TnE MORNING ORTCGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 190 AHCSEMZNT8. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. KKI.r WANTED MALE. SITUATION WANTED MALE. i TONIGHT 9:20. HEILIG THEATER. YAW AND ASSISTING ARTISTS. . Price CZ.0O, $1.50, $1.00, 75c. Gallery, l&e; unreserved, 60c Open 7 :Sl. DIRECTION LOIS STEERS-WT.W COMAN. ?An. HEILIG THEATER MrL' Friday, Saturday, 8unday Nights. November 9. 10. U. '06 Popular-Price Matinee Saturday. AVGU6TTJ6 THOMAS' GREATEST DRAMA. "ARIZONA" 25 Horses, 86 Cavalrymen on the Ptag. Evening Pnlces 25c, S5e. 60c. 75c. $1. Popular Matinee Prices 25c 50c, 76c. Seats selling tor engagement at theater. Baker tater UUIIUI IIIUUIUI Geo u Baker. Mgr. ALL, THIS WEEK. BaJcer 6tock Company. In the great drama, AX PIN EY RIDGE By David Hifrftlns. MATINEE SATURDAY. Evening Prices. 15c. 25c, 85c, BOe; Matinee, 13c. 25c. Next Week. "Lost, 24 Hours.' EMPIRE THEATER Main 117. Milton W. Seaman. Manager. Playrns; the Eastern Road Shows. TONIGHT. ALL. WEEK. Popular-Priced Matinee TODAY and SATURDAY iThe Beautiful, Romantic Drama of Mexico, A ROYAL SLAVE. Regular Empire Prices. Next Attraction. "As Xold in the Hills.' The Grand Week of Nov. B, THE NELLIE ANDREWS CO., IN THE BOHEMIAN GIRL." Charley Harris. Hastings and Wilson. Harrison Brothers. Allaire and Lind. Miss Dorothy Ban. Master Harold Hoff. Grandlsoope. THE STAR : Wealc of Nov. 6, ' Telephone Main M96. THE ALLEN STOCK (OMFANY Presents BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER. Ma-tlnees Tuesdays. Thursdays. Saturdays and Sundays at 2:80 P. M. Prices, 10c and 20c. Every svenlng at 8:15. Prices, 10c, 20o and 30c. Next Week, "A Man of Mystery." LYRIC THEATER WEEK BEGINNING NOVEMBER 6, "The Octoroon 99 THE FAMOUS MELODRAMA IN FOUR ACTS. Pantages Theater Fourth and Stark Sts. J, A. JOHNSON", Resident Manager. Nichols and Smith, Omedy Bike Riders. Brown and Brown. Arbuckle and Blaine. Harry ILaue. Beverley and. Daoveirs. lo White. The Biograph. Performanres dally at 2:30, 7:30, 8 P. M. Admieaion, 10c. Reserved Beats, 20c. Boxes, S5c. Any seat at week-day matinees, 10c. XEW TODAY. LANDLORDS List your houses with us. "We can rent them. 50 to 75 tenants on our waiting list. H.W.LemckeCompany Main 550. Sixth and Washington Sts. BUSINESS PROPERTY ON SIXTH STREET The best buy for Business Property i on Sixth street, near Union Depot ; part cash, balance five years at 6 per cent. .BCAKDrN AVIAN-AMERICAN CO. 107V2 Sixth St., Room 4. NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE 6 TRUST COMPANY Lumber Exchange Bldg". (2d Floor) S. E. corner Second and Stark Streets Our 6 Per Cent Certificates Are Issued against a specific mortgage, which ;1s deposited In trust. ', CALL or WRITE FOR PARTICULARS For Sale! $7500 Mortgage 6 per oent interest, high-grade security, center of business seotlon. 400 Mortgage at 6 per cent secured by resl- dence property on Kearney street, worth $2500. Hartman &. Thompson Room 8. Chamber of Commerce. PACIFIC STATES COMPANY. No. 7, Chamber of Commerce. 6 Per Cent Investment Loans There is no better Investment for personal or trust funde than guaranteed first mortgage real estate securities. WE LOAN MONEY on improved city and . farm property at 40 per cent its cash value. Park-St. Lot $10,500.00. One-half down, balance easy terms. For this week only. Will pay you , to investigate. .t ' VAIN DU YIN & WALTON 803 Chamber Commerce. ' Mortgage Loans 5 per cent Upwards. Eeal Estate City and Farm. Insur ance in All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL, 803-8 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark sts. Desirable Business Corner On Russell street, partly Improved ana producing good revenue. CORD SENGSTAKE. 90 Fifth street, near Stark. McCUSKER-KEADY INVESTMENT COMPANY 807 FAILING BLDG.. PHONE MAIN 13K8. STOCKS. BONDS, REAL ESTATE AND TIMBER LANDS. SEE US FOR INVESTMENTS. ALEX. C. RAE, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, 60 Concord Building, Phone Main 6491. ORIENTAL CARTED IVORY, 149 8TH St.. .Mexican Irawnwork Co, GOOD BUYS NOTHING SURER THAN RIVER FRONTAGE. 2000 feet only $30.00 per foot. Terms Easy. DEEP WATER Plant can, be built on solid ground. High ground only 30 feet from pier head. This cannot bo duplicated. Cor. 12th and Everett 922,500 14 Block (.Terms very easy 7th and Glisan $35,000 V4 Block fOn Davis i4 Block Improvements new Good returns. H.W.LemckeCompany Main 550. Sixth and Washington. Entire Second Floor. Rose City Park THE NEXT! From the Minneapolis Journal. Apropos of the mushroom growth of new towns on the "Western frontier a locomotive engineer relates the following: "One day I was driving my engine across the prairie when suddenly a considerable town loomed tip ahead where nothing had showed the day before. " 'What town's thle?' save I to my fire man. " 'Blamed If I know say Bill. It wasn't her when we went over the road yesterday.' "Well, I slowed down, and directly we pulled Into the station, where over 500 people were waiting on the platform to see the first train come in. s "The conductor came along up front and says to me: " 'Jim. first we know we'll be running by some Important place. Get thle town down on your list and I'll put a brake man out on the rear platform to watch out for towns that aprlng up after the train goes by.' M WATCH FOR Rose City Park HONEST EFFORT Pursued unremittingly alonffi con