Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 17, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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A Great Sbecia
of New Imported Merchandise Today
Latest Novelties from ParisLondon,ViennaPlanenChemnit2, Sonnenberg and the Continent
Costumes, Wraps, French Undermuslins,
lins, selected in Paris by our own buyers; Skirts, Gowns, Drawers, Corset Covers, Chemise Sets. Beautiful line of silk and lingerie 'Waists, Infants' Dresses, Infante' Skirts, Children's Dresses, 6 months to 3 Tears. Carriage
Robes. Magnificent Parisian Tea Gowns, Millinery, 'Flowers, Feathers, and Feather Boas, Stoles, exclusive Neckwear, Boleros, Neckwear Novelties, Parisian Jewelry in exquisite assortment; magnificent Lace and Net Robes and dainty high-class Handkerchiefs.
Novelty Leather Goods, steel-studded Leather Belts, Leather Traveling Cases, Leather Handbags, Novelty Belts from Paris; high-class Handbags, Belt Buckles," Coin Purses, Art Goods, Table Linens, Toys, Dolls, Mechanical Toys, etc, etc. Take advantage.
Pearl Handle Fruit and Table Knives,
Horn Handle Fruit Knives,
Metal and Glass Ash Receivers,
Nickel and Copper Tea Sets,
Metal and Glass Smoking Sets,
Magnificent Shaving Mirrors,
Fancy Glass Trays, Novelty Cigar Lighters,
Novelty Match Stands,
Porcelain Cake Boxes with metal covers,
Copper, Brass 5 o 'Clock Teas and Kettles,
Copper Smoking Sets,
Celery Trays, Copper Claret Jugs,
Fancy Relish Dishes, Nickel Toast Racks,
Novelty Ice Picks and Can Openers,
Fancy Nickel Wine Sets, Electroliers,
Nickel Tea Sets, Fancy Glass Vases,
Sugar Lifters, etc.; Hail Lamps, etc., etc.
Solid Metal Knives and Forks, etc etc.
Established in 1857
Poffand The Meier Frank Store Shopping Bulletin JSSffA
50 Years in
1 Showing
omen s Suits
Values Up to $55.00
At $1
Another sensational offering of wo
men's higb-class Tailored Suits to
day A great purchase of I OO
garments from the best known suit
manufacturer in America Copies
of the latest imported models
Tailored suits that will appeal to the
best dressed women in the commu
nity By far the grandest values
infancy Tailored suits yon have
ever had the opportunity to share
in Included will be found Etons
and Eton blouses in serges, worst
eds, Panama cloths, Etamines and
silk striped voiles The assortment
of patterns and colorings is the
largest and most attractive of the
season, checks, stripes and plaids,
blue and white, brown and white,
black and white, grays, etc. Jackets
are trimmed in lace, taffeta silk
braid and buttons sleeves 34 and
Va length some kimono and cape
effect sleeves skirts are pleated,
kilt and Princess styles all the new
est and prettiest high-grade gar
ments shown this-season All sizes
values from
$40 to
Tomorrow at
H$ 17.95
See Fifth-Street Window Display Take advantage
Plan to be here promptly at 8 o'clock if you want the best bargains
Values Up to $20.00
t $6.45. Each
Seems to be no end to the marvel-
ous waist bargains coming our way
your way This matchless of
fering cannot fail to interest hun
dreds of shrewd buyers Waists
for dress and evening wear Mag
aincent styles and assortments A
great special purchase from a lead
ing manufacturer enables us to of-
fer values up to $20.00
each at this low price
of $6.45-All new clean
merchandise of the very
highest quality In silk
chiffon cloth, messaline
silk, taffeta silk, linen
cluny laces, fish net, fil
let laces and trimmed in
coarse or fine lace, vel
vet or silk bands and
fancy braids The col-
or assortment includes white
cream, ecru, tan, brown,
navy -and black Exclusive
and novelty dress waists in
ty that find ready sale at prices up to $20
each Take your pick today at each
No Mail Orders or Phone Orders Filled Store opens at 8 o'clock
Plan to be on hand early See Big Fifth-Street Window Display It
tells the story better than cold type-Second Floor
Long Chamois Gloves $ 2.5 9
$1.25-$1.?5 Silk Gloves 83c
$2-$2.25 Silk Gloves $1.19
Headquarters for Women's
Cloves of all kinds These
special values worthy the
careful consideration of all
economical buyers Mail
orders will receive our
prompt and careful attention
500 pairs of women's 16-button length
Chamois Gloves, in white and natural;
all sizes, 5Vi to 7; cool, dressy and
washable. The Chamois Glove is grow
ing in popularity for Summer wear.
