Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Black Man Who Con
fessed. Criminal Assault
Mob Overpowers JailAttendant,Shoot
at Man In Cell, and Hang Halfi-V
Dead Body to a
Tree. .
GUTHKIB. Ky., Jan. 24. Lewis Bad
ford, a negro, "was lynohed here tonight
by a mob of from 30 to 40 negroes. He
was arrested this morning accused of
killing Priscilla Erozell, also a negro, last
Radford confessed to having assaulted
the woman but denied to the last the act
of killing her.
Marshal Burrios employed John Dock,
colored, to feed the prisonor, and tonight
whiie he was In the jail corridor a mob
rushed in and demanded the keys to Rad
ford s cell. Dock at first refused to de
liver them. The mob .gave him several
blows on the head and drew their re
volvers when Dock promptly delivered
the keys.
Radford refused to leave the cell and
the mob began firing at him, several
shots taklnr effect. In all eight shots
were fired.
The prisoner was dragged, half dead, to
a tree a few ' yards from the jail and
was hanged to a- limb."
Victim Cries Out, and ex-Soldier Then
Tries to Kill Himself.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 24. Lizzie Kaz
lanzky, who lives in the red-light district,
was seated in Iier room early today count
ing her money, when the door opened and
"William Dargan, an ex-soldler, entered
and pleasantly accosted her. Dargan
smilingly approached the woman, playfully
put one hand over her mouth and with
the other plunged a knife- into her left
The woman broke away from him and
screamed. Dargan tried to stab her again,
but a number of men. including a special
policeman, forced the door. Upon seeing
the officer Dargan stabbed himself three
tiroes in the breast and then plunged the
knife at the policeman.
At the hospital it was found the wound
had penetrated the woman's lung. She
may die. She says she never saw Dargan
before, and attributes his assault to at
tempted robbery.
Dargan will recover His fathor Is'W. P.
Dargan. a well-known citizen of Darling
ton, S. C.
Ditched a Freight, but Were After
Loot From Dealycd Passenger.
DENVER, Jan. 21. A special to the Re
publican from Las Vegas, N. M., says that
three boys, Myron Aldrlch, aged 14; Lowell
Ells, aged 13, and William Denton, aged
15, were arrested there today and con
fessed to wrecking an extra Denver &
Rio Grande freight train at Florence,
Colo., January 10.
The boyB said they were after the pas
senger train, which was late, and in
tended robbing the dead and injured pas
censers. Murder Mystery Yet Unsolved.
BEDFORD, Ind.. Jan. 24. The mysteri
ous murder of Miss Schafer remains un
solved. A well-known man of this city,
who is a member of the senior class at
the State University at Bloomington, was
closeted today with dotectlvcs. He ex
plained his whereabouts on the night of
the murder.
The reason for the Investigation, it Is
alleged, was a story told by Miss Senator's
roommate and corroborated by their land
lady, that the younfe man was requested
on one occasion to leave Miss Schater's
room because of objectionable conduct
The letter written to Chicago by Miss
Schafer was to Mrs. Frank Cross, her
sister. In this letter, according to Mrs.
Smith and "Miss Love, who Toomed with
MIbs Schafer. the dead girl complained
of the conduct of this young man in at
tempting to kiss her, and It was in reply
to this letter that Mrs. Cross wrote:
"I wish you had strength to hurl him
down "
Their Use In the Government Print
ing Office Looked For.
(From Washington Dispatch to New,Tork
Tribune. )
It is not considered Improbable that lino
typo machines will bo Introduced In tho
Government printing office in the not dis
tant future. This would complete the per
fection of mechanical equipment for that
huge printing plant, for in all its other
branches labor-saving machinery has been
Installed. The subject will bo thoroughly
investigated next month by a subcommit
tee of the Houso committee on appropria
tions in connection with tho consideration
of the sundry civil appropriation bill.
Members of this subcommittee have been
Klvlng the subject serious consideration
w'th a view to determining whether the in
troduction of the linptype machine would
facilitate the enormous work of the Gov
ernment printing office, which increases at
tho rate of 10 per cent a year. The action
of tho committee will, of course, be based
on the investigations already made and
the arguments to be submitted at the
The Washington Typographical Union is
outspoken against any proposition looking
to the installation of machines In tho Gov
ernment printing- office, but in its opposi
tion it stands alone among; the typograph
ical unions of the country. Its antagonism
took practical form whon, at a meeting
held on December 27, a secret committee
cf 25 was appointed to fight the proposi
tion in Congress. The plan of campaign,
it is understood, has been mapped out and
"will consist of a personal appeal to Rep
resentatives In Congress bv the members
of this committee, pointing out to them
the political risks they would run should
they favor the proposition. They will
urge that to vote for the introduction of
so great a labor-saving device as the lino
type machine In the Government printing
office would be political suicide, for it
would antagonize the labor olement and
result in the subsequent defeat for re
nomination or re-oloctlon of the members
io voting.
