10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904. ITATE TICKET 0 Republican Convention Travels Smooth Path. ONE DECISIVE CONTEST J. W. Bailey Wins for Food and Dairy Commissioner, MOORE BY ACCLAMATION President Roosevelt Is Indorsed, Presidential Electors Nominated and Delegates to National Re publican Convention Chosen. (Continued from First Page.) chairman, wh could not be present on accoupt of Illness R. A. Booth, of Lane County, nominated B. L Eddy for temporary chairman and he was elected by acclamation. On mo tion of J TJ. Campbell, of Clackamas County, Harrison Allen was chosen as sec retary.' Preparatory to permanent organization a motion was made b W. Q. Gllstrap. of Lane County, that a committee of fivo be appointed on credentials. G. C Fulton, of Clatsop, moved that a committee of five bo appointed on perma nent orjranlzatlon and order of business. W. I Boise, of Multnomah, moved the MR. WILLIAMSON APPRECIATES THE HONOR. The following telegram was received yesterday by Secretory Hosford, of tn Second District Republican Congres sional Convention: "Washington, D. C , April 14. Hon. J. B Hosford, secretary Republican Con gressional Convention Dear Sir: Tour telegram nottfjlng mo of my renoml natlon received. I not only deeply ap preciate the high honor conferred upon me by the convention, but realize Its significance. If again elected I shall continue to discharge the duties of the great trust to the best of my ability, bringing to my aid whatever I may hae gained In the way of experience during my first term in Congress. Kind ly convey my sincere thanks to the membership of the convention, and through them to the Republicans of tho Second Congressional District for this action. J. N. "WILLIAMSON. U appointment of a committee of five on platform and resolutions. These motions were carried and tho committees were appointed as follows: Platform and resolution's W. L. Boise, Multnomah, TV. F. Benson, Lane; H. T. Lawton. Jackson; X. C. Richards, Baker; S. B. Huston, Washington. Permanent organization G. C Fulton, Clatsop; L N. Flelschner, Multnomah; J. C. Campbell. Josephine; D. L. Keyt, A. B. Thomson, Umatilla. Credentials W. G. GIlBtrap, Lane; C. G. Huntley, Clackamas; W. T. Mulr, Mult nomah: T. B. Patton, Marlon; Clarence Butt, Yamhill. At this Juncture Mr. Boise, of Multno mah, moved that the convention adjourn until 2 P. M., but a subntltute motion making the adjournment until 1:30 was carried. The afternoon session was called to or der at 2 o'clock and the first order of busi ness was tho report of the committee on credentials, which was adopted. Before tho nomination for Justice of tho Supreme Court was proceeded with, C. G. Huntley and W. Lair Thompnon wero olected as assistant secretaries. On mo tion of I. S. Smith, of Malheur County, the following eight tellers were chosen to count the ballots: E. B. Littlefleld, Yam hill Counts'; B. P. Rands, Clackamas County; J. J. Darling, Harney county; Roy Miller. Baker County; George Grimm, Umatilla County: I. S. Smith, Malheur County; C. P. Ragsdale, Sherman County; Dudlej' Evans, Multnomah County. "Whon nominations for the candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court ero called for. Judge C. H. Carey, of Multnomah County, arose and offered the name of Justice F. A. Moore. "I have not been requested to present the name of Justice Moore," said the speaker, 'Taut I feel that It is a privilege to do so. I take pleasure In presenting his name and move that the secretary bo In structed to cast thejjallot of this conven tion for him. ' This motion was received with loud ap plause and it was carried without a dli sentlng voice. Justice Moore was accord ingly declared the convention's choice for Judge of the State Supreme Court. Up to this point the voting of the con vention