THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY OCTOBER 16, 1905. US FOLLETTE WILL NOT BE LE Railroad Rate Legislation Fight to Be Managed by Ex perienced Senator. TYRO -MUST GO SLOWLY Fellow-Members in the Upper House of the National Congress Will Jot Tolerate Any Invasion of the Traditions. OREGOKIAN NEWS BUREAU, "Wash ington, Oct 15. Through the medium ot the LaFolIette press bureau, the country has been informed that the junior Sena tor from Wisconsin is to load the Admin istration fight for railroad rate legislation in the Senate next Winter. All of which is pure rot. LaFolIette Is not going to he the Admin istration's leader in any move; he Is not the man. for leader, at this time, anyway. and President Roosevelt is not going to rlakuany cause An. the hands -of a man who wo'uia" invite its defcatl It' may be true, and probably is, that LaFolIette advocates the same kind of railroad rate legislation that President Roosevolt is understood to favor; in fact. LaFolIette was instrumental In having a simllar.Jaw written on the statute books of Wisconsin. But It is one thing to be In sympathy with the President, and quite another to lead aYiglit'champloned by. the President. LpFollette has made good in Wisconsin; he has shown his power in the state, and bolstered up by his success, he now as pires to the Presidency- Incidentally, so his press bureau announces, he aspires to leadership in the Senate. But he cannot hope to become a leader in the Immediate future; Indeed, men of LaFollette's typ seldom attain leadership in the staid Uni ted States Senate. He is too radical to cope with the old and tried leaders who manage the business of the Senate. Must Abide His Time. A6lde from- this, LaFolIette is not im mune from that unwritten rule of the Senate which forbids new Senators from taking a prominent part in the work of that body. The Wisconsin Senator will jiot receive written notice that he must hide himself away for a few years; he will not be directly advised by fellow-Senators to keep in the background, but if he attempts to jump Into the limelight, and forces himself before the Senate, he will be given an unmistakable intimation that his course is not approved, and if he disregards the warning, woe be unto him. The Senate can blight the hopes of its most promising young members; it can make the Senatorial career of ilaFollette a complete allure, if it so desires. This Is seldom done, -for most men take the hint, but it will be done in LaFollette's case if he undertakes to direct the affairs of the Senate next Winter. It is in a way unfortunate for LaFol lette that his colleague, Senator Spooner, is his personal and political enemy. Spooner is one of the shrewd, adroit ma nlpulators. who has won his way into the front rank In the Senate, and is a recog nized power. Uels in such relations with the other leaders that he can do much to humiliate LaFolIette, and his hand will be felt if the new Wisconsin Senator under takes to carry out plans which his press bureau announces. Hate Bill In Older Hands. Looking at it from the other side, Presl dent Roosevelt, while he may approve or much that LaFolIette has done, and may admire the man, Is not going to entrust the management of his railroad rate bill in the hands of a new Senator. The rate flght is going to call for the best Judgment possible, and the Administration Senators will have to cope with the brainiest, shrewdest and most' experienced men m the Senate. A new Senator could never win a fight against such odds. That is one of the principal reasons why an experienced Sen ator will lead the Administration cause when the railroad rate bill goes into the Senate for consideration. TARIFF NOT TO BE TOUCHED Senator Aldricli Is Also Opposed to Railroad Hate Legislation." OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Oct. 15. Senator Aldrich, of Rhode Island, the general manager of the United States Senate, is not telling what the programme Is to; be for the- coming session, but he has