Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 07, 1906, Page 19, Image 19

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Dealers Taking on Large
Blocks of Prime Grade.
Kailroad Company's Figures of Ship
ments to Date No Statement
of Quantity Tendered
and Not Shipped.
HOPS Steady buying in local mar
krt. POTATOES California market Is
FRUIT Spanish grapes are lower.
HUTXER Local prices not uniform.
EGGS Active and steady.
POULTRY Local demand strong
"WOOL Oregon staple active in
Tbre is much steady buying going on in
the hop market, but trade -still lacks the
nap that U usual at this time of year. The
Idea seems to prevail among Kastern con
sumers that Pacific Coast hops can be bought
for a cone, consequently tho orders that are
coming1 in, which are plentiful enough, are
generally at figures considerably below the
The Idea that Oregon growers can be in
duced to part with their hops at & low is a
mistaken one, for in spite of the dragging
market and sagging prices, much firmness is
still evidenced by holders. The majority of
growers who have not sold are financially
able to hold on until after the holidays, a hen
they believe brighter times will come. They
know very well that the foreign crops were
inadequate and that unless all calculations
were at fault, the Knglish buyers will, event
ually have to enter the American market.
When quality in considered, the prices now
being paid show but a moderate decline from
. those ruling a fortnight ago. Strictly choice
hops, if any were marketed, would doubtless
command prices equally as good as those of
a month ao.
Amuiiif thi; bujers in the market yesterday
was A. J. Kay, who secured 150 bales near
Forwst cirove at lti to l3f cents. Toozo & Page
bought a !ot of 34." bales at" Bulleton at 12
cntK. Klaber. Wolf & Natter bought a few
lotn in the liubbard section. The J. W.
Heavt-y Hop Company secured a carload at
Eugene at 12 cents and another carload up
the river at i-ents, also a T.Vbale lot from
C. M. Mctssler. MeNeff & Dorcas operated
heavily in the Chhalis ection, taking on an
aggregate of 3uu bales at an avoYage price of
11! cents.
Railroad ligures furnished by the Southern
Tacillc, of shipments from Oregon from
September. 1 to December. 1, are 41,385 bales.
It is said that rince December 1, about 3000
bales more have been forwarded. With all the
talk .of a car shortage these figures look, big,
tiiid while the dealers are not In a position
to question the accuracy of the figures, they
stil! have their duubts. It is sufe to eay,
however, that the quantity reiKrted shipped Is
mighty small when compared with the quanti
ty tendered for shipment.
Sweet Potatoes Fail to Arrive.
Two cars of sweet potatoes were due
yrtterday but lailed to arrive. It is under
stood, the Merced shippers will now work
entirely on cellar stock. A wire from Los
Angeles said the oranges are very green in
Southern California and may nt be ripe
enough for the holiday, trade. Northern Cali
fornia oranges are being freely sold in the
Los Angeles market.
The email lot of steamer vegetable's
cleaned up quickly. Jobbers are unable to
secure cauliflower in the tan Francisco mar
ket. Malaga, grapes were quoted lower yester
day at $7.50 8.
Potato Market It fcany.
Tho potato market still has an eay tiin
as San Francisco lias net recovered yet
from the heavy arrivals of the early part
of the week. Snippers have plenty of cars at
their disposal, but fear the supply will not
hold out long.
The San Francisco onion market is a little
steadier, but prices there are still consid
erably below the minimum llguro' fixed by
the Oregon Growers Association.
Cirap Juice Is Scarce.
There has been a scarcity of grape juice
in the market for some time, as owing to
the short 1903 crop, not enough was made
to meet the enormous demand. Word lias
been received that tho first car of IDOrt
crop grape juice from the Welch plant will
arrive here about the middle of January.
Shipments after that will be regular.
-- --
Butter Price t Uniform.
Tho advance in tho city butter price is
not yet general, but all the creameries arc
expected to be in line by tho end of the
Kggs continued active and, steady at
former prices.
Poultry receipts were again limited and
a good demand was reported.
Oregon Wool in Fun tern. Market.
. Tho large movement in Oregon staple
wool was the feature of the past week in
the Boston market. The t-ak-s amounted
to between l.r,uo.(MK) and L0lH,OOO pounds.
Prices ranged from. 2:tc to 24c and in some
cases i!4"2H wad paid. Valley No. 2 was
quoted at 2S'n:i0e and N. S at 28(r 2c.
Batik C learing
Tiunk rlearaiu:s of tho leading cities of
t he Northwest yesterday were;
Clearings. Ha lances.
Portland $ l,:ttl. lvs $2K,n.V;
h'eattij J ,4154. 17." 22S.:il'J
Tiiconia N74.HSI X4.HSI
.Njxikuuc l,020.sti 71,40'J
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc. ,
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream-'
ory, 32 fti ;5c per pound. State creameries:
Fancy creamery, 2 V-jUc; store butter, 10
EliUri Oregon ranch. a7!ac per dozen;
Eastern storage. 2027 c; Eastern fresh, 30
CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. 14
15c; Huur America, 15 10c per pound-
POULTRY Average 'old hens. l3?13Hsc;
mixed chicKens, 12 Vs ti 13c; spring, 14c;
old roosters, lOcj dressed chickens. 14'a l5c;
turkeys, live. l17c; turkeys, drei?ed,
choice, 21fi22Vjc; geese, live, per pound, luc;
ducks, loiilOc; pigeons. $1(51,50; equal $23.
Veretables. Fruits. Etc.
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples. common to
choice, o075c per box; ciioice to fancy, $1
62.50; grapes, $1.(152.25 crate; peartt, $11.50;
cranberries. $12(13 per barrel; persimmons,
$1.00 per box.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy. $uff7
per box; orangts. navels. $3.5o&a.75;
grapefruit, $4.50rg.5; pineapple. $5 per dozen;
bananas, 5c per pouna; pomegranates, $2.50
per box.
ROOT V EGET A PIVES Tu rn 1 ds. OOciffSl per
sack; carrots. 00ctf$l per sack; beets, $1,259
1.60 per sack; garlic,, 7Vj,&l0c per pound;
horseradish, 53 loc per pouna; sweet potatoes.
2'j7 2c per pound.
FREfcSH VEGETABLBS Cabbage. lilV.o
' pound; cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen: celery,
75(j0c per dozen; egg plant. $1.50 crate;
lettuce, head. flOc per dozen; onlorw. 10fjJ2Uc
per dozes; bell peppers, R-: pumpkins. Tc
per pound; spinach, 4fl5e per pouud; tomatoes.
5 per box; parsley, 10;l5c; squash, 1
lc per pound; artichokes, 65 75c per
dosn; hothouse lettuc. $.5o er box
ONIONS Oregon, 75cfcl per hundred.
POTATOBS buytng prices: Oregon Bur
banks, fancy, $1 ; common, 7J&S3c.
DRIKD FRUITS Apples.. Sf8VjC. pound;
prlcot. 16319c; peaches, UUil3c; pears,
!ls$.14c; Italian prunes, 24$ tie: California
figs, white, in sacks. Aft 4 He per pound: black,
4V.Sc: bricks. 75cSi2.25 per box: Smyrna,
2Cc pound, dates. Persian, .6 &&c pound.
RAISINS Layers and clusters. 2-crowm.
