lO THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1007. AtCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson, at STO "W. whin ft; ton street. mt. 3 I- M". J. T. Wilson, uctlonr. At Oilman's auction rooniA 411 Wah1nKtnn ftteet at 10 o'clock a. m. s. u n. ulman auctioneer. ' At Baktr'a Aurtlon Houms cor. r.T-R ni Furnl luro. carpftti, t.e. o'clock. Baker & Son. Auctioneer FUNERAL NOTICES. KUHX. Tn this rlty. thn ra.m.11 v rf nldf n axin-ry 2T. lOOT. -t Nt P"-rk "traet. "William George Kuhl, months and 10 flays, friends we spectfully Invited to attend the funeral k-tv lco. whlrh will he hold. at the ca thrdr, oorn-r f.rt .-on t rx rI I"vln ulreols. Mt A. We-1 nofday. Jr uar-y 30. Interment Mount Calvary -Cemetery. 11 AC1NNIS At Thoenlx, Ariz., January 22, 1iH7. Mm. MargiiTlte Maginnls, agfa .lO yearn: beloved wire of C. H. Maitinnl. Funrral will Uke place1 from renidcnce. 420 E. IGth st. North. Wdnenday, Janu ary 30. at 8:45 A. M., thence to the Cathedral, 1MU and Davis st., at 9:o0 A. M., whrfl requiem mass will be of fered.. Interment Mount Calvary ceme tery. Friends respectfully invited. TARALDSON January 2ft. 11n7. at the family residence. 1693 Herford street, Portsmouth, Mary Josephine Taraldson, H(?ed 38 years. 0 months and 18 day. Frinnds are respect fully Invited to attend t he funeral servloM. which will be held at the above wldpriro. at lO A. M. WdnP8day. January itO. Interment Rlv- ervtew Cemetery. GIUTZMACHKR In this city, January 28. at the fnmilv residence. ttrtK I von street, .llxn.t-tb ilritimacher, beloved mother of Fred ii-, Henjaniln II. and Julia ,rltz- marhcr and Mrs. Idah E. Hoftarber, of Srflttlft. Wash., aced M years. The lu- nprnl services will ho held at Ktnley's cliapel at TO A. NT . , Wcflnrnrtay. January ao. Frlenl Invited. Interment Rtver- rRATTlTtmn city, January 2n, Benjamin Pratt, nffed '2S vftars. 11 months and 20 days. Friends are respectfully tnvlted to - attend futiRral services, which will be held at Holman's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets, at a P. M.. Tuesday, January 29. Interment Rlvervlew Cem etery. LEA Tn this city, at his late residence, 616 Pettygrove 8t., January 117, William L-ea, aKed 9 years. The funeral services will he hfM at the Enworth Methodist Church, WedneMdnv. January 30. at 2 P. M. Prlundfl Invited. Interment at Rlvervlew cemetery. EMERY At Gresham, Or., Jan. 27, J. B. Kmerv, ned 72 yearn. Special car, U w, P., will leave 1st and Alder for Gresham, tn A. M.. January 31. where funeral serv ice will be held. Interment Rlvervlew cemetery. Astoria and Rose burg papers please copy. WILSON The funeral pervlces of Maruraret A. Wilson will be held at the First Pres byterian Church ton ay . j uognay at : -v J. M. Friends of the family Invited. Ser vices at the grave private. WILSON The funeral Ben-ices of Mrs. Mar garet A. Wilson will be held at the First Presbyterian Church at 2:3l P. M. today (Tuesday). The services' at the cemetery will e private. GOULD W. L, Gould, 3 A. M. January 2H, .1107. at residence, 93 Tenth street; age 31) years. Funeral at 1 :.1o p. M. January .11. at Armory. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. Dunning, McEnteo ft GUbangh, Funeral Di rectors, 7 th ft Pine. Phone M. 430. Lady aast ERICS ON INDEUXAKINO CO.. 409 Aides a. Lady assistant. Phone Main silts. EDWARD HOLMAI CO., Fnneral Dlreot r, 2 Sd it. Lady assistant, l'houe Ml, KE LLR-BYRNE 8 CO.. Cner takers. E: aimers. S7S KumvU. Emm loss. .Lady ass's. J. P. FINLEY ft SON. Funeraj Directors. JJo. 261 Sd st, cor. Madison. Phone Main S. jr 8. DUNNING. CndertaKer. 41 Alder. Lsdr ssalaUnt. Phone Kail 33. AMUSEMENTS. 14th ana Washington HEILIG THEATER Main t TonlKht 8:15. o'CIofk. Icuit Time Tomorrow ?lrti. Th, Dainty i- Comedienne, HELEN BYRON, In the Military Comic Opera, "SKRCEANT KITTY." Tuneful Music Pretty Girls Pun. Prices, 25c to Sl.SO, Seats selling; ac the&te SaLE TOMORROW 10 A. M. HEILIG THEATER artmann Violinist. FRIDAY EVENING, FEB. 1, 8:15 Prices. 2.50. $2-Of. SI. 50. Sl.OO. 75c. Boxes. S 12.0. Direction Lola eteers-Wynn Co men. Baker Theater Pnona Main 1MT. Orsa-on Theater Co.. Lessss. Oeo. Z. Bakr, Mfr. Third ana Tamhlll Streets. TONIOHT, TTESDAY A'I WF.IVFSnAY MliHT AM) WEDNESDAY 3IAT1XKE, June McMillen Ortlway'i Beautiful Drama, o r e a o in A T. I. of t Ti HlBtnrtcl Old Eml.ruit Trrfl of th Pioneer.. First Time jn Any St.se. Vnder tlif Direction ot Jotm sainpoiu and Arthur Maekley'. EVENING PRICES Parquet. $1.50: Par- guet Circle. X; Balcony, first 4 rows SOc. next 3 rowm 3."f ; Oftllery, 25i: ; Hox Beats. S2. MATINEB Lower Floor, 50c; Balcony, 16c and 20c. TKurtJay, VAfoy, Saturday and Saturday M.ttnee. by Special Kequert o Hundred, of 1'aLroni ""TUB WIDDLEMAN.1" ReBUlar BBker Prices NlKhW, 25c, S5c and fiOc; Matinee, irc and inc. NEXT WKEK "IF I WERE KING." , KJS EMPIRE THEATER MILTON "W. SEAMAN, Manaser. Tonight and All Week. Matinees Wednesday nnd Saturday. Kennedy A Wlllard Present th. Greatest of All Swedish Comedy-Drama. "VON YONHON," Introfluclrs GEO. THOMPSON, the Greatest of All Kwrcllsh Dialect Comedians. Matinee. Wednesday and Saturday. Rcicular Kmplre Prices. Next Attraction "Mettle, the Newsgirl." TH E STAR Main 5490. The Allen Stock Company Presents The Famous Comedy-Drama " Loveand Law' Sy Milton Noblest. Matinees, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2:15. Prices. 10 and 20 cents. Every evening: at 8:1ft. Trices, 10. 