Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 31, 1907, Page 20, Image 20

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The Meier PranEs Store's .Original "June White Bays"
Every WhiteAr
"White Gloves .
"White Ribbons
White Buttons
"White Dress Trimmings
"White Laces
"White Embroideries
"White Allovers
White Silks .
White Velvets .
White Dress Goods, etc.
Swiss, Nainsook
India Linons, Lawns, etc
White Stationery
'White Shoes for men,
women and children .
Lace Curtains
Curtain Materials
Books, Pictures, No
tions White Blankets, Pillows
Linings, etc., etc., etc.
Men's White Wear
White Shirts
White Underwear
Straw Hats .
White Neckwear
White Pajamas
White Nightshirts
White Gloves
White Suspenders
White Sweaters
Bar Coats
White Vests, etc., etc.
White Hats .
White Hosiery
White Parasols
White Underwear
White Belts
White Handbags
White Veilings
White Flannels
Infants' Shoes
Infants' Caps
Women's Aprons
White Corsets
White Baskets
White Furniture
White Toilet Articles
White Suits of all kinds
and qualities
White Costumes ,
White Linens
White Towels
White Sheets
White Spreads
White Cottons, etc., etc.
White Bed Linens
250,Q00 pieces of Mus
' tin Underwear '
Gowns, Drawers ,
Chemise, Skirts .
Corset Covers, Sets
Infants', Wear
White Wraps
White Skirts
White Waists
White Petticoats
Children's Dresses
White Kimonos
White Flannel. Coats
White Millinery
White Sweaters '
Infants' Coats, etc.
White China
White Glassware
Silverware, Cut Glass
Kitchen Goods
White Tinware
White Woodenware
White Dinner Sets, etc.
Every white article in
the store reduced in
price. Ee w contract
goods alone are except
ed. Look to vour needs.
All Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today Will Go on Your June Account
eier ? Frank Store's Great 905th Friday Surprise Sales
40 Magefficeet New SS8k Slits
Greet Assortment of -Latest Styles
1625.00 to
$40.00 Vol
SI 1
Today, the greatest Silk Suit Sale we ever planned You
know what that means, but remember if you want to share
in This" offering you will have to step lively A larger assort
ment and better values than the lot that caused such great
excitement two weeks ago 400 of them secured from well
known manufacturers at a small fraction of their real worth
by our cloak chief who is now in New York City This sea
son's newest and prettiest styles in eton, jumper and shirt
waist effects Splendid quality of silks elaborately trimmed in
Val and Irish crochet laces, Eton jackets are pleated and fin
ished at the neck with heavy lace Neat vests of linen, button
trimmed and 3t sleeves finished with cuff, lace trimmed Also
braided Eton coats Jumper suits are princess and two-piece
models, pleated, tucked and strapped Kimono and cape
sleeves,- skirts made kilt, box pleated and accordion pleated
Silk shirt waist suits have lace yokes, dainty tucking, and
velvet ribbon trimming; short sleeves finished with lace cuffs,
kilt or box pleated skirts All the above suits are new and
desirable styles, plain and fancy colors, black, blue, cham
pagne, green, red, gray, raspberry, cream, pink, red fancy
plaids and stripes All sizes Reg.
$25 to $4Q silk suits today, only,
at this marvelously low price each
See 5th-street window display Be here promptly to get one
$1 1.65
Meier Frank's 905th Friday Surprise Sale
5 00 Beautiful White Parasols
$2.50-$4 Values $1.63 Each
Five hundred new and stylish White Par
asols at a very low price for today's
905th Friday Surprise offering TS great
Parasol Sale of the season A very unus
ual purchase from one of the largest and
best manufacturers in the country AH
new, pretty styles. 22-in. Swiss and linens,
hemstitched, tucked and embroidered
edges and insertions Very large assort
ment of bamboo and natural sticks Parasols that would
find quick sale at prices ranging from
$2.50 to $4 each Grand variety and
wonderful values at this low price, ea.
No mail or phone orders filled Plan to be here promptly
at 3 o'clock if you want to share in the best values
Meier Frank's 905th Friday Surprise Sale,
5000 Men's 25c Washable 4-in-Hands 2V2c
In the Men's. Furnishing Goods section for today's 905th Friday Surprise Sale, 1000 dozen Men's
washable four-in-hands, made full 24 inches -wide and reversible. Plain colorings in white, grays, cham
pagne, green, red, tans, blues and pink, -white piques, white damask, white- on white -figures, plain
reps, etc. Wonderful assortment to select from; all new, this season's Neckwear. RegU 1 Olf
lar 25c values. Buy all you want of them today at this unusually low price, each .V ZC
Meier (& Frank's 905th Friday Surprise Sale
500 Lace Veils $3.50 Values 98c Each
Jn the Main Fifth street aisle today's marvelous offering of "Women's high-grade Chantilly Lace Veils
at a low price; black, brown, light, blue, white, navy, greCn and gray; full iy2 and 1-yard lengths.
