashed the gun in sev eral people's faces, threatening them, also telling different persons that he was go ing to kill himself. Marshall Gurdane and Deputy Sheriff Gus Mallory. when attempting to arrest Royse at about 8:80 last evening, met with considerable oppo sition. - Royse stuck his gun In Mallory" s face, and held the officers at Bay for some moments. He was put under bonds to appear at 10 o'clock this morning in Police Court. Judge Williams fined him $20. and imme diately Sheriff Shutt filed complaint against him for resisting an officer. He was placed under $500 bond to appear be fore the grand Jury in September. At a lata hour last night Royse attempted to kill himself by cutting his throat with a pocket-knife. He was stopped by Deputy Sheriff Mallory and another person. Royse is a young man raised at Hard- man, in this county, and has always been considered a very peaceable fellow. He is married. Telegraph Wire Extension. HOQTJIAM, July 10. (Special.) It is said that both the Western Union and Northern Pacific will extend their wires through from this city to Mocllps during the Summer, doing away with the unsatisfactory service of telephoning all messages. This will give Mocllps a ' di rect wire with Seattle and Tacoma, be sides eliminating the extra charge of 25 cents on a message. JEWELRY STORE LOOTED Burglars at Brownsville Make Rich Haul and Escape. ALBANY, Or., July lO (Special.) Bnrg lars last night rifled the jewelry store of C O. Anderson, at Brownsville, taking $2000 worth of Jewelry and everything valuable in the store. The thieves also took J50 worth of knives from the hard ware store of R. B. Warner, adjoining. Though the booty taken is hard to carry. thus far the burglars have escaped with out leaving a clew. COFFEE There is no difficulty in getting good coffee for those who are willing to pay for it Tear tv r retnrns year nmey U res aenl Jjlka fcsattlias.'s Best; w piy ais