had been of tho unanimous order, but when the time came for selecting a candidate for tho office of State Dairy and Food Commissioner, it soon became evi dent that there was a division of choice. Dan J. Malarkey, of Multnomah, placed before the convention the name of Charles Holman, who, he said, was an actlvo worker In Republican politics and one worthy of the position. F. EL Beach, of Multnomah, placed the name of J. W. Bailey, the present incumbent, before the convention. He declared that Mr. Bail ey's record for years past was an open book and that tho convention would make a mistake if it did not nominate Mr. Bailey. Mr. Bailey's name received loud applause and the sentiment of the conven tion In his favor was clearly manifested in the manner in which his nomination was seconded by representatives of county delegations all over the house. As fast. as one delegation would second his nom ination another would demand the floor for the same purpose, and at times there wero representatives of two or three dele gations on the floor at one time trying to get recognition from the chairman. Among those who seconded Mr. Bailey's nomina tion were: Percy R. Kelly, of Linn Coun ty; H. H. Brooks, of Douglas County; A. H. Devers, of Multnomah County; G. H. Howell, of Multnomah County; Clar ence Butt, of Yamhill County; F. A. Clark, of "Wallowa County; B. F. Swope, of Lincoln, and others. When the ballots had been counted the result showed 215 votes for Bailey and 142 for Holman. Mr. Malarkey, who nom inated Mr. Holman, then rose and moved that the convention make the nomination of Mr. Bailey unanimous. This was done. The selection of delegates to the Na tional Republican Convention was done by acclamation. Five candidates were placed before the convention, but the name of one was withdrawn aad the tec retary was Instructed to taist the vote of the convention for the remaining four. The nominees were: H. W. Scut', of Mult nomah, by John Gill, of Multnomah; S. L. Kline, of Benton, by Mr. Bryson, of Ben ,ton; L S. Smith, of Mrlheur, by Mr. Mc culloch, or Malheur; Senator W. A. Howe. or nZamnui, by w. B. Vinton, and W B, Ayer, or Multnomah, b7 Daa J. Atalarkey, of Multnomah. Mr. Vinton withdrew tha name of Mr. Howe, and the remaining four were selected. The nominations of those placed before the convention wer seconded by representatives of a number of counties. The names of five 'candidates lor the positions of Presidential electors were placed before the convention and a ballot was taken on these names. The four re ceiving the highest number of votes we declared the nominees of the convention. Those placed before the convention were. J. N. Hart, of Polk County by Tilmon Ford, of Marlon County; A. C. Hough, of Grant's Pass, by Dr. J. S. Moore, of Jo sephine County; J. B. Hosford. of Sher man County, by W. J. Pettlcord. of Mult nomah County; Grant B. Dimick. of Ore gon City, by T. J. Cleeton, of Multnomah County; Judge James A. Fee, of Pendie ton, by G. TV. Phelps, of Morrow County. Harrison Allen seconded the nomination of Mr. Dimick and Mr. Brownell, of Oregon City, spoke most highly of Mr. Dimick and his loyalty to the party. "W. J. Lachner, of Baker County, sec onded the nomination of James A. Fee. Dr. "W. Kuykendall. of 'Lane; J. P. Kav anaugh, of Multnomah County; W. Lair Thompson, of Linn, and G. C Fulton, of Clatsop, spoke In behalf of Mr. Eart. A.. I Mills, of Multnomah, moved that the nominations close. The vote showed th0 following results: J. N. Hart, 292; A. Dimick, 349; James A. Fee, 321 Mr. Hosford, receiving the lowest number of votes, was defeated. 