Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 31, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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I 7 : " :
Vlcf-0nat at Waraaw were Injured and!
informing him that an Immediate inquiry
would fc made to ctabUsfa the tacts. The
Co rtral are understood to liave been
Portland's Largest
The "Quality Shop"
wounded by Cotaackj while the Ut'.tr
"M-Mffeirt Store m
WasU&tma Sts.
aeere clearinr the streeta.
1k-Mirrerat Store- (b -
British Lion Roars
Russian Bear,
Explanation Is Promptly De
manded From Russia.
Russian Fleet Could Not Distinguish j
It From Torpedo-lost, i
"PARIS, Jaa. 54. The International Com
rabeion Inquiring lute the North Sea In
oldeat. at its session today heard two
Swedish witnesses. Captain Johnson and
Jlate Slremberg. of the carco boat Alde-
baraa. They both testified that a tew
hours preceding the firing on the British
trawlers by the Russian second Pacific
quadrea their boat was attacked in the
North Sea by a strange warship which
fired many ahota at the Aldebaran. but did
not do her serious damage. The stranger
then dUappeared,
Counsel for Jtassia protested that this
testimony was not directly connected with
the North Sea incident, but Admiral f our
nler. president of the Commission, ruled
that the testimony was admissible.
Hugh O'Beirne, the British agent. saM
the strange vessel was the Russian trans
port JCamtchatka, which mistook, the
Swedish craft for a torpedo boat. Mr.
0BHro further declsred that -the Karnt
ehatka thereafter sent a wireless message
to Viae-Admiral Rojestrensky. notifying
Ruttims Accuse Britain of Incltlno i Mff "l b br a tor'
Strikca British Resent Charge
and Say l( Caused Attack
en Their Consul.
LONDON. Jaev. aaRofxtrta tmmtmuurd
arts e-f bteMO to Cn- Brfcaia aed est
ircn or tbia mwu) in RU are caau.--r
mttoh pendoxfty and awxiet) ha efaaial
tm I(Vor ,t tkr- PerHpi Offlee
Wre im MMK apprebra of aetb-r
jmtar Mt-RMta outburst ber. a.
h dtptoaaat ry tbre U mm 4ubt
that fmM MtfofaeOteat te riven for the
Warsaw affair, she a-wpaper are uaaai
mmut im ewUcgnstatiea of RwrMa. attd at
tribute all torteente to aati-Brklafa aeatl.
At ism- Frri Offle today k was Ml'
uW tfca itiarf aflewnHtlated vidViteea
f hostMKy. whether aartSital r lalra
t tonal ar aauMng siteh apprtAenaien.
and that K tt be sfsary for the Rw
Hu rveranM-nt tu ctv fuM aavj prompt
ex plana Horn, etfcerwUc pepatar reMimrnt
In the Ueltnd SClegdesa ssight ereate a e
tUim akcattes
It waa iAU4 m tkat wfeKe the tm
red pro-Cal at Wrr,
is caerrty as kMerpnrter and naval clerk
Us the Couautate. that faet made no tftf
frrrer. and Um4 H vuM srrMar)'
to prove that llw affair waa at the re-
mM of the pebMoatlfra of the ebjtiaable
ooOeea ooitaontfag wb4eh Amtaadof
Har&4ag already has pcaieated CiciaHj"-
Tbe fottowtBi eotntwcnleatioa waa iaaued
by the Foreigs OSce this evesAng:
"iBfersnaiSon haa bees received from
Sh IirtUfc Consul st Warsaw that he
and Mucukala. the Jrro-Canai. were at'
iaeke4 by th aaidiers Murray (the Cm-
wi-CesrraaJ is net beMeved to have bE
tajured, but Mueukaia. who is a Ruaauuj
aukiert. waa wosBded by sword euta, and
U is a hospital. Representations wrre at
ear sna4 by Asbaaaadr Hardinge to
the Riiaaian gvraaarst, wMh demadd
ihat the CoveroMetrral of Warsaw
Institute strict in airy lata the lnsldest.