Little capital can be manufactured out
o a campaign of intimidation, for the fal
lacy of tho argument is so apparent that
It will hardly have tho effect desired. Rep
resentatives are at all times thoroughly in
touch with the conditions existing In their
districts, and we are aware that linotype
machines not only are used In the offices
of every dally newspaper published In the
United States, with one exception, but
that the various typographical Unions hav
ing met the machine question as some
thing inevitable have made machine scales
and entered into contracts with publishers
"using- linotypes. This has resulted in the
unionizing of newspaper printing offices in
various parts of the country, and members
of Congress feel that under these condi
tlons a vote for the ..Installation of ma-
chines that would promote efficiency and
decrease cost In tho great printing plant
could not' alienate' the labor element- -an-'
less that element should, repudiate Its own
records. ,
A Year in Which Proposing Is the
Woman's Prerogative.
Chicago Chronicle.
The new year is a leap year, but the
addition of another day to the month of
February Is by no means Its most im
portant peculiarity. For during this year,
according to immemorial tradition, it will
be good form for women if they choose
to propose matrimony to men Instead of
waiting for men to propose it to them.
Most people of either sex would say
without a moment's hesitation that this
leap year tradition had never been a leap
year custom and that It was either a
Joke or an absurdity without a thing in
reason or in human mature to support it.
But, that is going too far, for there is no
folklore of any description, whether song-,
riddle or proverb, that is not, ,ln the last
analysis, -founded on some immutable
principle of human nature, and so it is
with women popping the question in leap
The principle of human nature on which
this leap year tradition is founded is the
paradoxical one that, while the verbal and
external proposition of marriage proceeds
from the man. every perfectly normal and
happy matrimonial match has its Initiative
in the heart of the woman. There are
many kinds of courtship and marriage,
but no marriage is ever a happy one un
less tho woman courts the man, albeit
without his knowing It.
There Is a profound and Important rea
son why this must be so. It is woman's
naturer not only In affairs of the heart,
but in everything else, to. be unable to
change her spontaneous tastes and prefer
ences. Her likes.' and dislikes display a
remarkable fixity. She does not make
them and she cannot unmake them.
Whether it be in the realm of cookery, art.
music, dress, amusement, friendship or
love, this principle controls her. She can
be dragooned away temporarily from her
natural bent, but she is then a crushed
woman, and sooner or later she will revert
to her original- Impulse.
One may say it is exactly the same
with a man, but It Is not. A man's prefer
ences are largely a matter of ratiocina
tion. They are modified by argument, by
expediency, by considerations of Interest,
by his conceptions of duty by his Ideas of
prudence. This makes his heart. In mat
ters of love, a sort of chessboard on
which all these feelings contend for the
mastery. He is capable of loving a wom
an for a great variety of reasons besides
the involuntary admiration called falling
in love.
It is on account of this essential differ
ence between men and women that the
woman's preference Is the thing mainly to
be considered if marriage Is to be. stable
and happy.
-Happy is tho man, therefore whose wife
by mere Instinct pitched upon him as
her Ideal and woe to the man whose wife
was swerved from her Instinctive choice
by the advice of parents, the love of money
or any other Influence to wed him.
This is the reason that It Is folly for a
man to set out to win a woman's heart
at least, by devotion. The only wise thing
he can do in this line is to stand around,
accidentally and unconsciously, as it were,
and let her do the rest.
A fair woman who has been begged and
entreated to love a man untill she has
consented is not worth having, for she
will most assuredly make him miserable.
It Is the woman who has courted the man
who makes a happy marriage and a
happy home.
It Is certainly a most singular thing that
while this is the eternal law and Inevita
ble course of true love it should still be
contrary to Nature for a woman to pro
pose to a man In words. Yet so It Is,
and courtship forever remains the man'B
in form and the woman's In spirit
Both In leap year and in every other
year the woman virtually proposes in
every happy marriage.
Thieves Ransack House, but Secure
Little of Value.
Several trifling articles of Jewelry and a
pair of women's stockings made up the
booty stolen by burglars from the home of
G. K. Miller, 593 East Ankeny street, yes
terday evening.
The exact time the burglary occurred Is
not known. Mr. Miller and family left
their home early yesterday afternoon, and
upon their return yesterday evening at 9
o'clock found a sad state of affairs. Every
thing in the house had been ransacked,
and the only articles that found favor
with the thieves were trifles of little
value. A window at the back furnished
the entrance to the building.
The case was reported to the police, but
careful Investigation failed to reveal any
clew to the thieves' Identity.
Raised Fund to Buy Pictures.