servative business lines for nearly 20 years has pla-ced the "OLDEST TRC&T COMPACTS' IN OREGON." In the fore as a BANKING INSTITU TION where your money will ever be safeguarded by capable men and un questioned resources. Deposits solicited on favorable in te reet plans. You are invited to call and talk over interest matters with us. Write for Free Booklet of "ILLUSTRATION'S." Portland Trust Company o! Oregon 6; E. Corner Third and Oak Sts. Phone Exchange 72. BEXJ. I. COHEN President H. L. FITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTR A. . . Assistant Secretary 9 CMIIUII BANKERS 4 Interest paid on Time Certificates. Don't wait to accumulate a large amount. Bring in your small savings. "We will pay you interest on the accumulating amount, then aid you in its safe investment. MONEY TO LOAN. WE BUY AND SELL MORTGAGES. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. week days ; 9 A. M, to 3 P. M. on Saturdays. Room 3, Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND Is attracting mors attention than anr city on the Pacific Coast and is undergoing a MIGHTY TRANSFORMATION and In the next ten years will likely make mors PROGRESS than It has In Its entire past. The EAST SIDE has the most HOMES, has the GREATEST population. Is (crowing ths most RAPIDLY, and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL be there. Holladay's Addition Is the geographical center of the city, and Is the most DESIRABLE rer! deuce district, and much of this will become BUSINES3 property. Do not overlook these FACTS when making Investments, and call and la spect the property, for seeing la believing. The Oregon Real Estate Company S8 Third St.. Room 4. Portland. Oregon. To the Portland Capitalist We make a SPECIALTY of COLLECTING RENTS of LARGE BUILDINGS, placing FIRE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES and GENERAL CARE OF PROPERTY. We hava the best of facilities for carrying out your wishes as an agent. We solicit your pa tronage. Our references: Ladd Tllton, bankers, and Merchants' National Bank R. H. BLOSSOM. 816 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Pacific States Company No. 7 Chamber of Commerce, 6 P. C. INVESTMENT LOANS 8 P. C. Why keep money in bank when you can get large or small investments at 6 per cent on first-mortgage securities? MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city or farm properties up to 40 per oent of Its value. Chinese and Japanese Art goods, carved furniture, royal Satsuma, Cloisonne, brasses, carved Ivory, embroideries, silks, satin dressing gowns, etc, directly -Imported. CANTON BAZAAR, 90 SIXTH ST. St. Johns, 13 Cash Fine business lot on Jersey St., fifty feet south of postofTice. Bargain at one-third cash. Owner, 240 Fifth St., Portland. TOB SALE ILEAL ESTATE $1750 CASH WILL BUY 125 LOTS ALL IN one tract If taken this week; what an op portunity. $2200 Quarter block. East Side, only two blocks from Mt. Tabor line and west of Sunnyside. f $2000 17 acres well located and under partial cultivation; a splendid buy. I. G. DAVIDSON. 408 Chamber of Commerce. I WEST 6IDH ON 11TH ST. SOUTH. A sort of a double cottage of 10 rooms; would make a dandy little home and bring $JO besides, or the whole house will easily bring $40 per month rent; the house with a fractional lot should sell on eight for $3500; if you understand your business you will buy It; circumstances force thle sale. DAMMEUER. 90 5th St., near Stark. . NEARLY NEW AND MODERN 7-ROOM house, right where values are Increasing on Peninsula; lot 100x100, corner; nlco garden, fruit trees already bearing; closs to car and only $3000. Can give terms. Western Oregon Trust Company, 291 Stark street. WEST SIDB, 5-ROOM COTTAGE IN SOUTH Portland for $2100; grand view of river: $6o0 cash; this Is a bargain; lot alone should bring $2500, but it's a forced sale and must sell quick. Dammeier, 90 6th at., . near Stark. 23.0000 AN ENTIRE BLOCK. 200x212 FT., between Front and Water, in South Port land; caeh $15,000, balance at 6 per cent; you buy this property and give me a WTitten option to July 1. 190T. for $30,000 and I will pay you $250 for the option. R. H. Blossom, 816 Chamber of Commerce. NO ROCK, NO GRAVEL 7 acres fronting on O. W. P. car line at Meldrums Station, adjoining land on either aide selling at $400 per acre; we offer this choice tract this week only at $250 per -acre. THE CONTINENTAL CO.. 243 Stark at. THINK IT OVER; STOP PAYING RENT. $1300 On very easy terms, puts you into possession of a nice 4-room cottage. In walk ing distance; do not fall to investigate, be cause it Is a bargain. F. FUCH3, 221 Morrison st. QUARTER BLOCK SOUTHWEST CORNER of 4fith and Hawthorne ave. for sale very cheap on easy monthly, semi-yearly or year ly payments; will loan you money to build. M. B. Lee, room 20 Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington at. Phone Pacific 69. HOP LAND FOR SALE 400 ACRES OF choice hop land near Eugene, Oregon, must be cold under forced sale within the next 30 days: will sell all or any part of the tract at a sacrifice. For particulars address "Farmer," 666, Eugene, Oregon, PENINSULAR INVESTMENT. 60x100 Block 1. Peninsular Addition No. 2. S300 (same size tracts in adjoining blocks wiling for $400). 