His 3eaetys AsBbaaa4or also set Oalo
eel Napttr, the snfUtary attache, so ".Var
aaw to restart en the'xueeot "
Russian Government Rebukes Man
Who Peeled Offensive Telegram.
ST. PETORH iflTRG. Jan. X. -The Jub
lit rejirS&and admiaUterrd to .Deputy
Chief of rtwiee Reudseff. of Mosew. on
aceount of the poattng of the
aat4.Britlsh telegram thta eaty. has
been tfcUvrred. and is gernapnt otrrlr
H is thought to be swrc ough to aat
isiy British optatiew M i thought that
this atep. togrther w4th the olreuiaelon
oT the reprimand as heovtoetal admtaas
tratioss. aK prrt frthrr attaeka r
tMiftoatieas against feretgsets and wM
remove the isteidt- fam th- realm of
dered bis aquadrun to be on the outlook
for trpe4boata. which Mr. O'Beirne as
serted. caused the North Sea incident.
The finbeimen concluded their testimony
during the afternoon. The last witness, a
man named Costello, said that during the
eanaonade he saw a black obect which he 4
thought i a torpedoboat. 1-ater at Hull,
after examining the charts, he concluded
that the ebjort he had aeen was a trawler
without lights. Vlce'Adrotrat Doubasoff
.Rstaal made the point that the aubse-
QUest ronclualon waa n imfvpoBed one.
whereaa his Wlief at the time he saw
the obJx1 was that It waa a torpedo-boat.
Admiral Founder croas-examlsrd the
witnaa concerning why he did not aee the
trawlers nearby, but aaw a black object .
at a renaSderable distance.
Costello maintained that he did not see-
other boats, but saw the uaknewn object.
The witnesa was then confronted by sev
eral other fishermen. This developed much
evntradictlun. Costello maintaining be saw
thr black object.
Tb Russian officers wMI begin their tee-'
Uraoay tomorrow.
Servian Official Paper Says They Be
lleve in Constitution.
HKIXJRADK. Jan. 98. The aemlfflcial
jrwsiafMr organ here today publlsbed the
The government I fuHy eenvinced that
theregtar army omcers believe in strict
cnst!ttiona go'ernrart. but never will
mix up la any governmental affairs, for.
after risking th-lr Uws to save the coun
try from anarchy and demoralisation by
an art which the country thankfully ac
knowledged, they immediately installed a
parliamentary government."
British Consul Reports Attack on
Himself and His Assistant.
L0ND&N. Jan. .-TKr ForHen OCVm
has reorived a t4ram frwaa Cm!-G-r-rnH
)lrri). at Waeaw. -jwrtac that
Mmarlf atftd 1CwatHBl yiuowkasn wrre
-started by Rssla mmvntotmm gage4
tm e4earteg she of aoaw It ap-
Para that 3dr. Xvtrrai U vartiaM' dUaf.
aatd si4M' 4id al hea thr approach
the srvopa. and wheat ne aubi'Mwajtir
mdeaforod to mak Wnown Ms perawnal
H. at was MxM ataat The fWrrigat
tSoe ha wdegrathed to Ambaaaador
tia4tase to maVve isrgenc rereen4aton
at Sc Frterahurg en the ahneC
Prince Eltel Improving.
POTSDAM. Jan Prin-f Kite! Fried
tieh sl-)t wrli and perspired freely dur
ing the MghU acoarainc to a belletln is
sued at A M. His temperature is 9t
and puiae ?C
The inflammatioa of the right lung has
extended, and the Inflammation of the
pleura, liaa diminiehed. Pains n the left
aide have been mere aevere since yester
day, but the Frtnoe'a general condition is
aa tlafactor) .
Follewing ia the evening bulletin of the
The Prince had less pain during the,
day and alept much. HI temperaturoM
this evening is hO: pular. 71; respiration,
appetite good.
Prguy to Withdraw Paper Money.
NEW YORK. Jan. 34. -The Paraguay
govern met k reorganizing Ma finances,
according Ut a Herald dispatch from
Asuncion. The directors of the Banco
Mercantile have proposed the conversion
of the papnr currency at If 00 per cent the
first year. iUt the secosa. and so en until
00 per cent is reached.
tenBd tram Pace 1.