allowed an intlmattoi to leak out that there will be no tariff legislation, and no revenue legislation, beyond some provision for Panama Canal "bonds. What Mr. Aldrich may say and think is not necessarily- the plan to be followed 'but It is pretty apt to be, and when the Rhode Island Senator, who is chairman ot -the finance committee, says there is to be no tariff legislation, the probabilities are strongly in favor of such legislation being pigeonholed if it ever comes from the House. But Senator Aldrich is believed to be equally as Interested in suppressing rail road rate legislation which would be ot fonslve to his good friends, the railroads, and there again he is going to have some thing to say later, though he will not talk at the present time. t. Senator Aldrich is a member of the com jnlttee on Interstate commerce, but ne did not attend the hearings given by that committee last Spring, after Congress haa adjourned. His mind js made, up on that question. He knows how he will vote; he knows the kind of bill he favors; he un .derstands what his friends want, and when the time comes for action, thougn he will say little, he will get in a power ful lot of effective work. , There is no discounting Senator Aldrich' ability; he is one of the -mightiest factors " in Congress, and it so happens that he is chairman of the committee which handles jtariff legislation and a member of the committee that must pass upon the rail .road ra.te bill after it passes the House, .That is another reason why Aldrich Is In a position to speak with authority as to ,lcgislatlve prospects at tne coming scs ,-sIon. Any one can take Carter's Little Liver Pills, they are so very small. No trouble to swallow. Ho pain or griping after e .iii i Sole Selling Agents in Oregon for the World Famous Bonnet ef Cie's Silks "The Kind That Grandma Wore" lis Wertnaii & King Bir MMhi "T!t Blffsra-mi StoBIS Fifth, SIxfh and Washington Stress ml S A. H. THE FOREMOST DEPARTMENT HOUSE WEST OF CHICAGO JlO.VD.VY, OCTOBER 18. Sior GIss at !. M. Watches Cleaned AND WARRANTED POR ONE YEAR FOR 75 CENTS Xevr ranlnprlnfc, 75c. All other repatriate of Jerrelry nnd Clock at Proportionately modest prices. First Floor near large elevator. A Harvest of Savings in tne Mid-October Sales A Gala Week of Surpassing Values and Grand Exposition of Advanced Styles for Season of '05, '06 SURPASSING STYLE SHOWS FROM AUTHENTIC SOURCES i Unrivalled Bargains in Seasonable Quality Merchandise m m APART PROM THE FULL SEASON EXHIBIT OP AUTHORITATIVE PASHION PIECES AND FABRICS THAT ARE SURE TO INTEREST CONSERVATIVE SHOPPERS, THE MANY SPECIAL SALES ARRANGED FOR THIS WEEK AFFORD MONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITIES NOT TO BE OVERLOOKED. THESE REMARKABLE SALES ILLUSTRATE THE IMMENSE RESOURCES OF PORTLAND'S GREATEST"T3T0RE. WANTED -NOW THINGS THAT, QUALITY FOR QUALITY, CANNOT BE MATCHED OUTSIDE THIS HOUSE ANYWHERE IN TOWN. SALES THAT INVOLVE EVERYDAY NECESSITIES AS WELL AS LUXURIES EVERYTHING FROM THE TRIFLES IN THE NOTION SHOP TO, HIGHEST CLASS MODEL GOWNS AND WRAPS. AND MIND YOUi-EVERY ARTICLE IS WORTHY THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STAMP, SYNONYMOUS WITH COMPLETE SATISFACTION. ADD THESE VALUES TO THOSE PUBLISHED IN THE FULL PAGE OF YESTERDAY'S STORE TALE, BRING ALONG BOTH ANNOUNCEMENTS OR CLIP THOSE PARAGRAPHS WHICH INTEREST MOST-COMPARE THE PRINTED WORD WITH WHAT OUR PUBLICITY MAN SAW WHEN HE MADE THE NOTES AND YOU'LL BE IMPRESSED WITH THE RING OF TRUTH THAT FILLS THIS NARRATIVE. READ COME STROLL THRO'-SHOP IF YOU PLEASE, AND YOU'LL BE DELIGHT ED WITH THE MOMENTS SPENT IN PORTLAND'S FOREMOST STORE. Bargains in Jewelry Novelties and Leather Goods The seeing! First Floor Sixth Street Annex. largest finest collection we have ever displayed weu worm "e j . . . r. i t Pjxoc fi 1p with ihe rich cleam ot cold, me sneen 01 suver, the glowing color of gems, fashioned by aiust-nngers mio joveiy neck laces, dainty brooches, jeweled combs the many beautiful trinkets that women love to