Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 09, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Coantlng-Room Main 7079
City Circulation ...Main 7070
Managing Editor....,...., Main 7070
Sunday Editor Main 7070
Compoglnv-Room Main 7070
City Editor Main 7070
Superintendent Building Main 7070
East 8d Office Eaat 1
THE HEII,ICr THEATER (14th and 'Wash
In (Eton streets), tonight at 8:15 o'clock,
Lillian Russell In the comedy. "The But
terfly.'" BAKER THEATER rad bet. TarahlU and
Tayior.) Baker Theater Company la
The Cowboy and the Lady." Tonight at
e: 13.
EMPIRE THEATER (11th and Morrison.)
eaman Stock Company in ' She Dared Do
, Right." Matinee 2:15 P. M. Tonight at
GRAND THEATER (Washington, between
Park and Kevesth) Vaudeville. 3:30, 7:39
and p. M.
PANTAGES THEATER (4th and Stark)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30, 8 P. M.
LYRIC THEATER (7th and Alder) Th
Allen Stock Company In "Sealed Lips";
matinee at 2:15. tonleht at 8:15; mati
nees Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and
Sunday at 2:15.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
AU-fctar Stock Company In "The stiver
King ; tonight at 8:15. Mitlnees Tues
5V; lhursday. Saturday and Sunday at
Z.I 5 P. M.
V,obk for Civic Improvement A
meeting of the North Portland Improve
ment Association was held last night, at
a hall 462 Glisan, and a permanent or
eanization effected. J. p. Halley, who
has been temporary president of the club,
was selected to till the office permanent
ly; P. St. Clair was elected treasurer,
and John Manning, secretary. The as
sociation proposes to take an active part
In the coming municipal campaign, and
is expected to indorse John Driscoll for
Councilman. The association will work
for the betterment of the northern sec
tion of the city, planning better streets
and many other civic improvements. One
of the projects that the association will
take up will be the removal of water
meters from that part of the city. The
people who are poor complain that
meter are Installed in their houses, while
In the up-town and select-residence dis
tricts there are no meters. Another
meeting of the association will be held
tomorrow night in the same hall.
Seeks Location fr Flaxmill An
Inquiry has been received by the Board
of Trade from an Eastern capitalist who
in seeking a location in Oregon for a
factory for the manufacture of materials
from flax fibre. Among the articles
this prospective plant proposes to place
In the market is twine for making salmon
nets. The officers of the Board will
eek to determine what supply of flax
is available and also learn If arrange
ments can be made for cultivating a suf
ficient acreage of this crop to keep such
a. factory in constant operation. "I do
not believe enough flax is now grown
In this state to supply such a factory
as is proposed," said Secretary I.aber,
yesterday, "but we expect to provide for
the increased production that will be
oecessarv before the factory is located
here. It has been demonstrated that
flax can be grown in this state suc
cessfully and we believe a chance is
row offered for handling the raw ma
terial." Want Embankment Cleared. Busi
ness men on Grand avenue want the em
bankment between East Oak and Stark
cleared of obstructions and a sidewalk
laid along -the east side. A sidewalk was
put down on the west side of the em
bankment, but work has started on the
JWorgan building on Grand avenue and
East Stark street and, besides, the track
for the dump cars crosses this walk. For
some time people have seen the east
side of this embankment used as a sand
yard. Sand was dumped from flat cars
on the side of the street and there sifted
into wagons for building purposes. The
public does not approve the use of the
embankment for this purpose.
Molpers Await Valentine. Portland
molders are awaiting the arrival of Presi
dent Valentino of the National organiza
tion before going on a strike for an
eight-hour day. President Drew of the
local union had not heard from Mr. Val
entine up to last night as to when the
latter mav be expected here, but he may
come at any time. Upon his arrival, a
meeting of the molders will be held and
the strike question settled. The men
themselves are impatient to go out and
ofllccrs of the union are having trouble
to restrain them until Mr. Valentine ar
rives and gives the sanction of the Na
tional organization to the proposed strike.
