11 CIRCUS SETS A KIDNEY TROUBLE CROWDS ENTERING THE BARNUM & BAILEY CIRCUS Increasing: Among Women, Bat Sufferers Need Wot Despair THE BEST ADYICE IS FREE Of all the diseases known, with which the female organism is afflicted, kidney disease is the most fatal, and statistics show that this disease is on the increase amonjr women. Performances Equal the Prom ises That Were Made Beforehand. DURBAR OF DELHI FEATURE THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1905. NEW 111 Hippodrome Events, Largo 3fcnag- erie and All Incidents Which t Go to Make Up Show Are Not Lacking. The first visit of Barnum & Bailey's to Portland trill Ion be remembered here for It set a new standard for circus ex cellence. The performances given yester day and last night and to be repeated twice today, are the best ever seen under canvas. To a remarkable extent the show comes up to advance notices. A.t the matinee yesterday there were 14. SS1 tickets taken up at the main entrance, and the night more than 16,000, the mammoth main tent being crowded to Its utmost capacity. All records of circus attendance In this city are broken and It seems probable that the occurrence of yesterday will be duplicated today. In all more than 31,000 attended the two per formances yesterday, exceeding all rec ords of the circus since Its season opened. The performance yesterday afternoon began promptly with the spectacle known as the "Durbar at Delhi." a reproduction jof the memorable pageant that passed In review before the Viceroy and Vlcrelne of India on the occasion of the coronation of King Edward VII. It is a beautiful spectacle, produced under the direction of Boloesy Klralfy, who has spent the Summer at the Fair. In Barbaric Splendor. Many performers, In gorgeous costumes, appear In it. The native cavalry of In dia form the greater portion of the pa geant. There are also scores of dancers and men representing the populace. Two elephants, carrying gorgeously decorated howdahs, in which the principal person ages ride, complete the scene of barbaric splendor. The richness of the costumes worn, the elaborate paraphernalia and the realistic handling of the subject, entitles the "Durbar" to first place among circus spectacles. Of course, the much-exploited "Dip of Death" Is the most remarkable feature of the show, and it certainly supplies a great enough sensation to satisfy the most ardent admirer of daredevil feats. It was successfully accomplished yester day, Mile. De Tiers, the young French woman, making the terrible ride In a full sized touring car with apparently the ut most unconcern. This makes all other Incline riding stunts seem tame by com parison. It is the acme of all death-defying performances, and seemingly must ilwaya stand as such. Human Ingenuity could hardly conceive of anything more terrible. Trained Elephants Perform. The Barnum & Bailey trained elephants lupply one of the most interesting fea tures of the bir show. There are 24 in the nerd, big and little, and their tricks have the added value of novelty. The horses are the best ever seen here, ind the equestrian performers are good tnough to entitle them to the use of such plenaid animals. The most notable among them are the members of the Brun-Lecusson troupe, who do marvelous things with a tally-ho and a four-in-hand; the Rooneys in a tandem trap-cart, and the Wentworth DerrJch trio with an Austrian road-cart. These acts are all unique and supply something new under the sun in the way of circus feats. Among the acrobats the Grunatho troupe of seven women, and the Florenz troupe of 12 men and women stand side by side in point of excellence. Both troupes are famous everywhere, but it was Portland's first opportunity to see their work. Probably the most expert aeriallsts in the world are those In the Imperial Vien nese troupe. Certainly, nothing to equal them has ever been seen In the United States before. Volo, who loops the gap on a bicycle, performs the hazardous undertaking well fcnd attracts great attention. Fine Hippodrome Events. The hippodrome events were splendid and in every respect realistic, especially Is this true of the chariot races. Most remarkable perhaps of all the clowns were funny. "Slivers" and the to or more sawdust comedians are funny enough to banish all the care In town. The trained Animals, aside from the ele phants already refcrTod to, are very in teresting. Pleasant features of the show were the splendid method and clock-work prompt ness with which the performance moved wd the absence of vulgarity or undue coarseness. The menagerie is a magnificent one. Its greatest attractions being the quartet of clraffcB. the 19 fine camels and the big herd of elephants. The giants and the Swarfs, probably the largest and smallest human beings, formed great centers of interest. The immense crowds were splendidly handled, there was practically nothing Tor the police to do and the show seems to be absolutely free from the grafters fcnd "sure-thing" men who