wear. We are ready to show you the new, lovely fashions in imported jewelry. Most of it comes from Paris the ex quisite "Paris Jewelry" that has captured the world of fashion, and which women of wealth wear frankly now in place of the more precious gems. It isn't often you can find so large and choice an assortment of cuff links, scarf pins and studs as we carry, and the nice part of it is they are priced so low that you wonder how we can sell them at such figures ind give you strong and well made goods. Well, we do it, and sell quantities of these nice goods. If you need a new pair of links it is no trouble to show you the line, and we guar antee we'll have your money and you'll have the goods before you leave the store. Quite confident in oil' 'reasoning, you see. Special today. N BEAUTY PINS FOR 10c. Another lot of pretty Beauty Pins; handy and . serviceable for cuffs, collars, waists, etc. Good rolled gold plate aud pretty designs. Special sale price, the pair i 10 C 35c BACK COMBS FOR 19c. Jeweled aud mounted back combs in attractive designs. Good 35c value. Special sale price, each - 19 (J , CHILDREN'S RING MESH PURSES 49c. Children's Ring Mesh Purses, with chain handles. A very popular and stvlish purse. Our 75c value; special sale price, each 49 35c BROOCHES FOR 19c An assortment of La dies' Gold-Filled Brooches; many new styles in the rose gold finish. Our 35c value; special sale price, each 19 COIN AND CARD OASES FOR 69c. To make room for new goods which are arriving daily, we place on sale a lot of Ladies' Combination Coin and Card Cases in different leathers and a good assortment of colors. Values up to $L39 will be included in the lot and we offer them all at the special sale price of, each 69 FINE LEATHER BELTS FOR 39c. Ladies' Fine Leather-Belt&u otTd sizes. Values up to $1.35; special sale price, each j 39 r v nr I j it mm mm e e Br-r-r! Blankets and Comforters " Fourth Floor. KlANKtrS The delightfully cool October nights liave LliTr """t already reminded you of the seasonablencss of si- UcT the blanket nronosition. JSo such iilanxeis m the world as Oregon makes they're WOrld i i ., ' x it 1- il. 1 a. tZT -Tkns p ramous ano mis store geis me dick, oi iuc uev JV made in the commonwealth. With the upward -KV flight of prices on wool, Blankets have, of course, advanced wuu an ouier stores except iuis. n e tc7v' MTyT'W "ougut tne isiauKets we oner you today neany a j vTSJ year ago. xunasiguc iuiis us luai our wnsaui K j stood us well in hand, for our wrices t'odav are i ,i.,i; iiiULU uiiui;i. iiir;G vju utuui o i s i wu. .ijuqi ties. Make us prove it by a look around do it today. While you're in, look at Portieres and Couch Covers. A hint of the price range. TAPESTRY PORTIERES Heavy Tapestry Portieres in all the new 1905 styles, plain colors, fringed or corded; values at, per pair $5.00, 5.50, $6.50, 7.50, $8.50 to 13.00 REP PORTIERES Plain Rep Portieres with Gobelin border; values at per pair 6.00, $7.00, 7.50 to $10.50 VELOUR PORTIERES Fine double-faced Velour Portieres in Orien tal, floral and plain effects; value at, per pair 40, 42.50, 45 to $50 COUCH COVERS Couch Covers; values at, each 1.50, 2.75. $3.00, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00. 6.00, 7.00 to $25.00 BLANKETS White Blankets; values at, per pair 5.00, 6.00, 6.50, 7.50, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00 to $25.00 All-Wool Gray Blankets; values at, per pair $5.00, S6.00, 7.00, $7.50, 8.00, 8.50, $9.00, 10.00 and $11.00 REAL DOWN ALINE COMFORTERS Light, fluffy aud warm; values at, each 2.50, 3.00, 3.-25, 3.50 to $4.00 Cotton filled. Comforters; values at 'each, 1.25, 1.50, 1.65, 1.75 to $2.50 Skirts and Shawfs Three Special Sales in the Annex, 2d floor. Whatever appears under our name may be depended upon. We aim to give you values just a little better than you expect, and then the matteisof holding your trade will be simple for us. 73c FOR LADIES' KNIT SKIRTS, WORTH 1.00. Ladies' Knit Underskirts of good quality, in plain and fancy colors; made with draw string at waist. Our $1.00 value; special sale price each 73 49c FOR LADIES' 75c OUTING SKIRTS. Ladies' OutingtFlanncl Skirts of fine quality in plan) colors of blue and pink; knce-Jength. Our 75c value; special sale price cack...49 2.50 WOOL SHAWLS FOR 1.89. Fine Wool Circular Shawls, in plain white or white with pink or blue borders. Our regular $2.50 value; special sale price each. . .