ta TUB MORNiyQ OREGONIAy, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1907. F Bourne and Hawley Interest High Government Officials in Oregon's Case. INTERVIEW THE PRESIDENT Also Discuss Proposed Suit With the Attorney-General Junior Senator Will Remain on Fir ing Line In Washington. One of the important public matters now occupying the attention of Senator Bourne in Washington is the Southern Pacific land grants, which the people of Western Oregon want sold at $2.50 an acre and in 160-acre traots, as was stipulated by the acts of Congress giv ing ,. the lands to aid construction of railroads in Oregon. To a communication from The Ore gronian on the subject. Senator Bourne has replied as follows: . "I regard this as an extremely Im portant matter, especially to the peo ple of Southwestern Oregon; probably more Important than anything to arise for some ttme to come. "I have had several conferences with the Attorney-General in reference to the same, calling on him in the first place in company with Mr. Hawley. Subsequently we called together on two different occasions and discussed the matter in considerable detail. Rep resentative Hawley also .called on the President and talked with him on the line of action which he sought to have taken and succeeded In getting the President Interested in the case. "Now that Mr. Hawley has returned to Oregon I shall continue to push this matter to the best of my ability and expect to remain here until some sat isfactory action has been taken." That the Attorney-General will take up the matter and begin some kind of suit against the Southern Pacific to compel adherence by that company to the terms of the grant seems assured. Resort to Technicalities. As might be expected, the Southern Pacific attorneys are resorting to a maze of technicalities for the purpose, first, of maintaining that title in the granted lands for the railroad to Cali fornia was vested in the Oregon Cen tral Railway Company (east side of the Willamette River) prior to enact ment of the law of 1S69, imposing on the lands the restrictions which the people want enforced; and second, that the limitations are repugnant to ab solute title in the lands which Con gressional acts vested In the company. The Oregon Central (east side) was ab sorbed by the Oregon & California Railroad in 1870, and the latter com pany was leased to the Southern Pa cific in 1881. Two land grants now held by the South ern Pacific were donated in Oregon by Congress. The larger, consisting of some 1. 000,000 acres, was obtained by the Oregon Central Railway (East Side) of Salem, snd its successor, the Oregon & California Railroad, for a road to California; the other, consisting of 600.000 acres, by the Oregon Central Railway (West Side) of Portland, for a road to McMinnville. These two companies claimed the same name and between them bitter war was waged in 1S6S-9 for the larger grant. Afterward the West Side company se cured the second, lesser grant. The larger grant was secured by the Bast Side company under an act of Con gress of April 10, 1869. The Congressional act creating the grant was approved July 25, 1S66, providing that a railroad com pany should receive the land as a .bonus for construction and as guarantee of its bonds. This original act of 1866 declared that the company receiving the grant should be designated by the Oregon Leg islature, should file acceptance of the terms of the grant within one year after the act became effective and should com plete 20 miles of railroad within two years after passage of the act or by July 25, 1S63. Allowed Grant to Lapse. The Legislature designated the West Side Oregon Central Railway Company recipient of the grant by Joint resolution, October 10, 1S6S, and the company filed acceptance of the act within the year re quired. As the company was not able to Bnish 20 miles of railroad in the two years. Congress granted 18 months ex tenslop of time, by act of June 25, 1868, or until December 25. 1S69. The company did not finish" the 20 miles by that time, either, and Its claims to the grant there fore lapsed. This company next year re ceived the smaller grant by another act of Congress for the line to McMinnville. A rival railroad built 0 miles of road within the required time and snatched the land grant from the West Side company. It was the East' Side Oregon Central Rail way Company, of Salem. This company claimed that the West Side company wai rot incorporated on October 10, 1866, when the Legislature designated it as the re cipient of the grant and that therefore the resolution of the Legislature at that time was void. The East Side company Incorporated April 22. 