Portland Presbytery met last night at the
Y. M. C A. and appointed a committee
to prepare a plan of self-support for all
the churches of this Presbytery and to
submit it at a meeting subject to the
call of the committee, which consists of
the following: Rev. "William Hiram
Koulkes, Rev. B. K. S. Ely, Jr., D. D.,
Rev. E. M. Sharp. Rev. W. S. Holt, D.
!.. Rev. A. J. Montgomery and Elders
"William I. Iadd. W. B. Honeyman, Sam
P. Blackwood and Earl C- Bronaugh.
Rhea English's Funeral. Funeral
services for Rnea English, aged 18 years,
who lost his life by attempting to board
a rapidly-moving St. Johns trolley-car at
the east approach of the Steel bridge
Tuesday afternoon, will be held this
morning at 10 o'clock In the Flnley
chapel. Burial will be in Rose City ceme
tery. The boy's father is the only rela
tive here. They were traveling on the
Coast for pleasure. Deputy Coroner Finley
made an investigation and found no one
to blame for the tragedy.
Opium Den Raidkd. Policemen raided
a.n opium den at Fourth and Pine streets
late yesterday afternoon and arrested the
proprietor. Hue Tong and a white man
giving the name of Ed Groves. The
former was charged with conducting an
opium den and the latter with smoking
the drug. The Chinese was unable to
furnish J100 bail, and was locked up, but
the whHe man appeared "prosperous"
and put up the necessary amount. He
was well dressed and wore diamonds.
Tourists' Observation Cars. "Seeing
Portland" cars leave Second and Morri
son streets dally. 10 A. M. and i P. M.
giving two and a half hours' panoramic
ride over Rose City, Including stopovers
at Forestry building, fair grounds and
Council Crest. Fast, clean, comfortable
and instructive. Guide on each trip.
Fare 50c.
Improving Hibbard Street. City con
tractors have begun the improvement of
Hibbard street through Montavilla. It
is the first Improvement to be made In
that suburb, which was annexed to Port
land a year ago. Several other streets
are to be improved this year.
Real Estate SIen's Banquet. M. G.
Griffin and J. O. Rountree. of the Port
land Realty Board, have been appointed
to make arrangements for holding a
banouct on the Bast Side. The object la
to promote harmonious relations between
Welt and East Side real estate men.
Old Ladies' Home Society. There will
be a meeting of the Old Ladies' Home
Society tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock
In the First Presbyterian Church. A full
attendance Is requested, as business of
importance will be presented.
PRIZES of t. J15 and J10 will be given
by the Portland Municipal Association for
three-best essays- on Good Citlxenship.
Competition open to young men from 18
to 25 vears of age. For terms apply to
John Bain, 224 Stark street.
Murlark Hall -for rent, reasonable,
from June IS to October.15. to responsible
parties. Inquire George H. Parsons, 59
Twenty-third st. Phone Main 1612.
remember the Thursday afternoon
teas of the Hazelwood cream store while
down town this afternoon. Music 3:30 to
6:30 o'clock.
Business Men's Lukch. 11:30 to 2. All
tome-cooking. Women's Ex., 133 loth st.
Bat Txkxs, large stock, all eises. Foot
lamhill st, J, B. FUklngton, nurseryman.
To Receive Dr. Kerb. Mrs. J. B.
Waldo, of Macleay, a member of the
board of regents of the State Agricultural
College at Corvallis, was in the city yes
terday arranging for the entertainment of
Dr. W. J. Kerr, of Salt Lake City, who
was recently elected president of the Cor
vallis school. Dr. Kerr is the former
president of the Utah State Agricultural
College and is expected to reach Portland
some time next week. He will spend about
two weeks in the Rose City and at Cor
vallis. when he will return to Salt Lake to
close ud his business affairs preliminary
a .A , J i ' . .t.t q n H Inca tine
permanently. While Mr. Kerr is In Port-
laaa, ouiie T uoa una ' vumnuooiwi"-,
J. W. Bailey will take an active part in
looking after his entertainment. .
