Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 09, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Roosevelt and'Shonts Agree
on Method of Dig
ging Canal.
Chinese Laborers to Bo Turned Over
to Contractors Taft Will Have
Hand In Letting Chi
nese Contract.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 8. It has been
finally dechTed that the Panama Canal
will be completed by contract. In a few
daya the Commission will make public
a statement setting forth its reasons for
favoring the contract system, and at that
time a form of. contract will also prob
ably be published showing exactly the
sort of document believed by the com
missioners to be necesfary for safeguard
ing the work.
President Roosevelt Is known to sup
port the commission In Its position that
the work can be done more satisfactorily
bv contractors than by the Government.
He had a long conference with Chairman
Shonts today on the subject and the
various arguments in favor of the con
tract system were discussed fully.
This change in building the canal will
In no way affect the employment of
Chinese labor. Proposals for furnishing
the Chinese labor wore made undjr such
conditions that they can be transferred to
contractors and the terms can be fullilled
In such a manner that the Government
can give the coolies just as much protec
tion as It could if the Government were
the direct employer. It is likely that no
disposition will he made of the bids for
supplying Chinese labor until after the
return of Secretary Tart from Cuba, as
he assisted In drawing tho specifications
under which proposals were offered and
is much interested in the conditions under
which the Chinese are to be taken to
the Isthmus.
The President still Intends to visit the
isthmus this Fall and. unless there be
some change for the worse In the Cuban
situation, will probably leave for Colon
a short time after the election.
(Continued From Page 1.)
governing party thut It could not agree with
Itself. It became a struggling tangle of hos
tile faction. And there was the certain result
Browing out of its nature as the party of op
position. Must Follow Roofievelt.
The opposition as the minority of the House
Is UBeful as an opposition, hut the opposition
s a majority of the House becomes Instantly,
Instead of a helner In legislation, an ob
structor of legislation. The party of gov
ernment In a majority In rhe Houie must
follow Theodore Roosevelt, the head of -that
party and of the Government, or be discred
ited. The party of opposition In a majority In
the House would seek merely to embarrass the
Administration, who does not knov .that. If
the next . House 1a Democratic, it win bend
every energy, exhaust every resource, to malre
the Administration a failure In order to elect
an opposition President. With an opposition
House, who does not know that Instead of
broad statesmanship being practiced for the,
good of the people, small politics would be
played for the advantage of a party.
Vote to Support President.
' If the American people believe In Theodore
Roosevelt, they should support him by elect
Ins a House which Is pledged to make his
administration a continued bucccm rather than
a House, whose purpose would be to make It
a failure. We ask for a vote of confidence In
the Administration; the opposition asks for a
vote of censure of the Administration, and
that is all there Is to this campaign. So It is
that unless the Republican party has grown
careless In administering the Government, It
Is the party which can govern best, and, If
this is true, the only real question of this
campaign is settled In its favor, for the Re
publican party has been more careful In ad
ministering; the people's affairs during the laat
five years than It ever has been before. Pure
and able administration are synonymous, with
the name of Theodore Roosevelt.
Erie County Committee Will Stand
by Democratic Nominees.
BUFFALO, N. Y., Oct. 8.-After a con
ference which lasted all day and up to
midnight, between representatives of the
Democratic county organization and Clar
ence J. Shearn, personal representative of
W. R. Hearst, Chairman Coatsworth, of
the Erie County general committee, gave
out an open letter addressed to Shearn, In
which he declares that the Democracy of
Brie County stands aa a unit for the ac
tion of their respective conventions and
that no person regularly nominated will
be asked to withdraw.
Should any attempt be made on the part
of the Independence League to defeat any
Democrat by placing a third ticket In the
field, the letter says, "a condition might
be created in the county which may be
disastrous to the man for whose benefit
the Independence League was organ
ized." The letter, concludes with the
"This la the ultimatum of the Demo
cratic, organization of the County of
Bailey M illing to Help Texas Prose
cute Waters-Pierce Company.
AUSTIN. Tex., Oct. 8.-The correspond
ence regarding the proposition of Senator
J. W. Huiley to assist In representing the
state In the matter of prosecuting the
Waters-Pierce Oil Company ag part of the
Standard Oil Compnny was made public
today. It appears that Mr. Bailey wrote
a letter to the Attorney-General advising
him that he would be glad to lend him
what assistance he could In the way of
developing facts in connection with the
case and to this proposition the Attorney-General
replied that, while he ap
preciated the interest manifested by the
Senator, he is able to handle the case
with the facts now confronting him but
If he needs any additional assistance or
advice, he will deem It a pleasure to call
upon the Senator.