Reported Charges That She Incited
Strike and Riots.
ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. . New com.
ptttatloes between Great Britain and Kua.
aia are feared os account of the attack
the British Ceeasi and VJee-CensuI at
Warsaw. atsrday sight Coming on the
heels the placards posted by Assistant ,
Keudneff at Moscow, i
rupMos necessary being to find a pur
ohaaer at the atockyard. and when this
Is a typteal. oosaatJ' recurring course.
th ourront thus existing 1k a current of
commerce among- the state, and the
purchase of the cattle is a part sad inl
tftnt of such commerce-"
Trade is Interstate Commerce.
WtCk rrferenee to the allegation that no
tetorstate ewmmeree Is involved in the
aair of meau by the packers, the opinion
The aliegatioaa of the necond section,
eves if they Import a technical passage
f tHic at the slaughtering places, also
import that the sales arc to iwrsona In
other at!, and that the shipments to
thel states ate part of the tranaetlen
purMam ut such sales' and the third
-ctl Imports that the same things
wMeh are sent to agents are sold by
thorn, and sufficiently indicates that (
some, at Wat of Otr sales are of the erlg- j
)nal packages. Moreover, the sales arc '
b prison in one state to persons in .
aotbr. But we do not mean to Imply t
that the rule wlrtrb marks the point at i
which state taxation or regulation be- j
sm permissible necessarily is beyond t
the op of lntexttrenee by Congress In t
cses wherr-uch lnterferewee Is deomed
necessary wr inc pretecxton oi cominerce
among the states. Nor do wc mean to
intimate that the statute under consider
ation is Knitted to the point.
Must Modify Injunction.
After referring in detail to the objec
tions to the original htH of complaint, and
disposing of all f them as Insufficient.
Justtett Holmes said
The Acfondawts ennwot be ordered to
i Wef of Polier
. I HNW. fTJ-J wt .
Arm to give iHrootiens or to make agree- j
rcTolution In Kaaata, the Warsaw incJdcni
U aaejy to areuac an e-aiwursi m unai , mntM b xm cumpete.
Britain which may again strain relations i Modifications of the injunction mere !
between the tno couatriea. Beyond the J mrtri as follows:
fact of the attack at Warsaw reaultlng In -Tiie general worda of the injunction,
the "Winter of the Brttiah Vice-CenanL j j,y aHf 0lRrr method er device, the (
who Is now in a fcorpttat the British Km- 9mrTett and effect of which is to restrain !
baasy here has tut detaHs of the affair, ; cmBvorce aa aforesaid, should bt trick- '
hut er Charies Jlarcanxe. the Bnaah Am- ; , The defendanta ought to be in
haasvador. haa already deHrered a note to I tmrwA aa afcuratdy aa the case per-
Forties Xlstater Ladorff asking for aa mtu, tuit they arc forblddea to do. Spe- !
Immediate investigation and explanation. I A-itr- are mentioned in the WH. !
rraerrlar any dalms wtaefe may be here- , aBj4 ttt9f ,tan4 prohibited. The words :
ir sua, ano ai i aw uw aaaang , outrd as a awecDine- lniunctlen to obey
for the protection f British Consuls
throahost the empire.
By the first train he also d-lapetrhed Ms
or Najier the British satftUary attache,
to Warsaw, to aaeurt a f nil report on th
PuWic Tea Room
Second Floor.
Under the auspices of Portland
T. W. C. A.
Grandma" Munra. Hostess.
. Mock Turtle Soup.
Rusks. Crab Salad.
Tea Cakes.
Tea. Coffee. Chocolate
Milk in Bottles.
1 aW '
f eT i I
SPECIAL NOTICE TO "CHARGE CUSTOMERS' Any gooia bmgt in the store cm' credit accesats today will 1s charged on Pebrnaray hills.