Pioneer in Feeble Condition. George
Sinsfleld. a pioneer resident of Albina,
who some time ago lay unconscious in his
front yard through a stormy night, has
only partially recovered, and Is in a
verv feeble condition. He owns a house
and lot at 490 Flint street, where he
lives. Mr. Sinsfleld at one time owned
eight lots In Albina, and put up the two
story building on the corner of Union
avenue and Sacramento streets, but lost
It . with the remainder of his property,
except the house In which he lives.
Secures Right of Wat roa Pipe.
Dr. William Deveny yesterday was in
strumental In securing right of way for
the wooden pipe that is being laid to
supply Montavilla with Bull Run water.
J C Dressel and Marian Hoogstraat
objected to the pipe being laid across
their land for a distance of about 60
rods, but the matter was adjusted yes
terday and the work will go forward.
Within about two months Montavilla will
have an abundance of Bull Run water.
They All But L.. C. Smith & Bros.'
Typewriters. Courthouse. St. Helens
(3)- tax collector Multnomah County.
Hicks-Chatten. State Board of Agricul
ture Salem, National Live Stock Insur
ance Association (2); Goodman Bros.,
E C. Atkins Company, Page Belting
Company, Bilyeu & Hirstel, Golden Eagle,
(2) and hundreds of others. L. & M.
Alexander & Co., exclusive Coast dealers,
170 Fifth street.
Funeral of Katherini Henrt. The
funeral of Katherine Henry will be held
this afternoon from St. Mary's Church,
on Williams avenue. Interment will be
made in Mount Calvary cemetery. De
ceased was 41 years old, the sister of
Rev. Father Paul Henry. O. P.. of San
Francisco, and M. B. Henry, living at
354 Sacramento street, Albina.
meeting of the Universal New Thought
Assembly this afternoon at 3 o'clock, in
hall No. 2, In the Mulkey building.
Second and Morrison streets Sister
Avabamia will lecture to ladies only or,
the subject "What Power in the Body
Develops the Soul?" The lecture is free.
Ladies are cordially invited.
Dr. M. Bettman, dentist, Swetland Bldg
At the Theaters
What th FeM Acvmte Say.
Last Performance of the Beautiful
American Actress at Hcilig.
Americaa wo beautiful metres. Lillian
Kuiwell, will slve her last performance of the
present ngajtpment at the Helliff Theater,
Fourteemtlr and -Washinrton streets, tonight
at 8:16 o'clock. ThU faecdimtlng and mag
netic woman, .supported hy an excellent com
pany of players. hM been delighting: crowded
houe the past three night in the brilliant
comedy, "The Butterfly."
"The Cowboy and the Lady" Proves
Great Favorite.
Clyde Fitch's great comedy. "The Cow
boy and. the Lady." 1b proving one of the
season's greatest theatrical events at the
Baker Theater this week. It Is staged and
presented in an artistic manner. The fam
ous trial seene makes a decided hit and
William Harris simply brings down the
bouse with his characteristic testimony.
"Brown's In Town," at Lyric.-
Ten times worth your money is the
screaming farce comedy, "Brown's in
Town." as given at the Lyric this week
by Verna Felton-and the Allen Stock Com
pany. Matinee today. Saturday and Sun
day. Every evening at 8:15. Seats may be
ordered by telephone. There's a hearty
laugh every minute, and there are 145
minutes of play.
'The Silver King."
This afternoon there will be a matinee of
"The Silver King" at the Star Theater.
The new stock company at this theater Is
becoming an established favorite. The play
ers are among the most proficient and there
are no weak members in the roster. "The
Silver King." the current attraction, is a
standard melodrama.
Success of "She Dared Do Right."
The new Seaman Stock Company has long
since demonstrated Its marked nlstrionlc
ability, but In this -week's production of the
. You read how the merciless Beef Trust is forcing its
own markets into bankruptcy compelling them to wear
padlocks on the door. It is just one year ago that Smith,
a wholesale butcher, begged and implored these self -same
butchers not to boycott him, but they, like the foolish
Israelites around the Golden Calf, fell down and wor
shiped the Trust.