Jfl.65; 3-crown, SI. 75; 5-crown. 13.10; 6-crown,
$3.50; looe muscatels. 2-crown, 8c; 3-crown,
8Hc; 4-crawn. c; seedless, Thompsons. 10c;
Bui tanas, 9l2Hc
. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc.
WHEAT Export basis: Club, 64c; bluo
stem, 7&tc; Valley, iXX&xilc; red,- 61ti2c.
QATS No. I white, $ii5fci.50; gray, $24.50
FLOUR Patents, $3.90; straights. $3.35;
clears, $3.33: valley. $3.40.
BARLEY Feed, $2lgr$21.50 per ton; brew
ing. 22.5; rolled, &.'2.5U'(t24.
RYE $1.40 1.45 per cwU
COHN Whole,. $2G; cracked, $27 per ton.
MlLLiSTUFFS Bran, city, $16; country,
$17 pr ton; middlings. $25; short-, city. $18;
country, $19 per ton; chop, U, S. Mills, $15. 'hi.
CEREAL FOODS Roiled oats, cream. 90
pound sacks, $7; lower grades. $5.5oG.75;
cat meal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks, $3 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oat
meal (ground). CO-pound sacks, $7.50 per bar
rel: 10-pound sack. $4 per - bale; spilt peas,
$5 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. $1.40;
pearl barley. $4.25 per 100 pounds; 25-pound
boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry dour, 10-pound
sacks. $2.50 per bale.
HAY Valley timothy. No. I. $11012 per
ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $14 016,
clover, $78; cheat, ,$7.508.5O; grain hay.
$7.508-50; alfalfa.' '$11.50; vetch bay. $7
Dressed Meats.
VEAL Dressed, 75 to 125 pounds 8jJ
8c: 125 to 150 pounds, 7c; 150' to 200
pounds. 6c; 200 pounds and up. S6c
BEEF Dressed bulls, l2c per pound;
cowe, 4fl!ici country steers, 5"g5c.
M UTTON Dressed. fancy, 8 9o per
pound, ordinary, 67c.
PORK Dressed. 100 to 130 pounds. Sc;
150 to 2O0 pounds, 7&7c; 200 pounds
and up, tif&G&c.
- Groceries, Nuts, Etc
RTCE Imperial Japan No. I. 554c: Southern
Japan. 5.4tc; head, ti.75c.
COFFEE Mocha, 2ife2Sc; Java, ordinary, 18
22c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1820c; good, 16
l&c; ordinary, Ih&i'c per pound: Columbia
roast, cases. I00s, $15.25; 50s, $15.50; Ar
buckle, SL7.25; Lion, $15.75.
SALMON Columbia, River, 1-pound talis,
$1.75 per dozen; 2-pound talis. $2.44); 1-pound
flats. $1.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails, oc;
red, 1-pound talis. $1.25; sockeye, 1-pound
tails, $1.70.
SUGAR Sack basis. 100 pounds: Cube,
$;.4U; . powdered, $5.30; dry granulated.
$.lo; extra C, $4. GO; golden C, $4.55; fruit
sugar, $5.15; berry, $5.15; J C, 5.05; C. C,
$5.0;; star, $4.U5. Advance sales over sack
basi3 as follows: Barrels, 10c; half barrel,
-oc; boxes, 50c per 100 ibs. Terms: On re
mittances within 15 days deduct 4c per
pound; If later than 15 days and' within 30
days, deduct He Beet sugar $4.1)5 per
hundred pounds; maple sugar. 15&18c per
NUTS Walnuts. 16V,02Oc per lb. by eaclr;
Brazil nuts, 17c; filberts, 15c; pecans, jumnoa,
10c; extra large, 20c; almonds, 1820c; chest
nuts, Ohio, 17c; Italian, 14 ft 15c; pea
nuts, raw, per pound; roasted, 10c;
plnenuts. 1012c; hickory nuts, 10c; cocoa
nuts, 3590c per aozen.
SALT California dairy, $13 ton; Imitation
Liverpool. $14 per ton; half-ground. 100a, $9;
50s, $9.50; lump Liverpool $19.50.
BEANS Small white, 4c; large white, 3c;
pink, 2"c; bayou. 3Ic; Lima, 4c; Mexicans,
red. 4H'C.
HONEY Fancy, $3.253.50 per box.
Provisions and Canned Meats.
BACON Fancy breakfast. 20c per pound;
standard breakfast. 17c; choice. l(ic; English
11 to 14 pounds, lut&c; peach, 14&c.
HAMS lo to 14 pounds, lttc'per pound;
14 to 10 pounds, 15c; IS to 20 pounds,
15c; California (picnic), lO.c; cottage, ll'c;
shouldera. none; boiled. 24c; boiled picnic,
boneless, 20c. v
PICKLED GOODS Pork, barrels, :$21;
nalf-barreln. $11; beef, barrels. $10; half
barrels. $5.50.
SAUSAGE Ham. 13c per pound; minced
ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry. 17c; bo
logna, long, tic; weinerwurst. loc; liver, 6c;
pork, 10c; headcheese. Gc; blood. 6c, bolog
na link, 5jc.
DRY SALT CURED Regular short
clears, dry salt, 12c. smoked. 13c; clear
backs, dry rait, 12c. smoked. 13c; clear bel
lies. 14 to 17 pounds average, dry salt none,
smoked none; Oregon exports. 20 to 23
pounds avetase. dry salt 13e. smoked
14 He, Union bellies. 10 to 18 pounds aver
age, none.
LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces 12Wc
tubs, 12c; 50s, 12ic; 20s. 12c- lOal
13 c; 5s. 13 c. Standard pure: Tierces,
lM$c; tubs, 1194c; 50s, llc; 20s, llic;
10s, 124c: 5s, !2c. Compound: Tierce..
8c; tubs. 8c; 50s, 8c: 10s, Sc: 5s. 8!c.
TURPENTINE Cases, SSc per gallon
COAL OIL Cases, 10c per gallon: tanks,
12 c per gallon.
GASOLINE Stove, cases, 24c. 86 test.
82c; Iron tanks. 26c.
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7c; 500-pound
lots, 8c; less than 500-pound lots. 8c. fin
25-pound tin pails, lc above keg price; 1 to
5-pound tin cans, 100 pounds per case, ihjsc
per pound above keg price.)
LINSEED Raw, In "barrels, 50c; in cases,
55c: boiled. In barrels. 52c, in cases, 57c;
200-gallon lots. Ic less.
BENZINE Cases, luc per gallon; tanks.
12c per gallon.
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
HOPS 11 (u-14c per pound, according to
"VV OOL----Eastern Oregon average best, 13
18c per pound, according to shrinkage.
Valley, 20 & 21c, according 143 fineness.
MOHAIR Choice. -2u4f2Sc.
HIDES Dry: No. 1, 10 pounds and up,
per pound, 18(&20c; dry kip, No. 1, to 15
pounds, its 21c per pound; dry salted bulls
and stags, one-third less than dry Hint;
culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored, mur
rain, hair-clipped, weatherbeaten or grubby,
23c per pound less. Salted hides: Steers,
sound, 00 pounds and over, per pound. 10
11c; steers, sound 50 to 00 pounds, 10llj
per pound,; steers, sound, under 50 pounds,
and cows. ytj10c per pound; stags and
bulls, sound. 7o per pound: kip, sound. 13
to 30 pounds, 10c per -pound; veal, bound,
10 to 14 pounds, 11c per pound; cair, sound,
under 10 pounds, 11 12c per pound; green
(unsaltedt), lc per pound teas; veals, lc per
pound less- Sheepskins: Shearlings, No. 1,
butchers' stock, each, 25(h);;Oc; short wool.