1867, and took the name of the other company. In the next Legislature the East Side company, backed by Ben Holladay, prevailed on the Legislature to rescind the resolution of October 10, 1S66, and to declare the East Side company the recipient. This seoond Joint resolution of the legislature was adopted October 20, 1S68. The West Bide Company de clared the second resolution of no ef fect and went on with Its affairs. Its claims lapsed by failure to complete the first 20 miles by December 25, 1869. In order to admit the East Side Com pany to claim the grant. Senator George H. Williams secured passage in Congress an act of April 10, 1S69, pro viding that "any railroad company heretofore designated by the Legislat ure of the State of Oregon" might file aecrptanco of the terms of the act of 1S6S, within one year after passage of the new act of April 10, 1869, and that the railroad which should first complete 2d miles should receive the grant. Hinges on Act of 1889. Without the act of 1869, the East Side Company could not have filed ac ceptance, since the original act of 1868 provided that that should be done within one year after its passage. It thus appears that the source of the claims of the East Side Company Is the act of 1S69. This act of 1869 is the Im portant one, which put on the sale of the lands the limitations which Senator Bourne and Mr. Hawley are endeavor ing to have enforced. By those limi tations, the company is withheld from charging more than J2.50 an acre for the lands, or selling more than 16J acres to one purchaser or disposing of the lands to other persons than actual settlers. The East Side Company availed Itself cf the 1869 act to saoure its claim to FINISH TO LAND MONOPOLY the land grant, and then to obtain the grant. It could not have filed accept ance of the terms of the act of 1866 without the year's extension of time for so doing allowed by the act of 1869, the time for filling this necessary condition having expired July 25, 1867, according to the terms of the original act of 1866. The Interior Department recognized the West Side Company until it failed to finish Its first 20 miles of road by Decem ber 25, 1869. Then the way was open for the East Side Company and Its successor, the Oregon & California, which absorbed it April 4, 1870, for the purpose of curing defects In the organization of the East Side Company. In July, 1879, the Su preme Court of Oregon declared the East Side Company never had a lawful exist ence, in the case of Billon vs. Holladay, Eighth Oregon, page 85. Note Flaw In Title. It thus appears that the East Side Com pany made use of the 1869 act to obtain the land grant and now seeks to repudi ate another part of the act which the people desire enforced the limitations on the sale of the lands. The attorneys for the Southern Pacific, seeing this flaw in the chain of title to the lands, declare that title was vested in the East Side company prior to the act of 1S69. From the East Side Company have come the rights and claims which the Southern Pacific holds to the larger grant. This fact has been set forth repeatedly by the attorneys of the Southern Pacific. The East Side Company was absorbed by the Oregon & California in 1870 and the Oregon & California was leased by the Southern Pacific in 1881. The West Side Company was absorbed by the Oregon & California in 1879. DEFECTS OF BRIDGE LAW Mr. Wag non Also Discusses the "Free Water" Amendment. PORTLAND April 16. (To the Editor.) I wish to say a. few worda to the people of Portland about the bridge tax and the free water, and I specially address this message to those in the humble homes of this city. Much has been said In some quarters about the bridge tax and what an awful thins; it would be to repeal the bridge tax! Look and see what this bridge law really Is. It provides that no bridge can be con structed with this fund across the Willam ette River, and that no funds can be used to build bridges that cost less than $15,000. So the law is no good to the people of Port land In the construction of any bridge, un less that bridge costs more than $15,000. Or in other words, unless it is suitable for the use of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. The