The Trust has meant all along that these butchers
should double up the price of meat to the public, and this
has been done when possible; but Smith has foiled both
the Trust and its butchers, and he is giving the Portland
people the best and cheapest meats in the United States
today. Let the people stay by Smith.
226-223 Alder Street, Between
'Fighting the Beef Trust
Beef from.
Veal from
2c to 15i
6 to 15.
NEW Imported Milan Dress Shapes, very newest
models $3.50 to $5.50
NEW Plain Band Sailors .'...75d to $4.00
NEW Straw and Chip Shapes. . .$1.00 to $3.00
NEW Neapolitan Shapes, black and
white $1.50 to $5.00
NEW Ornaments, NEW Flowers.
214 THIRD FR ALEY'S Cor Sahaon
great melodramatic play, 'She Dared Do
Right," It is establishing itself as one of
the best organizations on the entire Pacific
Coast. There will be a matinee Saturday.
Oscar Wilder Great Drama, "Sa
lome," at Hcilig Theater. "
Beginning tomorrow (Friday) night at the
Hellig Theater, Fourteenth asJ Washington,
streets, Oscar Wilde's great tragedy, "Sa
lome," will begin an engagement qX three
nights. Wilfrid Roger will be aeen as King
Herod. Mr. Roger will hav the support of a
very capable company. Among those worthy
of mention are Miss Elizabeth Stuart, who
made the bit of her career as Salome; Bene
dict McQuarrie, as Jokanaan. or John . the
Baptist, as the character Is better known and
Mtss Edith Campbell, a Herodius, wife of
the Tetrarch.
Seat Sale for "Fantana" Saturday.
Xow look here, you people who have been
looking forward to the reopening of the grand
old Marquam Grand! The time is almost
here and you'll not have to wait much longer.
The famous San Francisco Opera Company,
the best musical organization on the Coast,
wilt begin Its season of brand new light operas
on next Wednesday evening, May 35, In that
funny, fanciful, musical trfumph, 4'Fantana."
Preparing "The Xew Dominion."
"The New Dominion" is the ulay now
under preparation by the Baker Theater
company for the next week's attraction
and It is being anticipated with unusual
Interest, as many remember the remarkable
pertormance of Mr. Baume in the same
production at the Columbia Theater several
seasons ago.
Will Give "The Whitecaps."
"The Whltecaps," one of the most thrill
ing and fascinating melodramas ever pro
duced on the American stage, will be the
attraction at the Empire Theater next week
and the new Seaman Stoek Company is now
busily engaged with rehearsals. The story
is built around an organization of the
South, the name of which gives the play
Its title.
"Devil's Island," at Star.
, For the coming week the -Star Theater
Stock Company will give for the first time
tn the West the new melodrama, "Devil's
Island." This Is based on the story of
Captain Dreyfus and will be found a play
full of unexpected developments and excite
ment. "Behind the Mask," at Lyric.
At the Lyric next week the Allen Stock
Company will present the very latest New
York melodramatic success 'Behind the
Mask." It has been procured at much ex
pense and this Is the first time It has been
given on the Coast or any place east of
New York. ,
Superior Acts at Grand.
Superior vaudeville acts caa always be
found at tlie Grand. This week the maiv
agement his a bill extra strong In its at
tractions. Harry La Rose & Company in
his laughing comedy, '''The Sailor and the
Horse," would be a drawing card in any
theater. The Howard brothers are the fam
ous banjo artists, who have no superiors
and few equals.
Live Show at Pantages.
Pantages theater is putting on a vaude
ville show this week that would make good
In New York. There isn't a second-rate
act In the bunch. Those three Vannans will
open your eyes as to the art of club jug
gling. Ivanhoe, the extemporaneous poet,
will make you think and laugh before he
gets through with his odd act, and every
act of the lot Is right up to the minute. It
is easily the aon's bst.
165 Magnificent Rugs Sold at Tre
mendous Reductions.
Atlyeh Brothers, 394 Washington
street, corner Tenth, importers of Ori
ental rugs and carpets, will dispose of
165 rugs at a greatly reduced price.
