Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 23, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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House Disagrees With Senate
Amendments After
Vain Protest.
fCnnnoa 'Carries Out Programme
With Small Majority, Insur
gents Holding Out 'to Last.
Adam Bcdc, Humorist.
WASHINGTON. March . 22. The
fstatohood bill was taken from the
Speaker's table in the House today,
placed in the hands of three selected
conferees and a request made of the
Senate for a conference on the disa
greeing votes of the two houses. This
action was not accomplished without
mnny words and votes. It was devel
oped, howevor, that there were votes
enough to carry out the programme of
the leaders. Then followed 40 minutes
of ilery speeches, some of which pro
voked much amusement among the
large attendance of members and the
crowded galleries. Then came the
linal vote on the adoption of the rule,
which J 75 members approved and 156
The legislative appropriation hill
constituted the subject for the remain
der of the day. Criticism was made of
the management of the Library of Con
gross and Hard wick, of Georgia, found
himself opposed by members of both
sides uf the chamber in his endeavor
to restrict the White House appropria
tion so iis to eliminate a social secre
tary for the wife of the President.
Dnlzcll's Double-Headed Rule.
Dalzcll, of Pennsylvania, presented
a spoclal rule from the rules commit
tee. It provided that the statehood
bill bo taken from the Speaker's table,
that in so doing the Senate amend
ments bo disagreed to and a confer
ence bo asked of the Senate, and that
the Speaker immediately appoint the
House conferees.
Dalzcll, as soon as the rule had been
road, demanded the previous question,
which, if ordered, carried with it 40 min
utes' debate, to be divided equally be
tween the friends and opponents of the
rule. On a rising vote, 149 voted for the
previous question and 124 against.
On demand of Williams, the minority
leador, a rollcall was ordered.. The rofl
call resulted in ordering the previous
question, the vote being 171 to 140. The
Republicans who voted with the Demo
crats against ordering the previous ques
tions were: Adams, Babeock. Bannon,
Bcde, Beldler, Bonynge. Brown, Caldcr
licad, Cushman, Davidson, Esch, French,
Pulkerson, Glllfette (Cal.), Goelet, Gron
lau, Hayes, Hermann, Howell, Humph
rey (Wash.), Jones (Wash.), Kennedy.
Knowland, ilcKInley, McCreary. Mc
lachlan, McMorran. Marshall, Mondell,
Mudd. Murphy, Necdham. Tyndall, Smith
(Cal.), Wachter, Welborn, Woodyard..
Dalzell was recognized for 20 minutes
jind. began an -explanation .of the -reason
for'.flicBBpeclal rule- There were, he said.
butnOrrec ways t dispose of the bill. One
was tolaenil it lo committee. Another
to ask unanimous consent and send it
to conference, and this would be impos
sible. The third was the method adopted.
It was proper to send the bill to confer
ence and there could be no just criticism
of the orderly course pursued.
Williams Full of Irony.
In opposition, Williams, tho Demo
cratic lloor leader, pointed out that a
vote to adopt the special rule was a
voto agains concurrence in the Sen
ate amendments. Ordinarily under the
rules of the House a motion to con
cur would be in order.
"The usual course of procedure this
morning ought to be reversed, he
continued. "We ought to have had
first tho reading and approval of tho
journal, then the moving of the pre
vious question on this rule, and then
an invocation by the chaplain for tho
morcy of God upon this Republican
JIousc." lApplause.)
"In my opinion they will need it be
fore they get through monkeying with
this proposition," ho added.
He said if it was the purpose to put
up a bluff now and yield to tho Senate
later, the procedure now was child's
play. He refused, he said, to give any
.more advice. He had previously ex
pressed his opinion.
A severe castigatlon of the party
organization was made by Humphrey
(Rep.. Wash.). Fulkerson (Dem., Mo.)
followed along the same lines.
Sibley (Dem., Pa.) acknowledged tho
rocolpt of many letters and telegrams
in favor of tho Senate bill, and want
od to say that telegraph tolls were
being wasted. These messages should
bo sent to the other end of tho Capi
tol. When Babeock was given three
mlnutos there was applause. He pre
dicted that today's action sending tho
bill to conference was the last that
would be heard of it during the pres
ent session. The special rule was sim
ply a method of preventing a vote on
Bcdc, the Humorist, Talks.