20 and SO cents. Secure seats by phone. Main 54ua. LYRIC THEATER WKEK BEGIXMNO JANUARY 28. "The Heir Apparent" Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Feats can be reserved by phone; Main 4685. The Grand Taudevllle de Luxe THE HOETZEl FAMILY the Greatest Tlirht TVIre Artist. In the , World. Gordon. Yldocq and Hlnn, William H. WtiMlom. ttte. jPrra tlce Trio, Mill, and Bwthfr, Harold Hoff. 1rtuilceit MattrnM." NEW TODAY. FARM 24ft arres. 2 miles from WHholt Spr1ns;s, kamas t o., about 40 acres jrooo. timnT, plenty water, icood soil. only S7.au per acre. H. W. llRxlOO. corner, new. up-todate business block; terms -i cash, balance & years at 6 per cent. A, B. RICHARD50M 52 ( hnmher of fommerce. MW TODAY, H. W. Lemcke Comp any 9 rROriTADLE INYE5TMENTS $27,500 Pull block on Grand and" Union ave nues. Side. Cheapest thhijr on the Now has some income. East $10,000 Nearly quarter block at Thirteenth and Montgomery. Great location for apartments. Two canines. $13,000 Fractional lot, North Third street; now pays $75 a month. $15,500 70 feet frontage on Twenty-third, close to Washington. $21,000 Flats, 17th and Kearney streets, now paying $145 a month. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY Main 550. Sixth and Washington. ' Entire Second Floor. Choice Buys $6800 $5870 $5500 R-room house. Nob Hill, on Hoyt; all modern; 50x100; terms. 31 acre., close In on O. W. P. Railway; choice black soil; im proved ; terms. Fine 7-room house, large hall, furnace and full cement base ment: lot 77x100: nice lawn and roses: 30th anu East Taylor; terms. 6-room house ' on Union ave. ; new and modern; 50x120; terms. $1900 $1800 $400 $350 5-room house (modern), lot 50x 120, on Hawthorne ave. ; terms. Each. 7- and 8-room house on Chapman ; modern ; terms. Acre tracts, close in on O. "W. P. Railway: choice black soil; Improved ; terms. Balance of 90O In J10 monthly payments; 5-room cottage, mod em; 60x100. Jordan & Garbade 2224 "Washington street. 2 SNAPS LOWER ALBINA $12,50078x135 feet, covered with buildings- monthly income .fll5.00. Caa be increased to $133. $15,00050x100, -with fine 3-story brick, annual income SI60O. Buildins: could not be re v placed for $16,500. W. B. STREETER 115 Third Street. I HAVE THREE CHOICE PROPERTIES One is located in Hawthorne Park, on East Madison and 14th sts. ; larf?e 8-room bouse, newly built; modern in every partic ular: nardwood floors; nreplace; furnace lot ouxiw; price souuu. Another Is located on Clackamas St.. the choicest section of Holladay Park Ad ditlon; nouse modern in every way; rooms; lot 50xlOO; price fOOO. Another Is a "house and lot In the Kob Xiiil district, .tsear in mind there are hard ly a half-dozen houses in this district on the market. This property is located on Kearney, near 20th st. ; lot 50x1 OO. Larjc 9-room house: modern and a complete iiuiiic , yrii;e low. A. B. SCOTT 416 Stearns Bids;.. 6th and Morrison. Near Future Predictions ItOxlOO southwest cor, K. 7th and E. A n keny streets; lOOxlOo northwest cor. E. 9th near E. Ankeny street; 100x150 southwest cor. E. 13th and East Ankeny. The accessibility of above property is de sirable for Hats or apartment houses, wll! be to the purchaser 4 now) an 7th. 9th and 12th sts. are on the West Side in near fu ture. Frices and terma see J. I- WELLS & CO. Room 306 Chamber ot Commerce- bids;. FOR RENT-STOREROOM For th. month of February In the Oregonian Building VIRGIL C00MER, Boom SOL Clay Street $11.5Xr-$OxlOO. Thirteenth and Clay, two houses: just place for flats or apartments. "Will trade for other property, or ell on I eauv terms. V.r 1 ntlstufT Schallc. 264 1 Blarb 13 1 Y-l -.-I WANTED Near O. "W. T. line Improved farm of 40 acres. State location and lowest cash. NEW TODAY. North of Thurman Street Property 1 ndvoncin in price rery rapidly and money can he mnde on mny f the. follnwlnic noyeit Z3d t. IV..- Ifflnllil , ttr t v. rK V.a.ln n.l viUmd te. 24th Mt. soxloo ft near Tuurmnn at. .4th it H IOOiIOO ft, near Tnurman . at. Vauxha m. ROxlIM nrr 23d h. r. V. ANDREWS & CO. Hamilton bids:. 131 3d. Tel. Main 3340. Mortgage Loans 5 and 6 Real Estate-City and Farm. Insurance in All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL 201 to 203 McKay Bldg., 3rd and Stark FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. JUST THINK, 1200 LOTS NEAR SALEM carllne, no further than St, Johns, at $15 per lot. at $1 per month ; good soil and level, with houses already there; you can't buy .crease for same amount; they will be raised to SO per lot In August, when cars are running-. There will be the finest town in the valley out here. Apply to owner, W. Reldt, rcom 15, Washington bid., 4iU and Wash ington. PORTLAND VERT FINE 8-ROOM TTOTJSEJ TRUST on Eugeno Bt., lot 60x150; this CO. location !s good, and at our price you can buy for less than actual value. POKTIAN T) TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. SB. Cor. 3d and Oak eta. A. BEIAUTIFUIj HOME. A well built house of twelve rooms ana two baths, gas and electric lights, cement bawment -in which there are three more rooms and hot water heat; the grounds are JOOXlOO and the location very good, being; on a grood carllne and within easy walking distance; this property is worth $12,000, but can be purchased If sold at once for $8000. SPHINX AGENCY. 