'The selection of the central committee men was next called for. Mr. Fulton moved for an adjournment until 7.30 P. M., stating that a number of district selections had not been made and be did not think every one was in readiness to proceed with the selection of the central committee. His motion was met with a howl of "xi js" from all over the house. The motion 7a3 lost without being voted upon and the convention proceeded. The roll of coun ties was called and each county named Its member of the committee. As soon as this was completed the dis trict nominees wore presented to the con vention and ratified. The commltteo on platform reported and the convention ad journed. DELEGATES TO CONVENTION. Those Entitled to Seats According to Credentials Committee. The following delegates were reported by the credentials committee as entitled to beats in the convention: Baker County John L. Rand, by J. H. Ait kin, proxy; "Wlllard Moody, John Traser, by W. J. Lachner, proxy; Peter Johnson, R. W Frame, Ira B. SturgJs, "Walter Moore, Charles W. Hill. John Dooley, by S. I. Baer. proxy; C. E. Porter. W. L. Jackson, by N. C. Rich ards, proxy, B, T. Langrell. by N. C Rich ards, proxy. R. H. Miller, A. B. Davis, by J. H. AltUx, proxy. Benton County Walter Humphrey, by O. V. Hurt, proxy; M. Burnop. by G. A. Scott, proxy; O H. Wormsley. by C V. Johnson; O. V. Hurt, J. B. Irvine, by S. L. Kline; Thomas J. Rlsley, by O. V. Hurt, proxy; J. O. Wilson, by E. R. Bryson, proxy. Clackamas County C. A. Miller. X. Blair, W. W. Smith, G. E. Haves, E. Judd. by J. W. Thomas, proxy; H. W. Trembatb, George C Brow-cell. J. U. Campbell. J. L Kruse, C. G. Huntley, J. C. Bradley, T. F. Ryan, C Schue bel, G. B. Dimmlck, S. E. Card, by E. P. Rands, proxy; E. H. Burghardt, J. W. Mo Kay, by C. Schuebel, proxy, Frank Talbert. Clatsop Conntj George Warren, by W. H. Barker, proxy: Harrison Allen, T. G. StUlwell, Samuel Elmore, by G. C Fulton, proxy; L. O. Bclland. Samuel Bchaildt, by John Fox, proxy; C. W. Carnahan, W. T. Schofleld, R. A. Ab bott, by F. I. Dunbar, proxy; D. J. Ingalls. by Jay Tuttle, proxy. Columbia County W. H. Powell, E. Connell, Harry West, O. E. Elliott, by H. West, proxy; J. B Doan, H. M. Fowler. O. H. Wlleon. Coo3 County S. B. Hermann, W. H. Bunch, by W. C. Chase, proxy; W. C Chase. J. W. Bennott, by S. B. Hermann, proxy; E. L. C. Farrln, by S. B. Hermann, proxy; L. Har locker, by W. C. Chase, proxy; E. Mlngus, by S. B. Hermann, proxy; S. D. Smith, W. T. Dement. Crook County T. S. Hamilton, by V. Ges ner, proxy; Will "Wurtswcller, J. H. Gray, by Grant Mays, proxy; Henry Wlndom. by Will Wurtzweiler. proxy; M. R. Elliott, by W. A. Bell, proxy. Curry County W. Sutton, by Curtis B. Winn, proxy; D L. Moore, by Curtis B. Winn, proxy; F. H. Blake, by Curtis B. Winn, proxy. Douglas County W. P. Reed, by F. W. Haynes, proxy; J. H. Sykes. by Frank Ken nedy, proxy; Roy Griggs, by J. T. Bridges, proxy; R. I. Blakeley, by C B. Cannon, proxy; I. L. Matthews, by Charles Gettts, proxy: F. W. Benson, William Helllwcll, by Georgo W. Staley, proxy; S. P. Shutt, by K. L. Miller, proxy: J. A. Block, by D. R. Sham brook, proxy; H. H. Brooks, Frank Hamlin. W. G. Grubb, by Georgo M. Brown, proxy; J. B. Riddle. Gilliam County W. H. Collwell. C. A. Dan neroan, John Jackson, W. N. Brown, by R. M. Johnson, proxy. Grant County P. J. Bannon, by Grant Thomburg. proxy; Louis Stelnmetser, George Brlerly, by Bd Allen, proxy; George Clark, Allen Porter, by Ed Allen, proxy; V. C. Belknap, by Fred Blum, proxy. Harney County G. W. Clevenger. C Cum mins, by J. J. Donegan, proxy; N. Hoover, Dave Miller, by N. J. Hoover, proxy. Jackson County Theodore Cameron. D. T. Lawton. Erall Britt, by W. G. Kenney, proxy; William E. Fox, by W. F. Wooden, proxy; A. L. Kromblln. by H. D. Kubli. proxy; S. G. Van Dyke, by I. L. Hamilton, proxy; H. E. Ankeny. W. J. Freeman. E. V. Carter. F. D. Wagner, S. M. Nealon. by J. M. Kcene, proxy; M. F. McCown, by J. W. Heard, proxy. Josephine County Joseph Moss, E. E. Dun