law also provides that the City Council shall fix the "just" proportion that any street railway company is to pay for the construction of said bridge, leaving it to the City Council to say what that "just" proportion is. And we have had occasions in times past to know that the City Council always stretches a point to be "Just" to a street railway com pany. These are the objectionable features to the bridge tax: First, that the bridge must cost $15,000 or more; second, that it leaves wholly to the Council to build a bridge for the street railway company. We have all seen this company give up Us franchise when the bridges rotted. And when the bridges were rebuilt by the people the com pany had these franchises renewed. So much for the present bridge law. Now, to show the hypocrisy of thoss who sweat blood about 'this bridge tax. The Free Water Amendment, If carried, will not go into effect until the first day of January, 1908 ao it would not disturb equilibrium this year. If the people of Portland are destroui of a bridge tax law, the Council, who is antagonising this deception, might draw up a fair and honest bridge law to build all kinds of bridges, as all kinds of people are assessed for the money. Why not have the law submitted to the voters at the election to be held the first Monday in June, 1908? That would only leave the city from January to June without a sacred bridge law. The election in June Is not a city election, but it would be an easy matter for the City Council to call an election at that time, as the expense would be small almost nothing as we will have a State election at that time. Those who drew the Free Water Amend ment had this one idea in view, that of equal rights to all and special privileges to none. So. when we ran across that part of section 114 which gives a special priv ilege to the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and to the people who own land on Portland Heights and who wish to exploit tt at publlo expense, we refused to be a party to the crime. To re-enact the bridge tax law as In amending any section of the city charter It is necessary to re- enact all parts of the section which is amended. Those who are fighting the free water proposition do not do so on account of the bridge tax. but because it is giving the people what really belongs to them. It is stopping the good thing of those who own farms inside the city and valuable down town property, by making them pay for the water mains that improve their prop erty. Those who cry out loudest against giving free water to the household think It Is all right to give free water mains to the rich. We see the water board now gives $50,000 worth of. free water mains to the rich in the warehouse district. What the Free Water Association tried was to stop this good picking for the special few at the expense of the industrious many. If the City Council tries to block the Free Water Amendment, by ordering It off the ballot, the people will not permit such a thing. They will take the matter to the courts and see what can be done. We will take part In that campaign which is going to be waged In 1908 for the amendment to the State Constitution, providing for a re call of office-holders who defy the will of the people. That bill has already been drawn and will be submitted at the next State election, so that In July. 1908, we can make some of those who set them selves up now as grand du-kes stand for re election or recall 1 The people of Oregon are not going to submit to these abuses any longer. If the people of Portland want to amend the city charter, so as to abolish the bridge tax law, they have a right to do. It. Four thousand people voted against the bridge tax law in 1905, and If .they wish this bridge tax voted on again they can take the matter up for a vote. It is their right, regardless of what the City Council, the City Attorney or the City Auditor or the Water Board may think. As to the trick, It Is the Water Board and the City Council that have resorted to tricks on the people. They have encum bered the Bull Run bond issue with $450,000 tax on the people to put water meters in all houses. They have practiced a hold-up game on the tenth of each month for water ratea Now they propose to use water meters to pick the pockets of the common people. Again, that same crowd has a proposition before the people for a steel fire boat- It also carries along with tt a joker of $125,000 to lay dry mains for the rich people of Portland for fire protection. This at a time when they know that there are two propositions to be voted on by the people that would cause these mains to be laid at tne expense of the property bene fited. Instead at the expense of the noar people, who must pay the expenses and con sequently have to foot the bonds and the interest. Individually, I am opposed to the bondlns- of the city for anything other than a sheer necessity. A bond on the property is a mortgage on every home in Portland tb.t must be paid. I am opposed to mortgaging the homes of the poor people to lay water mains for rich downtown property owners. When the free water amendment is sub. mltted to a vote of the people, I do not fear the result. It the people do not want It. they jr 111 reject It. But if they do want it. they 'should have a right to vote for it. And I believe they will have that right and will make it a law June 3. H. P. WAOxoy. K15ER PHOTO CO. Scenlo Fhotoa Lrobbj- Imperial Hotel. HER FAREWELL TRIP Steamship Aragonia Arrives With Valuable Cargo. ALESIA TO SUCCEED HER Vessel Brings Cargo of Firecrackers and General Merchandise Gun nies and Jute for Portland and Seattle Marine News. The Portland and Asiatic steamship Aragonia arrived up at 6 o'clock yester day afternoon and docked at Montgomery No. 1. The big steamer made the run up from Astoria in 11 hours, There Is a heavy current in the river which makes progress with a heavily loaded steamer slow. The Aragonia, white laden with a valu able cargo, is considerable short, both in valuation and amount, of the Inward cargo of the Arabia. Duties on the STKAaEEB INTELLIGENCE. Du4 to Arrlv. Name. From. Data. Aragonia .Hongkong. . ..In port Geo. W. Elder. ..Los Angeles.. .In port Johan Paulsen.. San Fran.... Apr. 18 Costa Rica. .... Fan Pran. . . . Apr. 19 Alliance ........ Coos Bay. . . . ..Apr. 19 Roanoke. ...... .Los Angeles. .-Apr. 21 Columbia ttan Fran. . . .Apr. 24 F. A. Kilburn.. .San Fran Apr. 25 Nlcomedla Hongkong. . ..April 23 Numantla. ... ...Hongkong. . May 25 Arabia ................... Juae IS Scheduled to Depart. Name. Geo. W. Elder Costa Rica. ... Johan Poulsen. Alliance , Roanoke. ...... Columbia F. A Kilburn. Aragonia. ..... Nlcomedla. . Numantia. . . Arabia For . .Los Angeles, ..San Fran. . .San Fran.. .Coos Bay. . . . Los Angeles. . .San Fran.. .San Fran. . . . .Hongkonir. . . Hongkong. . Hongkong.. .Hongkong.. Data ..Apr. IT .. Apr. 21 - Apr. 21 -.Apr. 23 .-Apr. sa Apr. 26 ..Apr. 27 ..May 4 ..May 15 June 6 .June 23 Cleared Tuesday. Tiberius, Ger. steamship (Schw&ner), with 2,998,537 feet of lumber for Shanghai; value of cargo $48,886. Leon XIIL Fr. bark (Lucaa), with 99.43S bushels of wheat for Queens town or Falmouth for orders; valua of cargo $74,576. Aragonia's cargo will run well up but the major portion of them will be paid at the point of destination. A large consignment of fire crackers is on the Aragonia, but the Eastern ship ments go In bond. There are a number of cases for Portland consumption. AH told there are close to 9000 cases of 'Fourth of July noise." The remainder of the cargo consists of matting, rice, gunnies, nut oil, silk and Chinese mer chandise. The Aragonia sailed from Hongkong on March 17. She landed at Kobe and Yoko hama. The most of the cargo was re ceived at Hongkong and Kobe. This is the last voyage of the Aragonia to the Columbia River. She is scheduled to sail for the Orient early In May and la due in Hongkong June 6. After discharging at the Chinese port she will proceed to Hamburg. Her place on the Portland run will be taken by the steamer Alesia. The latter vessel is due to sail for the Coast June 12. THE LAW MILL BE ENFORCED Vessels Must Not Exceed Speed Limit in the Harbor. Captain J. Speier, the newly-appointed Harbormaster, has served notice on own ers of all steam vessels plying in the regular trade on the Willamette River that the law governing the speed of boats in the harbor must be adhered to or prosecutions will follow. There is an ordinance to the effect that all steam vessels shall not proceed through- the harbor at a greater speed than six miles an hour. The notice served by the Harbormaster is as follows: To Masters, Sr-tiers and Pilots of steam boats: You are hereby notified that the run ning of steamboats on the Wilamette River within the corporate limits of the City of Port land, and especially between Ross Island and Swan