Five More Days of Clearance Sales
Get the eYery day Tixitias habit. You'll find it to your advantage to do so; it se&ns p refit and satisfaction to yon. Oar advertising newa
appeab ta eTerybody. Appeals more strongly than ever today and this ireeh. Our store sews possesses positive element, because it is
always bached xp with literal and absolute facts. We strive to mafcs it plain, clear, direct, so that it is bound to interest" all, and be easily
mmderatood. This business requires no fine-strung arguments. It has grown and stands today on merit. If you're acquainted with onr
merchandise and will compare prices you'll readily understand why throngs are largest here at PORTLAND'S LARGEST STORE. THE
CLEARANCE SALES END WITH THIS WEEK. We print today merely a few reminders of their economy opportunities Selections from
a mighty host.
Extra! Extra! Extra! A Gigantic, Sweeping, EinaS
Winti-Up Sale of
Women's Suits and Calling Gowns
The Street Suits, in Tegular values up from $12.50 to .$125.00, at prices
already lower than anytber house in the city ever offered equal qualities.
This closing week of clearance at HALF PRICE.
In very latest modes, and beautifully trimmed in rare, rich laces, velvets
and hand embroideries. Here again the immense variety makes descrip
tion of little use. Come and select your Calling Gown from the largest
stock of superb creations that were ever shown by any. Portland, house.
Regular values up from $40.00 to $250.00 this week at HALF PRICE. We
prefer our patrons would benefit by this present loss than run risk of damage
to the gowns during the department's renovations.
Half Price
In order to make the clear
ance more complete, we shall
also include the Coats. In every
variety and style Raincoats in
cluded. For one week, to close,
positive and final, you may se
lect any coat in the house at
HALF PRICE. And wc guaran
tee every regular price to be
lower than equal by any Port
land house and yet this week
3'on divide that price and save
Watch for the great sensa
tional specials of the week in
this section. If prices will do
it, we're going to elear the racks
and tables bare to the walls.
1 1
Wonderful Values
in the Wrnd-Up of Clearance in the
Domestic Aisles
First Floor; '
) I WORTH 3.50 FOR
Fine. Marseilles BeJ
sareaas. In handsome
raised deslgms. pood
'.value at $3.53. Spe
clalClcarancc prlte.
. . VrSv.. . . . sxss
A splendid snr line oC
beautiful satm-Anish
Bedspreads, rrlih cut
corners and frlag-ed
sides. AH at Clear
ance prices
838 l
Flannels, richly em
broidered with best
quality of silk, hem
stitched and scal
loped effects.
Our 52.25 value; spe
cial Clearance price,
the yard $1.98
Our $2.00 value; spe
cial Clearance price,
the yard L-W
Our value; spe
cial Clearance price.
the yard fl.39
Fancy Terry Cloths, xman.used for house gowns and lounging-
Our J1.75 value ;. special, CI etarance price, the yard $1.85
Our J.200 value: special Clearance price, the yard si .36
Our J2.50 value; special Clearance price, the yard S1.75
A swell line of English Cashmeres, In all the- new desir
able colors.
Our 40c value; special at, the yard 36c
Novelty Dreas Goods, in plain and mixed effects and in all
Our 45c value; special at. the yard.... -e
FOR J1.00.
Heavy Cloaking. In black or gray mixtures, 54 Inch. wide.
Our J1.75 value: special at, the yard $1.00
Fancy Moreens. In striped and figured effects, varues In the
lot worth to 51.25. Speclul Clearance price, tne yard. --35c
Scotch Ginghams and Madras Cloth, about 3000 yards In all,
in many pretty patterns. Our 25c value; special Clearance
prlcr. the yard loC
1O.J00 yards of heavy bleaohed Muslin, no starchor Jresa
Ing In It, 36 Inches In width. An actual Sc value: special
Clearance sale price, the yard 5c
Pieces of fancy Drawn Work and cluny lace. In scarfs
and centerpiecea. squares, etc., all of them very nandsome.
During this salo your choice of anything In this line at
Just 25 per cent off of the regular price.
Grand Wind-Up Sales in
Women's Knitwear and
Hosiery Stocks
First Floor.
