THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1906. 12 AMUSEMENTS. LYRIC THEATER Week Beginning Monday Afternoon. THE EMOTIONAL. MELODRAMA "A WIFE'S PERIL" IN FOUR ACTS. Performance Afternoon and Evening. Admission, 10c Reserved Seat. 20c The Grand Week of July 23 Con Beach Turner Co. The Lifeboat Quartet. Miss Hud Beattr. Vivian Reyom, James Burke. Orandiacope. Stellar Attrac tion. Edith Domber Co, "HER LAST CHANCE." THE STAR TWELFTH WEEK STAR STOCK CO. " Three Men in a Cupboard " In Connection With a Strong Vaudeville OUo. Prices and Time as Usual. PANTAGES Fourth and Stark Sts. BEST FAMILY THEATER. M. B. Curtis Will Present His Famous Hit, "tiaun'l of i'osen." Ahem. . Will Eske. Lord and Meek. The Garclas. The Bioeraph. Jean Wilson. Performances daily at 2:30. 7:30 and IP. K, Admission. lOo ami 20c Boxes, 2oC THE BAKER TODAY TONIGHT. Matinee, 2:15. Evening-, 8:15. MOVING PICTURES OF THE EARTH QUAKE AND FIRE. Most complete series of views ever secured. Made at the risk of life and limb. Two pictures at same time, showing scenes before and after. Matinee, 10c; Evening, 15c and 23c Hale's Tours and Scenes of the World 109 SIXTH STREET WEEK OP JULY 23 A ride over the Cripple Creek Short Line Railroad, over Hoosier Pass, through Cathe dral Park and down the eastern slope of th Rocky Mountains. First train leaves at 1 P. M. daily. BASEBALL Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth PORTLAND VS. SEATTLE. Games Called at 8:30 P. M. Dally. Games Called 2:SO P. M. Sundays. Ladles Day. Friday. ADMISSION. 25c. GRANDSTAND, 25c. CHILDREN. 10a BOX SEATS. 25c CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Room." "Rooms mod Board. 'House keeping Rooms." "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less. IS cents; 16 to SO words. 20 cents: XI to 25 words. 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER A IX OTHER HEADS, except "New Today 30 cents for 15 words r less. 16 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-ball: no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY (gauge measure acate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents net line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonian will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken, through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson at salesroom. 208 1st St.. at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At the Portland Auction Rooms. 211 First street. Sale 2 P. M. C. I Ford, auctioneer. Meeting notices. orient lodge. no. 17. i. o. o. f. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening in Orient Hall, Last Portland, initiatory degree. Visitors Invited. W. A. WHEELER, Sec. WASHINGTON COUNCIL NO. 3, R. & S. M. Stated assembly this (Wednesday) evening. 8 o'clock. In i Masonic Hall. Burkhardt building. East Side. Work. Visiting: companions wel come. By order Th. 111. M. C. M. BROST, Rec. NEW TODAY. FOR liBASB INS I OF) BLOCK. LONG time, w i, oregonian. An Old Story The man who pays rent for ten years pays near It the original cost of the property and In most cases the appreciation Is mors than the interest on the Investment. The EAST SIDE has the most HOMES, has the GREATEST population. Is growing tha mot RAPIDLT. and the OR EAT Kit PORTLAND MUST and WILL be there. Holladay's Addition Is the geographical center of the city, and la the most DESIRABLE residence district, and much of this will become BUSINESS property. Do not overlook these FACTS when making Investments, and call and In sptct the property, for seeing Is believing. The Oregon Real Estate Company 88 U, Third St.. Room 4. Portland. Oregon. $3100 57500 Full lot. east front, on 22d Bt, near Johnson. The nicest quarter block In the city for an apartment house or flats. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. Lamont & Harris SIXTH STREET. AETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. Dollar Company Grindstaf! & Schalk, Agents 264 Stark St. Tel. Main 392 Mortgage Loans Wanted On Portland City Property. Payments in Installments Permitted If Desired. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. Phone Ex. n. Accounts and Books Examined ALEX. C. RAE tFormerly with Mr. Robert Livingstons.) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. SO Concord Building. Phon. Mala 649L COIn BONDS Failing Bids. Third and Wasn. Sts. Prettiest Lot in Piedmont ) ITS if taken this -week. 667 Union in. N. THE NICKELODION NEW TODAT. THE SAVINGS BANK OF THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY Pays Interest As Follows: INTEREST ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS V INTEREST COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. Pays 4 per cent on Certificates of De posit. Pays 3 per cent on daily bal ances of check accounts. J. Thorburn Boss, President. George H. Hill, Vice-President. T. T. Burkhart, Treasurer. v Jno. E. Aitchison, Secretary. Banking hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays , 9 Ai M. to 1 P. M. Saturday evenings..... 