305 Stark St. S4750 HERE IS THE BEST BUY IN THE city ior me money as investment or noma, Nob Hill, 150 feet north ot Washington st., facing east; adjoining property ground has been broken for modern apartment hotel; this offer is good until February X. 1907, 'only. JOHN B. MATTHEWS, 722 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. B2 acres adjolnlni; city limits; all cleared; fine soil; 32 acres In small fruit; Eric very low: easy terras; you can dou le your money, on this In a short time. W. O. WADDEL, 817 Lumber Exchange, Second and Star ml. $42oO. Pine home. block, beautiful grounds, adJolnlnK Walnut Park; two blocks from St. Johns and "U" carllne; -half cash; plans may be seen at office. H. P. PALMER. 222 Failing Bldg. $2200 SIDE HILL. HOUSE AND LOT overlooking the city, bp i en aid nouse wicn 5 rooms finished and 3 more can be add ed upstairs; 15 minutes' walk of post Off Ice and one block ot two carlines. This 1b a great bargain. H 80, Oregonian. HAWTHORNE AVE. LOTS FOR SALE from .iro to xtMJO; this property is bound to increase in value, as Hawthorne ave. Is to be macadamized this Spring; easy terms. M. E. Lee, room 20, Raleigh bids., 323 4 Washington st. Phone Pacinc 59. SOME MONEY-MAKERS. $7000 110x100, Kearney, near 23d; Improvements in; terms. $230 an acre60 acres, Lents, cleared; fine for platting: terms.. GORDON, 208 -4th. Pac. 2123. HOME ON EASY TERMS 6-ROOM MOD- ern house, nice lawn, fruit and shrubbery, on a well-Improved street, for $2800; $500 cash, the balance same an rent. M. E. JL.re. room 20. Jtalelfrh bldnj.. Wash ington st. Phone Pacific BO. WEST SIDE-6-R00M MODERN HOUSE, walking distance; bargain for $4000, only $750 cash, balance easy terms. M. E. Lee, n .u, KSKMnn Ding., i- v waaninston Phone Pacinc SO. FOR INVESTMENTTWO FLATS, LOT 33 1-2x100, for $4500: pays 10 per-cent; this is in walklne distance. M. K Lee. room -O. Raleigh bids-., 31!3 V4 Waahln.ton WEST 6IDE CHOICE BUILDING LOT, nice view, for only $1230; good investment at that mon fj. i..ee. room U. Kai- piKh bid?.. 3--3A Pacinc so. asblnBton at. Phom I20OQ BUT8 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON Marguerite ave.; $500 cash, balance terms to suit. bids-. 823M cine so. A GOOD WEST SIDE INVESTMENT FOR $7500: f?0 Income; might suit you; in S2SOO house. 40x108 AND GOOD 7-ROOM E. it th St., near Morrison; noth inp: so cheap In this vicinity. W. 0. Wad del, SIT Lumber Exchange. TWO LOTS. HOLLADAT'S ADDITION. Broadway near 17th, S 430; fine residence site and a bargain. vanduyn th. vvalton, . i303 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE 110X1O0 FEET ON KEARNEY at. near Z3a. Fin- Wsldence locality. Prlc. f TOOO; below market value; fliZ0 handle this. K 78. Oregonian, $6000 ELEOAMT NEW 7-ROOM HOME. strictly modern, house alone would cost 4000 to build. "Vanduyn & Walton, 303 inajnoei- o in m rrcr. CHOICE CORNER LOT. $1S00 N. E. corner 24th and Wasco sts.. Holladay Park; cement sidewalk N SO, Oregonian. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH BATH and cement basement In restricted district Hcotl canine; reasonable. R $2750 60x100. WITH e-ROOM COTTAGE, Corbett St., overlooking river; beautiful view. Grlnfctaffi Schalk. 264 Stark st. Phone Alain T500.Vii9O. SOUTHWEST CORNER EAST isi ana uaK ms., ana o. t. tratK. w. O. AVaddel. 817 Lumber Exchange, 2d and MarK. FOR SALE OR LEASE CORNER LOT ON Union ave., bpt. Schuyler and Tillamook st. Inquire Sbl Tillamook st. No agents. HOUSES. ALL. PARTS OF CITY. BUILT AND .old on InrAallments. Kroner. 16-17 Cam- Driage Diag., eoumwest cor. an ana Morrison. $2900 hou-.. monthly. NEW. PEAUTIPTL. SIX-ROOM ,tri-tly nmdern: 9TtOi down. S.5 bui Alain st. mon. iast Z51. WE HAVE SEVERAL HOMES WHICH can be had on easy terms. See u. before Duying. ?zu unamDer commerce. FOR SALE? FINE) NEW MODEIRN R-ROOM cottage; owners leaving city; must sell at once. Telephone Woodlawn 474. y-BLOOK. BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED. modern Improvements; monthly Income f4"o; snap, m 7 a, uregonian. BARGAIN, $1900 BEAUTIFUL LOT ON L.arranee at., all improvements, fine view, close in. 07 McMUlen st. aano choice lot. soxioo. east isth st.. between Tillamook and Thompson. Address K. ?u, uregonlan. $SfrOO 60x100 LOT OV CLAY ST.. NEAR I4tn; a rood duv. owner, sit Lumber Ex- cnangre. i ana tytarK. NORTHWEST CORNER GRAND AVE. end Schuyler, cheap. Call at Sherlock 6 Woerndla, l0 Bth. - SUBURBAN REALTY PATS lO PER CENT or better; f4S.M); less ior cash; owner. T 78, Oregonian. 20 ACRES OR PART. ONLY MILE FROM town or tioo i-.iver; -very reasonaoia. SO. Oregonian. BARGAIN GOOD LOT, EAST 19TH, NEAR Belmont: monthly payments. Pallett. 304 Kenton Diag. WILL HANDLE A GOOD HOME AND save you rent; close to car. 720 Chamber Commerce. $4000 CORNER LOT ON EAST SIXTH ST. In buftlnes. district; principals only. R.71, OreKanlan. TOR SALE! 1 U. ACRES ON UNION AVE. and E. GllBan. Write N. F. Helple, Bar ton, Or. FOR BALE ONE OF PORTLAND Heights' choicest homes. Main 0120. MODERN -ROOM HOUSE. S260O; S500. 21 FOB ESTATE. 122 rt ACRES. SS CLEARED. GOOD SOIL. Rood aprin, w atur piped CO house, lai-fce 1 15 acres, '9 cleared, o good celery land, J00 good toum aoula trees; cIobs inn t200ft. SO acres. 35 cleared, tioust. barn, orch ard, wood. timber enough to pay Tor larm, ona mile to ctu-lltie; J3500. O acres best soil In Oregon, o cieareo. .aJ k..... 1 . ... k, n'lth rnnrrcta I3" JL 5!! SL SJSZ basement. Implement house and potato ccnar; lmprovemnntB coat iowi -rm miles to railroad and boat landing; 300O a veritable snap. 1 rtO ocroa all fnnpMl. sO rl eared, good house, two tarns, fruit, good stock ranch; S3.MM). an ire awm hmtie. one- acrr-e orchard, nplendld soil, cood location; Vii acres, T cleared, small house, good oil. hilly, good stock farm: $2300. 