Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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the street 'from Mrs. Henricl. hastened
to the scene of the .explosion and.
clothed in his night robo with, a uni
form coat added for appearance, sake,
ran around the bock calling- upon pe
destrians to surround the place while
he 'phoned police headquarters for a
squad of patrolmen.
A wagonload of men driven by Patrol
Driver Isaacs at a furious rate, and
directed by Squad Officer Robson. sur
rounded the place and searched the
premises for the supposed burglar.
Several younp: men caused suspicion bv
smiling at the serious efforts of the
policemen, and. unable to keep the
practical joke to themselves they told
one .of the aearchcrs the circum
stances. The squad was called from the man
hunt by Robson. Anderson said that
he thought he would go back to bed.
Detective Welch, who was one of the
party decided to take a car home.
Isaacs drove slowly back to the sta
tion, and some of tne policemen rum
inated on fit punishment for practical
Local Hotel Undergoes Kcpairs and
Several Stories May Be Added.
Extensive improvements are being made
on the Perkins Hotel, and it Is prob
able that before very long sr?veral stories
will be added to the building. A new
icefoot smokestack is being placed in
position, a new shaft for two electric
elevators' will bo put In. and three feet
of dirt Is being excavated from the cel
(.Engineers DeM. W. Wade and
M. B. Stayton Killed Aboard
the Steamer Regulator.
Horrible Accident Occurs at St.
Johns, Where Craft AVas on
Hie Ways Held Was
Badly Injured.
THd explosion of the forward starboard
oil tank on the stealer Regulator
brought Instant death to Second Engineer
Dp Monte W. Wade and his assistant,
aierrll! li. Stayton: Injured Daniel Reld.
a uMp carpiiitor. and set firo to the craft
with the result thnt all that remains of
the topular craft is the charred ribs and
lsel and h iortlon of the wheelhouse.
Thr terrible accident occurred at 1:20
t'clock yesterday afternoon, while the
steamer was on the ways of the St.
Johns Shipbuilding Company at St.
John;', undergoing her annual overhaul
ing, preparatory to going on her Summer
run between this city and The Dalles.
Marcus Talbot, general manager of the
D. P. & A. N. Co., owners, was at the
scene moat of the afternoon, and he be
vJlevets the company will sustain a consid
erable loss, as the boat was valued at
about $JW. and only partly covered by
insurance. irbably to the extent of $20,-
How the explosion occurred will per
liap never be known, as the lips of the
two men at work on the tank are for-
m- l-d. AVade and Stayton had
Irillcd hoh-s in the starboard and port
tanks, and were at work connecting them
when aiiddonly a gigantic flame burst
forth in the forward part of the vessel
and almost inptantaneously the whole
bunt whj a nmss of flames.
There was little time for warning, and
the 38' ship carpenters and laborers em
3loyol by the shipyard, the live deck
hands in charge of Captain E. C. Alden.
and Chief Engineer F. F. Smiili. leaped
from the craft to the mud flat below, and
then made wild rush for safety. Dan
iel Reld. one of the carpenters, was near
the exploding tank, and the burning oil
spattered over him.
Driven 3Ind by Pain.
Frenzied with pain, he ran about in
the yard until iaitured by some fellow
workmen who tore the clothes from his
body and then rolled him In the shal
low water on fie beach. He was se
verely burned about the head and
hands and wa taken to the Good Sa
jnaritHM Jloxtiital. His chances for re
covery are good, lteid rooms at 372Vs
CISast Oak street.
Engineer Smith saved AVatchman C.
Ducock, who was asleep in his room
n the upper deck, but lost a valise
full of valuable papers. J3f0 in cur-
Yency and all his clothing, except one
suit that he managed to throw over
board as be rushed past bis statc
sroom to the room of 'the watchman.
He found the. watchman's door locked,
rind had to force it open. By this time
'the smoke -was stifling and a moment's
delay would have meant another vlc
fllm. So powerful was the explosion that
!the entire side of the hull was blown open,
(and -with the burst of flame came the body
of Fireman Stayton. A. Gundcrson,
laborer, -was about to board the steam
ier when the .flash" came and Stayton's
jcharred remains fell almost at his feet.
3underBon made a rush for him. but
hvas driven back by the fire and smoke.