Island, at a greater speed than six miles per hour, occasions great damage to property along the banks of said river, and to vessels moored alongside of wharves located and abutting on said river, by reason of the waves created by said steamboats; therefore the City of Portland hereby declares the running of steamboats at a speed of more than six miles per hour on the Willamette River, between Ross Island and Swan Island, to be a public nuisance and unlawful and any person who shall run a steamboat on the Willamette River within the corporate limits of the City of Portland, between Rqss Island and Swan Island, at a greater speed than six miles per hour shall be deemed to have committed a nuisance, and shall be punished therefor for each offense, upon the conviction before the Municipal Court, by a One of not less than 125 nor more than S100, or by Imprisonment In the City Jail for not less than 10 nor mora than 80 days, or both such fine and Imprison ment, at the discretion of the court. ' NORTHWEST AT VANCOUVER Steamer Makes the Ron Up the Coast Without Accident. Word was received in Portland yester day by the Kellogg Transportation Com pany, to the effect that the Bteamer North west had arrived in Vancouver, B. C, without mishap of any kind. The steamer made the run from the mouth of the Columbia in 34 hours. The steamer Northwest was recently purchased by Captain Bonser, of Van couver, for operation on the Skeena River. She was fitted for the outside trip at Vancouver, Wash. Sponsons were rigged forward and additional keelsons placed In the hold. The Northwest was built in Portland In 1889 for the Cowlitz River run. The boat operated continuously since she was first launched, with the ex ception of time utilized for an annual overhauling. WHEAT FOR UNITED KINGDOM Bark Leon XIII Clears With 99,436 Bushels, Worth $74,576. The French hark Leon Xm, cleared from this port yesterday for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders with 99.436 bushels of wheat, valued at $T4,576. The bark is the fourth grain vessel to finish during the month. The steamships Arabia and Fukui Marur took principally flour and cleared for the Orient. The Emilie Gal- Fabst Blue Ribbon Beer ia the Beer of Quality be cause it ia made from Pabst Perfect 8-Day Malt under conditions insuring purity and wholesomeneaf. line carried wheat and cleared for the United Kingdom. The month of April will round out a goodly quantity of foodstuffs sent foreign from this port. The Cornil Bart and the Bayonne will load for Europe and the Sildra and the Aragonia will round out the Oriental shipments. .The Sildra is a Norwegian tramp and Is under charter to Kerr, Gifford & Co.. to carry wheat and flour to Japan and China- The Aragonia is one of the regular liners operating for the Portland and Asiatic Steamship Company. Regular Seamen's Institute Concert. The regular weekly concert of the Sea men's Institute will be given tonight at the hall at No. 100 North Front street. The programme has been arranged by W. G. Smith. A choir, composed en tirely of sailors, under the direction of Mrs. H. W. Hodges, will assist. The pro gramme will be as follows: Piano solo, F. Bruckner (Br. sh. Dlmsdale) ; song, "Shoogy Shoo," Mrs. J. L, Hooper; song, "Sister Mary," Arthur Sisley; recitation, "Paddy Ackney's Auld Leether Breeches," Miss Chamberlain; song, "The Skipper," H. Ryder; song, "Anchored." Mrs. R. Parcell. song, "Bedouin Love Song," R. Rylance: violin solo, "Serenata," Arnold Smith; song In costume, "Caller Herrin," Mrs. J. Robertson; song, - "Jack's the Boy," J. L. Hooper: trio, selected, H. Schadlev, V. Wenk and E. Kayser, of the ship Dlmsdale; song, "He's Got the Money Too," Miss Wilson; duet, "List to the Convent Bells," Mrs. R. Parcell and Miss Lincoln; song, "Sailing," T. W. Jones of the British ship Yola; college songs, J. L. Hooper; "Chanty," T. W. Jones and chorus of sailors; National anthems; accompanists. Miss Webber, Miss Parcell and Leroy Kadel. Two Barkentlnes Load. TACOMA, Wash., April 16. The barken tine Amaranth will finish loading Thurs day and the schooner Crescent probably Friday or Saturday. The barkentine George C. Perkins began loading this morning. The French bark Madeleine still lacks six men to complete her crew but these are expected to be secured within a day or two and she may put i to sea Thurs day or Friday. Now that grain receipts are becoming more regular, a scarcity of sailors