50x100 on Peninsular ave., $800 (Store built, on thle would rent well at once). Telephone Main 1544. A FEW FINE BUILDING LOTS IN HAW thorne ave. addition for sale for only $325 and up on terms to suit; money loaned to partite wishing to build. M. E. Lee, Room 20 Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington st Phone Pacific 59. ' A BARGAIN If sold this week A new modern 7-room house, with fireplace, stationary tubs, light fixtures; only $3000; part cash, balance like rent. See owner, 924 E. Flanders. Phone East 5289. 2 FLATS FOR SALE THIS PAYS 10 PER cent Interest on the investment and will in crease very fast in value; $2600 cash, bal ance at 6 per cent. M. E. Lee. room 20 Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington st. Phone Paciflo 69. 4-ROOM NEW HOUSE, WOODSHED. CEL lar, 5 1-3 acree beaver dam land. 2000 straw berry plants, spring water; price $1..50: $SO0 down, balance installments. The Con tinental Co., 243 Stark st. BUSINESS LOT ON THE MACADAM ROAD for sale: this property will more than dou ble in value in the near future. M. E Lee. room 20 Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington st. Phone Pacific 59. $5000 SV4 JCCRES JUST NORTH OF MONTA villa car. near West ave.. all in cultivation; house, barn and city water; best buy on market. GrindstaS & Schalk, 261 Stark at. Main 392. $950 BY OWNER. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE, full lot; $200 down, balance on time, or monthly payments; rents for $10 per month. Inquire 1564 East 13th St., Sell wood. WEST SIDE FRACTIONAL LOT ON OVER ton st. for sale very cheap considering the great future it has. M. E. Lee. room 20 Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington st. Phone Pacific 59. FOUR SIGHTLY LOTS OVERLOOKING river on Willamette boulevard; a choice building spot: price very low. W. O. Wad del. 317 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, CORNER lot. one block from car, fruit, roses: streets improved: no Indebtedness, with terms. Call 911 E. Flanders. Phone East 1206. RARE BARGAIN FINE BRICK HOUSE, 8 large rooms, two corner lots; shade trees, walking distance; this week. $2S00, $400 cash;no agents. S 19, Oregonian. NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST SALMON, not far out, splendid home in choice locality . at a low price; $1200 cach handlee it; I need money. K 20. Oregonian. UNIVERSITY PARK NEW MODERN 7 room house; price and terms will pleaee you. Phone owner. Woodlawn 524. VACANT QUARTER BLOCK. S. EJ. CORNER Union ave. and Halsey; will sell single lots or In three pieces to suit. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. $6200 NICE. MODERN 9-FOOM HOME ON East Burnslde st.. near 22d; ask us about this. GrindetafT & Schalk, 264 Stark st. Phone Main 3D2. $650011 ROOMS. FURNACE. CEMENT basement, full lot. close In. West side. $!0OO cash. bal. 6 per cent. 612 Commercial bldg. Main 1940. $500.00 DOWN. BALANCE $25.00 MONTH, buya new modern 6-room house. Holladay Park Now rented $25.00. Phone owner. Bast 1607. HOUSES ALL. PARTS OF CITY. BUILT AND sold on installments. Kroner. 16-17 Cam bridge bldg.-i-southwest cor. 3d and Morrison. LARGE FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT, E. 7th and Couch; will sell in two or three pieces. Culver. 623 Chamber of Commerce. 21 ACRES NEAR LENTS JUNCTION. ON Johnson creek; soil first-class; terms to suit. Vanduyn & Walton, 303 Chamber Commerce. $3000 50x100 AND OLD HOUSE, ON CLAY 6t.. near 14th; a good buy. W. O. Waddel. 317 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. HOW'S THIS? EIGHT SPLENDID LOTS. 52x100, on car, close, worth $250, at $175 today. Walling. 243 Stark. READ 100x100. HALF BLOCK CAR, ST. Johns Heights, worth $800; $645; terms today. - Walling, 243 Stark. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. PRICE $1700; terms reasonable: good location; near car line. M 17. Oresonian. $2450 QUARTER BLOCK. BROADWAY, near 17th; easy terms. Vanduyn &, Walton, 303 Chamber Commerce. S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. CORNER LOT, east front: $4000, $500. balance monthly. Phone East 675. FOR SALE SEAVTEW. TWO LOTS. GOOD 6-room house, fully furnished, $1000. O 18. Oragonlan. FOR SALE OWNER, 1 LOT AND 2 FOUR roora houses. Inquire 62S Williams ave.. Up per Albina. t WE WILL SELL YOUR BUSINESS OR residence property. Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark st. BY OWNER. LARGE 6-ROOM HOUSE BUILT for home. 666 E. Aah. Phone Bast 622. BUY AT ONCE. $1200, COR. LOT. HOUSE. Highland; terme. Phone Woodlawn 202. Houses built Easy payments; lots if. desired. Miller. 612 Commercial Blk. M. 1946. LOOK 50x100. B. MADISON: $500: YOU can't beat it: worth $800. 243 Stark. 4 ACRES ON 2STH AND DIVISION IN qulre of owner, S63 Division. LET MB SHOW YOU. $2400 A new modern 6-room house In very sightly location, fine neighborhood, near car; terms. 2300 A new modern 6-room house, finely built, selected finish, fine view, ce ment basement; terms. 1800 A new modern 6-room house In very desirable location; terms. If you can find anything better for the money you can show me. See WEST, 107 Sherlock Bldg. $6700 FULL LOT AND EXCELLENT BUILT 8-room home, with oak Uoors downstairs, fireplace in reception ball, four large sleep ing rooms. combination brass fixtures, ahadee, screens, cement basement, furnace. Holladay's Addition; move right In; Just what you are looking for. Grlndstaff & Schalk. 