Hawley Says Dubois and Heyburn
Will Both Fail.
ington, D. C, Oct. 8. James H. Hawley
of Boise. Is here to argue the Moyer-Hay-wood
appeal in the Stounenberg murder
case before the Supreme Court. Argu
ment was set for--tomorrow, but will be
postponed until the latter part of the
Discussing Idaho politics, Mr. Hawley
says Dubois Is defeated unless his popu
larity pulls him through.
'As for Heyburn, he has no more
chance of being re-elected than I have of
said Mr.
Says Johnson Backs Competitor.
. CLEVELAND. O., Oet. 8.-Charglng that
Mayor Johnson Is financially interested
In the success of the Forest City Rail
way Company, otherwise known as the
3-cent fare street railway line, and that
he procured the organization of the com
pany, obtained franchises for It, and has
assumed a financial responsibility In be
half of the Forest City Railway Company
all of which is said to be in violation of
the law the Cleveland Electric Railway
Company filed today In the Common Pleas
Court a petition asking that all work up
on the Forest City Railway Company's
lines be enjoined, and that interferences
with the lines of the Cleveland Electric
Railway Company be prohibited by the
The petition also asks that the grants
to the Municipal Traction Company, as
well as those to the Forest City Railway
Company, be declared null and void. A
number of other city officials are made
Independence League Wants Funds.
NEW YORK, Oct. 8. The Independence
League today issued an appeal asking
funds. It is declared any sum, however
small, will be acceptable, as the League
is engaged in a political fight for the
benefit of the people and that the people
ought to contribute. It is directed to all
patriotic citizens.
Charles F. Murphy, leader of Tammany
Hall, today said it had been decided that
no candidate shall be on the Democratic
Judicial ticket who was not a Democrat.
He added that he considered that the
supporters of Mr. Hearst who were in
the Independence League were Demo
crats. May Send Russian Jew to Congress.
NEW YORK, Oct. 8. The Socialist par
ty espects to elect one of Its representa
tives, Morris Hillquit, to Congress from the
Ninth Congressional District on the lower
East Side. One of the chief causes for the
hope of Hillqult's supporters is the Rus
sian revolution. The district contains a
large part of the Russian Jews of the
East Side. A house-to-house canvass is
being conducted for Hillquit, and many
women have taken up his cause. A dally
paper in Yiddish will be published the
Inst ten days of the campaign, outlining
the Socialist doctrines.
Hillquit, if successful, will be the first
man ever elected to the American House
of Representatives on the Socialist
Registration In New York.
NEW YORK. Oct. 8. This was a day of
registration In New York for the state
and Congressional elections to be held
November 6. Late returns show that the
registration would approximate - that of
the first day last year. The results to
night with a number of Assembly districts
missing show a registration of 163,216.
Big Guns In the Campaign.
W.SHINGTON, 6ct. 8. Secretary Root
wjAl speak In the New York campaign at
Ojfrnegle Hall, October 22. Secretary
Shaw and Speaker Cannon will also take
part in the campaign in this state, and,
if Secretary Taft should return from
Cuba In time, he will speak in the "West.
Real Fishermen of Newfoundland
Concede American Rights.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. The news
that (he modus Vivendi between the
United States and Great Britain re
garding the .Newfoundland fisheries
had finally been signed was conveyed
to Secretary Root v In a cablegram
from Ambassador Reid today, advising
him that the British Government had
accepted the terms. No information
has been received at the State Depart
ment concerning the proposed resigna
tion of the officials of the Newfound
land Government on account of the new
Some facts in relation to the New
foundland Govjrnment and the fisher
ies were stated, in which it appears
that the British Government has been
very much embarrassed during the ne
gotiations on account of the demands
of Newfoundland. The Newfoundland
Government is under the control of
the merchant fishermen of the Island,
those who buy. cure and sell the fish
ing products. They oppose any Amer
ican fishing rights, including those
guaranteed by the treaty of 1818, and
are dissatisfied with any arrangement
that the Brltisii Government makes to
carry out the terms of that treaty.
The real fishermen of the island are
not in harmony with the restrictions
of the Newfoundland Government, such
as denying the privilege of selling bait
and of allowing the fishermen to take
employment on the American fishing
vessels. The Newfoundland Govern
ment has no real responsibility In the
way of carrying out obligations. That
devolves upon the British Government.