threaten to cause delay to the fleet which has been awaiting wheat for weeks. Apprentices to Be Confirmed. Bishop Charles Scadding, of the Epis copal diocese of Oregon, will conduct confirmation services at the Seamen's Institute. No. 100 North Front street, Saturday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Ap prentices Milne and Burgell, of the British ship JordanhiU will receive the confirma tion. Marine Notes. The steamer Coquille River is at the coal bunkers. The steamer Costa Rica Is due to ar rive from the Bay City Friday morning. The Norwegian steamship Sildra began working wheat yesterday at Montgomery dock. The French bark Leon XIII went to the stream, yesterday. She will leave down tomorrow. , The steamer Telephone, which has been chartered by the Regulator line to run The steamer Nome City shifted from the O. W. P. dock to Banfleld's where she will take Siberian oak for California ports. to The Dalles, will be ready for service for the up trip Friday morning. The steamer will be inspected today or to morrow. The steamer Columbia sailed for Ban Francisco yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. This was the first trip of the steamer from Portland on the morning sailing schedule. Arrivals and Departures. ASTORIA, April 16. Condition of the bar at 0 P, M., smooth; wind, southwest, 0 miles; weather, cloudy. Balled at 6:45 A. M. Steamer Argyle, for San FranciBco. Left up at 7 A. M. German steames Ara gonia. Arrived in at 2:30 P. M. Steamer feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman should know that the. danger, pain and horror f child-birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment for external nse only, which toughens and render pnaDio au tne pan, ana assists nature in it sublime ' work. By it aid thousand of women have passed this rreat crisis in perfect safety and without pain. Sold at $i.oo per bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless value to all women sent free. Address BRAPriajQ REGULATOR OQ At I mitt m. Bm. A QUAKER MAID RYE "Highball" A tall, thin glass, a lump of ice, QUAKER MAID RYE Fizz the seltzer or fill the glass witn ginger Ah! THERE'S a drink mellow, refreshing, delicious; a splendid tonic and a keen appetizer. - , QUAKER MAID EYE la three-time winner. It captured the Highest Awards at St. Louis, 1904; Paris, avuoi jroxaianq, avuo. at aas unoispuseo ngns so its Claim: "TUX WHISKEY WITH A DEPUTATION" For sale a all first-class S. HIRSCH CO. SEE PAGE 12 Atlas and barge 91. from San Francisco. Arrived down at 3 P. M. and sailed at 4:25 Steamer Tiberius, for North China. Ar rived down at 8:15 P. M- and sailed at 6:15 P. M. Steamer Columbia, for San Fran cisco. San Francisco, April 16. Sailed Steamer Washington, for Columbia River. Sailed at 12 M. Steamer Costa Rica, fox Portland. Manila, April 18. Sailed Marco. 1 Bcbooner LiUebonne, for Portland. Newcastle, N. 8. W., April IS. Sailed anvena, tor Ban Francisco. San Francisco, April 18. Ballad Bark Brizean. for Newcastle, Australia. Arrived Steamer Alameda, from Honolulu for Vic toria; Tango Maru, for Yokahama. Seattle, April 18. Sailed Steamer Shinano, for Yokohama and Hongkong. San Francisco. April 16. Sailed -Ship Marion Chllcott. Honolulu: Norwegian steamer Norman Isles, for Portland; steam- er Washington, for Astoria. Arrived Bteamer Enterprice, from Hllo; steamer Watson, from Seattle; schooner Volants, from Seattle; barkentine Kolsolu. from tirars .Harbor. Tides at Astoria Wednesday. TTIfrh T S ll A. M 8.3 feet!10:0T A M-....0.T feet 6:09 P. M....6 0 feet10:40 P. M 8.6 feet ALASKA LIIME IS UP AGAIN Board of Trade Receives Offer ot Two Vessels. The Alaska steamship line project is again being talked of by the transpor tation committee of the Chamber of Com merce and Board of Trade. The latter organization has a tentative offer from a New York ship brokerage firm of two vessels at a price of 8165,000 and 8225,000, respectively. This offer was made to the Joint com mittee of the four commercial bodies of Portland Board of Trade, Chamber of commerce. Commercial Club and Manu facturers' Association. The offer came as a result of the search for suitable vessels to put on the proposed Portland-Alaska run, and it Is the Intention to ask the four bodies to join hands again to con sider the Eastern proposal. When the matter was up some months ago about $70,000 was pledged toward the necessary fund, and an offer was then made by the