TECS HORNING OEEGOKIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1906. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN Keems, $1-00 to 2. Per Day According to Location. J. P. DAYIES, Prcsldest. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND, OR. European Plan Rooms 75c to $2 First-Class Restaurant In Connection : HOTEL OREGON : : CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STS. Z e J Portland's New and Modern Ho teL Rates $1 per Day and Up. J European Plan Free Bus. ! WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. t iTE SET FREE Rust on Door Key Proves Him to' Be Innocent of Burglary. LOCKSMITH DECIDES CASE Testifies That Implement Taken jrom Prisoner Had Not) Been Used in Months Day in Police Court. A rusty Ucy for more than a week -was an instrument that was to lock or unlock the doors of the penitentiary for A. M. White, charged with burglary. While the key was In the hands of an expert lock smith, the prisoner's fate hung in the bal ance. If the expert should swear the key could be used five months in a door and still be rustv it meant that the defendant would be held to the grand jury and eventually in all probability, be sent to state's pri'son. Fortunately for him, the opposite opinion prevailed, and Municipal Judge Cameron discharged White yester day. It was a dramatic moment when the expert locksmith took the witness stand and the key was given him. The ac cused man and those who had been fol lowing the case listened for the words that were to be so important in setting at liberty or sending White to the Peniten tiary. "Could that key have been used at least once each day for Ave months and still be as rusty as that?" was the question put to the expert by Judge Cameron. it svnniri nnt." ronlled the witness. "That key has not been used at all with in five months." That detemnincd Judge Cameron, and he set White at liberty. White was arrested at 4 o'clock in the morning, a week ago, and charged with burglarizing Mrs. Neylon's bakery, lo cated at 489 Union avenue North. A key was taken from her place and onq found In his room was all but positively iden tified by her as her property. On this hung the outcome of the case. White was well known in Portland, hav ing lived here several years, and is of good reputation. Consequently, he was able to establish his good character, and as the police faOcd to capture a man they saw running from the bakery on tho morning of the robbery, there was no means of identifying White as the rob ber. Judge Cameron expressed the opin ion that White was not near the bakery on the morning of the burglary, and that lie was absolutely innocent of the charge. For the acquittal of the defendant. At torney Cliaiics A. Pctraln deserves spe cial credit, for he took the defense at the request of the court and worked out the evidence regarding the key. ... Ellsworth White Is one of the youngest complaining witnesses ever coming into the Municipal Court. He lives at 411 East Morrison street, is aged 9 years and goes to the Hawthorne school. While playing in front of I. N. Norman's shop he was kicked by Norman and was painfully in jured. He caused Norjnan's arrest and the defendant was fined $10. Norman de nied the assault. Mrs. Bertie -Gordon, held for tho San Francisco authorities, was arraigned and her case continued until this morning. She said she was willing to accompany the officer who is coming for her without requisition papers, vas she was anxious to return and clear up matters. Judge Cameron fined T. C. Itosad, pro prietor of the Peerless saloon, $23 for per mitting a disorderly house to bo run in connection with his place of business. This is the establishment into which the police and officials of the Anti-Saloon League sent a minor to get evidence, and where he purchased liquor for the women and drank with them out of funds sup plied by the league. There is a stairway leading from tho saloon to the rooms above, and Judge Cameron said he had decided this to be illegal. Tho prosecution of M. Burgcs aged Go years, upon complaint of a son who has served a term in the Penitentiary for lar ceny, was one of the pathetic features of yesterday's session. Thomas Burgcs claimed his lather struck him without provocation, and so swore on the witness stand, but it was clearly shown by tho testimony that tho son was the cause of separating his father and mother, and that he had caused much trouble and wor ry for them. Judge Cameron found the old man guilty, simply because tho de fendant admitted striking the son, but tho court refused to Impose a. fine. There will be no session of court today, it being Washington's birthday. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Feb. 2L Maximum tempera ture. 50 deg.; minimum. 40. River reading at S A. M.. 8.S feet; change in past 24 hours. Tlee of LC feet- Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M 0.63 of an Inch; total since Sep tember 1, 11)05. 27.10 inches; normal. 3L12 Inches; deficiency. 4.02 inches. Total sun shine February 20. 1P06, none; possible, 10 hours and 39 minutes. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A disturbance of slight energy is still cen tral near Vancouver Island and tho barom eter Is rising over California. General rain has fallen on tho Pacific, Slope during the lat 24 hours and the temperatures continue mild. A maximum Triad, velocity of 52 silles Xre PORTLAND, OREGON PLAN Fkt-Clac Check Mmul Connected WKh Betel. C. O. DAVIS, See. aa Xnu. the southeast occurred at North Bead this morning. The Indications are for rain in this district Thursday, -with no marked changes in tem perature. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for S hours ending at midnight. February 22: Portland and vicinity Occasional rain. Southwesterly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Occasional rain. Southwesterly winds, di minishing along the coast. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington, and Idaho Rain, possibly part snow. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. STATIONS Baker City . Bismarck. ....... Boise Eureka. ......... Helena. .......... Kamloops. B. C. North Head Pocatello. ........ Portland. ........ Red Bluff Roseburg. ........ Sacramento. ...... Salt Lake City... San Francisco..., Spokane.... Seattle Tatooih Island... Walla Walla ,!5o!o.52 5C0.12 .15210.00! .15010.061 4R0.ft0jlBiS .1501 T U21SE T trace. EDWARD A BEALS, District Forecaster CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Booms," "Booms a ad Beard. "Hease- keeplar Rooms." -"SitaaUeas Waated IS wards or lees. 16 cents: 16 to M weria, 99 cents; 21 t 25 words. 25 cents, etc No 1- coaat for additional lasertieas. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." 30 ceals tar IS words er lest; 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; ZL to 26 weeds. 0 vests, etc Urtt ten lies. Eaea aaaiUossl Insertion, Be-half: a farther dlsoeaat a der eae mesth. "NEW TODAY" (gaace hi centre agate). IS cent per line, Hrat lasertlea: IS ceata per Use for each addKleaal laseruea. ANSWERS TO ABVEKTIBEaLENXS. aa dressed care The Orecealaa. aad left at this face, should always be lactoses la sealed envelopes. No stamp Is repaired es aea lettera. The Oregeataa will Bet be resaeasiele for error la adverusemeats taken tareaga tao telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker' Auction House cor. Alder and Park sts. Sale at 10 o'clock. Geo. Baker & Son. auctioneers. Our sale is tomorrow, Friday, at 30th and Upshur streets, at 10 A. M. "M" car for the sale. J. T, Wilson. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. ABD-UHL-ATEF TEMPLE NO. 117. P. O, K. K. The- regular session jtcheduled for Saturday, February 24. will be omitted, as on that -evcninB all votaries or the Temple will accompany Grand Chancellor il. F. Davis to St, Johns and aoslst In instituting- a new Pythian Lodce. By order of Muni. J. M. MANN. Secretary. . BORN. EPPLETT On February 21, 1006. to the wife of Thomas E. Epplett. a prominent vine yardlst of near Forest Grove, a n. The parents of -whom arc tho best pleased cou ple in the United States that it is a boy. Dr. C L. Large, attending. PEEP. BACHEN Wednesday, February 21, Peter Bach en. DESVAUX At the residence of her daughter. airs. Fred Belersaorf. 810 Kerbey street. February 20, 1D0G, Agile V. Desvaux. nged 79 yearn 1 month and S days. Notice of funeral trill be "given later. FUNERAL 2f OTICKS. ESDAILE At the residence. 74K Clinton street. Feb. 20, liKKJ, Ella J. 'Bsdalle. aged 28 years, 0 months and 25 days, wife of Nigel K. Esdalle. Funeral "will take place today. February 22, at 2 P. M-, from F. S. Dunnlng's chapel, corner of East Alder and East Sixth rtrccts. Friends Invited. In terment at Sllverton, Oreron. IJAMS At San Francisco, Cal.. February 20. IflOO, Harry R. I Jams, of this city, aged IS years. 7 months and 13 days. Friends and acquaintances are repectfully invited to attend tho funeral service, which will be held at the residence of his sister. Mrs. A. P. Kerron. of 340 Wasco street, at 3 P. M. Friday. February 23. Services at the grave private. PAY In this city. February 21. 3P00, Mrs. Helen P. Day, agrd 65 years, beloved wife of H. L. Day. and mother of Harry L., Mrs. Blnor Rorcc, Eugene R. and Glance Pay, of Wallace. Idaho, and Jerome J. Day, of Moscow. Idaho. Funeral will take place from residence, 2S1 North 24th nU, Friday, February 23. at 8:30 A. M.; thence to the Cathedral, 15th and Davla sts.. at 0 A. M., where requiem high mass will be offered. Interment RIvcrvlcw Cemetery. Friend respectfully invited. EDWARD IIOLMAN CO- the leadteg fsBeral directors aad embslmem. 230 aad 222 Third street, corner Sain oh, Baro Uib Qaest ertabllKhiscBt aad the saest rnntmnhTe charges. We have aa experieaeed lady who takes fall charge at aU lady eases, rheae Mala 07. 3. P. FIN LEY Jb SON Faaeral afeeeters aad embahsers. No. 261 3d s. car. 3CadIsea. Day er Bight calls preatatly atteaded. Rx Berleaoed lady ascistaat whea deeired. Of fice ef Ceaaty Careaer. Taeae Mala 9. DUNNING. M.'ENTEE & GIXSAUGK. Sae cessers to Paaalac Caatplea. Badertakers aad emhalBiera: aaedera la CTery deta8:7ta aad Plae. Pbeae Mala 436. Lady asststaat. F. S. DUNNING. Uadertaker. 414 East Alder. lady asststaat. Faaae East SC. ZEIXER-BYRNE8 CO, Undertakers. Sm. balmers. 278 SasMU. East IMS. Lady asst. TONSETH & CO.. florist. ArtssUe floral derfcas. 128 ath st. Pheae Mala S1W. NEW TO PAY. 17 LOTS IN TliB HEART OF CITT, 17.K; cany terais. This property will double ln rtfle of two years. No agents. W 17, Ore- gotuaa. g 3 2 g Wind. 2- Sa gS" 2 -S 2 Co e -J- r fX 2. 2. - r 3" 5: os s o 3 e s - 7 . . 