Magnificent designs, and strictly new and np-to-date. The greatest bargain in full Lace Veils it has
ever been, our pleasure to offer you. Values up to $3.50 each on sale at this low price, each, QO
for today's 905th Friday Surprise Sale. Come early if you want one "OC
Meier (& Frank's 905th Friday Surprise Sale
4000 Pairs of White Oxfords
$2.50 Values on Sale at $ 1 .68 Pair
Today " Great June White Sale" of Wonen's
White Oxfords should appeal to every woman in
the community who has summer footwear needs
to supply 4000 pairs in the lot This season's
best models in Oxfords and Gibson ties made of
good quality white canvas welt soles, cuban
heels, plain or tipped toes, blucher. styles, also
white canvas Oxfords, turn solas and white heels
cuban style also 'plain toe blucher side lace or
two eyelet ties, also white canvas Oxfords welt
soles, leather cuban heels, plain toes All sizes
and widths All new, clean, fresh merchandise
The economical woman will
anticipate her summer needs at
this special low price per pair
Regular values from $2.00 to $2.50 a pair
Buy all you want of them today at this excep
tionally low price No mail or phone orders filled
Our Famous
Mocha and Java
Coffee 23c lb
10,000 lbs of our Mocha and Java
Coffee, equal to the best 40o grade;
all you want at this low price, per
pound 23
Victor Flour at $1.20
1 lb Victor Baking Powder. . . . .35
Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate 35
1-lb. can Ghirardelli 's Ground Choc
olate, on sale at this low price.. 30
18 lbs Dry Granulated Sugar $1.00
C. & B. Lucca Oil, quarts, sp'l. .70
1-Ib Jar Chipped Beef , . .25
3 cans Van Camp's Soup for.. 25
3 pkgs. Bromongelon 25
10-lb. sack Yellow Corn Meal... 25
10-lb. sack Graham Flour, sack, 25
2 Cans Hominy 25
2 Cans Thelma Succotash . .....25
Walnuts, per pound .......... .20
-lb. Can Baker's Powdered Choco
late, special at 20
Durkee Salad Dressing, on sale at,
special, 10c, 25c and 45
1-qt. Bottle Moose Maple Syrup 25 0s
1-lb. Cans Minced Clams ...... 15
5 bars Fels Naptha Soap, spec'l 25
Korn Kinks, special at, package. .5
Phone and mail orders carefully
filled and prompt delivery to all parts
of the city. Basement Phone Ex
change 4.
Great special lot of the celebrated
White Mountain Refrigerators, latest
improved model; handsomely fin
ished; economical ice consumer; 100
of them. Regular $12.50 value, on
sale at, special, each $9.27
Meier & Frank's 905th Friday Surprise Sale
1 00 Tourist and Auto Goats
$25.00 Values oi
Sale at $6.85 Each
In the Big Cloak Department today, a Coat
Sale that will interest a great crowd of shrewd
shoppers High-grade Tourist and Auto Coats
34-length styles Regular $25.00 values at a
price never before known on garments of
equal style and quality Remember, only 100
in this lot You'll have to speak quick if
you want one as they won't last many hours
at this ridiculously low" price All new,
stylish raodels end materials 34 lengths empire,
box and pleated backs self strapped and trim
med in velvet or broadcloth and fancy buttons,
fancy plaids, stripes, checks, and mixtures in
grays, tan, blues, browns Every one of these
garments would sell regularly at $23.00 each
Just the coat yon want for traveling, motor
ing, boating and coast wear All sizes and
large assortment your choice while they
last todqy only at this
wonderfully low price,
each Second Floor
Come early to get the best values-2d floor
905th Friday Surprise Sale
$ 2.50 Pictures at $ 1 . 1 5
Greatest of .all picture bargains, 1000 packages matted Pic
tures, colored subjects, all sizes, 20 pictures in each pack
age, mounted ready to hang; $2.50 worth of 1 C
pictures on sale today at this low pricej pkg. V J
905th Friday Surprise Sale
75c Ribbons at 33c Yd.
7000 yards beautiful, rich French Faille Ribbons, 5 ins.
wide; black, white, brown, red, light blue, navy, mais, old
rose, Alice blue, cream,- etc., for sashes, dress trimmings,
fancy work, girdles, etc.; 75e values, at, the yard.. 33
905th Friday Surprise Sale
Polka Dot Hose 33c Pr.
3000 pairs of women 's "polka dot Hosiery, black with white
dots, white with black dots, blue with white dots; all sizes
. of dots; regular 50c and 65c Hosiery. Buy all you ik
want today at" this special low price, the pair.
905th Friday Surprise Sale
Waists for $ 1 .38 Each
On sale today, 5000 new white lawn Shirtwaists, fancy lace,
and embroidery yokes, also clusters of pin tucks and half
inch tucks: also hemstitched yokes, all sizes; P tfl
great variety, wonderful values, at, special, ea.N
1 -
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