Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 21, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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ISTirgunk Store fffers' for Today the
Great 869th- Friday Smrprise
00 New Silk Petticoats
6000 Yards Embroidery Floiincin
The Meier p
.50 Values at S 6.45
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store
offers for today, 869th Friday Surprise
Sale, 200 new, high-grade Silk Petti
coats at Va regular values A bargain
item that never fails to attract scores of
the best buyers in the city This lot is
an exceptionally good one but contains
only 200 garments, so if you want one
better hurry down to the store as early
in the day as possible Made of superior
quality taffeta silk with deep accordion
plaited flounce, graduated wide ruffle
and two rows of niching Made extra
full and splendidly finished throughout.
All the desirable colors to select from:
tans, greens, blues, browns, reds, laven
der, purple, navy and
black Every skirt in
the lot regular $ 12.50 value Your choice today at this low price, each
See Big Fifth-Street Window Display No Mail or Phone Orders Filled
3 BH
0 Fine Corset Covers
Values to $2.00 at 92c Each
Today's great surprise sale of dainty Corset Covers is bound to interest hundreds of critical buyers; 3000
of the prettiest corset covers we ever placed on the counters to be sold at an interesting price; a prominent
manufacturer's entire reserve stock, made of fine nainsooks and cambrics, variety of styles, hand embroid
ered, lace and embroidery trimmed, headings "and ribbons, blouse fronts, tucked and trimmed
backs, fitted waist bands; all sizes; values up to $2.00 at 92c each. See Fifth-street -window
display. Xo mail or phone orders filled ,
Doz. M
en's Neckwear
50c Values at 25c Each
In the Men's Furnishing Goods Section for today's 869th Fri
day Surprise Sale, 2400 new, handsome four-in-hands and tecks
to be sold at Vi price A great special purchase from a large
New York maker New silks, new patterns, light and dark
colorings Immense assortment Four-in-hands are made
French fold or reversible, also fancy linedThe lot includes
stripes, dots, figures, plaids and plain colored effects Neck
wear we sell thousands of dozens of at 50c each
Buy all you want of them today at this phenomen- j
ally low price, each '.
See Morrison-Street Window Display
No Mail or Phone Orders Filled
rW J1 1 1
1 5,000 Women's Handkerchiefs 17 c
Economical women will look to their handkerchief needs today. A great surprise sale offering of 15,000
Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, in'barred effects with hemstitched borders; three styles of checks m
to select from; very pretty and in great demand at the present time; regular 35c values, on f f
sale today only at this unusually low price, each; no mail or phone orders filled.....
Pieces China 1 Oc Eac
In the Basement Crockery Store we offer for today
only 2000 pieces of White Semi-Porcelain and Gold
Illuminated China at a wonderfully low price each
In the lot will be found included 4-inch plates, 6-inch
plates, tea cups and saucers, oatmeal bowls, fruit
saucers, etc., etc. A China bargain every
housewife will appreciateToday only ff
- your choice at this low price, each.
Only a limited quantity will be sold
to each purchaser Basement
4V2-Yard Strips -Values to $6.00, $1.34 Strip
6-Yard Strips-Values to $7, $1.79 Strip
6V4-Yd. Strips-Values to $9, $1.98 Strip
Today's Grand Surprise Sale offering of Embroidery Flouncing will attract a great
crowd of enthusiastic buyers 6000 yards of magnificent Embroideries for waists,
undermuslins, skirts, children's wear, etc. to be sold at ridiculously low prices We
don't expect the 6000 yards to last longer than an hour or two, so come early as
possible this morning Fine quality Swiss and cambrics 10 to 22 inches wide Hand
some floral, scroll and openwork designs All clean, new, fresh merchandise A bargain
no woman wants to miss 3 great lots to select from Take your choice while it lasts at:
412-Yard StripsValues to $6.00 at $1.34 a Strip
6 -Yard Strips Values to $7.09 at $1.79 a Strip
634-Yard Strips Values to $9.00 at $1.98 a Strip
5000 Lines Scarfs and Scares
?5c-$ 1 .00 Vals. 42c Ea. 50c-?5c Vols. 23c Ea.