5 to 8 o'clock 240 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. I Want It? We have an investment involving $140,000 that will pay 10 2 Under ten year guaranteed lease. ! E. S. JACKSON 8 CO. Phone Main 345 : 246 STARK STREET GILT-EDGE BUY 100x100, First St., near Burnside; rood brick building and good Income; nothing for sale In this part of the city that Isn't SO per cent higher than this. Here is a chance to clean up 910,000 in six months. Call for particulars. TAYLOR STREET 100x105. new modern building of 25 rooms, hot and cold water in every room; wo have first-class party that will take ten year lease if party will put up building of 75 rooms more, and will pay $700 per month. It will pay you to investigate this. TWELFTH STREET 8-room modern house, lot 40x100, finest residence location In the city; a splendid buy for S300. CLAY STREET 60x100, on Clay, near West Park; splen did location for apartment-house or fiats; very cheap for $5000. TAFT & CO, No. 6 Chamber of Commerce Building. 2T5 Stark Street. Phone Main 156. A GOOD RULE IS TO BRING UP A CHILD To be savins, prudent and economical.' The best way to do so Is to set 'aim an example yourself. "THE OLDEST TRUST CO. IN OREGON" Issues Interest-bearing: certificates of deposit that pay from 3 to 4 per cent Interest, and can be drawn at any time by giving a cer tain number of days notice. Full particu lars are contained in our book of TLLUS TRAIT O N S " Which we shall be glad to send yon. Resources Over $1,600,000 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 6. 15. Cor. 3d and Oak 'Sts. Phon. Ex. 72. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. I PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. OOLTRA Assistant Secretary , Monthly Payment Bargain $1700 will buy a large 5-room cottage, full basement, 2 lots 60x100 each, with large bearing fruit trees. 2 blocks car line. J. L WELLS CO., 94 Grand Avenue. FOR SALE REAL ESTATB HOURBS. ALL PARTS OF CITY, BUILT AND old on installments. Kroner. 16-17 Cam bridge sldg.. southwest cor. 3d and Morrison. NEAR CITY HALL QUARTER BLOCK, well Improved, cheapest property la city. Inquire 243 Madison st.- CLOSE IN", NEAT. CLEAN FURNISHED room In new. modern home. 474 KMmon. Phone Main 5443. BUSINESS LOT ON UNION AVE.. VERY central, only $5700. Inquire at 380 EX Washington st. FOR 8 A LB CHSAP -ACRB AT MT. TA bor; terms. Owaer. SSI E. Morrison, eor. Union are. -. 4 Per Cent ! Do You GROSS FOB SALE REAL ESTATB ACREAGE AND SUBURBAN ACRE HOMES $t00 to $900 will place you in possession of several beautiful 14 -acre tracts close to car line, church and school; city water and fine neighborhood; good orchard and In a fine state of cultivation; terms rea sonable. $1250 buys a choice 1 -acre tract In a good state of -cultivation with lots of nice fruit; a fair bouse and barn, good cistern; near Woodstock car line. - $3250 Tills is a beautiful 5-acre tract close to the city and a good car service; splendid state of cultivation; nice large orchard of full-bearing fruit trees; fair house and barn; a lot of good h'&y and a fine cow and calf will go with the place; very easy terms. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington st.. S. W. cor. First. (Over Waiting Station.) INVEST! GATE. If you are disappointed in looking around for bargains, these will surely please you; high and sightly location, good surroundings, close in. $2000 New, modern 7 -room cottage, every convenience, cement basement. $2250 New, modern 8-room bouse, all the Improvements, cement basement. 52800 A beautiful home, 7 large rooms and closets, fine plumbing, cement base ment. 2 lots, nice lawn, flowers and shrub bery; cost $3500. See West. 103 Sherlock bldg. REAL SNAPS SPLENDID INVESTMENTS; $2150 will buy two 6 and 6-room cottages. Sunny side, bringing $24 per month. $1600 Cozy 5-room cottage, Sunnyside; always rented for $15 per month. 425 and up, ten 10) beautiful lots, 44x100, In -Sunnyside; fine location. For swell homes, have 6 very choice full lots, fruit and shade trees; swell neighbor hood, near Sunnyside. Splendid bargains in West Side properties; one acre ground near St. Johne, cheap. STAUB & ROSS. 227 Washington St., Room 17. Phone Pacific 652. RESIDENCE, RESIDENCE", RESIDENCE. $3050 Six-room house, Just finished; ce ment basement, furnace, gas, with fixtures ; everything modern; on car line. $2700 Nine-room house, 41st St. and B. Taylor; modern; lot 68x140; good barn, fine fruit; half cash, balance long time. $2230 New six-room cottage; 3 lots; fruit, barn ; one block of car; this place Is a bargain. VANDUTN & WALTON, 303 Chamber Commerce. A NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE AND 50-FOOT lot, oa West ave., near Hawthorne ave.. In Jackson Place; Bull Ran water connec tions; beautiful view; house faces east and will be completed in about two weeks; finish can be made to suit purchaser if taken at once. $500 cash will handle this; all lots in Jackson remaining unsold August 1 will be advanced 10 per cent; buy now. A. E. Jackson, room J, Hamilton bldg. Main 1632. GOOD INVESTMENTS. Bargain, 9-room house; new. Improved street, quarter block, fine location, price $2500, terms; one-half block, business dis trict, 16th and Kearney, improved, $25,000; fine farm, 44 acres, $1600 worth Improve ments, 16 miles from Portland, price $3500, running water ; terms. Inquire 208 4th. Telephone Pacific 2125. $575 EACH 2 LOTS, 3 FEET ABOVE grade, in best residence part of central ai blna, southeast of Thompson School ; high and sightly," fine homes all around, gas, water, sewer, title clear. JOHN B. MATTHEWS. 722 Chamber of Commerce. FARM . 40 acres, all choice improved land; bouse, outbuildings, fine barn; fronts on base line road, about 13 miles out; fine location; fine road; will trade. HENKLD & HARRISON, 217 Abington Bldg. $3250 FRACTIONAL LOT. ON ELLA. EAST zrontage, just norm oi wasnmgton; street and sewer improvements all made; nothing like It on the market; only little ways from heart of city. Grindstaff Schalk. 