Defense of tho method was made by
Grosvcnor, after which a flve-mlnuto
speech by Bcde (Rep.. Minn.) kept tho
liouse in convulsions of laughter. He was
against the rule. If there was any mem
ber against admitting Oklahoma he want
ed him to stand accused.
"If we arc in favor of admitting Okla
homa, why don't you get busy?" was
asked. "You can do It in about eight
minutes. Do it. and not hitch tip the
proposition with some other." (Applause.)
"It reminds me of tho way Noah put
the animals in the ark:
' " 'Ho numbered the animals two by two;
the elephant and the kangaroo!'
.,'Thb hitching of Oklahoma and the
New Mexican proposition was Hko the
two Mormon boys who went Bast to
school. They were of tho same name and
age. The last question askod was If they
wero twins.
" 'Yes, on our father's side'
"Yes, this applied to Arizona and New
Mexico, both from Mexico, but different
in all other respects.
"But you say we are against the Ad
ministration." he continued. "I am not.
I have been with tho Administration in
everything he has done except this bill
and his wifebeating bill. (Laughter.)
"In his message a year ago he gave
fight lines advocating the whippingpost.
This year he gave 13 lines for tho two
Good Work for Longworth.
' "Oh, I like the President because he is
"engaged in a great work, does great
deeds, has high resolves and lofty pur
poses, hut I don't have to stand for little
indifferent things that the leaders of
the House got him to put in his message,
and then ascribe it as his policy.
"I, like kim most because lie permitted
a member of this House to break Into
his private home without sounding an
This sails produced laughter, as all eyes
sought Longworth. who occupied ono of
the front scats and joined in the levity.
"I like him because -when he got ready
to give his daughter away, he gave her
to a real American, In every way worthy,
and not to some degenerate Prince (pro
longed applause). And I like him be
cause when he gave her away he gave
her to the House of action and correction
at this end of the Capitol, and not to
the House of detention at the other end
of the Capitol. (Laughter.)
"As to the statehood matter, it would
be far better statesmanship to fight tho
Senate on some measure on which It had
made a mistake. In this Instance tho
Senate Is right and the House wrong.
Never has the country had so able a Sen
ate as today."
"They talk about the Senate holding
up the entire country. Why, wo have
a .strong man in this House who can
hold up 100,000 square miles moro than
anybody In the Senate," ho declared.
De Armond (Mo.) spoke briefly, and
Dalzell closed for It, urging members
to uphold the President and the House.
The resolution was then adopted
upon a roll call, the vote being 175 to
Thb Republican vote against the
rule gained Brooks. Darragh, Minor.
Otjen and Boeder, and lost Tyndall and
Welborn. over the vote on ordering the
previous question.
Williams Final Thrust,
While the Speaker was appointing
Hamilton (Mich.), Brick (Ind.) and
Moon (Tenn.) as conferees. Williams
was Bhouting loudly for recognition.
When recognized, Williams presented a
motion Instructing the conferees to accept
tho Senate amendment omitting Arizona
and Now Mexico from the bill.
Both Payne and Dalzell mado the point
of order that this motion was not now In
order, the rule having been adopted and
the conferees appointed. The Speaker
sustained this polht. after Williams had
argued briefly against It. He then took an
appeal from the decision of the chair.
Dalzell moved to lay the appeal on the
table, which motion was sustained on a
rising vote. 146 to SI.
This ended the statehood procedure. The
special order to consider war claims was
postponed to Friday of next week, and
the legislative appropriation bill was
taken up.
Librarian Under Fire.
When that portion of tho bill providing
for the Library of Congress was reached,
a somewhat Intense debate was Indulged
in. Hepburn of Iowa took the floor in
criticism of Its management and cost of
maintenance, which amounted to nearly
JS00.003 a year. When the Interest on the
cost of the building was figured, the total
will aggregate J1.300.OX). At this point he
diverted to criticism of the efficiency of
the Librarian. An animated defense was
made by Burton of Ohio. Perkins of New
York and Llttlcucld of Maine.