usually hang on to a circus. Barnum & Bailey's show is all that one expects to see. It is the greatest and best ever and deserves the immense pat ronage It is receiving. There will be performances this afternoon and to tight. WILIi ItEVOKE LICENSES. Saloonkeepers, if Convicted, Must Forfeit Their Permits. It is the intention of the liquor license tommlttee of the City Council hereafter to revoke the license of every saloon teeper In future convicted of any offense Sn the Municipal Court Such was the lubstance or a resolution adopted by the oody at a special meeting yesterday af ternoon, ana it is merely In keeping with plans formulated several weeks ago, and noted by The Oregonlan at the time, tt is expected that the Chief of Police ind City Attorney will keep the com mittee fully informed relative to all crim inal prosecutions Involving saloonkeepers. M. B. Runklo and R. E. Cowie were rranted a license to conduct a saloon it 41 North Third street, and Marder A Keller at 209 First. The application of Josef Rogers for a license to sell liquor at 888 Upshur street, was refused -a second time. This la the 3erman roof garden that became un pleasantly notorious lately on account of rertain transactions Involving Paul ftelcker and Lombard & Noble. Efforts were made to get the committee to re reree its previous ruling, but they were snavalllng, and any attempt to sell 11- quor in the place will be met with Immedi ate arrest, as the license Inspectors are determined to enforce tho law. John Andessie tried In vain to get a license for a saloon at 294 Shoridan street, and presented a numorously-slgned peti tion in support of his claims. It was placed on file and a counter-petition pro testing against the establishment of the saloon was granted. The following transfers were allowed: Charles Vogelsang, 21 Alblna. avenue.. to Vogelsang & Leader, and Charles J. Wil liams, 107 Russell street, to W. E. Rlkor. PERS0NALMENTI0N. Senator Charles TV. Fulton Is at the Imperial for a few days. H. B. Ankony. of Eugene.- Is visiting for a few days In the city, staying at tho Imperial. M. H. Gomley and wife, of Seattle, reg istered yesterday at the Grand. In Nw York City. Randall H. Kemp, editor of the Gate way, of Seward, Alaska, is in Portland where he has been attending' the Trans-Mississippi Congress. C. H. Mlnto, San Francisco manager for the Hartford Rubber "Works Company, and well known in automobile circlos on the Pacific Coast, is in the city. J. S. Foss. of Stephens Addition, has gone to the beach to recuperate from his hard detective work in unraveling the mystery of a recent fire. J. M. Bennett, of Payette, Idaho, for merly superintendent of bridges and con struction of the Oregon Short Line, ar rived in the city last night. Justice Charles E. Wolverton, of Sa lem, accompanied by Mrs. Wolverton. was a Portland visitor yesterday, while cn route home from a visit at the sea side. John F. McNaught. of Maxwell. Is in tho city to attend the Irrigation Con gress. Mr. Maxwell is the promoter of an extensive irrigation project in Eastern Oregon. Dr. Llttlcflold and famly, who have been living at 701 East Burnslde Street, have moved to their country home near Russellville, on the Base Llpc road. They have gone into the country on account of the falling health of Dr. Llttlofleld. M. J. Costollo. general Industrial agent of the Great Northern Railroad, and J. TV. Searls, Western industrial agont of that line, are in the city attending the Fair. Mr. Costello has headquarters at St. Paul and Mr. Searls Is stationed at Spokane. C. M. Helntz, proprietor of the Rural California of Los Angeles, is a delegate to the National Congress and arrived in the city yosterday. His publication is strongly In favor of adequate irrigation laws by the Federal Government, and Mr. Helntz will advocate such legislation before the congress. President W. J. Kerr, of the Utah, Ag ricultural College, is now spending a couple of weeks in Portland. Mr. Kerr is in attendance at the irrigation con gress and will also be present at the educational congress, which will be held next week. Ho is stopping at the American Inn. CHICAGO, Aug. 21. (Special.) Orc-goulans- registered at Chicago hotels today as follows: From Portland E. Bray, at tho Au ditorium: S. P. Beers, C. L. Davis and wife, at the Morrison; G. H. Barker, N. H. KlefTer. at the Great Northern; T. J. Renwick, at the Briggs. From dVegon C. M. Goodyear, at the Palmer House. EXPERT SEWTNG-5IACHIXE REPAIRS. Also sewing-machine oil of absolute purity, and the best needles and parts for all machines at Singer stores. Look for the red S, 304 Morrison st, 402 Washington St.. B40 Williams ave., Portland, Oregon. Main st.. Oregon City, Or. Many persons Keep Carter's .Little Liver .Pills on" hand to prevent bilious attacks, sick headache, dizziness- and find them Just what they need. US' BEHALF Educational Institute for the Teachers. PROGRAMME OF THE WEEK Teachers From Xational Schools All Over the Country Are