2M Stark st. TeL Main 392. TENT HOUSE. 12x24. COMPLETELY FUR nlshed, with equity in two Jots in Willam ette, price $175, balance due on lots $420; paid In installments of $10 per month. C C. Fisher, room 7. 142 First st. Main 2278. $5000 BUYS AN ATTRACTIVE NEW HOME of seven rooms, all modern improvements including new velvet carpets and shades; owner leaving city, must sell at once; terms to suit. 508 Broadway st. CORNER ONLY $550. ON GRAND AVE. N. ; very ,nne location, nign ana signtiy; on car line, city water, gas and sewer; a snap. Fred C. King, 506 Commercial Blk., 2d and Washington. 100x100 IN UNIVERSITY PARK, FINE corner, xoo; 4-room cottage on n. zist, $1250, $250 cash, balance monthly, 100x200; 3 new cottages In St. Johns, $7500. Alpine Co.. 2S1 Alder st. SNAP. For a few days we can offer you a choice lot; 60-foot front; 10 blocks south .of the Postofnce; $4500. Henkle & Harrison, 217 Abington bldg. $6600 FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT WITH two houses, pays $45 per month, fine location in southwest part of city. This Is a good buy. Parrlsh, Watkins & Co., 250 Alder st. $3900 MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, FULL lot, 2 blocks from car line on Hancock street, in Irvington; terms, nice home. Par rlsh, Watkins & Co., 250 Aldier st. NOW IS YOUR TIME) TO BUY DOORS, windows, flooring and all kinds of building materials at a great bargain. Apply to American Inn. Phone Pacific 1076. SPECIAL INVESTMENT Close-in flats on a desirable corner; they rent for $120 a month and we offer them for $12,600. Call 248 Stark st. $3000 LOT 50x100 AND UP-TO-DATB 6 room cottage on N. 23d st. This will make you a nice home. Phone Main 892. Grind staff & Schalk. 2ft4 Stark st. $75003 GOOD HOUSES WITH 76x100 feet, rents for $60 monthly; on Clay, near 14th st. see us ror particulars, .rax-risa, Watkins & Co., 250 Alder st. FOR SALEA 6-ROOM MODERN COT- tage, full lot, improvements paio, lo min utes out; price $1900; terms. Owner, N'91, Oregon lan. $2800 LAND, 100x100, 7-ROOM MODERN house, fruit trees, two car lines, walking distance. See owner. Phone East 2873; no agents. S4frOO CORNER. 36x68 FEET. T ROOMS. good house, fine location on West Side, a Dargain. farrisn, waiKins oo., Aiaer. RPT.T.WOOD LOTS. S5 A MONTH: $125 UP. Sell wood Town site Co.. H. P. Palmer, man-. ager. Phone seiiwooa lm. ieo u. istn. CHOICE LOCATION FOR FLATS. WEST Side; corner lot, 78x100; on two car lines; $8000. Hatfield & Smith, 165 4th st. WILLAMETTE LOTS, $25 DOWN, $5 PER month; from oo to ww. kj. a. z-ygowsui, Willamette Station, St. Johns car. QUARTER BLOCK. WELL IMPROVED, good Income, on Irving st., a bargain. Sphinx Agency. 306 Stark st. MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. ON 6TH ST., lot 50x103. S3800. Owner, 513 Dekum bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED MODERN HOUSE, 7 TO 9 ROOMS, Mther on west eiae or ciose in on iast oiae; not to exceed $4500; state location and best terms. Owners only, a. w, oregonian. GOOD INCOME PROPERTY AND Resi dences anywhere In Portland ; have buyers waiting, a. w. unanara, juciay oiag. xc ANTED 10 TO 40 ACRES FOR RANCH: must be within 25 miles Portland and near transportation, T o, uregonian. $5000 TO $25,000 CASH FOR A WEST SIDE, close in. real estate bargain; I am no agent. P. O. box 66, Portland. I WANT TO PURCHASE CHEAP HOME fC-sO tn xinnov- what have rou: no aranta C. 6. Oregon lan. WANTED SUBURBAN HOMH FROM ONE to ten acres, near oc car une. r o. ure- gonlan. WANTED LOT OR HOUS15 AND LOT. 612 Commercial Diog. joain lwto. FOB SALE FARMS. Mrt-ACRE WILLAMETTE VALLEJY FARM. well-stocked and the hopyard will pay over &1600 net pront at present prices; oesx pay ing farm on tne marxet. An aresL 4i miles west of foot of Wash ington st., Hillshoro line has right of way over one corner, $3000. 9-acre . fruit ranch, near Ashland, will trade for business. The place is Irrigated ; good house, only 4-mile from Normal School. 2040 acres beet sheen ranch In Eastern Oregon; controls 6000 acres grazing land and abundance water. SPHINX AGENCY, 305 Stark st. 242 ACRES IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. OO . acres cultivated, fair house, on county road. fine stock ranch. $3000, one-half down, bal ance 6 per. cent. G. B. Dlmlck, Oregon City. FOR SALE) AT A BARGAIN 35 ACRES OF cleared farming land. 5 miles from Eugene, Phone Main 3690. or address H 73. Ore- - ffonian. TO EXCHANGE. PORTLAND PROPERTY BRINGING $100 ner month Income to exchange for good Oregon farm security paying 7 per cent or better. - Lafayette Realty Co.. 313 H Washington st., room IS. I HAVE MODERN HOUSE. CLOSE IN; DE- sire to trade for stock gooas, city or coun try; price $4400, including ail furniture; write fully, terms given. C 91, Orego nian. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR improved Portland real estate rrom iwu up? I prefer San Diego or Los Angeles real estate. W. E. McPherson. San Diego, Cal. WILL TRADE) ONE OF THE FINEST FRUIT farms near iTOutaaie ior gooa city property; over $1000 worth fruit on place now; price, $6000. 211 Commercial block. HURST SWITCH STOCK. -500 SHARES, good as gold, exenange ror vacant lots; in vestigate. 63 6th, near Pine, Phone Pa cific 25. Alexander. FOR EXCHANGE TEN-ACRE ORANGB grove, near i.ed lands. jh.., ror (Oregon property or business. E C. Adams, Eugene, Or. EXCHANGE FOR LOTS, GOOD 6-ROOM nouse, flow; susnysiae; Data, toilet, sewer; rents $17. A 1, Oregon ian. NEW TOP BUGGY AND HARNESS COST 9-o9. Pony and phaeton preferred. 