40 .ere. on carllne. now 8-room nou.. timber cnau.h for lOOO cordn wood: $2SOO. .O .r.. .It ..1 7-rn.un house. 1 It-!' ,1 n?w barn, good frultdryer, 6 acre. Italian prunes, 6 acres apples, gooa well watered: a unap at $6000. " 160 acre.. 30 cleared, houm. barn ana orchard, on ML Hood carlln. survey . 4O0O. . 7 . i ib. kmv.11 burn, wind mill and water-tower, fruit; close In; 12500. .... 9 good building lot. at $125 to 1150. K 1 1 KA.1AO KftftO- r - r.nw 1 10 SHOO. C n xn-.in R.rnnm house and B-room house, good barn, 3 poultry-houso. and yards, water-tower ana gasuuuo gin., plenty of fruit: $12,000. 3 bu-lne-s fculldlns. paying Income, 8 acres In 'Greeham. S celery land. ' deposits brick clay, good .site for lumber and woodyard: also fruit and vegetaDia cannery and pick le ana vinoBr plenty of material and good shipping ra- m.i t-v- . - novtr been ad- Ve.i.- I . ..... niipnln? UD. With fi.lVlOCU, IB JUOl IIVW iv a - plendid prospects of advancing values. D. 6. .TOHNSON, Oresham, Or. X13.000 CHOICE! LOCATION at., near City Hall OM FIFTH two houses with floxlOO feet; very nmnortij desirable i $ 9,250 Full lot! with two modern 7-room houses on 14th. near Market St.; Income $720 yearly; a food Invest ment. . I B.GOO Modern 8-room house on East l.tn near Morrison, d i-aw i-jv Mbb ...i.nj-. nnliwrtv. .10 onn nunrtpr nirwlc. with two large rinnhii. Virmapa: fine corner, within five-minutes' walk of Steel Bridge, Kast Side: 9u yearly rent.: room on corner of thU property- for an n.h.B ibpbb nm- nnlendld buy. $16,000 Quarter block with four 7-room houses; line location in southwest part of city; good income See us about these properties and many others. We can always ar range suitable terma PARB1SH. W ATKINS & CO., 250 Alder street. YB WHO WISH A COMPLETE COUNTRY HOME. 41 acres, on a first-class public nlg-h-way. completely fenced into fields, very handsome 2-story 8-room residence, paint ed white; a great well with windmill and tank; nice red barn, a fine hog house, poultry yard and poultry house, fine or chard ot excellent bearing fruit, small rnttam tenement house. living water. Store, sawmill, railway stations close to place; on rural mail route, 10 miles city, 8 miles Vancouver. Price S3500. The best farm buy In the market today. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 1494 First St. SELLWOOD HOMES. JS50 5-room house on Improved street. $1H50 5-room cottage, close in, new. Slr.oo 8-room house. 4; lOOO 3-room house. 3 tine lots. ltioo S-room furnished house. 3 lots. SbTOO tj-room house, o lots, near car- line. $H00 5-room cottage, nice high lot. $1550 5-room house, 2 lots, corner. S1I75 Fine corner lot. S:i:iO Lot on improved atreet. , lOtH) 100x100. 2 blocks from car. SELLWOOD T0WNSITE CO., H. P. Palmer, Manager, 222 Failing bld. Main 56ttl- IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR IN- vestment It will pay you to come In and see what we have to show you In city property, acreage, sma.il rancnes, close the city. Factory or warehouse sites and acreage In St, Johns; also the best SOS-acre .arm In Multnomah County, located on the Co lumbia Kiver, T miles from tne uourt h)U8e, with -mlle of deep-water front. i p-r acre win nuy iiiin at it is iHt soon; this investment has no equal; Ylll pay you to looK this up at once, GREGG BROS.. St 6th St.. 317 and 31 8 Fenton bids I'ortlai 3 FINE HOMBS. Modern o-room 3tion: lawn and house. verv neat, nice con- roses, all cViolre; clos to car a nrl n-nlkinr rl 1 r rrrr. .t7irf. (Wroom mnrlern hmiw. full lot- on "Will - lnm ave. ; gas and electric 1 1 K t t ; Cull base men t : cement wallcs: 6-rcom neat ana modern house, full comer lot, on Multnomah street: ftfaOO. INCOME-BEAR INO FLATS ON BAST terma 284-80 16th St.; 4 Cats, $78 per month; porcelain baths in each, close in. easily rented; S200O cash, 75 monthly in- ttallmanti : lneoma will nnv the Install ments, making remarkable Investment of small capital. Morgan, Sweet & Chap- man, 213 Ablngton bldg. Fbone Main 2015. A BAROA1K A LARGE 8-ROOM STRICT - ly modern home; this place could not ne nunt ror less cnan 5..f ; grouna wortrm S4oOO; price for a few days only SSO0; tne tround is iaeai. witn cnoice snruo- bcry. M. E. Lee, room 20, RalelRh bid?., Washington st. tnone jfacinc oh. SOlVf ETHING I5XCEPT10NAL.. A choice niece of West Side Drooerty. flne locality, walking distance; will go cheap if eold at once: earns 10 per cent on JW) SUBURBAN ACREAGE BOOM CENTER: excellent situation Ior quick, prontauie turn: car. water, county road, all conve nient ; absolute requirement to handle. .uuu. wncr- i Mixta bl jt- PaclHc 2rl.. 117.500 BUYS CHOICE WEST SIDE PROP-! erty with income or fi;4 a monin; mis mtfrnt suit you ir you are tooKing ior in vestments. M. E. I.ee, room li, Raleigh blUK., 323 V6 Washington st. Phone Pa cific 59. l BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT WITH choice fruit near Hawthorne ave. for sale reasonable; can arrange terms to suit. M. E. Lee, room 20, Raleigh bldg., 323 ft washlnKton st. Phone Pacinc 59. FOB SALE T 131 BER .LANDS. WE HAVE A L.ARGE NPMBER OP SAW mills and timber propositions; some on terms, s.ii.io up. ri.ooo.OOO on 320 acres. "-f!5 xer acre. 'JU.OOU.OOO near railroad and Lewis River. $1 per 1000, Including land. Sawmill. 