$1.89 Superfine Glove Stocks "The Glove Corner" 1st Floor. . It is indeed a superb collection, look at it as you willl The Gloves right, in every way quality, fit, finish, material and workmanship all are of the highest order. We guarantee a perfect fit. And as to price, they are, without tlio shadow of exaggerationj-an every instance below actual value. ' . OUR KID GLOVES AT $1:00 . -are absolutely unequaled. They are on a par with -most of the Gloves selling generally at $1.25. We've just received another lot of the famous "Monarch" and "Derby" Kid Gloves; also a new supply of well-known "Eskays." Buy Gloves here, have them properly fitted and wc are sure you'll be more than pleased with them both in fitrand wear. The "Monarch" Price, the pair 1. $2.00 The "Derby" Price, the pair ; $1.50 The "Eskay" Pries, the pair ..? S1.50 The "Magnet" Price, the pair $1.00 Swell Evening- Gloves in 12 and lG-bntton lengths; in suede (undressed) or glace (dressed) and in black, white and all wanted evening shades. Priced at, the pair, up from 2.50 and ...$3.00 Hosiery, Women's and Children's Pull of Wear and Beauty . First Floor. Season after season a large majority of Port land's discriminating women have depended and wisely on this store for the filling of their needs in Hosiery. Among the points of vantage which have contributed so largely to the splendid success of the Hosiery shops and never so strongly emphasized as in our new Autumn lines are the excellent values continually offered, and the immense assortments of carefully se lected lines direct from the makers only who give the strictest attention to the details of shapeliness as well as to finish and quality. A little detail of, fine lines selected from the great stocks: Women's Worsted Hose Seamless, plain or rib bed, in black. Price, the pair 25 Women's Black Cashmere Hose Fine, medium weight; finished foot, double sole. Special value ar, the pair 50 Same Hose as above in fine ribbed. Price, the pair ..50p Women's Cashmere Hose in black; extra fine, full finished. Priced at, the pair 75$ an& $100 Children's Black Cashmere Hose Seamless; splendid values at, the pair 25 and 3o Children's Black Cashmere Hose with finished foot, double knee, heel and toe. Great values at, the pair 40c, 50c to .....75 SPECIAL. TODAY IX Women's Hosiery, Knit Underw'ar FIKST FLOOR. WOMEN'S $1J50 VESTS AND PANTS, ZlT.. Fine white Cashmere ribbed medium weight Vests and Pants, regular value $1.50; special, each ...$1.23 WOMEN'S -S2.S0 VESTS AND PANTS, $1.78. "Delmel" Linen Mesh Vests and Pants; long sleeve Vests, ankle lengt.i Pants; regular -value 42.50; special, each 1.T8 WOMEVS fd0O UNION SUITS S3JIU. "Delmel" Linen Mesh Union Suit, regulur value 55.00; special, the suit WO 31 EN'S 91,0 UNION SUITS 81.10. Pure white fleecerllned Union Suits, fine ribbed, good Winter weight; reg ular value $1.30'; special, the suit $1.10 WOSIEN'S $1.75 SILK HOSE $1S. Blaok Silk Hose, medium weight, double sole, spliced heel and toe: regu lar value $1.75; special, pair - $1.28 W03IEN'S 35c COTTON HOSE 25c. Black cotton fleece-lined Hose, full shaped, double sole, heel and toe; reg- ularvalue 35c; special, the pair s5c CHILDREN'S 35e HOSE 22c. Children's black Cashmere Hose, fine ribbed, good Winter weight; regular value 35c;' special, the pair 22c Men's Bargains; a Suspender Sale The tHabcrdashcrie,, 1st Floor Sixth Street. "Bargains" aye that's the word, for men like bargains fully as well as the wiser sex. And men get the bargain habit "allee samee women.' Where a man had but a string for a suspender end a few years ago, now he buys two