Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 28, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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Merchandise Purchased oiv Credit the Balance of the Month Will Go on Your January Account
Jrmk Store's
Friday Surprise
5000 M
en's 4 - in - Hands
es at 25c
In the Men's Furnishing Goods Department today another
great Friday Surprise Sale of Men's Fine Silk 4-in-Hands.
Plain colored and fancy silks in great assortment Very
best styles in stripes, figures, dots, checks, plaids, etc.;
plain colored poplins and bengalines in all the leading
shades Plain and black and white figured silks, shepherd
plaids, etc., etc. Made up full French fold, r& .
reversible or satin lined Every tie in the jU vL jm
lot regular 50c values Your choice today gf 3
only at this phenomenally low price, each
See Big Morrison-Street Window Display
Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled
Every economical man will take advantage of this sale
- Meier (Bb Frank's 883d Friday Surprise Sale
Two Great Specials Basement
1000 3-quart Lipped Granite Saucepans, best grade Every housewife should take advan-tage of
this value in this useful kitchen utensil. On sale in the basement at, each
500 square, point long-handle Furnace Shovel, a necessary article in every home equipped with a It
furnace; gTeat special value at ' '. JJ
Great special values in all lines of house-furnishing goods Basement.
Meier (Zsh Frank's 883d Friday Surprise Sale
000 Pr. Nottingham Curtains
Phenomenal Value at 79c Pair
1000 pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains to be sold
today at a ridiculously low price, per pair A great
special purchase from large New. York importers
enables us to offer them at this wonderfully low price.
Ten patterns to select from Plain and figured centers.
Renaissance and floral borders Sizes 54 inches by 3
yards The greatest value in popular
priced curtains we ever offered Buy all
you want of them today 3d floor Pair
See Fifth-Street Window Display
Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled
Flannels 10c Yard
3000 yards ' of Swansdown Flannels
for wrappers and sacques; Persian
and floral. designs in great 1 Of
variety, yard
1500 yards of Roman, striped Bath
Flannels, 66 inches wide; best 30c
values, on sale, special at, 1 Qs
the yard .
2000 yards of French Flanneiette, in
the newest colorings and designs ;
large variety; great values 1
at, yard
Great special lot of cambric and nain
sook Gowns; high neck and long
6leeves; lace and embroidery-trimmed
yokes, beading and ribbons;
large assortment, all C? 1
sizes; reg. $3.50 val. . .H
Great special lot of women's cambric
and nainsook Corset Covers; blouse
fronts, trimmed in pretty embroi
deries, Val. and Torchon laces,
tucks ,and headings; fl? 1 1 Q
$1.50 and $1.75 val. at. V
Women's fancy striped outing flan
nel Gowns, Mother Hubbard and
kimono styles, trimmed in fancy
braids and silk stitching; $1.25
and $1.50 values, on sale
Children's white Knit Sweaters, with
pink and blue cuffs and collars
ages 1 to 4 years; values up to
$1.75, on sale at, J 18
Children's white nainsook and lawn
Dresses iong-waisted and Mother
Hubbard styles, trimmed in em
broideries, laces, tucks and bead
ing; ages 6 months to 3 years;
regular $2.50 and $3 1 JTQ
val. on sale at, each...? 1 -7
Laces EmbroidVs
Great clean-up of Embroidery Strips,
4V-yard . lengths, Swiss and nain
sook, edges and insertion, 3 to .5
inches wide ; handsome patterns,
large assortment; values up to
$2.25 strip on sale at this JIQ,,
'specially reduced price..
