THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1907. 13 CHANGE li! OWNERS Lyric Theater Sold by Keating & Flood. THOMAS W. MURPHY BUYER Present Company Will Go to Oak land and Will Be Succeeded by the Allen Stock Company From the Star Theater. The Lyric Theater, which for more than three years has been under the management of Keating & Flood, has changed owners and becomes the property of Thomas TV. Murphy, of Ban Francisco, who yesterday purchased the controlling interest In the popular Alder-street play house. Coincident with the announcement of the sale It was given out that arrange ments had been completed with Manager P. R. Allen to transfer the Allen Stock Company, which has been so successful at the Star for nearly a year, to the Lyric. It is understood that Mr. Allen was offered a flattering Increase in per centage to make the change and that his entire company, beaded by Miss Verna Felton and strengthened by a number of new people, will go over to the Lyric, opening Wa) 6 in the well-known flrce comedy, 'Brown's In Town." Tre present Lyric company will go to Oakland, where it will open under the Koatins; & Flood management on May 25. Thomas W. Murphy, who purchases the Lyric, is & brother-in-law of sjawrence Keating and a successful young "business man, and although inexperienced in the atrical affairs, he has a reputation of making good In every enterprise which be has undertaken. "With the co-operation of P. R. Alton, one of the foremost managers In the Northwest, It is a fore gone conclusion that the new policy of the Lyric will prove even more of a suc cess than It has been In the past. Manager Dan Flood, who retires from the active management of the theater, will rest for a few weeks and will probably engage in other business In this city. During his connection with the Lyric he has won the esteem of the theatergoing public and the contidence of local busi ness men. CHINESE FIRM TO BUILD AVI1I Erect Four-Story Brick at Sec ond and Salmon. The Oriental Investment Company, a corporation composed of Chinese, has de cided to build a four-story brick at Sec ond and Salmon streets, adjoining the property recently acquired by Moy Bah Hin. the Chinese consul. These building operations would indicate a new Chinese quarter or an extension of the old dis trict on Second street. Building permits yesterday Included residences for Mrs. H. James on Bast Fourteenth street, to cost $4500: Mrs. Marie Corey, on Hendricks street, to cost 2000; O. W. Priest, on Kirby Btreet, to -cost J1S50, and same owner on Gan tenbein street, to cost VxM. H. Brick Is to build flats on Kearney to cost $4500. The Sisters of the Most Precious Blood have purchased a quarter block on the southwest corner of Highland street and Cleveland avenue. With a continuation of the fine weather of the -past few days . real estate men look for Increased movement In subur ban lots. The Arms handling the plats recently put on the market were all kept hnsy yesterday In taking prospective pur chasers to the suburbs and in olosing deals. A new tract Is being graded and made ready for offering to buyers In the Mount Tabor district. Q. W. Brown has platted about 20 acres of ground that was fer merly the Italian gardens on Hawthorne avenue and Forty-eighth street, and lots are reported as selling at from $500 to i00. according to location. Louis Drummer succeeded In closing a deal last week that is considered by real estate jiien one of the best bargains coming to light for some time. He bought some nine acres In the Mount Scott section for J2H00. It Is his inten tion to build a residence on the property and move there when It Is completed. Great activity in building Is noticeable on the East Side along Union avenue toward Vancouver. That section Is reaching out down the peninsula to a marvelous extent and the character of the buildings is good. Active work started yesterday on the foundation of the three-story brick on Kast Burnside street and Union avenue. The excavation was completed last week. Also work has been started on the foun dation for the Froudfoot building on East Third and Burnslde streets. It will be of reinforced concrete. In Albina, on Russell street, the new frame building for Albina Camp. "Wood men of the "World. Is being completed. It Is 40x100. There is an ample lodge- room and banquct-hall o"n the second floor and a store room on the first floor. Tlio building cost about 110.000. It is expected . that the plans for the new Masonic temple on East Burnside and Kast Eighth streets, for the several Kast Side Masonic lodges, wilt be com pleted this week. Generally the plan ha been decided on. It is proposed to erect a two-story brick, with basement, cover ing only part of the lot. PEACE BY FEDERATION Mr. Ituckmau's lMca for the Vnited Governments of the World. ASHLAND, Or. April 21 (To the Edt tor, l read in The Oregonlan with very drop interest the statements of the members of the peace conference in New York, and I win say that they as a body voiced the deop leeunrs or tne hearts- or a very large ma iortty of not only the people of the United States but the people of the whole civilised world. The horrors of war are beginning to outweigh all the honors and glories there may be attached to tt. What reason there can be for nations to go to war to settle their disputes any mora than for Individuals to flght out their disputes. 