United Fruit Company to sell its four-admiral line Admiral Samp son, Admiral Schley, Admiral Dewey and Admiral Farragut That fleet could have been secured at the time for less than $800,000. The vessels are of about 2100 tons gross tonnage each, and were con sidered admirably adapted for the pur pose desired. The plan was allowed to rest lor the time being, and soon after ward the fleet was bought by Captain Fa B. Caine, of Seattle, for 81,000,000. President Wallis Nash, of the Board of Trade, Is soon to make a visit to New York, and while there will confer with the firm offering the two steamers and will examine them. Upon his return he will report the result of his investigation to the transportation committee, and If tne oner meets with the committee's approval It will call the John committee togetner ana present the report for con sideration. Alaska Salmon Will Go Higher. SAN FRANCISCO, April 16. After con siderable negotiation the difference in the views of the Alaska salmon paakers and the Behrlng Sea fishermen have been recon ciled. A schedule of prices waa agreed on that is satisfactory to both sides. The price of King salmon remains as formerly, 10c each. On Red salmon, the price has been raised from 2o to Sc: run money, which last year was 850, will be 875 per man. advance, of BO per cent, while the price for trap men will ba advanced to 75 from 50 last year's rate. The general advance as agreed upon is estimated by the packers as adding to the cost of the Behrlng Sea product somewhat In excess of 10 per cent. South Carolina Fugitive Taken. BELLINGHAM, Wash.. April 16. W. E. Perry, alias Harry Livingstone, waa arrested here last night on a warrant charging him with the murder of Long- aon l. aooze in Chester County. South Carolina, March 1, 1906, and he is being held awaiting instructions from the South Carolina authorities. The arrest was Ia the Joy of the household, for without it no happiness can be complete. How weet the picture of mother and babe, angel smile at and commend the thoughts and aspiration of the mother bending oyer the cradle. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, how ever, i so full of danger and suffering that she looks forward to the hour when she shall J 1 ale or soda bars, cafes and drug stores KANSAS CITY. MO. THlEE EPOCHS IN A WOMAN'S LIFE MRS. ELVA BARBER EDWARDS There are three critical stages in a woman's life which leave their mark In her career. The first of these stag-es Is womanhood, or the change from a care free girl to budding womanhood. The second is motherhood, and the third is Change of Life. Perils surround each of these stages, and most of the misery that comes to women through ill health dates from one or another of these im portant crises. Women should remember that Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs has carried thousands of young; girls over the critical period of puberty, has prepared mothers for childbirth, and in later years carried them safely through the change of life more suc cessfully than any other remedy in the world. Thousands of testimonial from grateful persons, two of which are here published, substantiate this fact beyond contradiction. Mrs. George Walters of Woodlawn, HL write S Dear Mrs. Pinkham : . "I feel it tut duty to tell yon of the good Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound has done me in preparing for childbirth. After suffering and losing my children a friend advised me to try your valuable me dicine, ana tne result was that 1 had very littl'i inconvenience, a quick recovery and Dunns? its lone record of more than thirty veara its lone list of actual cures, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to the respect and confidence of every fair minded person. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Hakes Sick Women Well. made at the instance of a detective who has been on Perry's trail for more than a year. San Jose Company Gets Trip. -BAN JOSB, Cal., April 16. Company B, DO IT NOW! Take advantage of the COLONIST RATES TO OREGON And the Pacific Northwest over the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co,, and Southern Pacific, from ail parts of the East, DAILY during March and ApriL YOU CAN PREPAY For tickets, if you desire to hring friends, relatives, employes or others from the East, by depositing the cost with any agent of the O. R. & N. or S. P. Co, with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in" the East, A Rare Opportunity to Promote the Industrial Growth of the Northwest RATES FROM PRINCIPAL EASTERS CITIES. Chicago SS0.50 $33.00 St. Loula 27.60 80.00 Kansas City ........... 