..nd then secured a pikepole -with which
lie succeeded" in dragging the body out
pf reach of the fire.
"Stayton was dead when he shot
through the side of the hull." said
Gunderson. "His clothing was ablaze
fend the body appeared charred. I was
within a few feet of where he landed,
luid made a rush for him. but -was
klrlven back by the fierce flames that
continued to spout from the gaping
bole. The inside of the steamer ap
peared to be a roaring furnace, and
!then at. once the flames began to break
jout along the entire upper works."
David Reld was restainlng' the for
fward part of the deck. He saw Wade
fead Stayton so Into the hold to .work
' Up Mnnt V. W:de.
. 1
4 t
Mcrrjll 1$ Stayton.
on the tank after dinner, but cannot
toll what caused the explosion. lie
was coered with a shower of burning
oil, and instinctively leaped to the
Thinks Men Were Smoking.
Chief Engineer Smith had charge of the
work on the machinery. He had warned
the men to permit no candles or lanterns
on the steamers, and feels certain that
his subordinates would not disobey
orders. He had scon candles about the
place, but had ordered them removed.
"I do not like to say that cither of the
dead men smoked In defiance of orders,
but that is the only plausible theory that
I can llnd as the cause of the terrible
disaster," said Mr. Smith. "Yc bad per
mission from the Government Inspectors
of Hulls and Boilers to drill the boles in
the tanks for the purpose of connecting
them, and I put Wade and Stayton to
work at S o'clock yesterday morning. We
had removed part of the decking and a
portion of the bottom, so there was plenty
of light, and 1 warned against the use of
anything that might cause an explosion.
"The holes had been drilled before noon,
and when the men returned to work after
dinner they were to thread them and
make the connection. How far they bad
advanced I cannot say. and no one will
ever know. There were about six barrels
of oil in the forward tanks, a small quan
tity, the capacity of the tanks being 7S
barrels. I was In the engine-room when
the. tank exploded, and I could run none
too fast to escape the spreading flames.
I rushed to the watchman's room ami
drove In the door with a timber and
dragged him out through a stifling smoke.
We got down through the wheelhouse in
the nick of time."
Joseph Duncan, carpenter, was at work
In the hold, and he narrowly escaped be
,jmj.,caug)t..iu .the flames. He, too was
ibespattcroQ'with oll.'lmt luckily it did not
Engineer Wade was found "on the port
side of the hold. His remains were
charred beyond recognition, and the body
would have been entirely cremated had
It not been dragged out b' Gunderson and
Hose Company's flood Work.
The St. Johns hose company did good
work In fighting tne flames until the ar
rival of the flreboat George H. Wil
liams, but from the start It became ap
parent that nothing would save the
steamer from total destruction. The
flreboat responded to n still alarm and
made the run to St. Johns in 25 min
utes. Captain Whltcomb believes tnat
by. reaching the .scene a few minutes
earlier he could have saved the hull,
as the ho?e company had held the
flames pretty well in check. Superin
tendent Edlefscn. of the SL Johns
waterworks, started the pumps and
suceede jn kcoplng two powerful
streams going.
Engineer Wade was the sole support
of a widowed ' mother, living at 308
Eugene street. He was 27 ycar old and
had been "with the Regulator four
months. Prior to that time he was in
the service of the Port of Portland as
engineer on the steamer Wenona and
was known as a competent man. His
mother is prostrated over the terrible
death of her son and kind neighbors
are trying to comfort her. Wade's fu
neral will In all probability be held
under the auspices of the W. O. W., of
which order he was a member.
Fireman Stayton was the son of Cap
tain C. P. Stayton. He was 21 years of
age and was married" November 29
last, to Miss Myrtle Brewer, of this
city. They were living with Mr. Stav
ton's parents at 2024 Seventh street.
Stayton went to work on the Regulator
two duys ago aR asbnant to Engineer
Wade during the absence nf tj10 regu
lar fireman, who had secured Icayc of
absence to celebrate his birthday ln
till a few days ago he was employed
rs watchman on the steamer Annie
He Leaves a Yining Wife.