No. 1, butchers stock, each, 50UOc; me
dium wool. No. 1, butchers' stock, each,
$1.253; murrain pejts Irora 10 to 20 per
cent less, or 15 luc per pound. Horse
hides: Salted, eagh, according to size, $lj
1.50; colthides. each 25 'tf50c. Goatskins:
Common, each, 15&25c; Angora, with, wool
on, eacn, oOc$1.50.
FURS No. 1 vkins: Bearskins, as to size,
each, $520; cubs, each, - $1&3; badger,
pcime. ?uch 25 & 50c; cat, wild, with head
perfect. 30 50c ; house cat. 5 jj 20c ; fox,
comomn gray, large prime, each, 50 S70c ;
red, eac h. $3 5 ; cross, each, $5 4 15 ; si 1 ver
and black, each. $4.50 (6; mink, strictly
No. 1, each, according to size, $1 y3; mar
ten, dark. Northern, according to sise and
color, each. $ 1 5 15 ; pale pine, according to
size and olor. each, $250 4 ; musk rat,
large, each. 12 15c: skunk, eachl ' 40 000c.
civet or polecat, each. 5itf l5c. other large j
fine suln, each. $fi3i0; panther, wltn head
and claws perfect, each. $23; raccoon,
prime, large, each, 50 75c; mountain wolf,
with head perfect, each. $3.50 5; prairie
(coyote), 60c & $1 ; wolverine, each, $0 8;
beaver, per sfcin. large. $5&6; medium, $3
7; small, $1&1.50. kits. 504jf75c. .
BEESWAX Good, clean and pure, 22
23c per pcund.
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 44ic.
No. 2 and grease, 2 3c. -1
CASCARA SAGRADA (Chittam bark)
New, 6'yc per ;ound: 1004 and 1005. carlota.
7c; less than carlott 6Uc.
Metal Market-.
NEW YORK. Dec. 0. Ther was an ad
vance in the London tin market, according
to today's cables, with spot and futures clos
ing at 190. Locally, the market waa steady
with spot quoted at 42.87 '2 'f 42.95c.
Copper was higher in London, with spot
quoted at lo3 7s Od and futures at lo4 7s
6d. Locally, the market was unchanged,
with hike )U"tcd-at- 22. 50 22.75c; electro
lytic. 22.12 !-j U 22.37VJC and casting at 22j
22.25c. . " -
Load was lower in tho "English market.
with spot quoted at 10 7 Od. Locally, the
market was firm at 5.7."i(f 0.05c.
Spelter was higher in the local market at
0. ."o 0.55c. In London prices were a shade
lower at 127 15s. , .
Iron was higher,-in the English market
and unchanged locally, ,
.- t
Iried Fruit at New York. '
NEW YORK, Dec. 6. Evaporated apples
are les3 active, but the tone continues firm
in the absence of selling pressure. Fancy,
tti9Uc; choice. 89ic; prime, 8H&8c.
Prunes are still in good demand and prices
range from 3 to Oe on call for fruit.
Apricots are quiet and unchanged with
choice quoted at 16c; extra choice. 17lSc,
fancy, IS fa 20c.
Peaches aro unchanged, with new-crop
choice quoted at 12c; extra .choice, 12'ic;
fancy, 13c. , - t -
Raisins are in fair demand,'with loose
muscatel quoted at 7 S'c ; seeded rais
in.", Tn lOe; London layers, 1.65 1.75c.
Wool at St. Loyi.
ST. LOrirt. Du. C Wool, steady; me
tlimu gradt-s. combing anV clothing, 2-S 27c;
light line. 3Hj'2tc; heavy tine, 14"'iltc; tub
wubhed, 32'5 37c.. ,r
Wo Speculative Liquidation , in
v New York Market., . .
Only Those tet Go YYIio Are Under
Actual Necessity From Inabil
ity to Secure Renewals
' " lroni Banks.
NEW YORK, Dec. 6. Such selling of
stocks as was done in the 'market today
seemed to be under actual necessity from the
inability to. secure renewals of loans when
called by the banks. There was no sign of
speculative selling and the undertone of
confidence in the market was manifest. The
strength of the money market was acute
and the ruling rate throughout the day was
again higher than yesterday. Disappoint
ment was frankly expressed with the scope
of the assistance offered for the money
market The amount of the interest to be
anticipated on December 15 is itself much
less than the amount Wall street was
counting on yesterday.- The fact that the
payment of interest will not be made until
December 15 leaves a gap between now and
then,' when distress of borrowers seems un
avoidable. - . ;i .
Sterling exchange continued to, decline to
day and it was possible to figure a profit on
gold bought in London for shipment .to New
It was argued that the equanamity with
which the stock market accepted the high
call loan rates was to be explained -by the
fact that holders of the larger number of
stocks in the market were not paying the
rates, owing to provisions In the terms .of
loans made some time since. Sixty-day loans
were , made at 83 per cent and the six
months' quotation rose to 6 per cent.
Consideration was given to the money po
sition to the exclusion of all other sub
jects. The opening rate at 20 per cent was
the lowest of the day and the last at 33 per
cent was the highest of the day.
Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par
value. $1,452,000. United States 2s coupon
advanced per cent on call..
' Sales. High. Low. Rid.
Adams Express. ... , 2 SO
Amalgam Copper.. 43,700 114 '112 112
Am Car & Foundry 12,2oO 45 43 43-
do pre 1 erred 101
Am Cotton Oil 32
do preierred 1M
American Kxpres 100 245 245 - 243
Am 1M & U pf.. 100 31 , 31 . 313
Am Ice Securities 000 t&'jb M j
Am Linseed Oil . 17
do preferred 37
Am Locomotive... 000 74 74 ' 74
do preferred HI
Am Smelt & Refin lO.OOO 153 352 152
do preferred 4o0 116 115 115
Am Sugar Refining 2,iHH 130 134 134
Am Tobacco pf.... 300 W0 08 S
Anaconda Min Co 10,700 286 283 2S2
Atchison 23,HtK UH H2 303.&
do preferred 500 101 101 101
Atlantic Coast Line 1354
Baltimore & Ohio 7.100 119 117 117
do preferred 92
Brook RaD Transit 9.800 80 ' 78 78
Canadian Pacific. 7,-ioo 188 180 187
Cent of New Jersey -kj
Chesapeake & Ohio 1,800 58 50 50
Chi tireat Western 800 18 18 17
Chi & Northwest
Chi., MiL & St. P. 20,200 182 180 181
Chi; Term & Trana 10
do preferred 12
C. C, C. & St. L 02
Colo Fuel & Iron 25.200. 56 55 55
Colo & Southern 5'Ki 38 37 37
do 1st preferred.. 200 69 60 60
do 2d preferred.. 500 58 58 57
Consolidated Gas. . 1.400 138 138 138
Corn Prod uct s . ... 1 00 22 22 22
do preferred 200 80 80 SO
Central Leather... 2u0 37 37 , 36
do preferred 100 lo2 lo2 102
Delaw & Hudson.. l.SOO 230 228 227
Del., Lack. & West 625 ,
Den & Klo Orande iM 43 43 43
do preferred 7ttO 71 - 71 8.1 -
TJistillerti tecurit.. 7.300 45 44 71
Erie 300 76 76 44
do 1ft preferred.. 75
do 2d preferred 67 67 67
Gene-rat KlectTlc. . . 300 177 177 .177
Great Northern pf 6,100 250 233 2:t3
Hocking Valley - 126
Int. Blet - 1.2W 37 36 36
do preferred 70 77 76 G
Illinois Central 3rt 175 175 1(5
International Paper 300 18 18 18
do preferred 81
International Pump 1W 40 40 41
do p-eferred 200 81 81 80.