bar. J. C. Dysert. by J. C Campbell, proxy; J. C. Campbell, J. S. Moore, W. L. Babcock, by A. C. Hough, proxy; L. L. Jewell. Klamath County George H. Merryman, C H. "Wlthrow. J. S. Shook. H. H. Van Valken burg. lAko County John Tucker, by W. A. Mas slnglU. proxy, L. D. Frakes, by E. M. Brat taln, proxy; E Lutz, by E. M. Brattaln, proxy; W. A. MasslngllL Lone County Edward Bailey, by N. L. Leo, proxy; I. H. Bingham, by W. Kuykendall, proxy: R. A. Booth, Darwin Brlstow, S. H. Friendly, W. G. Gllstrap, W. M. Green, L. T. Harris, J. B. Hills, L. H. Johnson, W. Kuy kendall. D. A Palno, E. O. Potter, J. M. Shel ley, Sanford Skinner, J. L. Taylor, by W. Kuykendall, proxy; John Vaughan. by J. F. Kelly, proxy: George O. Walker, by W. Kuy kendall. proxy; S. M. Yoran, by TV. Kuyken dall. proxy. Lincoln County B. F. Swope, H. E. Petor con, C L. Dlvln. by B. F. Jones, proxy; B. F. Jones, O. G. Dalaba. Llnn Countj J. H. Turpln, by G. 8. Hill, proxy; A L. Simpson, by W. Lair Thompson, proxy; R. A. R&xnpy, by S. A. Dawson, proxy; George B. Wheeler, by A. M. Cannon, proxy; GriE King, by Charles H. BurggraX, proxy; B. C Carleton, by A. M. Cannon, proxy; S. A Dawson, Percy R. Kelly, Joseph Hume, Charles H. Burggraf. R, W. Fisher. F. H. Porter, C. E. Pugh, J. B. Trask. by S. A Dawson, proxy. Malheur Count J. E. H.l', Fred Palmer, A A. Brown, W. H. Pullcn. L S. Smith. Morrow County G. W. Phelps, T. W. Mor gan, by Phil Metschan, Jr., proxy; Michael Kenny, by R. F. Hynd, proxy; Fred Waraock, John Williams. Marlon County J. J. Murphy, J. Bingham, P. N. Lathrop, J. M. Kyle, E. A. M. Cone. H. A. Johnson, W. S. Low, A. D. Hall. M. E. DeGulre. E. W. Haxzard. G. W. Whitney, Grovcr Simmons, by Charles S. Rice, proxy; E. C. Churchill. C C Will, Tilmon Ford. E. M. La Fore, Prince Byrne, A. T. Wain, T. B. Patton, W. P. Babcock. by Jesse Macy, proxy; W. Tt Grim. N. W. Silver, G. P. Terrell, by W. M. Bushoy, proxy. Multsomah County A L. Mills, M. E. Wakeman, H. L. Pittock. W. M. Cake, F. E. Beach, A. H. Tanner. Robert W. Galloway, J. P. Sharkey. George H. Howell, W P. Keady, L. A Lewis. W. J. Peddlcord, Frank Woolsey, A. G. Rushlight. H. New hall. Dr. C C. New castle. R. H. Schwab, George W. McBrlde. W. D. Wheelwright. Thomas Gray, Jordan Zan, J. L. Reeder, L. Kuhn, J. H. Thatchor, Sander son Red, H. W. Goode, by W. L. Boise, proxy: William KlUlngeworth. L N. Flolsch jjer, Alexander Kerr, Charles H. Carey, E. W. Cornell, Gus Rosenblatt, T. B. Wilcox, A. Feldenhelmer. Alfred Tucker, George Hyland, F. C Baiter, by T. J. Cleeton, proxy; E. M. Brannlck, by L. A McNary, proxy; A C Em mons. R, L. Durham, L. B. Seeley, Philip C Metschan, M. A Butler, Fred Morris, by Will lam T. Mulr. proxy; A. T. Lewis, L. H. Parker. Leo Frledc, by A. L. Mills, proxy; L. Zimmerman, C. W. Bowie. William M. Ladd. F. W. Valentino. J. C. Alnsworth, A H. De vers. A. M. Smith. Ernest Laldlaw. John GUI, j p. p. May, B, M, Towneead. W. B. Ayw. t; NOMINATED BY THE STATE CONVENTION AND BY MULTNOMAH DISTRICT CONVENTION ' $?&$tt ?'''' V iJ SSE-iliJKSmSt Arthur L." Fraier, Circuit Judge. D. Honeyman, W. M Gregory. J. P. Kava naugh. A. K. Bentley, Robert Livingstone, by B. 3. Llnthlcum, proxy; S. M. Mears, R. S. Farrell, S. F. Scot by W. C. North, proxy; O. P. S. Plummer. Dudley Evans, L. Ger linger, A. B. Ferrera. Polk County J. R, Ford, by M. D. Ellis, proxy; U. S. Grant. D. L. Kejt, T. J. Graves, J. A. Baxter, E. M. Toung, J. L. Hanna, F. Lucas. E. N. Hall, by U. S. Hall, proxy. Sherman County W. E. Tate. Elwood Thompson. C. P. Ragsdale. J. B. Hosford. Tillamook County H. T. Botts. by C L. Templeton, proxy; Homer Mason, by C N. McArthur, proxy; A W. Severance, by B. L. Eddy, proxy; B. L. Eddy. W. D. StlllwelU Union County C E. Cockran. S. O. Swack hamer, by L A. Wright, proxy; Judd Geer, C. C. Mapcs, XT. G. Couch, J. M. Craig. Charles