Besides a young wlfc and parents
tnree brothers and a' sister mourn
Stayton's death. The brothers are Nes
tor W. Stayton. pilot on thc m.w
steamer G. K. Wcntworth: Charles
Stayton. engineer on the steamer T J
Polter. and Henry Stayton, mate on the
steamer M. E. Henderson. His sister is
Mrs. C. H. Catlln. of Catlln. Wash. Tho
funeral will probably be held Friday
from FInley's chapel. The remains will
be burled at Catlln, where the family
formerly lived.
Deputy Coroner A. L. .Einley. who hur
ried to the scene, made a thorough in
vestigation and found no reason for hold
ing an Inquest, no one knowing what
caused the explosion. He took charge
of the bodies and removed ihom to his
undertaking parlors.
Witnesses to the exploslon"iay that tho
flames shot fully 50 feet in the air, and
the concussion was felt at tho Govern
ment moorings, across the Willamette.
The Regulator was a atern-wheel
steamer of the following dimensions:
Length. 1ST feet; beam, 34.4 feet; depth
of bold. 7.7 feet She was built In Port
land In 1891, but claimed The Dalles as her
home port. It Is said that she has had
considerable trouble with her oil burners
since they were Installed about a year
ago. several firemen .having been scorched
in handling the fires.
The furnaces, however, had nothing to
do with yesterday's explosion, as the fires
had been down since the boat went on the
ways about two weeks ago. and there
was no water In the boiler. Repairs
would have been completed In about ten
Tirce Steamers and a Tug Played
Around Lightship In Storm.
Three steamers the Senator. F. A. Kll
burn and Jcanle and the tug Dauntless,
all from San Francisco, were off the bar
Tuesday night awaiting dawn and a 'fa
vorable tide to cross In. A llvlng galc was
blowing and mountainous seas swept up
from the south, but the skippers preferred
to contend with a few suffering passen
gers rather tlmn chance running their
snips on the sands and poseibly to de
struction. They kept within speaking dis
tance most of the tim, and stood clowe to
the bouncing lightship, where she tugged
at her mooringF. in order to be near the
bar the moment light commenced to pierce
the dark clouds hanging overlead.
At daylight the quartet made the run
Into port without trouble, and the cap
tains are being congratulated for being
cautious now that the Valencia disaster
has spread terror for the sea all along the
coast. Captain Men-lam, of the Kllburn,
was outside for two days and two nights,
but feels thnt he was Justified' in not
taking chances, as he had a large imsecn
ger Ust and a valuable cargo.
The storm was at Its height when the
Kllburn approached the bar. ami the
weather was so dirty that he considered it
folly to attempt crossing until a more
favorable opportunity presented Itself. As
to having been beaten by the Alliance, he
says he lias to admit that he took plenty
of time running up from Coos Bay. but
he also adds that anyone at all familiar
with the respective craft knows that the
Kllburn has to move slowly if trying to
travel with her rival.
Captain Merriam declares the Alliance
left Eureka at 6 o'clock Friday morning,
and the Kllburn sailed from that port at
6 o'clock that evening. According to Cap
tain Merriam. both reached Coos Bay at
the same time Saturday.
The steamer Czarina, from San Fran-
TIIK V. r. A,
cisco. arrived up late last night to load
wheat for a return cargo.
IJIp: Jtart Takes Another Spin
in the Hay.
ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 21. The big log raft
made another of Its spasmodic cruises
about the lower harbor last night, but it
did no damage, and is now- securely
moored to a dolphin, where it will he hekl
tinlll the weather permits Its being towed
to sea.
Last evening the rrfft was left near Des
deinona Sands, and It was supposed thnt
the two anchors would bold it in place
until today. This morning when the
stream went down, they found that the
raft had again drugged Its anchors and
had drifted across to the south side of
the river near New Astoria.
During the flood tide today one of the
big ancohrs was picked up and the raft
was swung around and shifted in shore
until it went aground 011 half tide. The
lower end was then moored .10 a dolphin,
while two GOOO-pound anchors were at
tached to the upper end. '
The raft is in such a position that It
can be floated whenever desired.
Aragonla's Officers at Dinner.
The officers of the Hamburg liner Ara
gonla were .entertained last evening at
dinner by J. C. Nlsoonger. who Is an old
friend of the captain of the vessel. It was
a most pleasant affair. The Aragonla's
officers have won a large circle of friends
on their visits to Portland, and they are
always warmly welcomed here.
Dauntless to Tow Olympian.