1 cannot see. Th. a1 r4 jrri hl iK -at 1 Kw that required two persons io meet eacn other In deadly conflict to settle some differ ence of feeling, was very wisely declared by the people of the United States to be no honor at all. but simply a. brutal conflict that should be relegated to the catalogue of crimes- There can be no law of logic or common sense brought to bear that will jus tify a duel between nations on bit more than ir can Justify a duel between two per sons. It is true the Individuals have the courts to appeal to. and X feel that it Is the work of The Hague to finally make a court to which the nations can appeal. The people or tne world are beginning to feel the need of It. as they are growing; rapidly away from the thoughts of war. The American people as a mass ar proud of our Government, and notwithstanding the many faults tney may see In It they- do not f like giving It up. As Imperfect as some may think ouf court are, they are a Ion way itatter than lighting to a finish anj rotifer of dtp put. The losers in the courts are Id a far better condition than the win tiers can be In the case of actual warfare the Idea of fighting to a finish over any dispute that may arise among us is no longer entertained; or ir so it is oniy oy very small fraction of the people- We tried fighting a dispute to a finish once, and those , who forced the issue into the courts of war came out In very bad plight. That there are some who would be ready to fight undr almost any kind of pretext will have to be admitted, but they do not represent the great body of the commpn people. Each state among u Is In a manner an Independent government, but it la not only tiling but glad to acknowledge tne su premacy of the general Government. They know by such, acknowledgement and con forming to the requirements, that the gen eral Government stands ready to coma to their protection In case of any Invasion of their rights. Another government should be createa out of the federated governments of all the civilized world which might be called "The United Governments of the World," and nave as its object to make laws governing and regulating the relations between the dif ferent nations. There would then ba no more pretext for different nations going to war, than there is now for one of our states going to war with another state. n I believe the great importance or me work of The Hague la growing rapidly in the minds of all enlightened people. But it must take time to develop and grow into full fruition. Still. I believe there are per sons now living who will see such nation in existence, and who will take part In Its deliberations. It would be unwise to try to organize such government before the great mass of the people have allowed the idea to ripen In their minds. But the agitation of the subject is right enough, and it should be kept up with a proper degree of con sistency, immediate disarmament cannot be done at once not that the great munitions of war are at all necessary, but the condi tion of the. mind of the mass of- the human family has to be taken into consideration. They feel that It is a protection, but In reality It is more of a source of danger than otherwise. Tet they do not see it In that light, and they have to be humored until they see that tt is like men carrying re volvers and knives for protection or one state arming against another state, for pro tection. To speak of one state arming against an other state, the people are able to see the general Government standing behind tne whole affair to which they can look as a child looks to Its parent, when the time comes, they will look to this "United Gov ernment of the World" for protection, ana they will feel as proud of the feet of being a mem ber of t h is great federation of the world as they now feel in being a member of the Nation to which they belong. THOMAS BuCKMAN. HELD FOR GRAND LARCENY George Harding Accused of Robbery In Negro Resort. ' George Hardinsr. colored political "boss," proprietor of a saloon at Ninth and Flanders streets. Is under arrest on a charge of errand larceny and occu pies a cell In the City Jail because he was unable yesterday to' furnish $1000 bail. He .was taken into custody by Detective Sergeant Jones .and Acting Detective Tlehenor, who accuse him of complicity in the robbery of Andrew Johnson in the resort at 269- Flanders street last week. Johnson was robbed of $560 while in the resort, which was conducted by Beatrice Lewis, a notorious ne- gress. The victim went to police head quarters and complained. A search warrant was issued, and the police ransacked the house, at last locating the stolen money in a basket, where it had been concealed. Several wom en were arrested at the time, and sub sequent investigation led the officers to file a charge against Harding. According to the police, Harding was in charge of the resort at 269 Flanders street when they went there with the search warrant, and they served the