Another great surprise sale offering of 5000 Linen Squares and Scarfs, handsome styles ; two great lots to he sold at phenomenally low prices today ;
every housewife must he interested in these grand bargains:
Lot 1 Hemstitched Linen Scarfs and Squares in assorted styles and attractive designs, in sizes 30x30-inch and 18x54-inch; pieces selling A
regularly at 75o and $1.00 each; -your choice tomorrow only at this wonderfully low price, each; take advantage l4rC
Lot 2 Hemstitched Linen Center Pieces and Tray Cloths, in assorted styles, large variety to select from; sizes 18xl8-inch, 24s24-inch and
18x27-inch; pieces selling regularly at 50c and 75c each; your choice while they last today at this wonderfully low price, each
Low Priced
Women '8 Handbags in seal and wal
rus, fitted with card case, coin
purse and mirror; gijt or gun
metal finish, leather or moire silk
lined; values up to tO
$3.50 each, at PV0:
Women's Handbags, fitted with coin
purse; $1.50 values.... 79
Women's Black Silk Belts, assorted
styles, all sizes; values Oft-,
up to 75c; on sale at 7 w
Trunks and Traveling Bags, the
largest and best selected stock on
the coast, every good style and
size in all grades. Third Floor.
Telescopes, Shawl Straps, Trunk
Straps, etc., etc. Third Floor.
Auto Veils an
d Hat D
$5-$5.50Vals. $1.15
A remarkable offering of high-grade Automobile Veils
and Hat Drapes today 750 of them m beautiful styles
a great special purchase from a leading importing con-
cern High-class merchandise suitable for Automobilmg
Veils, Hat Drapes, Neck Scarfs, Etc., Etc. 2V3 and 234
yard lengths, made of fine quality voile Pretty striped
and hemstitched borders Complete assortment of the
best colors, white, light blue, brown, tan, helio, old rose,
plum, grays, champagne, garnet, green. u 1 ft?
cardinal, etc. Reg. $5, $5.50 vals. at ea. 1 1
See Fifth -Street Window Display
0 Pairs of Lace Curtains
$8 Values $4.95 a Pair
A Great Surprise Sale of fine Lace Curtains today 500
pairs all new handsome styles a special lot we secured
from a large New York importing house at a big conces
sion R.eal Arabians, Clunys and Renaissance magnificent
designs in large variety full size, 50 inches wide by 3 yards
long Curtains of exceptional style and quality and selling
regularly at $8.00 a pair Your choice
tod ay only at this low price of pair
See Fifth-Street Window Display
Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty Best Ma
terials and Workmanship Lowest Prices Guaranteed
35c -75c Ribbons
21c a Yard
15,000 yards of high grade ribbons
to be sold today and tomorrow
at a marvelously low price; fine
silk mousseline ribbons in shaded
effects, fine French faille ribbons,
all silk taffeta ribbons, satin
taffetas, etc.;. great assortment of
the best styles and colorings,
ranging from 35c to 75c yard;
your choice,
21c a Yard
We are sole Portland agents for the
celebrated "Perrin's" real
French kid gloves, all the new
styles, all sizes, all grades; every
pair guaranteed.
P" x Yard Pictures, 16x20-inch; Oleographs, Fruit and Game framed in gilt or bronze, 3-inch frames; values up to $2.00 each 98
rlCmrC Few more Oil Paintings, 36x50-inch, wonderful values at, each t $3.95
TX a. Six-inch Chain Medallions, colored subjects; great values at, each 10$
lCJllo Artistic picture framing to your order; new moldings; lowest prices.
Reform Jews End Festivities, but
Services of Orthodox Congrega
tions Will Be Continued.
Rosh Hashanah. the Jewish New Year,
wag solemnly observed in Portland by
both reform and orthodox Hebrew con
gregations, with services appropriate to
the occasion, and the usual rejoicing in
the home. The observance began Wed
nesday evening, when services were held
In all the synagogues in the city, and the
orthodox congregations will continue the
celebration until sundown tonight. The
eform Jews closed their celebration of
the New Year at the same hour last
At Temple Beth Israel. Dr. Stephen S.
Wise delivered a series of able discourses,
and the music was especially beautiful.