Iowa Central . - - v g'l?
do preferred ' 5)
Kan City Southern 20 .' 30 30
Louis '& Nashville "2,200 .146 145 144
Mexican Central... 500 25 25
Minn & St. Louis .
M.. S. P. & S.S.M. 300 145 145 144
do preferred 104
Missouri Pacific. . . 1.4W 04 94 04
Mo., Kan & Texas 6.1 42 ' 40 41
do preferred 5O0 73 i3 ''-
Northern Pacific... 11,7K 222 218 218
National Lead 1.200 76 75 1 5
Mex Nat R R. pf
N Y. Central...... 18.4O0 134 132 133
N. Y.'Ont. & W-st 400 40 4H , 48
ox prcierreu n . .
x-u..iiiA ' -Him Util. Ufi 144!
Norfolk & Western vw 'J-i'i "J-'ii
lo -preferred w
North American..
80 80
Pacific Mall
1,7i0 42
40 40,
Pennsylvania 19.000 130 17 137
People's Gas 4H) 92 92 02
vitu f (V jC- rt. L
Preyed Steel Car 200 54 54
,t.i .n.frrMl
Pullman Pal Car.. 5on 181 1 i
Reading . . . - ; .16S.700 148 146 146
- do 1st preferred
do 21 preferred "
Republic He'l 3m 38 3 3
do preferred 30 loi . W
Rock Island Co... 4,300' 32 ;U 31
du preferred 2to 67 bi bt
St. L. & S. F. 2 pf 400 48 4S 48
St. L. South wet ..... -j
do preferred - y';
tuthern pacific. 8,700 ft. .93 93
do preferred -' " Ir
Southern Railway 2.20 34 34 31
do preferred 4K) 94 94 . 93
Srhlos--ShefTield .. 30O. 75 '
Tenn Coal & Iron.. 100163 ltj3 100
Txas & Pacific. 7oo 38 3t 3
To., St. L. & West 2O0 S4 34 3.i
do preferred UK). -2 02 al
Union Pacific Sl.IO 1S7 lM- 184
do preferred 2o0 93 93 93
IT. S. Kxpress... -
it S R a 1 1 V ...... ..... ..... 81
V. S." Kuhber! 100 61 51 Rl
do prcftrred '. l'1'
U S Steel..., 71.11X1. 47
"d preferrert- 4,10 15 104
Z V.reTerred ""O 110 VW-T4 H
Wabash 3U0 2u
do preferred
Wflls KarRO Kxp -Jf.
AVeMlnghouse Klect 20 loi 1j1 lj0
Western Union. , J;' J
Wheel & Lake Eric : H-
Wisconsin Cenrial ft
- 1w preferred . 'J
Total eales for the day. 672.800 stares. .
KKW YORK. Dec. 6. Closins quotations:
U ' S ref. reg.l'tS'ln. & R. G. 4b Wii
'do coupon 104 IN. Y. C. G. 3fea. 3 ;
U. S. 13 rvB....le!i Northern Pc. 3 .
dn coupon 1la:Northern Pac. 43.10..'
U S new 4s reg.K! isouthern Pae. it. SH'-i
'do coupon ISO H'nlon Pac. 4s..
V. S. old 4s reg.loO'VWis. Ten. 4s !10
do -coupon .... lOlfe Jap. lis '2d r '!
Atchison AdJ.4s. H2'alJap. 4;-js cfUi... US
Stacks In London. . ' (
LONDON, Dec. 6. Consols for money,
86; do for account. 80. .
naconda 14 N. Y. Central ... 1.19 'i
Atchison 107Nor. & West.... 7"i
do pfd.; 105i do pfd 93
B.& O 1224 Ont. & West 50
Can. Pacific. . . . 193 Pennsylvania ... .71
Ches. & Ohio... 50, Rand Mines , 5
Chi. G. W 18 Reading . . , 70
C . M. & St. P. . .1SS Southern By :0
De Beers 2ol do pfd 7 V4
D & R. 0 ..... . 44;Poiithern Pa. . . S
do pfd 89 -lUnlon Pacific. ;.. 193
Erie . 47 S do pfd -!'..
do 1st pfd... 78 IU. S. Steel.,.. SO-j
do 2d pfd 70 do pfd lS7t
III. Central. ...ilSUVi'Wabash 21
Louis. & Nash..Io4 1 do pfd 44 y.-
M., It. i T 43ISpanish 4s...... 95 H
Weakness in Some of the Goldfield Mining
(Shares. .
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 0. (Special.)
Tonopahs did not 'show any particular
weakness under small "trasfers. Jim Butler
.was rather strong, selling up to 147'ji, hut.,
the lai-t sale was at. 145.
The Goldftelds were Inclined to shade
downward with a distinct weakness in-some
of the shares. Jumbo Kxtension made the
first dop a,20 points to 100, although Bg-
hawk Bold at $15. Goldfield Mining Com
pany, ex-dividend, with its stock division.
4 downward movement with a 25-point loss.
A', mild tremor of heart disease pervaded
the whole room when Hudson offered 504)
Daisy at $L It was a slip, of course, too
much ofa one -to be really serious, but
nough to Jar at this time. Among the sales
were; "' -
Midway,245:Oo1d Anchor, 25;. Jim Butler,
150; Boston, 22; Gold Crown, 22; Sandstorm.
75; Mohawk; lr.OO; Booth, 05; Blue Bull, 3S;
Adams, 23.-Daisy, 250. : - . t . ,
. Second Valorization Loan.
- NEW YORK. Dec . 6. New York coffee
houses.' among them Arbuckle Bros, and
Crossman & Slelcke, are making arrange
ments to finance part of a second Brazilian
' coffee valorization Hen. The loan will be
floated early' in January,' and will amount
to $13000.000, of which the New York
houses will take a third, the remainder be
ing taken principally -byj cofEeo houses In
Havre and Hamburg.'
The. valorization plan, calls for loans ag
gregating $700,000,00. - The first loan was
for $20,000,000. . - - '. i .
IL Is the( object of the valorization plan
to tako sq'much of the crop as will bring
the market price "up to the level qf -profitable
production. - 1 ,
. Money, Exchange,, Ktc.
. NEW YORX, Dec. A. Money on call was
loaned- at 20 per cent during the first hour
on the stock market , today. It soon ad
vanced to 22 -per cent. Before noon call
money was loaned at 25 per cent, but re
ceded to 24 per cent. At 12:30 loans were
quoted at. 28 per cent. ..-
Market, strong, 2035 per cent ruling
rate. 35. per cent;- closing bid and offered
at 35 per cent Time loans, stronger; 60
days, 8&8 per cent; 90 days, 7&8 per
cent; six 'moutfis. 6 per cent. Prime mer
cantile paper, 6&6 per cent. , ,
Sterling exchange weak, with actual busi
ness 4n bankers' bills at $4.846034.8465 for
demand and at $4.79704.7075 for ' 60-day
bills. . Posted rates, $4.80&4.86. Com
mercial' hills, $4.70.