Newfoundland People Angry at
Agreement With America.
ST. JOHNS. N. F., Oct. 8. Popular
anger against the modus vlvendl ar
ranged by the United States and the
British Governments relating to the
Newfoundland herring fisheries Is
growing. There is a general feeling
that the compromise arrived at was a
backdown on the part of the British
America Got Best of John Bull.
LONDON. Oct. 8. Following the lead of
the Newfoundland newspapers whose
opinions on the modus Vivendi have been
cabled here, the evening papers here to-
daV dpnOUnCA thn AD-rAAmnt aa a "
sided bargain" between the United States
Drimin. vv nen i ewroundland
objected to purse-seining the United
States proposed an alternative to allow
American boats to take on crews within
the three-mile limit, but again Newfound
land objected, and Great Britain, finding
It impossible to satisfy the demands of
Newfoundland, agreed to the modus Vi
vendi as now signed.
a i
Terminal Association Said to Have
Bought Structure of Alton.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 8.-The hearing of the
ouster suit of the Government against
the Terminal Railroad Association was
resumed today. Charles E. McEwtng, a
brick manufacturer of Calhodn County,
Illinois, testified that six months after
the reported sale of the Alton bridge
to the Terminal Association, three years
ago, the rate on material across the
bridge had advanced from the former
rate of four-tenths of a cent per 100
pounds to 1 cent.
W. K. Kavanaugh, president of th
Wiggins Ferry Company and of the
Interstate Oar & Car Transfer Company,
gave testimony that showed that the In
terstate Company is a Terminal holder.
Pickpockets Ilncd Auto Course.
NEW YORK. Oct: 8. It develoned Sun
day that the Vanderbllt cup course during
mo race suiuroay was mrested. with pick
pockets. Over 100 of them were taken
Into custcxly around the grandstand and
locked up In a cottage near by until
the race was over and the bijr crowd had
becoming Emperor of Germany,'
Standard 011 .Trial Without
0"hlo Will Endeavor Today to Con
vict Octopus of Conspiracy
Against Trade First Test
of Valentine Law.
FINDLAY, Ohio.. Oct. 8. Charged
with, "conspiracy against trade" in
violation of the anti-trust laws of the
state, the Standard Oil Company, of
Ohio, and its alleged constituent com
panies, the Buckeye Pipe Lino Com
pany, and the Manhattan Oil Company,
will be placed on trial here tomorrow
before Judge Gideon G. Banker and a
Jury In the Probate Court of Hancock
County. In the original Information
filed last June by County Prosecutor
William L. David, John D. Rockefeller
was made a party to the suit, but
through the granting of a request for
a separate trial Mr. Rockefeller will
not be called as a defendant until the
case against the company has been
disposed of. Mr. Rockefeller, it is said,
will not be summoned as a witness
and will not attend the trial.
Trust Disputes Jurisdiction.
If the manner of instituting the suit
by information instead of by grand
Jury Indictment and the Jurisdiction
assumed by the Probate Court are up
held in the higher state courts, the
case will assume added importance as
indicating an easier and more direct
method for action against alleged trade
conspiracies. Both the manner of
bringing the suit and the Jurisdiction
of the Probate Court have been ques
tioned by the attorneys for the de
fense, but Judge Banker has decided
against them on all points and no ap
peal can be taken on these prelimi
nary questions until the case has been
, Offense Is Misdemeanor.
Judge Banker ruled that a violation
of the Valentine law constitutes a
misdemeanor and? that the last session
of the Legislature gave Probate Courts
concurrent Jurisdiction with common
ideas courts over all misdemeanors.
To this ruling, as well as that on other
technical points, the defense took ex
ception. The Valentine law, under which the
action was brought, was passed July
1, 189S. It defines a trust elaborately
as a combination of capital, skill or
acts by two or more persons, - firms.
etc., to create or carry out restrictions
in trade. Violations of the act are
defined as "conspiracy against trade"
and are punishable by a fine of from
$50 to $5000, or imprisonment for from
six to 12 months.
General Reputation Is Proof.
As to the evidence required to con
vict the statute says: '
It shall be sufficient to prove that a
trust or combination as defined herein
exists and that the defendant belonged
to it or acted for or in connection -with
it. without proving all the members be
longing to It, or proving or producing any
article of agreement or any written in
strument on which It may have been
based; or that it was evidenced by any
written instrument at RlUThe character
of the trust or combination alleged may
be established by proof of its general
reputation as such.