pairs of Suspenders for the price of onef at a special sale in our man's shop one pair for the Sunday trousers and another for his week-day "pants." The man will never fie satisfied with strings again, but will keep two pairs of Suspenders on hand. 2 for 1 today. Read of the Underwear, Shirt and Hosiery sales too all worth your while. n4n'a $1.00 Underwear, 79c Men's medium weight, natural gray Merino Underwear, one of our most staple lines; regular value, $1.00, special, the garment 79 Men's S1.50 Shirts. $1.18 A fine line of men's new Fall Shirts; stiff bosoms; regular $1.59, special, each $1.38 .Men's 50c Suspenders, 25c Men's lislo web Suspenders with leather ends; regular value-50c, special, the pair 25 Men's 20c Hose, I2V2C Man's Fall and Winter weight Merino Hose in black, oxford, grav and camclshair; regular value 20c, special, the pair 12 l-2 m VALUES TO INTEREST THRITTY HOUSEKEEPERS THAT AWAIT YOUR COMING AT THE Linen Shops and Domestic Aisles First Floor. Go to the Linen Department of any store and you can safely stop there and form your opinion of the whole establishment. We can safelv permit you to judge this store 03- its Linens. Since the oldest house keeper "hereabouts can remember, this store has been noted for its Linens. If ever you find a hint of cotton in Linen bought here, you would make us firm friends of yours by reporting same ami returning the goods. Tills has been the watchword of this store as long ago as this store had its beginning, and never hasthere been a time when Linen buyiug could be better done here than this week. $1.25 Table Linen, $1.00 Richardson's fine satin Damask Table Liuen; choice patterns to select from; regular $1.25, special, the yard $1 Linen Huck Towels, 10c Good size Linen Huck Towels with fancy borders; special at, each 10 Bleached Toweling, 10c All linen heavy Barnsby Bleached Toweling; special, at, the yard .. 10 Russia Toweling, 12$&c All linen extra heavy Russia Toweling; spe cial at, the yard - 12 l-fc Flannelettes, 10c yd. Fine designs in new Velour Flannelettes, light and dark colors; special at, the yard v 15 Flannelettes, 10c yd. Thousands of yards new Flannelettes in floral Persian and fancy striped effects; special at, the yard 10 Bichardson's Linens Just arrived new Fall shipment of Richardson 's fine table Damask, new designs for square and round tables, with Napkins to match. Hand-embroidered Doilies, Traj-cloths, Scarfs and Teacloths. Fine round thread Art Linens in all widths and qualities for embroidery and drawn work. Handkerchief Linens in all grades. SEE THEM. Names of Leading Ten Contestants in the American Manual Training School Voting Contest With Standing of Each at 6 P. M. Saturday. There's tremendous voting going on in the American Manual Train ing School Voting Contest. Below is the' standing as tabulated at G P. M. on Saturday. James Winston, Harrison.... 100,158 Robert Holmes, Harrison.... 32,930 Truman Cook, Falling 30,004 Wright Brown, Clinton Kelly 27fiS$ George Slater, Ladd 234-1 Rolund Malm, Sunny Side.... 17,309 Sidney Crumm. North Central 10,340 ilarlon Ogden, Ocklcy Green 13,60T John Wllhelm. Coucn 10.072 Henry Hawkins. Davis SS3 Scattering 34,35.' Total 3244)30 Umbrellas, 50c or $5.00, Which? Lots of between prices if you don't like extremes. Our Fmbrella stock is very full and complete. Umbrellas of every kind and description are here displayed for your choosing. Children's Cotton Serge Umbrellas Priced at, each 50e Ladies' Black Cotton Serge Umbrellas Priced at, each Sl.OO- Ladies' Gloria Umbrellas Priced at, each Sl.oO Ladies' Taffeta Umbrellas Priced at, each $1.50 and $1.75 Ladies' Fine Silk Umbrellas Priced at, each $3.CtO Black Cotton Gloria Umbrellas for Men Priced at, each $1.00 and S1.50 Black Taffeta Umbrellas for Men Priced at, each, up from ...