process on him. He was directed by order of Municipal Judge Cameron to open the house to the officers, but refused to do so, andt they broke down the door and entered by force. While policemen were tearing up carpets and ransacking the house from end to end that night, Harding, it now appears, endeavored to bribe the vic tim of the robbery by offering: him as high as $450. the police charge, to withdraw and save trouble. Johnson refused. Johnson Is being held as a witness, and these allegations will be part of the evidence in the case when it comes to trial in the Municipal Court. PLACES IN POSTAL SERVICE Good Positions 'With Promotion Of fered, Says Postmaster Minto. "The new law enacted by the second session of the 59th Congress, which pro vides for the classification of the salaries of Postofflce clerks and lettercarrlers at tached to first and second-class offices, ought to stimulate bright and industrious young men in this state to take the civil service examinations for Postoffice work," said Postmaster Minto yesterday. " The service needs the best young men it can secure: young men of good and indus trious habits, with the added pnysicai ability to do their work thoroughly and well. "Since the passage of the Act of 1907, the Postofflce service ought to be a particularly inviting field for young men, who desire a steady business life, with a prospect of promotion from the lower grades of .service to positions of greater responsibility, with corresponding salaries." For the benefit of young men who may feci interested in taking up Postoffice work, the following, which relates to salaries and grades, is quoted from the Act of 1907: That after June 30, 1907. clerks In offices of the first and second class .and carriers in the city delivery fiervlca shall be divided Into six grade. as follow: First grade, salary $600; second grade, salary 80O; third grade, mlary 900; fourth grade, salary $1000; fifth grade, salary 1100; sixth grade, salary 11200. Clerks and carriers at nrst-class offices shall be pro moted succeewtvely to the fifth grade, and clerks and carriers at second-class offices shall be promoted successively to the fourth grade. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REFOHT. PORTLAND, April 2S. Maximum tempe rature. 70 degrees; minimum, ,5. River reading at S A. M., 11.3 feet; change in last 24 hours, -U.3 feet. Total precipitation-, n . M. to 5- P. M., none: total since September 1. 1906, 40.8T inches: normal. 40.T3 Inches excess, 0.14 inches. Total sunshine, April 21, 1(H). IS hours 61 minutes; possible, 13 hours M minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at S P. M., 80.04 inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. g r 3 2. E" 3 -E i eS 3 e 3 STATIONS. s Baker City. Bismarck ...... Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. O. North Head .... Pocatello ........ Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento .... Fait Lake City.. San Francisco . Spokane Seattle Tatonsh Island . Walla Walla .... .!fi!0.0Ol 6'NW .'4Si0.02 4 NW . 70 0.00 IO N . 52 0.00 6 X .;640OO'16lW . 6.0.0O 6'NW .loa.oo) ?rw Je.ooi2sw .j70O.O0; 8!NW . 78 0.00 4 SB . TS'0.00 S N J74 O.0O s s . ' 0.00 4;s .i6 0.00!10 W . j70 0.00 J2:W .(62 O.OOj 4 SB . 32 0.00 18 9W Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cl'dy Clear Pt. cl'dy tear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cl'dy WEATHER CONDITIONS. There is a small low pressure area cen tral over Western Montana which Is caus ing cloudy and unsettled weather In this district but as yet no rain has fallen. The temperatures west of the Cascade Mountains tiave fallen about ten degrees since yester day but they continue abeve normal and to the east of this range of mountains tt Is generally slightly warmer. The Indications are for fair weather In this district Tuesday, except In Southeaat- PORTLAND MMdSk K4, BOP'.AX KifU MODERN BXBTACRANT. COST ONI MlUiOX POI.TABJI, I MOTEL OR EGO IN I Z CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS. Z I Portland's New and Modern HoteL Rates $1 per Day and Up. Z Z European Plan. Free Bus. ' ,Z WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets PORTLAND. OREGON EUROPEAN PLAN Baa, fl.M to S.M Par Day AaeertUntt to bsoatlosv - . r. DAVTxs, rrosiiiuws. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OR;' EUROPEAN PLAN ..-..'. ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION era' Idaho where showers are probable. It will be cooler east of the Cascade Moun tains. WEATHER FORECASTS. Portland and" vicinity Pair; westerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Fair; westerly winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho Cloudy and threatening followed by fair and cooler weather. southern Idaho Cloudy and threatening with showers east portion; cooler. EDWARD A. BEALrS, District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Following rate will bo arlTen only woes advertising la ordered to ma oouseouUrs days. UnUy and Sunday leaoea. The Orea-o- nian cnarsree nrst-uroo rata oaten I lawn Host for classified odTcruiilzut that la -not ran on eonsecutivo dor. The nrst-Umo roto I charged for swell inaertion In Too Weekl lregontan. -Rooms, "Rooms and Board, MHoose keoplnB Rooms "Situations Wanted." U word or leas, IS rental 16 to 0 words, 9 cents; 1 to 2S words. 