Hepburn maintained that he was not
opposed to the library, but to the useless
expenses incurred by "this man Putnam,"
over whom no one had supervision.
Hnrdwick Gets No Backers.
When the section of the bill appro
priating for the executive offices and sal
ary of the President was reached. Hard
wick of Georgia Inquired what paragraph
provided for salary of the social secretary
of the wife of the President.
Llttauer replied that he did not know
that any such salary was provided.
Hardwick suited that he wished to make
a point of order against the provision If
he could locate It. Not being able to do
this, he offered an amendment providing
that no part of the appropriation should
be used to pay the salary to a person to
perform tho duties of social secretary to
the wife of the President or any service
d that nature.
Grosvcnor counseled Hardwick to with
draw the amendment. Ho spoke of the
high official station of the wife of the
President, of the modest establishment
rrmr nr MWMMwMmmi
Fourth and Morrison Streets
$8.50 for New
The newest Spring models in tight-fitting
hack and box coats, mado from all
wool tan covert cloth, self-trimmed,
with collar and collarless; lined
throughout with splendid lining, new
est sleeve; turn-back (o pr
cuff, special at 53"
Our display ot Millinery is reminiscent
of Spring. Each day we bring forth many
new creations in pretty exclusive patterns.
Remember we are always pleased to show
goods regardless of whether you purchase
or not. It will pay you to look at our stock.
Wc call your attenSon to the fact that
our Millinery workroom is under tho super
vision of an experienced, high-class de
signer who possesses an unsurpassed knowl
edge of ladies' headgear. You need not be
disappointed by placing an order for your
Easter Hat now.
the Nation maintained and of tho-'adverse
impression such an amendment would
Hardwick insisted that he meant no dis
respect to the wife of the President what
soever. Efforts were being made to pre
vent the diversion of appropriations, and
pimor said that such an abuse existed in
the White House. The motion being put.
Hardwick seemed to be the, only one vot
ing In favor of his proposition.
The House thenat 5:30. adjourned until
AVyndham Favors Educational Re
form and Brycc Promises Meas
ures to Give Redress.
LONDON, March 22. Irish legislative
grievances were the subject of a long de
bate tonight In the House of Commons.
Irish members declared that the existing
system is deplorable, and tltat Ireland
never will rest until she obtains a uni
versity representing the Interests of the
Catholic majority. George Wyndham.
Chief Secretary for Ireland In tho Balfour
Cabinet, also -spoke strongly In favor of
reform, declaring that. If Ireland were
given the same facilities for education as
England, old feuds would be appeased.
James Brycc, the new Chief Secretary
for Ireland, on behalf of the government,
made a conciliator' speech, admitting
the existence of the grievances. He said
tho government had not had time to
formulate a polio, hut the matter had
his constant attention, and he did not
despair of finding a scheme of reconciling
the conflicting Interests. The government,
ho added, also was considering a schemo
to promote the study of the Gaelic lan
guage. John Murphy, Nationalist, who Intro
duced the amendment raising Uie discus
sion, expressed satisfaction with Mr.
Brycc's reply and wlthdrow tho amend
All Houses Destroyed, People In
Panic, Volcano in Eruption.
NEW YORK. March 22. A cable dis
patch to the Herald from Palermo says:
There have been 21 earthquake shocks
on the Island of Vstica during the last
three days. The population lives In con
stant terror. A great valley has been
formed In the center of the Island and
all the houses have been demolished. The
shocks were vertical, not undulatory, and
wore accompanied by loud subterranean
The last shocks, which occurred yes
terday, finished the work of destruction.
Panic seized upon the 2000 Inhabitants,
who abandoned ther homes after the first
Liver and Kidneys
It Is highly important that these organs
should properly perform their functions.
When they don't, what lameness of the
side and back, what yellowness of the skin,
what constipation, bad taste In the mouth,
sick headache, pimples and blotches, and
loss of courage, tell the story.
The great alterative and tonic
Gives these organs vigor and tone for the
proper performance of their functions, an.
cures all their ordinary ailments. Take 1
Covert Coats
New Tfc
Eton Avq
Suits Mgimm
Shown in handsome new styles, made of
all-wool mixtures in light and medium
gray shades, richly trimmed with
braid and straps of same material.