Regular $3.00 values, on
sale at this low price, pair. V J 7
Women's two-clasp best quality Silk
Gloves, double-tipped fingers, embroi-
dered backs and fancy tops; in black,
white, brown, navy, gray, very pretty
styles; broken line of sizes;
$1.25 to $1.75 values, at, pair.OJC
Special lot of women's 12 and 16-button
length silk mesh Gloves; black, white,
gray, modes; broken line CI 1Q
of sizes; $2-$2.25 vals., pr.N
CHILDREN'S $1.50 Special sale of children's white Kid Gloves, one and
, rxc cn da l two-clasp, pique and overseam styles; all sizes. (LQ
OLUVita OVC KAIK, Best regular $1.50 values, on sale at, the pair.OVC
We are sole Portland agents for the famous "Perrifls" real French Kid Gloves;
come in all styles, in all lengths and all shades priced at $1.50 to $9.75 the pair.
We have a complete stock of long Silk Gloves in all grades and shades, low-priced.
1 0,000 Yards of New Silks
Values 69 c
The greatest silk sale of the season is announced for today, Tuesday and Wednes
day 10,000 yards of this season's Silks to be sacrificed at a price far below cost.
A manufacturers' entire stock is included. Polka dots, stripes, checks, plaids
and messalines, louisines, taffetas, Tuscan and the popular "Rajahs." Immense
assortment of the very best designs, colorings and combinations,
for waists, costumes and dresses- regular values up to $1.50 a yard, r)j
to be cleaned up at this phenomenally low price, yd take advantage.
200 Women's FineBoxcoats
.00 Vals. $5.85
Portland's leading Cloak and Suit Store offers for today's selling another bar
gain extraordinary in women 's Box Coats in length, medium and short lengths,
both single and double-breasted styles; plaids and fancy mixtures; lined or un
lined. Colors are light, medium and dark grays and tans, in checks, stripes,
plaids and fancy mixtures. Included will be found plain, dou- g n P
ble-breasted tan covert coats for coast and motoring; regular C
$12 Coats, on sale at this ridiculously low price, ea. 2d Floor H
Short Garter Drawers
$ 1 .25 Values 83c
Introductory sale of the new Short Garter Drawers for
women, made of fine nainsook, with short full ruffles,
trimmed in VaL lace edgings and clusters of hem
stitched tucks; lengths 19 to 21 ins.; neat,
pretty and practical; wear them once and k
you 11 wear no other; $1.25 values, at, pair.''
Special lot of "La Grecque" Tailored Corset Covers and
Skirt combined; also a few very fine cambric and nain
Book Skirt Chemise, trimmed in dainty VaL lace and
embroidery edgings, clusters of tucks and medallions,
headings and ribbons. Regular $2.50 to P 1 Qt
$4.00 values, on sale at this low price, each.. V
Special lot of white and
drab Corsets, long and
jk . tf T 1 snori mp si vies; siraignt
J t "C iLdCil fronts; sizes 18 to 30; good
models; reg. $1.50 fCk
and $1.75 values, on sale at, special, the pair.
$1.?5 Corsets
Bargains in Laces
1000 yards of 45-inch Chiffon in flowered and
bordered effects, for waists and gowns. Beauti
ful styles and great bargains at special prices:
Regular values to $ 1.75 on sale at 79c
Regular values to $2.50 on sale at 98c
Special lot of fine Batiste Embroidery and Inser
tion, from 3 to 15, inches wide ; French, Yenise
and eyelet effects ; values up to $4 t? 1 1 Q
a yard, on sale at, special, yard. P
Clean-up of our entire stock of Venise and Baby
Irish Lace Galloons, Medallions and Bands, in
cream and ecru; regular values fl I 1 Q
up to $2.50 a yard, on sale at, yd.P
1000 dozen Val. Laces and Insertion, 1 to 2-inch;
values up to 45o a dozen yards, at, doz..20
Hosiery Values
3000 pairs of women's fast black Cotton Hose, seam
less leg and foot; absolutely fast color; 1
sizes 8V to 10; 20c values, 'at, the pair. C
dOUU pairs or women s nne quality black
cotton and lisle Hose; plain lace and
drop-stitch effects; great variety of pat
terns, all sizes; regular 35c 1
values, on sale at, the pair. . . C
3000 pairs of women's beautiful quality
Black Hose, in plain gauze and lace
styles; also fancy effects, including
polka dots, stripes and fanoy
weaves; vals. tip to 75o pair at. C
1000 pairs of infants' lace lisle and cot
ton Socks, in white, black, pink, blue,
red, tan; sizes 4, 42, 5 and 5; Qf
regular 25c and 35o values, pair..''