Gather ing Here to Outline New Methods of Work. The oducatlon and the final benevo lent assimilation of "Poor Lo" is the object of the Pacific Coast Indian In stitute, which opens a week's session today at tho American Inn at the Ex position grounds. Morning sessions only will be held, allowing the dele gates a chance to seo both the Fair and the surrounding country during1 their week's stay here. About 300 delegates arc expected to be in attendance, com ing from all over tho Western half of the country. Not only will representa tives of the Coast states be here, but a car will come from Oklahoma, an other from the Dakotas, while Wiscon sin, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, Arizona and other states largely in terested in the future of the Indian will be reprosonted. Several delegates will come from the big Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania. Indian School Instructors. The delegates are in some cases in structors In Indian schools and many are connected with the Indian agen cies throughout the country. The sub jects of the addresses to be given deal with evory side of Indian life and bring in all phases of Indian charac ter. Tho object of such gatherings Is to give the teachers new and bettor ideas for their work and to promote the best Interests of the American Indian. The Institute is under the direction of Miss Estelle Reel. National Super intendent of Indian Schools, of Wash ington, D. C. She will be heard during tho convention in an addross. and ad she is thoroughly familiar with the subject of Indian education, she will be carefully listened to. Superintend ent Edwin L. Chalcraft of the Che mawa Indian School Is president of the institute, and Assistant Superintendent W. P. Campbell, of the same Institu tion, is vice-president. Superintendent John J. McKoln is secretary. Committee Meetings Held. Yosterday committee meetings were held at the American Inn to arrange preliminaries for the session which will begin this morning, with music by the Chemawa Indian Band, which will bo followed by an Invocation by Rev. T. L. Eliot. Jr., of Portland. Greet ings will be extended by President H. W. Goode, of the Exposition; County Superlntendent R. F. Robinson, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise. Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. D-; Frank Davey, Salem; Colonel E. Hofer, Salem, and responses will be made by Superintendent Charles E. Shell, Pala. Cal and Superintendent Edwin L. Chalcraft, of the Chemawa Indian School. The enlightenment of the Indian, putting him on an. equal with his white brethren and teaching: him the princi ples of- hard work, these arc the ele ments of - the teachings that will be followed in the session of the institute. E-er since Francis E. Leupp was made Comraissleaer of Indian Affairs, a pol icy of education of Indians without the efTaccment of their native characteris tics ha Ihm.i pursued and his work is making for more advancement for the natives of the continent. There will be many interesting ad drosses during the session, but that of Dr. Sheldon Jackson, Commissioner of Indian Education In Alaska, will be listened to with interest on Saturday afternoon. Dr. Jackson Is the man who Introduced reindeer Into Alaskx and in other ways has done much for the country and its people. Programme Is Outlined. The programme follows: Tuesday. 9 A- M. to 12 M. Compari son of class-room instruction in Indian schools with that of white schools. Su perintendent W. R. "Davis, White Earth, Minnesota. The Mojave Indian Enos B. Atkinson, superintendent. Parker, Arizona. In what special line do Indian Chil dren need the most vigorous teaching to develop the best qualification for citi zenship? Joseph, C. Hart, superintendent, Oneida. Wisconsin. The Employes' Reading Circle: How to use It to host results H. J. Phillips, su perintendent. Lac du Flambeau. Wiscon sin. N- Best method to employ in assisting tho Indian child to earn his living Charles H. Woods, carpenter, Chemawa, Oregori. The importance of all employes being Impressed with the fact that they arc all teachers Horton H. Miller, superintend ent. West Shoshone, Nevada. Industrial and literary training com bined J. Whitwell, principal teacher, Haskell School, Lawrence. Kansas. How to teach English Annie E. Bowd ler, kindergartener. Cantonment, Okla homa. What the Indian should be taught Hon. J. H. Fletcher, Jefferson, Oregon. The importance of better medical de partment In the Indian Service Dr. Alon zo D. Snyder, physician, Spokane. Wash. What civilization has done for the Cheyonnes and Arapahocs John H. Scgor, superintendent. Colony, Oklahoma. What we may learn from the Indians Colonel Hofer, Salem. Orogon. Wednesday, 'August 23. 