22.30 2S.OO Omaha ................. 22.SO 25.00 St. Paul 22.50 23.00 A Rates apply to all main and branch tine points, Huntington to Spokane, Inclusive. B Ratea apply to Portland, Astoria and Pugret Sound points: also Eouthern Pacific main and branch line points north of and Including Ashland. Oreg;ola. For complete Information, Inquire of WM, McMUKltAY, Geaera Pannzer Aaent, w , , Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. C XT. Stinger, City Ticket AkU td and Wasnlngton. ' I WILL CURE YOU When I have accepted your case for treatment you may look for ward to a oomplete and perma nent cure, and with the very first treatment the curing- will begin. This Is pretty definite talk upon what is commonly regarded as an uncertain and speculative matter. But I am in a position to speak definitely and positively. With me the cure of men's diseases Is not uncertain or speculative at all. MY FEE ONLY SI I save treated so many cases that I know lust what I can do and what I cannot do, and I never promise or attempt too much. I accept no case In which I have doubt as to my ability to cure, and results are always equal to the claims I make. Following; are some of the diseases I cure, and reasons why my cures are certain. Contracted Disorders In no other ailment peculiar to men Is a prompt and thorough cure so essential. Contracted dis orders tend to work backward un til the most vital nerve centers be come Involved In the Inflammation. Then follows a chronic stage that stubbornly resists all ordinary treatment. Safety demands that every vestige of Infection be eradicated at the earliest possible moment. My treatment Is thor ough. The remedies employed have a more positive action than has ever before been attained, and so perfect la my method of applica tion that even chronic cases yield completely. I also ran to stay cured "w isisus aata ail men's diseases. Consultation and Advice Free The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234H MORRISON STREET. Cor. Morrison and Second Stivers. Portland. Oresjon. Hamra i A. M. to P. Ba. Sundays 10 to X. I MRS. GEORGE WALTERS as healthy a child as can be found anywhere, Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound is a blessing to all expectant mothers,1 Mrs, Elva Barber Edwards of Cathlamet, Wash., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:, "I want to tell you bow Lydia E. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound carried m through the critical period of the Change of Life without any trouble whatever, also cured me of a very severe female weakness, I cannot say enough in praise of what you medicine has done for me." What Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Edwards it will do for other wo men in their condition. Every suf fering woman in the United State is asked to accept the following in vitation. It is free, will bring yoa health and may save your life, Mrs. Plnkham's Invitation to Women. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble may ho located ana the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Out of her vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Her advice is free and helpful. Fifth Regiment, National Guard of Call fornla, has been notified that it will form one of the companies selected for the battalion of militia that will be sent bj California to attend the Jamestown Ex position Buffalo New York , Boston Philadelphia Washlncitoia .. $40.00 f42.5e 7 kii nm 47.40 47.2S 47.25 411.9(1 49.7S 4&3 You Pay When Cured DR. TA1XOR, The Leadlnc Specialist. WEAKNESS LOSSES GONORRHOEA SYPHILIS GLEET . PILES Varicocele This most prevalent of all dis eases of men is also the most ne- f lected, either through dread of he harsh methods of treatment commonly employed, or, through Ignorance of the grave dangers that accompany the disease. As varicocele interferes directly with the circulation and process of waste and repair throughout the generative organs, the necessity of a prompt and thorough cure cannot be too forcibly emphasized. I cure varicocele In one week by an absolutely painless process My cures are thorough and absolutely . permanent and are accomplished without the use of knife, ligature or caustic. akness," hydrocacele, specific bloosl E. N