Women's cream-tinted cotton
Veata. long and short aleeves;
each 25c aad 15c
Women's fine white lisle Vests,
long sleeves, medium Hgnt
welght. 50c quality: spec.. 35c
Women'a Winter-weight fleece
lined Vests and Pants, cotton,
35c quality; now 35c
Women's fine ribbed Union
Suits, cotton, long sleeve, an
kle length, good weight,
cream. 75c quality 30e
Women's natural wool Vests and
Pants, 31-00 quality, each. .50c
Women'a fine ribbed Winter
weight cotton Vests and Pants,
fleece-lined. 50c quality. . .S5c
Women's white Swiss ribbed
three-quarter wool Pants,
nonshrlnkable. Jl quality.. 3Se
Women's Balbriggan Vests and
Pant. 50c quality; now 33-
Women's black cotton ribbed
fleece-lined Hose. 35c quality:
each Xe
Women's fancy Hose, striped
and with fancy boots, 25c and
35c quality; special. pa!r...l9c
Women's black ribbed cashmere
nose. 50c quality: special,
pair 28c
Women's 25c black seamless cot
ton Hose; special
Women's 15c black cotton Hose; now, pair 16c
Cnlldren's black cotton Hose. 17c quality; now, pair 19c
Children's black worsted Hose, double and fine ribbed, a
great assortment of them, values from 25c to 40c; spe
cial, pair 18c
A great assortment of boys Shirtwaists, Blouse Waists, per
cle. unlaundered and laundered, slightly soiled, many of
them very dressy and values up to 31.25; all special.
thr Saw. and are epea te tbe abjection
-bteb we stated at the beginning that
K waa Hr duty te avela
Fwrthr attggrstkms looking te the mod
Mcatiea t tbe is junction were made as
the Moaosar placards by asster that Ut j M th WH. It seems to us, however,
atrertie had ba sexit ta rrsoove a , K euxht to et forth more exactly the
traces at the placard from Ue tra. traartU Is wWch suefa directions and
It ie saw )eanad. betreter that alaaBar . -CTWMrta are forbidden. The trade in
ttcs had keen peeted at Llbaa aad trrtM SMtt referred to ahould be defined
Iteval, yrUeh W to a rtmenal of rejx- x M It U U the bill, and the
tatioca ma Uui score w Mtoek should be eonfiaed to aalea
la tlds reoBcctlua, apearasce rt the J ef uck at tba rtoekyards for rale or as
2?t2l fmJTZZ i jTaXbU 2He ' M-Mp0rtUa ' tbe purchase of livestock thus situated. J pressed, fall under the prohibition of the
tarUior tfeal tbe atrike and rerola- ' . it condemns as an unlawful restraint of , so-called anti-trust act.
Jleoary bmvismsU era irnot4 by tbe I tuecl 01 decision. trjl(Je the combination between such deal- I , r ,
rzxermaf aa w aa iattraal sesalea ef la apaakku: f the dedal es. Attorney-j era for the purpoee of fixing and main- EFFECT OF DECISION.
Kuaaaa. m uc vvjrtn n ravraaarag ueenu xowf hw- laimng unuorm m -
tbe mttarjr aad st&ral plaaa. baa created
The Wind-Up of the'
Clearance in Shoe Store
Sixth-Street Annex Flrat Floor.
This Is a general clean-up of numerous lines of Shoes
for men, women and children, and among the various lots
arc some of the most remarkable values we bave ever of
fered. It Is a. noteworthy fact that these are not "bargain"
shoes, such as arc seen in quantities in the periodical shoe
sales elsewhere, -seemingly made for the purpose. All are
taken from our own regular stock and reduced..