9 A. M. to 12 M., American Inn parlor Prayer. Tho Dakota or Sioux Indian Charles F. Pelrce, superintendent. Flandreau, S. D. Enrollment of pupils H. B. Pealrs. su perintended Haskell School, Lawrence, Kansas. The importance of giving agriculture and the trades prominence in school work F. C Campboll, superintendent. Ft. Shaw, Mont. Physical culture Miss F. Cullcn, teach er. Ft. Mojave, Arizona. What should be accomplished in domes tic science Katherine L. Kock, domestic science teacher, Haskell School, Law rence, Kansas. The Indian of today W. P. Campboll, assistant superintendent, Chemawa. Ore gon. Is the teacher In Indian schools keoplng abreast of tho times in methods and man agement? Mrs. W. M. Peterson, matron. Ft- Lewis School. Colorado. How can wo best inculcate habits of industry and economy H. T. Markishtum, teacher Pondleton, Oregon. The duty and obligation of the school physician Dr. Andrew Kershaw, superin tendent. Grande Rondo, Oregon. Tho proper standard for measuring (a) the Individual Indian, (b) the Indian school J. B. Brown, superintendent, Mor ris. Minn. What trades should receive most atten tion in giving the Indian child an Indus trial education? Knott C Egbert, super intendent, SUetz, Oregon. What do we accomplish? John S. R. Hammlt. teacher, Haskell School, Law rence. Kansas. Needed assistance and encouragement for returned students Kate Lister, Whlterlver, Arizona. The point of view Allen A. Bartow, teacher. Port Madison, Washington. When should an Indian sever his Tribal relations with tbe Government? c. C Edwards,- superintendent. Horton, Kan sas. Thursday. August 24, 9 A. M. to 12 M. (American Inn parlor) How the Navajo Indian is supporting himself and tho assistance he now needs R. Perry, superintendent, Fort Defiance, Arizona. Knowledge ami training of most worth to the Indian C. W. Crouse. su perintendent, Whlterlver, Arizona. How can we best fit our Indlnn girls for domestic service Mary E, Thelsz, matron. Chemawa Indian school. A brief history of the Indians of the Northwest Coast, with the changes In their condition during the past 100 years and the wars we have fought with them Hon. Edwin Eclls, Tacomn, Wash. Tuberculosis Dr. Tabor R. White, physician. Parker, Arizona. Dc individual gardens, conducted by classroom teachers, produce good re sults? Eiwln Minor, superintendent, Neah Bay, Alaska. Self government Miss Alice R. Preuss. teacher, Lapwla. Idaho. Amusoment for employes and pupils Dr. W. H. WInslow, superintendent, Genoa. Nebraska. Indian school Journalism Dr. L. A. Wright, superintendent, San Jacinto, Cal. The extent and scope of classroom instruction Charles E. Burton, super intendent. Grand Junction, Col. How best can the Indlnns be taught self-reliance Mrs. M. W. DcLoss, Pen- j dleton. Or. The agency physician Dr. J. S. LInd ley. physician. Hoopa. Cal. Friday. August 28, 9 A. M. to 12 M. Prayor. Tho Indians of the Puget Sound coun try, their history and their religion Rev. M. Eclls, Twana. Wash. The evolution of tho Indian school Miss Laura B. Work, superintendent. Pangultch. Utah. The Indian school physician Dr. John Nywenlng, physician, Chemawa, Or. The reservation- Indian vs. the non reservation Indian E. A. Palmer, Hoopa, CaL The Importance of music in classroom work William Davis, teacher, Paw husky, Okla. Manual training In Indian schools R. J. Bauman, Hoopa. Cal. Higher Ideals Real John J. Swartz. farmer, Chemawa. Or. To what extent should tho pupil's Inclinations and preferences guldo the employes in selecting hl3 vocation John J. McKoln, superintendent, Pen dleton. Or. Personal Hygiene Dr. E. A. Pierce, Salem, Or. What more can wo do for returned students? J. W. Reynolds, disciplina rian. Fort Mojave, Ariz. Addross Miss Estelle. Reel, superin tendent. Indian schools, Washington, D. C. Friday, August 25, 7 P. M. (American Inn parlor.) Business meeting; elec tion of officers; resolutions, etc. Conference on Indian affairs, under auspices of committee of congresses and conferences of Lewl3 and Clark Centennial Exposition. Saturday, August 26, 9 A. M. (Amer ican Inn parlor.) Prayer. Music Chemawa Indian School Band. Address by Superintendent F. ' F. Avery, of Miles. Wash. Subject: "Short er Term of Enrollment for Larger Boys and Girls In Reservation Schools." Discussion to be opened by Rev. My ron Eells. Union City, Wash. 12 M. Adjournment for noon hour. 1 P. M. Address by Dr. Sheldon Jackson, Commissioner of Education for. Alaskan Indians, Washington, D. C Subjoct: "The Natives of Alaska, Their Present Condition and Need." General discussion to be opened by H. T. Markishtum. of the United States In dian school. Pendleton. Or. Second Fire Victim Identified. Henry Peterson is the name of the sec ond victim of the fire in the Stateroom Inn. which was destroyed at an early hour Saturday morning. Identification was made at noon yesterday, when H. Johnson, an uncle of Peterson, called at the office of Coroner J. P. Flnley. Thomas Sorenson ww the other man Those afflicted with Eczema know more than can be told of the suffering fire." It usually begins with a slight redness of the skin, which gradually spreads, followed by blisters and pustules discharging a thin, sticky fluid that dries and