SALEM, Jan. 24. (Special.) Through
the efforts of a number of public-spirited
citizens of Salem, led by City Superin
tendent L. R. Travcr, a fund of $S00 has
been raised for the purpose of of pur
chasing pictures to be hung upon the
walls of the schoolrooms In this city.
The pictures are large-size photographic
reproductions of famous paintings, and
will be well framed, so as to constitute
a permanent decoration for the schools.
The purpose Is to make the rooms more
pleasant in appearance and cultivate in
the children an appreciation of good pic
tures. The fun was raised by means of a scries
of exhibits and entertainments. Some of
the best of the pictures to be purchased
were hung upon tho walls of the exhibit
room, and a popular programme was
given for the entertainment of those who
attended. A small admission lee. 10 to 15
cents, was charged. In addition to this,
a number of men and women have con
tributed from 51 to 515 each for the pur
chase of pictures. Governor Chamber
lain, ex-Governor Geer and Superintend
ent of Public Instruction Ackerman de
livered addresses at the entertainments
and aided very materially In promoting
the success of . the movement. When the
pictures have been placed upon the walls
of Salom schoolrooms, this city will have
the most attractive schools in the state.
Bay City Store Robbed.
TILLAMOOK. Or., Jan. 24. Hick's store
at Bay City, this county, was broken Into
this .morning and over $300 taken. The
thieves secured entrance by tearing- out a
window in the rear of the store. News
was Immediately sent to this place and at
noon today Al Jurhs, son of Deputy Fish
Master Jurhs, and a. one-armed man.
named Frank Long-, were arrested on
suspicion of being the robbers. Two hun
dred and forty-five, dollars was found on
If they are tho guilty persons. It is
thought they must have had on accom
plice, as, the amount recovered is about
500 less than that stolen.
Munroe and Sharkey Matched.
NEW YORK, Jon. 24. Jack Munroe and
Tom Sharkey have decided tooccept the
offer of the National Athletic CluB at
Philadelphia, and will box there before
that organization next month. The bout
will be for six rounds, and Is to take
place between February 10 and 24, the
date to be selected next week. The sailor
and the miner will battle for 63 per cent
of the gross receipts.
Two Knotty Problems.
Kansas City Star.
A Henry County farmer found a cigar In
his small son's pocket Monday, and. after
whipping the boy for having it, smoked
it himself. The cigar was loaded and It
burned tho farmer's whiskers. The farmer
then whipped the boy again. Was the boy
1 unjustly treated? Respectfully referred
j to. the Shakespeare Literary Club of
1 Knohnoster for debate.
Weli-Known Tillamook Offi
cial Kills Himself.
Despondent From Financial Troubles,
Henry H. Alderman Ends His
Life-Mind Doubtless Un
balanced. TILLAMOOK, Or., Jan. 24. (Special.)
Henry H. Alderman, Sheriff of Tillamook
County, shot himself in his own barn
early this morning, death resulting in
stantly. Sheriff Alderman had been seriously ill
for more than a month and in addition
to bis physical troubles there had arisen
unfortunate gossip growing out of a dis
pute with accountants regarding a dis
crepancy in his books, which he declared
he could and would make good In full.
Combined with his ill-health, his finan
cial troubles apparently unsettled the
Sheriff's mind temporarily, and he became
despondent. When ho arose this morn
ing he had apparently no thought of com
mitting the deed, as he at once began
the usual routine.
About 7:30 this morning he got up and
awakened the hired girl. Then he appar
ently went Immediately to the barn, a
short distance away. When the girl went
to the barn half an hour after to milk
she noticed blood stains upon the ground
floor. Going to tho upper floor she dis
covered the body of Sheriff Alderman ly
ing prostrate upon the boards. Evidently
when alone in the barn his despondent
condition had reached Its climax, and
prompted by his characteristic Impetuous
nature, he had committed the deed in
stantly. The pistol from which he had
sent a bullet into his mouth was lying
a few Inches away.
Sheriff Alderman was about 40 years of
age. He had lived In Tillamook County
formany years, and had held the office
of Sheriff for the past seven years. A
month ago he made a trip to the southern
part of the county, and there was taken
sick, from which ' he never fully recov
ered. He left a wife and one child,
a girl of 11 years.
The dead Sheriff was a member of the
Masonic Order, as well as of the Odd
fellows, Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of
the World and Ancient Order of United
Workmen. He has one brother, W. P.
Alderman, residing In this county.
The financial troubles reached their
height on last Friday, when a warrant
was made out for his arrest, it being
alleged that his accounts were $7000 short.
By his residence of many years In Tilla
mook County Sheriff Alderman had ac
quired property worth considerably more
than the sum said to be missing. He
also carried a heavy life Insurance. He
had declared that he was able to fully
pay for any unconscious error Jn his
books, and If the report of the accountants
Is confirmed, this will be done. A num
ber of friends have stood by him faith
fully, never doubting his integrity.