6 centa. etc. i 2fe discount for additional insertions. liMJER AUL OTHEB HEADS, except "New Today," SO centa for U words or lea! II to SO words, 40 cents; til to word, &0 cents, etc first Insertion. Katcnt additional inaertion, one-half i no further discount un der one fnontu. "NEW TODAY" sauce xnraanre acate), 15 cent per line, first inaertion; 10 cent per lino for each additional inaertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oresjonlan. and left at tilt, offloe, should always ho Inclosed in sealed envelopes. Ho stamp la required oa audi letters. The Oretronlaa will sot bo responsible tot errors tn advertisements taken through th. telephone. AMUSEMENTS. 14th and HFITTfi THCnTITIJ Phone Washington, n"""" Main 1 NAT C. GOODWIN SUPPORTED BY EDNA GOODRICH. Tonlpht. 8:15 o'CIock, ' "An American Citizen" MTomoirow When We Were Twenty-One Last Time Tomor'w Night, "A Gilded Fool" EVENING PRICES Lower Floor, $2, $1.50; Balcony. $1. 7oc, 50c; Gallery, 35c, 25c. MATINEE PRICES Lower Floor, $1.60, fl; Balcony, $1. 75c, 60c; Gallery, 35c, 25c. SEATS SELLING AT THEATER. w.Vnnga,on. HEILIG THEATER mIio0" Seats Now Selling RETURN ENGAGEMENT. N Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch AT HEILIG THEATER. Thursday INight, April 25 PRICES Entire Lower Floor. $1.50; Bal cony, first 9 rows, $1; Balcony, last 5 rows, 73c; Entire Gallery. 60c; Boxes, $10. Washing-ton. HEILIG THEATER Main 1 . APRIL 28. 27. 28. Matinee Saturday. RAYMOND HITCHCOCK "THE YANKEE TOURIST" Seat Sale Opens Tomorrow. Evening Prices Lower Floor, $2, $1.50; Balcony, $1.50, $1, 75c; Entire Gallery, 50c. Matinee Prices 25c to $1.50. Baker Theater one Main t Geo. 1m. Baker, Gen. Ms. Portland's Fashionable Popular Price Theater. , All This Week The Baker Stock Company In Hall Calne's srreat 4-Act Drama "THE PRODIGAL SON." Personal Direction Mr. Arthur Mackley. Matinee Saturday. Evenlnf Prices 23c, 85c, 50c Matinee 15c, 25c. Next Week "The Dictator.' EMPIRE THEATER MhanT Milton W. Seaman, Manager. The Home ot Melodrama. Tonight All Week Matinees Wednesday and Saturday The Thrilling- and Powerful Melodrama. "THE BLACK HAND." A Tale, ot Kentucky Outlawry. . Night Prices 10c, 20c. 80c, 60c. All Mat inees, 10c, 20c. Next Week "Beware or Men " THE STAR WEEK OF APRIL tt. THE ALLEN STOCK CO. PRESENTS "HEARTS OF THE BLUB RIDGE In Four Acts t By Hal Reld. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday and Sunday at 4:30. Prices 10 and 20 cents. Brery Evening at 8:15 Prices 10. 20 and 80 cents. Reserve Seats by Phone. Main 54a LYRIC THEATER Portland's Popular Stork House. Ero-7 Afternoon and Evening; This Week. Lyrto stock Company tn the Famous Farce "Snowball." Beoerred seats can now be secured tn ad vanes from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Daily matinees at usual time. Even Ins; perform ance at 8:18- Saturday and Sunday vs- 11 1 1 1 at. . Hint J31 lJl UleXlICO Bl t .ID. THE GRAND Week of April S. Vaudeville da I-uxe Lav I ne and Leonard Automobile Comiqnea in Troubles of an Auto mobilist. The Gnuidiseope "The Vn written Tragedy. Rawls ft Too Kaufman. J. B. Dyliya, the Rie W, Tda Howell, Th Wynnewoods. lialSSMrEIIS '0s milSTS COHEICUl TIMEIEII Bpeeial rate mads to famltlea mmd singla gvntle J no will be Dleetaed all times to show rooms and giv prices. A wottflis Turkish bath s tabliabsaeatt in tha boteJL H. C BOWKEfl, Ma HOTEL CO., Props. Ftrst-Claao Chock Beataaraa With : C O. DATIS. Boa. and Trssva, AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park sts. Fine furniture, carpets, etc. Bale at 10 o'clock. Baker V Son, Auctioneers. MEETING NOTICE. A. AND A. S. RITE, MULTNO MAH COUNCIl, OF KADOSH, NO. 1 Regular meeting; in Me morial Hall .Scottish Rite Cathe dral, thlo (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Election of officers. By order E.11. COMMANDER. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18, R. A. M. Special convocation this (Tuesday) evening, April 23, 1907. at 8 o'clock, Masonic Hall, Burk hard Building-. Mark Master De gree. Visitors welcome. By or der E. H-. P. B. K. SHARON. Secy. PORTLAND AERIE) NO. 4. F. O. E. All members invited to attend the funeral of our late Brother Scott Morrell from Finiey'e Un dertaking Parlors on Wednesday. April 2t. at 2:30 P. M. Members will meet at Eagles' Hall at 2 o'clock sharp. LOUIS DAMMASCH, Secretary. IVANHOB LODGE; NO. 1. K. P. Regu lar conventions on Tuesday evening weekly, April 23, work In the Knight rank and an official visit by tne grand cnanceitor. ED D. CURTIS. K R. B. EMMKTT E. ELLER. C. C. PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. 3. R. A. M. Special convocation this Tues day evening, April 23, 190T. Maaonlo Temple. 7:30 o'clock -sharp. Pat Mae. ter and M. E. Master Degree. Visi tors welcome. ay order ti. r. A. M. KNAPP, Secretary. ELLISON" ENCAMPMENT. NO. 1, I. O. O. T. Regular meeting this (Tuesday) evening, April 23. 1907, at S o'clock. Odd Kellowa" Temple, corner Flrat and Alder. Patriarchal uegree. visitors welcome. k. &. snarou, Ben be. PORTLAND RETAIL MEAT DEALERS' Association meets tonight. 