Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1904, Page 16, Image 16

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Sewer Investigation to
Be Secret
Other Witness Will Tell of
Tanner-Creek Scandal. .
Public Will Wot Be Admitted to Con
fidence of Special Committee Un
til Its Report Is Submitted to
Council Next Wednesday.
Behind closed doors the special Council
committee -will this afternoon begin tne
official investigation of the Tanner Creek
sewer scandal.
It is to be a strict star-chamber session.
None but the three members o the com
mittee and the. four experts who ex
amined the big tube will be present when
the session opens. The written report
of the examiners, seven or eight type
wrltten pages, together with several
photographs, -will be presented:
After the report has been gone over.
City Engineer Elliott will be called in.
Other witnesses will probably be called
upon to tell what they know of -the scan
dal. It Is being rumored that the con
tractors who formed a pool on the origi-'
nal bids for the sewer will be questioned.
But the public, and particularly the
property-owners who are deeply inter
ested, are to know nothing of the facts
in the case until the committee, in its
wisdom, shall present its own report to
the special Council meeting next "Wednes
day. Probably but a small part of the
examiners statement will be Included in
the committee report.
Committee Wants Secret Session.
B. I. SIgler, who, with J. Zimmerman
and H. B. Albee, constitute the Council
committee, was asked yesterday who
wanted the 4oors of the committee-room
closed for the occasion.
"The committee," said he.
Not even the members of the Council
will be Invited to see their 'colleagues in
their new role of grand Jurors. Mayor
Williams was told yesterday afternoon
that the session was to be private. -
"Well, I guess they have the physical
force to keep people out," said he. It
is probable, however, that the Mayor
will not be denied admittance.
Sewer Report Startling.
Though every effort Is made to keep
the contents of the experts' report a
dark and profound secret, the informa
tion contained is gradually leaking out,
often in a most distorted form, with all
the sensational features grossly exagger
ated. Members of the committee admit
ted yesterday, however, that the state
ments published on the. condition of the
sewer are less startling than the written
report of the examiners. Defects, of
which nothing has yet buen printed, were
discovered. One of the examiners. In a
saloon this week, heard a stranger dis
cuss the sewer to the crowd in a -way
that showed he had read the report.
One item of inspection has aroused the
interest of the Councllmen. vWhlle the
new Tanner Creek sewer will cost some
body close to 533,000, according to the
bills submitted, the cost of Inspection
is but ?150. This could cover Inspection
expenses for 60 days. James Caywood
was on duty over the regulation eight
hours, and received enough In six weeks
to equal two months wages at regular
rates. But, so far as known, there were
several hours during every night of those
six weeks when no representative of the
City Engineer's department was any
where around the sewer.
Rushed Work at Night.
On the otlrer hand, either R. M. Rlner.
officially the contractor of the job, or his
son, E. W. BIner. were constantly on
hand. They started night work as soon
as possible, and a large force of men
ir An-arn in thn tunnel dav and night.
There wasn't an hour In the night when
a score or more of men were not tugging,
laying brick, placing timbers and running
the dump-cars.
With the City Engineer's department
under a cloud already. It Is reported
that property-owners In districts assessed
for expensive bridges recently will ask
the Council to appoint committees to In
vestigate the .construction of these
bridges. The "Willamette Heights people
are discussing such a movement, and
others affected by the South Portland
bridges expect to follow their example.
Youngest Daughter Desires to
Know His Whereabouts.
Orsen Lyon, at one time Sheriff of San
Zenlto County, California, and a con
tractor and builder in Holllster, Is In
quired for by his youngest daughter,
Cora, who Is now Mrs. F. A. Lane, 1124
Treat avenue, San Francisco.
Mrs. Lane writes The Oregonlan that
her father left his home in Holllster 29
years ago, when she was a baby, and
that nothing was heard ,of him for many
years. In 1S90. John M. Jordan, a horse
trainer, who Is a brother-in-law of the
missing man, claims to have seen him in
Portland, and this Is the only clew hla
three surviving children have had of him.