Police Discover Him Within a Few
Miles of Winnipeg.
WINNIPEG, Manitoba. Jan. 24. Ernest
Cashlel, the condemned murderer who es
caped from the Calgary police garrison a
few, days before the date set" for his exe
cution in December last, was caught by
the police today a few miles from here.
He Is supposed to have been hiding In an
old cellar since his escape. Cashlel is now
In the guardhouse.
Ernest Cashlel, the youJg murderer and
desperado who escaped recently from Cal
gary. N. W. T., while awaiting execution
for the murder of a Canadian officer, en
tered upon his criminal career In Northern
Wyoming three years ago. Cashlel was
only 18 years old then, but he was one of
the shrewdest and most desperate crimi
nals that ever infested that region.
Cashlel's first crime was the theft of a
watch from Attorney M. B. Camplln, of
Buffalo, Wyo. Cashlel was arrested, and
while awaiting trial escaped from the
County Jail at Buffalo In a most Ingeni
ous manner. For several days he com
plained of feeling 111. His muscles both
ered him, Jtre said, and he was permitted
to spend much of his time In the corridor.
One night Cashlel, after placing a dummy
in his cell, crawled on top of the cage. He
was not seen by the Jailer when he was
locked up for the night, and during the
midnight hours Cashlel sawed off the bars
of a window opening on a back street. He
then broke Into the Sheriffs office, secured
a rifle and some ammunition, and made
his way into the mountains.
While in the mountains Cashlel again
rosorted to a shrewd move to evade cap
ture. He tied back one of his fingers, ban
daged It carefully and covered the ban
dage with the blood from a rabbit he had
killed. He told the mountaineers that he
had accidentally shot off one of his fin
gers. A few months later Cashlel was ar
rested at Casper, but as he did not answer
the description of the fugitive in that
thore were no missing digits, he was re
leased. Cashlel was next arrested In Kansas,
and Sheriff Kennedy, of Buffalo, started
after him, but the wily youth again eluded
tho officers by crawling through a water-
closet and escaping. He was next heard
from in Northwest Territory, where he
was arrested for cattle-stealing and forg
ery. While awaiting- trial he overpowered
the jailer, killed the Sheriff and made his
escape, and it is for this crime that he has
been sentenced to die.
Leavenworth, Wash., Suffers a Loss
of Six Business Buildings.
SEATTLE, Jan. 24. A special to the
Post-Intelllgencer from Leavenworth,
Wash., says:
Fire, which started at 4:30 this morn
Ins In Andrews & Burke's brick hotel.
destroyed six buildings, and, fanned by &
strong wind, for a time threatened the
entire town. The loss is between 540,000
and 550,000 Only a small portion of tho
damage was covered by Insurance. The
buildings burned were: Andrews &
Burke's hotel, Rogers' saloon. Bliss gen'
eral store, Bloom's butcher-shop and the
American and Overland Hotels.
The whole town turned out to fight tho
flames, and It was only by vigorous work
that the fire was prevented from spread
ing farther than It did. The Great North
ern employes-were called out to save the
depot and other company property. The
snow, which Is two feet on the ground
ana the roofs of the buildings, proved an
efficient weapon against the flames.
Circuit Judge Says Law Has Been In
Effect Thirty Years.
ROSEBURG. Or., Jan. 24. Special.) In
the Circuit Court here during the past
week, nine persons from various parts
of the county were Indicted and fined
heavily for violation of the anti-gambling
laws of the state.
Some of the local men who had been
running games entered the plea that they
had been fined therefor by the city author
ities and should cot again be punished.
They were Informed by Judge Hamilton
that gambling is on offense against the
laws of the state and that no city has a
right to license it by any system of light,
periodical fines. That this law hai been
upon the statute books of Oregon for
about 30 years, and must be enforced the
same as other laws. I
The -notorious Mrs. Kate Clark -was also !
eAT ketS 3',0fSii:ia!'i
The Brand iurv adiourned last night after
a hard week's- work, their efforts having
materially Improved
the moral atmos-
phere of the. county.
Coast Kennel Clubs Send Word to the
American Kennel Club.
SEATTLE, Jan. 24. At a conference of
Pacific Kennel League delegates held in
this city today- and participated In by rep-
resentatlves of every show-giving club on
the Pacific Coast, save the San Francisco
Kennel Club, the American Club, from
which the league seceded Beven years, ago, j
was extended a final opportunity to grant j
self -government to Western clubs aSa
condition precedent to their return to that
organization. Delefr&tes renrcsentlnr the
"Victoria.' Vancouver, Seattle. Tacoma, j
Portland. California Collie, Old English
Sheep Dog, Pacific Collie and Santa Clara
County Kennel Clubs were present.