Each rug is an exquisite example of its
kind, a rare bargain at the usual price,
but at this reduction it is a great rug
opportunity not to be missed by shoppers
of discernment.
In ladies' lawn waists: values up to
tl.95. Many styles to select from. Tour
choice, 95c. Le Palais Royal, 375 Wash
ington st.
All. the delicacies of the season at th.
Portland Restaurant: fine private apart
ments for parties. SOS Wash., near 6th,
Milwaukle Country Clnb.
Eastern and California races. Take
Seilwood or Oregon City car. starting
from First and Alder streets.
First and Second Streets.
and Ail That Belongs to It"
Pork from .....5 to 15
Mutton from .. .6 to 15
Two Others of Family In Which'
Death ' Occurred Stricken Two --
City Schools Closed.
Spinal meningitis bat claimed three
more victims in Portland during the iast
24 hours. Tuesday night J. Bckerson. of
Seilwood, and James Gattuccio, an Ital
ian residing at East Sixteenth and Clin
ton streets, died -within a few hours after
contracting the disease. Yesterday morn
ing the J-year-old daughter of J. P.
Miller, 726 Bast Twentieth street, died
suddenly of the disease, and later in
the day Miss Matilda Miller and a
younger son, both members of the Miller
family, were taken to St. Vincent's Hos
pital suffering from the same mysterious
disease. The condition ' of both is criti
cal and it is not believed the young wo
man will live through today. Miss Miller
Is one of the best known telephone ope
rators at the "West Side exchange, where
she is very popular. The con
dition of the young woman is not con
sidered serious. City Health Officer
Wheeler was also called yesterday to at
tend the case of a 14-year-old lad living
on the Macadam road, who has the dis
ease in a mild form.
The fact that three members of the
Miller family should be afflicted with the
disease Is baffling the medical fraternity,
members of which are Inclined to con
clude that the deadly malady is trans
missible. Dr. Wheeler reports he is doing
everything within his power to prevent
the further spread of the disease, and bis
attention to these cases is occupying prac
tically all of his time, both night and day.
He says he has not the necessary help
to cope with the emergency; and may
ask the Council to authorize the appoint
ment of another assistant if the disease
is not stamped out soon. Fumigation is
being resorted to as the most effective
means of combating the disease, and the
authorities are hopeful that it may soon
be eradicated.
The Clinton-Kelly school was dismissed
yesterday, while the authorities fumigated
the rooms thoroughly. This building was
attended by children from the Miller fam
ily and fumigation was considered the
proper step to remove all possibility of
infection. The same treatment was given
one of the rooms of the Brooklyn school
building, as well as the City Engineer's
office in the City Hall, where young Bel
knap, who died of meningitis Tuesday,
was employed. Classes will be resumed in
both these schools tomorrow morning.
Begins today at Le Palais Royal. Tou
should take advantage of this. It means
money saved for you. 375 Wash. s"t.
ICiser Co. Lobby Imperial Hotel.
F. W. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
First and Oak
Tea is tea sometimes'
and at some houses; at
other tines and at other
houses, what do you think
it is?
Tear tracer raturns your noner if yea in't
liks Schilling's Brit; we piy him.
See him concerning your eyes.
128 Seveatfc St near Alder.
chwab Printing Co.
yVE Spectacles unless they are
1MFVFR needed; but when they are
xmncr needed we supply the iden-
ADVISE tical pair your eyes call for.
Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt lake, Dallas. Tex. Portland. Or.
US Sixth St. 1XOYD F. B ROWER. Mgr. Oresjoaiaa Bids.
Their Entire Extensive Stock ef
Now Being Sold, Without Limit or Reserve
By Public Auction
At (Acheson's Old Store) 131 3th St.
Adjoining Olds, Wortman & King f.
Sales This Week Daily 2 and 7 P.M.
Security and Service"
Are Supplied by
"Oldest Trust Company in Oregon"
When an institution can show
an uninterrupted p er i o d of
healthy permanent growth cov
ering: many years, it is safe to
conclude that the service ren
dered to its clientele is agree
able and satisfactory.
Your account invited.