Bar silver, 68 c.
i Mexican dollars. 52c.
Government bonds, firm; railroad bonds,
-: LONDON, Dec. 6. Bar silver, steady. 31
0-16d per ounce. Money, 34 per cent. The
rate of discount In the open market for
short bills is 5 per cent; do three-months
bills, 55 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6. Silver barsr
68c; Mexican dollars, 54c; drafts, sight,
2c; sterling on London, 60 days, $4.80; do
sight, $4.85:
. t Daily Treasury Statement.
" WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. Today's Treasury
statement shows:
Avallabfe cash balances $232,862,811
Gold coin and bullion 10!t.43C,330
Gold certificates ; . 61,436,331
With the Bottom Xow Reached,
More Active Buying Is
, That the slump in Coeur d'Alene mining
stocks has spent its force is the opinion o.f
local stockbrokers. Yesterday's trading on
the Portland exchange revealed a steadier
line than has been the case for a week.
Gertie, with sales of 3000 shares, was
only oft from c to c from the previous
day's price.' Happy Day showed a decline of
but c. Reindeer moved up . c above
Wednesday's quotation. Nothing was done In
Snowstorm or Snowshoe and prices of these
stocks were nominally unchanged. I
The general tone of the market was very
steady and It is believed that now the
bottom has apparently been reached, buying
will become more active. A Spokane wira.
reported that market showing a firmer tone.
A number, of buying orders came in from
Spokane dnrlng the day.
Official prices on the Stock Kxchange yester
day were as follows;
Rank Stocks Bid. A."ked.
Hank of California 370
Bankers' and Lumbermen's lo3
Equitable Savings & Loan.. 97 -:
Merchants National . 155 , ...
Oregon Trust & Savings 112 138 "
United States National 2ou ...
City & Suburban 4s...' ' - 9
Columbia Southern Irrigation 6a . . . 97
O. R. & N. Ry 4s v. 99 K0
O. W. P. & Ry. 6s ... 103
Portland Ry. 5s 101 '
Miscellaneous Stocks
Associated Oil 52 53
Cement Products 5t
Home Telephone .. . 2 40
J. C. Lee Co ' 10 -35
Oregon City Mill & Lumber... 5 ...
Oriental American Co....- 75
PoVtland Heights Imp. Co '52
Pacific States Telephone 110 114
Puget Sound Telephone 50
Yaquina Bay Telephone 7 12
Mining Stocks
Alaska Petroleum 14 10
British Columbia Amal 04 00
30 38
Dixie Meadows .
Goldfield Trotter
Iee's Creek Gold .......
North Pairview
Oregon Securities ......
Rambler Cariboo
Standard Con
Tacoma Steel
Coeur d'Alene District-
Bullion .
0S14 04
01 01
... '20
1 2
15 22
11 17
01 02
25 32
11 13
13 10
IB 20
lor; 12
02 03
27 32
.17 - IflU
Copper King
Happy Day -Idaho
Missoula ....
Park Copper .
T ' I ri 1 1 i...r-
05. 05
...i.i. H - 13
W - 11
.-w H ; 10
IS 21
011 . 10
10 13
55 OS
320 340
I Ruth Con
j Snowshoe
Snowstorm' . .
I Sak-3 5 Pacific States Telephone, at 110;
30110 Cascadia. at 35: JOOO Gertie, at 18;
I 2000 Gertie, at 19; 1000 Happy Day, at 5;
J 1000 Reindeer, at 09; 1000 Morning, at 04.
Price Paid for Produce in he Bay City
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6. Tho following
prices wore quoted in the produce market
yesterday :
FRUIT Apples, choice, ll.oO, common
50c; bananas, $lg3; Mexican limes.. $3.r0(ijp
5; California lemons, choice, $3; common,
ft.uO; oranges, navel, $2.253; pinappk,
VEGETABLES Cucumbers,' $1; garlic. 2
44c; green peaH, Offt Sc; string beans, SffvOc.
tomatoes, 50c 1.25; egg plant, 75cif$1.25.
KGGS Store. HSc; fancy, ranch, 40c;
Eantern, 20(i25c.
POTATO Eri River white," River
reds, $l$f 1.15: Salinas Burbanks. $1.50(1.75;
HWcetH, $1.33 1.50; Oreyon Burbanks, $1.35
ONIONS Yellow, 60 75c. -
BUTTER Fancy creamery, 35c; 'creamery
seconds. 20c; fancy dairy, S0c; dairy sec
onds, nominal; pickled, 2l21Hc. -
WOOL Fali Humboldt and Mendocino,
14c: South Plains and San Joaquin, 7&
8c; lambs, 8 Si 13c.
HOPS California. 10-5' 14c; Oregon and
Washington, 10-14c. --
rHEESE-Young America, '15c; Eatern,
17c; Western, 15c.
MII-LSTUFFS Bran, $10.50 20.50;, mid
dlings. $2820.
HAT Wheat, $lu 2! ; wheat .-and oats.
fl0(tfl7.50;? alfalfa, $8(611.50; stock, $0
8.50; straw, 350Oe per halo.
FLOUR California -family extras, $4.65
5.10; bakers extras, $440&4.7fi-Oregon and
Washington, $;t.504.
POULTRY Turkeys, gobblers, 17l9d;
turkey hens. 1821c; roosters, 0U1, $4)5;
young, $5.50tf; broilers, small, $2.503.50,
broilers, large. $3.50$ 4.50: fryers, $4.50
5.50; hens, $5 8.50; ducks, old, ' $4 5;
young, $5 fi-7.
RECEIPTS Flour, sacks, 5014 wheat,
centals, 000; barley, centals, .08,382; oats,
centals. 5005; beans, sacks, 3021, corn, cen
tals, . 58; potatoes, sacks, 1900; middlings,
sacks, 250; hay, tons, 350; wool, bales, 154.
CofTeti and Sugar."
NEW YORK. Dec. a Coffee, futures
closed steady, net unchanged to 5 points
lower; Sales were reported of 47,250 "bag,
including: - December. ft. 55 g) 5. 60c: March,
r.S0Si'5..Vic; May, R.U6&MC; July, .lOft$6.20c;
Octobei. .40c. Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 in
olce. 714c; mild, steady.
Supnr Raw. ' steady i fair ' refining,
"ll-:2c; centrifugal, 00 test. 3To; molasse
sugar-, 3 3-32c. Refined, steady; . crushed,
f5.50; powdered, $4-90; granulated, $4.80. .
Good ' , Demand for Flour in
.Eastern Markets.
Purchases of an Vrrgcnt Charactt-r
- Keportcd at the Principal Grain
Centers Chicago Prices
Close Strong.
CHICAGO, Dc. 6. The purchase of wheat
Cor milling purposes at the principal grain
centers, was of even- more urgent character
today than yeeterdsy and prices were strong.
The demand Is said to h caused by ln-
creased sales of flour. ' The fear of decrease
In receipts because .of a severe blizzard In
the. -Northwest stimulated the buying of
cash grain. Reports were also received of
larger shipments of flour from New York.