200,000 Rolls Toilet Paper
Two carloads' of Toilet Paper, eight grades, fourteen styles of packages, at prices
never before known. All new brands, standard grades. Hotels, as well as boarding-houses,
should take advantage and supply their needs at these special low prices :
Factor, 6-oz- rolls, special Each 3
Factor, 10-oz. rolls, special Each 6
Imperial, 7-oz. rolls, sp'l. Each 4
Onduwa, 8-oz. rolls, sp'l. Each 4$
Onduwa, 16-oz. rolls, sp'l. Each .' 8$
Peerless, 2000-sheet pkg. Each 12J
Imperial, 600-sheet pkg. at Each 4
Knickerb'r, 1000-sheet pkg Each; 8$
Zoft, large extra fine, pkg- Each 12
Sanitas White Tissue, pkg. Each 12
Small Balsam Sanitissue, on sale at this low price package 12c; the dozen
Large Sanitissue rolls: or packages, on sale at, sp'l. pkgs., each, 21c; doz.
Dozen $1.39
Dozen 39
Dozen 89
Dozen $1.39
Dozen $1.39
Case of 100 rolls
Case of 100 rolls
Case of 100 rolls
Case of 100 rolls
Case of 100 rolls
Case of 100 rolls
Case of 100 pkg.
Case of 100 pkg.
Case of 100 pkg.
Case of 100 pkg.
C. Thompson Devotes Time to Rerll-
lng Orchard Charges Plnker
tons With Conspiracy.
"I have greater admiration for ths
highwayman who takes his life In his
hand and holds a man up than I have
for Plnkerton detectives who shoot men
down." was the not unexpected declara
tion made by C. Thompson, who addressed
a meeting- of Socialists at Alisky Hall
last night. Mr. Thompson had been
advertised to sreak on "The Attitude of
the Press In Reporting the Haywood
Trial." Instead the speaker censured the
mlneowners and the Pinkerton detectives,
who, he charged, have conspired to dis
rupt the Western Federation of Miners
by discrediting Its head officers. Mover,
Haywood and Pettibone and sending
them to the gallows.
Mr. Thompson admitted that the press
and magazine reports of the Boise trial
have been fair, but criticised some of the
editorials In the Portland papers. The
burden of his argument was that the
mlneowners, assisted by the Govern
ment's secret service men. Is behind the
prosecution of the Federation officers for
the single purpose of breaking up the
organisation. Orchard, he said, is a
degenerate and a self-confessed criminal
of the deepest cast, who was expected to
concoct the story he has told in hopes
of paving his own life.
"You will say that Orchard tells a very
plausible story. Of course he does. He
has been coached for the last 16 months
by the brains of the Pinkerton detec
tives and the authorities of the State of
Idaho. The very fact that his tale ap
pears so credible is only proof of the
coaching he has received. Orchard had
private motives for killing Steuenberg.
who at one time defrauded him In a
mining deal. Simpklns, who is charged
with having received money from Hay
wood, was an organizer In the employ of
the Federation and was entitled to re
ceive these funds."
The speaker contended that It was un
reasonable to presume that a man of
Haywood's Intellectual attainments and
the executive head of the Western Fed
eration of Miners would jeopardize the
Institution In the manner that has been
In presenting the speaker of the eve
ning, J. r. Stevens, chairman of the
meeting, announced that Judge Seneca
Smith would speak in the same hall next
Sunday night on "The Legality of the
Bonds Voted at the City Election."
Imperial Hotel ajso ticcnio Fhotos.
The Beef Trust made $1,000,000 off the San Francisco people by selling lots and acreage in the vicinity of its
proposed packing plant. : In time the packing plant was built, but it was built two to three miles away from the lots
and acreage, Portland people, take notice; don't bite at the bait,
Eat Veal now, during the month of June. It is at its best.
Veal for Stew 5
Veal for Jelly..... 5
Veal, extra choice,
for Stew .... 8
Veal Loin Cutlets ... 15
Veal for Potpie . .,. .. 8
Veal Breasts..8 and 1V
Veal Eib Cutlets 15
Veal Shoulder Eoast.10
Veal Legs
We are using the very choicest heifer and steer beef. For Soup Bones and Soup Meat, we are charging lc and 2c
per pound. Fine, juicy beef for Boiling and Stewing, 4c and 5c. Fine Roasts Beef at 7c to Prime Rib Roasts at 10c.
Choice Round Steak, 10c to Sirloin and Tenderloin Steak at 12c. Best Roasts of Country Pork, 12c and 15c.
Fine Roasts of Mutton 10c and 15c. . 1
Is there no Federal official, no official of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Is there nobody at all to look after these fake advertisements and signboards
of the Beef Trust markets? They advertise themselves as the "homes" of U. S. Government Inspection, and at the same time they are baying meats
wherever they can bay them cheapest even meats from swill-feeders meat that never saw an inspector and these meats are being sold over their coun
ters as the Government-inspected article, and weighed upon the Beef Trust's combination scales.
They make it a practice to put a few pieces of good beef in a window, and sell the Packing-House Bull Beef over the counter. Any merchant can
protect his brand of goods from the fakir's advertisements.- Can't the U. & Government do as much for Its meats?