The demands of the league formulated
today in substance contemplate self-government
in ail essential particulars.
through the medium of a Pacific advisory
board, which the American Kennel Club i
now maintains on this Coast, but which it
Is claimed Is now a mere figurehead, wlth-i
tin authority to modify existing rules to j
conform to Pacific Coast conditions. The
delegates express slight hope that the
New York club will grant the concessions
It was- determined. In the event the
American Kennel Club Jwiects, the de
mands made upon - it; all Northwestern
clubs combine to aid the California mem.
bora of the league, both with entries and,
if need be. with money, to the end that It
may successfully combat the American
Kennel Club In that state.
The matter of the establishment of a
stud book for the registration of Paciflo
Coast animals was discussed, but action
was deferred. In deference to the wishes !
of the California clubs, who desire to in
vestigate the advisability of this step be-,
fore casting their votes in favor of tho
move, xne action of the delegates at to
day's conference will be laid before the
league members at the annual meeting to
be held In this city In April, at which
time it is expected that all will be pre
pared to take final action.
Colfax Citizens Demand That the
Mayor Discharge Them.
COLFAX, Wash.. Jan. 24. (Special.
Mayor Van Schoick has called a special
meeting of the City Council for Monday
night to take action on charges made
against Marshal MacKay and Deputy
Marshal Alpine, by a number of citizens
who visited the Mayor for that purpose.
The officers are charged with having re
fused to Interfere with a gang of young
men who are said to have been cruelly
maltreating a young girl In a room over
the Oxford saloon, although asked to do
so by the proprietor of the lodging-house.
The affair caused a storm of indignation.
and ministers preached on the subject to-
day, and many citizens called on tho
Mayor and urged the removal of the offi
cers, both of whom were appointed by
Mayor Van Schoick less than a week ago.
A. N: Drake Told His Wife He Would
Return Soon, but Did Not.
ROSEBURG. Or., Jan. 24; Special.) A.
N. Drake, of West Fork, nine miles north
of Glendale-"in this county, disappeared in
the mountains last Monday and has not
Since been seen. Leaving the house In
tho morning with his rifle and hatchet,
he told his wife he would return about
noon. Being gone all day tho neighbors
were notified and a search began. It' was
kept up all night without result, and
searching parties since -have found no
The country is very mountainous and
from one to two feet of snow has fallen
there. It Is believed the man has cer
tainly perished from acicdent or exposure.
YOUNG MEN troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, bash
fulness, aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood. UNFITS YOU
Mlnrtl F.lftirn MPN. -who from ereuses and strains have lost their MANLY
BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, syphlUls, Gonnorhoea. painful, bloody urine,
Gleet, Stricture, Enlarged Prootate. Sexual Debility, Varicocele. Hydrocele, Kidney
and Liver Troubles, cured without MERCURY OR OTHER POISONOUS DRUGS.
Catarrh and Rreumatlsm CURED.
Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent.nostrums or
ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment. His
New Pamphlet ox. Private Diseases sent free to all men who describe their trouble.
PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered In plain en
ve!6pe. Conosultatlon free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address.
DR. WALKER, 181 First Street,
They will undermine the strongest constitution if neglected.
The very essence of your vitality and manhood may be wasting
and you do not know it
I will contract the seminal ejaculatory ducts that they can retain their vital
fluids, relieving you of drains, losses and emissions and correcting prematurity.
By reducing and healing the Prostate Gland. Irritation and inflammation at
the neck of the bladder Is relieved and urinary difficulties removed. The accumula
tion of sluggish blood In the veins of the scrotum Is diffused by the vigorous
circulation Induced, permanently curing Varicocele.
You Will Feel Like a New Man
IN FKCXI 5 TO 30 DATS yon will be free from your afflictions, stranger In erery way.
not only sexually, bet mentally and physically as well xou will feel like a man ought
to t eeL
If you cannot call at our office, write us your symptoms fully.- Our home
treatment by correspondence Is always sucessful. Our counsel Is free and sacred
ly confidential, and we give each patient a legal contract In writing to hold for
our promise. "
Hours 8 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12. Address all letters to
ifjlLL- InLLo Ull flvKftCRo
Piling Lumber In Their Building Near
Meadows, Idaho, the Structure
Collapses on Them.
WEISER, Idaho, Jan. 24. (Special.)
The news reached here yesterday evening
that by the collapse of a. mill building at
Meadows, in the northern part of this
county, Frank Hill was killed and his
brother, Jasper, may die from injuries
The brothers own a sawmill about three
miles from Meadows, they were piling
lumber In the npper part of the mill build
ing when the entire building collapsed,
burying the men under a pile of lumber
Frank was killed Instantly and Jasper
seriously injured. Frank Hill was unmar
ried, Jasper Is a married man. The acci
dent occurred Friday afternoon. The men
have lived in that section for a number
of years -and are quite- well to do.