At the time Lyon left his home he Is de
scribed as. about six feet two inches in
height, brown hair, large brown eyes, a
heavy brown mustache, weight 134 pounds,
and a neat rdresser. He Is now about 65
years old and his appearance Is probably
changed to a great degree. Mrs. Lane
will be glad to receive any Information
concerning him or news direct from him
at the address above given.
Other Defendants in the Land-Fraud
Cases Will Be Here Soon.
S. A. D. Puter, one of the defendants in
the McKinley-Ware land-fraud case, ar
rived In Portland yesterday and Is a
guest at the Portland Hotel. Mrs. Emma
L. "Watson, another of the defendants,
will arrive on Saturday, and Marie "Ware
will be on hand for the trial on Monday.
The case bids fair to being one of the
most sensational land-fraud cases in the
history of Oregon, and the outcome will
be watched with a great deal of Interest.
Dr. Wise Will Deliver Address.
Dr. Stephen S. "Wise wll this evening
deliver Jn the Temple Beth Israel the
second of two addresses on the general
subject, "The Education of Our Chil
dren." The special theme of this even
ing's address will be "The Teacher and
the Child," with special reference to the
place of the teacher in modern life. The
services Tjegin at 8 o'clock.
The Meier & Prank Store's 785th Friday Surprise. Sale
800 Silk Waists Values np to QA A
$ 1 2.00, at Each
A stupendous sale of High-Grade Silk Waists is the attrac
tion for today in Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store
Dissolntioft of partnership of New York's largest and best
sHk waist manufacturing concern has made possible the op
portunity to buy waists worth up to $12 each for
The most phenomenal values we have ever offered Yon
must realize what that means if yon have "ever shared, .and
there's very few women that haven't, in any of the nomeroqs
great waist sales we have held jn the past 800 of them for
your choosing today One in a box, crepe de chines, pean
de cygnes, messaline, changeable and taffeta silks An im
mense assortment of styles in lace trimmed, side plaits, tucks,
fancy erabroidered, French knots, shirring, fancy or plain
tailored effects in white, light blne navy,green, brown, tan
and black, checks, figures and polka dots Waists for even
ing or dress wear, all sizes The greatest single pnr chase of
high-class silk: waists ever made by any Portland concern Valnes np to
$12 See window display Come early
Chance to Boy a Beantifiil Waist for Holiday Giving
60-piece semi - vitreous Dinner Set,
pink, floral and gold c c
decorated, for . 0.0
100-plece set, same as above f0.90
60-piece white semi- cj nQ
vitreous set, for
100-plece white semi- g-C ie
vitreous set for f O.jO
;i.25 set of Mrs. Potts Sad or
Irons, for OVC
18-Inch Turkey Platters 99c
60-piece seml-vltreous Dinner Set,
frreen floral decora- ff j n
ions, for pO. 1U
100-plece set, same as foregoing. .$9.19
CO-piece German China Dinner Set. dec
orated in pink and etc rr
gold ...k $15.00
100-plece set, same as above $21.50
$1 No. S Granite Teakettles for....6e
"Wire Toaster for, each He
Asbestos Griddles, each.. 27c
Asbestos Frypans, each 7c
10xl4-ln. "Royal" Roasters QO
for, each 0SC
llxl 6-in. "Royal" Roasters nf
for, each VUC
12xl7-in. "Royal" Roasters
for, each . $ 1 AJU
Thanksgiving Grocery Sale
continues to offer all staple
lines of Groceries and Pro
visions at prices that will save
you the cost of your Thanks
giving dinner.
Sale of Boys' Clothing
The well-dressed boy buys his Clothes
at the Meier & Frank Store because
he gets the best Clothing for the least
money and a year's subscription to
the "American Boy" free with every
purchase of a Suit or Overcoats
Little Boys' Reefers and Overcoats in
dark gray and dark "blue, ages 2y2 to 8
years; great special value Q QR.
for this sale at
Boys' Suits in neat, dark mixtures, very
best styles, in sizes 8 to
16 years; $5.00 values HfmXJ
Boys' Overcoats in dark brown and dark
gray mixtures, full length, belted back,
ages 8 to 15 years; regular e
$10.00 values, for vQ
Xuys xuuuvapca, an., pjL. t cP auu.