Hungarian Count's Wife In Poverty
While He Courts Another.
NEW YORK, Oct. 8. Publication on ac
count of an automobile-accident, in which
both were severely injured, of the engage
ment of Count Charles Miarry de Lukac
sevich, of Hungary, and Miss Geraldlne
M. Randall, of this city, has resulted in
the engagement being broken oft through
the efforts of his former fiancee and her
mother, and the Count has been forced to
provide for his wife, who was discovered
living in poverty in the Hungarian quar
ter. The automobile accident was directly
the cause of all the Count's woes. While
wooing Miss Randell he had passed him
self as a single man, and was soon to lead
her to the altar. But the accident with
its subsequent disclosures revealed his
dual life, brought to light the wife he had
left to starve, and sent him into the
courts. The woman who bears his name
has begun divorce proceedings, while Miss
Randall's parents demand. damages on ac
count of personal injuries which their
daughter sustained by being thrown from
the automobile.
Incidentally the Count talks of re
plevying a yellow diamond which the
American girl now possesses, and is
wondering if she will sue him for the
fractious automobile, which he ears
that she will claim. The Count told
romantic stories of his former life. He
described the great estates of his
father, went into details concerning
his army experience, and exhibited his
decorations. It was a story all true
enough, except that he. omitted to
state that he had been disinherited
and banished from home. He produced
a certificate written in Hungarian set
ting forth that his wife had died in
the Hungarian town of Godollo.
Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce
Is Badly Damaged.
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 8. Fire, -which
broke out mysteriously at 11:30 o'clock to
night on the top floor of the Chamber of
Commerce buildings on the east side of
Broadwav. between PMrst onH RdnAnj
Lstreets, caused damage roughly estimated
I a. (tMAM IU . A .
a. iw,vw, w per rent py water.
The Chamber of Commerce building Is a
five-story brick-and-stone structure, and
was erected in 1903. The three upper
fioors are given up to offices, the second
floor to the uses of the Chamber, and
the first is occupied by business estab
lishments. The lire apparently broke out all over
the top floor, and by the time the third
alarm had been turned In puffs of flame
were bursting from the roof. The fire
men had great difficulty in fighting the
flames on account of the dense smoke
that filled the two too floors. The offices
and composing-room of the Herald, on
the ground floor, were flooded. For an
hour the typesetters continued at work in
a shower. Some machinery and a consid
erable amount of paper in the basement
were damaged. How the fire started is a
low Rote Made by O. B. ft N. to Chicago
and St. Louis.
Account annual convention American
Bankers' Association, to be held at St.
Louis. October 16 to 19. the O. R. & N on
October 12 and 18 will sell round trip
tickets to Chicago and St. Louis at a rate
of one fare plus $10. For information re
garding different routes. sleeping-car
service, etc. apply at City Ticket Office,
Third and Washington streets. Portland,
Fifth, Sixth
and Washington Sts.
Great Scott ! But how mankind did pour in yesterday to have its feet
fitted! It seemed as tho every male biped in town had read the store's
announcement on Sunday, and turned out in response to be shod. It
proves strongly to us that men as well as women read Olds, Wortman
& King's advertisements and, like women, have learned to trust and
believe in 'em as a Mohammedan faiths his Koran. We sold more men's
shoes in ten hours yesterday than in any entire previous week of the
store '8 history. No wonder 1 For men are quick to appreciate values.
Our word for it in this sale we are distributing the biggest bargains in
men's smart, stylish, serviceable footwear ever offered anywhere on the
Pacific Coast! We're paying the penalty of "changing horses in mid
stream" more plainly of changing lines right in the midst of a busy
season. But late deliveries delayed the event 'till now and 5000 men
will benefit.
Read the remarkable reductions on such well-known makes as are the
product of
Every shoe in the offering is perfect; not a "bargain shoe" in the
lot of over 5000 pairs. A1J sizes and the best of leathers shiny and dull.
A Sale From the Store's Regular
Lines of Men's Shoes
Every man who has an eye for smartness in footwear and a care for
the cost will plan to share these savings as soon as he reads this good
shoe news. We append the list:
Women's Coats, Costumes,
Waists, Tailored Gowns 1
Grand Salons Second
. This is distinctly a
season of diverse styles.