300 Allsky bids. All retail butchers are Invited to attend. FCNEBAL NOTICES. WILLS In Wlllsburg. April 20. C. R. Wills, aged 23 years, 4 months and '1 days. The funeral services today (Tues day) at Willsburg Church at 2 P. M. - Friends ' Invited. Interment Mllwaukie cemetery. KECK The funeral services of Deborah Ha zel Keck, will be held at River View Ceme tery at 10 A. M. Wednesday. Dunning. McFntee m Gllbaugb. Funeral Di rectors. 1 m JL'ine, rnoM at. 439, Lady KK1CSON CXDEETAKING CO.. 409 Alder ft. Lady assistant, irnone juain 0139. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Funeral Direct ars. 120 d sc. Ladr assistant Phooe M. o7. ZKI.I.KK-BVRNK8 CO., Funeral Direct en, Z7S Kussell. East 1088. Ladjr assistant. J. F. FUJLET SOU, Funeral Dlreetora. No. 261 Sd cor. Madison, phone Main . Alder. Idr assistant. Fhone Eaet fit. A. B. EEMSTOCK Funeral director. K. 18th a PtnHtUla. Ph. Sell wood 71. Lady aes't. 5F.1V' TODAY. OKOROB BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 118 Worcester Bulldlnjc, . Pbon. PactHo I80T. UNCLE MYERS LOAN OFFICE, 143 D St.. near Alder, established 1870: old and ' reliable; any amount loaned on watches, dlamonda. Jewelry and aealsktna. $90,000 100 feet frontage, Burnside, corner Fifth. TVorth $100,000, near future. $75,000' 125 feet front on Fourth, corner Ankeny.- Al wholesale location. $37,500 ' Large quarter block, 14th and Tay lor. Present income over 6. per cent. 15,000 Fractional lot, near 14th and Tay lor; new improvements; income 10 per cent. - 95000 15 acres, highly improved; a bar gain which will be withdrawn soon. I. G. Davidson 408 Chamber of Commerce. FINE COTTAGE AT SEASIDE FOR SAtE I have decided to place on the market my cottage at-. Seaside, Clatsop Beach, . overlooking the ocean, 300 yards north of the Moore HoteL Well furnished, commodious, well built, well ar ranged, electric-lighted; city wa ter, with, bath, etc,, and in all respects an ideal beach home. Edgar B. Piper, 808 Gregorian Bldg. 60 lots, 50x100, located in the very best part of the Peninsula, for $7500, half cash. This is at the rate of $900 per acre. Buys like this are scarce. G. H. VAN H0UTEN, 204 Lumber Exchange, mornings only. NEW TODAY. HoodRivcr Apple Lands' We have 20 acres of the best land in Hood River Val ley, set to the best trees of all ages up to five years old. The price is $5400, of which $3000 is cash. This is the best kind of a buy, as land north, south, east and west of this piece is selling at $400 an acre. In a very few seasons this piece will pay its cost every year. Epping & Barker 82i2 Third St. INVESTMENTS 6 of the finest lots in Sunnyside, from $800 up, if taken in a bunch will sacrifice at a great bargain. All improvements in and paid for. tR7fin Arthur st. corner, 4 4JIUU houses all in fine condition, and brings in a good income. See these if you are looking for some thing good. Let us show you these. TOUSLEY & WEAVER 11-12 Lafayette Bldg., 313 Washington .St., Corner Sixth. Phone Main 6961. $10,000, Is all the cash it takes to handle one of the best half blocks of. warehouse properties, close in, on East Side. $30,000 3 lots, 150x100; warehouse proper ty, on East Second and Alder; a snap. Some income part cash. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 128 Third Street. HOOD RIVER APPLE LAND Biff money to be made In Hood River lands, as the apples bring the highest price In the Eastern and European markets, also Asiatic. land cheSD now. but ranldlv adTAiinltia have some 10, 30 and lOo-acre tracts; also ltfO part in bearing; some raw. Mill take care or orcnaras xor a term or years. E. J.DALY 114 Third Street. Potatoes Potatoes 2000 Sacks Fancy Burbanks for sale in lots to suit at market prices. Page & Son Wholesale Produce Dealers Corner Front and Washington Sts, ST. JOHNS 10 acresclose to St. Johns, $850.00 acre. Cheapest and best buy in that section. ' VANDTJYN & WALTON, 515 Chamber of Commerce. NUT-GROVE Opposite Denver avenue, on the St. Johns line. Every lot is a garden; no grubbing. Public school, Bull Bun water. No big advertisements, but big values. Price of lots $375 to $450 G. H. VAN HOTJTEN. SPECIAL 25,00e. I8.1 Per Month. 12.00O Will Bar. Ia.fd for Two Tears. 10 FEB CENT NET. GEO. D. SCHALK Tel. Main 892. 264 Stark at. MONET NEEDED. We offer lot 60x100 with two rood houses that will pay 10 per cent net on price asked. The property is In nrat-claas condition, near school and 2 carltnes and on West Side. See us early. . . JACKSON DEERINO, Phone Main 34S. 248 Stark at. Mortgage Loans 5 and 6 Real Estate City and Farm- Insurance in All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL til to 203 llcKar Bide rd and Stark Sixth Street Owner will sell One of the hest corners on th street. Good income and fine spec ulative property, x nee, jo,uiw. a 60, oregoman. $10007 Acres Near Cazadero carline. A-l land, run nine water, eood neighborhood, electrii light, telephone, tree mail delivery. A 44S. uregon ia.ii. FOR BALK REAX. ESTATE. $HX CASH BUYS HOU3B ANt 3 LOTS. . Axel lu Pi. FOR BALE HAX. ESTATE. TOUSI-EY & WEAVER. Beautiful residence in icood nelKhr hood, modern In every detail, 12 large all outside rooms, lot 60xlD0, 24th su; til.noo. Beautiful residence on the W9t Ride, trlctly modern in every way, fceautirul view of city and mountain; $5."VOO. t large rooms, tfavter at., cement base ment and all modern; $000. Corner on East Oak, 7 -room house, near 13th: $MK0. Corner on Second, brings In a good rev enue; $0500. 