This means that every shoe offered is a safe shoe to buy.
and fully guaranteed by us as good value at the original
price. It also means that sixes are somewhat broken; but, ad
there are many different styles, almost every customer
should b able to find a pair that fits and that without much
WOMEN'S 33.50 SHOES 32.00 Women's patent colt, dress
shoes, medium round toes, military heels, flexible welt
soles, dull calf tops, very choice styles. Regular value
33.50, special, pair. . ; 9X86
iOYS SHOES 3Sc AND 51.28 PAIR Boys' all solid box calf
Shoer. double soles, round toes, choice plumb. uppers, sizes
11 to 2; special OSc pair; sizes 2j to 5, special, pair. $1.38
MEN'S $3.50 AND $4.00 SHOES $2.7S Men's Blucher, patent
. colt, double welt soles, full rounj tocst Regular values
$3.50 and $4.00, special, pair..., $2.78
WOMEN'S $2.50 JULIETTES $1.74 Women's vlcl kid Juli
ettes, dongola tops, patent tips, opera heels, flexible soles.
Regular value $2.50. special, pair S1.7S
MISSES' $2.50 SHOES $l.6S Misses' fancy top dress Shoes,
medium soles, neat round toes, soft kid uppers, sizes. 11 to
2. Regular value $2.50, special, pair 91.88
WOMEN'S SHOES WORTH $6.30 FOR $2.50 1000 pairs Of
women'a Shoes, made of best quality of stock, either but
ton on lac, and Louis or military heels. Look on Bargain
tP$ble .No. 1 for these. Our $5.00 and $6.00 value; special
' -at;- the pair
WOMEN'S $3.60 SHOES FOR $1.75 1500 pairs of women's
Shoes in patent cojt or vicl kid. stock or patent tips, turn
or welt soles, good street shoes. You will find these shoes
on Bargain Table No. 2. Our $3.50 value; special at. the
pair 91.75
WOMEN'S $4.00 SHOES FOR $2.00 1180 pairs of Women's
Shoes, In patent or plain kids, with military, Cuban or
opera heels. On Bargain Table No. 3. Our $4.00 value; spe
cial at half price, or the pair
MEN'S LEGGINGS WORTH $5.00 FOR $3.28 Men's leather
riding Leggings, In choice brown shades. Our $5.00 valuer
special at. the pair S3JSS
Women's fur-trimmed Jullettes. in red. black or brown,
very dressy little affairs, with Cuban or opera heels. Our
$2.00, and $2.50 values, special at, the pair $L4S
BOYS' SHOES Heavy Winter Shoes for boys here, in box
calf, with double soles, full round toes and military heels,
neat looking and wear well.
Sizes 11 to 13. Our $2.00 value; special at, the pair.. S1.4S
Sizes 13 to 2. Our $2.50 value; special at, the pair. .S1.6S
Sizes 2 to 5. Our $3.30 value; special at, the palr..$
WOMEN'S SHOES WORTH $2.50 FOR $1.6S Women's "Com
fort" house Shoes, with good broad toes, flexible soles and
common sense heels. Our $2.50 value: special at, pair.
BOYS' LEGGINGS Boys' fancy velvet Leggings, very nice
for the little chaps. Our $1.50 value; special at, pair....8Sc
MISSES' SHOES Here In box calf or vlci kid, with double
soles and full round toes, good school shoes; sizes 11 to 2.
Our $1.76 and $2.00 values; special Clearance price, the
pair :............................ ............91.93
Silk and Dress Goods Stores
Fifth-Street Annex First Floor.
LOT 1 Imported all pure wool French Voiles and silk and
wool Crepe de Paris, In evening and street colors, no
shade missing: our regular $1.25 and $1.00 Crepe de Paris.
our regular $1.00 Voiles; special for the last week only.
the yard 78c
LOT 2 54-inch imported mohair Sicilian, Just the thing"
for serviceable shirtwaist suits, in royal, gray, brown,
navy, Oxford and black, our regular 85c per yard quality;
special for the week, per yard 5 He
LOT 3 Imported novelty Suitings, French and English mada
fabrics, at exactly half price
Regular, per yard $2.50 $2.2o $2.00 $1.75
Special, per yard 91.25 91.12$ 91.06 9 .$736
LOT 4 54-lnch Imported English Novelty Mohairs, in new.