It can be truthfully
said that Fashion looks
with no special favor
upon any one idea,
whether it be in color
or in design. Never be
fore have women had
the privilege of choos
ing in accordance with
their own individual
preferences and at the
game time being abso
lutely correct in every
appointment of her toi
lette. Designers have been
quick to take advan
tage of this style lati
tudefree and untram
meled by restrictions.
they have given full play to their wonderful ingenuity and resourceful
ness in the production of the most beautiful novelties ever seen in
Women 's Outer Apparel.
It is from the masterpieces of these designers that the modes have
been critically chosen which form the most creditable presentation of
exclusive Fall and Winter Fashions for women we have ever offered, and
prices are most modest. Examples :
TAILOR-MADE SUITS, in handsomest Autumn styles, at extremely
moderate prices as low as $12.50, as elegant as $225, and all the in
between rungs in the ladder of price are strongly pla,ced and exploited.
Women who'd be first in fashions,- and who are eager for a change in
their wardrobes, will welcome the opportunity presented here this week.
Visitors to Portland will be glad to introduce the authoritative Autumn
styles to their home cities and towns Welcome.
See the new three-piece Tailored Suits with exquisitely beautiful
waists of dainty, rich laces :
See the immense stock of smart, trim and trig Walking Skirts the
largest collection of newest styles on the Coast: $5.00 to $45.00.
STREET COATS Choose from the most stunning and stylish
stocks in the Northwest, $6.50 to $76.00.
OPERA COATS as modest as $25.00, as elegant as $175.00.
HANDSOME RAINCOATS in every wanted coloring and newest
style effect: Cravenette $10 to $45.
SILKS $28.60 to $50.00 Long, loose, stunningly swell "boxy"
beauties, needed to protect the new gowns from Autumn rains, yet charm
ing and smart enough for wear as a wrap in all weathers and on scores
of occasions.
CHILDREN'S COATS Largest, newest line in the city, beautiful
assortments, grand choosing; $4 to $25.
In a Special Sale First Floor.
$1.25 Table Damask 98c Table Damask in good line of patterns, 62
inches; regular value $1.25; special, yard 98
Nainsook in Ten-Yard Pieces 38 inches wide ; regular 25c yard grade ;
special, the piece $1.75
A Special Sale Today Jewelry Store, Annex, First Floor.
Oriental Pearl Body Opera Glasses, with best gilt trimmings; our $5.00'
value; special sale price, the pair $3.75
Opera Glasses, with fancy enameled body and gilt and pearl trimmings ;
our $7.50 value, special sale price, the pair. $5.00
Leather Goods Shop Annex, First Floor.
Today we offer a line of Women's fine all grain leather Handbags; this
season styles, with best riveted and leather-covered frames, and either
.gilt or gunmetal trimmings. Solid stitched leather handles and newest
style spring catches. Bags are leather lined throughout and fitted with
coin purse to match; come in black, blue, green and brown; our $3.00
. value, special $1.50
MEN'S $4.0fl SHOES $2.89. ..
Men's Patent Colt Lace Shoes, heavy soles, Blucher cut, mat calf top,
swing last; regular value $4.00. Special, pair 2.89
MEN'S $4.00 SHOES $2.89.
Men's Patent Colt 6-button Shoes, dull calf top, new Tomay toe, good
style and stock; regular value $4.00. Special, pair ...$2.89
MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $3.49.
Men's Patent Colt Lace Dress Shoes, made by Florsheim & Co., per
fectly straight last, mat calf top, high-class shoes; regular value $5.00.
Special, pair $3.49
' , ' MEN'S 4.00 SHOES $2.39.
About 1000 pairs Men's Shoes, odds and ends, heavy and light soles,
patent and dull leather in black and tan; regular value $4.00. Special,
pair $2.39
MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $3.49.
Florsheim & Co.'s Men's Gunmetal Lace Shoes, made on a new last
specially for those who have low insteps; these have easy flexible
soles adapted for folk with tender feet; regular value $5.00. Special,
pair $3.49
MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $3.49.
Men's tan or black English Grain Walking Shoes, made of heavy stock,
full double sole to heel, bellow tongue to top, viscolized sole; regular
value $5.00. Special, pair $3.49
MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $2.95.
$2.95 AND $3.49 FOR MEN'S SHOES WORTH $6.00.
Hundreds of pairs of Men's Shoes of the famous Florsheim & Co.'s
make; best styles and grades; values to $6.00. Special at, pair, $2.95
and $3.49
Silk and Dress Goods Salons
Fifth'-St. Annex First Floor.