8-room house, N, 22d St., lot 50x100. modern; $4000. Two 5-room cottage.! on 2d St., corner, brings in a good income; $4000. Halaey t.. beautiful 5-room house and large reception hall, nearly new; $4000. Thurroan near 24th st., two 5-room cottages, lot 60x100. modern; $0000. lBth et., nice large rooms. Irvlngton, lot 00x100; $3000. 6-room frame, 21st St., beautifully lo cated, and in good condition; $3000. Nice fi-room house, lot 50x100, nearly nw. $300 down and balance easy month ly peyfhents; $28tK. Two-story 8-room house, K. 11th st., lot 50x100; all .modern improvements; $3800. B-room cottage. Blandena St.. lot 6 Ox lOO; this ta a good bargain; $lo50. Beautiful little horns on Brooklyn t of 0 rooms, lot 60x100; $1400 Neat 0-room house, Uamenbeln st., modern; $1500. Corbett st.; 5-room frame, strictly mod ern; $liKK. Union ave., 5-room frame. " splendid condition; this Is a snap; $2400. Mississippi are., 5-room house, lot 50x 100; $2000. Cook ave,, 8-room house, fine condition, lot 50x100; $2500. North Grand ave., 0-room frame, good condition; $2600. 6-room house, corner Clinton and 22d sts., nearly new and is a snap, lot 50x 100; $1050. Good 5-room houpe, 4flth st., near Bel mont st.; $2u0 down, balance easy pay ments; SUM). Near S. P. shops, good 4-room house, lot 100x100; $1200. TOUSLEY & WEAVER, 11-12 Lafayette bldg. 313 Washington street. Corner Sixth Phone Main CGl. FI'VE BUYS IRVIVOTON" AND HoLlJtDAY, PARK. $4250 50x120, 1 rooms, new, swell and up- to-date: ail tinted, concrete -siaewaiK. fine homes all around; this ts an ex- $4500 50x100, corner, 8 rooms, modem, fur nace, etc.; close in anu a gooa ouy. $5500 5(.ixl00 corner. 7 rooms, big reception ball and attic, strictly modern; sweii home And nrice 1b rltrht. SfiSOO lOOxlOO. 8 rooms. etrictly modem. choice neignoornooa; no oener ouy iu the market. 171000 7.1x100. K-room. new. elfgant home: everything up-to-date; must sen ai once: owner leavinx city. $8000 HX)xl00, 10-room, modern home, every- tning mooern; ii iirepia.ce; ncu- li ving ton Club; beautiful surroundings; act nulck If voii want this Dlace. We have many other homes for sale In all parts of Portland, and we do not put a prace on our ltet unless tne price is ngai. leu ua your wants. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Sixth and Ankeny. DON'T PAY RENT. RTTT A OOOT) HOITKFS ON TERMS. Any of the following homes can be bought on terms about like paying rent, u you nave a small amount of cah for first payment, Houses are all modern, new, well built, neat and convenient. Come and ee us at our office. We will go with you to eee the property. It is all close In and near car linpa: 7-room house. East 23d at $.0n0 n-room nouse, Vernon i.ou 6-room cottage. East 22di st 2.000 8-room house, Albina 8,500 tr-poom house, Irvington - 6.51K) 4 -room cottage, Eat 23d et 1,600 A lot, fine view, Portland Heights.. l.OOO Good building lot, near car 4K) We have several fine Portland Heights lots for sale cheap, and some good east side lots at $400 each, on easy terms. MOULTON & SCOBEY. 601 Columbia Bldg., 305 Washington at $3000 FINEST LOCATION, BASE LINE AND curry ave., isjuximj; a Bargain. $2500 'Best corner lot, close in, Bast Side. $4000 Quarter block, East 11th and bher man. f 2-400 8 acres, all cleared, house, well and convenient to city ; will exchange ror city S5000 20 acres, very desirable, half un cer cultivation, fair buildings, fruit; easy tenrw or part exchange city. $1250-75x150 feet, out Mt. Tabor, way near school and carllne, only $250 cash pay ment. I. G. DAVIDSON. 408 Chamber of Commerce. LOT ON' FIRST ST., fiOxlOO, XEAR THE r amng acnooi; nne sightly place: improve ments all in and paW; a. great pick irp for iuu; can. ee t tils before buying. iix v . uanano & uo,, ll 4tn st. $5250 FINE RESIDENCE WITH FULL corner lot on East 15th st.; centrally located; a oeauutui nome. PARRISH. WATK1NS Sc. CO., 250 Alder st. A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY $750 CASH. a corner at Peninsular, 50x100, right on St. Johns carllne. Including 25x100. ad joining It on the rear; also a corner. TeL main i aner o . jm. $350 PER ACRE. A choice tract. 114 acres. 6 miles from city on ths O. W. P. line. Inquire of owner. Mat joeiier, li Chamber of com merce. BY OWNER MODERN, 8 ROOMS, FUR nace. sood condition : full lot: fine neigh borhood ; $3650; $750 cash, balance easy. &S4 ax. and 29tn. pnone East 40&8. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, CORNER B. 22D and Davis; will sell 50x05 feet on corner with house for $3000; 50x100. $34O0; lOOx iuu. truu. ai. Am Ber son, tn. ana uavis. WILL SELL CHEAP (MUST LEAVE TOWN) room nouse ana oarn on grouna iwxioo, or any part thereof; this is your chaaca. va ttooney avenue, corner feiuamore. BIG 6 NAP. $3,600 ONLY FOR 38 FINE LOTS ON PORT- lana boulevard,, worth $5,700. Terms. F. dudois, Washington Bldg., Room 3. COTTAGE AT SEASIDE; MODERN. WELL furnished, electrio lighted, sanitary toi lets, bath, elty water, etc ; overlooks thm ocean, n-agar ts. iper, oregonian. $6 DOWN, $5 PER MONTH FOR FINE, sightly lota; price, $175; only a few left. 410 Stearns bldg., cor. 0th and Morrison. rnone Alain DON'T PAY RENT WE" WILL BUILD you a nouse ana let tne rent go on th purchase price. Multnomah Building Co., at (V 0 i M. Ml. 60x100 FEET ON BENTON STREET NORTH or tuponi oireeii une ouy. jenne, Trimble & Trimble. 411 Marquam Building. Phone 60X100 TERRACED CORNER NEAR HIGH bcnooi, r-aax aiarK-sixteenth ; also 100x65 corner Ftet Clav-Nlnth: half mch num..' 18V ft i nira. RODNEY-AVE. LOT CHEAP $650 CASH, 50x100. choice lot near Gointc at all Im provements in. Phone Main 2871 after O V. M. NEW. MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE, 3 LOTS, 4 blocks north Goddard St a., near Mo Kenna Junction. M. H. Tower, on premises. HOUSES. ALL PARTS OF CTTY. BUILT AXO ojo on installments. Kroner, Caa sriags Diag., sou in west cor. sa aad Morrisca. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. WEST SIDE. WALKIXfJ distance; room on lot for another house or nats. Taggart, eiu unamoer oi commerce. R. J. RICHARDSON, REAL ESTATE, BUS ineas chances, rentals and insurance, Room 4, lOtt Second st. Phone Pacific 117. ONE LOT AND 2-HTORY HOUSE. IN ciuding furniture for sale. 327 Water st., west tiue. o agent neea call. FOR SALE . BY OWNER NEW 7-ROOM bouse; gas, electricity, r urn ace; Kast Side central location. call 000 Kerby t. SNAP--ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON EAST iHUi oniy ju; aown. see me quick. IT. UuDOJS, yvtwmugion oiug., lioom 3, FTVB . ACRES ON OREGON CITY LINE; beautiful DuimiDK sue, n. o. Btark- weatner, 1. . v.. jaiiwauKie, ur. 2 1-7 ACRES, 4 BLOCKS FROM JENNINGS Lodge station, on Oregon City carllne $900 casn. j oa, uregonjea. 6-ROOM .MODERN BUNGALOW, $2300, $30 aown, monmi , nice location. Pnom owner, wooaiawn ONE LOT AND 2-STORT HOUSE, INCLUD ing iurnuure, xor saie. mi water st. n agent need can. 12000 BUYS 8 ARES OF LAND CLOSE! IN. suitable to subdivide; terms; no agent. N 41. Oregon lan. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, B. 29TH AND HOYT N. Reasonable terms. 10J 2d st. Phone Main 0788. 6-ROOM HOUSE: MAONTFICFJNT VIEW fine frtrU; near car. $1150. Terms. Owner. Main 3u3. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, $32W); $W)0 casn. s2o mommy, owner, .rnone East 675. cso agenta. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. JUST A3 WB GAY. 7 -room modern cottage, 4 big lots. 2tVx 100, east front, nice shade, 2 blocks 5c car fare; nice now howea, no shacks; rirland Station. Price $25u0. $1000 ca?b, halano easy. 9 rooms, modern: best house In Sunnyeide; lot 66x141; all kinda fruit; If this L- not snap there never was one; $3000,. half cash. 122 Taylor St. Go look. . 6 rooms, modern in every respect, exrept furnace; corner lot, 22d and Clinton; south front; 743 Clinton St.; built one year; 20 minutes' walk to this office. $2760, half cash. 5-room good house; nios lot Of fruit. 1 block car. at Center Addition, on Montaviiia carllne: 2 tots. 100x100; $U"00. half cimh. Come and look at this. Don't cost anything to sea it. A nice little suburban home. 3 acres, at Courtney Station, on Oregon City carllne. all In small friitt: $1500 half cath. J. M. CAM Bit ON REALTY CO., 412 Commercial bldg.. Second and Wash. sts. VACANT LOTS. $3000 M block on Savler at. j. j,. 00 2 choice Ioib. Nob Hill district. $5000 6 choice lots on E. Morrison. $0000 22d and Reed, warehouse site, lot 50x100. $4000 N. 17th near Hoyt. 40x100. $ 3500 Lovejoy s t. . beau tlful lot 60x100, $2100 Choice location, Victoria St. $17002 lots corner Gantenbetn st. $1500 Front St., lot 6xl27Vi. $1200 E. Ash St., lot 50x100. $1200 E. 22d St.. lot 60x100. $776 E. Washington st. near 87th, loa 50x100. $500 29th St., lot 60x100. $500 22d near Clinton st., lot 60x100. i $400 Tvro lots at Montavllls. TOUSLEY A WEAVER, 11-12 Lafayette bldg.. t 813 H Washington st., corner Sixth, Phone Main 6961. ( SELLWOOD HOMES. $1600 6-room cottage. 2 blocks from car. $2400 T-room modern bouse. $3000 8-room strictly mod era non4 and two fine lots. t $BO Small house and two lota j $350 Nice corner lot, near Golf Links, I $000 Two lots, corner ltfth and Clack a- I mas. i BELLwOOD TOWNSITH CO. H. P. PALMER, M gr. Office at Sell wood, opp. Fir Station. Get off car st Tenino st. Phone Sellwood -161. 222 Falling bldg. Phone Main 6661. SUBURBAN RESIDENCE LOTS, DhEl32H, FRONTING ON OKJfiOOPf LJXI (JAKIjLIM JU AT OAK GROVE STATION: FARE 8 CENTS; BUILDING RESTRICTIONS; PRICES $125 TO" $350 PER LOT; TERMS $25 DOWN. $5 PER MONTH; AGENT WILL ESCORT PARTIES FROM OUR OFFICIO AT 2 P. M. ON MONDAYS. WEDNES DAYS. FRIDAYS. A PLAT MAY BE HAD FOR THE ASKING. PHONE US AND WB WILL MAIL SAME. M'OMBER & DEFFEN BAUGH. 