This temple has a quartet of line voices
and the acoustic qualities of the building
are quite satisfactory, Mrs. Rose Bloch
Bauer. Mrs. Imogene Harding Brodle,
Dom J. Zan and Arthur Alexander are
the members of the choir, with Miss
Leonora Kisher as accompanist.
Rabbi Wilner and Rabbi Abrahamson
conducted - solemn services at Temple
Ahava Sholom, the former delivering the
sermons. This congregation is strictly
orthodox and has no congregational or
choir singing, but the service is chanted
In Hebrew by the officiating pastor.
There was also elaborate observance of
the New Year at the synagogue of Con
gregation Zadeck Talmud, Sixth and Hall
streets, another orthodox body.
Every Jewish business firm In Port
land closed its doors yesterday in honor
of the day and there was a. general air
of festivity after church services among
the Jewish residents of the city. Yom
Klppur will be the next religious observ
ance ' of the Jews, the solemn day of
Atonement falling on September 29.
Mount Baker Trip Reunion to Be
Held on Mount Tabor.
The Mazamas will hold a basket picnic
next Saturday afternoon from 4 o'clock
until after campfire. In the grove of the
east slope of Mount Tabor. Members
and friends of the club will participate.
All those who were on the Mount Baker
outing, whether members of the club or
not, are expected to be present, if in
the city.
The plan Is to take the Mount Tabor
car over Morrison street bridge, go to
the end of the line, and then walk up
the hill directly south, only a hundred
yards or so from the car line. Dinner
will be served about 6. Every one is ex
pected to bring a lunch, and the Mount
Baker chef will serve coffee. Among
those to be present will be L. J. Hicks,
who has just returned from a success,
ful ascent of Mount Jefferson.
How Portland Merchants Can Build
Up Trade With Hawaii Will
Be Explained.
W. A. Mears will explain how Port
land may build up a profitable trade
with Hawaii at a special meeting of
the Chamber of Commerce, to be held
next Tuesday, September 2B. The at
tendance will not be confined to the
members of the Chamber, but business
men and all others Interested are
urged to be present.
. Mr. Mears will give details of his
observations during his recent trip to
the Islands, as a representative of the
Chamber of Commerce. He believes
that Portland can build up a large
trade with the Islands, and will tell
how It can be done.
The address ofNMr. Mears will be In
the nature of a report to the Chamber,
and it is expected that his Information
will' be of great assistance to the Job
bers of Portland in entering; and secur
ing a foothold in the new and rich ter
ritory that has been opened up by the
establishment of the Portland-Honolulu
line of the Matson Navigation Com
pany. Mr. Mears received a most cordial
reception from the business interests
of the Islands when he visited Hono
lulu. He got encouragement on every
hand, and the Interest taken in the new
line and trade conditions firmly con
vinced Mr. Mears that an exceptional
opportunity has been presented to
While the Portland-Honolulu line
has not done a rushing business since
the steamer Hilonian was placed on the
run, the officials of the company are
by no means discouraged. When they
established the line they realized that
It would take time to build up a large
freight business, and the outlook Is permamency of the line if the mer
promlslng. chants of Portland will do their share
Assurances have been given of the In working up the trade.
228 Alder St, Between 1st and 2d Sts.
The only Independent wholesale batchers in the city. The only one not
controlled by the grenulne Beef Trust. The only ones who otter the public pure,
flffln, healthy, unadulterated meats. TheM prlcea are good for any day and
every day. We promise you quick, prompt service for Saturday.
Prime rih roast beef 12ld
Rolled roast beef IOC
Steak, prime rib cut -'X'ZAC
Round steak IOC
Shoulder steak 8i
Pot roast choice cuts SC
Boiling beef -it and 5C
Beef stew 5C
Corn beef 6ff
Short ribs beef 5
Loin roast mutton 12Hc
Loin mutton chops 13V4t
Shoulder mutton chops 10
Roast mutton s)
Mutton for stew
Jean roast veal .-IOC
Breast veal for stuffing lOc
Veal stew g
Roast pork 12Vj
Hamburg steak IOC
Pork Sausage 10c
Frankfurters lO
Breakfast bacon, our own brand. XTVaC
Pure lard, no compound, 6 lbs...60C
We will give still lower prices to restaurants, boarding-houses and to any
one who uses quantities and to boats, ehips and the Port of Portland.