neat effects, also hard-twisted tailor worsteds, splendid
fabrics for street stilts, regular $2.50 and $2.25 per yard;
special Clearance nrice, per yard . 9L48
LOT 5 52 and 54-inch Tailor Suitings, all in good colors
and makes, good fabrics for street suits and skirts our
regular $L75 and $1.50 values; special Clearance price. 72c
LOT 1 At less than naif price, $1.75 and $1.50 values for,
per yard ...............72c
52-Inch all-wool Panamas, Canvas Cloths, Sangliers and
Fancy Cheviots, at. per yard..... 72c
LOT 2 Regular $2.50 and $2.25 values. Novelty Turkish Mo
hairs and Crepons, a good assortment of styles to choose
fromat special Clearance price, per yard .$1.33
For the last week, of tha Clearance Sale we have taken
every phfee of our Xtqmense stock of aul silks. he swelleat
assortment ever shbwn by any store in tnls city they5 have
ALL got to go thi week to make room for the hundreds of
new pieces now In our receiving-room. You will find them on
special bargain tables Fifth-street Annex In three big
lots. LOT 1 Neat checks and stripes and Satin Foulards in polka
dots, a grand color and style assortment to choose from;
special Clearance price , 50c.
LOT 2 A grand assortment of Suit Silks, in all the latest
colors and styles: special Clearance price 72c
LOT 3 4860 yards of Suit Silks. White Indlas, 27-Inch Black
Taffetas, the best silks made, all the Tiewest styles to
choose from; special Clearance price iCc
LOT 4 $4.00. $3.50. $3.10 imported French figured Broch.
Silks, in all evening shades. Impossible to describe these.
See Washington-street window display. Special Clearance
price 91.83
A Wondrous Silk Bargain
Seldom has it been equaled even by this store of silk sur
prises. Think of nandsome satin-finished Peau de Cygnes
for 31c the yard, and the India Silks so much wanted for
dainty waists then come expecting a remarkable value.
Our word,you'll not be disappointed.
Colored satin-finished Peau de Cygne and India Silks, good
color assortment to choose from. Special for today and
Wednesday, per yard 21c
JUST IN BY EXPRESS New Rajah Pongees in very swell
new colorings arrived yesterday On dress parade today.
A Wind-Up Sale of
Women's furnishings
10c for 2-Yard Strips of Ribbon.
Thsse Ribbons are all silk, heavy
satin faced. What little girl
ever had enough hair rib
bons? Here Is a chance to buy
quantities of them at small
cost- None of these "ribbons zri
worth less than 20c tbe yard.
Special clearance sale, while
they last, 2-yard strips. for.lOc
In plain or moire finish taf
fetas. In fancy colors or black
and white
Our 35c value; special Clearance
price, the yard 24c
Our 4Sc value: special clearance
price, the yard 33c
Our 50c value; special clearance
price, the yard 35c
Persian Ban-Is worth 25c to 35c
at 10c
Fancy Persian Bands, one to one and a half Inches wide,
very pretty and much used for trimming. Our 25c and 35c
values. Special clearance sale price, the yard 10c
Circular "Bertha" Laces, handsome garnitures for waists
Now is Just the time to buy the white trimmings needed
for garments you will make for Spring and Summer wear.
Here you will find a complete assortment of smart, attrac
tive patterns In edgings and Insertions, and any of them at
Just one-half the regular price like this:
Our $ .15 value: special at, the yard 9 .OS
pur $ .25 value; special at .the yard 9 .12
Our $ .30 value: special at, the yard 9-.13
Our $ .40 value; special at, the yard 9 0
Our $ .50 value: special at, the yard 9 .25
Our $ .75 value; special at. the yard. 374
Our $1.00 value; special at, the yard 9 .38
v--vDimover Col,ars "Worth 25c and 33c for 15c.
Linen turnover Collars, in pink. blue, green, yellow, black,
white and navy, wash nicely. Our 25c and 3oc values; spe
cial Clearance sale price, each 15c
Ladles' Mocha Gloves Worth $1.23 for 95c.
Mocha Gloves in the chic mannish style, pique sewed and
one clasp, a very serviceable walking glove. In black,
gray and brown, our best $1.25 value. Special Clearance
sale price, the pair - -95c
Golf Gloves Worth $1.25 for S9c.