Joseph Dlron's Trail Led to the Edge,
and Portion of Clothing Found.
VANCOUVER, B. C Jan. 24. The body
of Joseph Dlron, a mining man, who had
been missing since last Tuesday, has been
located beneath a snow slide near Slocan
City, B. C.
Diron had started on snow shoes to the
Black Prince mine. As he did not reach
his destination and did not return home,
a large searching party started out. They
found a huge slide a quarter of a mile
wide. Dlron's tracks were visible to the
slide and then lost.
Digging revealed a portion of his cloth-
ing, leaving no doubt as to his end. The
will continue
the body la
Dalles Marshal Arrests Heavily-Armed
Man-Would Not Give His Name.
THE DALLES, Or., Jan. 24. (Special.)
The authorities at this place received
word early this morning that the safe
i in the general merchandise store of Bla-
lock & Mortimer, at Blalock. Or., had
been blown open during the night and
robbed. No Information was received as
to the amount secured.
The authorities began watching the
Incoming trains from the East, and Mar
shall Wood arrested and lodged In tho
City Jail a man supposed to be one of
the robbers. He was heavily armed, but
(refused to give his name or other evi
dence tending to show his innocence. He
will bo held pending further investiga
tion. SIngle-Taxer at Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. B. C, Jan. 24. A single
tax proposition Is to be introduced In the
Vancouver City Council. Alderman Fran
cis Williams, who has just been elected.
Is fathering the plan. Under the present
assessment plan 50 per cent of Improve
ments are exempt.
Williams' plan Is to exempt 70 per cent
of the value of Improvements and to In
crease the rate on the land assessment to
make up the deficiency.
Decorated by a Leader In Society.
VANCOUVER, B. O, Jan. 24. It is an
nounced that Mrs. Sayter Reld, a society
leader of Quebec and well known through
out Canada, will decorate the new Hotel
Vancouver or the Hotel Victoria in Vic
toria. It is stated that her remuneration
for ihe commission will be $10,000.
Grand Handicap at Indianapolis.
NEW YORK, Jan. " 24. Arrangements
have been completed . for the holding of
America's biggest, trap-shooting tourna
ment, the Grand Handicap, at clay birds,
at Indianapolis during the week com
mencing June 6. ,
Twenty Years of Success
In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney
and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, dropsical
swellings, Blight's disease, eta
Kidney and Urinary
Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent milky or
bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Diseases of the Rectum
Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and
bloody discharges, cured -without the knife, pain or
Diseases of Men
Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, lmpo
tency. thoroughly cured. No failure. Cures guaranteed.
Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or.
and all diseases due to habits, excesses or the result
of specific diseases. I make no misleading state
ments or unbusinesslike propositions to the afflicted
in order to secure their patronage. The many years of
my successful practice in Portland prove that my
methods of treatment are safe and certain. You do not
want to be mutilated and maimed for life in trying
to be cured of Varicocele. Hydrocele and kindred
troubles in a few days by surgical procedures. I guar
antee a perfect cure In the shortest possible time
without injurious after effects.
N About Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
They Core Stomach Troubles and I
digestion, Anyway, Whether You
HaVe Faith in Them or Not.
All physicians agree that the element of
faith has a. great deal to do in the cure of
Firm, belief and confidence in a family
physician or the same confidence and faith
In a patent medicine havo produced re-
marKaote cures in an ages.
This is especially true in nervous
troubles, and no field offers so prolific a ' fectlve digestive preparation, like Stuart's
harvest for the quack and charlatan as , Dyspepsia Tablets, which may bo found at
the diseases arising from a weak or run- j moat drugstores, and which contain valu
down nervous system. I able, harmless digestive elements in a
Nevertheless, the most common of all t pleasant, convenient form.
diseases, indigestion and stomach troubles,
heart troubles, consumption, and loss of
flesh, requires something besides faith to
Mero faith will not digest your food for
f ou. will not give you an appetite, will not
ncrease your flesh and strengthen your
nerves and heart, but Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will do these things, because they
are composed of the elements of digestion:
they contain the Juices, acids and peptones
necessary to the digestion and assimilation
of all wholesome food.
Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets will digest
food if placed In a Jar Or bottle in' water
heated to SS degrees, and they will do It
much more effectively when taken into the
stomach after meals, whether you have
raitn mat tney will or not.
They invigorate the stomach, make pure j
blood and strong nerves In the only way
that nature can do it, and that is from
flenty of wholesome food, well digested,
t is not what we eat, but what we digest
that does us good.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by
druggists at 60 cents for full-sized pack
age. Little book on cause and cure of stom
ach troubles mailed free by addressing F.