Throughout the day shorts and commission
houses were active bidders for December
and May. Offerings came, largely from, local
longs. The market closed strong, with prices
close to the highest point." May opened hk
to 4o higher at 78fe79v advanced to 7914 c
and closed 'A to ?c up at 78V4&79!4c. .
Trading In. corn was quiet and the market
steady, because of, small local receipts and
unfavorable weather for the movement of
tiie crop. The close was steady. May
opened unchanged at 43 c, sold between
43 Si 43 yt 2 and 4Gc and closed yc up at
There was fairly active trading in oats
and sentiment was bullish.- ' May opened a
shade to c higher at &:c to u3 t3:il&c.
sold up to 35!&c and closed lie up at
S5M:&35c. '
The feature of trading in provisions was
a sharp advance in pork and rilis because
of the continued Braall receipts of live 'hoes
at Western packing centers. May pork
opened at $15. (la and closed at $15.45. Lard
closed 5c higher at $8.65. Bibs opened at
$S.101c8.12. sold up to $S.OUtt.S.uJ'i and
closed at $S.45.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. Hlsh. Low. Close.
Dec .7414 $ .75 $.74 -74
May .7854 . . .TO -.75 .70 Vi,
Dec .42t4 .424 . .42V4 42i
Vay .43 - ,.43 .4314 .43-ii
July .44 .44i .44 .44V
Dec .33 .-33 .33 T33H
May 3514 . .35 .35 .35
July 83), -33'j , .3394 .33
Jan.". .'.15.05 15.47H 15.05. 13.45
May 15.35 15.85 15.35 15.75
Dec 8.0214 8 B7Vj ' 8.fi2'4 8.05
Jan 8.55 8.U7!j 8.55 8.65
Jan 1...'. 8.10 8.52j 8.10 8.45
May ......... 8.20 8.47 Vi 8.20 8.45
Flour Firm.
Wheat No. 2 Spring. 87S5c; Io. 3. 74
84c: No. 2 red, 74Vj'75c.
Corn No. 2, 40c; No. 2 yellow, 48c.
Oats No. 2, 33c; No. 2 white, 36,c; No.
3 white, 33!!4:!5c. " .
Rye No. 2, G414'65c.
Barley Fair to choice malting, 48??55c.
Flaxseed $1.14; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.22.
Timothy seed Prime, 4.354.45.
Clover Contract grades, $13.00.
Short Ribs Sides (loose), $S.25W8.75.
Mess Pork Per 100 pounds, $14.75.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $8.70.
Sides Short, clear (boxed), $8.62K'48.T3.
Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.29.
Receipts Shipments.
Flour, barrels ' 31.200 35.4O0
Wheat, buphels :l5.nno 72.x
-orn, bushels 77U.2O0 174.HUO
Oats, bushels 150, (Kl 021, WH
Rye. bushels 12.000 7.!(
Barley, bushels U1.2U0 22,500
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, Dec, . Flour Receipts,
20,000 barrels; exports, 13,100 barrels. Mar
ket steady but quiet.
Wheat Receipts, 105,000 bushels, ex
ports, 80,000. Spot. firm. No. 2 red, 80 lie
elevator and 82 c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1
Northern-Duluth, S4i4e,c. i. f. Buffalo. Led
again by the Northwest, wheat was firm to
day with spot unusually aggressive and
shorts good buyers. The market closed firm
at a partial lc net advance. May closed,
8514c: July. 841-ic; December, 82c.
Hops and wool Quiet.
Hides Steady.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6. Wheat, quiet.
Barley Easier.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping, $1.251.30; milling.
$1.3.-iSi 1.40.'
Barley Feed. $1.05 it 1.11 14 . brewing,
$1.07 w. (jf 1.1.1.
Oats Red. $1.251.73; white, $1.50(81.80,
black, $1.752.25.
Call board sales:
Wheat May. $1.3114 bid.
Barley May, $1.15; December, $r.l0.
Corn Large yellow, $1.30(1.35.
s " European Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL. Dec. 5. In the grain mar
ket today prices closed as follows:
Wheat December, 6s 3d; March, 6s
5d; May. 6s 4d.
LONDON, Dec. 6. Cargoes Pacific Coast
prompt shipment, unchanged at 29s 6d1j
30s. Market quiet and steady.
The weather today in England is fine.
Wheat at Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 6. Wheat Decem
ber, 777c; May, 8014c: July. 81c; No. 1
hard. SI 14c: No. 1 Northern, S014c; No. 2
Northern, 7814c; No. 3 . Northern, 7414G
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA, Dec. 6. Wheat Unchanged,
Bluestem, 6Sc; club, 60c; red, 04c.
Prices Current Locally on Cattle. Sheep and
The following prices were quoted in the
local" livestock market yesterday:
CATTLE Best steers, $3,7344; medium,
$3fa'3.2.1; cows, $2.75t3; -fair to medium
cows, $2.25(2.50; bulls, $1.502; calves, $4
SH.50. ' i
SHEEP Best, $4.750 5.25; lambs, $.1i5.25.
HOGS Best, U.50W0.S5; lightweights, $U
Eastern.'. Livestock Markets.
SOUTH OMAJHA. Dec. 8. Cattle Receipts,
3800.- Market, active to stronger. Native
steers, $3.75(& 6.40; cows and heifers, $2.50ff)
4.50; Western st.ers, $3.25$t 5.50; canners;
$1.752.50; etockers and feeders. $2.75Cfi 4.60;
calves, $2.750.25; -bull:!, stags, etc, $2.20(4.
' Hogs Rccipts, 3SO0. Market', 5c higher.
Heavy, $(.05& 8.20; mixed. $6.10Sj 6.20; light,
$; pfgs. $5.23&8; bulk of . .ales.
H0.10lfi.rt.20. -
Sheep Receipts, -S000. Market, strong.
Yearlings, $5 50(a6; wethers, $5.25!jj.5.t5;
ewes, $4.50(8 5.25; lambs, $6.757.50.
CH1CACO, Dee. 6. Cattle recipts, 8500; 3
to 10c lower. --Beeves, $4. 10 4.70; - stockers,
feeders. - $2.35iff 4.50: " heifers,-, $i.60 (8 5.20;
calves, $5.2oT.50; Texas-fed steers, $3.75$
4.60; Western steers. $3.90g8. i;
Hogs Receipts -today. 26.000;. strong to 5c
higher. Mixed and butchers,. $6.101r6.5o;
good to choice heavy. $.33 6.02 V4; rough
heavy. $0'9(6.20; light, $6.10& 6.45; bdlk of
sales, $U.256.45; ' pigs. $3.056.30.
Sheep Receipt. 16.000; strong. Sheep,
$3.90fj'5.65; lambs, $
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 6. battle Re
ceipts, 7000. i Market, steady. Nativ steers
$4ji6.60; native cows and heifers, $2iS)4.0;
stockers - and feeders, $2.40(4.50; Western
cows; $2.30e4; Western steers, $:t.25!y.-5.50;
bulls. $2.15(3.90; calx-es, $2.506.50.
llsgs Receipts. 8000. Market, strong to
5c higher. Bulk of sales, $6.256.35; heavy,
$6.30g 6.3714 ; packers, $6,2516.35; pigs and
lights, 5.606.32. , : .