$2.00 each. i
Boys' Flannel "Waists and Blouses, dark
blue and grays, 6 to 16-year QQr
sizes, regular $1.25 value 70C
YOUNG MEN'S 0Tm Jen's Overcoats, full length and belt-
ed back, new brown and gray plaids and
, CLOTHING mixtures, $12.50 up to $22.50.
Young Men's Suits in all the newest materials and fashions; tne
largest display we have ever made. Prices range from $10.00
up to $2d.00.
Thanksgiving Cloak and Suit Sale
November garment selling without a precedentSuits, Coats, Crav
enettes, Costumes and Wraps finding new owners by the hundreds
every day The Thanksgiving Sale is the greatest chance of the year
to supply yourself with new apparel at exceptionally low prices
$18,00 Cravenettes
Only $14,45 Each
"Women's Cravenette Blouse Raglans,
fitted backs, fancy button-trimmed
and collarless; tans, olives and Ox
fords, all sizes.; the best $18.00
values, for $14.45
Women's Cravenette Raincoats, Tour
ist and fitted-back styles; belt all
around; notched collar; tans, Ox
fords and olives; all sizes; all are
$18.00 values,
$30.00 and $32.00
Suits $22.65 Each
200 "Women's Suits in fancy Tweeds,
Cheviots, Coverts and mannish mix
tures, Tourist styles, tight-fitting
and box effects; black, nvy, tan,
blues and mixtures; all this season's
very best Suits, selling regularly at
$30 and $32 ; your choice during the
Thanksgiving Sale
for low price of . . .
$22.50 Cravenettes in this season's very best styles for $17.65
$ 14.00 Tourist Coats in the very best styles for $9.45 each
Great Thanksgiving bargains in Silk and Moreen Petticoats
Three great special lots of Furs at very low prices
Bargains in Dressing S segues, Wool Waists, Kimonas, Etc.
25 reduction on all Evening Costumes and Wraps
Men's $25.00 Suits for $ 1 8.85 Each
For today and tomorrow Men's High-Grade Suits and Overcoats
at greatly reduced prices The handsomest tailored garments
money can buy Lot 1 Men's $22.50 and $25.00 extra fine
Suits in fancy silk mixed worsteds, gray overplaid worsted che
viots, dark fancy mixed tweeds and fancy cheviot worsteds
Every garment perfect fitting and guaranteed equal to the best
custom-made clothing All sizes, today and
$20.00 Overcoats for $ 1 5.65
Men's $20 Overcoats, long styles, plain or belted back, made in
double and twist fancy mixed tweeds, fancy cheviots and worsteds
Handsomely tailored throughout Best $20.00 d r
Overcoats for P Oj
'HAWES"Sole Portland. agents for "Efewes" f anions $3.00 Hats for
est models.
New Smoking Jackets and Lounging Robes; Men's "Cravenettes," a
complete showing of the very best styles, in all sizes, priced from $10.00
up to $30.00.
Men's Shoes
Agents for French, Shriner & Urner Shoes for Jlen; every pair
guaranteed to give the wearer satisfactory service all the best
leathers and lasts, 5.00-6.00 pair.
Men's Rubber Goods Boots, Coats; Capes, etc.
Men's Furnishing Goods Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Underwear, .etc.
Flannel Waistings
Great Bargains
For today and tomorrow we will offer
3000 yards of all-wool Granite Waist
ings, satin stripes and Persian de
signs. 27 inches wide, 50c -j
and 65c values for, yard JtC
36-Inch Scotch Flannels, aU light
stripes, suitable for waists, under
skirts, gowns, dressing sacques, etc.,
35c and 40c values. "
for, yard JC
Valour Flannels in Persian designs.