Marvelous Values Attract Record-Breaking Throngs The Bargains
speak for themselves the fabrics echo the word, and critical buyers
listen and heed. Do you wonder when you read the store announce
ment? First, of SILKS:
Today It's Sunrise Again in the Silk World And silks resume their
place in Fashion's favor for feminine wear.' Our silk buyer now in New
York has been remarkably fortunate in securing a large share of some
unusual values offered in the newest, most wanted silks. As usual, we're
glad to share such unexpected luck with the store's clientele. We offer
splendid silks at these underprice quotations:
Regular $2.00 grade; special, per yard $1.46
Regular $2.25 grade; special, per yard $1.6S
Regular $2.50 grade; special, per yard $1.84
19-inch All-Silk Colored Taffetas in white, ivory, cream and all colors;
splendid 85c grade; special, per yard 69J
Novelty Suit Silks in good dark colorings, all new weaves and shades to
choose from; $1.25 values; special, only, yard 76
With the rainy season at hand, you'll want waterproofed fabrics
they're provided with others. Read the list. Save money in buying
your waterproof fabrics. All the wanted colors are to be found in these
numbers embracing browns, tans, modes, grays, navy and Oxford; 54
to 56 inches wide :
Regular $1.75 grades for two more days only, yard $1.44
Regular $2.00 grades for two more day only, yard $1.64
Regular $2.50 grades for two more days only, yard ,. $2.14
44 and 46 inches wide; these fabrics for richness have no equal and for
dressy gowns, either for street or house wear, give splendid service:
The following colors are here to choose from : Champagnes, tans, grays,
browns, greens, navies, etc. Regular $2.50, $2.25 and $2.00 grades.
Special only, per yard $1.17
High Novelty Silk and Wool Imported Dress Goods every yard fast
beautiful black and the newest weaves.
Regular $2.50 grade reduced to, yard. ... . . .$1.64
Regular $3.00 grade reduced to, yard $2.00
Regular $3.50 grade reduced to, yard $2.50
Regular $4.00 grade reduced to, yard $2.85
Good Underwear and Hosiery News
i From Women's Knitwear Aisles First Floor.
Women's silver gray and cream colored Cotton Union Suits, medium
weight, Jersey ribbed, half open front. Special at 50
Women's white Merino Vests or Pants, extra size, good Winter weight,
long sleeve Vests, French band Pants. Special at, each $1.00
Same as above in white and silver gray; sizes 4, 5 and 6. Special at,
each 73
Women's pure white Winter weight cotton Vests or Pants, fleece-lined;
very prettily trimmed Vests, French band pants. Special, eaeh..50
Women's Winter weight extra size cream colored cotton Vests or Pants.
Sold by other houses for 75c. Our price, each 60
Women's 50o white Swiss Ribbed Vests or Pants. Special, each. .. .39
Women's Winter weight "Merode" white cotton Vests or Pants, extra
silk trimmed. Special, each 50
Women's black cotton fleece-lined seamless Hose. Special, pair. . . .15i
WOMEN'S 35c HOSE 25.
Women's black cotton ribbed Hose, fleece-lined, seamless; regular value
35c. Special, pair 25
Women's black worsted Hose, seamless foot. Special, pair 25
Women's black cotton fleece-lined Hose; finished foot. Special, pr. 35
Same as above, in fine heavy weight. Special, pair 50i
Women's black cashmere ribbed Hose; seamless foot. Special, pr.50J
Women's extra fine black Cashmere Hose, finished foot, full shaped, at,
pair 60
Children's black worsted Hose, a great stock of all kinds at 25 to 90J
Women's silk Hosiery in white, light blue, pink, gray and black: garter
top, full fashioned, double sole; regular value $3.00. Special. .$1.79
Women '8 black fine ribbed lisle Hose, finished foot, double sole; reg
ular value 35e. Special, pair 23
Men's Patent CoR and Gunmetal Lace
Shoes, the Florsheim & Co. make;
Blucher cut, heavy soles, mat calf tops,
made over a new kite toe; regular
value $5.00. Special, pair $2.93
MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $3.49.
Men's 7-button colt dress, Florsheim &
Co.'s make, made on a neat toe
straight last, plain toe with new
stitched tip, mat calf top, very flex
ible single sole; regular value $5.00.
Special, pair $3.49
MEN'S $5.00 SHOES $3.49.
Pingree & Co.'s Men's Patent Colt Lace
Shoes, made of the very best selected
stock, inserted mat calf panel top;
made on a straight round toe; reirular
value $5, special, pair... $3.49