' Sheep Receipts, 5000; market, steady.
Bought and aold for cash and am marglm.
Private Wires ROOM 4. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Phone Main 37
Muttons, $4.6055.75: lambs. $67.40; range
wethers. $4.75&8.35; fed ewes. $4$5.35.
Mining Storks.
NEW YORK, Dec. G. Closing quotations:
Adams Con $ .20'I.lttli Chief $ .05
Alice 8.00 Ontario 4.50
Breece ' 30 Ophlr 2.70
Branswlrk C 31 Potosl 10
Comstock Tun... .20 Savage" 1.05
Con. Cal. & Va.. 1.1.1 Sierra Nevada .80
Horn Silver I SO small Hopes..... .33
Iron Silver 4.75 Standard 2.50
Leadville Con... .05!
BOSTON, Dec. 0.-
-Closing quotations:
Adventure . .$ 4
Allouez .... 48
Amatgamatd 112.
(Parrot $ 28.00
jshannon , ...
iTamaraek ..
lUnited Cop. .
!U. S. Mining
V. S. Oil
107 00
Atlantic .... i:i
Bingham . . . 30
Cal. & Hecla 8i:o.
Centennial .. 30.
Cop. Range. SO.
Daly West. .
Franklin . .'.
Granby .
Isle Royale. .
Mass. Mining
Michigan . ..
Mohawk . . .
Mont. C. & C
O. Dominion
Osceola ....
Victoria .
Butte. 11 ISO
.87 V4
Butte Coal
! Nevada
Cal. & Ariz
Tecumseh .
iGreene Con
Dairy Produce in the East.
CHICAGO, Dec. 6. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was firm.
Creameries, 22t30c; dairies, 2O20c. Eggs,
steady; at mark cases Included, 25&'2tc;
firsts, 30c; prime firsts, 33c; extras, 35c.
Cheese Steady, 13 & 14c.
NEW YORK. Dec. 0. Butter Firm; offi
cial prices held common to extra. 22i2914c,
state dairy, common to fancy, 21 30c.
Cheese Firm, unchanged.
Eggs Steady, unchanged.
J.ondon Wool Sales.
LONDON, Dec. 6. A good selection,
amounting to 11,917 bales, was offered at
the wool auction sates today. Competition
was spirited and there was an active demand
throughout the day. A small supply of
crossbreds was taken quickly. Fine grades
brought firm rates, put medium and heavy
greasles were occasionally 14&14d below the
opening price.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Dec. 6. Cotton futures
closed steady at a net decline of one point
to an advance of two points. December,
10.04c; January, 10.13c; February, 10.21c;
March. 10.30c; April, 10.36c: May, 10.42c;
June, 10.44c; July, 10.40c; August, 10.30c.
Advances in Wages Lifts the Pur
chasing Power of the People.
NEW .YORK, Dec. 6. Figures
giving the average cost of living, com
piled by It. O. Dun & Co., show that
there has been a marked advance in
price as compared with November 1,
when It reached a high water mark.
In the lapse' of one month the cost
of living has advanced from 160.68 to
108. 77 reached on December 1. The
cost of commodities la the highest
since February, 1884.
In discussing the subject the trade
authority says the rise in prices is
'fairly representative of the greater
.demand that has followed increased
prosperity throughout the nation and
because of the advances in wages
which have lifted the purchasing power
of the people above all previous rec
ords in this or any other nation."
LUCUS Born to the wife of Melvln
Lucus, December 3, at St. Vincent's Hospi
tal, a daugnter.
MURPHY Born to the wife of Edward P.
Murphy, December 2, at 307 Weldier street,
a son.
SHAW Born to the wife of Russell Ed
dlson baw, November 25, at 195 Seventh
street, ' a son.
LINDSAY Born to the wife of Elbert K.
Lindsay, November 28, at 1135 East Taylor
street, a son.
CARLILE Born to the wife of Claude
Carlile, December 4, at 1107 Belmont street,
a son.
METZELAUX Born to the wife of An
thony Metzelaux, November 29. at 319 Til
lamook street, a son.
BUECHEL Born to the wife of Francis
Morris Beuchel, November 6, at 625 East
Seventh street, a son.
M'DOWELL Born to the wife of Charles
McDowell. November 24, at 449 East Elghta
street north, a daughter.
. ' Deaths,
' HERRICK At 440 East Twenty-sixth
street north, December 6, Lyman Herrlck,
age 71 years.
MATTSON At 247 H Fifth street, Decem
ber 4. Minnie Mattson, age 19 years.
ERICKSON At 24714 Fifth street, De
cember 3, Ida A. Erickson, age 19 years.
STEUEP. In Clark County, Washington,
December 2, Selma Steuer, age 25 years. In
terment Lone Fir Cemetery.
LAMBERSON At 353 Broadway street,
December 4, Geprge H. Lamberson, age 53
Building Permits.
S. MORTON COHEN Two-story frame
dwelling, Johnson street between Twenty
second and Twenty-third streets, $3500.
H. M. FANCHER One-story frame dwell
ing. East Washington street between East
Thirty-seventh .and East . Thirty-eighth
streets, $1500.
H. M. FANCHER One-story frame dwell
ing, Eust Washington street between Thirty
seventh and Thirty-eighth streets, $l.r00.
HARRISON BEAN One-story frame
dwelling. Belmont street, between East
Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh streets,
MRS. ROSE YOUNG One-story frame
dwelling. Going street between- East Sev
enth and East Eighth streets, $2330.
W. O. WOODS One-atory frame dwelling,
Vancouver street between Shaver and Ma
son streets. $12.10.- ;
H. H. HELZER Two-story frame dwell
ing, Stanton street between Union avenue
and Rodney avenue, $2700.
BALSIGER Two-story frame" dwelling,
Mallory street between Going and Prescott
streets, $2400. -
GUY L. ANDERSON Two-story frame
dwelling, - Twenty-ninth street between
Thurman and Savler streets. $3300.
frame dwelling. Park avenue between East
Thirteenth and East Fourteenth streets,
MRS. ELLA E. MUNDY One-story frame
dwelling. Mount Tabor avenue between First
and Second streets, $S0.
M. B. GREENE One-story framo dwell
ing, Minnesota street between Mason and
Skidmoro streets, $1100.
Heal Estate Transfers.
G. W. Bipwn to Portland Realty .t
Trust Ct.. property in Laurelwood.
Laurelwood Park, Evelyn, Arleta
Park No. 2 and Woodmere $ 1
Flrland Co. to Walter E. Hardy, lot
22. block 3, Flrland 100
W. J. Feriell to E. L. Ferrell. lot 12,
block 14, Paradise Springs Tract.. 300
H. C. Hodges and wife to Jessie G.
Tkonruts, Jot 4, block 13, Central
Albina . 500
H. C Hodges and wife to Mary E.
-t Parden, lot 3, block 13,;. Central
Albina-.'. . 500
Dora Trapp to Louise Forve et al.,
... N. 23 fel 4 Inches of lot 6. block
i 72, Caruthers'- Addition to Caruth-
ers' .Addition .' 1
R. H. Blosscim to C. F. Wright, lot
'. 20. block 78. West Irvington . . . . . . 950
M.- L- Blossom to C. F. Wright, lot
-19, block 7S West Irvington 830
Johanna'and Florlan Fuchs to Frank
Cornelia, lot 3, block 113, Stephens'
' Addition . . . ,-r. 2,200
. F. Rltter to Mathilda Drake. S.