264 Stark st. Phone Main 392. WB HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Resi dence property for sale at attractive prices; these places are not old. run-down, out-of-date houses, but up-to-date and modern In every respect; we will be glad to give you the particulars and show you the properties If you wUl call. Sphinx Agency. 305 Stark street. ; REAL ESTATE. If you want to sell your real estate or rent your house, cottage, stores, etc., nulck. we have customers waiting to buy real es tate if prices are right. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN CO., 107 hi 6th Street. Room 4. FOR SALE $2600 WILL BUY A NICE LIT tle home. 40 acres of fine land. 33 acres In cultivation, all level; fine spring water, two small houses, good bam and outbuildings. Stock and implements Included: 7 acrea Winter wheat. F. T. Berry, 4 N. 6th st. Phone Pacifies 12S0. FOR SALE. AT AUCTION 90 ACRES, half timber, half cultivated; two ton hay. one horse; 30 days' time; value about $1200. Owen McCarty. Pioneer. Waah. BEST BUY IN OREGON. Five-acre tracts on Oregon City car line,' fine eoll, good water; easy terms. LAIDLAW. 617 Commercial blk. Phone Main 6120. MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE A BEAUTI ful home; lot 70x100; overlooks river; de sirable neighborhood, one block from 3d st. car; one-third cash, balance 6 per oent. Phone owner. Main 6360. 45 ACRES ON COOS BAY, DEEP WATER, controlling SO acres tide lands; price $2250 cash or will trade for Portland property. The Continental Co.. 243 Stark st. 8-KOOM MODERN HOUSE, FULL LOT, factory district, Roosevelt at., $3000; cash. $1000. balance easy. Culver. 623 Chamber of Commerce. "OR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE WILL PAY CASH FOR CLAIMS IN townships 12 and 13 south. 10 east; also townships 17 and J.8 south. 10 and 11 east. Crook County; single claims or large tracts. Monleith & Murdoch. 401-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. OUR LOCATOR WILL LOCATE YOU ON A food homestead claim of 160 acres for 100, 2H miles from railroad, only ten claims left.. Bollazn, Grussi & Higley, 123 3d st. 36,000.000 YELLOW FIR AND CEDAR. ON railroad and river; cuts 75 per cent first class logs, near Puget Sound; price $55,000. I. P. Calllson, Chehalis. Wash. FOR SALB 160 ACRES TIMBER, 10.000,000 feet, on railroad. $1 per thousand; no agents; don't answer unless you mean busi ness. Address L 4. Oregonian. GUARANTEED SOLDIERS' ADDITIONAL scrip for sale In 40s and 80s up to 2000 acres. Henry A. Townsend, 309 Alder st. 160 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. Call at room 29. Wash. bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LANDLORDS List your houses with us. We can rent them. 60 to 75 tenants on our waiting list. H. W. LEMCKE CO.. Main 550. 6th and Washington sts. WANTED $10,000 RESIDENCE: WILL trade a well-improved 240-acre farm and pay spot cash difiTerence. Moore & Frost Land Co., Washington St., room 3. $100,000 TO INVEST IN GOOD CITY PROP . erty at snap prices; owners only. good homes preferred; give description' and low est price first letter. N 6. Oregonian. HAVE CUSTOMERS FOR GOOD CITY property of ail kinds. If you want action list your property with Sphinx Agency, S'to Stark st. IMPROVED PROPERTY WANTED AT reasonable figures; or unimproved, if close in. W 9. Oregonian. WANTED HOUSE. LOT, OR LOT, FOR cash; owners only. Address S 16, Orego nian. For cheap country homes and small farms adress Home Land Co.. Ccntralia. Wash. WANTED HOUSE AND LOT. 613 COM mercial bldg Main 1940. FOB SALE FARMS. FARMS. IF YOU WANT A FARM OR A GOOD IN vestment in lands call and talk it over with ue. 640 acres in wheat. Morrow County. 2O0 acres, near Dallas, all cultivated. 300O acres in Harney, Klamath. Crook Counties. IfiO acres near White SalmonV improved. 480 acres Eastern Oregon, stocked ranch. " 180 acres near Shedds, Or., improved. . 240 acres on railroad, near Leland, $S50. ' A 5 and 10-acre In fruit. California. $500. Two 140-acre tracts, adjoining Eetacada. 160 acres in Klickitat County, improved. 40 acres, improved; 10 acres hops; snap. 120 acres on Salem railroad; timber. 27 acres near Tualatin: improved. 90 acres, crop worth $500n; swell. 15 acres. Improved, on O. W. P. 16 acres on Willamette Slough at $17. We have large and small tracts between here and Wllsonville on the new Salem electric railroad. Also a largo list of Hood River fruit land. STATE LAND GO., 133 hi First St. FOR SALE $2600 WILL BUY A NICE little home. 40 acres of fine land. 33 acres in cultivation, all level, fine spring water; two small houses, good barn and outbuild ' lngs. Stock and Implements included, 7 acres Winter wheat. F. T. Berry, 4 N. 6ih st- Phone Pacific 1280. FOR SALE GOOD PROSPEROUS WHEAT farms in Morrow Co., on R. R. ; $20 per acre. Might take some trade. LAIDLAW. 617 Commercial blk. Phone Main 6120. 140O ACRES. $11. OAKLIN. OR. : SEE ME soon; will rent; pay to investigate. Eaet 3014. Buy now. Improved dairy farm, splenf!d spring water; owner says sell. Woodlawn 202. TO EXCHANGE. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR improved Portland real estate from $1000 up? I prefer San Diego or Los Angeles real es tate. W. E. McPhereon. San Diego. Cal. HAVE GOOD ACREAGE ON CARLINB would trade for grocery btore or other busi ness. 517 Commercial blk. - Phone Main 6120. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR 6 room modern cottage and 2 lots in Ashland, Or.? 375 4th st. Tel. Main 2180. FOB SALS. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. WANTED TO PURCHASE A GOOD TEAM of fillys. about 30OO lbs.; ages between 5 and 8 years, and not to exceed $450 in price. Farmers please answer by mail. Box 637, Portland, or call 181 4th St. VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS, NEW AND second-hand; largest stock, lowest prices; horses and rigs rented by day or month. Tomlinson & Cassiday. 211 Wash. Pac. 507. FOR SALE TEAM. HARNESS AND WAG on; can be seen opposite Fulton P. O., on river front. BUY YOUR NEW DELIVERY WAGONS and buggies and save money at 342 B. Washington at. WANTED A HORSE TO KEEP FOR THE winter; good care; light work. Phone Union S597. We buy. sell, rent, exchange, horses, wagons, saddles, harness. Hubert & Hall. 266 4ip. FINE HORSE AND SADDLE FOR SALE. Apply at 752 Vancouver ave. Mlsceluuxeons CARLOAD NEW COLONIAL WALL RA dlators, any quantity. 500.9P0 feet galvanized and black pipe, all sies, up to 8-lnch in any quantity. 10,000 feet 6-lnch steel riveted mining pipe. Carload trace chains. ' Six large dynamos, all makes, as good as new. Carload sheetiron. black and galvanized. All kinds second-hand machinery. J. SIMON & BRO-, 244-246 Front st. Mlsfnel svDeons. $ $$$$$$ Go to the Dollar for furniture and house hold goods: store Is clean and well lignt ed. goods are new and fresh; no old shop worn goods to sell; our stoves and ranges are guaranteed, as we will handle no oth ers: we are here to stay and can and will save you money on almost every article In the store. We also have an ex change department where used goods are sold, bought or exchanged. "We want your trade." The Dollar. 232 1st and 209 Main st. Phone Main 6374. $$$$$$$$ RURAL DELIVERY MAIL BOXES THE OREGONIAN MAKES A SPECIALTY OF RURAL DELIVERY MAIL BOXES, RANGING IN PRICE FROM $1.50 TO $3 50. IN CONNECTION WITH VARI OUS EDITIONS OF THE OREGONIAN THE PRICES ARE GREATLY RE DUCED. WRITE FOR INFORMATION. THE OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. OR. 60 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chines at very low prices- Singer, Wheeler & WUson. Domestic. Whdts, Household. Davis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Slgel, 335 Morrison St., Marquam bldg. FOR SALE ELECTRIC LIGHT DYNAMOS, slightly used. In fine condition; very suitable for sawmills or city plants: 100 to 2400 light: all machines complete and guaranteed. Edwin G. Amme. 616 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 3d et. HAMMBRLESS 12-BORE SHOTGUN: KRUPP steel barrels, diamond sight; cost $350; will sell for $100. Collateral Loan Bank, 203 Washington st. FOR SALE $30 WORTH TUITION AT THE Behnke-Walker Business College. Call at the Portland Cheese Co., 191 3d St. FOR SALE GOOD MILK ROUTE, CLOSB IN on West side. Inquire cigar stand, N. E. corner Mill and First. FOR SALE CHEAP PATENT BABY buggy, new and complete. 69 E. 18th. or call phone East 541. APPLES FINE COUNTRY APPLES, 75C to $1 per box. Main 4222. A VERY NICE TAME DEER FOR SALE; price $30. Call 181 4th St. f WOOD SPLENDID . CORDWOOD, $4.75. Order early. Main 4222. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, ABLE-BOD-led unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer. Ainsworth block, Sd and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED 2 MILLWRIGHTS, CITY. $3 50; 4 rough carpenters. $3.50; 3 cabinet makers, $3.50; 3 sets of timber fallers and one head loader for new camp. $3.25 and $3.75; others. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU, 12 N. 2d St. 2054 Morrison et. CIVIL OR MECHANICAL ENGINEER, young man to sell rails, locomotives and railway equipment; must be capable of de veloping into a high-class salesman; give age. salary and experience if any. H 20, Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR MARKING and checking. Apply to superintendent The Golden Eagle. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE $100 to $150 per month, some even more; stock clean; grown on reservation, far from old orchards; cash advanced weekly; choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. MEN AND W'OMEN TO LEARN BARBER Jtrade in eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instruct ors: catalogue free. Moler System of Col leges. 35 N. 4th St., Portland. INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD address to travel and learn business, with good opportunity; must come well recom mended. Call. 1 to 4 P. M., 2S0 Poplar at. Take Mount Scott car. PACIFIC STATIONERY As PRINTING CO.. 205-207 2d St. Phone Main 921. We design . and install the most modern and approved office systems. Complete line loose leaf filing devices. WANTED MOTION PICTURE MACHINE operators; salary $25 weekly; we teach you the business in short time; terms reasonable. Motion Picture Machine Co., 145 6th St.. suite 1-2. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms: posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmkg-Engrav. Sch'l. 1426 4th av. Seattle AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonder Burbank'6 new stone less plum; miracle: big pay; permanent position. Chtco Nursery Co., Salem. Or. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BAKER who will take half interest in the busi ness. Address P. O. Box 115, Klamath Balls. Or. FIRST-CLASS MAN TO TAKE! INTEREST in grocery and meat .market and manage market; a paying proposition. K 19. Ore gonian. WANTED STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE writer: give age and state salary wanted and where last employed. D 16. Oregonian. WANTED BOY 16 YEARS OLD OR MORE to carry paper route. Apply City Circu lator's desk, business office, Oregonian. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED MAN WITH some business experience; must be reliable and furnish reference. B 91. Oregonian. WANTED 10 MILLWRIGHTS AT ONCE AT the Cowlitz Valley Lumber Company's mill, Kelso, Wash.; wages 4oc per hour. WANTED FIRST-CLASS ABSTRACT MAN. pay $100 per mcnth. Address White Adver tising Bureau, Seattle. Wash. ROOFERS WANTED, TINNERS WANTED, sheet metal workers wanted. Apply Wyn koop, the Roofer. 248 Ash St. WANTED EXPERIENCED CLOTHING salesman In the city; steady position and good salary. J 16. Oregonian. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER, one familiar with lumber business preferred. Call 223 Lumber Exchange. PHOTOGRAPH COUPON AND PORTRAIT or book canvassers: a snap for you; easy money. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN TO HANDLE coffee route this city; steady position; good pay. Apply 69 First street. WANTED A YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE work with knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply East 7:h and Belmont. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; steady job: union shop; terms reasonable. 506 Washington St. $25 PER WEEK GUARANTEED GOOD MEN to sell best accident policy on market. 705 Marquam bldg. EXPERIENCED BOOK MAN EXCLUSIVE territory on Irish literature. Catholic Senti nel. 250 Oak st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MAN FOR HOUSE furniehings and light hardware. Addrees E 20, Oregonian. OFFICE BOY WANTED BY LARGE WHOLE sale house; state age. Answer care of S IS, . Oregonian. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM bers. Special membership. $2. Y. M. C. A. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL. APPLY at once. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. TEACHERS. RURAL SCHOOLS. $55 FISK Teachers' Agency, 1200 W'llliams. East 344 WANTED SIGN PAINTER. J. P. Zirngubel. 309 Washington St., bet. First and Front. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College. BOYS, OVER 16. WITH WHEELS. HIGH est wages paid. Apply -10S 7th st. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE BAK ery wagon. Apply 360 Washington. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COAT MAKERS. Nlcoll. The Tailor, 108 3d st. ONE COATMAKER WANTED. $8.50 UP. AL. Andrews. La Grande. Oregon. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GROCERY clerk. Telephone East 29S. BOY WITH BIKE TO DELIVER PACKAGES. Apply A. B. Stelnbach. WANTED STRONG BOY; STEADY WORK. 55 Front, corner Davie. TWO CANVASSERS GOOD OPPORTUNITY and pay. Call 262 Sd st. KNIGHT SHOE CO. WANT BOY WITH wheel to work all day. WANTED AT ONCE 6TAVE-BOLT CUT ters; good wages, steady work. Apply West ern Cooperage Co., Steams bldg., Portland, or Houiton. Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from S to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.; entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. WANTED TWO OR THREE FIRST-CLASS all-around machine men; permanent posi tion, good wages. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam Road. DANCING LESSONS. 25c. prlvats and classes; taught daily. Prof. Wal. Wilson, offices and academy. Allsky bldg.,-3d and Morrison sts. 'BE YOUR OWN BOSS. 25c WILL START you. See R. M. Plummer. 260 Third St.. nights this week or before 10 A. M. next." WANTED TEN MORE SOLICITORS. BEST position in Portland; men are making $5 dally. Call after noon. 2914 Stark St. WANTED MENS OLD CLOTHING, Shoes, highest prices paid. 52 3d. Tel. Paciflo 46. BOY WANTED APPLY AT ONCE. MARK Echlussel. Agt., Sherlock bid-. HELP W ANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register w-lth us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 H Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. WANTED LADY COOK FOR CAMP OF 20 men, good wages: also chambermaid for small hotel, $20, room and board. Pacific Coast Employment Agency, 20514 Morrison st. Phone Pacific 1406. LADIES TO ASSIST MAKING CUSHION tops for holiday trade; work will continue after Xmas; easy, rapid; no experience. Call 9to 5. 326 FUedner bldg., 407 Wash ington St. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory. 2 Grand ave.. and E. Taylor st. CHAMBERMAID. WAITRESSES. DOMES tics. cooks, housekeeper, dihwaehers, cook, waitress (marriedl. $1S. Everybody (Ella?) "Drake's." 205 Washington. WANTED THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED high-class stenographer, by large manufac turlng and Jobbing concern. Address, with references, V 95, Oregonian. WANTED A GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK: must understand the business;' references required; good wages. Apply at S35 Love Joy st.. cor. of 25th St. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, SEC ond girls, nurses, waitresses. St. Louis Ladles' Agency. 230 Yamhill. Main 6413. WANTED COOK AND HOUSEMAID IN family of two. Apply at Btshopcroft. cor. 2oth and Everett, mornings bet. 10 and 12. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER: PERMANENT home for respectaDie woman capable of taking complete charge. J 20. Oregonian. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. EXPERIENCED second girl, private family. $25; family cook. $35. 