A. Stuart Company, Marshall, Mich.
Serious Results Sometimes Follovv Its
Excessive Use.
Common soda Is all right in Its place,
and indispensable In the kitchen and for
cooking and washing purposes, but it was
never Intended for a medicine, and people
who use it as such will some day regret It.
We refer to the common use of soda to
relieve heartburn or sour stomach, a habit
which thousands of people practice almost
dally, and one which is fraught with dan
ger; moreover, the soda only gives tempo
rary relief and in the end the stomach
trouble gets worse and, worse.
The soda acts as a mechanical irritant to
the walls of the stomach and bowels, and
cases are on record where It accumulated
in the Intestines, causing death by in
flammation or peritonitis.
Dr. Harlanson recommends as the safest
arid surest cure for sour stomach (acid
dyspepsia) an excellent preparation sold by
druggists uhder the name of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets. These tablets are large,
20-graln lozenges, very pleasant to taste,
and contain the natural acids, peptones,
and digestive elements essential to' good
digestion, and when taken after meals
they digest the food perfectly and promptly
before It has had time to ferment, sour.
and poison the blood and nervous system.
Dr. Wuerth states that he invariably
uses Stuart's Dyspepsia TaDieu in an
cases of stomach derangements, and finds
them a. certain cure, not only for .sour
stomach, but, by promptly digesting the
food, they create a healthy appetite, in
crease flesh and strengthen the action of
the heart and liver. They are not a ca
thartic, but Intended only for stomach dis
eases and weakness, and will be found re
liable In any stomach trouble except can
cer of the stomach.
All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets at 50 cents per package.
A little book describing all forms of
stomach weakness and their cure mailed
free by addressing F. A. Stuart Company,
Marshall. Mich.
There Is a Simpler and Better Way.
There is only one way to purify the blood,
only one way to Increase flesh, and that is
through the stomach and digestive organs.
Why? Because the stomach and digestive i
i organs make blood and flesh, bone, nerves. 1
and sinew. Did you ever see a person :
; uiaacu n-iu a. iicuiuij. unuwuii oiu.ucu..
' and dltrestlon Who had ImDure blood, mud
blessed with a healthy, vigorous stomach
hy. sallow complexion, or who had weak
nerves, sleemess nlKhts and the thousand
and one pains and aches arising from poor j
digestion? No, because perfect digestion j
converts tho food eaten into nure blood. .
strong nerves, and muscles, and all the
symmetry and beauty.
Every person knows whether or not his
or her digestion is what It should be, but
every person does not know what is the
safest and best way to secure and pre
serve a healthy condition of the digestive
organs. It is not done by the use of any
wonderful secret patent medicine, but by
the use of certain harmless digestive prin
ciples, which, taken at meals, will digest
the food anyway, regardless of the weak
confiltlon of
Dr. Brooks recommends a combination of
vegetable essences, fruit salts, pure asep-
tic pepsin and Golden Seal, prepared in
convenient taDiex lorm, ana soia Dy a rug
gists everywhere under the name, of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
These nleasant tasting tablets are to be
dissolved in the mouth after each meal,
and, mingling in the food In the stomach,
digest It perfectly. There is nothing won
derful about this. Any physician of chem-
l T V.t . at..n)a nmi-ancla OVitOo..
will do this because repeatedly tested and ,
proved, and thousands of cured dyspeptics !
havo found it to be true also. 1
Dr. Harlandson states that these tablets
Increase flesh because- they digest flesh- .
forming food like eggs, meat arid ordinary
everyday food; for the same reason they ;
purify the blood and .strengthen weak t
nerves. In no other way can It be done, j
because flesh, blood and nerves are ob
tained from tho food wo eat.
"Dr. Jennlson once stated that he believed
a 60-cent package of Stuart's DysoeDsIa .
Tablets would give more real benefit than
$50 worth of ordinary doctor's fee3.
These tablets may be found at any drug
Do Not Be Alarmed, but Look for the
Heart troubles, at least among Ameri
cans, arc certainly Increasing, and while
this may be largely due to the excitement
and worry of American business life, it is
more often the result of weak stomachs,
of poor digestion.
Real organic heart disease is incurable;
but not one case in a hundred of heart
trouble is organic.
The close relation between heart trouble
and poor digestion is because both organs
are controlled by branches of the same
sreat nerves, the Sympathetic and Pneu
mogastrlc ,
In anotner way aiso me neari is aneciea 1
by that form of poor digestion whict I
causes gas and fermentation from half- .
digested food; there Is. a feeling of 1
oppression and heaviness in the chest, '
caused by pressure of theJIstended stom-
ach on the heart and W2ss. interfering j
with their action; henciTartee palpitation
and short breath. '
Poor digestion also poisons the blood
makes it thin and watery, whicn irritates
and weakens the heart.