Eton lined with satin; wide girdle to
match; new circular skirt trimmed
folds, special
Exclusive Millinery
16-Button Glace Kid Gloves
myA, l mmm
$1.25 Bust Forms 98c
Every lady can do her own fitting by using our Bust Forms. You
can make your shirtwaists with one-fourth the effort and secure
a perfect-fitting garment by having our Bust Forms.
Get one today at 98c. It will last a lifetime. All sizes today.
Special at 98
'tH fMf CtfB rtfMH! aa(.
75c Flannelette
Skirts 59c
Ladies' Flannelette Skirts
fancy pink and blue stripe
also plain white flannelette.
Made with deep hemstitched
ruffle and French band finish.
This tine line of Trimmed
Hats for Indies and misses is
indeed worthy .of your atten
tion, each hat containing ninny
of the identical styles that are
found anionfr tho high-priced
Pattern Hats. For Friday and
Saturday ve offer them at a
price iusurinjr you of a sub
stantial saving. !Made of the
new straw and hair braids, also
other materials that are now in
vogue. On all the latest sailor
and fancy shapes trimmings
used include flowers, ribbons,
quills, etc Excellent values at
Children's Milan and Fancy
Straw Hats in all the new con
tinental, Xapoleon and sailor
shapes at 75J, 95, $1.25.
$1.75 and up to $3.95 (
carthquako and camped In the field and
public squares. Many of the Inhabitants
took rcfugo la boats on inc opon son.
The Island Is u-cd as a penal settlement
for hardened criminals, of whom thcro
are GOO quartered there, Thene were also
panic-stricken and attempted to escape,
attacking their guards, but wore subdued.
One of the three mountains on tno is
land Is reported by the submarine cablo
to be In eruption.
The covernment. at tho first news of
trouble, sent the cruiser Vnrflro to sub
duo the revolt of the prisoners and
aid the sufferers. She was followed
by tho cruiser Eurydlco with a sci
entific commission on ooani. to stuuy
the seismic phenomena, yesterday the
steamship Ecadl was sent with soldiers,
doctors, a detachment of the Red Cross
nurses, and litters, the authorities fear
ing a great loss of life. The Prefect of
Palermo has been ordered to send a rcp
rcsentaUve to the scene.
Ustlca Island Is of SCO) Inhabitants In
the nrovlncc of Palermo, 65 miles north-
northwest of this city. Its soil Is very
Nearly 2000 Killed and .Many Dying
Through Forinosan Earthquake.
TOKIO. March 23. Special.) The Ml-v-irtr.
to srmatlv wroucht im over tho
rrtttnunki In Formosa, and. In order that
adequate relief mar be given the suffer
ers, he has dispatcnea a personal repre
sentative to take charge of relief work.
Tim toiMf rrnorts received show nearlv
3X0 killed and about 6501 Injured. AM sur
vivors are in a state ot extreme destitu
tion, and. unless aid is promnUy forth
coming, many will die.
Companies Wagons and Strike
breakers "Windows Smashed.
LENS, France. March 22. Reports from
various mining centers show that -the
strike Is now general. Some disorder lias
occurred, and a number of the company's
wagons have been smashed. Twelve hun
dred additional troops have arrived here,
and tho whole district Is now occupied by
the TnlHtary forces.
There 1 considerable excitement among
the strikers, whose members are increas
Liftman, Oloffe & go.
Suffice it to say, we have
your size, in fact all sizes
from 5V2 to 7, in black and
white, in 16-button length
Glace Kid Gloves. Fifty
dozen received by us.
Considering the enormous
demand they will not last
long. A word to the wise
is sufficient. Price, pair
city. Think
Half Hose at
25c Ribbons at
Extra quality all-silk Taffeta Eibbons. full
4 inches wide, in white, cream, black,
mais, pink, blue, red, silver, Nile, cas
tor,, brown, navy, turquoise, etc. These
arc" the ribbons you have always bought
at 23c ; as a leader for this busy ribbon
store Ave offer them today at IT ?
ing, though In some districts a resump
tion of work has occurred. In several in
stances men who were continuing at work
have been subjected to assaults and the
windows ot their cottages have been
The rival unions held tumultuous meet
ings tonight but the assemblages were
dispersed without the Interference of tho
troops. Several steel works are about to
close, owing to lack of coal.