Handsome colorings. Regular
35c values for, yard..-. "C
Flannel Gowns
Two great special lots of
Women's and Children's Flan
nelette Gowns at low prices
Women's Outing Flannel
Gowns, pink and blue stripes
and plain colors, Mother Hub
bard styles; yokes trimmed
with fine sateen and fancy
silk stitching, all sizes- Best
$1.25 valnes, superior to the
$1.50 valnes offered else-
97c Each
Children's Gowns
Children's Outing Flannel Gowns,
fancy stripes. Mother Hubbard styles.
ages l to 14 years. Great
special values at, each....
Drag Sundries
.Coke Dandruff Cure, large size. 85c
value 0eo
Small sisA. -4Kr
"Danderine" sure cure, 50c bottle... SSc
35c bottle i8c
35c all bristle Hair Brushes......... sic
2-quart "Challenge" Fountain n
Syringe, rapid flow c"C
3-quart size for.... , g&o
"MInetta" Fane Powder, box ide
90c Rubber Sponges for ggc
Violet Sea Salt a delightful bath re
quisite 12-oz. package.. 35c24-oz. package.. 5ec
Crown Toilet Waters. 69c value.... 49c
Sterling Silver Thimbles, ea.l4c,21c,38c
Postal Card Alb'ms
51.25 values for. .... .95
51.50 valnes for
5 .90 values for.: .7
5 .10 valuesfor .- 9 .59
Playing Cards
Mascot Playing Cards 15c
All 50c Playing Cards, package 41c
All 60c Box Papers for, box 3c
Royal Coronation silk paper, quire.. 8c
Photo Albums all reduced.
Tomorrow "The Doll Show
Bring in your dolly today, before 6 P. M., if you want her
entered in the Meier & Frank Store's Annual Doll Show. Five
handsome prizes for the lucky winners and a useful gift for .every
exhibitor. The judges will be
Mrs. P. J. Mann, Mrs. C. E. Sitton and Mrs. Henry . Jones
The prizes and classes are as .follows:
$10 gilt china closet for the handsomest dressed doll; $6.00
china tea set for the second handsomest dressed doll; $6.00 white
enameled writing desk for the largest and handsomest dressed
doll; $3.50 Morris chair for the smallest and handsomest dressed
doll; $i.00 toilet stand for the most original dressed doll. The
winners will be announced in Sunday's Oregonian.
Women's $3.00 Shoes $1,85 Pair
500 pairs "Women's Yici Kid Shoes,
patent tip, light or heavy soles; all
,. this season's very best models,
selling .regularly' at $3.00 a pair;
all sizes and widths J 35
$3.50 SHOES $2.65 PAIR.
Women's $3.50 Shoes in welt and
turn soles;' patent tips, light or
heavy soles; very best lasts; every
pair guaranteed $3.50 value; all
sizes; your choice to
(lay at pair. 4OJ
Boys Storm Calf and Box Calf Shoes;
best grade, sizes 2 to 5, 52.25
values, S1.75 pair; sizes 1 to 2, same
as above. 52.00 value, &.JS8 pair. Lit
tle gents' Calf and Vlcl Kid Shoes, 11
to 1335, pair . . . .$1.39
Children's $ 1 .50Dresses 7 Be
On Sale Tomorrow Only
Great special purchase of 1200
Children's Dresses The grand
est valnes for the money Port
land mothers ever bought
anywhere, anytime Dresses
are made of wool material,
fancy plaids, splendid color
ings, Russian and 'fancy- waist
styles, fall skirts, dresses lined
throughout, ages 5 to 14 years
Every dress regular $1.50
valae, picked np from a New York manufacturer who
needed the money worse than the merchandise
Tomorrow only, remember, at each
100 dozen Children's imported black
Cotton " Hose, Hermsdorf dye,
sizes 6 to 9, 35c values, styles for
boys and girls; great spe
clal bargain, pair CrjC
Boys fast black, fleece-lined heavy
ribbed Hose, "Pony" brand, sizes
o io xv umy; great .
value at, pair
Nazareth Knit Underwaists I
Nazareth Knit Underwaists for
Children, 1 to 12 years; great
special value at C
each, . . . . ,
Children's plain tucked 1
Muslin Drawers pair. I..?C
h J3SB.