Hug, Joseph Nlbley, F. Kilp&trick, C. J. Bacon. Umatilla County W. S. Byers,. M. Montelth, W. J. Newall. J. S. Gurdane. M. Jacks, Leo Moorhouee, A. B. Thomson. R. Alexander, by L. L. Mann, proxy; Alex Hudson. Clark Nel son, J. I. Joy, by William Baker, proxy; Sid Saylor, Sim Barnes, by Clark Nelson, proxy; Matt Mogrove, by James Mosgrove, proxy; Claud Steen, by Georgo Glnn, proxy; T. B. S earingen. Wasco County-nJ. E. Kennedy, J. H. John son. F. H. Button. J. E. Wonsles. A. E. Lake, Henry L. Kuck. H. C. Rooper, by J. N. Bur gess, proxy, William Rees. by E. N. Blythe, proxy; E. L. Smith, J. F. Hendricks, by C L. Phlllipe. proxy; A. S Roberta, J. C. Johnson. Washington County B. F. Purdy, Fred Schoen, C. Allen. E. J. Ljons, by E. B. Tongue; E. W. Haines, Will Bellinger. J. H. Collier, W. N. Barrett, J. Nyberg, S B Hus ton. J. A. Thornburgh. A Brlggs, by W. V. Wiley proxy: John Carstens. Wallowa County J. A. Rumble, E. A. Holmes, W. H. Baker, by W R. Holmes, proxy; G. W. Hyatt. W. H. Allen, Jay H. Dobbins, by F. A. Clarke, proxy. Wheeler County M. Fltxgerald. R. R. Kej-s, by J. A Collier, proxy; J. E. Adlmson. Her bert Halstead. Yamhill County J. M. Crawford. H. H. "Wlnslow, C A Butt. W. T. Vinton, D. W Langhlln. L. XL Parker. Daniel Savage. E. V. Littlefleld. Lee Laughlln. A. M. WaddelL by W. T. Vinton, proxy; A. M. WaddelL J. M. Vlckrcyi CVrrVKMt fe;-. WYV M V.I v ' Xafif' a . - J - - 1' - - - tJL immrn mam&A.ym,: m f s&zz&zamvJvzzTi mmmrmmtt-Mxam' , v '. x m MmM 1 1 mill WmiW m H v :: MM 1 IBB xmk'SJ " lHffiwiivmiT-i-f a . i -j?k Oft u7WSSBSBSyyjmBkym. EglwLrys'hZs 7iMSSBSmSlt7Wm ym ' Mi pJiw ' sssSSm - - ; . ' : NJ" " . -. . F. A, Moore, Espztme Jactlce. Sanderson Xtecd, District Attoraey. NAMED IN CAUCUS Multnomah Delegates Make Nominations. CLELAND AND FRAZER WIN Sanderson Reed for District Attorney, C. W. Hodson for State Sena . tor, and George W. Holcomb, Jr., for Representative. One ballot renominated Judge Frazer and Judce Clcland for the Circuit bench in Multnomah. Two ballots nominated Sanderson Heed for District Attorney. A loud "aye" declared C. "W. Hodson the unanimous choice for State Senator from Multnomah, Columbia and Washington Counties. Another "aye" proclaimed George W. Holcomb, Jr., the candidate for Joint Representative from Multnomah and Clackamas. And the 71 Multnomah delegates felt bet ter that the tension -was over. Their minds had not been so easy for many a day. All this took place in a side-show con vention, in which Multnomah brethren were the solo acrobats. Columbia and - lll - tJ'.tJJltjJLJ.IllLJl,a - . ' '' f'jzMmwfit h mmmz&?&G3N&L w ; vi M$mwwMlmM JUfa v WB&m&BV&wwmm ft A r kv v, ,, J. IT, Bailey, Food aad Dairy Cesual sloser. C W. Hodson, State Senator for Multno mah, Colombia and Washington Conn ties. Clackamas delegates "were not admitted to tho caucus, or rather, were not Invited. Consequently the patriots from those counties raised their voices last night said Multnomah was a high-handed sister, too stingy even to let them smell the plo or see It cut. "They might at least have invited us In." declared Harry West, Columbia's can didate for Joint senator. C. H. Dye. Clack amas favorite sort for Joint Representa tive, didn't feel any better than "SVeBt. But the Multnomah people meant no of fense to their Clackamas and Columbia neighbors. It was an oversight on thelr part, duo to tho rush of the convention. When tho names of the nominees reached the convention from the caucus, tho neighbors were surprised at not hav ing been consulted. But they held their peace. The Multnomah stalwarts held their caucus in a sequestered corner of the High School. About 3:30 o'clock the word was whispered among them and they filed out of the convention hall and up Morrison street to the schoolhouse. Thre- stories high