The most sensible treatment for heart
trouble Is to Improve tne digestion and to
Insure the prompt assimilation of food.
xms can oest oe aone oy me regular use
! after meals of some safe- Dleasanl anil f.
It is safe to say that the regular, per-
slstent use Of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
at meal timo will cure any form of stom
ach trouble except cancer of the stomach.
Full-slsed package of the tablets sold by
druggists- at oO cents.
Little book on stomach trouble mailed
free. Address F. A. Stuart Company, Mar-
Flesh, and Not Fat, Is What
, Wha- thin people want is flesh, and not
fat. To be symmetrical and properly pro
portioned every person should have a cer
tain amount of flesh. To be plump does
not necessarily mean to be fat. Fat is un
desirable; it clogs and retards the action
of every muscle, interferes with the
healthy action of the heart and lungs,
and when excessive predisposes to fatty
degeneration of vital organs, to say noth
ing -of the discomfort, more or less, result
ing from excessive adipose1 tissue.
Common sense would suggest that if one
wishes to become fleshy and plump, the
thing most needed would be flesh-forming
foods; in other words, albuminous foods,
like eggs, beef, oatmeal, etc. The kinds
of food that make flesh are the foods that
form the greater part of our dally bill of
Now. the only reason so many people
remain thin t$ because their stomachs do
not properiy and completely digest and as
similate the flesh-forming beefsteak and
eggs we eat every day.
There are thousands of such people, and
they are really dyspeptic, although they
may not suffer any particular pain or In
convenience from their stomachs. If such
persons would take., with their meals,
some preparation like Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, the food would be quickly digest
ed, and the proper degree of plumpness
very soon secured, because these tablets
are prepared exactly for that purpose.
They will digest every variety of flesh
forming food, which Is the sole reason
why they so quickly build up and strength
en tnin, dyspeptic men ana women.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cure dyspep
sia and every form of Indigestion on this
common-sense plan, that they digest the
food promptly, giving strength to every
nerve and organ of the body, while at the
same time the stomach has a chance to
1 rest and recover its natural vigor. Noth-
ing further Is required to cure any stom
ach trouble, or to make thin, dyspeptic
people strong, plump ana wen.
. This excellent preparation Is manufac
tured by F. A. Stuart Company, Marshall,
Mich., and sold by druggists everywhere
at 60 cents per package. '
A Valuable Little Book Sent Free for
the Asking.
Medical books are not always Interesting
reading, especially to people enjoying good
health, but as a matter of fact, scarcely
one person In ten Is perfectly healthy,
and even with such sooner or later sick
ness must come.
It Is also a well-established truth that
nine-tenths of all diseases originate with
a breaking down of the digestion; a weak
stomach weakens and. impoverishes the
system, making it easy for disease to
gain a foothold.
Nobody need fear consumption, kidney
disease, liver trouble, or a weak heart and
nervous system as long as the digestion Is
good and the stomach able to assimilate
plenty of wholesome food.
Stomach weakness shows Itself in a
score of ways, and this little book describes
the symptoms and causes and points the
way to cure 30 simple that any one can
understand and apply.
Thousands have some form of stomach
trouble and do not know It. They ascribe
the headache, the languor, nervousness, In
somnia, palpitation, constipation, and sim
ilar symptoms to some other cause than
the true one. Get your digestion 'on the
right track and the heart trouble, lung
trouble, liver disease, or nervous debility
will rapidly disappear.
This little book, treats enureiy on me
i cause and removal of indigestion and Its
Tt describes the svmntoms of Acid Dys
pepsia, Nervous Dyspepsia, Slow Dyspep
sia, Amylaceous Dyspepsia, Catarrh of the
Stomach, and all affilctlons.Qf the digestive
organs in plain language., easily under
stood, and the cause removed.
It gives valuable suggestions as to diet,
and contains a table giving length of time
required to digest various articles of food,
something every person with weak diges
tion should know.
No price is asked, but 3lmpiy send your
f name and aadress. Dlalnly written on
postal card, to F. A. SCuart Company.
Marshall, Mich., requesting a little book
on Stomach Diseases, and it will be sent
promptly by return mall.
yogs Dyspepsia
They do not have Dyspepsia
because the stomach of a dog
secretes six times as much pepsin
tr.d twice as much hydrochloric
add as the stomach of a man.
have cored thousands of men and
women of Dyspepsia and Indigestion
because they supply what every weak
.stomach lacks: Hydrochloric and
lactic acids, pure aseptic pepsin gin
ger and Golden Seal to Increase the
secretion of gastric Juices. They cure
Nervous Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
Gas and Fermentation. Biliousness
Constipation or any form of weak
P. A. STUART CO.. MarrhtCS, Mich.
for free book on stomach troublss.