ASTORIA. Jan. 2L (Spechil.) Tho tug
Dauntless arrived in today from San
Francisco to tow the steamer Olympian
to the Bay Qlty. The Dauntless will leave
out with her low as soon" as the weather
conditions will permit.
Marine Notes.
The bark I'aramlta shifted, to the dol
phins yesterday, where she will com
plete" her lumber cargo.
The steamer F. A. Kllburn brought a lot
of valuable horses from Eureka last night.
Two colts were valued at J10OO per hectd.
The jeamer Aurella sailed for Sun
Francisco at 1 o'clock yesterday after
noon and the Alliance sailed lust night
for Eureka and Coob Bay.
Tin French bark Aslc Is In the stream
ready to leave down as soon as a towboat
can be secured. She will probably start
down this morning.
Nothing has been lyard of the French
bark Admiral Courbert which left San
Francisco eight days ago In tow of the
tug Pioneer bound for Port Townsend and
some fears are entertained for their
Captain Croskey. of the steamer Edith,
which arrived at Seattle yesterday, re
ports having heard signals of distress
Tuesday night off Cape Beale. supposed
to be from the Valencia. He waj unable
to stand by owing to a heavy fog and
narrowly escaped running ashore In try
ing to run close to the vessel flashing
the lights.
It is reported that Moran Bros, have
sold their shipbuilding plant on the Sound
for J3.50O.00O and that It will be removed
to some other point on the bay on ac
count of the value of the ground It now
Three sailors of the wrecked British
bark King David accuse Captain William
Davidson of drinking while at sea and
blame him for the wreck. The accusation
of the sailors . has .been given little at
tention so far, but they are qnxious for
a hearing.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASJOItlA. Jan. 2. Condition oC the bar
at ." P. M roush: wind southeast, weather
rain. Arrived af 8 and left up at 10:1. "5
A. M.. steamer Senator, from San Francisco;
arrived ni S and left up at 10:::o A. M-.
steamer Jeanie. from Port Ixs Anneles and
way ports; arrived at 8 A. M. and Iett up at
II A. M-. steamer F. A. Kllburn. from San
Francisco and xfay ports; arrived at S A. M..
tug Dauntless, from San Francisco; arrived
at 0:20 and left up at 11:1." A. M.. steamer
I'zarina. from San Kramifco; sailed at tO;Vrt
Due. to Arrive.
Steamer From. Date.
Jeanie. San Francisco Jan. 24
Northland. San Francisco. .. .Jan. 2
Roanoke. San Francisco Jan.
Despatch. San Francisco Jan. 27
Nome City. San Pedro Jan. 20
Columbia. San Francisco Jan. 20
Senator, San Francisco Feb. 3
Due to Depart.
Steamer Destination. Date.
Senator. San Franelsea. . . ... . Jan. 20
F. A. Kllburn. San Francisco. Jan. 2ii
Janle. I.os Angeles ..Jan. 2ti
Arasonla. Orient... ,Jaru. 2.S
Northland. San Pedro. ...... ..Jam 20
Koanoke, Las Angeles.-., Jan. 30
Despatch. San Francisco Jan. 30
Columbia. San Francisco Jan. 31
Nome City. San Pedro Feb. 1
A. M., steamer Homer, for San Francisco;
sailed at 12 31.. steamer Kedondo. for San
Francisco, and British steamer Tottenham,
for Shanghai; arrived down at 2 P. M., Rus
sian bark Isabel Browne.
San Francisco. Jan. 21. Sailed British
steamer Appalachee. for Shanghai, via Can
ton; steamer Olympic, for Gray's Harbor;
steamer Asuncion, for Seattle; steamer
Argyll, "at I P. M.. for Portland, via Port
Harford; steamer Northland, at 8 A. M.. for
Portland; ship Charles E. Moody, for Port
Townsend; schooner Omega, for Coos Bay:
bark Servla. for Seattle. Arrived Steamer
Coronado. from Aberdeen: steamer Elizabeth,
from Bandon; steamer Columbia, from Port
Woman Sets Of r Cannon Cracker ami
Alarms Entire Neighborhood.
To add to tne gaiety of a contempo
raneous burglary and to cause a com
motion to startle the natives, a woman
placed a glnnt firecracker In a broken
lamp chimney and exploded It near the
residence of Mrs; Minnie Henricl. of
401 Twelfth street, at 10:30 last night.
Mrs. Henricl, whose rear window had
been broken by a burglar at 9:30
o'clock Imagined that a second at
tempt was being made to break In,
and sent for the police.