Ladles' fine silk and wool Golf Gloves, in black or gray, very
best quality and our $1.25 value. Special Clearance sale
price, the pair - ..SBe
and easily changed from one garment to another. Come in
both white and ecru.
Our $2.00 values; special Clearance price, the yard 91.66
Our $4.50 values; special Clearance price, the yard 9X36
Our $5.00 values: special Clearance price, tha yard 929
Our 39.50 values; special Clearance price, the yard 94.75
Our 76c values; special Clearance price, the yard 3Sc
Our 50c values; special Clearance price, the yard 35c
Our 25c values; special Clearance price, the yard 18c
Richardson's Irish linen sheer lawn Handkerchiefs, semi
laundered, and either one-eighth or one-quarter-inch hems,
soft finish, good quality. Special Clearance sale price.. 8c
Splendid Values in
Salons Second-Floor Annex.
Ladies $3.00 to $4.50 ready-to-wear
Hats for 78c
A fine assortment of French felts,
in cowboy shapes, turbans and
sailor tailored hats, about 200 in
lot, good styles, good colors,
white, navy, brown, castor and
black, wings, buckles and quills;
regular values $3.03 to $4.50;
special, each 78c
Fifty odd pieces of chenille and
wool braids; regular value 35c
special Sc
Wiro Frames, all stylish shapes:
special to close, each 7c
tHKtUu t4 s Harry aseag furiraers Wvertock transported from the atate or an unlawful restraint or trade tne comoi- .w.mP
tear. iiMr tbe rttlb. wfca fceMera ' territory ot its origlB to another a late for i nation between such dealers to obtain
tbat tba eMeet I to tacit bestUKi. No I aale and beld there for sale is Interstate ' preferential rates for transportation of
farther moles, bowrvrr. baa bea taken , eesuaercc. and that those engaged In their product by common carriers. The
fer akfeer Aaakaaaadw HardJsg er tbe t baying aad seltiBg such llrestock ares en-' dedal Dn makes it clear that all comblna
otber foreign repreawtiUOre , gaged in Isterstate commerce Tbe decls. 1 tion between Independent individuals,
'VwBt Xsasdorf? feaatesrd te reply to ton ooadanscs as as unlawful restraint of ' partnerships or corporations engaged in
Anlata4or litrd&aac arte. cx$vaaiag I trade the roaabination aAtweca ladepead- , intent ate cowraorce by which competition
for Next Great Movement.
CHICAGO. Jan. 20. Judge Peter
Grosscup, of the United States Circuit
Court, speaking of the decision said:
"The decision- establishes the right
of the Government to Trevent combl
term IC te Sritfefe esd-GstJ ass J tat 4oaJera to turrets all cepeUUea in I betwtca thorn la suck cosuaerce is sup- ( nations among tht manufacturers of
meats. It fortifies the Sherman act.
It is a long step in the direction of ef
fectual Government supervision. But
to my mind the real significance of the
decision is much deeper and far-reaching
than even this. It effectively
clears the decks for what I believe
will be the next really great .National
movement as the restriction and
finally the abolition of slavery was the
last great fundament! movement the
organization and supervision, by the
nation Itself, of the great corporations
of the future; a -movement whose chief
object will be, not so much to control
prices, or merely to curb power, as to
bring corporate ownership within the
reach and reasonable confidence of the
people at large, and "thus to repeo
pleize and republicanlze again the In
dustrial ownership of the country."
Beef Trust's Lawyer Says It Old Noth
Ing Forbidden by Decision.
CHICAGO. Jan.30.-John S. Miller, who
acted as special counsel for the. packers
la the roceediasa. aaJdj;
"The order, aa I understand It, slmplj
makes permanent the injunction restrain
ing the packers from doing business it
restraint of trade and In violation of thi
Sherman anti-trust law.
"They have assured me repeatedly thai
they have done nothing in Violation o:
these. Hence the permanent restraining
order does not in any matter Inconven
ience them. It does not charge them witl
jor convict them of wrongdoing. I can
not say what further action may be tak
en. The only thing tbat I see that couM
be done would be to request a rchearir
of the case."