4-yard strips of Embroidery and
Insertion, 6 to 12 inches wide ; best
patterns, in large variety. Values
up to $2.75, on sale at C 1 O C
this low price, strip P
6-yard strips of cambric and Swiss
Embroidery, 9 to 12 inches wide
values up to $3 a (CI
strip, at pl,JZr
Beautiful allover Embroideries for
lingerie Waists new lot, handsome
patterns; values to $2.50 QQ,,
yard; strip WJ
Round-thread Val. Laces and Inser
tion, 1 to 3 inches wide ; best de
signs; values up to $2 Cftf
dozen yards, for v
000 Prs.
Women $ Sh
$3.00 Values $
1.95 Pair
Today the great Friday Surprise Sale of
women's fine Footwear at less than manu
facturing cost 2000 pairs the product
of one of the largest and best manufac
turers in the East All new, up-to-date
styles in patent colt, lace or blucher, neat
kid tops, liglit or heavy soles -Vici kid
patent tip, lace or blucher styles Foot
wear of standard $3.00 quality Every
pair guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
d n m -
in every particular All
sizes and widths Choice
today only at, per pair
See Fifth-street window display Mail and
phone orders carefully filled Economical
women will look to their footwear needs
All Pictures at One-Fourth Off
Choose from our entire stock of Framed and Unframed Pictures at one-fourth off regnlar prices. Pictures
for the parlor, pictures for the library, pictures for the den, pictures of all sizes and nub- Jm
jects; very large variety, all styles Take your pick at . VH
All Pyrography Sets and stamped wood on sale at one-fourth off regular price Large as- a ff'f
sortment, all prices Second Floor.
All Millinery at Half Price
Our entire stock of women's,
misses' and children's Millinery
on sale at one-half regular prices.
This season's handsomest head
gear Fur Hats, Black Velvet
Hats, Pink and Blue Hats, Green
and Garnet Hats, White and
Champagne Hats An immense
variety for your choosing All
grades at half regular prices En
tire stock of misses' and children's
White and Colored Hats, Caps and
Bonnets on sale at half regular
prices. See ' them 'on Second
Floor Entire stock of Wings and
Flowers at half regular prices
Women's Underwear Specials
Women's natural color mixed wool Vests and Pants; high neck,
long sleeve vests, ankle-length pants, all sizes; 75c values 43
Women's medium-weight mixed wool Union Suits, high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length, warm weight; all sizes; $1.50 values 98
Children 's natural color Union Suits, ages 2 to 10 years ; nice, warm
quality; best 40c values on sale at this low price, suit. .. .25
Calendars 2 Price
Choose from our entire stock of
Calendars at half regular prices.
All sizes, all subjects an im
mense variety to' select from.
Prices range from 2c up to $15.
Take your pick at one- yU
half the regular prices If
Ribbons V2 Price
Thousands and thousands of Rib
bon ' Remnants, all lengths, all
grades, all styles. Take your
pick for a few days only spe
cial values at one-half the regu
lar prices. Take advantage
of these very low
prices I t
$42.50 Steel Ranges $32.50
On sale today a special lot of 15 highest grade "Peninsular" Steel Ranges, No. 8 size, 6-hole, 16-inch
oven, full nickel trimmed,- duplex grate, burn wood or coal, extension end firebox; fully guaranteed in
every particular. -Arrangements for easy payments can be made by parties o good CtO
credit. Regulnr $4l'.")0 Range on sale today only at this special low price '. . .' ifJ&JJ
Complete line of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters in the Stove Department Basement.
Bedding Spec'ls
Fringed Bedspreads, large size
in pink and blue; JJ 1 fQ
$1.50 value, at...'PV'0
100 dozen bleached Turkish
Bath Towels, wonder- Q
fnl values, each 7w
Bleached Cotton Crash, f,
at, yard .
Boys' Suits $2
Boys' Wool Suits, in fancy
tweeds and fancy cheviots;
plain, double-breasted garment
for school wear; also Norfolk
Jackets. Ages 7 to 16 years.
Great special value at this
wonderfully low (P fTL
price, suit PWtJ3
25c Hosiery 16c
Women's fine black cotton
Hose, plain or fleece-lined;
others cashmere finished; sizes
8V2 to 10; 25c values 16tf
Women's fine quality black
medium cotton Hose, fast
black: 8V0. to 30; regular 50c
value at special reduction.
Women's Coats.
Half P
$26Sirits$ 1 2.85-$45Suits $28.85
Women's high-grade Coats at one-half regular prices this season's latest fashions and materials, in
and Jg lengths semi and loose-fitting garments, in red, navy, grays, plaids, checks and fancy mixtures.
Broadcloths, tweeds and homespuns. Coats of the best manufacture beautifully made and finished through
out. All sizes; large variety. The greatest Coat bargains of the j'ear. Remember, these go at one-half
the regular prices. Take advantage of this unusually low-priced offering. See them on the Second Floor.
$55.00 Coats for.. $27.50 $45.00 Coats for $22.50 $32.00 Coats for $16.00
$35.00 Coats for. ..