scales off, leaving an inflamed surface, and at times the itch ing and burning are almost unbearable. While any part of the body is liable to be attacked, the hands, feet, back, arms, face and legs are the parts most often afflicted. The cause of Eczema is a too acid condi tion of the blood. The cir culation becomes loaded with fiery, acid poisons that are forced through the glands and pores of the skin which set the flesh aflame. Since the cause of the disease is in the blood it is a waste of time to try to cure it with local applications; the cause must be removed before a cure can be effected. S. S. S. sss cured under the ordinary treatment yield to its purifying, cooling effect on the blood. Book'on Skin Diseases and any advice wished, without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA Q. Who are the best dressed men ? A. The men who wear GORDON HATS Gordon IN A WEEK ' WealrStiTee atulTTn every case tation free. Letters confidential. Instrucuve -"w-". " PlaWeWcureP the worst cases of piles in two or three treatments, without opera tion. Cure guar -teed. , TT . . . , . . If you cannot call at office, write for question blank. Homo treatment suc cessful. Office hours. 9 to 5 and 7 to S. Sundays and holidays, 10 to 12. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offices in Van-Noy Hotel, 52 Third St.. 1 Cor. Pine. Portland. Or Unless early and correct treatment is applied the patient seldom survives when once the disease is fastened upon her. Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the most efficient treat ment for kidney troubles of women, and is the only medicine especially prepared for this purpose. When a woman is troubled with pain or weight in loins, backache, frequent, painful or scalding urination, swelling of limbs or feet, swelling under tho eyes, an uneasy, tired feeling in the region of the kidneys or notices a brick dust sediment in the urine, she should lose no time in commencing treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it may be the means of saving her life. For proof, read what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Sawyer. " I cannot express the terrible suffering I had to endure. A derangement of the female organs developed nervous prostration and a serious kidney trouble. The doctor attended mo for a year, but I kept getting worse, until I was unable to do anything, and I made up my mind I could not five. 1 finally decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound as a last resort, and I am to-day a well woman. I cannot praise it too highly, and I tell every suffering woman about my case." Jkts. Emma Sawyer, Conyers, Ga. Mrs. Pinkham gives free advice to women ; address in confidence, Lynn, Mass. who lost his life In the fire. He te a brother-in-law of Johnson. The latter lives at Clifton. Or., and reached the city yesterday noon to take charge of Soren son's body. It was when ht looked at Peterson that Identification was made In that case. Burial of the victims will be at Clifton or Notch Hill. B. C. probably the latter, as it was from there 'the vic tims came. MIss Anna Lubet. who sustained a. fracture of the spine by leaping frem the second story of the building, is In a very critical condition at St. Vincent's Hospital, and 1s expected to die hourly. Deputy Coroner Arthur L. Flnley. who Investigated the cases, stated yetfterdny that no inquest would he held, as he was satisfied there was no blame attaching to. any person for the conflagration. Don't wait until you are sick before tryr ing Carter's Little Liver Pills, but get a vial at once. You can't take them with out benefit. imposed by this "flesh Eczema made its appearanee on my left limb the size of my thumb in 1893, and spread until it was large as my hand, burning, itching and paining me, and for which I could get no relief, until see ing the other cures advertised by you I wrote and secured the advise of your physicians, commenced S. S. S. and it cured me. Mayetta, Kan. J. H. SPENC3. has no equal as a remedy for Eczema; it enters the blood and forces out the poison through the natural channels, and builds up the entire system. The skin becomes smooth and soft again, and the Eczema is cured. Cases that have persistently refused to be Jft k irfw irj MM MMM Hats $3 We treat successfully all private ner vous and chronic diseases of men, also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. Wo euro SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay cured for over. We remove STKICTURE without operation of pain, in 15 days. We stop drains, the result of self abuse. Immediately. We can restore tho. sexual vigor of any man under 50 by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week The doctors of this institute are all regular graduates, have had many years' experience, nave been known In Portland for 15 years, have a reputa tion to maintain and will undertake no case unless certain cure can be ef fected. we undertake or charge no fee. Consul-