44 0.00 6JS ICloudy 130 O.OO 6 E (Cloudy 150 0.01 4 SB Cloudy J52 0.56110 SW hCIoudy 144 T 4)W IPt. Cldj 381 T t.-1 "Rain i&O0.C2tasW ICloudy MO!0.0S 4S lCloudy 50O.44 SSW lRaln 156W.04 14 S Cloudy M0 0.481 4 S ICloudy r.rtt1? RTW LRsIn 4(W lSnow 121W ICloudy 4 8 ICloudy 18& lRaln lRaln ICloudy AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM GRAND THEATER PHONE MAIN bOK TONIGHT AT S-13 O'CLOCK. Friday awl Satardar Mcbt-Buxabi-Prke Matr Sataraay FAMOUS NEW ENGLAND PLAY WAY DOWN EAST The, Greatest Dramatic lilt Sa Years. EVENING PRICES Lower floor, $1. Bal- cony. 75 e and 50c, Gallery. 35c and 23c. MATINEE PRICES Lower floor. 75c. Bal cony. 50c Gallery. 35c and Sc. SEATS NOW SELLING. BakerTheater "rXir' TaaihU! aad Third Sts. Fhose Mala 1M7. The roost popular Burlesque Theater In ine v cei. Toalsbt. all week. Tonisht The Famous Baltimore Beauties BURLESQUE COMPACT. In Two Sere amine Farces. "A Scetck Hlch Ball" aad "A Basy Ntebt." A real Beauty Show. Girls. Music. Glitter aad Merriment. Even In it nrlees 25c 35c 50c 75c Mati nee Sunday and Saturday 15c 25c. 35c 50c Wednesday Matinee Special. 25c to aay seat. Saturday Mattnee Is the last performance. Next Week -THE HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS." Empire Theater Trttf t4 KerritM ncHMtk 117 MUton W. Seaman. Maaacer. Portland's most popular theater. Teatrai All Oils -week Matter Satarday. The Startling Sensation The Moonshiner's Daughter A thrilllnr tale of the Kentucky Moun tains. Entire production carried complete. Excltinc raid of revenue officers. The Moonshiner's home Eve nine Prices 15c 25c 35c 50c Mati nee 10c 15c i5c Next tUractlea "HUMAN HEARTS. GRAND THEATER Week of Feb. 18. The original Spherical Dancer. Ad elfi Purvis Oarl Assisted by Flora Allthrope. Mr. Mrs. Arthur Yeaajr; EauBoad, Emaersea Eaaaads, Taada. MIm J'-mllr Nice. Hiiroid UoET, Graadecpe. PRICES ErealnBS, Sundays, Holidays. 10c 2&C 30c Matinees. 10c Washington's Birth day, continuous. STAR THEATER Week ef Febru ary 10. DEL-A-PHONE. Greatest Mimic ea the Aaieri caa Stare. T. A. Haaaker. DeVee Bras. DeRosctta A Excella. Marveleas Malcolm. Will C Heyt. STAROSCOPE. Price a 10c to any seat except boxes. Washington's Birth day, continuous. TaMuel PANTAGES I surffsK Sareai & Ce Comedians. Three Daasani. Comedians and Acrobats. PrecUde, Mairlcian and Conjurer. La Xom Tyrolean Yodler. leo White Popular Baritone. Myrtle Franks With her slnslnr; doc BlesrraBh Latest movlni; pictures. Performances dally at 2;30, 7:30 and 9 P. M. General admission. 10c; reserved seats 20c NEW TODAY. NortK Portland Wilson and 22nd Streets 100x100 foet, corner, with frontage of 1W feet on 22d aU 10J fect on Wilson su Wilson DlacKistone Sts 100x100 fect. corner, with rronUffc of 100 feet on Wilson and 100 feet on Blacklstonc at. "Wakefield, Fries &. Co. 220 STARK STREET. Two Snaps for Quick Sales C A K fl n 65 W. Holladay aveu. 3 hlocks arOUU from Steel Bridge. Good 7-room house. (ICnn Fine suburban home, on car line 3ruUU near Sellwood, excellent 7-room house. C acres, fine large orchard, out building, chlcken-houacs and yards, 4ne view. For particulars ad drees R S3, Ore go nlan. Special Bargain Morrison-street bridge, full block, from river to Water street. Option expires In few days and cannot be renewed at the price offered. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 245 Stark Street. Look! A Bargain For a few days only, a modern 7-room house, lot 30x100. Nothing like It on the Weit Side $3350 F. O. NORTHRUP & CO.. 211 Commercial Blk., 2d and Washington. S46,000 Two-story, new. substantial brick. 72x03, N. W. cor. 3d and Flanders; rents $375 per monin, can do increasea. wnouier story would make this building a cold mine. Fie. ure It out and see me. A. D- Marshall, Agent ivoem i, iszyz iaira street. $35.01 PER LOT ON THE CAR LINE 50x100 ieet each, title perfect, every lot choice ana ocmnoir, near to ano overlook ing the river, healthiest spot In all of Port land. xa uiDernia savings uani: it the owner and will sell until every lot Is sold and thare are now lts than 100 lots left unsold out of 700; 335. all cash, no terms. Call at room soa. xcxay bide cor. 5d asd Stark sts. Seventh Street 50x100, short distance north of Washing' ton, facing east. E. J. DALY 222 Failing Bldg. Phone Maia SSsx. PRICE Observe the price ficure on 1 Vin Inpnmit tlinA.ctAn $20, rnn . .. Z ,UUU ouuatn on First su close in. iiiv:ii: .i. u icw such in- . come-producerK left on the INCOME niarkeL "WHFTING & inArA ROUNTREa 419 Abington Ciuu iiuuatnc;. Morrison Skating Rink MORRISON & liTH STS. (Opp. High School) Skatisg Merateg. Afteraeea aad Evening. ADMLSSION 16 CENTS SKATING 15 CENTS Free Admission In the morning. $25,000 23 feet on 3d sL. lust a little vrav from this office; J7509 expended on it -will make it produce 00 monthly. WH1TIXG & ROUNTREB, 413 Ablngton BuildlnR. SIXTH AND TWELFTH STS. Quarter Blocks Location where traxufers are frequent and value lavancinK myiuij. si .orrner prices. B. a COdK & CO.. 251 ALDER. $10,000 Full lot and two buildings on 1st su. close to Morri son: stores rent for Ka yearly now. and win bring more. WHIT ING & KOUMftbt.. ADington Bldg, ovTiA fect. Overton sL, between 22d JJA1W and 23d. New cement walk. Btreet Kradeo, lot lies a icct aoove grade of strccL Price $113 54 Grant sL Call Main 4 for particulars. CIO iVft N'ew. mod era heae la IrriagtoB able tena. GRINDBTAFF k, SCKALK. 