$44.00 Coats for $22.50
$58.00 Coats for $29.00 . $55.00 Coats for... $27.50
$40.00 Coats for $20.00
$75.00 Coats for ..$37.50
Special lot of 100 women's Tailored Suits, in Pony Jacket and Norfolk styles velvet collar and cuffs me
dium and dark gray checks and plaids; also black and white checks; tweeds and worsteds; d 1 O C
great variety, all sizes. Suits selling regularly at $25 and $26; while they last V
Special lot of women's Tailored Suits, in worsteds, cheviots, mannish mixtures and serges; plaids, checks
and solid colors. Styles are blouses, with peplum, pony jacket and Prince Chap; gimp and velvet trim
ming; plaited skirts; suits selling regularly at $45.00 each; large variety; all this sea- TOpi
son's best'garments; your choice, while they last, at this low price, second floor i)mOOJ
25c Ribbons 15c
3000 yards of Taffeta Ribbons,
32 to 5 inches wide, suitable for
hair, ties, dress trimmings, etc.,
etc.; great variety; best 25o
values, at the special I
low price of JC
Coffee 23c Pound
10,000 pounds of Meier & Frank's
famous Mocha and Java Coffee,
equal to the best 40c grade; buy
all you want at, the Ot
pound Jv
21 Lbs. Sugar $1
250.000 pounds of dry Granulated
Sugar to be sold in this sale at
the unusually low fli 1
price of 21 lbs. for. r W
Full Weight Guaranteed
lasses Away After Five Days' Ter
rible Suffering No Report on
Case Made to Coroner.
While playlnw about the yards of
the Alnsllc Sash and Door factory,
Feventeenth ' and Fettyjrrove streets,
Jecemher IS, 4-year-old Willie do
Polk, the eon of Belgian parents, re
Kldlnx at Seventeenth and Thurman
streets, was so badly burned by es
caping steam that he died "In terrible
KKony at St. Vincent's Hospital last
The officials of St. Vincent's Hospital
habitually neglect to report violent
deaths occurring In that Institution, ac
cording to a statement given out at
the office of Coroner Flnley. and they
made no report in this case, hence
there has been no official Investigation
of the sad affair. There is no law on
the statute books of Oregon compelling
any one to report such cases to the
Coroner, and his office is frequently
Ignored and . burial made- before any
Information finds its way into his ofTce.
"Our office is continually Ignored by
the officials of ft. Vincent's Hospital,
who neglect to Inform us In cases of
violent deaths." said TVputy Coroner
Klnley last night. "This Is a case
where the Coroner should have been
notified at once, so that there could
have bven an immediate Investigation
of all the facts, and it could have been
established If there was blame attach
ing to any one. The laws of this
State are so constructed that this of
fice has no recourse after burial, and
we cannot act, when information
reaches us so late." '
When the little boy was scalded by
the steam that was escaping from an
exhaust pipe under the trestle work, his
screams attracted workmen, who
rushed to the scene and removed the
sufferer to the home of .his parents,
not far distant. Drs. William Jones
and J. C. Ross were summoned, and did
all they could to save the lad's life.
They had him taken to St. Vincent's
Hospital, where he died December 23.
The parents of the lad are Belgians,
who cannot speak a. word of English.
After the lad was burned, the mill
management Immediately altered the
steam pipe, so that a repetition of the
affair could not occur.
At Te Palais Royal today $20 suits go
at $9.95: others accordingly as low in
price, 375 Washington street.
Taken Rome by His Father.
OREGON CITY, Or., Dec. 27. (Special.)
Repentant and shame-faced, Elbert
Huber, the 16-year-old son of George
Huber, of West Oregon City, who was ar
rested in Portland yesterday afternoon,
was returned to his home here today fey
the father who went after his erring son.
Young Huher stole from his home a $90
check, which he cashed, about $12 In
money and a revolver. He started out to
see the world, going by streetcar to Port
land, where he was promptly arrested on
his arrival, the police having been noti
fied from this city of the theft. The lad
will not be prosecuted for the theft.
Union Woman Given a Divorce.
LA GRANDE. Or., Dec. 27. (Special.)
Mary Knight, of Union, has been granted
a decree of divorce from her husband.
Alex Knight, the custody of the minor
child and costs of the suit.
Wife Declares Dr. E. D. Johnson
Deserted Her After Five Years
of Wedded Life.
The time record in the securing of a
divorce was made yesterday In the case
of Mary Case Johnson vs. Dr. E. 1.
Johnson. At -1:45 P. M. yesterday Mary
Johnson and E. D. Johnson were husband
and wife. Fifteen minutes later they were
separated and strangers.