'Oi- nlentv timber. EiOc. 7r.OoO Complete mill, 2 OOO acres tim ber on railroad and water. CITV REALTY & BUILDING CO., olli Commercial Block. . TO CLAIM OWNERS WB HAVE BUYERS for your timber claims. Crook and Klamath Co. preferred; send us your descriptions and lowest net price; we guarantee prompt and aiiBiaciory results. Monteun Muraoca, 401-2 Lumber Exchange Bldg. WANTED LARGE AND SMALL TRACTS of heavy timbered- lands in Washington, Oresrnn and Calif nmln coi-resnondenca so licited. E. S. Matteson &. Company. 618 west 6th Bt., Los Angelefl, California, lflA ACRFTS TTMBRR IAND, JACKSON County. N. E. sec. 8. Twp. 40 S-. R. E. : cruise three to four million: S'-IOOO taken by Feb. 1. Mc Kin ley Mitchell. iiu stark Bt. WILL GIVBX INTEREST IN 250.000.000 yellow fir. near Columbia, for neceiwary logging capital: Rood logging; will pay out 1 n l0 d ays ; pr i n cipaJ s only. G 71, Or- gonian. TOU CAN BE LOCATED ON A GOOD timber claim, cruising 3.500.000 feet, and noar good logging stream Xor SOO, F S3, oregonian. .50.000 CAN BE CLEARED UP WITH COM- paratively small investment: timber, near Portland; Investigate yourself.. L 80. Or egonian. FOR SALE LARGB AND SMALL TRACTS of timber lands. Address Box 187, Eu gene. Or. TO LEASE. 8 ACRES WITH GOOD HOlSB IN CITT LIM- it, near Irvinirton; rent $20 per month. Par- rish. Watlclns & Co., zoo Aider St. TO LEAKE FULL-SIZE STORE. BEST LO- cation. Washlogton St.; rent reasonable. Address W 18, Oregonian. FOE RENT FARMS. FOB BALE FARMS, A. RABB OPPORTUNITY ! A. CHANCE OF A UFKTIMS I To secure one of the most productive and In every way rWrahtft little fartH within ao miles of Portland. luatea in a very no r tarminc com tt'v. lfw than on-haf mllr from. boat landing;; dally boat to Portland. wra contains ov acres, an lenm M. -s of which U In cultivation, This tarra contains 00 acres, an imiio new .-room house, choice selected fam ily orchard and well of nvf r-faillng water : lair barn ana otner out dui inns-. A good team, wagon, harnrss and top buffST, e farming Implements, 3 head cattlo. poultry, hay And grain M Inclufl- ed for the exceedingly low price of $3500. TB WHO WISH A COMPLETE COUNTRT HOME. L flT-iwt-clann puhllc hls;h fenced into flelda. very handsome 2-atory 8-room residence, . paint ed white: a great well with wtadmlll and tank : nine re4 bam. a fine hog- house, poultry yard and poultry house, fine or chard of excellent bearing; fruit, small cottag;, tenement house, living water, store, sawmill, railway stations close to place; on rural mall route, lrt mi1s city, 8 miles Vancouver. Price $3500. The best farm buy In the markpt today. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 140 14 first st. $2000 FOR 21-ACRE FARM 55 MILES from Portland; good spring and well; '1 houses; one .-room, tne otner .-room: banu; 4 milch cows: one horee. buggy and wairon and all farm Implements: J pigs and chickens. J. Avallo, box 23, Maygers, Or. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 30O-ACRE larm. US miles east or i-.ugenr; acrps orchard, mostly 8-year-old Bpitsenbers; apples; easy terms, or win iraae ior Portland property. E. H. Ingham, Ore gon hotel, fbrtiana, ur. 320 ACRES CHOICE DAIRY LAND IN Tillamook County for sale or would ex change for city property. M. E. l-ee, room 20. RalrlKh bldg.. Washington Bt. Phone Pacinc 5U. ACREAGE AND FARMS NEAR TIOARD- vi e. from 8 to 10 miles from Fortlana. tiear the Portland-Salem carllna. Form ers Land Co.. 178 Madison at. 60 FIRST-CIASS IMPROVED OREGON farms for sale; prices very reasonable; buy' era only need address. R 68. Oregonian. -4UOO ACRES OF RAW WHEAT LAND, miles from Nolan Station; SIO acre. 80, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATB. IF TOU HAVE CITT INCOME-BEARING property, city or suburban residence prop' ertv. unimproved city or suburban proD' erty and wish to sell at once; 1C you are looking for a home, ready made, or wish a building site, we will supply your wants. Answer tnis oner at once. Aaanaa w 62, Oregonian. LIST YOUR REAL ESTATB WITH ITS: WO want a few xond buys In .well residence. East or West Hide, close in, IrvinKton, Hol iday's Stephens' Addition or South Port land; what have you good for the price? THE DUNN-LAWRDNGE COMPANY, 149 First street. WANTED DOWN TOWN CITY PROPERTY WITH OR WITHOUT INCOME. MUST HE EAST OF 7TH ST. AND NOT SOUTH OF YAMHILL: STATE LOWEST CASH PRICE. X 70, OREGONIAN. I WILL BUT OR RENT PIKCE OF GROUND on railroad tracK. auitaoie ror warenouse and factory. Price must be right. Give ful particulars. Railway Equipment jo.. box 137. City. I HAVE SOLD 6 PIECES OF" RKAL EJSTATB this week; I can sen your next pernaps; list what you have with me for quick sale. P. Dubois. Washington bid., room 3. WANTED TO HUY CORNER LOT A BOUT ovxTo ; munt be central ana in waimnR distance; direct from owners. Aaaresa jm 74,, Oregonian. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR ALL KINDS OP property. What nave you to oner : iv.rn- nedv Jfc Hteitolc. Room 325. Lumber Ex change. I WANT TO INVEST FROM ,!i000 TO $20, OOO in Portland real estate: wnat nave you to offer? Address M .4. Ore.onl.n. LIST Yl )I" I'. PROPERTY WITH US WE can sell It. .'aimer & rreBion, ids v Park. ACREAGE FOR FLATTING. 720 CH-AM- ber Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. TrROOM MODERN residence in ran 'gas City: also 64ft acres of gOftd Nebraska for Portland realty or land. WILL GIVE FIRST-CLASS DKNTAl. WORK III eschange lor painting ana graining, an Inside work. B 77, Oregonian. f HALF ACRE TN ST. JOHNS FOR HFTST-- aence or vacant iulb . win pay uiiierrncn. ju 74. Oregonian. TIMBER T.AND9 WANTED. TO OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS A PCD timber w e wi 11 nuy xor casn any gooa timber tributary to Nehalem River; will deal with owners only; no others neea answer. Write, nlving ful! particulars, to Eox 8. TJ. P. Station. Portland. Or. Timber wanted. Oregon or WashlnRton, larg or small tracts. Sphinx Agency, auov atarn. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. Jk.ll kbMta, Includlns rjrovrl force r erv cralrle Government land. a a. namuion, The Portland. Portland. Or. FOB BAIbB Horses, Vehicles, Etc, BUT. RENT OR EXCHANGE horses, wagons, buggies, harness of all kinds; carload of horses Just arrived. welghlne from 1000 to 1400 lbs. Call Oregon Stables. 14th and Couch sts. (LACK TEAM. WEIGHT ABOUT 2SMM1 pounds. 5 and 6 years old. perfect in every way. heavy wagon, good as new, harneps; $-130. Inquire Carl Ross, 803 Oregon st. Phone- East 716. VEHICLES OP ALL KINDS. NEW AND cecond-hand ; largest stock, lowest prices ; horsea and rirs rented by day or month. Tomllnson & Caeslday. 211 Wash. Pac 507. PAIR OF" MATCHED BAY HORSES, T and 8 years old; weigh zsoo lbs.; are aound and true pullers. Call 23 N. 14th street. FOR SAI.B FINE DRIVING MARE. broken single, douoie and sarin le; aino top buggy and harness. Phone Main 117. FOR RALE CHEAP GOOD. FIRST-CLASS hand -made delivery wagon. .inquire atjcj East Washington. $150 WILL BUY TWO ROANS, HARNESS ana express wagon. oo icnino ave., Bell wood. Or. We buy, sell, rent, exchange homes, wagons. saddles, harness. Hubert & Hall. Zoo 4th. FOR BALE) CHEAP 45 DCOND-H AND De livery wagon. Inquire 379 East Morrison, Pianos. FINEST STYLE WEBER PIANOLA PI ano. used two months, at great sacrifice; must be sold this week. Address -V 77, Oregonlsn. PIANO TO SELL FOR STORAGi. CHARGES (Starr make). Pries f ISO. At 20 Oak it Particulars 751 Park ave. FOR SALE GRAND PIANO; PARTIES GO- lng away; pu-guni ut soon. aa. on. Oregonian. PIANO. GOOD AS NEW. FOR SALE, cash or trade. 41 Union ave. South. Phone East 88. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND GO-CART, almost new, with an latest improvements. Call uarneia ave. ROYAL ANN. LAMBERT. BING CHERRIES nv 1000; cnoice roses assortea oy iuuo. Ockley Green Nursery. SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPIES 2 MONTHS OLD. SA. LTiwaer -v . nsncneia, vvrat ave. and - Bei elmont, Mt. Tabor. FOR 8ALJ3 NEW VICTOR PHONOGRAPH with 30 choice records. Address K 79, Oregonian. 12 "FT. T STATIONARY CJASOLTKK KMOTXP1. good aa new. A bargain. 32 Chamber of commerce. FINE FAMILY COW, LARGE JERSEY. ricb xnimer. wotf Jttrooaiyn st. iicnmona car. BBU CHANGBMAKINT5 CASH BEGIfiTBH FOB SALE. cheap; ee tiiem; complete Block new high- ends s&Ut. Portland ga. Co.. 62 7th it MIST SELL AT ONCE. 90 CORDS OF" choice 4-root wood In tba city llralta. Make an olTer. Room 20, Raleigh bldg., 323 Waehington U FHou Facinc 59. MUST SELL AT ONCE, PO CORDS OF choice 4 -rone wood 1 n the city 11 mil n ; m Vt o atn o fTr-r-- Koom SO. RalflRh ) 1 '1 K. . W ashington st. Phone Pa-clflc 09. CHEAP. KBARLT KHW. M MODEL K win ton automobile; ir taicen at once win a-ii ror nearly naar price; tuny Addrcia ZW! 4S. Oroconlm. 11100 BUTS LARGEST, BEST ARRANGED poultry ranch In state; on rented ground near city; to iu aany income. see VolfitfIn. 2iiT Front. KIRST-CIbvASS OAK TOP COUNTER, OFF1CR flxturea. safe, etc Apply Frank woolacy Co., 252 Oak at. Phone Main 06, CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE, FIXTURES and merchandise. Fbont Main leva. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. FOR RENT PIANOS. DECKER. PIANO FOR RENT. APPLY AT Chamber of Commerce. HELP WANTED MALE. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR. A GOOD. live, energetic man to represent fcaatprii concern in city; increasing income to right party; state age, experience, references. Confidential. Address W 71. Oregonian. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAP.BER trade 'in eight weeks; graduate ear a irom 115 to $25 weekly; expert lcatructore; cata logue free. Moler System of College. 35 North Fourth street. Portland. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DO BILLING and clerical work in office; must be good at fleures and experienced. Apniy in own handwriting, stating age, reference and salary. T 72, Oregonian. WANTED RELIABLE MAN WITH $200 can secure work In a cash business aa nartner: owner will teach you the bust- ness and Kua-rantee you $4 a day. Par ticulars. 24tt Stark st. WANTED A BOND OR STOCK SALES- man; a good salary paid to the right man; one who has large city acquaiDtance and can Turnisti gooa references. Aaarea 12, Oregonian. WANTED A MACHINIST WITH FROM S3000 to So OOO to Invest, to take sart terest In -rood navlnar manufacturing oroD- osltlon In city : steady employment. R 5tJ, Oregonian. PACIFIC STATIONER! tt PRINTING CO. SOS-ZOT 2d St. Phone Main U-.1. We deelgn and Install the most modern and annroved office systems. Com pi els Una loose-leaf filing devices. WANTED AN EXPBR1ENCBD STATION- ery, blank booK and onice supply man; state experience, give references and salary ex pected. Address bnaw & tJoraen co t?po kane. Wash. WANTED 25 HARNESS MAKERS. 2 cc liar cutters. 3 collar hand stitchers. Write L.o Angeles Saddlery & Finding t.o.. ZlU-L'lfT N. .Uos Angeles St., L.oa An geles. Cat. COUNTRY PRINTERS. CASE MEN. $12 Slfl: Willamette Valley. Southern Oregon. Northwest Newspaper Brokerage, Good- nough blag. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing. Jeweler work, optics, easy terms; pom- tlone guaranteed: money made leamlna. WatchrnkE-Engrav. Sch'l. 1426 4th av. Seattle MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbinif. plastering, bricklaying, elec tries 1 trades; free catalogue: positions secured ; tuition SSO. Coyne Trade Schools. New York and San Francisco, YOUNG MAN. GOOD PENMAN, TO PRE- oare for entrance examination as Customs Inspector. Call today; free catalogue. West Coast Schools. 714 Chamber Commerce. WANTED EXPERIENCED LUMBER snipping clerk, also first-class glazier. Good wages. Apply Cascade Lumber Com pany. North Yakima, Wash. "W ANTED COMPETENT BENCH HAN OS for general cabinet work; kooiI pay; steady work. Address the Wheeler-os- good Co., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED SMART BOY FOR OFFICE must be willing: to work and lea.rn ; roo1 "w aijc. A ltl rem in own handwriting, O. Box 18, city. WASHINGTON NEWSPAPER WANTS Job-ad. printer. SIS; good, permanpnt io Hilton. Nortnwest newapaper uroneri Goodnough bids. REPORTER OUTSIDE MAN, OREGON publication; $50 start: board. $U-50 steady position. Newspaper Brokerage WANTED PARTNER WITH T5; CAN msJ:e J.10 weekly and expenses; eiperl ence unnecessary. Koom - Ua oJltt Wasn lngton. 1 to 4. FIRST-CLASS IMPLEMENT also experienced millinery salesman. Commercial Abstract Co., Ra lelgh bldg. COMPETENT A D.-JOB PRINTER, IDAH O, : 1 ; leave immediately . rare rerun oeo Korthwest Newspaper Brokerage, Good nough bldg, THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED SHOE salesmen want . . permanent posltl' Sol pay to rlsht men. Addreu 1 regonlan. SKIMMING STATIOM MAN WAKTED must understand utenm tunlTi and horse. Aldres the Wall WtUla Creamery. Wall. BOY TO DRIVE BUTCHEK WAGON AND le&m the bu!nes. Apply at Plkhorn Mar- Sell wood. Phone WANTED FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE painter; good wages, or chop on percentage basin. West Coast Wagon Co., Tacoma. Salary and commission If you can write health and accident insurance. Northwestern Health & Accident Assn., 607 McKay bid. Open eve. PANTS PRESSER ONE WHO CAN DO operating. Charles Coopey & Son, tailors, opposite Chamber ot Commerce, upstairs. DANCING LESSONS. 25c private and classes: taught dsUly. Wor. Wal Wilson, onlcea and academy, A 1 laky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. WATCHMAKER A FIRST-CLASS TVORK- m.n; must be sober and reliable. Address 1b Alv. Lewis. Klmn.1 h Fell.. Oregon. WANTED A FIRST-CUASS UPIIOL- eterer: none other need apply. Inquire Vpholstery Department. Tull A Glbbs. WANTED Ilrxtt-cl.t!. saleuii.o, all lino.; good bookkeepers and stenographer. Com. merclal Abstract Co., Raleigh bldg. ROOFERS WANTED, TINNERS WANTED. Bbe.t meta-l worker. w.ii Apply- Win. koop. the Rooter. 243 Ah .t. WANTED TWO GOOD, STOUT BOYS FOR apprentices. Portland Wlr. & Iron Works, Bocond and Everett ats. KELSO EMPLOYMENT A REAL. ESTATE) Free employment at principal campa. M Blxby. Jr., Kelso, Wash. WANTED BOY 16 YEARS OLD FOR - light inside work. Apply & o'clock. Room 8, 265 Washington at. DRUO CLERK FOR SOUTHERN OREGON town; a steady job for a good man. Address W 72, Oregonian. YOTIlsro MAN. WHOLESALE HOUSE; state aire, experience and reference.. W 80. Oregonian. WANTED BO? TO DRIVE GROCERY wagon. Apply- u. ..euaner it uo., 1.7 Grand ave. WANTED CAMPBEIJ. MACHINE OPER- ators and harness cutters. Apply John Clark Saddlery Co. . WANTED PHOTOGRAPH OPERATOR, good retoucher. Cutberth. 801 Dekum bldg. FOR RETAIL en. Mearoro, or. SALESMEN BIG WAGES; BOMETHIXG positively new. 2it wmmercuu Block. BOY. WHOLESALE HOUSE; STATE AGE and references. V 73, oregonian. 60O men wanted FVes shaves and haircuts. 348 Couch s4 Moler Baxber College. WANTED FIRST-CLASS B ADDLEMAKER8. The r, J. wonm wo., no mm t. WANTBD BOY; $8 PER WEBK TO START. Aspiy oo Front st.. cor. Davis. WANTBD TWO WAITERS. Ilc,I'X SI- X HJCLP WANTED MALE- SALESMEN WANTED THREE RALES- men ror our new county, townnhlp B-iil r I lroad mirvpyn of Oregon ; t heso r--' ai. rn m. splpndlit compilation or fart, n ures and drawlnK and of wonderful value; counts and towns arc fully indwu ami populations of each are Riven: railroads )l&!nly ehown And dlntnncen betwpn all m ifttlons bIko xnown ; I'onni pfmonnl dls trlirtfi outlined, n n m br-red ind populations jtlven. Other features too numerous to mention. A pplmdld opportunity lor en- ersetlc men. Kand. McNally & Co., Chl eaBO. 111. several mm m wanted dime- diatoly to prepare railway mail olerUs. for examination for Portland. prtl 11. many 500a appmntiwni Til t y Mr. IIeynin-. :;io dally 8 to 6; evenings WANTED STAVE - BOLT CUTTERS, wages, $1.40 per cord; good hoard, steady work; timber yellow ftr. Apply Western Cooperage Oo.( Stearns bldg., Portland, or UouUon. Or. WANTED FOR FIRST-CLASS POSITION. out or town, young man under .to pre ferred ; must be competent monographer, bookkeeper, capable of advancing In busi ness and a hustler; opportunity to gradu-. ally acquire Interest in excellent but-lneps or otherwise, as dr-wlred. Addreflfl North ern Oyster Co.. South Benrt, Wash. ALL DISEASES OF" MEN BUCCESSPUL.LT ireaiea , uiscnarges positively cured In from 3 to 5 days; consultation freo and strictly confident. al; send for our symp tom blank.. X-Radlum Medical Institute). Sd and Aidr muui iDtracc. 23 Alder sc. Portland. AT ONCE SEVERAL YOL'NO MEN TO qualify for coming examination tor railway mall clerks; permanent positions, good sala ries; many appointments; experience unnec essary ; 8 et our free cata 1 og ue. W est Coast Correspondence Schools, 7H Chamber Com. WANTED CREW KOR SMALL MILL; wages from $U.rK up; two cablnet-mak.