361 KtarK st. i hoc jaia fs. GBO. BLACK PUK LIC ACCOUNTANT. 318 Worcester Sleek. raaaa'Ckv 9K. -EW TODAY. ! Look i I at This ! Here is a chance to profit by other people's experience. It has been proven that the Hood River District not only produces the finest apples and strawberries which sell at tho top market prices, but the farmers have an ideal home life. Good schools, churches, model homes, easy transporta tion, in fact this is the placo to live a contented life. Don?t miss these opportuni ties, but write us today for a list of farms or city prop erty. You can't make a mis take by locating in Hood River. J.H.Heilbronner 6 Company Fruit Land and Real Estate. HOOD RIVER, OR. Bargains Choice corner lot- 24th and Nerthrun. $3300. half cash. House and lot. 12th. near Jefferson, $5220. House. 0 rooms and lot. GUsan. bet. 21st and 22d. $4250. Three-story brick and U -block. $30,000. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 24S Stark Street. EAST MORRISON Corner. 100x100. near Grand ave- positive. ly the cheapest property In the district. THE 11 EALT INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 Ablnston. 106H Third Street. GRAND AVENUE Improved, for a few days only. $0000 210-214 AblnBton. 100H Third Street, $11,000 163 feet on Itusscll by ICO. paying; 6 per cent: with small investment could bo made to pay 13 per cent. TAYLOR, room 307 Sherlock. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN HIGHLANP ON A high and sightly lot. lOUxlCO. S-room house, all modern in every way; it is well worth what we ask for It. We have homes suitable for carmen near the East Twenty-eighth-street barns; also near the O. R. i N. car- hops. They are for sale ax reaaoeable prices. GREGG BROTHERS. Phone Main 6303. 317-01 S Fenton Bklg. FOR SALE MODERN 6-ROOM HOCSE. LOT SOxlOO. close to the car barns, In North Al blna: cost $15O0 to build the house; can be bought for $1650. Modem 4-room cottage In Multnomah Ad dition; a scan. Modern 7 and S-room houtea. lots 50x100, in Upper Alblna. F. T. BERRY, 4 N. 6th. Thone Hood 1633. HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO.. For bargains In houses and stores in any locality, or timber claims. Hood River farm or Eastern Oregon wheat lands, call and ace our list or phone Main C254. HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO., 501-502 Fenton Bldg. HOUSE 10 ROOMS: NEW ANO ABSO- lutely up to cutis elegantly finished throughout: situated on two lots. In best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home wilt do well to Investigate. Phone owner. Main 5S5, or call ICO Sherlock bldg. $5250 QUARTER BLOCK ON PORTLANP Hcignts. wun a new ana moaem o-room house that you'd like to live in. because It was built for a home with a view that can never be cut off. Whiting &. Rountrec, 413 Ablngton building. ACRB TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE r-41tv vlthln eitv- limit. Some acres with terms as low aa $10 per month with water. A. C. ChurchiU & Co.. "Inc." 110 2d st. FOR SALE 20 NICE LOTS ON THE ST. Johns car line lor iJ'iZ now get la if you want to buy; these lots are owned by non resident and will be sold at once. Call room 505 McKay bldg. FOR SALE NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL cement basement, good planning, nice lo cation. $1S50; easy terms. O. M. Smith. 750 Cham. Commerce. $1500 BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR HOME. 5 rooms. Mcroeni. ocsi. luumDing; s lots: grand view. Stale Investment Co., lis Ablngton bldg. $0000200 ACRES CLEARED BOTTOM' land; dairy or stock; good p-room hou-ie. largo barn; 3 miles of county seat. Box 222. Kalama. Wash. PENINSULAR STATION 5-ROOM COT tare. 3 lots, plenty of fruit and flowers- outbuildings and chicken run; owner, l55t) Prummona st. $2700 NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER; furnace, electricity, gas. laundry; car E. 30th and Main. Terms. Will rent. Phone East 523. A MODERN 7-ROOM DWELLING IN HOL- vcnlences; easy terms. By owner. N 3, Ore- HOOD RFVER CITY LOTS. IMPROVED OR unimproved, tor saie or execange xor Port land lots. IL C. Coe. Hood River. Oregon. $4000 CHOICE CORNER WITH MODERN V room nouse in oesi pan oi jionanj-n ad dition. Miller. 714 Chamber of Commeree. MAKE OFFER ON QUARTER BLOCK. HOL laday's Addition; improvement In; miK sell, swart, ais unamoer t-ominrrcc. FINE QUARTER BLOCK. UNION AVE- nue and Halmy sts.; bargain. State Invest ment Co- 11S Ablngton bldg. $675 CASH BUYS A COZY COTTAGE; 5 rooms, pantry. Basement, zuu lot; a snap. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN ANO $3.00 a montn; rrom a scjiwoou Townsite vjol i-ntma u nut. 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE CHEAP: $275 down, balance In easy payments. Call or address 124 S East Msln it- 14TII ANO COLLEGE. CORNER LOT. $J75; fine lot, Holladay's Addition. $000. Owner. 410 McKay building. 70x100. CLOSE IN. WEST SIOE. VERY choice location: bargain for sen). See M. E. Lee. P3H 6th it. lot wrrn four houses, itth. near FlaBders. good Investment. Inquire of Low- engaroi. w x i il- HOOD RIVER RANCH. Greatest bargain yet; see me. Room 16. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. CEMENT BASE- ment; oargain. wiu cvo -c j.amnui St. Phone East t rvr Tirw st.r. n V mRRKTT- niT before 1st of March; fine location. Phone Pacific 215. FOR SALE CHEAP 4 LOTS IN MULT- FOR SALS BY OWNER IN TRVINGTON 7 ram ame wKh aara. 441 XL Uta st. N. FOR SAXX-RXAL ESTATE. FOR SALE RY TUB PORTLANP REAL Estate Company. C R. PeBurgh. Manager, ofllce. 212 Ablngton bldg.. phone Pacific 73. 100x20 on East Morrison, bet. Grand ave. and 7th t.; Improvements. 10 hulld Ings; Income, a per cent of price. This property is in the best district on the East Side; rapid Increase Is sure; price. $30. (XX). We aleo have corners on Grand ave., close to Morrison. We have a hotel and U block on Union are. and Clay; a bargain. I5,CCO: several ether choice pieces on the East Side in the swim. We have 100 lots !n Milwaukle Park; only $35 each: Zc fare promlied. Buy now while It is cheap anl have a nest egg. Three will not last long. We have on the Weft Side buMneM streets some valuable properties. Investors Investigate our First, Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth and Sixth street comers. Good improvements and good income. Fine 5500 lots. East Portland Height. SQUARE PEAL REAL ESTATE COMPANY. Kd0 Two extra well built 6-room houses, modern In every respect, tinted and piped for furnace, corner Eugene and Williams ave.; best Improved street in Portland: 8 minute' walk to Steel bridge. JoJOO Quarter block and three modern houees. one S and two B rooms, corner East 12th and Harrison sts.. Nos. 3S1. 3S3. 3S5; present Income over 10 per cent. Cheap homes Highland. North Irr lngton. Myrtle Park. Stewart Park. Kem Park, Tremont Place. Montavllla. Taborside. Clackamas Heights; room-Icg-nouixs. restaurants and- large list of farming property always on hand. Room 305. AlUky bldg.. Phone Pacific 601. 490 TO J 125 EACH FOR LOTS JUST NORTH of Highland School; streets graded, water main In front of every lot; only 20 minutes ride from 3d and Washington ets.; tiUe in surance tasued with every deed: 10 per cent cash and $5.00 per month: easy terms. PORTLANP TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. , S. E. car. 3rd and Oak Sts. HENOERSON-SCOTT LAND CO., $100 down and $25 a month burs 4 to S room bouses from $1050. $1500. $lb0O up to $2SO0. in North Alblna. Feurer Add., Smith's Add. and Sunnyslde. $300 down and $25 a month buys a 5-room house and lot 110x135 If taken quick. We also have houses and lots In all parts of the city. Call er phone Main 6254. HENPERSON-SCOTT LAND CO.. 501-502 Fenton Bldg. - CHOICE CITY REAL ESTATE ON EASYM wiu. toos. .1. nryaau inquire uiAi (.nam her of Commerce. OAK GROVE TWO 5-ACRB TRACTS ON county read; 500 cords wood. SOS K. Yam hill. CORNER LOT IN HOLLADAY" S ADD. Price $1250. See M. E. Lee. 03 Vi 6th at. FOR BALE CHOICE CORNER HOUSE IN seuth Portland. Inquire 706 1st. FOR SALE FARMS. GREGG BROTHERS. We have a fine farm of 52 acres 7 miles auth of Orecon Cltv. on the Molalla road: good &room house, fine barn. large wood- sneu. milk-bouse and hop-pickers shanties; 16 acres of hops; 36 acres cultivated; hop 'tools and -Interest In larse hoo-dnrer. This Is an excellent buy and the price is right. We have almost anything yon might want In the way of a farm at prices ranging from iika a quarter up. We have a couple of half-sections of fine wheat land that are very cheap. Come In ana see us; we win treat you muarc. GREGG BROTHERS. Phone Mala 6303. 317-31S Fenton Bldg. IF YOU WANT CHEAP LAND THAT HAS been logged off. with some improvements. suitable tor fruit and stockraialng. on the line where the P. & S. R. R. Is being built. and also small bodies of timber land suit able for piling, cordwood and small saw mill sites, call on or address Gus A. Love- gren. htevenson. wash. $10.00 PER ACRE. IRRIGATED LAND. $10.00 Crook County. Oregon. Deed direct from State, write for pamphlet and map. it. s. Cook & Co:. 251 Alder st.. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR INCOME property In the city. 05 acres. 3 miles from Oregon City. 17 acres In cultivation; price $2500. F. T. Berry. N. eth. Phone hocm 1635. FARM OWNERS WHAT HAVE YOU IN farm lands for sale? We have buyers. Write Scottish-American Farm Lands Co., 402 R Oregonlan bldg.. Portland. Or. 10 ACRES CLEAR: NO STONE OR GRAVEL; house, barn, near Milwaukle. Price $1500. Box 36. Milwaukle. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY ONE OR TWO LOTS en West Side or on I'ortiand Heights. In answering, give location, price and terms. Must be reasonable. Address G 7. care Oregonlan. im riiirrvS5 Tfl 1 THAT THE RPIT. re Teeenting nearly 100 leading real estate firms, can sell your property 100 times QUICser IBftn afiy one iirui. u juur prop erty with the exchange. Phone Main 1525. WANTED 5-6 and 7- ROOM HOUSES IN most any locality; prices rrom $noo to $2000 with Jlw down ana $3 per month. Call or phone Main 6254. HENDERSdN-SCOTT LAND CO., 501-502 Fehton Bldg. 1 HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES. PORTLAND or suburbs; also for unimproved property, X 17. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. A SNAP MUST BE SOLD; EAST HALF OF section 21. township 34 S.. R 19 E. of W M. 320 acres, good sagebrush land, in Lakn County, Oregon. Address P. Uelly, 2615 Italian ave., Apoiane, vasn. 17.000 ACRES ON THE M'KENZIE. UMP qua. Rogue and Coqullle Rivers at $5.50 an acre, as a whole; title perfect. Blair & Hurlbut. 315 Ablngton bldg. COWLITZ CO. TIMBER LANDS AND REAL estate. F. J. Barnard & Co.. Kalama. wash. FOR RENT FARM3. WOODSTOCK RANCH. 