$1.75 Fine Silk Umbrellas for Ladies or Men Priced at, each, up from $5.00 Men's Stylish Footwear Reduced Ye "Boote Shoppe" on ye "Fair-Way." Sixth Street Annex 1st Floor If this store had become famous for no other reason, it would be notable for having squeezed the extortion out of the Shoe business in Port land. "We'll sell you better Shoes for less monej than you'd be asked to pay by any other Shoe store on the Coast and guaranteee newer, more correct style. We've the best Shoe man in the West we don't know his eqnal in America and you get the benefit of expert Shoe-ology when you come here. We believe every man who takes the time to compare our styles and' prices with those offered by others, will find his best interests served here. The man who puts his feet into a pair of these shoes will buy them on the spot, and thank us for the opportunity. Today's saving chances for men who've Shoes to buy MEN'S $4.00 AND $5.00 SHOES FOR $3.40. No. 102 Men's choice, plump weight Vici Kid Lace Shoes, with straight lasts. A regular ?5.00. value; special at, the pair $3.40 No. 705 Men's Vici Kid Shoes, English Blucher pattern, with double" soles on swing Jasts. Our regular $4.00 value; special at, the pair No. 701 Men's very best Patent Colt Shoes. Panel Blucher lace stvle: very latest design. Our $5.00 value; special for two davs only at, the pair t ."...$3.40 No. 703 Men's Velour Calf Shoes; Blucher style, Goodyear sewed, stout soles; "WaukenphastM lasts. Ouf $5.00 value; special for two days only at, the pair $3.40 No. 704 Men's Vici Kid Lace Shoes; dull box kid tops, oak tanned soles, Blucher cnt. Our $5.00 value; special for two davs only at, the pair ."...$3.40 $3.40 Gas and Electric Lamps Choice lines Gas and Electric Stand Lamps, now Stands and Shades fancy electric Stand iv!th figure new Electric Lamps with fancy colore 1 shades Electric Candlesticks and Candelabras. Ga3 reading- Lamps, com plete, decorated shades, burner?, mantles and hose already to attaco. Regular $3.50 value, special, each Regular j 1.00 value, special, each 93.15 Regular $4.50 value, special, each .53.60 Regular $5.00 value, special, eacn S3J5 All gas and electric Lamps and trimmings at special reduced prices this week. Gas Mantles 15c and 20c each. UNDERWEAR WITH CHARACTER At Prices Easy to Pay Knitwear Shops 1st Floor. We have lifted ourselves out of the ordinary class as sellers of Women's and Children's Undergarments. Said a lady patron the other day: "When a woman wants the latest and best in the garment line, she thinks only of your store. She docs not consider for a moment the competitive howls of cheap-cheap,' because ex perience has taught her that on only the ordinary and often the undesirable goods, for which she has not use, do these prices exist.' Women's "Merode" Cotton Vests, Pants and Tights, medium light weight; vests long, slibrt or sleeveless; pants ankle or knee length. Price, the garment 50p Same as above in medium y.or heavy weight. Priced at, the garment 65 Same in Union Suits. Priced at, the suit $1.-5 Women's "Merode" Part Wool Vests and Tights, white or natural. redium or heavy weight; vests with long sleeves; pants ankle length. Price, the garment $1.00 Union. Suits of the Same. Price, the suit $1.75 Women's Merino Vests and Paints, fine ribbed, good Winter weight; soft and fine feitner white or natural. Price, the garment S5 Women's "Merode" All-Wool Vests and Tights, extra silk trimmed, either white or natural. Splendid value at, the garment $l.oO Women's "Merode" Silk and Wool Vests and Tights; good Winter weight; in white or natural. Special value at, the garment. . . .$1.75 Union Suits Same as above, in white only. Priced at, the suit- .$3.00 Women's Silk and Wool Vest3 and Tights Swiss ribbed, very soft and fine. In white, blue or pink. Price, the garment 1.75 Union Suits Same as above Priced at, the suit $3.o0 Women's Heavy Weight Lisle Union Suits Mercerized; in white, flesh or blue. A great value at, the suit ; $300 Women's Merino Vests and Tights White Swiss ribbed. Splendid value at, the garment ....$1.00 mm m m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m m m m mm m m mm mm m m m m mm m m m m m m m m mm .mm 'mm mm m m mm mm uuunc. a