they climbed beforo they ar rived at the appointed place. Meanwhile the convention vas proceeding with dis trict nominations, two blocks away. In the quiet corner the 71 gentlemen proceeded to get busy. A retinue of spec tators and nowbpaper reporters had trailed behind to see the exercises in spite of the threat that the caucus would be of a star chamber order. The retinue looked on nervously, expecting every minute to bo cast Into outer darkness. Carly in the day the delegation had chosen C. H. Carey chairman. Judge Carey now took his place In front of the gathering and called the caucus to order. A. L. Mills arose. He moved that all persons but delegates be excluded from the sanctuary. Then Mr. Mills sat down. At ones all strangers were objects of ocular examination. J. C. Moreland, can- PROMINENT FIGURES AT THE REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION '' ---t---fe4 Kffa T 181 :: oe 9. B. ClelABd, Circuit Judge. George W. Holcomb, Jr Joint Represen tative for Multnomah and Clackamas Counties. dldate for District Attorney, was one of them; likewise C. F. Lord, another aspirant; also R. B. SInnott and F. S. Grant, who hoped to lt on the right hand of the winner as deputies. And a dozen or more of their friends were there, too. A. H. Tanner and William Gregory with lightning rods hoisted .for Judgeships sat in the caucus as full-fledged delegates. George H. Howell raised a strong voice of dissent against Mr. Mills' motion to seal up the caucus. He declared that such secretive methods were of bygone days when Joseph Simon was in power. "We owe It to the people of Oregon and Mult nomah County," he proclaimed, "to trans act In public such affairs as will come before this body. Let us not hide from the people how we choose their candidates for public office." Mr. Howell's sentiments sank deeply Into the hearts of the assembled giants. Under the added weight of John Gill's advice they sank still deeper. "This meeting should be open to the press," said GUI. Thereupon Mr. Mills withdrew his mo tion and the caucus was as open as all outdoors. By common consent long-winded speeches were tabooed. This wa3 done because '.veral big-eyed patriots looked as if they were wound up to nominate candidates with oratory. Frank C. B i' er was sprung for Mult nomah's metnbe. of the State Central Committee by W. L. Boise, and was elect ed by acclamation. Steering clear of trouble for the pres ent, the caucus took up nominations for Joint Representative and Joint Sena tor, leaving the Judgeships and the District Attorneyship to cool off. For Senator A. L. Mills nominated C. W. Hodson, the universally accepted nom inee, who was chosen without a voice of dissent. Mr. Boise presented for Repre sentative Georgo W. Holcomb, Jr., who slid through Just as easily. Whereupon tho delegates authorized Chairman Carey to cast the full 71 votes in the convention for Hodson and Hol comb. Next came District Attorney. For that office Sanderson Reed was presented by A. L. Mills,; J. C. Moreland by L. Kuhn; B. S. Pague, by A. H. Devers; C. F. Lord by F. TV. Valentine, and S. H. Gruber by John Gill. L. A. McNary had pulled out and thrown his strength to Lord and Moreland. With broad smiles and anxious heart throbs the gentlemen prepared their bal lots and voted: The result was: First Second ballot, ballot. Sanderson Heed 31 37 J. C. Moreland 23 27 C. F. Lord ... .... 0 1 B. S. Pajrue .. 6 C S. H. Gruber - 2 Totals .... . 71 7i Reed was declared tho unanimous choice on motion of I. N. Flelschner. For Circuit Judge, J. B. Cleland was presented by S. B. Llnthlcum, A. L. Frazer by J. P. Kavanaugh, TV. M. Gregory by M. A. Butler, and A. H. Tan ner by T. J. Cleeton. The vote was: A. Jj. Frazer .-. 53 J. B. Cleland 52 A. H. Tanner .. ...24 W. M. Gregory .... 2 Total .. . 