20s Marauam. Main 2874. EXCHANGE 8 PER CENT DIVID END-PA Y- lng stock for West Side .dwelling. 208 Marquam. Main 2874. GROCERY BUSINESS, PAYING WELL; win trade for home in Portland, li. two, Oregon ian. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. WANTED TO BUY WE HAVE A RELIA- ble lumber company that Is In the market for a tract of about 500,000,000 feet of Western or California white and sugar pine, saw and planing mill. We also have customers for tracts from 20,000,000 to 200,000,000 feet in same territory. Ad dress L. P. Swanstrom Investment Co., 630 Manhattan bldg., Duluth, Minnesota. 4000 ACRES FINE TIMBER. MILL, LOGG- lng outnts, nouses. Darns, store, complete lumber outfit, timber on driving stream, harbor and proposed railway, within quarter mile of mill. Care of Oregonian. A BARGAIN. 1480 acres fir and pine. Douglas and Curry County, cruise 30,000 per acre; price $6.50 cash, 22c per thousand. W. F. Slaughter, 51 7 Chamber of Commerce. 4000 ACRES FINE TIMBER; 5 TO 7 MIL- iion to quarter; iai white pine, oaiance nr; smooth, rolling land; all green, clean, no burns, accessible ; very cheap ; principals only. P 2. Oregonian. TIMBER WANTED 160 OR 200 ACRES OF timber land in Nehalem Valley; give loca tion, price and quantity of timber. Address T 88, Oregonian. 21 QUARTER SECTIONS YELLOW FIR ON good logging river, in Oregon; price aver ages 24 cents per 1000 feet. D 2, Ore gonian. 160 ACRES FIR AND CEDAR, 4 TO 6 MIL--Hon ft., south fork of Scappoose, $3000. R, Burton. 108 Russell st. 10 HOMESTEAD AND TIMBER CLAIMS open. Northwestern Securities Co., 315 Oregonian bldg. WANTED AND FOB SALE LAND SCRIP. All kinds. Including approved forest re serve and railroad land scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed, timbered and prairie Govern ment land; approved United States mili tary bounty land warrants; recertified sol diers' additional scrip. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland, Portland. Or. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. TEAM OF WELL-MATCHED WORKERS, 8 years old; weight 2530 pounds; good pull ers; suitable for farm or general purpose team; new breeching harness, cost $48 will sacrifice, leaving city. Phone today. East 3458. 1 VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS, NEW AND second-hand; largest stock, lowest prices; horses and Ties rented by day or month. Tomllnson & Casslday, 211 Wash. Pac 5o7. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS DRIVING horse, or horse and buggy; will also take horse and buggy for Its keeping. Address S 69. Oregonian. NEW RUBBER-TIRE RUNABOUT AND hand-made harness; cost $175; will sacri fice; also light farm wagon, $25. Call 23 N. 14th st. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day, week and month ; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. TeL East 72. NEW TOP BUGGY AND HARNESS COST $250. Pony and phaeton preferred. 208 Marquam. Main 2874. GOOD WORK " HORSE, DOUBLE AND single, weight about 1300; price $85. 228 Alder st. We buy, sell, rent, exenange, horses, wag ons, saddles, harness. Hubert: & Hall. 266 4th GOOD TOP BUGGY AND HARNESS, CHEAP Bullivant's rig, 270 12th st. Pianos. BARGAIN MUST-BE SOLD AT ONCE, A $500 Chlckering piano for $25$; cash. Room 11, The Carleton, 463 Alder st. Particulars Phone East 2116. PIANO LESSONS, LEIPSIC CONSERVA tory method, 50c hour; pupils visited at their homes. X 92, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE FINE UPRIGHT piano, at C. O. Pick's Warehouse, Miscellaneous. FOR BALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; ws rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Bruswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. FOR SALE FORE AND AFT COMPOUND marina engine, 7x14x12; all complete with surface condenser: pump, piping, shaft and propeller. Room 90, Sullivan block, Seattle, Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP 2 60 H. P. boilers; 1 40 H. P. Russell Boiler and engine; 1 60 H. P. Fross automatic engine; 1 1200-light dynamo. J. Simon & Bro., 244-246 Front. FOR SALE) CHEAP 60.000 FEET -INCH and -lnch galvanized pipe, practically new; will sell In any quantity. J. Simon & Bro.. 244-246 Front st. SEWING MACHINES. DROP HEADS AND box tops, all makes, guaranteed, $5 and up. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington st. FOR BALE CHEAP STUDBBAKER PANEL top, bracket-front delivery wagon; cost $250. Inquire 379-381 East Morrison. FOR SALE CHEAP CARLOAD FENCE netting. In large or small quantities. J. Simon ft Bro., 244 Front. LAUNCH, 25-FOOTER AND BOATHOUSE, 10-h. p. double cylinder, in pink of condi tion. T 2. Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP 60 TONS OF GALVAN ized wire, practically new, all sizes. J. Si mon Bro., 244 Front. FOR SALE TWO AUTOMOBILES, TUNA cars, can be bought cheap; $750 closes the deal. 181 3d St. NUMBER OF YOUNG DRAFT AND HACK horses for sale ; call at once ; a bargain. 239 RuseelL DONKEY ENGINES BOUGHT, sold and rented. 824 Chamber Commerce. Main 2363. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE. FAIR banks, Morse & Co., corner 1st and Stark. JAPANESE BANTAMS AND PLYMOUTH rock chickeas for sale., D 6, Oregonian. NINE-INCH STICKER IN FIRST-CLASS order. Address Sticker. 