Distressed Island's Wealth Grows
"Under Enlightened Rule.
WASHINGTON. March 22. The Depart
ment of Commerce and Labor has Issued
a bulletin discussing the development of
tho Island of Formosa, taken from pub
lications of- the Japanese government.
The introduction of an enlightened and
energetic government seems likely to re
sult In a vast Increase In population.
There has been a large increase In the
production of rice, sugar, coal, sweet po
tatoes and Jute, while the production of
tea has decreased.
The principal Industrial products are
camphor and camphor oil. Formosa is
tho world's chief purveyor of camphor.
The government already has taken -measures
to secure a permanent supply by
planting mllllonsof young trees.
Trade between Japan and Formosa has
In rvcenf years been growing with great
rapidity, while that between Formosa and
THB sweet-toned Schu
mann Piano, established
1847; highest grade durabil
ity, warranted. The Schu
mann and the forty-five, oth
er worthy American makes
Sod Oalj- Bj-
Stores at rertlsatl. Spokaae. Bele.
San FrancUce. Steektea. Oakland
ad All Other lmpertut Telata.
$2 Lingerie
50c Ladies9
Neckwear 25c
Prettiest Patterns in Venise and
Point Gaze Ladies' Neckwear, in
the ever popular tab effect. So
wide is the range of patterns,
are you will be sorely tempted
buy all the way from two to a
half-dozen. Wonderfully low
priced at 25c
Wonderful Bargains Today-Men's
Half Hose, 35c-50c Quality, at 19c
A great big lot of the swellest styles in men's Half Hose in cotton
and lisle in fancy colorings, novelty designs, embroidered figures,
stripes, solid colors, etc. Come today and share these re
markable bargains. They will appeal to every good buyer in the
of it splendid 35c and
New Spring
For Misses and Children
Children's 24-inch Box Coats
4.50 Children's red and navy
cloth coats, and tan covert cloth
box coats, 6 to 24.
Misses' Box Coats $6.00 and
$8.75 Sizes 14, 16, IS; 40-inch
and 34-inch box coats in fancy
gray mixed cloth and tan covert
Misses' Novelty Box Coats
$12.50 Fancy gray and tan plaid
cloth box coats; velvet collar and
cloth strapped; 40 inches long;
size 14, 16, 18.
foreign countries has remained practically
"London. A record price of $6000 wai paid
Thursday afternoon at a local auction room
for a prize orchid, from a collection of m
means a good deal
It studs for teed nsiterisl. good stjf.
jeod vorkstassip aad geod fit
1.00 aad f 1.25
IatZS Xino CbUu tal fftlrti la Uto World
Coupon Free Yellowstone Park Trip
One Vote for .-.
BEFORE MARCH 30, 1906 '
Waists $1.19
Today we place on
sale a special pur
chase of three hun
dred Ladies' White
Lawn .and Lingerie
Waists, made in this
season's most ap
proved styles, with
either long or short
3leeves and embroid
ered effects. Values
to $2.00, at,
3pecial $1.19
so J
50c Imported
Initial Handkerchiefs
12V2C Vals. 7c
A Handkerchief event wor
thy of your attention. You
should not miss it. 1000
dozen hand embroidered
Initial Ladies' Handker
chiefs; exceptionally good
value at 12e, for this spe
cial occasion at T
$3.75 Vals Cry aq
at Special pcJO
A great special offering the
Jackets are the single
breasted, collarless style ;
the Norfolks are made with
the regulation straps, front
and back. Both jackets are
made in red and white, with
fancy pearl buttons. Real
value $3.75, at,sp1.
Tutt's Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
disease by the timely use of
Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and
favorite remedy of increasing
popularity. Always cures t
sour stomach, malaria, indi
gestion, torpid liver, constipa
tion and all bilious diseases.
Of tia entire Quinine product ten of tho WerM It
masoned every year br tha makers of
Laxative Bromo Qiiinint
"Cures a Cold in One Day
g.W.QROV"- ' - onbox. 2Sm
- x