71 Tho dolegates then returned to tho convention. PLANKS FOR PLATFORM. Direct Primary Nomination Clause Left Out of Report. All afternoon the committee on resolu tions was iltting planks Into tho plat form. When the committee had finished Its handiwork the plank relating to the direct primary nominations law had been left out. John Gill, of Multnomah, suggested that the plank go into the structure; also an other, portainlng to Chinese exclusion. "No, no," cried members of the con vention, picking up their hats. Then somebody insisted upon adopting a plank In condemnation of range leasing, and the convention hastily adjourned. The commltteo approved the primary law In its aim, but not in the form pro posed. A. L. Mills and W. S. ITRen ad vocated the law before tho committee. At last the committee resolved to leave the matter out of Its report. Palma Entertains Diplomats. HAVANA. April 14. President Palma gave a dinner to the diplomatic corps at the palace last evening. Those present included the Ministers of the United States, Germany, Great Britain, France, Spain and Mexico, with their ladles; the Charges d' Affaires of Belgium, China and Santo Domingo; Jacob Sleeper, first sec retary of the United States Legation; Vice-President Estevez, the members of the Cabinet, the Supreme Court Judges, the presiding officers of both houses of Congress, and Senor Montero, Minister of Cuba to Great Britain. RED EYES AND ETELTDS. Granulated Eyelids and other Ey trouble cured by Murine Eye Remedy it doa't Rmaxt. Sold bjc all druggist JUDGES ARE CHOSEN Spirited Contests in District Caucuses, OLD OFFICIALS RENOMINATED Prosecuting Attorneys Are Also Se lected for the Various Judicial Distrlcts-Leroy Lomax Defeats F. L. Moore. i -y BEFUBL1CAN- JUDICIAL TICKETS. First District (Jackson, Josephine, Lake and Klamath Counties) H. K. Hanna and H. L. Benaon, Judsea; Gus Newberry and E. ii. Brattaln, District Attornej s. Second District (Douglas. Lane, Coos. Currr. Benton and Lincoln Counties) Ev O. Potter, Judge. Georgo M. Brown. District Attornej. Third District (Marion. Linn. Polk, Taxahlll and Tillamook Counties) Georse H. Burnett and B. L. Eddr, Judsea; J. H. McNary, District Attor ney. Fourth District (Multncnah County) J. B. Cleland and A. L. Frazer, Judges; Sanderson Reed, District Attorney. Fifth District (Washington, Clacka mas. Columbia and Clatsop Counties) T. A. McBrlde. Judge, Harrison Allen, District Attorney. Sixth District (Umatilla and Morrow) Present Judge W. B. Elll holding over; George W. Phelps, District At torney. Seventh District (Crook. Gl'llam, Wasco. Sherman and Wheeler Count'et?) J. A. Collier. Judge; Frank Mmefee, District Attorney. Eighth District (Baker, Union and Wallowa) Judge Eakln holding ovr, Leroy Lomax, District Attorney. Ninth District (Grant, Malheur and Harney) George Ev Davis, Judge, J. W. McCullocb, District Attorney. 11 4 Nomination of candidates for Circu't Judgeships and Prosecuting Attorrey ships gave rise to several contests, tut these took place In caucuses and added no Interest to the proceedings of the con vention. In every case the retiring Cur cult Judges wero renominated, except In the Third district, where one of tha Judges Is a Democrat. Judge George H. Burnett, of the Third district, was nr nomlnated on the first ballot, though strenuous efforts were made to supersed- him on the bench with a man who would be moro satisfactory to lawjers. Th- fight upon Judge Frazer, In the Fourth district, met a similar fate. In the Elgnth district there was a llvely contest ovor the nomination for Prosecut ing Attorney, Leroy Lomax. of Union County, defeating F. L. Moore, of Baker. In the Ninth district J. W. McCulIo?h won out over William Miller by 11 votes to 0. Grant County gave the nomination to McCulloch. thus breaking the deai'ock between