4 ACRES. WELL cultivated; near Woodstock; rhubarb, celery, strawberries; abundance of fruit, good house. barn; near two statlona; rent. $200; will rent for three years. Loo and houses for sale at cheap prices. Apply to C. L. Parker, Woodstock. FOR RENT CHAS. JOHNSON'S FARM. ON Necanlcum River, 7 mllex from Seaside. Or., containing 160 acres: 40 acres In cultiva tion; good 1 1-room house, and good barn and outbuildings. For particulars apply to Chas. Johnson. Seaside. Or. FOR RENT FARM OF 50 ACRES. 10 MILES southeast of city. Address K to. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. 320 ACRES WHEAT LAND IN BIG BEND country. Eastern Washington, for sale or trade. Alvord Sc. Alvord. 1S3 Morriflon st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 24 FURNISHED rooms; for house and lot in any part of cltv. IYIee. $1250. Phon Pacific 702. FOR SALE-LANP SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP APPROVED and guaranteed. Military bounty warrants bought and sold. Collins Land Co., Helena. Mont. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles aad Haraesa. GENTLE. WELL-BRED CITY-BROKE. 4-year-old buggy horee. weight 105u-1100 lbs.; pice $125.00. National Market. 301 E. Burnelde st. Phone East 42. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day week and month: special rates to business bouses. 6th and Hawthorne. Tel. East 72. SWELL SPAN PONIES FINE PRIVERS: relght 550 each: very stylish; will hire or sell; terms reasonable. Phone Union 3t52. Horses and vehicles bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 507. We Buy. Sell. Rent. Excbange.Horses. Wagons, saddles, harness. Hubert &. Hall. 2C6 4th. Piaaos. FOR SALE CABLE ANO SONS PIANO, pood condition; cheap. Phone Main 1011 at once. jf Mlscellaaeoas. GOLDEN OAK BEDROOM SET. STAIR AND hall carpets, kitchen table, mantle bed, all for $33. 466 7th. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. "324 Chamber of Commerce, or phone Maia 2363 FAMILY COW FOR SALE EAST J9TH AND Pacific. Phone East 4953. TWO GOOP COWS. CHEAP. 2S9 HALL ST. Phone Mala 330L. TOR SALTS, Mkcelktaeeas. 50 SLIGHTLT PAMAGEP SEWING MA- chiaes at very low prices: Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. Domestic. White. Household. Pavls and othen.; to make room for new stock. Wheeler 4i Wilson and Singers. S. S. Slgel. 335 Morrison at.. Marquam bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECONP-HANP billiard aad pool tables; easy payments; wa rent tables, with privilege of buying: mod era bar fixtures; cheap prices. .Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 40 3d sr. WOLFF-AMERICAN BICYCLES. CLOSING out; $40 bicycles at $25; $55 racers, $30 for cash: 130 rims. 50c on the dollar. S. S. Slgel. 335 Morrison st. Typewriters, all makes, at cost; rubber stamp goods, desks, etc Coast Agency Co., Z3L fctarK. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN ANP WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade in S weeks: the Moler system of col leges have opened one of their famous bar ber schools In Portland. Graduates earn from $15 to $25 per week. Only reliable barber college in United States. Special terms to first 20 students. Be lively and get special rates. MOLER SYSTEM COLLEGES, 35 N. Fourth St.. Portland. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 3 days; consultation free and strictly confidential: send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 253 Alder st.. Portland. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS FOR POSITIONS In Oregon; a few more men wanted Imme diately to fit for April examination: begin ning salary $S0O. E. O. Heynen, 215 Co lumbia bldg.. 365 Washington st. WANTED A VEGETABLE GARDENER; a man to take full charge of garden on ranch In Eastern Oregon Address F. A. Young. Burnt Ranch. Or.. Wheeler Co.. Immediately, stating wages. WANTED A GOOD. BRIGHT MAN AS oooKKeeper and who knows something of general store work; preferred: none need apply who cannot furnish the best of refer ences. L 96. Oregonlaa. Men. women, learn watchmaking, engraving. jewcicr wott, optics, .rasy terms, positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watch-maklng-Eagravg SchooL 1426 4th av. Seattle IAD.VERTISING SOLICITORS ANO SPE- cmu eamon promoters; esiaDiisneu puou catlons; commission. Clyde & King, C3S Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A GOOD RETAIL GROCERY So licitor; one who is not afraid of hard work, and does not object to caring for horses. Ad dress, X IS. Oregonlan. WE WANT A NO 1 TRAVELING SALES- man to represent us on the road, on a com mission. Hotel it Restaurant Supply Co.. 200 2d st- MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; WAGES wnue teaming; position alter S weeks, GHI man's Barber College, 627 Clay. San Fran. Any Intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers: experience un necessary. Press Syndicate, Lockport, X. Y. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DO COLLECT lng for large wholesale bouse: miwt have good references. Address O 16. Oregonlan. WANTED JUNIOR BOOKKEEPER WITH some experience. Reply In own handwriting; state salary expected. M 16. Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN. AGE 17 TO 21 years; must have some drugstore experi ence. D. J. Hllle. Castle Rock. Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. INTELLIGENT MAN WITH BUSINESS Ex perience; give names, addresses of refer ences; state age. T IS. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout state; big wages to rustlers, zos aicKay mag. WB HAVE FROM $23.00 TO $50.00 PER week for men who can sell our sick, ana accident benefits. 70o Marquam. WANTED EXPERIENCED SHIPPING AND receiving porter In wholesale grocery house. Address. D 2l. oregonlan. live men for city solicitors. Big money for WANTED GOOD YOUNG MAN WITH some experience to work In bakery; steady position, it to. irrcsomiui. TEN BOLTCUTTERS WANTED. .APPLY Dlag.. um ana jiuiiiiuu. LIVE YOUNG MAN AS CITY SALESMAN lor OU1CO Huawuuctjr , aAM4jr buu ciumni ston. a oi. unjuuKu. FIRST-CLASS ELEVATING GRADER OPER- ator on raiiroau wur. oai s- uo., iCIX Jiawujoroc c. INDUSTRIOUS MAN 16 TO 18. $1 A DAY Inside work. Clerk's Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison st. WANTED JAPANESE BOY FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. C. P. McGlnnls, -120 B. 13th st.. north. WANTED BAKER, GOOD ON BREAD AND pas tr: Pobcr, married man preferred. K 10. Oregonlan. irrTT-T i-rt CC UUnTT.TIT A XTTl T.TtVPIHf t w Address G. M. Campbell, .320 James st e- aiue. n ami. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE GRO- cery delivery wagon. Cor. Holladay and Union ave. WANTED TRAVELl NG SALESMAN IN large wholesale house. Address, C 20, Orc- gonion. SALESMEN FOR CHRISTY HOE SAFETY Dirnr- bonanza side line. 410 Fenton hlrfp- highest price paid. 62 3d. Phone Pacific 4! COOKS AND BAKERS HEADQUARTERS Cal. wine ucpot. no -ui su racinc zinj. WANTED SOLICITOR FOR BROKERAGE firm. Apply to room jih ueKum Diag.. city. WANTED MALE DISHWASHER AND DO general work, can at -to saimon. R, R. DRAUGHTSMAN, $125 AND Ex penses. Hansen, .6 -a st. WANTED YOUNG MAX TO LEARN B.tR bcr trade. F 0, Oregonlan. BOY ABOUT 15 YEARS OF AGE WANTED for office. R it, Oregonlan. WANTED BOY TO RIDE WHEEL. Yamhill. Palaco Market, 2G0 HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK at home during spare time; no experience required; gooa pay ana steaay. write uulln. J3H iiarKet. ban t rancisco. WANTED AT ONCE. EXPERIENCED GIRL or woman: must be good housekeeper and first-class cook; small private family; $li 1 1 month r IT Hrprnnlan PRACTICE GIRLS: STENOGRAPHY AND tvoewrltlng; opportunity for experience evening work. 63S Chamber of Commeree. Main 212L WANTED NEAT WOMAN" AS HOUSE- keeper for middle aged couple: another town. 230's Yamhill. Phono Main 5113. WANTED MATRON FOR AN ESTAB llithed ladles' agency: ono with experience. preferred. B 20, Oregonlan. CONSCIENTIOUS, WIDE-AWAKE WOMAN to taae responsioia position wiia viavl Co. Apply Koom iewis Diag. GIRL WITH SOME EXPERIENCE FOR general nouscworn. ncierences required Call at 186 N. 17th at. .inr. tl-l VTCn ITOr nTJTVCr t T work la small family, 272 Sheridan st. or n1inni Paclflc 016. ' "WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO make Fltz-Well shirts and Boss-of-All over alls av o -U3- o WA.M&u i-aiaii i.ij xi,jiAi,E MACHINE opcraiuia cijrenu iu icm lactory work WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: also nurse RirL 31 Ttutt its v. ,rl oi. " "' Ash EXPERT IRONBRB. CALL THURSD. 'AY "d t -" wwk. v. i,. CO., 48 WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUS& work; goou home for right Dartv. "'nr c,. GIRL t WANTED TO DO LABELING ouuiuuu una opice .Mills. 209 2d. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. SMALL FAMILY WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN- GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK, 38 11 all. lALSSLADISS WANTED. 172 '3d st HTCLP WANTED FTTVTAT.-g NOTICE TO XMFLOYSHS CANADIAN parlors hava move across the street and are now located at 221 Morrison St.. room 16; new matron with two years experi ence; all craers far domestic help promptly attended to; giris. call If you want work, Canadian parlors. WANTED FOUR BRIGHT. INTELLIGENT ladles to call on families in Portland and Introduce to their attention the business of a high-class Portland firm. Nothing to sell. A polite occupation. Addras, S IS. Ore gonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; 4 in family; must be good cook and neat housekeeper; Swedish or Norwegian preferred; reasonable wages. Call 233 East 3d St., North. CHAMBERMAIP. WAITRESS. (HOTEL) To gether. Jap. Chinese, tconuon) sjo; wood choppers, housekeepers, domestics, second. Drake's, 205& Washington. WANTED A GOOP COOK FOR GENERAL housework, email family; new nouse. largo warm room for girl; wages $13. 031 Madi son, King's Heights. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR second work; good wages; apply mornings at 20th and Jackson, Portland Heights. Mrs. I. Lang. SCHOOLGIRL OR AVOMAN. ASSIST SMALL family part time for comfortable room and good home. 74S East Burnalde. Phono East 2726. WOMAN" FOR HOUSEWORK ANO COOK- lng. small American family. $25 to $30; no fee. Call at 5lZy- Washington st. Room 7. PISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X- Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder: entrance 255 Alder sr., Port land. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE- sentatlvea in Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HO USEKEEPERS. WA ITERS. cooks, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louts Agency, 230 Hi Yamhill, Main 5413. WANTED EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL. l-lrst-class family; wagea, $23. Swedish pre ferred. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. PIONEER LADIES AGENCY. 215 Morrison, cor ls.t at. Phone Main 2273. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. S43b Washington st,, cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2602. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- era! housework. Good wages. No washing. 695 Hoyt st. Main 1150. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. SOLICIT ADVERTISING, ODDFELLOWS and RebekahH yearly pocket directory; lib eral commission;- experience unnecessary. 638 Chamber of Commerce. WHEN PERFORMERS AND MUSICIANS for dramatic and vaudeville stage. Call Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 145 6th. WANTED MAN AND WIFE FOR GENERAL farm work. 110 First st. SITUATION WANTED MALB- Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION AS SALESMAN IN" GROCERY or clothing etoro by young man, married, speaking English, Swedish and Finnish languages. Small salary to begin with. K 16. Oregonlan. LUMBER BOOKKEEPER. YARD FORE- man, experienced, open tor engagement; temperate, not afraid of work; highest ref erences from past employer-. F b, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED CIGAR AND TOBACCO salesman desires position traveling or work In retail store; understands window dress ing and pipe repairing. E 17, Oregonlan. POSITION AS CLERK AND GENERAL helper In hotel by man 5o years of age-, small salary. Address 1225 Michigan ave.. Portland. Or. COMPETENT MAN WITH REFERENCES desires position as bookkeeper, stenographer or clerk. W 18. Oregonlan. MIDDLE AGED GERMAN-AMERICAN wants position as bookkeeper. Al references. Address V 16, Oregonlan. TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTS P0SI tlon. experienced hustler, married. P It. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. FARM hands and other laborers furnished. Tho Nippon Employment Office, room 2, 20 N. 3d st..' city. Main 5154. P. O. Box 175. SURVEYOR SIX YEARS EXPERIENCE municipal, trolley road and Irrigation con struction. Good draughtsman. C. Balling, r. Gen. Del. Portland. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED cook. Swedish girl, second work: chamber maid; capable woman nurse. 230 Yam hill. Main 5413. WANTED AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER wants position In photograph gallery, willing to start at small wages. W 16. Oregonlan. JAPANESE GOOD EXPERIENCED FAMILY cook nnd all kinds work want Dtxiition In high-class family. B 16. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. WELL EDUCATED. HUST Icr. wishes situation at once; anything; has references. V 18. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A SITUATION AS school boy. K. Maka. 4S N. 1st st. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenoogrnphers. YOUNG LADY EXPERIENCED IN BOOK keeplng. cashier, credit and collection work, understands stenography, deal res position In wholesale house. R 16. Oregonlan. Domestics. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS PLACE TO do housowork. Apply 166 North ISth st. SITUATION TO DO UPSTAIRS WORK. Phone Union 3700. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS PRESSMAKER WISHES work In private famlll; best city refer ences. Work guaranteed. Phone Main 072U. PRESSMAK1NG AND LADIES TAILORING. Mrs. Florence Tlngley, room 501, Tourney bldg.. 2d and Taylor. EXPERIENCED SHIRT-WAIST MAKER; also children's clothes. 1JW 7th. Phono Main 337$. Housekeepers. PACIFIC 1370 FOR CHAMBERMAIDS, waitresses (2 girls together), housekeep ers, camp, laundry": anybody. Drake, 203 's Washington. RESPECTABLE MIDDLE AGED WOMAN deslrea situation. housekeeper, widower's family. Object, good home. 230 Yamhill. Main 5113. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS NEW MONEYMAKER; HOUSE hold necessity; 2.000,000 sold: costs 6c. selli 25c; outfit free. Domestic Mfg. Co., Minne apolis. Minn. GENTLEMEN AGENTS IN PORTLANP AND through state; big wagea. 410 Fenton bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOITSES. COTTAGES. FLATS. ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ET Our rental department has been enlarged and provided with additional staff. We invite listing from LANDLORD?, offer personal attention to and continuous supervision over all property Intrusted to our PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE family, by two young ladies employed dur ing the day. Must be within 10 minutes walk of Oregonlan bldg. Address, with full particulars, D 16. care Oregonlan. FURNISHED COTTAGE OR HOUSEKEEP lng rooms for married couple; must have good view ana yara wun irces. state rent and particulars. E 20. Oregonlan. WANTED XLVRCH 1ST.. WITH PRIVATE family one or two furnished housekeeping rooms with yard. Must be reasonable. Ad drero C 16. Oregonlan. FAMILY OF 4 DESIRES ROOM AND BOARD, clotie In. West Side preferred. Phone East 49SS. WANTEI MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at tho "Fair Deal." 62 Nt 3d. Phone Hood 517. WE HAUL AWAY YOUR DEAD HORSES and cattle promptly and free of charge. Oregon Fertilizer Works. Main 1966. WANT 11500 EACH ON 2 6-ROOM MODERN houses. Value $3000 each; 7 per cent, 3 years. Phone East 675..