28 N. 16th st. FOR SALE CHEAP 60.000 GRAIN BAGS. J. Simon & Bro., 244-246 Front st. FOR SALE SAFE, NEARLY NEW, CHEAP. G 4, Oresonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MAN TO DRIVE HEADER wagon. Inquire 325 Abington bldg. WANTED 25 HARNESSMAKERS AT 2020 Howard St.. San Francisco. Cal. BARBER WANTED STEADY WORK, AD dress H. J. Myers, Salem, Or. DRUG CLERK, RELIABLE AND REGIS teted, city. H 92. Oregonian. WANTED MAN TO WORK ON FARM NEAR city; $25. 332 Johnson st. WANTED BOY ABOUT 17, work. 55 N. Front st. WANT A DISHWASHER. APPLY AT 41 3d st.. Peerless Saloon. WANTED BOY TO SELL PAPERS. APPLY at News Stand Depot. HELP WANTED MALE. WORK! WORK! WORK! WORK! WANTED Immediately 20 box factory hands, wages $-75 to $3 per day; 20 sawmill hands, wages $2 25 to $3.75 per day. 40 woods men. $60 to $120 month; 50 railroad labor ers. $2.25 day; 6 logging train brakemen, $70 per month; 2 logging train firemen, ISO month; 8 lumber graders, $3 per day. All Srork 10 hours, board $20 per month; fine climate, excellent water, good grub, steady work. Write or come to La Moine Lumber fc Trading Co., La. Moine. CaL AN AGGRESSIVE, PROGRESSIVE, EXPE rienced silk and dress goods manager; .must be an organizer, system tzer and enthusias tic sales promoter the market experience not necessary. We want a sober man, not above middle age, not a cheap man nor fancy price man. A young man who has acted as assistant to manager would find this an exceptional opportunity. If this seems pointed at you. tell us why you are qualified in your first communication. O. A. Hale & Co.. San Jose. CaL NIGHT COOK. $75; NIGHT CHEF, $80; restaurant butcher, $60; 3 country hotel cooks. $50. $60; 7 camp cooks, $60 to $75; 6 camp flunkeys, $30, $35, free fare; kitchen help, city and beaches; 11 carpen ters, $3; many others. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 26 N. 2d St. 250 Burnside St. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from to 6 days; consultation free and strictly confidential ; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder sts.; entrance 263 Alder St., Portland. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks. Graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly. Expert instruct ors. Catalogue free. Moler System of Col leges, 35 North 4th St., Portland, WANTED SALESMEN AND MERCHANTS that sell tailoring from samples; best line; hustlers make big money; new outfit free, write for territory. Gordan, the tailor, 1032 Ellis st., San Francisco, Cal. - CAN YOU SOLICIT AND SEfcL REAL Es tate? Wake up, pass new resolutions. I need- a hustler for a partner; no others need apply; 'money no object. 63 tith, near Pine. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN TEL. egraphy and railroad accounting: salaries $75 to $90. For free catalogue address Morse Col lege of Telegraphy, 306 12th st. Oakland, Cal. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for letter-carrier and rail way mail clerk. West Coaet Correspondence School. 613 McKay bldg. Open evenings. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wondeir Burbank's new ftone less plum. Miracle. Big pay; permanent position. Chico Nursery Co., Balem. Or. BOOKKEEPER MIDDLE-A GEtD, MARRIED; must be competent and have unquestioned references. Apply by autograph letter giv ing references, etc., C 4, Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN, WINDOW TRIM mer and card writer, general store; salary $80; state experience and address. Thomp son, Beard & Sons, Napa, California. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN TO represent us on Portland market; commis sion bais; references required. John Mor Tell & Co., Ltd., Seattle, Wash. WANTED TWO OR THREE FIRST-CLASS all-round machine men; permanent position, good wages. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam Road. $25 PER WEEK AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen to sell goods to dealers; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. WANTED AN ALL-AROUND BLACKSMITH to take a shop making money; must be able to invest a small amount - of cash. 404 Stearns bldg. PARTNER IN BUSY. SUCCESSFUL Busi ness; snap for energetic man with small amount to invest; investigate. 23 N. Front st. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN; country territory; must be familiar with confectionery line. The Modern Confec tionery Co. Men to learn barber traAe special Inducements this month; wages while learning. Gil man Barber College, 627 Clay St.. San Francisco. I WANT A MAN WITH GOOD ADDRESS for outside and office position in a real estate and business chance office. J 91, Oregonian. MAKE MONEY IT'S EASY WHEN YOU sell Union Mutual Sick and Accident Ben efits. Let us show you. 705 Marquam bldg. FIRST-CLASS CANDYiMAKER WANTS A partner witn some money to open candy store; 65 per cent profit. X 91, Oregonian. HARNESS-MAKERS WANTED, ALSO MAN that understands harness business to put harness together. The P. J. Cronln Co. ACTIVE YOUNG MAN FOR LIGHT DE H very. $50 month. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison st., room 303. STEADY WORK FOR STEADY MEN; 10 helpers wanted. Apply Columbia Engineer ing Works, 10th and Johnson sts. WANTED SOLICITOR, GOOD SALARY and commission. Write or call, W. R. Taylor & Co., 8-9 Labbe bldg., city. . WANTED FIRST-CL ASS SALESMAN IN Portland asd throughout the state; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. WANTED 1 FIRST-CLASS NONUNION" Darners; nair over $26; permanent position guaranieea. ui eta st. WANTED 1ST-CLASS CLOTHING SALES- men; good pay for real live hustlers. Ass: ior joe a. ievy, 34 .in. 3a st. OFFICE BOY, WHOLESALE HOUSE; AD- dress own handwriting; state age and ex perience. O 82, Oregonian. WANTED FOR OFFICE WORK YOUNG man, good penman, quick and accurate at ngures. m o, uregonian. FIRST-CLASS CLOAK AND SUIT MAN, tjipn-uit? ui naiia.K 1 us ouyinff sna aaverus lne. Apply 131 5th st. WANTED 2 TRUCKERS, 2 SHOVELERS. McManon isros., 4dd and Division sts. Take Richmond car. BARBER APPRENTICE WHO HAS workea over a year at the business. 312 Gllsan. near 6th. WANTED BOY 14 WITH WHEEL, WORK in store, aenver packages. uail room 1, 205 Morrison st. COAT AND PANTS MAKER WANTED jeieriing & laaaen, ootMio Main St., Van couver, Wash. - WANT YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE BAKERY wagon; only gooa ones need apply. 360 wasningxon. WANTED BOY TO LEARN THE TRADE. Apply Oregon Plating Works, 401 Washing ton st. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM- Ders. bpeciai mem per snip, sz. y. m. C. A. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 62 3d. Phone Pacific 46. STRONG BOY FOR DELIVERY WORK. Rebes' Confectionery. Call after 10 A. M. WANTED A MATTRESS MAKER. PETERS ts itoDerta, 00 ss. r runt, corner .Davis st. WANTED ALL AROUND PRINTER. CALL ai wegun nuiei, ju a. m.. xi. U. xvemp. More Artists Wanted Experienced; bring samples ui ui&. wuiimiiui auy. kso. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WANTED at Jones AiarKet, isi tn, immediately. HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG LADY DESIRES YOUNG LADY room-mate, can at room il, union block. s- irt a fr GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN CANDY department. Appiy .racinc uoast .Biscuit Co. 12th and Davis. BARBERS A GOOD PAYING SHOP ON Washington Washington st. ior sale cheap; lease. 606 WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work who will go to the beach. Apply duo otn hu WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU6E work in family of two. Apply 328 Will iams ave. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST I? general housework. Call at once, 300 ram. piano accompanist, who sings. G 86, Ore- e " UN WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT housework In small family. 112 N. 15th st. WANTED FOR GRAY'S HARBOR, A LADY piano yi. ci . Auurew r uregonian. More Artists Wanted Experienced; bring GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 408 E. narnsuu, ueu uranu ave. and 6tn. WANTED AT HOB ART-CURTIS, WAIT resses at once, 14th and Jefferson. WANTED GIRLS TO MAO "BOSS Os HELP WANTED FEMALK, GIRLS ABOUT IS YEARS OF AGS TO " iacwy. Apply at once, Ames-Haxris-NevUle Co. 5th sad Davis sta. STENOGRAPHER FOR BUSINESS HOUSE, vov, rouug iimy oeiween z and 35 with practical office experience preferrea. 3 waitresses, $8 a week; 17 country and beach hotel waitresses. $20. $25, $30; house girls, cooks; 4 chambermaids, nurseeiris. etc. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work register with us, free of charge, so we may locate yon on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 48 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE WORK; MUST oe goou ana rapid penman; salary $8. Ap ply in person at room 404, Commercial bldg., cor. Washington and Second sts., Wednesday, bet. V and 12 A. M., or 3 and 6 P. M. WANTED LADY SOLICITOR OF GOOD aaaress, capable of earning $100 per month; high-class business, no Insurance, no books; salary and permanent position for right party. Address X 6. Oregonian, BOOKKEEPER MIDDLE-AGED, THOR- oughly competent; also general office ex perience. Apply autograph letter, giving references; others need not apply. B 4, Oregonian. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS YOUNG LADY to prepare ror Postofflce clerk wanted im mediately. West Coast Correspondence School, 613 McKay bldg. Open evenings. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on snirts ana overalls. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory. 2 Grand ave., and East Taylor st. COUNTRY HOTEL COOKS; COOKS. CITY; waitresses, aiBnwasner, ocean; house wora, chambermaids, waitresses, everybody. Drake. 205 Washington. WANTED YOUNG LADY EXPERIENCED in general office work; good worker will find splendid opportunity for advancement. Address B 91. Oregonian. WANTED DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOKKEEPER who must also be first-class stenographer; state salary wanted, references, experi ence. R 91. Oregonian. WANTED GOOD GIRLS FOR GENERAL housework; several first-class places; good wages. Apply People's Institute, 4th and Burnside sts. WANTED . GOOD PEOPLE FOR GOOD electric Irons; good, comfortable place for work, at Union Laundry Co., 2d and Co lumbia. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X- ttaaium ueaicai institute and Sanitarium. 3d aad Alder; entrance 253 Alder au. Port land. 4 STENOGRAPHER COMPETENT; NO other need apply; autograph letter giving references and experience. L 6, Oregon ian. I WANT A GOOD HUSTLING BUSINESS woman for aa outdoor and office position; state business experience. H 91, Oregonian. WANT GIRL TO TEND LUNCH COUNTER at Owen's Coffee-House, 4th and Burnside; must understand the business; $8 per week. BUSINESS WOMAN. AMBITIOUS AND capable of earning $10 per week; position permanent if satisfactory. P 89, Oregonian. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, SEC- uiia gins, nurses, waitresses. at. ajOuis Ladles' Agency, 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. THE HOME LADIES' AGENCY FEMALE help wanted; registration free. 165 4th st.. upstairs, suite 23. Phone Main 5826. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaking. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave., and B. Taylor st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, pleasant suburban home, near car line. Call at Swetland's, 273 Morrison st. WANTED EXPERIENCED IRONERS; good wages. Call ready for work. Pacific Laundry Co.. 1st and Arthur. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 48 Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, small family; no washing. 715 Lovejoy et., cor. 22d. LADY ABOUT 30 FOR CONFECTIONERY and fruit stand, city. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison St. LADY TO TAKE CARE OF HOUSE; EVERY- tmng lurnienea; win not interfere with her work. M 91, Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED ' GIRL FOR general housework. 128 14th et., between Washington and Alder. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; MUST be good plain cook; good wages. 6S5 5th st. Phone Main 3679. HELP W ANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WANTED TEACHERS. PRINCIPAL, $900; science ana oerman, w; city grades ana rural, $450; commercial $900; governess, $500. The Fisk Teachers' Agency, 1200 Wil liams ave. East 344. WANTED 400 HOP PICKERS BY SEPTHM- ber 1; best hop yard, easy earn money, fine camping ground. Apply to Andrew Kan & Co., 287 Morrison. CITY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FURNISH- es all kinds of help. 285 Wash., room 1. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books, make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at small expense; sat is f actios guaranteed. Murton, the account- " ant, 318 Chamber Commerce. Main 3681. BARTENDER WISHES POSITION, BEST references, married and strictly temperate, 8 years in last place In California. Address 33 North 6th. EXPERT SALESMAN WANTS A GOOD line for 'i acorn a ana vicinity on com mission basis. Address p 92, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER EXPE- rienced, aosires position with reliable firm Immediately; references. D 4, Oregonian. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER, OWNING MA chlne, desires good position. V 91, Ore gonian. sOseellmneoaB. WANTED POSITION OF ANY KIND BY colored man (West Indian); married; Jani tor by profession; references. Phone East 2177 after 6 P. M. A SOBER INDUSTRIOUS FINLANDER wouia liKe to nave employment on an American farm. Inquire at 515 Northrup st. John Lake. ALL AROUND PRACTICAL PRINTER DE- sires position country newspaper; give wages, hours, particulars. Q 92, Orego nian. RELIABLE YOUNG JAPANESE WANTS position in private family; any kind of work; references. HI, care Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4659. 26S Everett. MR. H. H. MYERS WILL REPORT ON mines In any part of the state. Call or address 51 N. 6th St., West Hotel. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION FOR afternoons and evenings; references. Tele phone Pacific 2465. 129 10th st. WINDOW. HOUSE AND FURNTTURE cleanlng a specialty. Phone Main 6673. Thomas Green. 301 Pine st. JAPANESE COOK WANTS PLACE IN HO tel or best family, many years experi ence. O 92, Oregonian. HONEST BOY WANTS EMPLOYMENT BE tween 16 and 16 years. 13 E. 7th. Phone East- 1929. SOBEIR YOUNG MAN WANTS SITUATION as janitor, etc Address X 88, Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE COOK WISHES A SITU atlon in good family. A 91, Oregonian. WANTED A POSITION AS MILL OR yard tally-man. Address 316 Broadway. COMPETENT JAPANESE COOK WANTS place In family. W 92, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS JANI tor. Phone East 2830. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenoographer. STENOGRAPHER AND OFFICE ASSIST ant; excellent business education, collect ing, etc Main 6237. or N .92, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper sad Steaocrmpbors. A YOUNG LADY WISHES A POSITION A3 assistant in office work or real estate of fice: has some knowledge of bookkeeping. Address K 92, care Oregonian. Hoosejci YOUNG RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS Po sition as housekeeper in first-class hotel or rooming-house, E 91, Oregonian. WIDOWER DESIRING HOUSEKEEPER call room 23, Russell bldg., upstairs, our. 4th and Morrison. Domestics. YOUNG GIRL WISHES GENERAL HOUtsE , work in a small family; $25. Apply 590 Raleigh st. Miscellanea ns. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WITH SEVERAL, years' experience as matron of large East ern city hospital desires position of trust and responsibility; exceptional references. H 86. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED HOUSEWORK girl, small family adults; strong woman dishwasher and kitchen helper; young woman housekeeper. 230 Yamhill. Mala 5413. DESIRE POSITION AS INVALID'S NURSE, lady or gent, by magnetic nurse. Room 325, Hotel Scott. FINS LAUNDERING DONE NICELY AT nome; will call for and deliver. O 9U Oregonian. WANTED COOKING OR LAUNDRY WORK by the day. 3ol North 21st. WANTED AGENTS. A PROPOSITION OFFERING EXCBPTION- . ufKUituunica it investor; m. jew uieu wanted for the cities of Oregon and Wash ington; must be able to reach and interest men of attain; liberal commissions to the right men. For further particulars call or or address Charles S. Dumont, the Port land. Wednesday and Thursday. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital CUy Nur sery Co., Salem, Or. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT TH 9 Old Rel table N urserles ; comrs lsstooe ad vanced weekly ; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. BIG PAY TO ONE AGENT IN I3ACH COL N ty. working for the Investors' Guide. ill Marquam bldg.. Portland. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY TWO GENTLEMEN, TWO nicely furnished rooms, connecting If pos sible, with privilege of neat bathroom, phone, etc; private house In which there are no others accommodated preferred; good location, close to business center; would consider small furnished flat; references. J 6, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. Ev cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES, BAST and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 2d st. Fhcas Main 1436. Administrator of estates ROOM AND BOARD. GENTLEMAN AND 10-year-old boy. Christian family, where boy can have good care, home, mending, etc. S 91, Oregonian. YOUNG GENTLEMAN WISHES FURNISHED room private family, bet. B. 15th and E. 19th sta, near Clinton, Box V 5, Ore gonian. HOUSES, FLATS, STORES, ROOMING houses, offices, etc; careful attention assured. H. W. Li nd hard, McKay bldg. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPTLY free; highest prices paid for bones. Oregon -Fertilizer Works, 792 Thurman. Main 1966. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. WANTED 12 TONS FIRST-CLASS TIMOTHY hay; 8 tons first-class clover hay; to be delivered on East Side. K 91, Oregonian. WE WILL BUY FOR CASH YOUR FURNI tare, carpets, etc.. now. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington st. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS- Don't worry, loss time or money. Call us Pacific 7S3. WANTED HOME FOR BOY 8 YEARS OLD; state terms and location. G o, uregonian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle free of charge. Phone East 2233. WANTED SECOND-HAND CASH RBGIS ter. William Clark, 680 1st st. WE PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. Edwards Co.. 185-191 1st st. FOB RENT. Rooms. HOTEL ANTLERS. COR. 10TH AND WASH ington sts. Under new management; every thing new, clean and modern; all the prin cipal car lines pass the door; private bath suites; rates reasonable. Phons Main 2333. Mrs. F. H, Powers, prop. CLEAN, WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS IN brick building, electric light, bath and phone; rates reasonable; gentlemen room ers and tourist trade solicited. Hotel New Belmont, cor. 1st and Taylor sts. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 8D. BET. TAT lor and Salmon; first-class; elevator, steam heat, baths, hot and cold water in rooms; we cater to traveling public John Granstronu THE WILLAMETTE. 822 STARK. 8. W. cor. 6th st.,. new management New and nice furnishings; large, light rooms; trans ients, 50c to $1; by week $2 to $5. Pac. 1296. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF ROOMS, beautiful view, in private family, one block from car line, on Portland Heights. Tele phone Main 6623. REED MANSION. 1ST AND MONTGOM ery Beautiful lawn and plenty of shade; large room. $2.50 per week, bath, phone; private family. LARGE, BRIGHT. COOL AND CHEERFUL newiy iurnisnea ruui", uium uotu, phone; $3 to $16. 325 12th. Phone Paclflo 2102. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room alcove suite, hot and cold water, free bath and phone; fine corner. 435 Yamhill. ONE OR TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms; breakfast If desffed; choice loca tion walking distance Phone Main 2284. PRIVATE RESIDENCE. WALKING Dis tance nicely furnished rooms, $6 month. Including bath. 292 10th. near Jefferson. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with private family for gentlemen; paone, n hath- roferenres. 490 Tavlor at. 392 COLUMBIA NEWLY FURNISHED large bright rooms, electric light, porce lain 'bath, phone; special Summer price. Newly furnished suites and single, hot and cold water In all rooms; furnace heat; rea sosable. 207 14th. Phone Main 1153. VERY COSY. COOL SOUTH-FRONT ROOM, neatly furnished; rent reasonable 341 Montgomery. Phone Pacific 2453. 894 ALDER, CORNER 10TH NICELY FUR nished rooms, electric light, gas, bath; everything first-class; reasonable. 209 4TH ST. NEWLY FURNISHED AND remodeled best rooms In city from $1.50 per week to $5; bath included. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. NICELY FUR nlshed room ; private family; modern ; fine view. . P 4, Oregonian. TOURAINE," 188 7TH. BET. YAMHILL and Taylor Elegant front rooms with board ; reasonable. THE ANGELUS, 272 6TH ST., CORNER Jefferson. Front suites and single rooms; prices reasonable. ROOMS IN LEWIS BUILDING, MORRISON and Park sts.. with heat, light, water and elevator service. 250 7TH ONE LARGE AND SMALL ROOM suitable for gentlemen, - in well-furnished modern home. THE ANKENY NEWLY FURNISHED comfortable rooms, reasonable rates. 249 Ankeny st, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; PRIVATE family; all conveniences; rent reasonable. 256 11th st. The PHILADELPHIA Cor. 3d St Salmon, run ning water, rooms newly tinted. Main 2028. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent at 292 Larrabee st,, cor. Halsey. 41 ELLA FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN conveniences, reasonable prices. SINGLE ROOMS, $3 PER MONTH, 326 6th st.