The action was brought by Mrs. John
son on the ground of desertion. In her
complaint she sets forth that they were
married October 10. 1900 at Newport and
that in June of 1905. her husband wilfully
deserted her. in just 15 minutes after
the complaint had -been filed in the state
Circuit Court Presiding Judge Sears is
sued the decree. There was no contest.
Houghton's Bondsmen Ask Release.
Proceedings for. the release of "Chick"
Houghton's bondsmen were Instituted In
the State Circuit Court yesterday fore
noon. Lawyer H. C. King, in behalf or
Houghton's mother and A. J. Brault. the
sureties on Houghton's bond of $2100
asked that they -be released; from respon
sibility as Houghton had been surren
dered to the warden of the state prison.
The subject was taken under advisement
by Judge Sears.
Gasplpe Murderer Pleads' Insanity.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 27. Mental
incapacity in both father and son was
made the basis of the attempt of Louis
Dabner to secure a withdrawal of his,
former plea of guilty, made In connec
tion with the gaspipe murders, before
Judge Cook today. G. P. Hall, attorney
for the young man, admitted that the
Judge had carefully explained the con
sequence of declaring his guilt before
the court,, and said that his client had
speculated upon the chances of clem
ency that might be granted him, and
was moved to withdraw the plea upon
realizing the position he had placed
himself in. But, however that may be.
Hall asserted Dabner had acted blindly
upon the advice of a dull-witted father,
and was unable, moreover, to compre
hend the meaning of the warning of the
court. Judge Cook, on hearing the ar
gument, continued the case to January
8. He will probably delay deciding the
motion for a change of plea until after
the trial of Slemsen, Dabner's co-partner
in crime.
Three Soo Hne Employes Arrested
for Enderlin Disaster.
ENDERLIN. N. D., Dec. 27. Three ar
rests will be made here soon In an effort
to place responsibility for the accident on
the Soo road here Sunday.
The acting attorney of the county has
sworn out warrants for John J. Moore,
engineer of the switch engine which
obstructed the main line there; Charles
Aker. yard foreman at Enderlin; and J.
E. Walsh, the switchman sent to flag the
approaching passenger train. The charges
will be manslaughter in the second de
gree. The number of those who ' died in the
wreck has been. Increased to 11. J. C.
Miller, of Mlnot. died in the hospital
here yesterday and Mr. Brockett, of Min
neapolis, died today.
Thousands whom It has cured vouch
for the value of Hood's Sarsaparllla as
a cure for catarrh.
226-228 Alder Street, Bet. First and Second Streets
Smith is the only independent wholesale butcher in the city the only one who is giving the Portland
people positively fresh Oregon meats, absolutely pure and without the taint of the beef trust.
Choice Oregon Turkeys, Per Lb., 25c
Choice Ribs of Beef, to boil,
per lb 5?
Choice Brisket Beef, to boil,
per lb. i .5
Choice Neck Cuts to boil.5
Corned Beef Plates .... .6
Corned Beef Brisket . . .
Choice Pot Roast Beef. . .8
Choice Rump Roast Beef..8
Rolled Roast Beef, lb.. .10
Loin Beef Steak 10
Round Beef Steak . ...10
Porterhouse Steak, lb.l2U,
"T"-Bone Steak, lb.. 121
Prime Rib Roast Beef ...10
Hamburg Steak, lb. ... 10
Beef Liver . 5
Leg of Veal .121,
Rump Roast Veal . . . 12i
Loin Roast of Veal . . 12i
Loin Veal Cutlets . . .12U.
Veal Shoulder Roast. . .10V
Shoulder Roast Lamb...8
Breast of Lamb -.6
Lamb Stew .-6
Leg of Lamb 15
Loin Roast Lamb -.15
Lamb Loin-Chops . . . . .15
Pork Shoulder Roast . 12U
Lamb Rib Chops 15
Lamb Shoulder Ch'ps.l2y2 (Pork Shoulder Chops.121
Leg of Pork, per lb. . .121
Pork Loin Chops, lb. . . 15
Pork Loin Roast .....15?
Shoulder of Pork . . .12i-
Pigs' Feet 5
Leaf Lard 12i,"
Veal Breast, lb. 8
Veal Stew, lb. ....'.6
Our Own Pure Lard, lb . 12
Hams, lb 17
Our Own Bacon, lb.. .17i,
Sausage 10