- era, one bench carpenter, one wood-turner; wages $3.50; steady work; others. Inquire Lumbermen's Labor Bureau. 1U N. lid st., or OAVs Morrison st. WANTED MEN WHO HAVE TIME AND are eligible, to prepare for ponition as railway mail clerk in Portland: examina tion soon. Write tor particulars. I'a. clflo States Schools, cor. 3d And fitark sts., Portland, Or. WANTED YOUNG MAN OVER 18 FOR wholesale bouse; good chance to learn business; .rapid advancement; salary to start. 30. Address. In own hand-writing, giving references. O TO, care Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinda of work, register with us. free of charge, so we may locats you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOBNCT, 843H Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. LADY WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE OF music as demonstrator; excellent oppor tunities to riKht party; salary $800 a year and commissions. L 72, Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory. 2 Grand ave., and B. Taylor st. WANTED STRONG.. MIDDLE-AGED WO- man for general housework ; no wasn in g ; $25 per month. Mrs. J. L. Henderson. Hood River, Or. GIRLS TO WORK. IN CRACKER FAC tory; good wages, steady employment. Ap ply Pacinc Coast .Biscuit Co., corner llitb and Davis sta. WANTED OIRL TO DO GENERAL housework In family of two; must be Kood plain cook; wages $'.1. ZK). Apply 200 Park st. WANTEL ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER; experienced and capable; state salary wanted and references. Address V HO, WANTED TOITNO LADIES NOT UNDER 20 to learn nursing in small hospital. Re ply in own handwriting. A CD, Oregonlatt. WANTF.D REFINKD. CAPABLE tVOMA for responsible position, with opportunities for advancement. Vlavl Co.. loth and Mor. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOK'S. nurses, waitresses, Hecond j;irln. St. Ixils ladles' Axency, U30 Yamhill. Main r.4i:l. WANTED QPEJRATOKS AND GIRLS TO learn BMrtmaklng. Apply stanaard rac tory. 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st HAN SEN'S LADIES" A GKNCT. Vii Washington St.. cor 7tn. upatmlis. Phone Main 2602. GIRL FOR OEMEUAL IIOL'SEWORK - 0 1 1 1 1 . TO ASSIST IIS" GENERAI, HOUSK- work. Good place for reliable girl, 773 Hoyt. Phone Main 27.9. WANTED LADY ASSISTANT ITOJt THOTO otudlo ; must te experienced. Cutberth, 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED - SALESLADY; ONLY -SCClt having experience- need apply at 300 "Washington st. WANTED OIRL FOR fiEN KRAL HOUSE- work ; small family ; no children. Apply "21)7 10th it. WANTED GOOD PLAIN COOK AND TO ajsalflt In general houMWork. Apply 14S N. Kild St. fiTEXOGRAPHER. WHOLESALE HOWE: state age. experience, references. H 78, WANTED WOMAN COOK TT)R DINNER wora, A. x. itesiaurant, oro aiorri- son st, FIRST-CLAK8 CHAMBERMAID AND DIN- 1 11 K -rooxxx gin wantea slc rn. intn, corner Davis WANTED A COMPETENT COOK, WAGES S.'to per month. Apply mornings. 231 rorth 2th u RELIABLE OIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN- eral housewonr. Apply mornings at o;u 4th st. DANCING LESSONS. 25c Wfl.SON-9 School. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sta WANTED GIRL FORENOONS. IN FAM- lly of two. at 12 Nortr, IZia St.. 21 floor. EXPERIENCED OIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mount Tabor. Phone East 243. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAC- tory. Z Grand ave. ana juiat rayior at. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSB- work: must be cook. il.J ord st. WANTED EXPBRIBNTBD TAILORESS. Klcoll the Tailor. 1U8 Third st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 3Si I0th. corner Montgomery st. WANTED CAPABLE COOK. 751 FLAN- ders st.t corner 2Ud. WANTED- A FIRST-CLAS3 NURSE GIRL. Phone Pacinc 27U5. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WE ARE NEW YORK MANUFACTURERS Want representatives, both nexn. for Portland and State of Oregon; salary or commission ; agents clear $ft to $ 10 daily ; guarantee $2; exclusive territory. Call from 10 to 4, 8l Taylor St., or address P. O. box 2'J, Portland, Or. Sano Mercan tile Co. DISHWASHER WANTED AT THE LEWIS & Clark Houk at tit H and Irving. SITIIATIOV WANTED MAtE. Bokkeeprsi and Clerlca. YOt'NG MAN, SO, IN WHOLESALE GRO- cery and procluc business, Jacksonvtllp, Fla., wishes to make a chang on account of climate; invites correspondence from r! 1 abli houoeg of port ln.nl with view to locating there; lO yearn" ex rerln-n sales man, office nnd buyer; can invest sev eral thousand dollars if desired; would consider proposition from established merchandise broker; highest references. Address "W iiolnaale, Sox. 3-t I, Jackson vllle. F"la. WANTED POSITION A8 ASSISTANT bookkeeper; wholesaln house preferred; best of references: would accept any other position. K 73. Oregonian. IF TOU WANT A POSITION OR HELP OF any kind, call at 2o Alleky Bldi?., or phons Main 393L Clerks' Registration Bureau.- YOITNG MAN. SOME OFFICE KXPERI encn. u-anta ponition; will arrrpt Bmall salary ; referentos. W T7. Orpgonlan. YOUNG MAN OF 18 DESIRES POS1TION as collector or office work; best refer ences. T 77. Oregonian. WANTED SITUATION AS AITCTION- eer's clerk; served appronulcestaifL. J PUBLIC ACCOUNTAirr. $18 WorcMUr BulMInc Fbani Faclflo 1S0T, . price. 3 T2 OrcsQnlaa. Hit srccruBs cs4V0u