, E. corner of lot 1, block 31, Orig
inal Townsite of Albina- 1
J. Simon et al. to C. L. Kinney, lots
5 and 0, block 66, Vernon 450
Investment Company to S. F. Scott,
lots 1 and 2, block 1. Piedmont 1,200
T. J. Frye and wife to Frank May.
lot1 15, block 24, Multnomah 1
E. S. McKlnney and wife to Hannah
Beckman, lot 1.1, block 10. Glen
' Haven Park : . 1
John Alleslna to Nille Allesina. E.
t . of lot .1 and E. ss of lot 0,
block 283. city , .. 1
J. D. Hart and wife to Frank Mu-
letta. lot 1. block R, Tabor Heights 600
Max Loewenson and wife to F. H.
Rothschild and S. W. Herrman, lot
5. hlock 115, city 35,TMK
I. O. Shattuck and wife to J. R. Mann
and wife, 3tix66 feet commencing at
point 30 feet 3 Inches E. of S. W.
corner of lot 13. block 8. Sunnyside .3,800
Kate Obrock to Cathcrln Wilson and
Id.T J. Ryder, lots 7 and 8, block
17. Albina Homestead 3,000
M. J. Clohessy to Hibernia Savings
Bank. 81.65 feet of W. 14 of T. E.
Northrup D. L. C. in section 2S T.
1 S., R. 1 E 1
O. A. and N. L. Emmott to .1. C. Mc
Allister, 2.62 Bi-rci beginning at S.
E. corner of Caplcs Addition to St.
Johns, in section 12, T. 1 N., R.
1 W 1
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to
Mary A. Blunchai-d, lot 4, block 20,
Woodslock 1,750-
Meta H. Meyer to J. R. Sellick. lots
8 and 7. block 4. Ivanhoe 1,300
W. M. Ladd and wife to Security Sav
ings & Trust Co.. part of block 7,
Johnson's Addition 1
Security Savings & Trust Co. to Met
ropolitan Land Co., 10 acres com
mencing at point on S. line of sec
tion 16. 53 rods W. from S. E. cor
ner, containing 10 acres 1)
Henry Mason to W. J. Patton. parcel
of land beginning 27 rods 714 feet
W. of N. E. corner section S. T. 1
S., R. 1 E 875
Lambert and Caroline Demkes to C.
S;ark. part of lots 5 and 6, block
327, city X
R. B. Carev to G H. Hill, lot 5, block
16, Central Albina 700
John and Meta Matthlesen to A. Ro-
sunstuin and I. 1.. Schilt, S. 14 of
lot 3. block 7, city 20,000)
The Land Company of Oregon to P.
B. Langdon, lot 9, block 6. City
View Park 423
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to A.
Lingren. lots 8 and 9, block 4,
Wueen Ann 1,100
J. V. Tainiesie to Bernhard C. Hel
berg. lot 3, block 32, M. Patton's
Second Addition to Albina 10
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to R. B.
Carey, lots 8. 0. 10, 11. 12. 39, 40.
41. 42, 43, block 41, Peninsular Ad
dition No. 3 1.000
C. M. Fraley and wife to T. A. Gar
bad?, lot 4, block 6, Paradise
Springs Tract 400
W. M. Ladd et al. to Mary A. Ham
blet. lot 7, block 2, subdivision of
E. li of block Z, city 2,730
Thomas Wilson and wife to N. A.
iting, j:e acres oeginntng at .
corner .-f Isabella Logie D. L. C.
In section 18, T. 2 N.. R. 1 W.. on
right bank of Willamette Slough.. 5.000
Salem Flouring Mills Co. to H. W. ,
Pickard and wife, lot 13, block 0,
City View Park Addition 323
Henry Hilzer et al. to H. E. Joy,
lot 25, block 20, Albina 3,800
Arleta Land Co. to Ida M. P. Ro
land, lota 9 and 10, block 8, Arleta
Park No. 3 200
John Neville and wife to Maude A.
Tifft, lot 17, block 20, King's Sec
ond Addition 30
Angcllne B, Richardson to Henry
Kahn. lot 3, block 7. Elberta 175
Terwllliger Land Company to South
I .. . fr. lnn.l
commencing at point in line divid
ing the E. and W. 14 of D. L. C.
of James and Philander Terwllliger
In, South Portland 150,000
Terwllliger Land Co. to Portland Im
provement Co., commencing at
point in S. boundary of Seymour
avenue at intersection with E. line
of block C, Portland Homestead Ex
tended 1
F. J. Richardson et a), to Terwllliger
Land Co., land commencing at '
point In line dividing the E. and
W. 14 of D. L. C. or James and
Philander Terwllliger, In South
Portland 10
Portland Realty & Trust Co. to E.
G. Alfredson, lot 3, block 8: lot
19, block 7; lots 7 and 8, block 4,
Laurelwood 400
Julius Durkheimer and wife to Clos
set Realty Co., lot 1, block 14.
city 1
Mary, A. Hueston to Julius Durk
heimer, lot 1, block 14. city 100,000
O. L. Ferris et al. to I. M. Walker,
lot 7. block B, First Addition to
Holhtday Park Addition X
Mary B. Guthrie to John Clint, land
commencing at point 3o76 feet N. of
a point 22 chains W. and 21.7.1
chains N. of li section corner of
sections 8 and 9. T. 1 S., It. 2 E. . 267
. . .$338,330
Have your abstracts made br tb ascunty
Abstract Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of ConuBsrs.
To Float Philippine lionds.
NEW YORK, Dec. 6. An underwrjtinff
syndicate for $13,000,000 Philippine Rail
way 4 per cent 30-year bonds, to be guar
anteed by the Philippine government, has
been formed with William Salmon &
Co. as syndicate managers. The thou
sand miles of railroad to be built are dis
tributed over the islands of Panay, Ne
gros and Cebu.
Work has been under way since June
last, when a party of 15 engineers arrived
in the Philippines and surveys were be
gun. Actual construction wan begun in
Cebu, November 13, and in Panay, No
vember 17, and about 700 men aro now at
Jtulncd by a Beauty Doctor.
CHICAGO, Dec. 6. Hagbart Greger
son, formerly exchange toller of the
Milwaukee-Avenuo State Bank, ot
which, Paul O. Stensland was presi
dent, today pleaded guilty to embezzle-,
ment of the funds of the bank and
was given tn indeterminate sentence
in the penitentiary. Gregerson Is the
third official .of the bank to be sent to
prison. He said in court today that ho
had taken tho money for the purpose
of helping a young woman build up
a business as a "beauty doctor."
AVellman Off to Prepare for Trip.
NEW YORK. Dee. 6. Walter Wellman
left on the steamer La Lorraine for
Paris today. He expects to return in
February to perfect his arrangements for
the start for the Far North next fium
401 McKay KIdg., 3d and Stark sts.
1000 Gertie.
1000 Park Copper.
100 Snowshoe,
C00 Snowstorm.
1000 Happy Day
1000 Reindeer. .
5O0 Bex. : . - .
Now is the time to take advantage
of the low prices In Coeur d'Alena
stocks. Snowstorm. Hnowshoey Rein
deer are good buys at present prices.