Malheur, which wa3 pledged to that candidate, and Harney, which vas pledged to Miller. Lomax won In the Eighth district by the united support of Union and Wallowa's 16 delegates. Moore was unable to break Into that combination for the two votes which, ho needed in addition to the 14 from his ow,n county. G. W. Phelps won the nomination f"r District Attorney In Umatilla and Mcr- row without contest. The nomination f r Circuit Judge In the Sixth district Was co, Crook, Wheeler, Sherman and GIMim had been a-begging several daj s ar 1 was awarded to Collins only at the last minute. Republican aspirants were shy of encountering Judge Bradshaw, who will be the Democratic nominoe. Judge T. A. McBrlde, of the Fifth Ju dicial district, and Prosecuting Attorney Harrison Allen were chosen for rencm inatloa by acclamation: likewise EL O. Potter, candidate for Judg in the Second Judicial district, and George M. Brown for District Attorney. Gus Newbury easily captured the nomination for District At torney in the First district; also Judge Benson and Judge Hanna for places on the Circuit Bench. EDDY AND BURNETT WIN. They Are Nominated Judges in Third Judicial District. The nomination of B. L. Eddy for Cir cuit Judge in the Third Judicial District was a big surprise. The nomination of George H. Burnett, though doubtful, was predicted Wednesday evening by those who were familiar with the preferences of many of the delegates. The nomina tion of Eddy was unexpected, because h had the Initial support of a delegation cf only five members from hla own county. His strength lay In the fact that he ha J no particular opposition and delegate from Linn County supported him becauca they wanted neither Burnett or McCain. The contest In which Burnett and Eddy won was one of the most interesting cf the convention. The vote was: Burnett 42 Eddy CS McCain, 21 Wjatt 21 Adams 1 The five counties had delegates as fol lows: Marion, 23; Linn, 14; Yamhill. 11; Polk. 9; Tillamook, 5. So far a3 can bo learned Burnett secured his 42 votes as follows: Marlon, 17; Yamhill, 11; Polk. D; Tillamook, 5. Eddy's vote was: Linn. 14; Polk, 9; Marion, S; Tillamook. 5. Polk and Tillamook went solid for Eddy and Burnett, Linn went solid for Wyatt and Eddy; Yamhill went solid for McCain and Burnett and Marlon scattered its votes among each of the candidates. The effort of the Linn delegation was to make a trade with Yamhill and thus secure a start of 25 votes for Wyatt and McCain. But Yamhill delegates would not go to Wyatt, but preferred Burnett. The whole 11 therefore went to Burnett, and In return 13 of Marlon's delegates voted for McCain. Wyatt's delegation was angry because no deal could be mado with McCain and went to Eddy to get even. Eddy wasn't in a trade of any kind, and had to give nothing for the 14 votes he got from Linn. Polk had na candidate and supported the men most acceptable to the delegation. The with drawal of Hart from the race for District Attorney made it impossible for Linn and Yamhill to make a combination that could win, even if Yamhill could havo been traded away from Burnett. The nomination of Burnett and Eddy seems to be generally satisfactory and no doubt Is expressed th'at both will be elected by large majorities. In connection with the withdrawal of Hart for the District Attorneyship there is told a story of good political manage ment. Although J. H. McNary, who captured the District Attorneyship, re peatedly asserted that he would not seek the nomination as long as Hart remained a candidate, he was frequently mentioned as a passive candidate. Hart was a pronounced candidate until a few days ago. Last Saturday McNary announced his own candidacy and vms accused of Infidelity to Hart, under whom he had served as a deputy. It now dei velopes that there has been an under