410 STEARNS BLDG. PHONB MAIN 1564. HOLLADAT ADDITION. Corner lot, $1500; Inside, $1800. House and Quarter block, $SOO0. HOLLADAT PARK ADDITION, V Quarter block. $1500. Inside lot, $7o0. We have 80 lots and 15 houses, all of which are choice In this location. BECK A RICJC. Main office Branch office 8C3 Failing bldg. .Real Estate. I 6i0 Wasco st. iuam isvti, asi $6000 FOR 100x100 FEET OF VACANT grouna on Williams ave., suiiamo ior erecting business block with stores be low and rooms above; this piece Is con siderably below surrounding prices, and carries a good speculative value; a 8-story brick Is to be built on adjoining quarter; go see the property; it is 100 feet south of the S. E. corner of Williams ave. and Hancock st. For terms see 814 Chamber of Commerce. A BARGAIN.. Two 6-room houses on 50x100 lot on West Side, within 15-mlnute walking dis tance of Postofflce, with good porcelain baths, hot and cold water tanks, witn gas. for $3200; pays in rents 10 V4 per cent; $100u cash and terms on the balance at 7 per cent. Write to owner. KIRK HOOVER. Box 637, Portland, Or., or Scappooee, Or. $2C50. Whv buy on the East Side? I have a 7 room house on the West tilde that Is well worth $30O0. STANDARD INVESTMENT CO., Cor. Filth and Salmon ts. $2200 HANDSOME NEW 0-ROOM COT tage, 407 E. Jtd, between Clinton and Division; full lot, full concrete basement, line bath, closets and pantry, eaat facing; a choice little home, built by a builder for himself, not by a speculator for a sell; see It right away. Morgan, Sweet A Chapman, 213 Ablngton bldg. $9500 WEST SIDE BUSINESS PROPERTY. quarter block, insiae lot improvea wnn gooa 7 -room house; public Improvements all tnsde and paid for for 12 yearn to come; six mia utes from 3d and Washington sts. STATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 118 Ablngton Building. HOUSE AND LOT $700, H cash will buy a good, new 8-room house ; lot 65x110 ; corner lot ; some fruit trees:, near Mt. Scott and Mt. Tabor Res ervoir carlines; fine location and good? bar gain. C. H. PFAFFLE. 250 3d St., near Madbton. $19,000 HALF CASH. 100x100, corner 18th and Everett eta the bw 1 lest residence district In the city; also close In and very desirable Cor fiats. F. A. Jackson, 820 Falling bldg. Phons Pacific 1508. $2500 VERY DESIRABLE CORNER, 60x 100, on E. 14th st., near E. Morrison, st.; splendid location for flats; hav plans: Investment will pay 16 per centj See IT. W. Lemcke Co., 6th and Washing ton st. 3700 FINE 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, E 11th st., cement basement, furnace,, all Improvements in, on two car lines, lot 60x100; $1700 cash; investi gate. 636 Chamber Commerce. $24,000 Will take this Income property; one ot ther best buys on West Side M. E. LEE - i- Room 20 Raleigh bldg., 8234 Wash, st. SNAPS IN WEST BIDE IX)TS. . 4 beautifully located lota, facing; east 8 blocks from school and car. South Port land, $325 to $560; part cash. 208 4th. Telephone Pac. 2126 or Main 8990. TWO FINE LOTS ON PORTER PT. AND twd on Hooker near Front; beautiful home or rental location; price very low: must eelL STATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 118 Ablngton Building. $600 BUYS A DESIRABLE BUSINESS LOTS on Dawson st., right In the midst of ac tivities on the Peninsula; right w he rat there is something: doing; small payment down. Hagemann A Blanchard, 91 5th St. $2550 LOT 100x100. 6-ROOM CXDTTAGE, modern; & chicken houae. City View Park. 1 block from carline; $1000 down, balance S years at 6 per cent. A bargain. From berg & Co., 227 Washington st. I HAVE SEVERAL FRACTIONAL LOTS IN desirable West Side location, and will build for purchasers on installment payments. E. Kroner, room 16-17, Cambridge bldg., S. W corner Morrison and Sd sts. LEAVING PORT LA ND MUST SELL 8 room house. East 10th st.. North; lot lOOx 100., barn 20x22: 16 fruit trees; all kinds small fruit, $2800; $1500 cash; balance time. 131 3d St., Room 10. BEAUTIFUL MODERN 6-ROOM RESI dence on . Hawthorn avenue Just being com pleted for $3000. Will flnteh to suit pur chaser. M. C. Davis. 131 3d at. Room 16. $250 DOWN. $15 PER MONTH BUYS 4 room cottage and fine corner lot SOxlOO: 1 block from R5 11 wood car. Price only $1200. J. A. MOEHNKE, 200 Commercial Block. BARGAIN 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, fine lot BOxlOO Holladay Park. Inquire on premises, 81tf Clackamas st-. or phone East 3500. Must sell at once. This is a snap. $200 WILL HANDLE 10 LOTS ON ST. Johns carllne; $SO will handle another cor ner on St. Johns carline. 720 Chamber of Commerce. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. $12756 LARGE rooms on ground floor; not partitioned off nrtaralrs; on two fins lots. Address W 60, Oregon lan. $ln0 OOTTAGE WITH 25x100 FEET, ON Meade st. : good location. PARRISH. W ATKINS A CO., 250 Alder st. FRACTIONAL LOT. 6Ox60. NOB HILL. $2500; V suitable for residence or flats. Vanduyn. A Walton, 615 Chamber Commerce. SNAP 8-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. LOT 424 xHO; fruit, flnert view in city; part cash. 1047 Corbett st. Pacific tH. STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, Sunnyside; $200 down, balance same as rent. A. P. SMITH, owner, 616 Commer cial block. $200 WTT.L HANDIB ANOTHER FINT5 lot In Piedmont; $800 will buy 125x100 1 Piedmont. 720 Chamber of Commerce. ' LOT ON CHAPMAN, NEAR MORRISON; some income; great snap; $300. Inquire owner, C. A erne, Jr., 1SS& 6xJx V