A Great Sale of Millinery
Started off yesterday with throngs of buyers in attendance all
Tday The grandest valnes in Women's and Children's Millinery 1
the town has ever seen The clean-up of two wholesale'stocks at
about half manufacturing cost Trimmed dress hats at half price
$4.00 ready-to-wear hats for $ 1 .00 Ostrich Plumes at half
'regular prices, and so it goes through the entire s tock Look to
the Millinery needs of yonrselfyand children today
Tailored Mats $1.00
300 attractive Rady-to-Wear Hats, trimmed with
silk quill pompons, velvet bound, all the best
styles and colors, values up to. ? r, f(
$4.00, on sale at $ 1 .UU
$1.95 Hats for 89c Each
Very stylish all velvet and all silk Dress Shapes,
lacge and medium sizes, regular $1.9o oq
values, for this sale at 0"C
Millinery Ribbons in all the best shades and
styles at half prices, 19 yard and 39 yard.
7 5c Ostrich Tips 19c Each
1000 handsome real Ostrich Tips, in cream, navy,
light green, medium green, brown and q
turquoise, values 75c each ; f or this sale.
All Children's Hats, Caps,
And Bonnets at one-half regular prices, white
felts, ivhite beavers, white and colored velvet
Bonnets, fur-trimmed Hats and Bonnets, all the
best styles, large variety; Tjr?
choice -.s JTictll
Large assortment of wings, birds, breast effects,
pompons; values up to $1.50 ............ 25
Trimmed Hats at Half Price
400 Trimmed Dress Hats, imported and New York
models in all this season's very best styleVand
trimmings, values up to $40100 ; your 'choice of
the entire lot at exactly ONE-HAIjF REGULAR.
Fur-trimmed Hats, Fur . Turbans,, . beautiful
styles at marvelously low prices.
Ostrich Plumes and Pompons -in all the.Yery
best colors and all sizes at one-half regularsprices.
Second floor. ' - ,
Fancy Millinery Braids at half Tegular prices.
15 yard and 39 yard.
$7.95 Dress Shapes $3.00
.500 handsome Dress Shapes, all this season's best
styles, black velvet shapes, black chenille and
chiffon shapes, brown and navy chiffon shapes,
olive and black chiffon shapes, shirred silk and
velvet shapes, medium high crowns, (k aa
$7.95 values, for this sale tvU
$2,50 Dress Shapes at 50c
300 Dress Shapes, all the latest colorings in green,
champagne, castor, navy, brown, white
and black, values up to $2.50, each XjC
Women's NecfcwV
Lace and Embroidery Turnovers,
white, ecru and black, great special
values, today and "7
Plain Black Stocks -with tabs, taffeta
or peau de soie silk, style for wear
ing Turnovers on; 75c t 1 ,
values at the low price of . .
Silk "Buster Brown" Collars, white
and black, silk embroid
ered, reg. 35c values for. . . .
Ribbon Specials
6-lncb Mousselaine Ribbons in all the
leading- shades, browns, grays,
orange, modes, terra-cotta
and greens, 60 values yard....S3C
Changeable soft silk Ribbons, S inches
wide; a great variety of deJr- -j 3
able colors 50c values yard.. OC
6-Inch Plaid Silk Ribbons, baautifel
colors and combinations, 5te
values, on sale tor yard, 5C
Hosiery and Underwear
Hosiery and Underwear bar
Sans of importance to
thrifty womek Standard
styles and aaltiea at sav
ing y ices-
Women's Imported plain Lisle Hose,
Hermsdort dye, fine quality, all
sizes, the. very best 50c values
for a three days'
sale at." pair jOC
"Women's fine' ribbed, fast black
Hose, absolutely fast
color, all sizes, -pair. . . .
Women's Underwear
"Women's Mercerized Vests and
Pants In white or flesh color. JUh
neck and long" sleeves, handsome
ly made and trimmed f
regular ?2 value, ail sizes
Women's nonshrinfcable Union Suits
natural -wool, perfect flttin
suit, best Z value, for a -?
this sale at.... J.
Women's cotton fleece Union Suits,
ereata color, all sizes, regular 75c
values, for this sale
only at, suit - OC