Your money draws from 2 to
4 per cent interest, depending
upon whether it is placed on
checking account, savings ac
count or certificate of deposit.
Call for statement and Book
of "Illustrations."
Portland Trust Company ot Oregon
Resources over $2,000,000. -
B. K. Corner Third and Oak St.
Phone Exchange 72.
SEN J. I. COHEN President
H. U PITTOCK Vice-President
B. LEE PAGET Secretary
J. O. GOL.TRA...Asslstanf Seyetary
"Security and Service.'
Bui tba heal to prevent
rabbin,! and chafing.
Ths Gotzlan Shoe
rtta Ilka your r ooipnni-
because it Is made on I
perfect-fitting lasts and
with the skill of over fifty
years experience.
Hade is St- Paul by C. Ootsiaa &
Co. since 1355.
By supplying them flour that is good
for digestion, good to the palate and
full weight guaranteed.
Makers of High-Grade Flour,
340 East Washington Street, Phone
East 5607.
laherhmlr. If Ormy or Blefccbed, ft ma b
restored to tti natural color withoat Injury
to health or tcaJp by one applicaOoa of tho
Imperial Hair Regenerator
ING. It Is abaolutal7 harmless. Anr
shade produced. Color durable.
'When applied cannot be detected.
Sample of your hair colored free.
Isvarlsl Ckea. Mff. Cs., Ui W. ZM &I.,N.Y.
Barbers' Supply Co.
Morrison and 10th Sts.
Importers of Hlch-Grade Cutlery and Toilet
Articles. Grinding- of All Sbjup-Edfed Tools.
Arrowhead Hot Springs
San Bernardino County, California.
Elevation 23C0 leet; new hotel: water
and mud baths. Write for booklet.
j0 always Buy "v
m sT f i nsy FllU- shrunk . w.
Hsve -1.INOCORD" eyelet buitoabole. B
19 Kssr to buttuD- , SlroDs lo bold. H
H CEO. IDC S CO., Messrs . fl
Six locomotives, four pile
drivers, three seventy -ton
steam shovels, compressed
air drilling machines, steam
cranes and fifty air-brake and
air-dump cars are now at
Seattle va waiting shipment
north to Katalla. Fifteen
hundred men are now at
work on the construction of
the Copper River & North
western Railroad.
This road crosses the property of the
Anglo-American Oil & Coal Company with
in a few miles of Katalla, in the Behring
River Coal and Oil Fields, and will be in op
eration before snow flies this Fall.
Stock in this company in a short time
will be selling for double what it can be se
cured for right now. Authorized expendi
tures of $83,750 for this year.
If you are alive to your own interests
you will not delay in learning full particu
lars or seeing one or all of our trustees as
to the stability of this company's holdings
and the purposes of the company.
Call in and see for yourself.
H. L. PITTOCK.. .Proprietor Oregonian.
FRED S. STANLEY, w....-.-
Deschutes Irrigation & Power Co.
D. W. WAKEFIELD... Wakefield, Fries & Co.
GEORGE H. HILL ........
Vice-President Title Guarantee & Trust Co.
E. J. RATHB0NE. .Field Superintendent
WATSON ALLEN .,,.w.w...Mr.wsSeattle
Footf orm Last
ONE of the most satisfactory
shoe shapes we have ever
had in our store is the Selz Foot
form last; we believe it fits more
feet at the start than any shape
we've seen. -
You can get Selz Royal Blue
shoes here, made on this last, in
any width, for $3.50 and $4. ,
Ask to see Selz Footform; you'll like it.
& Wash.
If it's Shoes
Oprm Sundays amd evealnca by
appointment only.
Room 211 to 216 Failing Building,
K.Woodaxd, Clarke & Co,
& Wash.
it's Rosenthal's.
20 Years' Active Practice
Drs. W. A. and T. P. Wise will
attend every patient visiting this ;
office. No other dentists are em
ployed except Dr. H. A. Sturde
vant, who has charge of the labo
ratory work. Crown and bridge-'
work and perfect-fitting plates
have made1 our name a household
Third and Washington Streets.