Policeman Anderson, who lives across
lar. Besides the house will be refur
nished from top to bottom.
It Is understood that Z. E. Spaulding.
of Hawaii, who owns the Perkins" Hotel.
Is contemplating adding from three to six
stories to the building. In such case the
restaurant would be placed on the top
floor, and the bar and barber shop re
moved to basement. This would give
ample room for the lobby. It is said that
the addition of several floors Is assured
and that Mr. Spaulding hay not decided
whether to have three or six .new stories.
The foundation Is of great strength and
the additions could be made without en
dangering the building.
Upon his next visit to Portland It Is
exjiccted Mr. Spaulding will make known
his plan for the Improvements.
Few Teople Know JIow Useful It Is in rre
benrlng Health and Beuutr.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal
Is the safest and most efficient disinfect
ant and purifier In nature, but few real
ize Its value -when taken Into the" human
system for the sumo cleansing purpose.
Charcoal is a remedy that the more you
take of It the better; it is nol a drug at
all. but simply absorbs the gases and. im
purities always present In the stomach
and intestines and carries them out of
the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after
smoking, drinking, or after eating onions
and other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectively clears and improves
the complexion, it whitens the teeth and
further acts as a natural and eminently
safe cathartic.
It absorbs the Injurious gases which
collect In the stomach and bowels: It dis
infects the mouth and throat from the
poison of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal in one form
or another, but probably the best charcoal
and the most for the money is In Stuart's
Charcoal Lozenges; they aro composed of
the finest powdered Willow charcoal and
other harmless antiseptics In tablet form,
or, rather. In the form of large, pleasant
tasting lozenges the charcoal being mixed
with honey.
The dally use of these lozenges will
soon tell in a much improved condition
of th6 general health, bettej complexioti.
sweeter breath and purer blood, and tKt
beauty of it Is that no possible harm
can result from their continued use, 'but,
on the contrary, great benefit.
A Buffalo physician, in speaking of the
benefits of 'charcoal, says: "I advise
Stnarfs Charcoal Lozenges to all patients
suffering from gas In stomach and bow
els, and to clear the complexion and pur
ify the breath, mouth and throat: I also
believe the liver is greatly benefited by
the daily use of them: they cost but 23
cents a box at drugstores, and although
in some sense a patent preparation, yet
I believe I get more and better charcoal
In Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges than In
any of the ordinary charcoal tablets."
(Established iS;?.)
Cures While You Sleep."
Whooplng-Cough, Croup,
Bronchitis, Coughs,
Diphtheria, Catarrh.
Confidence can be placed in a rem
edy, which for a quarter of a century
has earned unqualified praise. Restful
nights are assured at once.
Cresolene Is a Boon to Asthmatics
AH Druggists
fnttal for de
scriptive booklet.
f"Tnlpni AntlRentlc
Throat Tablets for the
Irritated throat, or
your druggist or from
as. 10C. in stamps.
The Yafjo-Cresofefse Co.,
C. Gee Wo
The Great
At No. 162 First St. Cor. Morrison
No misleading statements to the afflicted.
I guarantee a complete, safe and lasting curs
In the quickest possible time, and at the
lowest cost possible for honest and success
ful treatment. I cure, catarrh, asthma, lung;
throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
liver, kidney and lost manhood.
My remedies are harmless, composed of
roots, herbs, buds and barks especially se
lected and Imported direct by us from the
Interior of China.
If you cannot call, write for symptom
blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents la stamps.
Th C. Geo Vo Chinese Medicine Co., J62J4
Urst St., Cor. .Morrison. Portland. Or.
Please mention this paper.
SI Hut nen.'Bote.tienl'
remedy for Gonorrhoea,
Gleet. Spormatorrb.ce.-i,
Whites, Hnaatar! disr.
charges, or any lnfUsrsa,'
1 muilgs, tlon of ra aeons ffisra
ImEtAS 3 &H ElWALut. b ran M . Xoa-utxixigeBt.
or Hat Is slain -ra-r,-, or 3 bottles, fe.73,
f jalt.Sd7. I
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