230 lamnui. Main 0413. Manicuring. Hairdresslng. special $5 course. one week only: Trade school for girls and women, 394 Alder, ine Montgomery. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory. 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. CAPABLE MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR permanent position of responsibility; no trlflers need answer. C 9. Oregonian. WANTED GOOD RELIABLE WOMAN TO do plain cooking and general housework in a small family. Apply 832 Raleigh St. COMPETENT GIRL GENERAL . HOUSE work; must be good plain cook; small fam ily: call after 10. 824 Marshall. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. HOME LADIES- AGENCY. 165 Fourth St.. corner Morrison, upstairs. P.hone Main 5S26. WANTED CAPABLE WOMAN DRESSMAK er for family in country; two weeks' work. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN FOR DEN tlst'a office; give phone number and ad dress. W 20, Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN TO WORK IN small family for home and moderate wages; time off. 448 6th st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND housework; small family. 495 East Davis, corner East Tenth St. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; MUST be first-class cook; good wages; second girl kept. 731 Savier. WANTED GIRLS FOR OFFICE. MUST write a good hand. N. M. Swart, 730 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF CHIL dren and help with housework. Address P 14. Oregonian. WANTED A GIRL TO DO COOKING AND similar duties; wages $35 per month. Appiy 245 Ford st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU?E work; good plain cook; two in family. 801 Marshall St. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN general housework; three In family. 695 Everett. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL .housework: small family; good wages. 234 10th st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in family of two; good wages. 304 N. 24th st. WANTED AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED skirt and waist makers at 621 Washington GIRL WANTED ON DOUBLE -NEEDLE shirt machine at 75 1st: boss of all factory WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GBN eral housework; small family. 394 Salmon st. WANTED LADY TEACHERS FOR CHI nese mission. Apply 2-5 P. M. at 49S Mill st. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR BUSHEI.ING work In tailor shop. Apply A. B. Steinbach. TEACHERS, grade and rural. $55. FIsk Teachers- Agency. 1200 Williams. East 344. WANTED LADY TO TAKE POSITION IM medlately; good Ealaryy K 17, Oregonian. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST HOUSE work, good wages, at 414 Seventh street. CAPABLE WOMAN TO DO COOKING AND general housework. Apply 354 12th st. SLEEVE MAKER. EXPERIENCED SKIRT help and apprentices. 506 Marquam. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking; good wages. 570 Hoyt st. EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL WANTED. 321 N. 24th St. Call mornings. NEAT GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. AP ply 228 N. 19th. near Lovejoy. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 510 Taylor st. WANTED ERRAND GIRL. Evens. 37 Washington bldg. FLORENCE WANTED CHAMBERMAID AT BAUMANN Hotel. 412 N. 19th. WOMEN WANTED TO ASSIST IN TAILOR shop. 6S N. 3d. HF.IP WANTED MALE OR FEMAL15. The Great Western Employment Office. 300 Couch st. Phone Main 3518- We make a specialty of furnishing all kinds of labor. S. St. Clair, general manager. AMATEUR ACTORS WANTED FOR LOCAL dramatic productions: good opportunity, steady employment. 145 6th. room 2. MAN FOR PORTER WORK IN HOTEL: also chambermaid. Hotel Kenyon. Phone Pacific 496. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER DESIRES SIT uatlon: only responsible and established firms need answer; salary $125 to begin. 1028 Front st.. city. SITUATION WANTED AS CLERK FOR gents' furnishing goods or shoes; speaks Finnish. A 18, Oregonian. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES work on books or accounts at odd times. Ad dress E 16. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP er. wants position In or out cf city. G 17, Oregonian. Bookkeeper and Clerks. WANTED BY VERY AMBITIOUS TOVNO married man or Z4, witn college eaucanon, position as shipping clerk or order clerk, where there Is chance for advancement; per manent position only. T IS. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE WITH grown aaugnter, posiuuu a. moi.i foreman on a stock farm; horses preferred; experienced and good references. Address 206 14th ave., Seattle, Wash. Geo. Davis. MARRIED MAN. PERFECTLY RELIABLE, desires steady situation as night watchman with wholesale house, bank or first-class retail firm; references given. J 14, Ore gonian. WANTED POSITION BY EXPERIENCED all-around retail candymaker; can iiuuira good references; state wages. Address o lt. Oregonian. WANTED PLACE WHERE A YOUNG man can earn his room and board while attending Holmes' Bustnesa College. Main 513. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4659. 2S Everett. YOUNG MAN. BUSINESS COLLEGE GRAD uate, wishes few hours' work evenings; compensation moderate. V 19. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING EUS1NESS COL- , j lege wants place to work for board and JAPANESE WANT SCHOOLBOY SITUA tion on the city or country, but no wages. No. 53 Fourth st., city. EXPERIENCED MACHINIST WISHES TO secure steady position; best references. In quire 755 Michigan ave. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wants place to work for board and room. B 20. Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS WORK EVENINGS in West Portland; no room or wages wanted. N 20, Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE COOK WITH TEN years' experience wishes position In family. E 17. Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS GENERAL housework In a small family. T. Baratora, 48 N. 1st et FINE JAFA.-WtSE BOY. CAN SPEAK AND cook, wants situation as schoolboy. B 14 Oregonian. GOOD ALL AROUND CARPENTER WANTS Job or day work from owners. O IS, Ore gonian. WHO WANTS A GOOD ALL-AROUND MAN cook? That's me. Harry, P. O. Box 47, city. MAN WITH 20 YEARS- EXPERIENCE! wants position In stable. II 3. Oregonian. YOUNG MARRIED MAN WISHES TO learn baker's trade. J 19. Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE WANTS PRIVATE FAM ily housework. D 18. Oregonian. A GOOD JAPANESE WANTS STORE) OR office work. M 20. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. - Bookkeeoers and Stenoeraohers. PERMANENT POSITION WANTED BY EX- ferlenoed young lady stenographer or pub ic work where Underwood typewriter Is used; also outside work; rates reasonable. Phone Main 6375. A REFINED, WELL EDUCATED YOUNd lady, with knowledge of stenography, de sires position . in ofiice: doctor's office pre ferred. . H 17. Oregonian. PUBLIC OFFICE WHERE SALARY 19 paid; privilege of outside work; must be good location. Main 6375. IfomestSra. SITUATION WANTED CAPABLE GIRL ehamberwork or assist dining-room work; plain place. 230 Yamhill. Main 8413. YOUNG GIRL WISHES TO HAVE GENER al housework In small family. Address 615 Northrup st.. cor. loth et. GIRL WANTS ANY KIND OF HOUFE work by the day. Apply 515 Northrup, cor. 15th. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES STEADY place to do housework. Address O 15. Oreg. Dre.sms Kers. MME. TURCOTT LADIES' TAILOR. 13 Just here from the East; most exclu-stve de signs and fine workmanship 351 Morrkon St.. rooms 28. 29. second floor. SEAMSTRESS. FIRST-CLASS. ON LADIES' and children's clothes, wishes work in fam ilies or dressmakers; German woman. 370 N. 23d St. . LADY WOULD DO PLAIN SEWING AT home or could go out afternoons. Call or address Mrs. L. N.. 432 11th St. TRY ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLORS. 242 6th and Main. Pacific 982. I ur.r. LADIES' NURSE. GRADUATED, OPEN for engagements. Address R 17, Ore gonian. Utscellauieous. EMPLOYERS DESIRING RELIABLE HELP either in office, store or home, may be sup plied by the Younsr Women s Christian As sociation. Phone 5267. LADY WANTS TO MAKE BEDS OR TAKE care of rooming-house in exchange for room, or board and room, for herself and hus band, Pacific 1406. WORK WANTED FOR WAITRESSES, chambermaids, cooks, seamstresses, office, female help: anybody, anywhere. ""Drake's." 205 Wajhing:on. CAPABLE WOMAN WITH GIRL 7 DESIRES situation: cook, camp or small crew men or housekeeper widower. 230 Yamhill. Mala 513. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WOULD LIKE TO take charge of rooming-house; experlneced. Address F 16. Oregonian. LADY ENTERTAINS INVALIDS. AGED, children In their homes by hour or day; references. Pacific 671. YOUNG LADY WANTS PLACE TO WORK mornings and evenings for room and board. Q 20, Oregonian. LADY WOULD LIKE TO RENT OR TAKE charge of rooming house. L 20. Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. EXPER lenced; phone Union 1276. M'.ss S. M. Scott. COLORED GIRL. GOOD COOK. FOR FAM. liy of three; wages $35. Main 3142. LADY WANTS COPYING; WRITES BXCEL lent hand. X 17. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL THE BEST grown nursery stock on the Coast, includ ing Burbank's new pitless plum. Miracle: commission advanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries, Al bany, Or. BIG COMMISSION TO AGENTS TO SELL Everett's Encyclopedia; over 500 uages, sells for $1.50: the best selling subscription book on the market today. Particulars free. Ad dress Mgr., box 2u5. Boise. Idaho. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly: write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nurs ery Co.. Salem. Or. AGENTS IN EVERY COUNTY FOR TH3 "Ohio Steam Cooker"; money maker: infor mation, call or write 374 FUct st.. Portland. WANTED AGENTS. LADY OR GENT; OCR new offer. $5 dally. 801 Dekum. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPTLY free: highest prices paid for bones. Oregon Fertilizer Works. 792 Thurman. M. 1966. WE WILL BUY FOR CASH YOUR FURNI ture, carpets, etc.. now. Western Salvage Co.. 627 Washington st. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Don't worry, lose time or nioney. Call up Pacific 793. VAPOR CABINET BATH: STATE MAKER'S name, condition and price. Address B 16, Oregonian. WANTED SECOND-HAND WHEEL IN good condition; price reasonable. Phone East 3076. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND PHONO grapn; Edison preierred. Telephone East 6S77. SPOT CASH PAID FOR YOUR FURNITURE, etc.; prompt attention. Phone Eaat 1067. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie free of chaige. Phone East 2233. I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. W. W. Savage, 845 1st. i'aciuo 300.